#most massage therapists are contractors
cass-ass · 2 years
If you schedule a massage and just don't show up, you are stealing from that massage therapist's paycheck. That is an hour they have to wait around at work to not get paid for. If you aren't going to show up, don't book it or cancel the day before.
I need to pay bills too.
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Canada RMT Tax Exempt Petition 2024
there is an official petition open now for massage therapy to not have taxes charged on top of the treatment cost!!
so firstly it makes getting a massage treatment from a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) a lot more affordable!
secondly, this is huge for RMTs since we’re seen as a medical profession here and yet have to charge taxes, unlike chiros and physios that are tax exempt as medical expenses.
most therapists work as sub-contractors at clinics, so are taxed as small businesses but don’t have the expenses to claim to offset that cost (the clinics we work for claim the expenses but foot the tax bill to us once we make 30k). it gets pretty expensive trying to pay those fees each year on top of regular expenses and CEUs.
so every [Canadian] signature on this would be super appreciated and helpful!! As well as boosting the message 🙏
Thank-you so much for your time!
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📚💸 Career + Wealth Analysis 💸📚
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One of the most frequent questions astrologers receive from their clients when doing a chart reading is about their career, profession or work.
The labor we do on an everyday basis is essential when it comes to our finances and self fulfillment. It can either be something we enjoy doing that meets all of our needs, or what brings a paycheck yet lacks inner satisfaction.
There are several ways to confirm if the work you are doing is activating your Venus properly, and you may wonder why that planet in particular? Simple! Venus is related to finances, luxury, and comfort. The jobs that align with our Venus sign tend to be the ones that not only fits into our financial needs, but also provides a genuine feeling of contentment.
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So, if you want the straight forward answer to “What career/field/job/hobby can help me create wealth and feel joyful about it?” Then Venus is your short answer. Remember that wealth will look differently for everyone since we all have different perceptions of how much money is truly enough to have the lifestyle we dream of.
Look for the Sidereal sign that your Venus falls in, find below the careers or fields related to it, and confirm for yourself the difference in your wealth accumulation once you incorporate it into your life.
Note: please keep in mind that if your Venus is conj, square or opposite a malefic planet/s (Mars, Saturn, Rahu/Ketu), there will be some natural resistance or challenges that you will experience throughout life with work, job, profession, or financial matters. Venus in Virgo, Scorpio, and Capricorn to a degree could also experience similar experiences.
The house where this planet is placed also tells a lot about the way your job manifests in your life (places, people, etc). Now, there are many ways to remediate any negative effects, so no need to be concerned or feel doomed.
There are many advanced Vedic Astrologers who mostly focus on remediation of planets that are in difficult or challenged positions, so take a look at the options available if you ever feel like there's an extra difficulty for you in those matters.
♈️➡️ Vocations that require independence, daring and the pioneering spirit: entrepreneurs, pioneers in any field, idea people, those who initiate new projects, troubleshooters, directors, adventurers, executives.
Firemen or fire fighters, forest rangers, engineers (metallurgical), members of the armed forces, firearms experts, police officers, machinists, mechanics, iron and steel workers, locksmiths, welders, athletics that involve speed and daring, race car drivers, contact sports, boxers, dancers, movement therapists, physical education instructors, surgeons.
♉️➡️ Vocations dealing with the earth and substance: farmers, ranchers, agriculture instructors, landscape architects, gardeners, rock collectors (semi-precious gems), builders, carpenters, building contractors, concrete pourers, chiropractors, massage therapists, computer programmers.
Occupations involved with money and finance: bankers, bank tellers, stock brokers, financiers, money managers, investment advisors, security analysts, treasurers, economists.
Artists, sculptors, jewelers, pottery makers, fashion designers, tailors, florists, musicians, singers, voice teachers, throat specialists.
♊️➡️ Vocations involved with communication or transportation: authors, proofreaders, ad copywriters, screenplay writers, editors, reporters, teachers, lecturers, linguists, speech therapists, librarians, bookstore owners, publishers, magazine employees.
Radio operators or disc jockeys, television producers, telephone operators or repair persons, telemarketers, stationery store owners, journalists, salespeople, printers, book distributors, clerks, office workers, secretaries, typists, typesetters.
