#most of it was done like i said but i lost a bit of motivation to continue it
indigo-ghost-girl · 11 months
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Spoilers for parts of Sonic Frontiers...
Part 1
Part 7
Eggman howled with victorious laughter as he flew into the relative safety of his fleet.
However, it wasn’t long before he started to notice the explosions. He also noticed the two concentrated beams of red energy burning through the air, like the world’s most dangerous beam lights.
The doctor’s laughter faded into a concerned whine as he steeled a cautious glance behind him. He caught a brief glimpse of his possessed nemesis zipping around at his usual speed.
Eggman couldn’t deny it made him almost nostalgic. It was like he was in space again, leading Super Sonic through the rest of his fleet into a trap designed specifically to capture him and retrieve the emeralds. Only this time, the comforting blanket of a plan wasn’t a safety net he could fall back on.
The bolt of red stopped for a split second.
With an instinctual jerk, Eggman swerved the eggmobile to his left. Two lazers of humming, neon purple energy buzzed past him. The narwal themed airship in front of him took the hit and erupted in a great ball of flames. The human gulped.
“Eggman, keep him distracted, I have a plan,” came in Tails static voice from Eggman’s earpiece. It was a miracle it was even heard at all.
“What does it look like I’m doing!” Eggman squawked, swerving his eggmoble hard right to avoid another electric blast. The doctor nervously eyed the singed side of his eggmobile for a split second, “Whatever you plan on doing, do it faster!”
On the ground, the other two were helping Tails rummage through the stack of metal crates of Eggman technology and supplies. They had begun to set up an impromptu computer, something neither the red or pink creatures could really wrap their head around.
“So, what’s the new plan?” Knuckles asked, eyeing the lightshow in the upper atmosphere with the appropriate caution and slight awe. He flinched when three giant fish like battleships exploded in quick succession. The sudden judder in his muscles made Knuckles painfully aware of how much he ached.
“The ancients thought ahead, they had a backup plan for if the three titans somehow got destroyed, in the form of the towers,” Tails explained, sliding the metal tongs of two clumps of wires into the ports of a giant keyboard. The keyboard was sitting in a foldable metal table, its thin legs standing surprisingly strong as more and more pressure was piled on top of it.
“Alright?” Knuckles asked, eyes still fixed on the sky.
“Which means that, if we’re lucky, they might have made some type of backup program encase it did get out.”
“Wait, I thought… Sage told us sealing him in cyberspace wouldn’t work?” Amy questioned, pulling out a folded swivel chair that looked big enough to hold ten large bags of potato’s. She took a moment to look at it questioningly, wondering whether Eggman really needed a chair that big or if he just wanted to sit on throne sized seats.
The fox connected another clump of wires into the cyberspace portal, the custom gear shaped metal plug slotting perfectly into its base.
“Not… permanently no but it should buy us some time.” Tails flicked three switches and pressed a big black button. The machine whirred to life, two holographic screens flickering on above the keyboard.
Amy unfolded the chair and pushed it in front of the computer.
Tails fell into the chair, flexing his fingers. “And If not, I’m going to have to program one from scratch.”
Eggman beelined it to the tankiest ship in his fleet, weaving in and around the ships moving in to shield him against the lazers zapping mercilessly through the air. The ship in question was a humongous whale shark inspired vessel, wider than most skyscrapers and heavier too, only kept afloat by an ungodly amount of fossil fuel that would make any environmentalist pull their hair out.
The metal sphere narrowly dodged another pair of lazers. He pressed on, resisting the urge to pound his console in fearful frustration. The great Doctor Eggman, fleeing like a coward, again! He simmered furiously. He couldn’t even…
An alarm blared a loud “wahh”, on his console. Eggmans head snapped to the side. One of his airships was hurtling towards him, smouldering with red flames.
He let out a very unsophisticated “Gahhh!” pressing south hard on his controls. The metal egg pod dipped suddenly.
A grating scraping tore across the top of his glass dome. One of the smouldering wings had caught the top of the egg mobile. Its legacy left behind by the charred scratch now engraved into the glass. The sound may have deafened him, were it not for his metal headphones that automatically did their best to cancel out much of the screech.
A metal docking hatch opened on the whale shark ship and Eggman shot for it. His momentum wabbled as he dodged yet another lazer blast. He made it in, side of the Eggmobile clipping the side of the docks entrance, a chunk of metal peeling off. The man dove from the craft, hitting the ground with an undignified groan. He flinched away at the loud crunch that echoed from the far side of the dock seconds later. Eggman didn’t spare a glance at the broken hunk of metal that might have been his resting place had he not ejected himself, instead focusing on dashing to the exit, slamming his fist on a big black button outlined in yellow and black strips. The ship suddenly lit up in blaring alarms, red lights flashing, as he booked it through the door. It closed with a heavy clonk behind him.
Something loud cracked behind him as he ran through yet more doors, each one closing with a heavier thunk. The Docters brain was running a mile a minute, desperately recalling the safest route to another dock and a spare eggmobile. The further away he got, the quieter it became. It made the hairs on his mustache stand on end.
The man slowed to a stop, leaning on his knees and panting. The sound of his gasping breaths echoing off the soulless metal walls of the tunnel. The longer there was no sound, the more the doctors skin began to crawl.
He lifted a shaking hand up to the radio in his headset, missing the button his first attempt at pressing it. “Tails,” he called into his radio, “Just what are you up to?” he demanded, his voice came out much feebler than he preferred and he cleared his throat sharply.
“Just keep it busy,” came the hurried, reedy voice of the fox.
“It’s gone quiet up here,” Eggman admitted with a cautious mumble, “has it…”
“He’s not returned to the island, if that’s what you’re asking,” came the reply.
Eggman hummed in nervous acknowledgement, releasing the speaker button. Eggman pulled out a wire from his back pocket, plugging it into an open space in the wall. He attached the lead into a small tablet like device he pulled from his coat. The screen of the device flittered to life. The top view of the room he was in popping up; the feed relayed from the camara on the wall, showing his bald head and bristled mustache. Eggman took a moment to smooth down his facial hair before tapping the screen. The feed flickered to the room he knew was the dock he had entered. The view of the room flashed red every few seconds: lighting up the space. It took a few seconds to make out but there was a giant hole in the wall, great cracks leading from the hole and into the runways.
Eggman clenched his fist.
He swiped the screen to the right, turning the camara, the door he had entered through was intact, much to his surprise. Had it not followed him?
“Tails are you sure?” he asked.
“Yes, I’m sure,” Tails responded, bordering on curt.
“What’s going on up there Eggman?” Came the distant voice of Knuckles. “The explosions stopped…”
“I don’t know,” Eggman grumbled, flickering through more camaras, the control centre, the engine, the massive spare robot part room.
“Come out come out wherever you are,” came a whispery call from above him. Eggman jolted, stumbling backwards and snapping his head around. His eyes fell on the metal bars that led into the darkness of a tunnel.
“What?” called the confused voice of Knuckles.
“The blasted thing is in the ventilation shaft,” he quickly yanked the cable from the port, shoving both bits of equipment into his coat and starting up his panicked sprint again. Seconds after he took off, the distinctive sound of tearing metal screeched behind him.
“All robots, report to storage chamber B10. NOW!” Eggman commanded. He burst into the next room, running past the broken robot parts and the line of mass produced soldier bots that had began filing into the room from three different entrances. Robots, armed to the literal teeth with guns, lazer cannons and various other deadly metal barrels. The door slammed behind him as he entered. The impact shook the ground under his feet and his arms flailed as he regained his balance.
“Robots! He demanded hoarsely, gasping for breath, “Attack!” A metal explosion went off behind him. Eggman saw tiny bullet sized metal shrapnel go flying past his face. He was still mid run when something lodged itself in the back of his left heel. It threw him off completely. The man fell flat on his face, sliding over the threshold of the exit with his gained momentum.
The door slammed shut behind him, just centremetres away from his boots.
“This had better be worth it, Fox.” he spat into the radio, unplanting his red face from the metal floors. The man tried to stand, jolting forwards when he tried to put pressure on his left ankle. He caught himself on his hands before he could face plant a second time. He had made it to the control room. A large white control panel sat at the centre of the ovular space, propped up on a purposely tall platform with five steps on either side.
Eggman sighed, suddenly regretting his architecture choices.
Eggman heard a seething hissing. He flipped onto his back. A chunk of the metal door fizzled and glowed a hot burning red. It formed the unmistakable silhouette of Super Sonic.
The human scrambled backwards on his back like a three legged spider, his immobile left leg dragging a streak of bright crimson across the spotless white floor.
In walked an unfettered red hedgehog, molten metal dripping off it like hot butter. Its fur and quills hissed, steam and smoke rising off it in thin spirals. Small, charred patches of purple fur fell out, floating to the floor in black, scattered clumps. The skin underneath, only visible for a moment as the fur almost immediately grew back. It took a moment to brush off a small clump of charred fur on its shoulder before turning its attention back to its target.
The hedgehog observed the cowering human for a moment. It chuckled.
Sonic’s face lit up, mouth spreading into a cocky grin, “What is wrong eggface, frightened of a little rodent?” called the thing, its voice warping into a Sonic like snark.
Eggman began to feel thick sweat crawling down the back of his neck. What he would give to have the real Sonic approaching him. He, at least, could be talked down.
“Sonic, you stubborn rodent,” he barked, dragging his tense and ragged limbs across the floor away from it, “I’ve fought you for years, your persistence is maddening. You refused to be commanded by anything before, not even by my brilliance. Why is this thing an exception?”
It paused, then smiled. “The ‘rodent’ doesn’t care doctor.”
“Get back!” he demanded, shuffling back on his bottom. He hit the opposite wall.
Eggmans hand finally reached the compartment behind him, yanking open the hatch and grabbing the lazer gun. The bowel expanded like a Venus flytrap. Eggman spammed the trigger, red shots of light rapidly shooting from the centre of the jaws.
The red hedgehog continued its walk, unfettered. Each shot that hit its target smouldering out like a doused flame, the rest flying uselessly by, melting little holes through the wall, beams of blue sky shining through.
Tails jittering fingers jabbed at the keyboard.
Amy tapped the tip of her boot against the ground nervously, hands clasped tightly to her heart. Her eyes followed along to the strings of code appearing across the screen in a vain attempt to understand anything.
Knuckles was pacing, agitated, back and forth through the grass. “Arg,” Knuckles growled, kicking up a clump of grass, “I should be doing something.”
A square panel the size of a thick, A5 book slid back on the metal cylinder, attached to the keyboard with trailing yellow wires. “Amy, I need one of your rings,” Tails told her, lifting his left hand from the keyboard to point at the hole while his right continued to type away.
“Of course,” Amy twisted a ring off her left wrist.
“I said stay back!” Shouted the radio. Tails flinched back, unhooking the radio from his ear, gently tossing it down next to the keypad.
Something on the other end crunched, a static howl erupted from the speaker.
All three creatures cringed. Amy’s face twisted in hesitant worry. The hedgehog quickly slid the ring into the hole, only half of it fitting inside.
“Foreign item, except? Y/N”
Tails quickly clicked a popup that appeared on the second, smaller hologram.
A loading bar appeared under the box.
“Good, now don’t touch it,” Tails turned his attention to the second screen, his hands became a blur on the keyboard, eyes flickering across the lines of blue lettered code as they appeared on screen.
The second voice spoke up from the radio, “This incarnation can only speculate the sentiment of mortal empathy.”
Knuckles found himself gritting his teeth.
“Natheless, Comprehension of imposed imprisonment is a shared abhorrence.”
“Come on...” mumbled The Fox, frantically hitting the back button ten times.
“And compensation is long since overdue.”
A tearing sound, like a knife scoring through leather, followed. The radio crackled and buzzed, struggling to receive the volume on the other side. Small moments of broken roaring cries occasionally snapping through the static.
Amy covered her mouth with a hand, reeling backwards. Her head turned to Knuckles.
“Tails!” He snapped.
Tails lent into the holographic screen, his nose a pennies width from it, “I need more time!” he hissed desperately.
A high whistling cut through the air. Knuckles head snapped towards the sound. A red something broke through the side of an airship, zipping through the air like a comet.
“I’ll keep it busy,” Knuckles shot off in the comet’s direction, tracking its fall.
Amy went to follow; Tails grabbed her by the arm. “No, I need you here.”
Knuckles shoes stopped dangerously close to the edge of the cliff face, skidding to a stop just in time.
The comet crashed into the ocean, knocking up a towering pillar of water that drenched the cliffside. It drenched Knuckles along with it. A slimy something smacked him in the face. He yelped and spluttered in surprise, batting away the silvery distressed fish. It gasped and flailed on the grass next to him. Knuckles wiped the saltwater from his face, his eyes staining with a red frame. He blinked hard, trying to clear the buzzing pain assaulting his eyeballs.
He got back enough of his vision to notice the fish. Knuckles frowned sadly. Still blinking frantically, he nudged it gently back into the water with the side of his foot. It landed back in the water with an unheard plop among the roaring of the waves.
A boom shook the ground. Through Knuckles’ blurred vision he saw a dim scarlet light illuminate the darkness below the waters surface. A few seconds passed and a slew of black shapes bobbed to the surface. Knuckles shook his head before squinting his eyes.
