#most of everything amyways
cheridraws · 2 years
love love love the dynamic between Taka “shouts every word” Ishimaru and Mondo “shouts when nervous and/or excited” Oowada,, every time they get excited the entire school hears that shit
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effervescentdragon · 11 months
The whole Daniel thing has made me think about how drivers that say dumb misogynistic things get treated by the fandom. If you're talking about Hulkenberg or Perez, then they're ruthlessly mocked for it (and rightly so imo), but if its a driver people like, like Danny Ric or Kimi, people seem to bend over backwards to defend them and find reasons to justify what they said. Idk, is it that both are part of very popular ships, where Hulkenberg and Perez aren't? I have a lot of thoughts, but I also have the flu so they're not the most organised (I hope ur having a good evening I love ur blog)
Hello! I think it comes down to the strength of their fanbase and their popularity in general.
Now, i can only speak about the ecosystem.of tumblr because i refuse to go near shitter in general and instagram in any fandomish way, and i do have these debated with my irls sometimes, so keep that in mind.
Firstly, Daniel, Kimi, even Seb (i refuse to leave out my misogynistic king of spewing dumb shit about grid girls who did, eventually, learn better, or at least finally learned not to say that shit in public) are very well liked, popular drivers. Namely, only two of them are wdcs and the third one never will be, but Daniel does have a devout fanbase and his former talent and potential as a driver must be acknowledged. With all those things come the fanbases, which are all prone to idolising their blorbo in any and every motherfucking way possible. Nobody is immune to this and obviously you'll be more ready to make excuses for your pathetic meow meow than for someone you dislike; thats a normal human sports fan fact. However if you look at Checo and Hulkenberg (there is only One True Nico in the sport and his surname is Girlbossberg), their fanbases aren't big, if they even exist on tumblr, or so I believe, unless I have missed a whole part of fandom existing somewhere in my bubble?
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Moving on.
Now however, i do think there's difference in fanbases too ngl. We obviously dont all like the same drivers, some are more appealing to whatever attracts us than the others, and let's just say that birds of feather flock together and leave it at that. (A.N. so many people are sooooo wromg about their characterisations of most drivers but that's also my personal biases at work.)
So what I see here is that more popular drivera will have more fans quantiatively first and foremost (qualitative analysis: cancelled because of the imminent death of the author), ans those fans will be ready to take up arms and fight for their (white) boy millionaire. This brings the fans into some lovely personally-induced logical fallacies, like we've seen in the past couple od days. Now, im not gonna preach moral.high ground here like some because i am well aware of what kind of men thse people are (context is everything beloveds), but i will say this. People are prone to so many conscious amd unconscious biases which take a long while to dismantle. That's not an easy job, and when you project onto someone (valid) and develop a personal (to you, and not to generalise but oftentimes also a parasocial) relationship with a celebrity, you start taking things personally. Now this, id say from personal experience, would be the time to go take a walk. Snort some grass. Ride a bull and all that.
Amyways my point was, round the elbow to the wrist (or was it shoulder? i cant rmbr), that people will always rather defend their fave, no matter how shitty he is, than whichever driver they dislike. This is not uncommon; this is human nature.
I will add that a lot of fans (i dont know anything about their demographic) don't know the line between "following/thirsting over a hot dude" and the dangers of a parasocial relationship. My issue with it all is that what they do when thay feel threatened is deflect blame feom their special boy to literally anyone else, and that results in everyone who disagrees with this apparent popular consensus becomes a target of a witch hunt. Some people would rather go around attacking other's well-crticulated and above all well acessible target. Posts and people than call -- OKAY up to this point is what I wrote last night before I passed out like a log. I havent changed anything, which shows in lacking any sentence structure and missing words, so let me continue because I vaguely remember what I wanted to say.
My problem is that it's not personal, and people act as it is because they personally identify their own morals with who they like. And when they feel as if their personality is threatened or judged, they lash out, usually while taking some sort of artificially imagined "moral high ground". That results in hate anons in inboxes of anyone who disagrees with them and calls of "well you never liked him anyway so now you have an excuse". Like baby, no. Don't project your feelings on me. I know how shitty my special boys are, and i am capable of criticising them and stanning them while acknowledging the ways in which they suck. I dont equate my morals and ethics with stanning some boys who drive around in circles.
I think i lost the plot there by the end. Bottom line - when youre already disliked, not many people will rally to defend you, regardless of the fact you say exactly the same shit as someone who is beloved to people. :)
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iamfujoshiwe · 4 months
I love how KPTS is canon divergence of the novel. Bless BoC, whoever wrote the plot for the KinnPorsche The Series is doing god's work. And also the wardrobe, and the cinematography, and THE EVERYTHING! Watching KPTS has sent my expectation of Thai BL Series (or BL in general) through the sky.
Amyway, for me who watched KPTS first, the novel is definitely feels like a fanfiction. One where the characters are too OOC for their own good lol. I admit I only read the fan translation, not the official one. So maybe the writing style is only weird for me because it's not a professional one? Who knows.
I only read the VegasPete novel (Like I said before, I was ONE chapter in reading KinnPorsche novel and just… gave up). Tbh I don't even remember half of it. Like, seriously, I don't remember most of the scene from the novel. How'd Pete ran from the safe house? Come to think of it, were there safe house in the novel? There're no VegasPete poolscene in the novel right? Vegas got into car accident instead. How'd it play out? How'd Vegas and Pete conversation go in the coup?
(But I still remember Venice of course. And Nop!)
And then there's chapter where Vegas, Pete, and Venice went to Pete's hometown right? To meet Pete's grandma? (which I also didn't remember how it went)
Then there's also chapter where Pete went on vacation with Main Family without Vegas and Venice? And there's scene where Vegas and Pete went back and forth comment on social media (instagram I think?) Am I hallucinating this? Or they're just fics on Ao3? Man VegasPete is messing with my brain.
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crabbng · 7 months
I've been trying to study your art style, your backgrounds I mean. Can you tell me or explain in someway how you like draw your backgrounds? Like sometimes you'll have characters interacting with an object or part of the world so you only draw that object in white space. But sometimes you go the whole nine yards and draw everything.
In white space you leave it up to us the reader to understand that the character is in that area without drawing it and that's so cool to me.
How do you know when to not redraw a background? Like in the scene when Chaarose was talking to the old lady. There was hallways drawn and you drew most of the room but for the most part the only thing that we saw was the couch/chairs so we know they were in a room but the background was white and not very much detail but we understand this was her room how did you do that? You do this with a variety of other panels like when they are in Hana's house (when baby first turns humanoid) you sometimes draw the couch or the table and there are things that indicate walls but I think it's my favorite thing in the world when you do this.
Basically my question is how do you know when to do this and how do you go about doing this? Do you just decide I dont wanna draw that background again so the reader knows where the characters are? Or do you do something else?
thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it ☺️☺️💕
i guess it's a consideration of what's important to communicate in that panel. is this an establishing shot/do i need to set a new scene? do i want to focus on the character and what they're saying? do i need to convey space in order to achieve a certain mood? (like the more recent pages of chaar where she's sitting in front of the sea looking very small)
the other thing is like. how have i arranged the people in the panel. if they're sitting down and i want to show more than their torso, it's going to look weird if i just draw them sitting on nothing. generally the more i show of a character, the more background i put behind them.
the OTHER other thing is.. man i got all these pages to draw 🤣🤣 i CANNOT be drawing backgrounds in every panel (nor should i, it gets too cluttered)
there's a sort of rule of thumb I've heard of having at least 1 panel of background per page, to ensure the reader remembers where they are, which i think is a decent starting point if it's something you're unsure about.
so yeah, idk how helpful this is, i may have rambled a bit but like. consider what the point is in having a background in a panel. whether that be you need to establish a location, your characters would be floating around otherwise, or it's important to evoke a certain mood. I'm sure there are other things, but that's GENERALLY what i consider.
imo the less backgrounds you draw per page.. the better lol. save yourself the time and wrist stress 🤣 but im also someone who enjoys focusing on characters more, so i am biased!!
amyways. hope that helps. or is interesting. i appreciate the question tho!! i am flattered u enjoy my work ☺️ feel free to hmu with more questions!