Messengers, mail carriers, taxi drivers, bus drivers, railway employees, plane pilots, accountants, jacks-of-all-trades. Can engage in two or more occupations at once.
♋️➡️ Vocations that nurture: physically or emotionally (especially through food): caterers, restaurant owners, chefs, cooks, bakers, waiters and waitresses, confectioners, dairy farmers, grocers, food distributors, nutritionists.
Social workers, counselors, psychics, nurses, family therapists, preschool teachers, children's writers, tioners, caretakers, water-related occupations, plumbers, swimmers, lifeguards, fishermen.
All careers dealing with the home: realtors, hotel managers, innkeepers, homemakers, governesses, maids, laundry workers.
♌️➡️ Performers of all types: actors and actresses, playwrights, entertainers, dancers, singers, musicians, movie stars, circus performers, jugglers, clowns, sports figures, teachers (good teachers are entertainers), amuse ment park owners, speculators, gamblers.
Leaders of all types: executives, managers, government officials, politicians, foremen, judges, athletes, salespeople, the profession of selling, promoters, dia: mond and precious metal brokers, gold workers, heart specialists, all vocations involving children.
♍️➡️ Vocations dealing with analysis, detail and technical expertise: statisticians, accountants, book-keepers, computer programmers, teachers of technical subjects, stenographers, critics, inspectors of all types, draftsmen, graphic artists, technical illustrators, crafts-people, specialists.
Health occupations and the social services, mental health workers, therapists, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, social workers, employment counselors, nurses, doctors, massage therapists, respiratory techairians, dental hygienists, dentists, secretaries, office managers, food service worker, nutritionist, waiters and waitresses, dieticians, veterinarians, zoologist, sanitation workers, janitors, public health officials, house cleaners, butlers.
♎️➡️ Vocations that pursue balance, harmony and justice: negotiators and counselors of all types, marriage counselors, wedding related businesses, diplomats, labor arbitrators, judges, lawyers, managers, salespeople.
Occupations dealing with beauty: artists, architects, painters, illustrators, photographers, fashion designers, fashion industry workers, milliners, color consultants, clothing store owners or salespeople, beauticians, hairdressers, cosmeticians, interior and exterior decorators, cosmetic manufacturers and dealers, jewelers, florists, candy makers.
♏️➡️ Vocations that focus on uncovering hidden secrets: researchers, muckraking journalists, investigators, detectives, physicists, occultists, those who work behind the scenes, espionage agents, psychics, astrologers, all matters dealing with death, funeral home directors, morticians, cemetery workers, insurance salespeople, soldiers, those working under the earth, undertakers.
Those who work as healers. all medical practitioners, physicians, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, surgeons, pharmacists, pathologists, past-life investigators, hospice workers, chemists, music therapist, musicians.
♐️➡️ Vocations dealing with exploration, travel and adventure: explorers, astronomers, travel agents, airline employees, flight attendants, astronauts, import-export agents, foreign correspondents, language interpreters, traveling salespeople, promoters, customs officers, athletes of all types, archers, sporting goods manufacturers, horse trainers, breeders and jockeys.
Occupations dealing with higher knowledge: philosophers, college professors, ministers, theologians, missionaries, preachers, orators, publishers, metaphysical writers, philanthropists, lawyers.
♑️➡️ Vocations dealing with administering and organizing: administrators of all types, managers, business owners, executives, government officials, politicians, judges, manufacturers, coordinators, principals at schools, wardens, disciplinarians, buyers, consul-tants, vocational counselors.
Occupations that work with form and structure: architects, contractors, builders, carpenterivil and rivil and get industrial engineers, economists, chiropractors, orthopedic specialists, osteopaths, miners, landowners, mountain climbers.
♒️➡️ Vocations dealing with progress and inven-tion: inventors, scientists, educators, researchers, astrologers, social workers, psychologists, futurists, humanitarians, social reformers, United Nations workers, employees of world relief organizations, future-oriented occupations, astronauts, airplane pilots, aviators, parachutists, hang glider pilots, solar energy researchers, physicists, radio and television technicians, electricians, electrical engineers.
♓️➡️ Vocations of a spiritual, healing or artistic na-ture: religious workers, priests, monks, nuns, sisters of mercy, rabbis, clairvoyants, mediums, charity workers, prison workers.