Fish. Dead eyed sea creatures, black charcoal burned to their scales.
Knuckles shoulders tensed. He growled, watching the corpses get tossed around in the waves. He made a fist, slamming it furiously into his other hand. He examined the water, eyes twitching, fiercely watching the waves, waiting for that thing to dare show its face.
Something else bobbed to the surface, small bits of something. He couldn’t see what.
Another rumbling caught his attention, it felt like someone burrowing in the rocks beneath him.
Knuckles leapt back, narrowly missing the shooting red ball of electricity as it shot from the earth beneath his heels.
The Echidna raised his fists, halting when he saw something in its hand: The glistening blue head of metal Sonic, dangling; loose wires fizzling from its base.
“Meddlesome machine,” it tutted lightly, flicking it away with its index finger. The metal ball shot horizontally over the cliff. It soon became a dot in the distance before it lost momentum and dropped like a rock.
The red hedgehog opened its mouth casually, letting loose a waterfall of seawater that cascaded out in one go. Knuckles grimaced in disgust.
“Your friend detests the ocean,” it commented, mouth still dribbling.
Knuckles leapt, aiming a punch. It grinned softly, disappearing just before the fist could contact. A blast of pain exploded in the back of his skull. Another strike to the chest sent him plummeting into the ground, creating a small chasm in the stone cliff face under him.
“You disappoint me, last of the echidnas, your friend believes you to be more capable than that pathetic display.”
Knuckles strained to open his eyes, a pounding headache beating at the back of his brain like a drum. Something caught the corner of his vision. The echidna smiled. With a grunt, Knuckles pushed himself from the rubble onto his knees, “Of course I am,” he chuckled, voice cracking. He heaved in a few breaths, quelling his headache, “But I’m just the distraction,”
A bright yellow ring descended over the head of the red hedgehog, closing in on its arms in a millisecond and swiftly yanking the hedgehog away.
“…What is this?” it questioned dully as it was quickly dragged across the island.
It turned its head, following the yellow rope dragging the ring, noticing the keyhole shaped structure ploughing towards it, the circle atop alit with a glitchy blue flame. The neon purple lights in its eyes spasmed.
“NO!” An eldritch screech boomed, its face twisting and stretching vertically like rubber. “We will not return to that accursed prison.” It screeched in desperation, legs flailing, thousands of voices morphing into one.
It burst to life with red electricity. Just as it entered the circle, the yellow ring binding it shattered.
The red hedgehog glowered down at the fox, neon purple slicing through icey blue. “YOU.DARE-”
But Amy had already ripped off her second ring, jamming it into the hole, Tails quickly slammed down his hand on a blue button. A second ring formed. It ensnared its neck, yanking it back.
The air fizzed to life with red sparks for a split second but was immediately quelled as a bright golden light engulphed the portal.
Tails and Amy shielded their eyes from the bright golden glow, stumbling backwards. The blinding light flickered, fading completely as the humming ancient technology quieted. The only sound left was the exhausted panting of the two friends, standing before the deactivated portal.
“Sorry Amy…” Tails breathed “I don’t think you’ll be getting your rings back,”. Tails shook from head to tails, his arms and fingers throbbing and sore from all the typing.  
“Tails…” Amy wheezed, “That, is the least of my worries right now.”
A silent relief washed over the two. Both fell to their knees.
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vargaslovinghours · 9 months
Y’all are being subjected to my Sims 2 tests, so there
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The other set of Vargases came over for a visit and Scriabin picked up Shmee and started talking to Scriabin through him. Very normal, very usual
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I downloaded some circle-glasses recolours and hghghh they look so good! Closer every day to his final details! Getting ever closer!
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Edgar too! I made him a custom hair with a lighter undercut - I’m mostly happy with it, probably could’ve shifted it a shade closer to his skintone but the texturing was weird no matter what :P And his stripey shirt! I wish Body Shop didn’t have that hands-on-hips pose lol, it looks so much better in-game, but that’s all the better :)
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I got some new clothes for Todd as well! As soon as I saw this ‘fit I was like “Oh that’s 100% Todd there he is.” Scriadad hug ♥ So cute
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Foot-dancing together stopp it’s so cute!!
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The way he looks at them stoppp <3 <3 They kept doing this right up til they left for home haha, Todd’s giggles are the cutest
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Used SimPE to save him to the Body Shop, I now have infinite copies of The Boyyyy ♪
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Moved him in with his “parents” as just shadow people basically, they’re not gonna matter in a bit as long as I remember how to get the Social Worker/Adoption process to work properly. Get her Todd!!
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Wanna play? :D
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Menacing :(
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Look, Todd, your new dads are here! Initially I wasn’t sure who I wanted to adopt him, got lots of options; the first passes, the married couple with their own Todd, Johnny?? He definitely doesn’t have the facilities for a child lol But these are the ones that showed up on their own, so the married Vargases are the winners!
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Scriabin cares more about him than his actual parents ;; A stranger off the street shows him more care! Not that it’s a high watermark
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Look at him being a good dad!
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Weh, he just wants friends ;; Poor baby
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Best timeline, thank you
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While we wait for CPS, let’s get some other interactions in! Nny is mean so he tended to prank the other two with a nose flick - mostly Edgar lol ♪ Now kiss
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“Oh please don’t break all my bones~ :3” I love Todd looking up at them haha <3
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Pffft, I think he was talking about the other Scriabin and just how attractive he is. Classic Scriabin. Alternatively, also funny to imagine him bragging himself up about how he’s just so handsome that Edgar can’t help but love him hahaha ♪
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Allow me to tickle you with my KNIFE! >:D
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Get a load of this guy lol
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He ended up passing out at one point - I forgot which motives make CPS show up >.> - and completely 0%’d his comfort, but for some reason stargazing increased it?? It’s the same ground wh
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Is two not enough to satisfy your butterfly bloodlust child?? He ended up with three, I had him release them before he was picked up by the Social Worker - success!
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He rolled a new Want as soon as Todd was taken away - “Wants to see Ghost of Todd” Woah, dark! :0
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And here he is on the married Vargases’ lot!! Success!! I did it right!! Heck yeah! :D Unfortunately they were uh, indisposed at the time. Good job guys pft
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Goes right for Shmee, he really is Todd <3
#The Sims 2#My queue is too backlogged on main! And I /have/ been working on a lot of Vargas-specific Sims 2 retextures so it's fine lol#These are still tests - as said up top lol - so these events are ''non canon'' to what will eventually be my actual Vargas family#The beats will be similar tho! It's mostly just a lot of tweaking at this point to get everything just where I want before the domino falls#Edgar Nny and Todd are all so close to done - Scriabin still needs a bit more work lol of course he's the problem member ♪#It'll be worth it tho! >:3c Handsome lad <3#Did find out some interesting things with the Social Worker/Adoption process :0 Most importantly that adoption basically wipes everything#Wipes memories and family relations and changes the last name! So I'll have to go in with SimPE to change his name back once I'm there#I love SimPE haha ♪ I mean it's just an extension of how much I love TS2 but I just ughsjkhagf it's a good program!#It's extremely powerful and easy to get lost in if you don't know where to look but it's also incredibly user-friendly if you do know#Like - it's as easy as ''Open this sub-menu. Click this button. Rename this. You're all done'' it's just jdsflf Sims 2 my beloved <3 <3#I decided to cheat down the Casils' relationship with Todd before everything else - thus why his father is menacing him for the prank#I've seen Sims with not high enough friendship to not take a water balloon as a fun invitation but not between a parent and child!#It's subtle but the parent being mad and the kid cowering :( It's sadly appropriate for Todd#I stuck the Casils in a box to wait things out and they ended up glitching frozen in bed - they're effectively dead by Motive but can't move#So they can't die /or/ live - feels fitting#If you'd like to recreate CPS taking your child away without straight up torturing them! - Hunger. You just need hunger lol#Alternately you can also have them miss class if you'd prefer to feed them - both will result in being taken away after long enough#If I return to this save it's gonna be confusing since both Todds are identical and have the same names lol#I do have a bunch of new clothes! Second shopping trip :D#There's something oddly fitting for the Vargases to adopt twin/clones lol - fun shenaniganary until the Final Version comes to pass#Although now that I think of it I Could also give them a toddler!Todd hmmmmmm#It's an idea :)
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katcoquette · 2 months
Calm After the Storm
Tyler Owens x Reader
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summary: you’re the calm before, and after, the storm, and he’ll never stop coming home to you… and you’re grateful he’s here to be part of what is sure to become a favorite memory.
★ word count: 1.3k
★ author's note: first onneee for tornado ty & it’s a very soft, quiet moment. just a little somethin somethin while my thoughts ruminate. thank god for twisters bringing back my will to write!! jake, baby, I’m coming back for you! hey & I’m a little rusty… it’s a little rusty; but enjoy!
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Sunsets were always prettiest after a storm, and there was no better place to enjoy them than out in the yard with the horses. The sun was peeking out from behind the clouds as it set, and light glistened off the puddles that were left over.
The scent of rain still lingers in the air, but it’s warm enough that you’re comfortable in the cutoff shorts you’d put on in the beginning of the day. The sleeves on your boyfriend’s flannel had been rolled up by you some minutes earlier, to keep them out of the way of the grooming you were doing, but they just kept slipping back down.
Each time, it forces you to pause your brushing and readjust the sleeves again, which makes your horse, Millie, shake her head and snort in response.
You laugh to yourself after what had to be the fourth time you’d paused, and pet the side of her head. “I know, I know.” You reassure, and resume brushing.
Her chocolate brown coat glistens in the warm glow of the descending sun as you brush over it again and again, getting lost in the motion.
You appreciate the how mundane it is, and let your mind drift elsewhere, specifically to someone else.
Tyler Owens.
To his fans, he was a thrill seeker, as wild and unpredictable as the storms he was chasing, and while all of that was true, it wasn’t what motivated him to do what he did. You’d learned that almost instantly after meeting him.
To you… well to you he was passionate, thoughtful, and safe. He knew every part of you and your soul, and loved it all. You never felt anxious around him, or worried how you were being perceived.
He was also someone your local community knew they could rely on if, and when, the weather turned bad. He was learning about tornadoes, trying to understand them, hoping to alleviate the destruction they left in their paths.
But who said he couldn’t have a little bit of fun while doing all those good things, too?
So, on days like today, when the storm really was just a storm, he often missed what you enjoyed most about summers here. The calm after the storm.
People usually talked about the calm before, the anticipation of what unknown force was coming, but you preferred the feelings that came when it was all over. They weren’t always good, but today- today had just been rain, lightning, and thunder, so you were content, and happy.
It was nothing a blanket on the porch and a cup of tea couldn’t fix- which is exactly how you’d spent the afternoon while he was driving around out there. You figured he’d be back soon; the excitement was all over now.
“I think you’re just about done there, Millie Moo.” You give her a few good pats and bend down to place the brush back in your bucket. You hear his boots on the gravel before the brush is even out of your hand.
“Well, isn’t that a view!”
You smile at the sound of his voice, “The sun setting or the horse?” You yell back, straightening to watch him walk towards you with one hand on your hip and the other shielding your eyes.
“I try to look at the bigger picture.” His voice is softer as he reaches you, putting his arms around your waist. You slide your hands to his shoulders, the side of your mouth quirking up in amusement. He kisses you slowly, then rests his forehead against yours.
You’d never get sick of kissing him- or having to catch your breath afterwards.
You can see the smile on his lips. “I only ever mean you, darlin’.” He leans back, not to let go of you, but to get a better look.
“You look amazing in this.” He drawls, and despite how long you’d known him, you blush. “I wear this all the time.” You tell him matter of factly.
He smirks, “That doesn’t change how ya look right now.”
“I missed you.” You kiss him again, “And so did Millie. We were just thinking about you.”
He drops his hand to grab your own, leading you back to where Millie’s head was hanging over the fence. “Is that so, Mills?” She neighs at his question, making you both laugh.
“How was it today?” You ask him, wondering what he’d ended up in. You had quite your own view now: your tornado wrangler… nuzzling against the horse you’d had since you were a teenager, one leg up on the fence, the green of the grass and trees behind him, all lit up in gold.
“Uneventful.” You refocus on him when he speaks, lost momentarily in trying to memorize every part of the memory this was going to become.
He smiles at your prompt for more information. You were always pushing him to share more of his feelings, to open up, confront them, but today that was truly all he felt about it. It was uneventful. But he’ll give you a better answer anyway.
“And- good. I’m grateful for the break. It’s been a hard season.” You give him a knowing look.
“And, I’m grateful to be home in time to see this.” He gestures around himself. “Everything. It’s a perfect evening.”
You hum in agreement, his words echoing your thoughts from earlier.
You lightly nudge your horse’s head out of the way, making room for yourself in Tyler’s arms. “Sorry honey, but I’m getting’ jealous.” He chuckles, but directs all his attention back to you.
You brush his hair out of his face, speaking softly, “I’m glad you’re back in time to enjoy it.”
“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
And he means it.
And you know it.
Of course he loved being out there in the storms, and tornadoes, and hail, but when all of that was said and done, this is where he wanted to be. He’d made that clear to you on more than one occasion.
“You want some lemonade, wrangler?” You gesture with your head towards the house, teasing him with that nickname.