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bloomellaa · 1 year
tw: death mention/cancer.
I've been incredibly busy those last.. weeks I've had my surgery so it's gonna take at least a whole month to heal, news about my mother that will most likely die before the end of this year, it's almost has been confirmed with the doctors. Medically there's nothing that can be done for her cancer she's condemn. And I began having the biggest art block of my life rn, I think it's linked to my mom's situation tbh, I'm unable to draw anything. On a better note I began to go to therapy and I hope my therapist will help me ease everything.
With a lot of luck amongst all this and unrelated, I won a pass for a con I've attended yesterday, took a break from it today and going back tomorrow not cosplayed. I had the opportunity to put back my Jean cosplay which I will show you some pics of and a video. ✨️
Amyway it's a bit of a tough time, I saw some of you all messages I still need to answer in my ask box, you have no idea how much I appreciate them, I just have a hard time keeping up with every social media I'm on atm (twitter/instagram/facebook/tumblr) thanks for understanding , and thank you for the messages💕💕💕 and be patient for an answer 🥺💕
I love you all very much mwuah. And I hope you live a wonderful Eatser.
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nimu-nimura · 2 years
hi this is a rant, you dont have to read it, just the person i mention has my accs on every other media, plus tumblr nicest safe place.
i think my friend secretly has a twitter addiction because i was telling them how alot of new characters in x game are basically useless and have no unique purpose unless you really like them.
she then brings up another game i play that she doesnt, and pretends to know what shes talking about so i joked like haha pretends to understand.
and then she comes out with randomly, "so you can enjoy it"
and i was like what? (are you giving me permission right now to like a game that you dont play ?)
and then she was like because (first game) is bad and second is better. or something....
like ah yes because i dont like the direction of this game right now totally means i was calling it trash and saying other games are way better. (im so like wtf i didnt mention any other games, she brought them up) like talk about putting words in my mouth.... and both of these games arent even similar....
and homestly right now im burnt out of most games i play, everything is pretty boring because ive overdone it. cries.
amyway ig looking for new games and friends who are gonna act their age because this is some pre-school shit im too old for this.
i shouldnt let it bother me but its just like, oh so do you not respect me like i thought you did...
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txxxciii · 4 months
Welcome to pride month Mortal Kombat headcanons part 2!! I'll leave the link to the first part in the end of this post.
If you thought I'd go in a chronological order, like how I started with MK9 and should do MKX, but no. I'm just doing it in a completely random order. When will I stop? Who knows. :)
(Note: any characters I don't include I most likely consider cis straight. Another heads-up, I didn't feel like screenshoting the characters, so I'll instead use fanmade icons, but since I don't want to accidentally be disrespectful, I won't add in any flags. Also, for certain reasons, Cole and his family are entirely absent)
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[ICON BY instewv (deactivated)]
Man is legit so thirsty he fucking killed his crush's family /j
In all honesty, as much as I love bireena and think they're destined to be together (but every time something's wrong), I cannot comprehend the thought of 2021!Bi-han unironically liking women. Something about that fight with Hanzo just felt intimate, y'know... (if you ignore the awful camera work). Alas, he's the type of a gay person you wouldn't respect, and shouldn't, in fact.
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[ICON BY instewv (deactivated)]
2021!Sonya is sooo me fr fr. Like, the attitude? The humor? The fact that she lives somewhere in a dirt hole? The nerdy fixation?? Slay though, queen.
With everything said and checked, it's only natural that I will project my own identity into her. I feel like during her more youthful days she'd try to find some kind of a crush or a partner so she can relate to her peers, but each time it felt like a waste of space and energy. It's only when got into Special Forces that she completely gave up.
She respects people who share her mindset, or those who simply don't have the charm. She cannot stand, however, if someone insists on "fixing her" with a saying "I'm not like the other guys you've been with!". Those types of guys wake up in a dumpsite with their faces covered in bruises.
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[ICON BY instewv (deactivated)]
Every iteration of Kung Lao is gay in my headcanons. The way it's presented is different.
Kung Lao, as a monk, cannot commit himself to marrying someone, therefore, falling in love is also off the list. The difficulties in maintaining a cold-hearted demeanor began when he was assigned as a temporary supervisor to Liu Kang and his heart began to melt (side note: THEY'RE NOT COUSINS! IT'S A MISTRANSLATION! THE WORD LIU USES ROUGHLY MEANS "A STUDENT SENIOR"! READ JOHN TOBIAS' TWEETS WHERE HE DISPROVES THIS MISCONCEPTION! ALSO LIU LITERALLY SAID HE'S AN ORPHAN HOW THE FUCK WOULD HE HAVE A COUSIN? THINK, MK FANDOM, THINK! sorry I'm just so sick of seeing this same statement over and over again. back to hc ^^☆). Lao knew he felt something for Liu, but was it simple friendly love, or more? He couldn't tell, as he didn't have anyone close prior to Liu Kang. Sometimes, his anxiousness becomes so intense he isolates himself, but not for long until Liu brings him down to ground.
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[ICON BY instewv (deactivated)]
I'd imagine it's hard to get to know Liu Kang on a meaningful level, not because he's avoidant, but because 99% of the time you wouldn't know what the fuck is bro thinking about (only Kung Lao could decipher the code, and he doesn't share). Liu, in general, is pretty apathetic towards people, but once he likes you, he'll let you know. Whether it's regular private talks, sharing what's his or, hell, even saying "I like you" straightforwardly.
Don't ask why he's a demiboy though. It fits the vibes ok!!
(Insert meme: "Demiboy is a spectrum", on one end - 2021!Liu Kang, on the other - 2011!Baraka)
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[ICON BY evaporated-milf]
"For you, I don't have any standards" should speak for itself.
He's that one guy who'd fantasize about being in a str/p club with all those present in the room with him right now. But then he doesn't actually do anything romantic or sexual, he just bashes someone's head against the wall.
(Bro really meant it when he suggested Liu and Lao s/ck him off in that dinner scene /j/j/j)
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[ICON BY evaporated-milf]
Mileena is bi and it's canon, though I feel like 2021!Mileena would be masc-leaning. Doesn't mean she can't feel attracted to ladies (like girl you know you didn't need to lay on top of Sonya like that right?), but with how she's basically surrounded by men, it's obvious she'll notice her attraction with them easier.
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[ICON BY evaporated-milf]
Listen, at first I headcanoned 2021!Kabal as aroace since it just made sense in my eyes. But then I watched the Behind the scenes video where they said that Kabal carries Stryker's badge, "his fallen partner", and I'm like "Okay man, weird way of coming out but congrats". That's when I thought I should just make him homoace as a way of satisfying both the demon and the angel on my shoulders.
I didn't bother to include Raiden (genderfluid aroace) and Shang Tsung (genderfluid) since the reasoning would be the same.
This was way more fun to write as MK2021 is my niche interest that I unironically love despite knowing it's absolute trash ^^)
Anyways byeee and happy pride month!
Part 1 (Mortal Kombat 9)
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silk-fl0wers · 3 years
Soft mornings
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 💤
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Tartaglia, Zhongli, Kamisato Ayato
Warning(s): None
Genre: Fluff
Notes: Since I don't know much about Kamisato Ayato, I'll be basing him of from what I think he'll act/be like so I hope this is decent.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 💤
❅ ᴅɪʟᴜᴄ
• Spending the morning with him feels like heaven. His raspy voice when he awkens, the warmth of his body thats pressing up against you and not to mention the soft smile he shows when he sees that your laying beside him and that your not an imagination.
• Trying to hold on to him as tight as you can so if he does try to get out of bed you can always tug him back in.
• Minutes of kisses, hugs and compliments here and there but it mostly ends up for hours.