Physicians, faith healers, psychic healers, nurses, hospital workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, hypnotists, anesthesiologists, podiatrists. Poets, musicians, writers (inspirational, fantasy, metaphysical, science fiction), actors, dancers, painters, artists, entertainers, comedians, singers, filmmakers.
Water-related activities, fishermen, sailors, divers, swimmers, lifeguards, marine scientists, oceanographers, bartenders, oil industry workers.
Is your Venus sign all you need to know to find all the clues and perfect descriptions to tailor your ideal professional life? No, but it is a huge start in a small way and with short information.
If you guys would like to go more in depth with career astrology, then also take your time to check the following, and find the common theme:
•10H sign + where its lord is located
•D10 Lagna (Dasamsa chart)
•Mahadasha planet in your chart, the house its located, and where the lord goes.
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datascraping001 · 30 days
Canadian Pharmacists Email List
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Boost Your Pharmaceutical Outreach with Canadian Pharmacists Email List by DataScrapingServices.com. In the fast-evolving pharmaceutical industry, effective communication and targeted marketing are crucial for building relationships and driving business growth. One of the most efficient ways to achieve this is through email marketing. DataScrapingServices.com offers a comprehensive Canadian Pharmacists Email List designed to help pharmaceutical companies, healthcare providers, and medical suppliers reach pharmacists across Canada. This meticulously curated list provides valuable insights and contact information, enabling businesses to execute targeted marketing campaigns and establish meaningful connections with pharmacists.
List of Data Fields
The Canadian Pharmacists Email List by DataScrapingServices.com includes a wide array of data fields, ensuring a complete and detailed profile of each pharmacist:
Full Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Pharmacy Name
Pharmacy Address
City and Province
Postal Code
Years of Experience
Benefits of Canadian Pharmacists Email List
1. Targeted Marketing Campaigns
The Canadian Pharmacists Email List enables precise targeting based on specific data fields such as location, specialization, and experience level. This targeted approach ensures that marketing messages reach the right audience, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion. Pharmaceutical companies can tailor their communications to address the specific needs and interests of pharmacists, resulting in more effective marketing efforts.
2. Enhanced Lead Generation
For pharmaceutical companies and medical suppliers, generating high-quality leads is essential for business growth. The email list provides direct access to pharmacists who are key decision-makers in their pharmacies. This facilitates efficient lead generation and accelerates the sales process, allowing businesses to connect with potential clients and partners quickly.
3. Improved Professional Relationships
Access to detailed information about pharmacists allows companies to build and nurture professional relationships more effectively. By understanding pharmacists' specializations and professional backgrounds, businesses can create personalized and relevant communication strategies. This fosters stronger relationships and opens the door to collaboration and partnership opportunities.
4. Cost-Effective Marketing
The Canadian Pharmacists Email List enables companies to implement targeted email campaigns with minimal investment compared to traditional marketing methods. This helps maximize return on investment (ROI) while achieving significant outreach and engagement.
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In the competitive pharmaceutical industry, having access to a targeted and comprehensive contact list is invaluable. The Canadian Pharmacists Email List by DataScrapingServices.com empowers pharmaceutical companies, healthcare providers, and medical suppliers to execute highly effective marketing strategies. With detailed information on pharmacists across Canada, this list facilitates targeted campaigns, enhances lead generation, and improves professional relationships. To unlock the full potential of your pharmaceutical marketing efforts, consider leveraging the Canadian Pharmacists Email List from DataScrapingServices.com. Contact us today to learn more and get started on optimizing your marketing strategy.
Website: Datascrapingservices.com
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ms-pbunny · 1 month
The Service Organisations You Want (and Don't Want) Relationships With
Our daily experiences and decision-making processes can be greatly impacted by the relationships we have with service providers in today's interconnected society. But not every service connection is made equal. Here, we examine five categories of service organizations—five where establishing a rapport might be advantageous and five where it would not be.
Service Companies You Would Like to Work With: 
Medical Providers: Why: Health is vital and individualised. Establishing a close rapport with a healthcare professional, be it a specialist or primary care physician, fosters confidence and guarantees treatment continuity. When dealing with health issues, this relationship can reassure you and result in better, more individualised care.