He nods, unable to keep that smile off his face around you, and slings an arm over your shoulder, walking you back inside.
Once you have glasses full of lemonade securely in your hands, with the pitcher snug in your arm, and Tyler’s arms filled with baked goods and bags of crunch, you both head back onto the porch.
As far as you both were concerned, the evening was just getting started.
The sun is below the horizon as you both settle into the swing, the side table now full of food and drink. Tyler hands you a glass and then grabs his own, crossing an ankle over his knee and putting an arm over the back of the swing behind you.
You lean into him, resting your head in the crook of his shoulder.
It’s easy conversation, and then a comfortable silence, your voices fading as the crickets get louder. Soon that’s all you hear, aside from occasional ice clinking the side of your glass when one of you takes a sip.
And it’s perfect.
You watch the red fade to yellow, then turn all shades of blue, darker and darker, until eventually white stars start to glow through the black blanket of the sky.
A colder breeze causes you to shiver, but you still want to hold on for just a moment longer. It seems he does too, though he isn’t one to let you go cold.
He just pulls you closer to him and brings his arm down around you, instantly warming you up. You can feel his chest rise and fall steadily as he breathes, and it grounds you.
He holds you a little tighter, for the times he had missed the sunsets with you, and for all the times he knew you would be back on this porch alone, waiting for the clouds to clear, and for your wrangler to come home to you.
He’d stay there all night if you asked him to.
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eustassslut · 5 days
Hi c': I saw that your requests were open! I was wondering if it's possible to request a Luffy, Law, Kid, and Zoro(separately)(if you can't add Zoro, that's fine!) with a s/o that's basically deemed a Nobody? They have no devil fruit, no special Haki skills or some super power hidden gift. The most they can do is doodle every now and then and that's it.
The main prompt is basically their "Nobody" s/o doodles their boyfriend(s) in their spare time, and gifts them the drawings c': They know that it may not do much, but their love language is showering them in drawn sketches of them(almost like a little kid aha)
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Luffy is the biggest hype-man and supporter of any hobby you might have.
He regularly asks the other Strawhats for advice on what art supplies to buy you with his left over money.
He also keeps every sketch you've ever given him in a special box that he asked Usopp to make him so they're kept dafe. Will ask you to paint on the box so its extra special.
If you ever showed him any new sketches or doodles you've done, he'll beg you to let him keep them as well.
Whenever you draw him, he gets really happy and becomes even more hyper than normal. He'll be desperate shows everyone on the crew the doodles you've made of him.
Wants you to draw him doing literally everything, from going to the toilet and holding a bug to him as a bug and eating meat.
Repeatedly makes you promise you'll draw him reaching Laughtale and becoming King of the Pirates.
Luffy also boasts to everyone who will listen about you and randomly starts up conversations with strangers or his allies about you and your art supplies.
Frames everything...or he tries to before Nami tells him they have no space to store it all.
Carries some of drawings and doodles you've done of him everywhere so he can show off if he has a chance, he'll be fighting an old enemy and will pause to ask if they want to see something cool.
You have a fan in Crocodile now though who is quite invested in your art journey; but you're not sure if that's because of the rumours he's your boyfriend's parent or if it’s because the older man just enjoys art.
But if anyone was to interrupt or insult you by calling you a nobody or implying he deserves better, he'd go completely feral and has to be pulled away by you so he doesn't try to fight them.
Strong believer in earning the right to have dreams and earn a reputation for your skills so he doesn't really care if you're seen as a nobody (he still hates hearing it said to you or him though) because he used to be one as well when he started his journey.
Luffy is nothing but your biggest fan and he hopes everyone will one day see the same value and talent he sees in you.
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Law acts like nothing you do effects him and that you don't get under his skin, but it's always obvious upon looking closely at him just how flustered he gets each time you hand him one of your drawings.
Will just say "thank you, it's lovely" or "thank you, you're so talented my love" and give you a kiss before putting it in his desk draw, showing he appreciates it but not on the same scale as Luffy or Kid.
However, you will later find your drawings pinned to his fridge or tucked away in medical textbooks as Law uses them for motivation to work hard so he can impress you in return.
Law struggles a little bit to show love for you, having lost so many loves ones so young but he tries his best to show through his actions that he thinks you're talented and that he really appreciates being given anything you do.
Gets drunk on one occasion and cries to you about how he's scared he'll forget what his family looked like overtime, then cries harder when you ask him to describe them so you can draw them for him.
Keeps the sketches of his family and Corazon on his desk, next to a drawing of you and him since he wants everyone he loves to be together in one place.
Very much a man who uses his actions to prove he loves you and sees your talent. He'll clear out some of his medical books for any books on art he can find and always makes sure he cares a sketchbook and materials for you in case you want to draw.
At the end of the day Law loves you for you, he doesn't care if you have no devil fruit or if you're perceived as a 'nobody'. He probably even prefers that you prefer quietly sitting nearby or on the Polar Tang because it means he always knows you're safe.
He's not like Luffy though and he will not try to fight anyone if they called you one to his face but he would threaten them and reassure you in private that you're not a nobody, instead you're the most important person in his life to him.
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The king of insanely loud cringe worthy support and also gift giving back to support your hobby.
When you first show you like to draw, Kid would clear out some space in his workshop so you can have your own studio to quietly draw if need.
He sees quality time together as very important so he wants to quietly sit and do your respective hobbies together; pausing to show each other what you're both doing and exchange compliments.
Will try to copy any doodles you do and make metalwork versions out of them. Definitely makes you a necklace with a metal copy of a doodle you drew of you and him kissing.
Encourages you to paint on his bedroom walls if you want to and also to draw on tables.
Insists you sign all of your sketches and doodles so they're official.
Claims he needs to make sure he has the biggest art collection so that when you become famous he will be extra rich and he can add art collector to his long list of achievements (aka his crimes).
Definitely calls you the worst nicknames you've ever heard in your life, like his gorgeous talented artistic boopsie bear and the ball wrangler of all art. Genuinely means them as compliments to uplift you as well.
Loves giving you excuses to draw so he gives you awful prompts out of the blue and a time limit.
Kid will ask you to draw his crew so he can always have proof they sailed together and keeps those drawings in his bedroom.
Will try to frame everything he can like Luffy would, but he does have limits and eventually just invests in a big set of drawers designed for storing art.
Refuses to steal art supplies because he believes in supporting artists so he makes sure to take you art supply shopping and then leaves tips.
Casually has a very good reputation now in the art world and they all really admire you for winning him over with your art.
But thoughts and prayers for anyone who ever calls you a nobody, they're about to get beaten up almost to the brink of death. It's a bold decision to say anything about you in front of him.
Kid doesn't care if you're seen as weak or powerless and art is seen as the only thing you have going for you. He likes being able to keep you safe and protect you but recognising you're not strong (especially compared to him since he's literally a beast) is very different to seeing you as a nobody.
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Zoro is probably such a mess when it comes to supporting your hobby but he's trying his best for you and at the end of the day you know he sees you as the most important person in his life.
I feel like the first time you draw something and give it to him, its a doodle of Chopper and him on a napkin at dinner and when you sheepishly give it to him as a way of showing your affection he'd accidentally use it.
Just so oblivious that he does not realise why everyone at the table is staring at him in horror and you look like you might laugh or cry. Eventually looks down and apologises so much when he notices, claiming the stains on it make it even more special because it adds to value??
Does not understand art at all.
Zoro can tell that you're talented though and recognises your passion so he tries his best to support you with verbal praises and his actions.
However, he's so emotionally constipated its insane; literally does not how to express his affection for you without either being a sassy little bitch or just coming across insane.
Like you could mention you like roses and he'll come back the next time you dock with a full rose bush he's torn out of someone's garden by its roots, but then say you can throw it away if you want. He's just a weird feral man.
He'd probably learn how to make paper so you could have drawing materials (he also has no money so he has to adapt to the obstacles ahead).
Commissions you to draw several new horrific wanted poster versions of Sanji to torment the blonde with. Sanji can't get mad at you though because he thinks you're talented and likes that you get to practise.
Is very similar to Kid and likes when you sit in the lookout nest and quietly draw whilst he trains beside you. He does pose a little because he knows sometimes you like to draw him and he wants you to get his best angles.
Tries to call you talented every time he talks about you or talks to you. Zoro is very verbal about how incredible you are.
Will not tolerate anyone calling you a nobody (he will beat them up if you want him too) and it hurts him the most if you call yourself one because he knows what its like to feel inferior to those stronger.
You don't need to fight anyways since you have him but if you want to learn he'll teach you in exchange for more horrific Sanji doodles.
Your talent is more then enough to eventually earn a reputation anyways so who cares if you can't fight or you're weaker.
King of pep talks and reminds you constantly you don't have to be strong to be important, you just need to believe in yourself.
No matter what he's always in your corner and supports you in his own silly weird ways.
buy me a coffee | ao3 | tiktok
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writer-freak · 1 month
JJK x reader | Nice Pants. Can I test the zipper?
Characters: Gojo, Geto, Nanami and Choso
Warnings: Gn reader, suggestive, pretty short, probably ooc, trying to get back into writing, english isn't my first language
A/n: I saw a post with this idea and I just wrote this scenario for several different fandoms but I decided to post this version first. I haven't written since last month so I feel a bit rusty but I hope you guys enjoy.
Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated and really motivate me to write more <3
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Gojo Satoru
Gojo’s lounging on the couch, flipping through channels, looking for something to watch when sit down next to him and casually drop your question.
“Nice pants, Satoru. Can I test the zipper?”
Gojo freezes for a split second before his signature grin spreads across his face his eyes twinkling with mischief.
“Oh? Testing the zipper, are we?” he teases, his tone playful. “What’s brought this on, hm?”
He sits up, giving you his full attention, clearly amused by your boldness. Gojo’s always been one to push boundaries, so he’s more than ready to play along.
He leans in closer, his voice dropping to a sultry whisper. “Go ahead, test away. But don’t blame me if things get... out of hand.”
He chuckles, the sound low and dangerous, as he watches you with a mix of curiosity and anticipation waiting for your next move. Gojo’s never been one to back down from a challenge, and you can tell he’s eager to see if you will give in.
Geto Suguru
Geto is sitting at the kitchen table, sipping on a cup of tea, lost in thought. After seeing this idea earlier in a TikTok, you became really curious to see how he’ll react.
“Nice pants, Suguru. Can I test the zipper?”
Geto raises an eyebrow, a slow smirk spreading across his lips. He sets his cup down, turning his full attention to you.
“Testing the zipper, hm?” he repeats, his voice smooth. He leans back in his chair, eyes narrowing slightly as he studies you.
There’s a brief silence as he contemplates your words, and then he gestures for you to come closer. “You always have the most interesting ideas,” he says, his tone laced with amusement. “But be careful. Once you start, I might not let you stop.”
There’s a dangerous edge to his words, but it only adds to the shiver running down your spine. You can see the spark of interest in his eyes as he waits for you to make the next move.
Nanami Kento
Nanami was in the middle of organizing some paperwork, that really needed to be done. He’s always so focused, so serious, that you can’t resist the urge to tease him a bit. You quietly walk behind him before dropping your question.
“Nice pants, Nanami. Can I test the zipper?”
Nanami pauses, the pen in his hand stilling as your words register. He slowly lifts his head, giving you a long, measured look. His expression is the epitome of “Are you serious right now?”
“What did you just say?” he asks, his tone a mix of disbelief and mild exasperation.
You repeat the question, and he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You’ve been spending too much time with Gojo,” he mutters, shaking his head.
But then, to your surprise, a small, almost imperceptible smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. He sets the pen down and crosses his arms, regarding you with a hint of amusement in his eyes.
“If you insist,” he says, his voice steady but with a playful glint in his eyes. “But don’t think I’ll just let you off the hook. I expect you to finish what you start.”
Choso is sitting quietly, waiting for you to finish whatever you're doing. You love seeing his reactions, so you couldn't wait to see how he would react to your bold question.
“Nice pants, Choso. Can I test the zipper?”
Choso’s eyes widen slightly, clearly caught off guard. He stares at you for a moment, processing what you just said, and then his cheeks start to tint a faint pink.
“What?” he stammers slightly. He’s not used to this kind of teasing, and you can tell he’s flustered.
You repeat the question, and he fumbles for a response, his eyes darting away as he tries to regain his composure. “I... I don’t know aren't you busy right now” he says quietly, but there’s a hint of curiosity in his voice.
Despite his initial hesitation, there’s something in his gaze that suggests he’s not entirely opposed to the idea. He shifts slightly, clearly unsure of how to respond, but there’s a part of him that’s definitely open to your proposition.
“Are you... serious?” he asks, his voice softer.
You nod, and he swallows hard. “Okay,” he finally agrees, his voice showing his eagerness. “Come over here” You didn't need to be told twice, making your way over to him eagerly.
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Divider by: @thecutestgrotto
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lizardaggro · 11 months
on the flip side (twst bully!au) part 4
sorry this didn't get out sooner; my sleep issues are really upset (might be daylight savings?) and i spent most of the past few days feeling like a zombie. i'm better now though! it's also a bit shorter than i'd like, but i didn't want to leave you guys hanging. also two fics? in one day?? crazy!
part 1 part 2 part 3 genre: gn reader, angst trigger warnings: bullying, yandere has officially escalated word count: 897
“Child of man,” Malleus said. Even his voice felt suffocating. “Lilia has informed me that some… pests have been bothering you as of late.” He must mean the others. Did he really not know? Well, you supposed it wasn’t too farfetched, since he didn’t have any friends and everyone was afraid of him, especially after his Overblot. “You need only have let me know and I would have… taken care of them. But worry not. You’ll be safe here, where no one would dare to harm you.”