• Watching Diluc prepare breakfast with a cat apron with his ruby hair tied up into a ponytail. You can't but to peek at him while setting of the table for the two of yous.
• Unfortunetly, he can't stay long and must head to his office to sign piles of paper. But before doing so he wraps his arms around you planting a kiss on your forehead then your lips before bidding you a 'goodbye' and 'take care'
"I would love to spend the morning with you but I'm busy love, I promise to not overwork myself but I can't assure that. Now take care, Love."
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❅ ᴋᴀᴇʏᴀ
• The opposite of Diluc, he's the one who normally wakes up early to get ready for his Favonius dutys but on slow and lazy mornings he refuses to let go of you and will sleep in for however long he likes.
• Lot's of kisses definitely, he'll shower your face and lips with kisses to the point where you'll have to beg for him to stop and to catch some air.
• Making pancakes while he hugs you from behind, nuzzling his face into the side of your neck with his warm breath tickling you. Might even give you some soft kisses on there to surprise you hehe.
• He helps you to clean the dishes after breakfast is finished before he goes to his knightly dutys for the day. Before leaving the front door, he keeps you in a hug for a while then kisses the inside of your palm while bidding a 'goodbye'.
"Now try not to miss me to much, dear. Haha, I promise to try and come back home early. Now stay safe while I'm gone, goodbye for now my beloved."
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❅ ᴛᴀʀᴛᴀɢʟɪᴀ
• Now he's very very clingy, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist with his legs over yours to prevent you from leaving the bed.
• Trying to escape from his grip is almost impossible. Even with the most tinyest of movement he cuddles you closer to his chest.
• He most likely goes to bed without no shirt so now you get a better view of his chest. Amyways, after hours of trying to persuade him to get out of bed he eventually does but he grumbles and whines every few seconds.
• You know he's always going to arrive home late at nigt so you always pack him some sort of lunch and snacks if he ever gets a break from work.
• Before leaving he gives you a bone- crushing hug and kisses all over your face saying that once he becomes strong enough he'll protect you with evey fiber of his being.
"I promise to protect you with everything I have once I have reached my goal. Now, you better promise those hugs when I get back okay?"
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❅ ᴢʜᴏɴɢʟɪ
• Zhongli sleeps on his back and is very stiff. So you tend to just lay your head on his chest and curl up into a ball.
• You love to hear his steady heart beat while sleeping, it gives you some type of relaxation to you where you don't have to worry about anything going on in the real world and rest.
• Now, Zhongli won't be the type to keep you in bed if you have somewhere to intend to since he wouldn't want to be late either for his job.
• Once you both find the energy to get up from bed, you help Zhongli with his hair like brushing it and doing the ponytail for him. In return, he makes your favourite tea or coffee and serves it to you with a plate of pancakes.
• After making sure he's ready, you bid him a goodbye with a kiss to his cheek. Now you've got him blushing with a little smile :)
"Don't stay up to late and wait for my arrival. I don't want you to wait for such a long time so promise me you'll sleep instead of waiting, my beloved."
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❅ ᴋᴀᴍɪꜱᴀᴛᴏ ᴀʏᴀᴛᴏ
• I feel like he's the type to not really cuddle in bed but he'll let you hold his hand and rest your head upon his chest.
• Since he has an important role within the Kamisato Clan, he usually tends to wake up really early and goes to do his daily things like signing some paperwork from the Shoganate's people, festivals and such.
• When getting out of bed he tries not to disturb you so you can sleep in more, he knows the deeds you have done to help Inazuma keep it's peace between the Raiden Shogun and its people.
• But, if you do find him getting out of bed feel free to follow him. You normally help him set up breakfast for the two Kamisato siblings and Thoma along with yourself.
"Don't mind me dear, I'm just going to get dressed for the day. Please sleep some more you deserve it for what you have done to help Inazuma. Now rest your eyes, Love."
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b4kuqo · 4 years
just my thoughts on how i feel about the wonder boys & bakugo. this is completely my own view, i’m not saying that these have to be the case. i’m not good with words either so if i sound illiterate, i’m sorry lmfao.
feel free to read. i’m just chattin’
okay so, one thing i’ve noticed is that
midoriya focuses on becoming a hero to save.
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bakugo focuses on becoming a hero to win.
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at the end of the day both want to be strong heros who end up victorious. though each of their desires are slightly different due to what they’re mainly focusing on when defeating a villain.
bakugo and midoriya both looked up to all might as children. keep in mind, they’re so fucking young at the time. even so they both admire the strong man, each of them seem to have a different perspective of the hero. bakugo, focusing more on all might’s physical aspects (him being strong and beating ass to win).
and midoriya focusing more on his mental aspects (the want to save people with a smile. just felt like i had to add that ‘with a smile’ lmaooo)
but at the end of the day, they both want to be a hero. just as midoriya said in the movie,
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a slight difference, but nonetheless the same.
and knowing that, makes constantly think of this panel.
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like i said, bakugo’s mindset is more of.. you must be strong to win.
and midoriya looked up to that. his strength and his desire and will to become even stronger. as a quirkless boy, he couldn’t help but admire this boy his age that oozed with such a strong ass vibe. ik y’all remember when katsuki beat those older kids asses too, shiii i’d look up to him too
to midoriya, you do what you must to save.
being strong is beneficial, but he cares about saving lives the most. makes sense since he was quirkless whilst trying to save bakugo when being attacked by a sludge monster villain thingy. he tried to save his childhood friend nonetheless even so the lack of his power.
he has a good heart. he has good intentions.
and that’s what bakugo fears
or just cannot stand. (in the panel)
and i may have a understanding as to why all might thinks such a way.
in season 4, i forgot which epsiode, bakugo says something that catches my eye. he speaks on how he was raised.
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of course this contributes to the story of himself and how it affects midoriya and his’ relationship. we all know the sad past between the two boys. to put it shortly, bakugo constantly terrorized and bullied midoriya. firstly, let’s focus on why this could’ve occurred. apparently bakugo wasn’t always so hotheaded when young, and that should be able to be determined by the information in this panel.
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when bakugo first got his quirk, everybody was hyping him up. i think it got him geeking fr 💀 well he WAS a child at the time, i don’t expect him to be that humble of his flashy quirk. most kids love attention. and it caused him to become very confident. a little bit cocky as well. he believed he was so strong at the time. and of course those around him hyping him up had a influence on that attitude he gained.
now with that improval of others and with the ability to finally control this flashy quirk, he still had that dream. that dream to be a strong hero like all might. a strong hero that wins. and with that realization, he became more cockier by the fucking minute i’m looking at u middle school bitchsuki.
and with all the praise from others, who would look down on katsuki? who could’ve?
apparently, midoriya.
it was all just a misunderstanding. but remember, they’re young. they’re simple minded.
i’m not saying that makes everything that happened fine, but you must take the time and reasoning into consideration.
as the strongest, bakugo seemed to think that he doesn’t need help. if he gets helped, he isn’t strong. he couldn’t handle it himself. if he couldn’t handle it himself, he couldn’t win. and once he fell off that log and midoriya dared to raise out his hand to help the boy who fell, their different perspective clashes against each other.
bakugo immediately thought he was looking down on him. his childish mind went straight pass the fact that a friend was simply trying to assist him. that’s what made it so childish. he didn’t want that assistance. he thought it wasn’t needed, especially not with the power he had. not with the strength in general he had. not if he was going to be the number 1 hero who defeats all. and it caused him to overlook midoriya’s kindness.
bakugo was worrying about being strong.
strength. the thing that quirkless midoriya admired
midoriya was worrying about his friend.
being kind. the thing that bakugo didn’t really get due to focusing so much on his perspective.
he saw it in a whole different view. the fact that midoriya was quirkless, didn’t make it any better for bakugo. that just made it even more insulting to him.