Advisors for Finances: Why? Taking care of money is a very personal and complicated task. Advice can be more specifically tailored to your financial circumstances, risk tolerance, and goals if you have a close working relationship with your financial advisor. With time, this partnership may provide you the assurance you need to make critical financial choices.
Legal Services: Why? Because legal issues often call for a high level of trust and understanding. Having a working connection with a legal service provider guarantees that they are aware of your particular circumstances and are able to provide more proactive and knowledgeable assistance, whether it is for personal problems such as estate planning or business-related legal difficulties.
Services for Home Maintenance and Repair: Why Probably the most valuable item you have is your home. Having a relationship with dependable service providers, such as general contractors, electricians, and plumbers, can result in improved support and faster emergency response times. It also guarantees that they are aware of the particular requirements of your property.
Personal care services, such as therapists and hairdressers: Why? Personal care services are very customised, such as those offered by massage therapists, therapists, and hairdressers. Because of their relationship, they are aware of your wants, preferences, and background, which results in more reliable and gratifying service.
Service Organizations You Might Not Want a Relationship With:
Low-Cost Airlines: Reason: Rather than competing on service, low-cost airlines usually focus on pricing. Finding the least expensive route from point A to point B is the foundation of the value proposition. Given that these airlines typically don't offer very individualised service, a relationship might not be very beneficial in this situation.
Utility Providers (such as Water and Electricity): Why? Although utility services are necessary, they are frequently controlled and commoditised, leaving little opportunity for customisation. The majority of customers need dependable service at an affordable price without requiring a personal connection with their supplier.
Fast food chains: Why? Because it's quick and convenient. The product is standardised, and the interaction is transactional. Developing a relationship is of little use to the customer who is mostly looking for quick and inexpensive meals.
Insurance Companies: Why? Despite their importance, dealing with insurance companies is typically restricted to filing claims or renewing policies. Since the service is usually only used during specific events (like accidents or damages), many clients prefer simple, quick transactions over developing a long-term relationship.
Retail Banking for Basic Services: Why? Because these services are frequently routine and standardised, they are ideal for basic banking needs like checking and savings accounts. Since digital banking has become more popular, many consumers now choose efficiency and convenience over a face-to-face interaction with a bank for these fundamental services.
In conclusion, the benefits you derive from the relationship and the type of service you receive from a service organisation determine how valuable it is to have a relationship with them. Relationships are conducive to greater results and a more fulfilling experience, especially when it comes to services that demand trust, personalisation, or a sustained commitment. However, the advantages of establishing a relationship may be negligible for more transactional or commoditised services, where clients may place a higher value on affordability, effectiveness, or convenience. Making more informed judgements and receiving better service might result from knowing where to invest in these connections.
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Green Spa in Marathahalli 9900978140
Sexy Masseuse provide you with Massage with Happy Ending in Marathahalli. In our unique body to body massages, the massage therapist will spank you with your naked body. She lovingly and carefully covers your entire body with aromatic massage oils and massages up and down your body to prepare you for the pleasure to follow as she massages you and your areas erotic like nothing else can.
Body massage has its roots in ancient Japan, it is a very intimate massage that stimulates and satisfies your sexual desires. Using body contractors is a practice that comes from the old technical principles of improving physical and mental health, while one of the most erotic experiences you can imagine as your beautiful masseuse with her body and will use her skilled hands to caress, seduce and tease you.
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spaworldinbengaluru · 6 months
Spa World Expert Female To Male Body Massage Spa In Indiranagar 9900965948
Sexy Massuse provide you with Massage with Happy Ending in Indiranagar. Spa World in Indiranagar, Bangalore Offer Service like Body to Body, Nuru Massage, Sandwich Massage with Full Service Spa in Indiranagar.
In our unique body to body massages, the massage therapist will spank you with your naked body. She lovingly and carefully covers your entire body with aromatic massage oils and massages up and down your body to prepare you for the pleasure to follow as she massages you and your areas erotic like nothing else can
Body massage has its roots in ancient Japan, it is a very intimate massage that stimulates and satisfies your sexual desires. Using body contractors is a practice that comes from the old technical principles of improving physical and mental health, while one of the most erotic experiences you can imagine as your beautiful masseuse with her body and will use her skilled hands to caress, seduce and tease you.