Oh no. Oh no no no. It was finally happening. Malleus had lost his mind. It felt a little nice, you’d admit, knowing that at least one person still cared for you. But that didn’t mean you could accept being trapped here for who knows how long. You still had to take care of Grim and attend classes. Not to mention you hated feeling trapped.
You knew you couldn’t count on anyone to save you. Lilia was the only one who might be able to make him see reason, but he seemed to be fully complicit in the matter. The dorm leaders might be somewhat capable if they worked together, but they’d have no motive for that, other than to torment you further.
Getting angry and yelling wouldn’t solve anything here. You had to be smart about it. “Tsunotarou, I can’t stay here. You know that,” you reasoned. “I have responsibilities to take care of. Besides, wouldn’t you grow tired of me? Everyone else did, after all.” You surprised yourself with how true your sentiments were. Maybe you harbored more negative feelings about all of this than you’d realized.
Naturally you were pissed that everyone turned on you, but you’d never really stopped to think about how lonely you’d been. Even your professors would hardly give you the time of day. You didn’t even know what you possibly could’ve done to set them off. Grim and the ghosts were the only ones whose attitudes never changed; but it wasn’t the same.
Malleus was pouting; there was simply no other way to describe the look on his face. “Surely you don’t mean that; not after everything they’ve done,” he quipped. Was he serious? In what way did he think you’d enjoy being trapped inside one tiny room for who knows how long?
“Yes. I do. And I don’t appreciate you taking away my freedom like this. If you really cared about me, you’d respect my wishes.” You hoped appealing to his emotions would work, no, you needed it to work. If it didn’t, you weren’t sure how long your sanity would last.
“I do care about you, Child of Man,” he objected. “Can’t you see that’s why I’m doing this? It isn’t safe out there. You’ll get hurt by those vile beings you once called friends.” He spat out that last word, like they were undeserving of the title. You didn’t know how to feel about that.
There was one thing you did know, however: this man was delusional. He’d gone paranoid with worries for your safety, even though he knew nothing just hours ago and was fine. He’d always been a little possessive, you’d noticed, but you’d brushed it off as him being afraid of losing his one and only friend. Now this? This was a whole new level.
Ah, but then you remembered. Malleus knew about most of the bullying, but not all of it. You doubted Lilia would’ve tattled on his own dorm members. You smiled, catching him off guard. “But am I any safer in here? I bet you don’t know, after all. You don’t know how Sebek would beat me in the halls, how Silver watches me everywhere I go. It’s creepy; I don’t like it. And I’m sure Lilia didn’t tell you how he tries to poison me with his cooking,” you listed calmly, as if you were having an ordinary conversation.
“They WHAT?!” Malleus shouted. “LILIA! SILVER! SEBEK! GET OVER HERE THIS INSTANT!” You flinched; he was usually so calm, you didn’t expect him to suddenly yell like that. It was good that he believed you, not that you were lying. You didn’t have a backup plan.
As the unfortunate trio entered the room, you made your way over to the door. You thought you’d managed to slip out unnoticed, but Lilia shot you a wink. Did that mean he’d keep his mouth shut about your escape? You could only hope.
You ran through the halls, Malleus’s shouting covering up the sounds of your footfalls. You knew this place like the back of your hand, so you weren’t at risk of getting lost. The only question was how long the lecture would last. If you were lucky, Lilia would buy you some time, but you wouldn’t count on it.
And then, at last, you were safe, on the other side of the portal. You were totally winded, after having had the run of your life. Everything seemed great, but then you heard a voice.
“Oya? What do we have here? What were you doing in Diasomnia, prefect?” Jade asked with a definitely fake smile like he didn’t know exactly what you were doing in Diasomnia. Oh, great. Azul was with him too. How… lovely. Staying with Malleus was starting to sound like it wasn’t so bad after all. No, nevermind. It was definitely worse.
taglist (CLOSED): @twistedcece @slxt4h1m @teawhere @pleasehugmeaether @reivelmin @aoiyx @trashlanternfish360 @probablynoposts @d3sperate-enuf @mono273 @help-whatdoimakemyusername @justuraverageeverydaydegenerate @im-here-for-the-fun-of-it
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soobinskii · 6 months
jisung nsfw a-z headcanons.
warnings : smut.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
– sweet boy just wants to lay there for a few minutes. he gets so overwhelmed after he cums, just wants to lay there and listen toy your heavy breathing after.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
– he likes his arms, after all, he's worked so hard on them. getting them big n strong just to hold you up.
– he likes your ass, holding it, watching it jiggle, looking at it as you walk. jiji loves the shape of it. you wanna get him turned on easily? sit on his lap.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
– his cum is a bit thick, not hard-to-swallow thick but definitely thicker than average. but it's sweet, due to his diet. he mostly cums in you or in your mouth.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
– whenever he's alone & jacking off, he always moans your name out like a whore. if you were to walk in and hear him doing that, he'd be more than embarrassed.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
– not experienced at all, he's only watched porn & has never gotten to "under the belt" touching. the most he's done in his relationships was kissing to light makeouts. he learns quickly though.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
– reverse cowgirl or doggystyle, basic but like i said, he loves your ass. he wants to watch the recoil as he fucks into you. he wants to spread your cheeks and watch you fuck back on his cock, creaming all over it.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
– he gets very focused, so he doesn't think to crack any jokes. but if something happens, he starts to loosen up his focus and cracks jokes here and there.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
– trims it just enough for it to not be in the way, he's kinda clueless/indecisive on how he wants it shaved or what's most comfortable for you. he's clean about it though.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
– during the moment, he's not very romantic, infact he's not really saying anything at all. he's kinda lost in a trance while you fuck back into him.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
– honestly he probably jacks off a lot. as much as he can even. every little thing just gets him horny. every little thing. his hormones are raging & the blood is ready to rush to his cock every second.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
– masochism : he's a bit of a masochist, he wants you to mark him up & bite him. he loves seeing bruises, bite marks and the works after you two have sex.
– comfort sex : not really a kink, but he just wants you to comfort him or vice versa. he loves comfort, especially when he doesn't know what to say in certain situations.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
- on the couch. he likes the vibe of the living room & he's always there, so naturally he enjoys the couch. (or in his gaming chair, ill get to that later.)
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
– literally anything, you could bend over to pick something up while in shorts (or even sweatpants) and he's picking you up and taking you to the bedroom while palming himself.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
– doesn't like extremely sloppy sex. he does not feel like cleaning up that much after. he'll wash the sheets, change them & shower, but when there's too much and you both just feel slimy after, he doesn't like it.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
– loves giving and receiving equally. he's good at giving & the groans he lets out while receiving are so deep and sexy.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
– mostly fast, he gets lost and drunk on you and doesn't come out of that headspace until you're both finished.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
– he doesn't mind them. if you're down, he's down. he makes sure you cum first before anything, because he feels bad asking for a quickie.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
– doesn't mind them, likes experimenting but isn't too big on risks. he'd rather try tying you to the bed before he does anything in public, he's so shy.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
– he lasts about 2-3 good rounds. he has good stamina, but gets overwhelmed when he cums. when he's overstimulated he can't do anything but turn into a whiny mess.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
– doesn't currently own any, other than a fleshlight maybe. he's down to try more though, preferably on you so he can see your reactions to different things.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
– he enjoys teasing a fair amount, but mostly just wants to get to the point. only teases every once in a while.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
– he's not very loud at all. he lets out small whimpers and grunts. he mostly pants and gasps, like he's about to cry. he sounds very cute.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon)
– he watches porn. if you let him record while fucking you, he's watching those videos / if you don't want him watching porn he won't. he acts like a gooner, brainwashed by you. he always just wants you. when he gets into this mindset he can get a bit subby but still prefers to top. just cannot get enough of his beautiful partner
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
– he's somewhat long but not very girthy. just a small bit over average but skinny. still big enough to make you cum hard.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
– his sex drive is really high. he wants you at every second of the day. small touches go a very long way with this boy.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
– eh, doesn't really fall asleep. he can stay up and game or do other non-demanding tasks for a few hours. after he lays down for a bit, he's good to go.
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a/n : i read this one jisung gooner fanfic and cannot get gooner ji out of my head 😵‍💫
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Bubz's Slasher Fictober Apple Crumble NSFW Alphabets Day 18: Harry Warden
Day 18 coming right up! As always I hope you all enjoy <3, I will be honest though and say it has been forever since I've actually watched my bloody valentine so I'll try my best to do harry justice here.
Notes: Minors DNI, Smut, NSFW.
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A is for Aftercare (What they're like after sex):
Soft baby boy. Checks on you multiple times and makes sure you have anything and everything you need. A bath? done, A drink ? done, A snack ? done. Literally ask for anything and this man will run to the store if you don't have it at the house.
B is for Body Part (Favorite on them and their partner):
After years of working in the mines, Harry is pretty fit. I could see his favorite part of himself being a tie between his chest and his arms as both show all his years of hard work to put food on the table.
On you it's your smile, Harry's been through a lot, but with you he feels like he's at home. Your smile brings a comfort to him he hasn't experienced in forever.
C is for Cum (Anything to do with cum):
Harry wants babies (If you have the equipment to make them) so always inside you. If you can't get pregnant he'll probably still cum inside just to avoid a big mess to clean but if he does make a mess it'll be a cold day in hell before he lets you clean it.
D is for Dirty Secret:
If he could get away with it, He'd lock you up in the house and never let you leave. The people outside, the ones who let him sit in that mine and almost die, don't deserve to see you or have you in their presence. Your his baby and he wants you all to himself.
E is for Experience (How experienced are they?):
Harry... isn't the most experienced person. You might have to help him along the first few times. He knows what goes where, and how to make you feel good, But in the actual sex department he's a bit lacking.
F is for Favorite Position:
Even though he hasn't had the most experience Harry fucks like a dog. Doggy style is his favorite by far. He likes bringing you to your hands and knees for him. Knowing he can do that to you and no one else can thrills him.
G is for Goofy (How serious are they?):
He isn't the most serious but he's not really goofy either? He's more so just really soft and fluffy during sex.
H is for Hair (How well groomed are they?):
It's a bit unruly since during his time in the minds he kinda lost the will to care for himself, so you might have to remind him to continue with the upkeep of it. If it gets too bad he takes care of it without reminder but don't be surprised if it slips his mind.
I is for Intimacy (How are they during the act, romantic etc):
Very romantic, He's all about wining and dining you. He's really into foreplay just to get the two of you in the mood but its the most tooth rotting foreplay you'll ever experience.
J is for Jackoff (Do they masturbate and how often?):
He does it every so often. If you were with him when the mine accident happen then he definitely jacked off to the thought of you in the mines to keep himself somewhat sane.
K is for Kink (Their kinks):
Praise kink: Tell this boy he's doing a good job and he'll cum on the spot whether he's inside you or not. You've made him cum in his pants more then once with this.
L is for Location (Favorite places to have sex):
At home in the bedroom. Like I said your his, he doesn't want anyone that isn't him looking at you in any type of way. He would have to end them if they did and he doesn't wanna have to be killing people 24/7.
M is for Motivation (What turns them on?):
The thought of wanting nothing more then to please you is what gets him going the most. He aims to please and wants you to be as satisfied as possible.
N is for No (Something they won't do):
No degrading you, No hitting you or even being mean. He's just not into it and would never even think about hurting you even if it was for fun during sex.
O is for Oral (Oral Preferences):
Major giver. He'll let you give him a blow job here and there but he loves giving you oral. If you ask him what he wants to eat nine times out of ten the answer will be you.
P is for Pace (How fast or slow? Are they rough?):
Slow and sensual all the way. He'll get a bit rough when he gets desperate but he wants to make love and make the most of it.
Q is for Quickie ( Do they like quickies?):
He hates quickies. Why would he go for a quickie when he can give you the actual real full fledged thing. If you like them that's fine but don't expect him to like them.
R is for Risk (Are they down to experiment?):
He'll experiment within reason, Like if it's something that may hurt you or anything, it's a hard no. However if you bring something up he finds interesting then he'll be down to try it out with you.
S if for Stamina (How long can they go for?):
This man used to be a miner, he has all the stamina in the world from doing that for years. He will give you breaks and stop after awhile but he could literally go for hours on end.
T is for Toys (Do they use toys and do they like them?):
He doesn't have much experience when it comes to toys so if you bring up one night you'd like to try them he's all for it. He might not like every single toy but there are a few he does really like and a lot that he loves to use on you.
U if for Unfair (Do they like to tease?):
He thinks teasing is mean, and he's not about to be mean to his baby. If you wanna tease him just a bit to get him worked up then go for it he doesn't mind but don't be too terribly mean to him just some playful teasing.
V is for Volume (How loud can they get?):
He grunts but that's about it, Harry isn't a big noise maker in general and he doesn't talk much either so don't expect sex to be any different.