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and so, the bullying began.
back to what i stated about the way bakugo was raised, i think if he wasn’t raised based on solving things with violence.. he wouldn’t have bullied midoriya. especially because he’d be more vulnerable and would speak rather than resolving in being physical.
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just showing this scene to show y’all how violence is truly what he resolves too. it’s how he releases shit.
amyways, notice how even so those little back up buddies of bakugo’s praised him too, but didn’t help him. yet out of the kindess of midoriya.. even so he praises him as well, he wants to help bakugo. he knows he’s strong, but he still wants to help. cause he cares about him.
and i don’t think bakugo was used to that. (bakugo seemed to grow up on “tough love.” i do believe mitsuki loves him, but he’s clearly a mama’s boy and .. mama a lil’ bit violent. just how he was raised. midoriya is more filled with strictly LOVE without the tough.)
which also causes him to react how he reacts.
and as all might said, bakugo feared his heart.
in this world, we often fear things we tend to not understand.
bakugo didn’t understand why’d he constantly chase after him. he didn’t understand how midoriya strived and wished to be a hero even so he was quirkless. he didn’t understand midoriya’s sweetness and thoughtfulness. he didn’t understand why midoriya would treat him this way and because he didn’t get it, on his own he determined it was just a way to belittle him.
bakugo didn’t understand.
and though it took him a while, it honestly make sense how he’s growing into a more mature mindset at the moment. i myself was still childish just as bakugo during middle school. it was only until high school, i improved my mindset.
people are so focused on what occurs but don’t look as to WHY this may occur. it sucks yeah, we know. but, that’s what makes the story so intriguing and realistic. this HAPPENS in real life.
personally, i went through this growing up. it’s sad to say but i heavily relate to bakugo and his attitude and actions. not proud of it, but that’s why his character seems so understandable to me.
bakugo could preach how much he hates midoriya, but he doesn’t.
we all say shit we don’t mean.
there’s more than what the eye just sees.
bakugo’s actions say so much more than just the shit he spouts.
he’s all “blah blah blah fuck deku,” til deku is FUCKED and bouta die.. then it’s all AYOWUSSGOINONIWASJUSTPLAYIN—
anyways their story is so complex. and i have so much more to say but it’s so hard to explain.
anyways, i love them. i really really love them.
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oblivious-embodied · 4 years
Are The Stars Out Tonight?
Summary: The stars may be covered, but they are always out and about, waiting to be seen.
All you need to do is wait for the moment they can be seen, and you’ll be shown a whole new, beautiful world.
Notes: This was beta'd by the wonderful @sweetmeatdale! Hello all! Welcome to my fluff! This is... the second fluff fic i have ever written, if i am not mistaken. Amyway, i am just slightly sleep deprived, and it has bleed into how i wrote this. so... Enjoy the tooth rotting fluff i have birthed into this world! and make sure to bring a tooth brush and mouth wash!
(Read here on AO3)
Lying in her bed, Marinette tries to drift off to sleep for what feels like hours. But, when she checks her phone for the time with a frustrated huff, it reads that it has only been 10 minutes since she last checked.
Letting out a long, low groan, she drops her phone and flops back down on her back.
‘Why am I having so much trouble sleeping?Isn’t Tikki always saying that “Sleep is good for the soul”?’
She clamps her eyes shut and squirms under the covers to find a comfortable position. She does this for who-knows-how-long, twisting and turning, grunting and groaning.
With another huff Marinette rolls over and grabs her phone again, only to find that just 5 minutes have passed. She lets out a growl, and looks up to the skylight, looking at the clouds, wondering if there would be a break through them to reveal the nighttime sky and stars.
She wonders if she’s the only one looking at the sky, wishing for the clouds to part.
It’s always such a wondrous thing to see the stars, a rare sight in Paris. It’s been a few months since she’s seen the stars, and she’s finding that she’s longing for those twinkling balls of light.
But there’s a sight she longs to see more than she does the stars.
She turns her head to the side and looks at her phone, but she doesn’t see it, for she is lost in memories and day (night) dreams.
The word “boyfriend” is such a wonderful word. A word that fills her with a warmth that could rival getting a hug from her Papa and Maman. Marinette can’t hide the smile spreading across her lips like wildfire in a dry forest if she wanted to. Not when she thinks about her boyfriend.
For years, she’s fantasized about being able to use that word, to be someone’s and to have someone. Someone she can call at any time to talk about something. About her stresses, her emotions, her thoughts. Someone who supports her through everything.
And, now that she thinks about it, the real thing is so much better than any fantasy she could conjure up. Knowing the feel of her boyfriend against her as they sleep, the feel of his head on her shoulder as they watch a show or movie. The way his hand fits her just so perfectly as they work on their homework. The way his hugs feel. The way he looks at her, with such love and adoration that if the sun were to be turned off, his eyes alone could light the way.
The way he talks to her, with respect, and care, mischief and humor. The way he’s always looking for a way to bring up the mood, searching for a way to make her laugh. To make her feel valued and wanted.
The way he comes to her to vent, the way he lets himself be vulnerable around her.
It’s all so, so much better than any dream, any fantasy. The things she’d dream about before… they are hollow renditions of the real deal.
Adrien Agreste, her boyfriend. The best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for.
Yesterday was their one month anniversary. All they had done was take a fully loaded picnic basket, a laptop, a blanket and a few pillows up to Marinette’s balcony. They stayed up there for hours, laughing at the shows they’re watching, pointing out plot holes and stupid tactics. They shared the food, lowering bits and pieces into each other's mouths as if the other was ruling royalty from the 1800’s. They huddled closer together as the wind blew past them, wrapping the blanket around their shoulders.
It was the most blissful thing she had ever experienced.
Correction, the second most blissful. Nothing can beat the absolute bliss that fills her entire being when they kiss. When the world around them melts into nothing but a muted background as their minds explode with color and love and excitement and contentment.
She remembers the day Adrien came to her, a hand on the back of his neck, his legs shaking ever-so-slightly, his eyes darting around everywhere, but always landing back on her face. Her lips, her eyes, back to her lips, and then her eyes again.
She remembers how his voice sounded, nervous and wavering as he stammered his words through his uncooperative mouth and tongue. ‘H-hey Marinette! It’s uh, it’s been a while since we talked, well, three day but that’s beside the point. I-I, you’re amazing and awesome and so talented and amazing and wonderful and so kind and popular and thoughtful and strong and amazing and i- Ijustreallylikeyouawholelotandiwaswonderingifyou’dliketogoonadatesomtime?’
Her smile grows impossibly wider at the memory. She’s fairly certain that she broke his eardrums from her corresponding screech, and she knows for a fact that he had a few bruises from how hard she tackle-hugged him.
For years, she was the one who was tongue tied around him, it was quite satisfying to see him stuttering and shaking in his designer sneakers. And to see his beautiful, wonderful, sunshine face heat up like the surface of the sun as he registered that they were on the ground, her on top of him.
Some days, it feels like a dream, it all seems too good to be true, but then… Adrien holds her hand, or he hugs her, or kisses her and it feels just so right that it can’t possibly be a dream.
Marinette reaches for her phone and wakes it up, her heart filling with warmth as she looks at the lock screen. It’s a picture of the two of them, Adrien is laying in the grass, his arm extended up and to the side, his other arm wraps around her waist as he pulls her to his chest. He has the biggest, doppiest, heart melting smile she has ever seen (It could put Chat to shame with how big it was), and his eyes were shining so bright the emerald green looked like other worldly stars. His pupils are dilated so much, they seem almost inhuman. Marinette’s eyes are shining just as bright, like the clear sky, or the brightest blue stars. She’s smiling just as big, the edges of her eyes crinkling as her cheeks burn pink. Just a few shades lighter than the blush coating Adrien’s cheeks.
They had spent their third date at the park, eating dinner as a picnic, and messing around the park for hours. Adrien had just barely tackled her to the ground (He took the opportunity to roll midair and land on his back to take the brunt of the fall. He said that he did it because he was raised to be a gentleman and chivalry is not dead, but she has a sneaking suspicion that he was just showing off. She isn’t complaining, though) and he initiated a tickle fight. One that he subsequently lost, because apparently, he is the most ticklish person she has ever met, right alongside Chat Noir.