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kennynailtech · 1 year
You have a lot more career options as a cosmetologist than you would think. Your cosmetology license may in many places also entitle you to employment in related fields like massage therapy. Cosmetology's complementary sector is the massage industry, which is frequently provided in salons and spas along with hair styling, manicures, pedicures, and other services. Because of this, many aspiring or seasoned cosmetologists naturally prefer to enter this field.
1. What is the future of work?
The massage sector is anticipated to develop by 23 percent until the year 2022, which is substantially faster than the average for vocations, according nail wholesale supply near me to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The demand for massage therapy is rising as more individuals turn to it to relieve stress and ailments that are linked to stress. Over the next ten years or more, there will be a greater need for massage therapists to match the demand.
2. Is a Cosmetology License Required?
The majority of states mandate that massage therapists hold a license. To find out whether massage qualifies for a cosmetology license or has separate certification requirements, check with your state's regulatory body. Normally, you must complete specialized training in at least one best nail supply store near me massage modality and pass the state licensing exam in order to become a massage therapist. According to Beauty School Directory, most states demand at least 500 hours of training before you can take the exam. To find out what you need to do to comply with state law in your state, contact the licensing board in your state.
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3. What Does a Massage Therapist's Workday Look Like?
Only one in three massage therapists have a full-time schedule; the majority work part-time. Although some salons, spas, or massage parlors will recruit the therapists as employees, many massage therapists work as independent contractors or launch their own business, according to Wise Geek. A masseuse typically sees numerous clients in a single day, and each session is customized to the client's specific requirements. To make sure that the correct needs are satisfied and there won't be any difficulties, a massage therapist must also discuss the client's medical history.
Most therapists are asked to take client notes, schedule appointments for professional nail supplies both new and existing clients, wash linens, and assist in the salon and spa in addition to providing massages to their clients on a regular basis.
For individuals in the beauty industry, a rewarding and well-paying job option is massage therapy. You get to interact with your regular clients and feel good about assisting in people's mental, physical, and spiritual healing.
Massage therapists and other cosmetology professionals can receive affordable, hassle-free online continuing education with Beauty Academy.
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ultra-maha-us · 2 years
Preparing for a Massage Interview - What Every Massage Therapist Should Know and Ask
Before you can start working as a massage therapist, you have to perform a massage interview to get the job, and interviewing for a massage position is quite different than most other interview processes. For many massage therapists, the first job they hold directly out of massage school is for a chiropractor, or a spa / salon owner instead of working as an independent contractor, and it's important to know what to ask in order to accept the right position. Understanding if you will work as an employee or an independent contractor - especially when a massage therapist is beginning his or her practice - is helpful when deciding where to work.
Why You Need a Resume and Cover Letter When Interviewing for a Massage Position
While you will not be sitting at a desk or crunching numbers, you do need to prepare a resume and cover letter for your anticipated massage interview. Even though it is a non-traditional environment, your employer will want to see that you are a professional massage therapist who can represent himself or herself adequately, and a well-written cover letter can show that you have good communication skills - an invaluable asset when working with a diverse set of clients. Be sure to include information about your school, your modalities, and your intended certifications - the more a potential employer knows about you and your specific interests, the more you will stand apart from the rest of the crowd and the higher the likelihood that you will soon be interviewing for the massage position.
Coming in for a Massage Interview
When you receive a call to come in for an interview, prepare to actually give a massage. This might surprise some applicants, but you are interviewing for a massage position, and your employer wants to know what you can do and what your style is like. Because you want to be comfortable while giving the massage, be sure to wear an appropriate outfit hamam for both a massage and an in-person interview. Often, clean, long black yoga pants and a collared shirt will do just fine. Unlike most interviews where applicants are expected to wear slacks and a button-down shirt, your potential employer will expect a massage therapist to be dressed for the test massage. Just to be sure, when you schedule the massage interview, ask over the phone what would be appropriate attire. Additionally, it is always a good idea to arrive at the massage interview fully prepared - a massage therapist should bring supplies to the interview such as sheets, and lotion or oil. While the interviewer will likely have these supplies on hand, it is always a good idea to be in control of the session by being fully prepared.