W is for Wild Card (Random things):
Soft Harry is soft, he loves cuddles and really anything where he can just hang out with you. So after he runs your aftercare bath expect him to sit on the toilet and have him just hang out with you, no talking, just you and him being together.
X is for X-Ray (What are they packing):
Harry's got a big thick dick, About 8 inches and a good amount of girth to it.
Y is for Yearning (How high is their sex drive?):
High as fuck but only for you. He's never felt this way about anyone before and as far as he's concerned the sun rises and sets with you and so does his sex drive.
Z is for ZZZ (How fast do they fall asleep?):
He waits awhile. He likes to make sure your entirely ok before even thinking about sleeping. He also likes to cuddle and just hold you for awhile too. If you had any doubts of his feelings for you, you won't after this.
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pitchsidestories · 1 year
The Bitch is back II Lucy Bronze x Reader
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a/n: based off this request.
"I'm a bitch, I'm a bitch, oh, the bitch is back Stone-cold sober, as a matter of fact I can bitch, I can bitch 'cause I'm better than you It's the way that I move, the things that I do, oh-oh-oh."
~ Elton John, The Bitch Is Back
barcelona women masterlist I word count: 1591
You always knew that your professional tennis career would be filled with ups and downs, with periods of injuries and streaks of unbeatability.
You knew you worked hard, harder than most other competitors. So it didn’t feel fair when your lowest low came; your knockout in the Olympic Games 2020 before you had a chance to take a medal home with you. Your memory of this game was very blurry.
All you really remember of this day were the tears and your girlfriends strong arms around you. Your eyes were red and swollen from crying so much when you plainly stated; “Lucy… I failed.“
“You didn’t fail, you lost. Those are two very different things.“, she had answered while trying to wipe away some of your tears with her thumbs.
You tried to push out her hug, annoyed; “Oh, and that makes it so much better?“ But Lucy had never let go, “Yes, it does.“ “Why?“ “You will get it when you get over the pain.“
Then you remembered finally losing your tenseness and sinking deeper into her hug. New hot tears were welling in your eyes; “But it hurts so much right now… Maybe I should end it here, let the younger tennis players take over.“
“And then?“, Lucy had asked.
“I don’t know. Giving up seems like the easiest way to stop the pain…“
She had determinedly shaken her head, “You’re not done yet.“ “I need to think about it…“, was all you said because it was the last thing you wanted to talk about, you wanted to get out of the conversation as soon as possible.
You just needed her to hold you. And Lucy could feel that; “Take your time before you make that decision.“ “Alright.“
With a serious face the male tv journalist was turning to the expert who was watching the game with him: “Do you think it was the last time we saw her at the Olympics? She said she’ll think about it in her post-match interview?”
“Yes, I think that’s it for her. She’s at the peak of her career. It’s only reasonable to stop playing now.”
“Don’t worry for everyone who’s watching now we’ll keep you updated on that but for now we’re heading to swimming where the next medals want to be won.”, he continued, the smile returning to his face.
Those men thought you were done but you knew better, their sureness about you giving up only fuelled your passion to keep going and try again next time.
The gold medal was in reach, closer than ever and knowing this motivated you the upcoming years.
Something you and your girlfriend had in common was the mindset of always wanting to win.
2024 The Olympics in Paris
“Will you be watching my tennis match later, Luce?”, you asked the defender.
Of course Lucy knew how important this half final was to you, so she reassured you with her reply: “ Sure. I might be a bit late. I’m coming straight from training. But I’ll watch.”
“Thank you.”
Knowing the football player will be watching made the pressure on your chest felt a little lighter.
Shaking her head softly, Lucy said: “It*s nothing.”
“Who knows, we both might end in the Olympics final of two different sports.”, you winked through the video call with your girlfriend.
A warm laugh escaped from the defender’s lips: “Who knows. Everything’s possible at this point.”
“See you afterwards.”, you told her after looking at the time.
A huge grin was appearing on the Barcelona player’s face as she answered:“ See you.”
While you were warming up for your match, your girlfriend was just ending her training session with her team. She took a quick shower and started to get dressed. With a glance towards the clock in their dressing room, Leah reminded her; “Luce, you got to hurry up to see your girl play the match of her career!“ “Yeah, I know.“, Lucy replied calmly, slipping into her shoes. Millie watched her in disbelief; “Then what are you waiting for?“ “Yeah, I’m basically running.“, she laughed and grabbed her bag. Before she could leave the dressing room, Jordan kept up with her; “Wait, we’re coming with you to support your girlfriend.“ “Alright, but we have to hurry now.“ Lauren James nodded obediently; “Let’s go!“
Your match was just starting when the football players reached their seats. After the first serves, Leah bent over to Lucy; “She will win it this time, Lucy.“ “You don’t know that yet.“, she shook her head, never taking her eyes off you.
Lucy watched most of your match in silence. She was too tense, hoping and wishing that this game will end in your favour and that all the hard work will finally pay off.
Again, it was Leah who spoke as soon as the last ball hit your opponents side of the court, sealing your win. “I told you so!“, she yelled at Lucy, genuinely happy. Clapping and cheering erupted from the football players.
The excitement that Lucy felt deep in her chest for you, didn’t reach her face yet, so she just stood up to leave her seat; “Excuse me, girls.“
When you saw her standing there, right between your dressing room and the court, you couldn’t stop yourself from running into her arms; “Lucy!“ “You made it!“, she finally smiled. Now that she had realized what just happened, her face could barely contain her pride and happiness.
“Yes, and you were right, I’m not done yet.”, you whispered excitedly into her ear.
Beaming the defender stroke one wild string of your hair back: “I know you! I knew there was more to come for you.”
“I’d never have been here on the way to the final if you, my coach and family did not believe in me.”, you confessed, heart still pounding loudly in your ear.
Determined Lucy shook her head: “No. This is your win.”
You knew you were required to answer some questions, so you quickly kissed your girlfriend goodbye for now before heading to your media duties: “Sorry, I got to go and give a few interviews.”
The football player knew this all too well because she was an professional athlete aswell, that’s why she released you from your hug even though Lucy would have preferred to hold you a little longer: “I’ll meet you afterwards.”
Confidently you faced the press: “Well you did not see the last of me and you all were so convinced I’d never come back but here I’m.”
“I guess we were wrong about that.”, one journalist shouted back.
A bit less cocky you announced: “So I’m ready to answer you guys’ question.”
“How does it feel?”, a female reporter asked.
Your eyes looked dreamy while you replied: “It feels amazing. I always dreamed of being in the Olympics final and I still can’t believe that this dream is coming true.”
“You’ve been waiting for this for four years now. Your opponent was the favourite in these Olympics. Does it make this win even better?”
You waited a moment to gather your thoughts before you told the journalist: “It kind of does, especially because she’s currently the number one in the world and I really admire her talent. So yes, it makes this win taste even better. And the fact that my loved ones were here to watch this means the world to me.”  
“We saw a few of the lioness’s watch. Including your girlfriend. She must be very proud.”, one of them remarked, with a mischievous smile on her lips.
“Yes, I think Lucy is quite proud. Actually, she’s very impatiently waiting behind the cameras for me to be done so we can celebrate my win together.”
For a moment you could see your girlfriend grinning about the comment you made in front of the press, Lucy was not known for her patience.
The journalist opposite you couldn’t contain a smile; “In that case, we won’t keep you any longer. Congratulations on that win again and best of luck to the lionesses for their game tomorrow as well.“ “Oh, don’t worry. Lucy will do anything to win the upcoming games with her teammates. Good night to you all. See you after the final. Hopefully smiling again.“
With a confident smile, you left your place in front of the press and were immediately greeted by Lucys hug. She carefully kissed the top of your head with as grin; “Hey.“
“Hey.“, you smiled back.
Clearly amused, she raised her eyebrows; “Advertising for our game after your own win?“
“Of course. And I’ll be there cheering for you girls in the stands too.“, you laughed. “That’s real sportsmanship.“ You nodded; “As it should be! Girls support girls.“ “What about girlfriends supporting girlfriends?“, Lucy asked with a smirk on her lips.
For a second you grimaced, “I guess they know that you’re my girlfriend now… Hope you don’t mind that.“ You could feel your cheeks flush, but Lucy calmly shook her head; “I don’t. We never made it a secret anyway. And now I can do that.“ Before you knew what she was talking about, she pulled you closer and passionately pressed her lips on yours.
You laughed into the kiss; “You could not wait for this, huh?“ “No.“ “Lucky for you, me neither.“ Lucy took that as a signal to take your hand and nod in the direction of the exit; “Want to leave? And celebrate your win?“ “Yes, please.“, you replied as you let her drag you along. “Let’s go then.“
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A Tale of Two Minds
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: The seemingly shy Dr. Spencer Reid is interrupting you at the library, but don't let his quiet demeanor fool you...
Genre: smut
Warning: crime scenes; talking about murder, heated kiss, made up facts (let me know if I forgot something)
Word 1118 Count: words
A/N: As always, any criticism is very welcome. Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes. English is not my first language. Not proofread.
Anyway, enjoy :)
✧ 🎀 -------------------------------------------------------------- 🎀 ✧
The building was huge. The dull grey walls ran through the whole building, seeming to never stop. You could easily get lost in one of the many departments of the FBI. An outsider would declare this building old and labyrinthine. However, for you, it was home or the closest place to one. Of course, you only have limited access as you’re just a trainee. You could only get inside the school side of the building, but you only needed the library to feel safe. Every possible minute of your free time you spend there. Being surrounded by piles of thick complicated books, trying to study every field of knowledge that exists. 
The sternmost part of the library was your favorite. Nobody was there and you could enjoy your peaceful solitude. This was also the part where unsolved closed cases were located. Reading through them, trying to find a repeating pattern, and making an accurate profile. Hoping the police can then find a suspect that fits the criteria. With this method, you have quite a success and solved relatively a lot of cases. That is actually how you got into the special program of the FBI. It all started when you were solving a case of strange murders your local police couldn’t solve. It turned out the priest took justice a bit too personally. You analyzed the victimology of the murders and started to make a profile. The police just needed forensic evidence, which luckily was found quickly. 
As you were nearly done with your profile on a murder case, in deep focus, someone disturbed your beloved peace. 
“You know sitting on the ground could raise your potential of getting sick by over 18%.” A shy voice stated.
Letting out a breath, you snapped your head around just to see a guy with long blond curly hair. You lowered your glance a bit and saw his ID Card. Your eyes shot open. You're on your feet within a few seconds. “This can’t be true, can it?” you thought.
“You’re Dr. Spencer Reid!”, you said, a bit too enthusiastic.
He backed up a bit, startled by your elation. He hesitantly nods his head. Of course, you heard of him, like everybody did. Maybe you liked him a bit too much, like not everybody did. 
He worked at the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) of the FBI and was also a professor at the academy. One of his most impressive traits was undoubtedly his intelligence. It was hard not to be impressed by the breadth and depth of his knowledge, which set him apart from others. You would often hear amazing stories about how his mind solved cases. He was incredibly skilled at what he did and a huge role model for many, also for you. Working with him was always a dream for many and again of course you dream about it too, maybe even more than others. “Suddenly, you remember your position. You’re a forensics student and he was an agent, even a doctor to begin with. Another point would be that you had a crush and didn’t want to scare him away.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I was too excited,” you slowly admitted, locking down.
Embarrassment was written across your chubby face. He took a step closer, gaining confidence. He smelled incredible, masculine yet fresh and pine. Just like you imagined.
“I see you’re trying to solve the “Lucifer Case” and have you gotten any further with it?”, he asked, trying to break the awkwardness.
You look into his eyes, trying to read him. Confused why he would show any interest in you, you try to find out any motive by analyzing his body language, but you can’t find anything too convincing. A moment later he was standing beside you, looking through the files spread around you on the floor.
“I was just about to finish my profile before you interrupted, Doctor Reid”, you told him quietly. Your shyness got the best of you. 
“Oh, please call me Spencer, Y/N”, he responded promptly, “and I apologize for interrupting you.”
Your cheeks heated up. Looking at him shocked, he looked back smiling. Too astounded to notice that he had called you by your name, which you hadn’t told him yet. 
“Wait, how do you know my name?”, she questioned him embarrassingly late.
His smile got bigger. Even though he was close before, he reduced their distance some more. Now your back was pressing against the bookshelf, unable to escape his intense gaze. 
“Your reputation precedes you, Miss Y/L/N.” he hushed seductively. 
You swallowed hard, staying quiet. “What could this mean?”, you thought to yourself. Everybody in the study facility always said Spencer Reid was a shy nerd, but now you’re standing in the library with him towering over you.
“I was very impressed by your profile of the Cryptic Puzzle Killings,” he whispered into your ear, “it was a genius profile.” His voice was sending shivers down your spine.
“Doctor Reid,” you stuttered, but then interrupted you.
“it’s Spencer, remember?” You couldn’t think straight anymore. “I was holding back too long, I couldn’t resist any longer Y/N, please forgive me for my bad-mannered roughness,” he muttered as his lip brushed faintly over your neck. This was the moment your breath stopped. Am I dreaming? 
“Tell me if you want to stop,” he muttered as he placed sloppy kisses around my neck.
“No, don’t stop.” That was the only thing you could say; his hands feeling too good on you. How he griped your hips pressing your hips more into his clothed erection. Feeling his touch like hot burns all over your body.