The tickle fight lasted for no more than 5 minutes, and when it was over, Adrien had pulled her to his chest and he took this picture.
With a content and dreamy sigh, Marinette opens her phone and navigates to her contacts, clicking over to her favorites list and tapping on his contact info. The profile picture she has for him is when they went to an amusement park for their first date, they had just bought some cotton candy and he just stared at it for a solid minute , his eyes twinkling in disbelief, mouth open ever so slightly as the tip of his tongue rests on his bottom lip.
She spent a long time debating what his profile picture should be, it was a close battle between the amusement park picture or a picture that Alya had taken for her when they shared their first kiss on a double date with Alya and Nino. Marinette looks over to the corkboard above her bed, where said picture is tacked to the board. It shows Adrien and Marinette holding hands between them, pressed between their chests, her other hand on the back of his neck as his is on the small of her back. His blonde hair is a mess, and falling to the side as his head is tilted to kiss her better.
Looking back to her phone, she wonders if it’s a good idea to send him a text. To see if he’s awake, and wanting to talk. But… He had two shoots today, he’s certainly fast asleep by now, and she’d feel horrible if she woke him up from his fully deserved sleep.
But… she really, really, really wants to hear his voice. One last time for the night. It would certainly help her fall asleep. (She hasn’t heard his voice all day, you can’t blame a girl for wanting to hear her boyfriend’s voice as she’s trying to sleep!)
But.... he’s sure to be exhausted.
With a disappointed huff, Marinette closes the messaging app and as she’s about to lock her phone, it starts buzzing as the profile picture of Adrien shows up on an Incoming video call screen. A smile splits her face in two as she answers the call, eager to see her boyfriend for the first time that day (Okay, fine! It’s only been 4 hours since he last sent her a picture, but that’s not the same!)
“Hey, Babe!” she calls with unconcealed excitement.
“Hey, Love,” Adrien replies groggily, his hair a damp mess of blonde locks. “What’s up?”
“Not the moon” she grumps, glaring at the clouds in the sky.
At this, Adrien raises an eyebrow. “Uh, I’m fairly certain the moon is up, it’s just hidden-”
“Oh, let me have this, you adorable nerd!” she pokes her tongue out at him, and giggles as he sticks his tongue right back out at her.
She breathes a love-sick sigh, “What’s up over there on your end? Why aren’t you asleep? Didn’t you have two shoots today?”
“Uhhh… “ Adrien’s eyes cross as he focuses on her questions and how to answer them coherently and in the correct order (He does this whenever he’s tired, it is the most adorable thing she has ever seen!) “Yeah, there were two shoots today, they were hot and sticky and yucky and mean and bad and I really wanted you there because it was so boring and I had to model with a girl and she was on my arm and I felt like I was cheating on you, please don’t tell me I was cheating on you, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to, please-”
“Adrien,” Marinette cuts in with a laugh, rolling her eyes, he gets so worrisome and rambly when he’s tired, “you didn’t cheat on me, I promise!”
“But how do you know?” he whines, followed by a ‘fwop’ as he lands face first on his bed, his voice starting to waver.
Struggling to keep herself from laughing, she tries to reassure him. “Adrien, you did- you did not cheat on me. Answer me this, okay?”
“...Okay,” comes his soft, heart warming, and tear bringing mutter.
“Did you kiss her?”
“Oh, hell no ” he cries, the phone shaking as he violently shoots up into a sitting position.
“Did you touch her anywhere you shouldn’t have?”
He turns an incredulous look at her through the phone, “Are you crazy?! Of course I didn’t” his eyes suddenly darken, lips curing into a smirk as he rumbles out, “these hands are reserved for my lady, and my lady alone” Marinette has to repress a shiver at the change in tone.
“Then, you see, you dork, you did not cheat on me!”
Adrien is quiet for a moment, eyes glistening with unshed tears as he looks at her like she’s the moon. “You’re sure?”
Marinette sends him a reassuring smile. “Of course, Love.”
Adrien puts the phone to his chest and falls back on the bed again, a muttered “Oh thank God!” falling from his lips.
“You never answered my question,” Marinette says after a minute of silence, “What are you doing up so late?”
After a second’s pause, the phone screen shifts and Adrien looks at her with squinted eyes. “Why are you awake?”
“I asked you first!”
“...You did?”
“Yes, you doof.”
“Oh… uh…” his eyebrows scrunch together in confusion. “You know, I actually have no idea. I was just… awake?”
Marinette leans into the phone screen, “are you lying?”
“Babe, I don't thin’ i have the men… metal capacity to lie to you at th’s moment in time.”
Marinette can’t help but let out a laugh. It’s true, when he gets tired, he loses his whole ability to lie. “I love you.”
There’s a gasp on his side of the phone and suddenly the phone drops and a whispered “Shit” can be heard before his face appears again, sheepish and excited. “You love me?!”
Marinette quirks a brow in patience. “Yes, love.”
“Like… love-love? Not friend-love?”
“You’re one to talk, mister ‘You’re just a friend’!”
“Oh shhhhhhhhhhhush, you!”
They both dissolve into giggles for a few seconds before comfortable silence falls between them, both of them looking into the other’s eyes.
“What’re you doin’ wake?” Adrien asks, head tilting to the side like a kitten.
“Oh, me?”
“Yes, you.”
“I just couldn’t sleep, is all!”
“Awww, do you want me to come over?”
“Would it be bad if I said yes?”
“No, not at all! I’ll be over in 5 minutes!”
“Adrien, it’s midnight, there is no way you could possibly come over.”
“Sure there is! Pla-”
Adrien looks at her, dropping his hand from the fist he had raised up. “Yes?”
“It’s midnight.”
“So everyone else is asleep.”
“Uh-huh… what’s the point?”
“My point is, the Gorilla is asleep, Nathalie is also asleep, and you can’t drive.”
At Adrien’s continued look of confusion, Marinette decides to further elaborate. “This means that you can’t come over, no matter how much i want you to.”
“Oh…” Adrien’s face falls, and he falls to the floor, twirling a finger along the polished grains of the wood. “I’m sorry.”
“Babe, you have nothing to be sorry for.”
“But you want me there with you and I can’t be there.”
“Awww, Adrien…” Marinette presses her phone to her chest. “That’s not your fault, don’t blame yourself for that!”
“But I want to be there too!” he whines.
“Love, you’ll see me tomorrow before school.”
“But that’s not enough!”
Marinette opens her mouth to reply, but something he said previously catches up to her and gives her pause. “...Adrien… what were you going to say when you said ‘Pla’?”
Adrien is silent for a whole minute before replying. “Oh, uh… I was gonna say ‘Plague the sleep taker! Because, you know, I was gonna come over and snuggle you and love you and kiss you and sing yo to sleep?”
It… seems a bit far-fetched to her, but this is Sleepy™ Adrien, and he has said weirder things before. (Like that one time he told her about a dream he had in which he was a hamster and he was doing ninja things to get to her bakery to eat croissants.)
“I love you too, Adrien.”
Another gasp, “I love yo too!”
Marinette pulls the phone from her chest and a yawn escapes her mouth as she reads the time on the screen. “Love, it’s really late, it’s time to go to sleep”
“NNnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooo” he growls out, and Marinette has to shake her head to get the image of a cat growling out of her mind.
“C’mon, I’ll see you in the morning!”
“But I want to see you now!” he whines.
“...Then look at your screen.”
Adrien looks from the floor, his finger going still as he looks her in the eyes. “Woah…” he breathes, eyes and pupils going wide, as though this were the first time he laid eyes on her, “you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”
Despite hearing this plenty of times before, Marinette can’t help but blush at the unabashed adoration in his gaze.
“I love you, Adrien.”