“I needed to use this opportunity,” he breathed .
As you wanted to reply to his confession, all of a sudden, another voice was calling for Spencer.  Your cheeks flushed even more at the thought of getting caught with Spencer at this situation.
“Spencer, I said I would talk to her!” A stern voice was speaking with such authority. 
Spencer quickly stepped back, taking all his warmth with him. You were looking around, overwhelmed with the situation, trying to figure out what was happening. Still feeling hot after your heated situation with Dr. Reid. Spencer was now around two meters apart from you, smiling at you shyly. His duality will kill you someday. 
“Hotch I am here,” he quickly yelled back.
Whispering a quick apology to you before the tall black-haired guy showed up before us. His firm eyes looked into yours. He was standing in front of you with a straight face. Frankly, he seemed like a strict guy who didn’t understand any jokes. You’re starting to get the feeling that you did something bad. Your mouth got dry.
“Are you Y/N/Y/L/N?” the man asked you.
You nodded your head skeptically. Unsure of what consequences it might bring.
“I am Aaron Hotch, Supervisory Special Agent and Unit Chief of the BAU,” he continued, “And I am asking you Y/N to join the team of the BAU.”
Your head began to spin. 
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its-elioo · 7 months
RnM Headcanons:
I promised to write some headcanons about the girls and their guardians some time ago. I finally had motivation to write them down, so here there are!
Optimus Prime and Sunset Shimmer:
- Sunny never had a father figure in her life and really enjoys it when they spent time together
- Optimus is very caring and protective of his charge
- You know this thing where you tell your dad you like this specific stuff and then he brings you more? That’s definitely OP
- One time he overheard Sunset having discussion with Pinkie Pie about their favorite desserts. After mentioning that she really likes strawberry cheesecake, and that’s her favorite fruit, Optimus swiftly assigned himself a mission
- Later, when Sunset had to leave her home to get some groceries, she was greeted by bunch of wooden boxes full of strawberries on her front door
- She was flabbergasted
SS: Optimus- how did you-?!
OP: I heard you mentioning that you enjoy this specific type of fruit.
SS: You didn’t need to bring me a whole stack of it!
OP: Oh, apologies… Do you perhaps need more?
SS: Wha- NO!
- They both like reading so they will certainly share their opinions or recommend some of the books they like (especially history ones)
- Usually there are moments when one of them starts feeling down while talking about their past
- Lots of comfort and reassurance
- You cannot tell me Sunset hasn’t call him ‘dad’ at least once on accident
- She will most likely feel super embarrassed about it, however, Optimus will start crying from the inside
- One time she even decided to draw him a portrait as a small gift (he kept it in his quarters and smiles every time he sees it <3)
Arcee and Twilight Sparkle:
- You guys know Eda and Luz from the Owl house? That’s them. Except that Arcee is waaay much more of a strict and protective mom figure
- This motorcycle lady doesn’t understand half of the science stuff her charge is saying but that doesn’t mean she is not listening
- Calls her ‘kid’ most of the time, even though Twilight said she was a full grown adult who can take care of herself
- Arcee has these ‘mother/carrier instincts’ she just can’t help but WORRY
- Really enjoys to rest besides her human companion and listen to her talking
- Fun fact: it took a bit longer for Arcee to realize that she had become a parental figure... again
- One time, Twilight asked if she can learn some words of their Cybertronian language and Arcee gladly accepted to teach her
- They often go out for a drive, especially when Twilight gets too overwhelmed with work
- How many times did this girl fell asleep while doing her studies? Arcee lost count.
- Robot mom grabs a blanket, wraps it around her and carries her to somewhere more comfortable
- Heck she will even hold her till she wakes up if she can’t find a place for her to take a proper rest
- Will kick anyone’s ass/aft if they disrupt her sleeping
- Brains and brawn duo
Knock Out and Rarity:
- So stylish and dramatic
- *cough* theatre kids *cough*
- Can literally stare at you with judging faces while also gossiping about your appearance
- Shopping? Oh, absolutely.
- What’s better than having a guardian who can transform into a car and carry your bags in his vehicle mode?
- To return the favor Rarity offers him a hand with polishing his finish
- They have this ‘relaxation day’ once in a while
- Buffing, manicures, watching movies, trying on some makeup or outfits, you know it
- He really wanted to try these types of masks which made your skin cleaner and softer. Doesn’t give a flying frag if he is a robot, will even use a mass displacement to try it out
- Knock Out is kinda touch starved and it didn’t took Rarity too long to realize that
- Her guardian often suggests if he can hold her or if she wants to sit on his shoulder-pad while he works
- This big cherry bot really enjoys to run his digit around her curly hair or to playfully poke her cheeks
- As his best friend, she always gives him compliments for the good work he has done
- There was even a moment when she was in her robot form and she cupped his face-plate while praising him
- And let me tell you. Knock Out was absolutely stunned. He was on the verge of TEARS. (poor boy needs more love and attention)
- Hugs are a must, he just starves for them
- Appreciates it a lot whenever Rarity is there for him
Sideswipe and Rainbow Dash:
- They are the MASTERS of pranks
- Chaos, absolute chaos I tell you
- Pretty cocky and competitive too
- Some of their team members even wonder how are they not related??
- Often show off their abilities and talk about how they are 'the most skilled person/bot there ever is'
- They share one brain cell
- Both of them care deeply for each other, they just show it through actions. They aren’t really into the sharing feelings conversations but if things get pretty tough, they will have to talk about it, whether they like or not
- Sideswipe has these overprotective habits where he keeps his optics on her all the time or stays pretty close during any dangerous situations. This dude just doesn’t want to see her getting harmed otherwise he will flip out
- During their free time they like to play video games, go racing or just go for a casual drive, have training exercises (soccer, fighting etc.) or to annoy the rest if they are bored and have nothing else to do
- Will never tell this to anyone else but there a few occasions when they like to rest together
- Imagine one of them has a nightmare or can’t fall asleep. It’s snuggle time.
-If he is recharging in his vehicle form, Rainbow will grab a pillow and curl up on the seats OR he will lay on his chassis and rest his helm over his crossed arms, then he can nestle her close to his face-plate
- Sideswipe is a music enjoyer so he will definitely hype her up when she plays the guitar
- Rainbow teaches him all of the slangs and memes she can think of
- They cover one another or make up excuses if they want to go out to have some fun
- Dash pretty often forgets about things she needs to do (chores, homework or smth else) but her guardian is there to remind her
Bumblebee and Fluttershy:
- The 'parent friends' of the group
- Bee has these awful dad-jokes that he uses and somehow Shy is the only one that will laugh at them
- Some of their teammates tease the two about them acting just like love-bugs
- Bumblebee was so delighted when Fluttershy got out of her shell and finally felt comfortable around him
- Finds it adorable when she becomes too flustered and covers her face
- Like to talk about their interests and listen to each other
- Sometimes he gets a bit nervous and forgets how to properly talk (even if it’s a compliment or want to ask her something) she thinks it's cute
- If she gets too scared her first instinct is to quickly hide behind him
- He really loves listening to their band’s music when they practice at the base
- Both enjoy the late night drives when they can relax
- They often talk about Earth and it’s most incredible places they have seen or wish to explore. Bee will probably plan a short trip just for the two of them, the Groundbridge is right there!
Smokescreen and Pinkie Pie:
- This two are always full on energy
- Will never get bored when they are together, they will find something fun or mischievous to do
- *gasp* Oh no, Smokey is sad? Np! Pinkie is here to help! She has her ways of cheering people up.
- Poor big bot wishes he could taste human food. Every time he sees her amazing baked goods he pouts
- One day she made some cupcakes with blue-yellow icing that matched his color scheme (he didn’t cry after that nooo)
- He can get anxious tho, especially when Pinkie is too carefree (he doesn’t want his human to get hurt after all)
- Smokescreen is a show-off so he usually tries to impress her with his fighting abilities and speed
- This sweet girl always encourages him and supports her guardian no matter what
- He is amazed by the many talents she has (baking, playing the drums, roller skating etc.) like how?? What she can’t do?!
- Will always remain surprised by her hair. She keeps so many things inside, how is that even possible? Guess it will remain a mystery.
Bulkhead and Applejack:
- When I tell you AJ is one of the strongest members in the team, I mean it
- She can lift every heavy and large bot with EASE
- Their hugs are so funny and adorable she sometimes doesn’t realize she is actually lifting him from the ground
- Often talk about the good old days or the cool adventures they had
- Sometimes they have wrestling competitions and what do you know, AJ wins them all!
- If no one else is around, Bulkhead will help her out with the chores in the apple farm
- Will sometimes stumble on something by accident and apologize immediately
- Applejack thinks his clumsy and nervous side is pretty sweet
- She always appreciates his assistance (even tho he crushed several trees, oops)
- He definitely likes hearing her cute snorts when she laughs
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k-tarotz · 10 months
Pick a Pile | Where will your F/s take you on a winter date?
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Since it's already December we thought of making our first winter/Christmas pac! You can of course participate in this even if you dont celebrate Christmas, if you want to if course. Choose one or multiple piles that you are drawn to and read about it! Please like, reblog and comment as its highly appreciated, thank you! <3 disclaimer; this is a general reading! these messages may not fit everyone. please take what resonates and leave the rest. Dividers & pictures aren't from us, credits to the right owners!
Kpop readings | updated personal readings | masterlist
Pile 1:
This one is giving the most "home" vibes and
therefore; your date would invite you to their house. They would decorate their house all festively with the most beautiful Christmas decorations they can find, even put up the Christmas tree. Then they would dim the lights, only let the Christmas leds of the Christmas tree on along with other decorations that have the ability to give light. They would make their bed super comfy with blankets, pillows, cute plushies and prepare hot chocolate and cookies. They would snuggle with you on said bed while laying/sitting comfortably with you there. Their arm nicely around you and what else would you be doing than..... watching Christmas movies together?! Watching all of your favorite Christmas movies and maybe even the classic ones like Kevin home alone / alone in New York, elf, the grinch and so on! It would be an incredible cozy and romantic date which would make your connection to each other stronger.
Pile 2:
Your future spouse would take you on a date to a café! But not just some kinda boring or classic one - no, it would be one that has many Christmas decorations, even small Christmas trees on every table. There would play background music, not too loud not too quite, of course it would be mostly Christmas songs. The desserts, cookies,pastries and even the hot chocolate would have Christmas motives on it. It would all look super cute and taste amazing. They would love to spoil you, asking you to ignore the prices of it as it is the season of giving. They would possibly spend hours with you there getting lost in the conversation with you and of course walking you home after it, while snow crunches under your feet. Holding your hand to feel your warmth and also just in case so they can catch you in case you slip slightly. You would have an amazing date that you wouldn't forget. Neither of you would!
Pile 3:
As for this one I feel like your future spouse would invite you over to their house to bake cookies together, if possible multiple different ones. They would enjoy baking together with you, perhaps take a tiny bit of the flour and put it on your cheek - then let out the most sweetest laugh ever. It might turn into a small but nome serious playful fight, which would end up in them pulling you suddenly closer and kissing you. While still baking with you, most likely While the cookies are in the oven, they would suddenly turn on the song "all I want fir Christmas is you" and start dancing to it, actually trying to dance together with you to it. The whole atmosphere would be so warm and lovely, both of you focused on only each other. Of course they would eat the cookies together with you after they are done, feeding you sometimes. They would praise you on it, enjoying their time with you more than anything else in the world.