“Awwww, shucks” Adrien looks at the ground again, tilting his head down as he rubs at the back of his neck.
Marinette sputters out a laugh, “What- who says ‘Shucks’ anymore?”
“OH! I forgot to tell you! I saw Cars yesterday! Mater is amazing and reminds me of Nino in a weird sort of way and McQueen and Sally are so frickin’ adorable and I just- I can’t, I can’t even-”
Marinette laughs at his ramblings, loving the way his eyes light up as he tells her about the things he’s finally able to do. “Dork.”
“Ah, but I’m your dork!”
This elicits a laugh from her. “Okay, you’ve got me there.”
Adrien sighs, it’s full of content. “Yeah, I do have you… And you have me!”
“You sure bet I do!”
They fall into companionable silence once more, and after a few minutes, Marinette looks to her skylight again and gasps as she sees that the stars are out.
“You good, Babe? I mean you are good, you’re the goodest person I know.”
“Yeah, yeah, i’m good, but, can you do something for me?”
“You bet I can!”
“…What do you want me to do?” Marinette’s eyes are transfixed on the stars shining in the clear night sky, but she can hear the way his eyebrows are squished together in confusion.
“Could you look out your window for me?”
A few stumbling steps later, and Adrien replies “As you wish”
Marinette takes a moment to smile at the reference.
“I love you, too. Now answer me this: are the stars out tonight?”
There’s silence, then his voice. “Mare, the stars are always out?”
“Not what I mean. Can you see the stars?”
He goes silent again. “Yeah, I can see the stars.” he says, in awe.  
“They’re beautiful, aren’t they?”
There’s a soft thump. “They sure are. That’s why I like astronomy so much. So many beautiful things out there.”
Marinette smiles. It’s so nice to hear him talk about his passions. He listens to her talk about fashion and designs all the time, she’s really glad he found something he enjoys too.
“But they only reflect the light you give off.”
Marinette smiles wider, a giggle falling from her lips. “You’re hopeless.”
“Only when I’m not with you, Marinette. Only when I’m not with you.” His voice is full of adoration and love.
“Then I’ll never leave.”
“Then I’ll look for you in the stars.” He says.
“And I’ll look for you in the stitches.” She returns.
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knadire · 5 years
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There’s no such thing as sleeping forever. No matter how dormant, everything wakes eventually.
I need to do colour-on-black and sharp shading most often. I’ve always liked how it looked. Amyways, what a happy boy! I’m sure he’ll be just as pleased when he brings on the end of the world.
You can find the full-res version as well as more drawings in the series at the link below:
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euphoriacrossing · 5 years
I am very much enjoying my gameplay of New Horizons.
If you'd like to see some screenshots I've posted so far check out my twitter http://www.twitter.com/MadiasHell (I think that is the link... my username is MadiasHell obviously, though), there I will be posting direct screenshots from in game from my switch to twitter. My twitter is for all intents and purposes an AC twitter for right now. I can't balance multiple twitters so one day it might be personal again, but feel free to unfollow as soon as the content doesn't interest you. But right now it's ALLLLL AC content.
I will still be posting things here, possibly things I don't post on twitter, I'm not sure yet. But I don't at all plan to a abandon this tumblr, it's just that the switch can post directly to twitter, though.
Amyway, last night I found out one of my "friends" from the AC tumblr community blocked me. It was a little heartbreaking and j just don't see what I did at all so, I mean, it feels bad. One, she was the one to approach me about something to begin with, and once we got to talking, I was the one to ask to be friends, but she seemed fine with it. She proceeded to have some of her own issues and maybe a week or so of not talking, which when she came back to me frazzled and apologizing, I was nothing but supportive. And then we didn't talk very much after that, but I had no hard feelings and I wasn't aware of any that she had. Then last night I went to send her my friend code and I was unfollowe by her, I was 't following her anymore and I never unfollowed her and and her blog wouldn't load to me on the app where I was signed into this account, but it loaded fine on the browser (though it should be noted she maybe read my post last night or was in the process of blocking me last night, as now you have to be signed into tumblr to reach her blog at all), which btw I went looking through her blog to see if she said something and it's just all normal AC obsession.
I feel like quite the failure. I thought I had done a cook thing in making a friend and I did what I know as ny best for them to be happy, like they were struggling so I was there to let them talk about it, I told them understood because I had suffered similar issues, but also gave them space, I didn't make them talk everyday, or anything like that.
I wonder if I reblogged something on MadiAsHell that offended them, past or presently. I usually don't really post things that are that offensive, but you know, different people find different things offensive.
Did she cyber-stalk me and find something she didn't like? I am a pretty open book, there is very little that if she had asked I wouldn't have told. I don't like myself, but I'm honest about who and what I am and have been... I hate myself especially right now, but I would have told her whatever she asked and then at least I would know if it's because I'm fat and she was struggling with eating disordered thoughts and so she might have seen that as disgusting, or because of previous, uh, naughty jobs I have had, she might have seen THAT as disgusting. I dunno, but now I just hate everything about me just in case...
I mean, I feel legit terrible. This happens more than I like to admit and the truly most shitty thing these people do is they don't freakin' tell me what I did wrong. I can't fix it, I can't do anything because I don't know the first bit of reason why any of this happened.
Maybe she was someone who "knew" me previously and didn't like me? I have made some online enemies, but I don't know who might be so immature to do something like this. I mean, mostly ny "enemies" have gotten their revenge and they wouldn't waste their time... I don't think, anyway.
But she did approach me, so... did she have a grander scheme she didn't go through with? Like could she have been the "island ruiner" who was going to become best friends and ruin islands... then why would they stop, they got so close to a completely vulnerable victim (my mental health is bad, I totally would have let them be BFs with me in ACNH... someone with such an evil plot, if it was them they almost had pulled it off, so surely it WOULDN'T be), I mean they would have gotten away with it. So surely not.
I mean, i am tempted to name her by username, because someone might know something about her. I guess I didn't know enough. But that would be rude, right? Or mean, or something.
I just want to know what I did wrong so I can fix it. So I can have friends someday...
Anyway, it was raining in Euphoroa this morning but it stopped as the sun rose over the island. It was beautiful. And for a moment I didn't care.
I think I am chugging along at a nice little clip. I went to be at about 2 last night with a headache so I woke up a couple hours later, feeling better thankfully so I could play.
Blathers set up his tent and I think I am 3 things away from unlocking the museum. And I paid off my intial 5000 nookmiles for the getaway package, and decided to upgrade to a house. I have flimsy versions of almost all the tools and I think I can buy better recipes for tools now too.
Anyway, I'm gonna get back to playing. My sister is getting up and she's still got to start the game since she didn't stay up, so at least I have her as a friend...
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shay-has-moved · 6 years
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Wowie, something not BNHA related on my page! Finally pfft-
Amyway, this is my first FMA Oc, but is it too late to be making an FMA Oc?? I’ll still post her bio below, so e h. 
"I've learned that sometimes, it's hard to keep standing with no one to support you, but that doesn't mean you should let yourself fall either." ⋅⋆∘🔱B A S I C  I N F O🔱∘⋆⋅ ◻Name: Unknown ◻Aliases/Nicknames: Etta, E-6 ◻Age: 10 ◻Gender: Female ◻Human Ethnicity: Ishvalan ◻Sexual Orientation: Demi ⋅⋆∘🔱P E R S O N A L  I N F O🔱∘⋆⋅ ◻Residence: Somewhere in Amestris ◻Place Of Birth: Ishvala ◻Occupation: N/A ◻Amount Of Wealth: N/A ◻Amount Of Education: She has no clue how to read or write, and the highest she can count is to 10. She's never stepped foot in any school, and anything she learns is from the ones around her. ◻Family: Orphaned [U]Other Relationships: ⚪Riza Hawkeye - Riza was the first to find her and took her in. She's the only one aware of Etta being a chimera, promising to keep it a secret so she'll be safe. Etta sees her as a motherly figure, and trusts her deeply. ⚪Mei Chang - The two met by chance inside an alley, but Etta didn't see her as a threat when they met. She appreciates Mei for helping her while lost on the street, and giving her the chance to meet Scar. ⚪Scar - Etta was immediately relieved after seeing a fellow Ishvalan, and of course she has Mei to thank for introducing him. The two get along well, but she is still a little intimidated after seeing what he could do. 🔘Biography/Backstory: Etta was born a year before the Ishvalan war took place, however she has no recollection of her family or any of the events that took place, so it's safe to assume she was taken while still a toddler. Etta's only memories consist of the laboratory she was tested in, full of various animals and people of different ethnicities caged up, waiting in line for their turn. It's the only thing she can remember, sometimes believing she was created there for the sole purpose of being an actual lab rat. She struggled mentally and physically, feeling torment and regret as she watched each cage around her become empty, one by one. The day the scientists running the tests were successful in their research on making Etta a chimera, was when she was handed over to the Amestrian government to be used as a spy. Although, overnight she escaped using her chimera abilities to it's fullest. Her body was still slim from refusing to eat, so squeezing out of tight places was not a problem. She managed to run into Riza, who at the time was unaware of who the escaped chimera was. Riza, noticing how frail and thin the little girl was, and having no idea whether or not she had family, decided to temporarily take her home. When Etta was healthy enough, she snuck out of Riza's home, feeling as though she was a burden to her. Awhile after wandering the streets and staying hidden, she was surprised to meet Mei, another young girl around her age. Although, Mei wasn't alone, she introduced Etta to Scar. Etta's eyes lit up, as it was her first time meeting another Ishvalan outside of her laboratory. Even with the friendly face however, she still chose to leave on her own later on. She's been on her own, wandering around the city and scavenging since. ~
[S]In the epilogue however, Etta decides to stay with Riza, who would eventually adopt her and give her a permanent home. ⋅⋆∘🔱A P P E A R A N C E🔱∘⋆⋅ ◻Eye Color: Red ◻Hair Color: White ◻Skin Tone: Dark Skin ◻Body Type/Physique: Thin, very skinny ⋅⋆∘🔱C H I M E R I C  I N F O🔱∘⋆⋅ ◻Animal Species: Mouse ◻Color Of Their Fur: Pure white ◻Color Of Their Eyes In Chimera Form: Red ◻Body Type/Physique In Chimera Form: Somewhat plump, but still thin ◻Ability To Transform Back To Human?: Yes ◻Chimeric Abilities: Sensitive hearing, heightened speed and agility, heightened sense of smell, can squeeze through tight spaces, strong and sharp teeth that can gnaw through most material. ◻Amount Of Animal Instinctual Influence: Not much, she'll get distracted at the scent of food every now and then, but she shrugs it off. ◻Other Notable Features In Chimera Form: There's a missing patch of fur with a tattoo that says "E-6". Her fur has been growing back, but very slowly so the symbols are still semi visible. ⋅⋆∘🔱P E R S O N A L I T Y🔱∘⋆⋅ ◻Personality: She's timid and easily spooked, so she only talks to those she trusts. She is smart enough to steer clear of anyone who looks to be trouble, including Amestrian soldiers. She would never intentionally go out of her way to hurt someone, unless it's out of defense. Etta is even seen to be selfless, going the extra mile to help those in need despite having nothing for herself. Anytime someone helps her, she feels guilty as if she's putting a heavy burden on them, so she tries doing everything independently. ✅Likes: Dark and dimly lit areas, fairytales, rain ❎Dislikes: Large crowds, loud noises, the cold, cramped spaces ◻Alignment: Neutral ◻Pessimist, Optimist, Or Realist?: Realist ◻Introvert Or Extrovert?: Introvert ◻Aggressive, Passive, Or Assertive?: Passive [BCU]⋅⋆∘🔱S T A T I S T I C S🔱∘⋆⋅ 🔘Strength: 2/10 🔘Speed: 9/10 🔘Agility: 8/10 🔘Intellect: 3/10 🔘Combative Training: 0/10 ⋅⋆∘🔱O T H E R  I N F O🔱∘⋆⋅ ⚫She still isn't used to fully transforming back, so often times she'll still have her rat tail, or two noticeably large front teeth. ⚫She has a minor case of PTSD. Small and cramped spaces can cause her to panic. ⋅⋆∘🔱C R E D I T S🔱∘⋆⋅
Maker of this bio template - http://aminoapps.com/p/m76j2a  I just heavily edited it.
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normalcryptid · 7 years
I don't actually know how to write this or even where to start but I wanted to write something for National Coming Out day, write a very rambling mess of a something but a something. I guess I will just start where all good stories should, at the beginning(except my memory is bad so half of this is probably out of order, opps)
I actually had my first gay moment in kindergarten believe it or not. I don't remember a lot of it though which is typical. All I really remember is my best friend at the time told me to kiss her during nap time. I don't remember if I did but in second grade she started crying one day because I did. Yeah, that's a long time to be upset over a small kiss. I know. Children man. They are insane. But hey, go me. Starting young. I wonder what happened to her? After second grade I moved away because my parents divorced and at that age there isn't much you can do.
Except that's not the beginning so fuck that gay moment. Hell, I don't remember it and I was five so does it even count? The beginning is really April 8, 2014. Threeish years ago. That's the day I met the person who would later become my best friend, the person I tell everything to, probably the most important one of this story besides me(definitely the most important person besides me). There was also two others. We were a small group obessesed with supernatural and just generally being nerdy. I fell out of touch with most of them. I honesty don't know where it all began. Sometime in late May maybe? I kinda sorta mayne grew on crush on a girl I knew named Kelsey and was shocked because uh? Excuse me, I am not gay?( pro tip, you are hella gay) So anyways I asked said nerdy supernatural obessesed good friends of mine about it because of fucking course I did and found out lots of stuff I didn't know. Like shit dudes, half of what I know about gayness is because of these dudes. So I figured hetroflexible. Right. That's that's a thing. Maybe I should sure why the hell not? I'm hetroflexible and hopefully this fades during summer when I don't see her. Yeah, that would definitely work. (it didn't) And well that was that. I just let that be for a while. Later I changed my label to pan because damn everyone is cute. Romantically. Not sexually, you know. More on the pan part later, probably.
So while that was going on I was also wondering hey I don't really feel sexual attraction so uh friends is there a word for someone that doesn't feel sexual attraction unless they like know each other? Amd my friends(bless them) sent me all sorts of fucking refrences to demisexuality and I st there thinking alright this, this is good. So I am demi? Definitely demi. Pretty sure this happened when I was 'straight' so the only lgbt+ part of me I had was that. I could work with that. Maybe this happened in my junior year? Shit, I don't actually remember exactly. This is a mess.
So hey back to the pan part. So fucking as stated, the crush didn't go away and I didn't feel like bi fit exactly. So what do I do? Of fucking course I go to my friends. Of fucking course I do. And what do they do? Help me with the questioning and send me references to pan and poli and all fucking sorts of queer shit. And the good little person I am who wanted to figure this the fuck out necause this was stressful read the shit out of those refrences, found out pan fit and boom. I was now a little demi pancake. Except I was still mostly attracted to guys so that was my life. It was a lie. I'm gay. I don't like guys.
So uh....shit I don't know. I lost touch with all except for James, my best friend. We had a long distance relationship for like a week because fuck I hate distance and anxiety. I hated having to break it off. I still like James. Except there are a lot of reasons why I won't date him besides distance. He already knows. (Sorry James. I love you though) I also had my first girlfriend from September 22, 2015 to January 11, 2016. We didn't do shit and I mostly said yes to her asking me out because I was secretly questioning if pan still fit. I am horrible, I know. I had a big crush on this girl named Casey the whole time though which is honestly digusting. Casey is horrible. Fuck her. She hasn't been on her tumblr in about a year but I fucking hope she reads that one part. Just fuck her. She isn't important. Anyways, Mariana(my girlfriend) broke up with me after a month of her avoiding me and me being the clingy anxiety filled person that I am being full of anxiety and clingy. She did it in front of a bunch of my other friends between classes using the "it's not you, it's me" line. I went to class in shock wantimg to cry with my hands shaking. It was hard to breathe. I am pretty sure I would have had a panic attack if I wasn't so surprised. There was an odd bit of me thinking hey maybe pan doesn't actually fit amyways, maybe I am really straight and this was all a lie. I pined after a lot of boys that I think I mostly liked because my friend Kamryn did since we always seemed to have the same taste in gays. And then I graduated high school. That was that.