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That's it! Our first Christmas/winter pac ever! Feel free to leave feedback if you want to! Stay safe and take care of yourselves lovelies <3
- Candy
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samcvrpenters · 1 month
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word count:  1.2k+
pairing:  joe goldberg x fem! reader (season four)
summary:  he’s always been suspicious of you, and now he’s hoping to get those thoughts cleared up. and who best to go than you?
warnings:  mentions of murder, violence, stalking, attempted murder, i was half asleep when i wrote this so it is significantly shorter than it could be
he couldn’t quite put his finger on what it was about you. was it your eyes? maybe could say that it was your eyes that he was truly suspicious about. the way they darkened when the wrong thing was said, or the way they lit up with joy in the most unusual of situations. to be honest, he wasn’t sure himself. 
but there was something about you that caused him to think over and over again that you were the eat-the-rich killer. his mind was plagued with the fact that you were the one going round and brutally murdering everyone because of the fact they were rich. a little well-off.
the motive was hard to decipher though. 
were you doing it for the act of fame? maybe you wanted to bring yourself up to the throne by getting rid of the people standing in your way— but if you really wanted to go through with that, you would have to kill rhys montrose and lady phoebe.
were you doing it because they had something against you? malcom was a scheming piece of work, and the possibility of him doing something against you was high, even if he was impulsive. simon, however, he couldn’t work out. what would he have done to you to make you kill him?
was it purely for fun? maybe you had truly lost your mind after reading about some true crime and wanted to experience it for yourself. maybe you just felt like doing that. maybe it was because it was calling out to you and you decided it would be a game for you.
or was it love? it was the most basic excuse that it could be but the possibility was certainly high. maybe you were doing it for someone else in the group. maybe you were doing it for someone out of the group. he still couldn’t put his finger on it.
joe’s— no, jonathan’s lips purse together as he watches you walk through the garden with lady phoebe, his eyes on your hands at all times.
he was still confused about his own situation with his name, but he did quite like it. that private investigator was right to give him the passport that he so desperately needed for an escape. 
his eyes followed your body as you pull yourself around the corner, now heading in his direction, a smile present on your face as you were talking to lady phoebe. why were you so happy after multiple of your friends had died?
what if he would watch you kill her? then that would be all of the evidence he needed to finally put a stop to it— to you. 
he was always a calculating person. always. he would wait and plan out his moves, but at this moment in time, he really felt like just pouncing on you and letting your breath leave your lips.
the way you stepped forward in those heels? all he wanted to do was knock you off them and let the blood run freely from your head.
give you a taste of your own medicine.
but then that small bit of doubt— the fact that you could easily not be the killer and just emotional about the situation was strong in his mind.
at the dinner, his eyes were purely on you.
maybe you thought by now that he was staring because he liked you. but you had hardly noticed. you were too busy chatting away to gemma or whatever her name was. he didn’t really care for other people at the moment. only you.
to be a killer, a calculated one, you had to be observant. but you weren’t really putting those skills into play really, were you?
his conviction was definitely starting to crumble.
but now he just found himself watching you. the way you slipped the fork into your mouth as you pushed down that small salad leaf that was on your plate, courtesy of lady phoebe.
when you left the table, he allowed himself to do the same shortly after.
watching you navigate the hallways of hampsie was great. like you know exactly where you were going. and then when you glanced around your shoulder once hearing the slight shuffle of his shoes? that was fantastic too.
but he decided to act now.
what if it was too late by the time that he was able to get there? what if you had already made another kill? he could no longer just sit and watch, even if he wasn’t sure if you were the killer anymore.
the hand in his pocket twitched slightly as he could feel his hand wrapping around the switchblade that was present in it. for emergencies.
and this felt like an emergency.
he watches you as you round the corner, basically heading to your room already. 
he approaches fairly fast, his hand gripping into your shoulder, pushing you up against the wall with your back against his chest, face against the wall. he raises the blade up to your neck.
you let out a gasp— one that he’s heard from his own victims in the past. 
“you’re the eat-the-rich killer.” his voice was cold. unnervingly cold. not something that jonathan would necessarily do if he got the chance. “you killed malcom. and simon.” confrontation was always a good thing, but was this truly the best that he could go for?
“no— no i didn’t—“ you struggle in his grip, causing him to turn you around so that you were facing him, the switchblade moving to the front of your neck.
his grip was so harsh on your shoulder. you could almost swear that he was going to break it.
“jonathan— stop. before you do anything stupid—“ definitely sounded like a signature line from a killer, didn’t it? ‘before you do anything stupid’. what does that mean? that you’ll haunt him in the afterlife after getting killed by him.
“no. i know that you’re the killer.” his voice was surprisingly quiet. like nothing you have ever heard before. it was sinister, in some way. eerie.
but he didn’t have any evidence.
he only possessed a gut feeling.
“i swear to god i’m not the killer!” your voice rises unsteadily as he pushes the blade further into your throat, almost threatening to open it before pulling it away from you.
why the hell did he change his mind all of a sudden?
why the hell did he suddenly bring away the blade that was about to impale you if he was dead set on you being the killer?
“i’m willing to believe you.” or maybe it was something else deep within him that was stopping him from killing you. because he simply couldn’t. “but i’ll be watching you the next few days.” he takes a step back, away from you.
you were glad, in some sense. sure, the entire concept of privacy would be forgotten if he was watching you but at least he wasn’t trying to kill you anymore. that’s what mattered.
and now? now he would have some sort of justification watching you. it was all going according to plan, wasn’t it? 
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002yb · 5 months
i would love to hear any thoughts about the guys finding out damian’s paternity in the secretary au? how does everyone handle it? ps your writing is a refuge against all the canon typical jason and the fam angst and its so good to have a bit of cute jason centric goodness 🥰
When Bruce returns home from another late night at the office, the last thing he expects is to be confronted by what appears to be an intervention. Not an uncommon occurrence for this family, but definitely not appreciated given Bruce is already running late for patrol.
A patrol that Nightwing and Robin should have already gotten a start on, yet here they are. Dressed, ready, and yet still lingering for him.
Something dire must have happened. His only consolation is that Jason is safe. Bruce made sure of it, as he often does. Seeing Jason home. Leaving, only to double back and linger. Watching through a broken window and sheer curtains at a spill of golden light to catch one more glimpse of his darling boy.
Ah, it's most definitely an intervention.
To dawdle like he does, as often as he does — it's possible it hasn't been without consequence to his responsibilities. For as motivated and reinvigorated as he feels towards his cause now that Jason is returned to him, Bruce can't protect this city if he can't tear himself from Jason's side...
But also? Where better to stake himself than at the heart of this city?
"We were delayed at the office." Bruce defends himself like a child caught out and not the grown man he is, sweeping through the cave and towards his costume. "Given the hour, I chose to see Jason home safely."
No one says anything. Tim doesn't call Bruce out on the truths he stretches — how the only delay that kept them at WE was due to Bruce's insistence on having misplaced his keys and needing help finding them. Being distracted by playful ribbing and witty humor throughout; shared stories of Jason's misadventures in child care — forgotten diaper bags and missing shoes, a hat blown away on a breeze.
'Lost things have a way of turning up where they're needed.' Jason had said, content because that forgotten diaper bag helped a struggling mother that was down on her luck and the shoe Damian kicked off on a walk made a homeless man smile at memories of softer times and the hat became a nest for some birds—
'If we're lucky they make their way back to us.' Jason told him, with a firm pat to Bruce's breast pocket where his keys jingled together. And Bruce stood there, awestruck as he raised his hand. Fingers brushing over Jason's hand before Jason pulled away, smile wide and impish. And Bruce smiled back, head dipping to play at sheepish while really his chest was simply overfull with gratefulness.
Lucky, indeed.
Not so lucky is that his fortune only extended up until the point with this intervention. Even Alfred is here to badger him, it seems. It’s laughable, given the three of them would or have done the same as him. Hypocrites, Bruce thinks petulantly.
"Start your routes." Bruce calls to them, a hail mary to hopefully spare himself from whatever is coming. When no one budges, Bruce frowns. Sighs, "Unless there's something pressing?"
The question has everyone shifting their gaze away from him with uncertainty. Even their body language is closed off, though maybe their mirrored crossed arms are an attempt to self-soothe? Bruce's brows furrow. He turns his focus to Dick who meets his eye and Bruce's frown deepens at the wariness he finds there.
"What is it?" He prompts even as he turns to dress. A quick process for how often he's done it. Whatever intervention they have staged, whatever trouble has come their way — it will have to be resolved while they're on the move. It really is late.
And yet they continue to wait. It tests Bruce's patience, though when he starts to bristle, Alfred clears his throat and prompts him, "It would do you well to take a seat, Master Bruce."
Ah. Bruce shoots a fleeting glance at the Batmobile, gauging if he can make a break for it before his sons tackle him and force his compliance. As that was one of the points of a prior intervention, Bruce decides to sit. If only to prove a point.
When he's handed loose pages, Bruce looks to Tim for a summary. Their usual routine, only this time his partner is not forthcoming. Tim looks pointedly down at the pages before looking back to Bruce, a somberness to his expression that has Bruce giving the report his full attention.
The report being... a paternity test? For Damian.
Bruce scans it, pausing when he comes across the results. Doubling back and rereading it properly because oh.
In no uncertain terms: it's Bruce.
A fine tremble in his hand gives away his nerves. The report shakes in his hold, worsened when Bruce slouches forward to read the results again, again, again. He hides the lower half of his face with his hand, brow furrowed as he tries and fails to wrap his head around such extraordinary circumstances.
Everything falls away from him. There's static in his ears, beneath his skin. Being a father is of no consequence to him — he has three wonderful sons already, he would be so lucky to have another, it's just...
"I have a son..." His voice sounds far away to his own ears. Soft-eyed, breathless, he marvels, "with Jason."
He thinks of Jason's romanticized views of being lost — of going to where you're needed and can't shake that Jason was lost to him to find Damian. To bring him home.
Maybe Bruce's luck hasn't run out quiet yet, after all.
Silence trails Bruce's proclamation, followed in short order by Alfred turning away from him — the bridge of his nose pinched between his fingers. Tim follows suit, head tipped back and hands scrubbing down his face, muffling exasperated gibberish. And Dick, who Bruce watches most pointedly, balks.
"That's not what the test says," Dick bristles, "Absolutely not!"
What's tough is that Bruce can't up and claim to Jason that Bruce is Damian's father, either. That would hardly go over well. Jason is so protective of Damian that Bruce would be put in the ground for overstepping with his unconsented for paternity test — the authorities wouldn't even have a chance at him.
But also? Bruce can't go on like he knows nothing. He wants to be involved in Damian's life. He wants to be a father with Jason.
So. Baby steps. Which Dick and Tim are so petulant about because it involves them covering for Batman's patrol one night. Meaning they can't hang out at the manor with Jason and Damian when they come by for dinner. This is about a kid and their father though, so Dick and Tim begrudgingly lay low (and are grumpy about it all the while).
But yes, Damian being icy with Bruce because he associates Bruce with being the one to always take Jason away. And Jason has explained it's work, but Damian is peeved regardless.
To everyone's surprise, Bruce focusing more on Damian than Jason?? With Bruce kneeling to be more at eye level with this boy. And telling Damian that he can come with Jason to work whenever he wants; it's okay.
Which Jason is !!! about because what? Boundaries, boss. Not that he doesn't appreciate it.
Bruce insists though because "he does keep Jason occupied more than he should" but low-key...it's an opportunity to spend more time with his son if Damian visits, so...
Just Bruce trying to be a good dad even if he can't openly be a dad ;U;
Something something Damian bonding with Dick more though and Bruce gets it, but like (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
Extra odds and ends:
Going to the park together! And Bruce brings Ace and Damian adores him so much. The dog, not necessarily Bruce.
Just this sweet family walking together. With Damian holding the leash (that Bruce also holds on to) and ahhhhhh it's sweet
But also... the park is Dick and Damian's thing. So Bruce notices Damian looking around and questions it. And when Jason admits that he's looking for Dick, Bruce is so petulant and grumpy and jealous and ಠ_ಠ
Jason taking Bruce up on bringing Damian into the office one day. Because the assassin sitter got tied up on a job. Only there's an emergency with Tim so Jason has to attend to that and it's just Bruce and Damian.
And they probably sit across from one another at Bruce's desk and Bruce is all severe while Damian stares at him and clicks his tongue and insists on being difficult ahahahaha
Tim coming back with Jason later and both Bruce and Damian click their tongues at Tim for taking up Jason's attention and it's their first moment really connecting on something ahhhhhahaha
But yeah, the Talia reveal might come later and in a completely anticlimactic way. Where Bruce probably asks after Damian's mother and Jason casually name drops Talia. And Bruce is convinced it's a coincidence, but then Jason throws out the Al Ghul name and Bruce is ko'd, utterly o(-( because okay, he needs a minute.
A big thank you for the sweet message, too! Sometimes I worry the way I write Jason is unlikable since my take on him is a little more soft/silly, so this was very assuring. ;/////;
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robosanz · 8 months
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴀ ʙᴇᴛ
"𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔣𝔢𝔠𝔱𝔩𝔶 𝔦𝔪𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔣𝔢𝔠𝔱." - 𝔲𝔫𝔨𝔫𝔬𝔴𝔫
pairing: tanaka x fem!reader
summary: your brother asked you to help motivate tanaka to study for his upcoming exam. so you decide to make a bet with him.
word count: 2,924
notes: hey hey hey! i've been working on this oneshot for a couple of days now and it's finally finished... yay! anyway, i hope you like it. would you like a part two? enjoy!
“Wha- what?” Tanaka stumbled back with wide eyes, not believing what just came out of your mouth. “You’ll go out with me?”
A smirk curved on your lips and you nodded, crossing your arms. "Yeah, I will. But only if you score at least 80 points in our English exam this week.” 
Tanaka smugly smiled and puffed out his chest. “Consider it done-”
“But if not,” you said, amusement covering your features, “you’re gonna shave your head.”
The teenager visibly tensed and gulped. He eyed you briefly before clearing his throat and smiling confidently. “Deal,” he shook your hand, “I’ll pick you up at two on Saturday.”
You let out an amused chuckle and pulled your hand back, “let’s talk about this after you passed the test.”
Tanaka nodded, the smug smile never leaving his face, as you turned on your heels and walked to your class. 
Your brother had asked you to help motivate Tanaka to pass his test since they needed him in an upcoming practice match; if he wouldn’t pass, he had to retake the test on the day of the match. And the team couldn’t do without the first year. 
So you decided to use the painfully obvious fact that he had a crush on you to your advantage and fire him up a bit. And to make sure he really gave it his all and passed the test, you raised the point score to 80 even though he only needed 60 to actually pass. And it worked out just fine.
You slightly shook your head with a small smile as you sat down on your seat. What an idiot.
After classes, Kiyoko and your brother approached you in the hallway, your brother with a concerned and confused look on his face. 
All of the other first years in the hallway stopped for a second to look at the two second year beauties walking up to you. If there had been anyone who didn’t know that you had an older brother they did now; the two of you could be easily mistaken as  twins. You had the same warm brown eyes and silver hair as him. The only thing differentiating you two was the beauty mark that only your brother had and the length of your hair. You two even had the same healing smile. 
“Oh my, how come the two most beautiful beings on earth have decided to bless me with their presence today?” You put a hand on your chest and playfully bow your head to them. “Do you require my help at practice again?”
Kiyoko’s cheeks turned pink and she sent you a small smile while your brother smacked the back of your head, “I told you to stop this.”
You turned away from them and let out a cough to hide the laugh escaping your lips. Your brother had always had a teeny tiny crush on Kiyoko and you knew for a fact that she was also crushing on your brother. She had told you so a few weeks ago while the two of you were filling up the team’s water bottles.
You turned back to the two second years and cleared your throat briefly, “so then, what’s up? Don’t you have practice now?” You weren’t an official member of the volleyball club, but since you weren’t in any other club either, you agreed to occasionally help Kiyoko when she asked you to.
“You tell me,” Koshi said and crossed his arms, “why is Tanaka asking for my blessing to marry you?”
You almost dropped the papers in your hand. “He what?! Has he lost his mind entirely now?!” 
Your brother let out a sigh and shook his head. You could very much imagine that he was already so done with the chaotic first year and his equally chaotic friend Nishinoya. 
“Seriously though, I’m used to him obviously crushing on you but what the heck did you do to him?”
You let out an awkward chuckle and shifted your weight on your left leg. This came as a surprise. Your intention was to merely motivate the boy to study but somehow this escalated more than you expected it to. “You told me to motivate him to study.” 
“Yeah exactly. To study, not to marry you.” Koshi ran a hand over his face and let out a sigh. “Well, at least he seemed overly motivated to reach his delusions.” 
You let out a giggle, “yeah, he seems too delusional for his own good sometimes.”
“And you’re feeding into them,” Koshi said and flicked your forehead, “I’ll see you at home.” He passed you and Kiyoko sent you a small wave to which you grinned and waved back. 
I need to get them together or else they never will, these idiots. You looked over your shoulder until they were out of sight with a soft smile. Letting out a sigh, you turned back around only to come face to face with a grinning Tanaka.
A gasp escaped your lips and you took a step back. “Jeez, you can’t just sneak up on me like that, Tanaka.”
“Call me Ryu,” he said and took the papers out of your hand with a proud smile on his face. “Now where to, (Y/N)?” 
You shook your head with an amused smile. Crossing your arms, you raised an eyebrow, “idiot, these are mine, I’ll take them home.”
Pink dusted his cheeks and he gave the papers back to you, clearing his throat.
You giggled behind your back, “you’re such a dork, but thanks for wanting to help.” You passed him but looked over your shoulder before turning the corner with a smile, “don’t forget to study, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
His face lit up and he nodded eagerly, making you chuckle as you left the school building.
You hadn’t even completely stepped out of your classroom, when Tanaka’s loud and excited voice reached you. You stopped and waited for him to reach you.
“I passed!” He almost shoved the paper he was holding into your face, making you take a step back. 
With a quickly beating heart you took the paper out of his hand and looked it over. You could almost feel your face falling but you quickly put on a proud smile. You hummed and nodded, looking up at his happy face. 
It had been two weeks since the two of you made the bet and Tanaka had approached you everyday before and after classes, telling you how much he studied and what places and activities he had looked up for the date. On one hand, you found it cute when he gave you a list of over a dozen things he had scribbled down for you to choose the three best from; but on the other hand, you weren’t sure if you chose the right way to motivate him since he seemed to invest his time in other things than into studying. 
But you were pleasantly surprised to say the least, not having expected him to score so high. Even if a small part of you had hoped he would. 
“So, have you picked something you want to do? I’ll pick you up at two on Saturday.”
Your heart sank. Gulping, you raised the exam paper and turned it around for him to see before pointing at the score. “You see this? 77 points. You lost.”
“What?!” He stumbled back with wide eyes. He snatched the paper out of your hands, holding it in both hands as his eyes frantically scanned over the paper. 
Passing students were eying you and whispering among each other. You were fully aware that it’s been like this for the last two weeks but you paid them no mind at all. 
Letting out a sigh you took a step closer to Tanaka, “hey, you passed the test, that’s the most important thing. And…” you took a breath, briefly glancing at his hair before sending him a reassuring smile, “you don’t need to-” 
You stopped and blinked dumbfoundedly when he ran off without saying a word. “What?” you whispered to yourself, knitting your eyebrows, watching him sped off. Your shoulders dropped. Oh come on.
Tanaka’s reaction had taken over your mind for the rest of the day and you couldn’t simply take it anymore when you heard your brother enter his room.
You practically threw the covers back and jumped off your bed, rushing to your brother’s room, barging in. 
Koshi flinched and turned around in a flash. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw that it was only you. A smile formed on his lips, “Tanaka passed the test, maybe you should motivate him more often from now on.”
“Did he say anything else?”
Koshi knitted his eyebrows and slightly tilted his head to the side. “No… why?”
You let out a breath and nodded, wanting to close the door again but you stopped and smiled innocently at your brother. “Do you have his number by any chance?”
Your brother narrowed his eyes. “Why would you want his number now?”
“He seemed… off today. I just wanted to check on him,” you shook your head and lowered your voice, “nevermind, that’s stupid.” You quickly left your brother’s room with a sigh. What am I even thinking?!
Deciding to distract yourself with some reading, you climbed on your bed but no matter how many times you tried to start the page over, the words just didn’t make sense.
“What’s wrong with me out of a sudden?” A frustrated groan left your lips. Putting the book on the nightstand, you completely got under the covers and let out a deep breath. 
When your pillow vibrated you quickly pulled out your phone, squinting your eyes at the brightness until you turned it down to the lowest level. A bright smile grew on your lips when you opened your brother’s text message.
XXX XXXX XXX I think he’d appreciate you checking on him more than you think ;)
Without wasting any more time other than reacting to the message with too many heart emojis than necessary, you immediately called the number.
On the third ring, you froze in your place, realization hitting you so hard that your stomach painfully tightened. Just as Tanaka picked up the call but before he could speak, you ended the call with heavy breaths, pressing the phone on your chest. 
“Shit,” you whispered, putting the phone on the nightstand and rushing out of your room to get yourself a glass of water. “How was I so dumb? And I called my brother stupid,” you facepalmed, grabbing your hair into your hand. 
All the times that Tanaka made a stupid joke, you found them hilarious, finding yourself still thinking about them days after he told them. Every time he approached you, butterflies filled your stomach, excited about him talking to you, even if it was a simple “good morning (Y/N)-chan”. Every time he smiled at you, your heart skipped a beat. And on top of that, even if you didn’t admit it to yourself, you were disappointed that he lost the bet.
“Did he answer?”
Your head snapped up only to see your brother’s smiling face. “I didn’t call him. Why would I call him? Why would you even think that?” 
Without waiting for an answer you left a flabbergasted Koshi behind, rushing into your room, hiding under the covers from the world. 
I like Tanaka Ryunosuke.
The next day, you avoided Tanaka like a pest. You decided to go to school at the last minute just to be able to walk through empty hallways as everyone was already in class. Your breaks and free periods were spent either in the bathroom or in the furthest corner in the library where no one would come by anyway.
When the bell rang, signalling the end of the day, a sigh of relief left your lips. Not until everyone had left, did you start packing your things up and leaving the classroom. You looked left and right and when no one was in sight, you hurried out of the building.
A relieved smile grew on your lips when you finally got out of the school building and you almost thought you would be successful until Kiyoko came into your sight. 
The manager shot you a small smile, coming to a stop in front of you. “(Y/N)-chan, are you free?”
A brief moment of silence passed by, you hesitating whether to agree or to fake an urgent appointment. Letting out a breath, you decided on the former and nodded. Why do I have to like her that much?
“Great,” she nodded,  “I could use your help with a few boxes. We need to carry them to the club room and the boys are busy.” 
“Sure,” a teasing smile grew on your lips and you winked, “everything for my future sister-in-law.” 
Her cheeks tinted red and she turned around quickly with you hot on her heels. Upon reaching the stairs leading to the club room, Kiyoko looked over her shoulder. “There are two boxes left in the gym,” she said and picked up one of the few boxes at the bottom of the stairs, “can you get them? I’ll take care of these here.”
You gulped, your eyes flickering to the few boxes on the floor before looking at Kiyoko who was already going up the stairs. You let out a defeated sigh and slowly made your way to the gym. Please let me fall down and break my ankle.
You immediately dismissed the thought, knowing if that really happened you would only get a lot of unwanted attention from everyone. Damn, maybe I should just make a run for it.
Upon arriving at the gym, you took a deep breath and cleared your throat silently. Nodding to yourself, you put your hand on the doorknob when you stopped in your tracks.
Someone was laughing his ass off and it definitely sounded like Nishinoya but you could also make out your brother’s confused voice. "What happened to your-"
"I lost a bet." 
Your whole body tensed when Tanaka’s voice reached your ears. Gulping, you bit the inside of your cheek. Did he shave his head?!
"I don't want to talk about it."
You couldn’t take it anymore and curiosity got the better of you, shoving your hesitation and all the other thoughts to the back of your mind. You entered the gym and froze when you saw Tanaka. Instead of his blond hair covering his head, a buzz cut took its place instead, showing his real hair colour. Oh my, this looks so good.
All the heads snapped to you when the door shut. Heat rushed to your face and you nervously smiled. “Hi,” you slightly bowed your head, “I just wanted to get the boxes.”
Tashiro, the volleyball club’s captain, nodded and looked at Tanaka. “You were late, go and help (Y/N),” he nodded at your direction
The first year nodded and lowered his head before he took one of the two boxes that were right beside the gym’s door. You gulped and bit the inside of your cheek before quickly following his lead. You shot the captain and your brother a quick smile over your shoulder before leaving the gym.
Silence consumed the two of you for a brief moment and you couldn’t keep your mouth shut anymore.
“You really shaved your head?!” you blurted out.
Tanaka stopped in his tracks and blushed. He lowered his gaze. “I lost the bet, didn’t I?” he mumbled.
“Oh my god, you didn’t have to actually do it,” you stopped as well and looked at him with wide eyes. “I only wanted you to pass the test!”
“I know, thanks,” he said and continued his way to the club room. “I wanted to cut it anyway. Blond looks ridiculous on me and no one ever told me,” he grinned.
You slightly smiled, glad that it wasn’t as awkward between you as you expected it to be. “I think this hairstyle looks better on you,” you quietly admitted.
Tanaka immediately stopped in his tracks and looked at you with wide eyes, his face lighting up. “Really?!”
Heat rushed to your face and you looked away from him, walking ahead. 
He quickly caught up to you, “so, you’ll still go out with me?”
Your heart almost leapt out of your chest when the words left your mouth without even thinking about them. “Well, you passed the test and thus the purpose of the bet,” you shrugged and gulped, “so you kinda won.”
Tanaka dropped the box on the ground. “Is that a yes?!”
You bit the inside of your cheek and slowly nodded. He immediately took the box out of your hand and almost threw it on the ground before pulling you in a hug and spinning you around. 
A squeal left your lips and he let you down. “(Y/N)-chan you are the best!” He pressed your cheeks together with the palm of his hands, having your lips turn to a pout. “I love you!”
He pulled his hands away from your face and ran towards the gym, leaving you behind with a red face and the boxes still on the ground. “Oi, Tanaka!” you called after him but he was already too far away to hear you. With a smile on your face you shook your head and picked up one of the boxes. This adorable idiot.
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andycupte · 5 months
Hii, it's been a while...
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I have been pretty busy and a lot has happened
I don't know where to start! I erased a lot already
I want to say thank you for all your kind notes on my drawings!! I even got mentioned by an user who was recommending my art. That made my day back then! I also received two asks. I made this drawing (not finished) to answer one of them.
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Lucaaaas and Clauss ipipipip
I couldn't finish cuz I was trying something that probably was a bit ahead of me. Lost motivation, said i I was going to check it later and then forgot LOL. I'm really sorry. I'm looking foward to answer that question cuz I really liked it.
I dunno if some of you know that I'm doing part of a fanmade Mother magazine. It is already finished and I think they sold copies too. I haven't got mine yet but I'm really happy for it!
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I drew Ninten and Lloyd to promote the countdown! you probably saw it when they posted it! >>Here<<
Uhmm what else can I tell you...
I have been receiving a lot of commissions but I have even been inactive on twitter, I have been attending them in private ; v ;
I joined a facebook latino group about mother where they post memes too. It's been active lately and there is three or maybe four artists that draw funny memes of the kids. It kinda feels like the drawings I made and I feel like I could take out my old notes and check if I could join them too! I just need time. I reaally want to draw again, it made me so happy.
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Here is a drawing of my Oc and mr saturn! its kinda old too. I couldn't bring myself to finish it. Again, I was trying something that was a bit bigger than me.
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This is my most recent drawing! From this year at least. I drew it just as a break from commissions. I have a lot of work to get done. I should rise prices to lower my load ; ;
I'm pretty sure something is slipping my mind--- I guess I will post again!
Excuse if everything looks chaotic and it's hard to read. I have to get back to drawing!
... what are my tags now????????..
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