Then I met a girl named Hailey. She replaced Casey once I found out how childish and bitchy Casey was as my best friend in person. I just kind of adopted pan again? but never told anyone. It was just kinda there? I had a crush on Hailey too but hey she is also a bitch so fuck her too. She is only important for one thing. So basically when I adopted pan again I started looking at girls. A lot. But me neing the oblivious fucker I am didn't fucking notice until April of this year when I created a thing called the Am I gay theory or AIGT for short where I would write notes and question myself. Needless to say, I wrote one note about how guys are still cute so obviously I am not gay but girls. I came out to Hailey on May 8th, 2017. It was hard. She was the first person I came out as gay to besides James but James knew this whole time. He was always there. He is hella important. I should mention him more because he was there for all of my questioning. Bless him. So Haiely. I came out to her in my work breakroom. I couldn't say it. The words wouldn't form on my mouth. She spent most of the break complaining about her shitty boyfriend. I threw in refrences. Small ones here and there. Jokes mostly. And then one that caught her attention( I said it mostly to myself) amd she went "Wait are you a lesbain or some shit?" and I replied with "Well not how I wanted to tell you but". That would be that except she decided to tell me I should at least kiss a boy before I decide this. No. Fuck that. Fuck you. Just fuck it. The next month a came out to a lot of my coworkers and friends mostly through small jokes. No one cared. Most of them already knew. I moved jobs. Come out to my new work friends really casually. (God this is a ramblimg paragrap.) No one cared or even blinked an eye. We made jokes. We still do. All was merry. I love my new work friends. Kayla keeps asking me if I talked to any hot babes and wanting to find me a girlfriend. People there ask about my nonexistent boyfriend and I talk to kayla about it and she assures me that she never thought I was straight from the moment she walked up to me to now(of fucking course). Why does everyone there assume I have a boyfriend? I own a shirt that says I kiss girls? Just why?
So then pride cameup. Here in Virginia it is later then most prides. It is always the end of September and I asked my paretns to go because I was supportive and I had lots of friends going. I was not out to them at the time. Then ironically Kayla and I had an entire conversation where she said my paretns definitely know I am gay and I said nah they suspect but don't know. The very next day was the Friday before pride and my mom calls me into the living room to basically say hey, I know you are gay. I had to text Kayla and tell her she was right. Amd then I had to comfirm to my dad that hey, I am gay. Surprise except not really because you already knew. Apparently longer then I knew myself. (on a side note, pride was amazing and it is where I got my I kiss girls shirt. I also got a pride flag that now hangs in my window) So now I am happily out as gay.
I also don't identify as demi anymore. I am a lot more ace then I originally thought as I realized in the middle of a conversation with you guessed it James. Also I have been questioning my gender for quite a while now? Hence the Elliot thing. Everyone who knows me in person calls me Zoe so they probably question why I always put Elliot down as a name with questions and why my personal tag is el. Well, I guess you know now. I still go by Zoe so dont feel bad. Call me whatever. I am comfortable with both. I let it rest for a bit because questioning is stressful and I didn't need a label. Well guess who is back on their shit? Me. So yeah, that is my rambling mess of a coming out story so I am just goimg to wrap it up.
Have a great National Coming Out day from your local gay ace gender questioning pal, kids.
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unidentifiedcosplay · 7 years
Jafax 2017 Rundown
Well, time for my usual Con rundown!  As usual everything is below the cut.
We spent the whole weekend there (Fri-Sun), which was a much better experience than last year when we only stayed one night. We stayed pretty busy on Friday with Dealer’s Room and Panels.  We bought most of our merch on Fri since we were after figures more than anything.  We unfortunately didn’t find the two figures we wanted.  But, we did find two figures that I wanted along with two figures of characters we rarely see.  Along with this we were extremely happy to see wlop in the artist alley and we picked up the two newest Fate prints they had along with a sweet Princess Mononoke canvas.  Other than those main things we bought some buttons and on sat we got some snacks.
For our panels, Kris and I ended up finding panels to back to back all night.  I went to the EVA foam panel by Karmada Cosplay and learned a few new tricks for when I start my foray into making armor.  Then we went to the asian beauty panel.  I was there to accompany her, but she did wish she wasn’t in cosplay so she could participate.  We’ve learned our lesson for if there is a next time.  Let’s see... We then went to the Masquerade tips panel (also by Karmada) so that I could get a bit of info for when I get everything around for masq at Youma.  Of course I knew a few things that they talked about, since I was in a group skit before, but I mostly needed insight into the cosplay judging portion.  I definitely feel more prepared than before.  And then to pass time between that and the Spooky panel we went to the ‘How to adult when you’re weaboo trash’.  That panel was nothing what we thought it would be and we definitely had a blast!  I got the pleasure of being roasted for my and my roommate’s figure collection.  But to be fair, I didn’t think I’d be the only one to raise my hand... Got a boat load of candy for it though.  XD  (if they’re at Youma I’m definitely not missing it.)  After that Fun as fuck panel we went to the Spooky 18+ panel, and didn’t stay long.  We thought it was gonna be something much different.  It wasn’t a bad panel, but it definitely felt like a first time panel that didn’t know if it wanted to be informative or interactive.
Ok, so Saturday... we spent time at the Amyway pool until about 2:30.  Then me and Kris went to the lolita fashion show.  It was really cool and it just reminds me how much I want to get into that scene.  But alas I am a poor binch.  An’ then we separated so I could go get April for the Fantastic Beasts panel (Which was also not what we expected, but I don’t see a lot of mythology panels and I love when there are some!)  We walked around dealer’s for a bit after that just to check things over and get snacks. Though I was fuckin’ stoked when I found the Desert Punk complete series DVD for Dad. Then it was back to the room for food and meeting up with Kris.  We chilled for a bit and then me ‘n Kris went back out to waste time before the J Michael Tatum WTF Panel.  Though we did meet a pretty interesting person while we were just fuckin’ around.  And for the life of me, I just can’t remember their name. (I’m so sorry!)  It was nice talkin with you and getting those hugs. And then J Michael Tatum panel was fuckin’ amazing! like always.  I highly recommend going if you ever get a chance, it’s definitely an unique experience every time.  XD  Then we got back to the room to watch half of Doctor Who before the storm knocked out the tv, and pack up a bit for the morning.
Sunday was pretty uneventful.  We got checked out and went to the dealer’s so Kris could sell her unwanted manga and get her comm. before we left. I got most of my photos on Sunday. ^^” I really need to work on my picture taking habits.
I was a bit sad that I wasn’t able to hang out with our other group of friends like I wanted, but our schedules barely overlapped.  Hopefully I can get some time to hang with them at Youmacon.  I miss hanging out with them.
As for cosplays for the weekend, I was casual zero!Gil (Male and Female) on Fri. and Sun.(just male)  Then Enkidu on Sat. (It was a nice cosplay to play attendant in. .3.”)  I’m on the lookout for any pictures of me ‘n Saber.  As well as any pictures that my Saber got by herself and pictures of my friend Kris who was in Corrupted Hana from ME!ME!ME!
Over all I definitely enjoyed myself. ^^  It was much better than last year, and I’d love to go back eventually.
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personalbull · 5 years
Just finished my first work day like. 20 minutes ago! In super stoked but also im really hoping itll get my anxiety under control.
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