When interviewing for a massage position, depending on the size of the business, a human resources person or the owner will likely be the first person to sit down with you for a few moments and talk with you about your education and experience. During the massage interview, be prepared to talk about what you learned in school, what your strongest and weakest modalities are, what you envision for yourself as a massage therapist, and about your previous experience with clients. Then you will give a test massage, either an abbreviated (30 minutes or less) or standard (one hour) massage, showing your abilities to give Swedish and deep tissue massage. Interviewing for a massage position sometimes, but not often, involves you being asked to display competence in additional modalities that you have listed on your resume such as hot stone therapy, or sports massage.
It is important to be yourself during the massage interview. Just relax and give the same massage that you would give to a client. Do not be nervous, because it will come through in your touch. Your employer is looking to see your skill as a massage therapist, and the more natural and relaxed you are the better interviewing for the massage position will go.
Getting the Job and Working
If the massage interview goes well and you get the job, you will likely begin either as a full-time or part-time massage therapist. Be sure to speak with your employer up front about the method of compensation and your designation as either an employee or an independent contractor, because these are very different and can make a big impact on your revenue and tax filing at the end of the year. This is a very important question to ask when interviewing for the massage position as employees are expected to work during a set number of hours, can only work for one employer at a time, and must comply with the employer's standards of service and instructions about how to deliver massage therapy. From a financial standpoint, make sure that you understand during the massage interview if you will be an employee, as employers pay the majority of the employee's taxes, and the massage therapist is often eligible for benefits such as health insurance and paid vacation time.
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jadonsancho09 · 4 years
Community Business Token[CBT]
CBT - transparent and stable trading platform
DigitalFlyer TM : The Most Affordable Business Service Platform in South Africa Introduces the Community Business Token
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CBT provides a transparent and stable trading platform to the benefit of both the service and product providers and their customers. DigitalFlyer, along with CBT, is more than just a business listing or marketplace: It is funded, updated and maintained by the business community and our business members. It is anticipated that every one-man business, small to medium enterprise, and start-up will be using DigitalFlyer and it's digital trading and business service platform, powered by CBT.
DigitalFlyer SA where buyers and sellers comes together! Register your business today with www.digitalflyer.co.za and BE FOUND
DigitalFlyer #FINDandbeFOUND
About The Community Business Token (CBT)
CBT provides a transparent and stable trading platform to the benefit of both the service and product providers and their customers. DigitalFlyer, along with CBT, is more than just a business listing or marketplace: It is funded, updated and maintained by the business community and our business members. It is anticipated that every one-man business, small to medium enterprise, and start-up will be using DigitalFlyer and it's digital trading and business service platform, powered by CBT.
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Why CBT?
CBT’s vision and focus is to allow any type of community business, enter the digital era of doing business, while funding community projects for upliftment and upskilling.
Community Projects
CBT funding is mostly ear marked for various community projects including children schooling, community support, community health and entrepreneurial skilling. Stay connected to learn more.
Business and Marketing Platform
CBT is not just something that would be done in the future but an extension of an existing and growing business platform. CBT is not a future planned concept but a living and growing community infrastructure.
Giving back from the word GO
CBT’s referral bonus structure is a money back guarantee option. Our CBT partakers have the option to earn even before the CBT is closed. Make sure you read our Whitepaper and learn about the CBT bonus and cash pay-back package options.
Token Details
Ticker: CBT
Total supply: 70000000000
Token Distribution
20000000000 For team and participating members and reward circulation
50000000000 for public sales and bonus payouts
Accepted Currencies
Min Contribution
Company Details
Registered Company Name
Community Business Token
Registered Country
South Africa
Company Founded
Feb 28, 2020
Bonus Structure
Sale 3
01 Sep - 30 Nov 2020
7.5% Bonus
Bronze Package: $50
Bonus Coin:
Total Coin:
Silver Package: $100
Bonus Coin:
Total Coin:
Gold Package: $200
Bonus Coin:
Total Coin:
VIP Package: $500
Bonus Coin:
Total Coin:
Elite Package: $1000
Bonus Coin:
Total Coin:
Additional Details
MVP/Prototype: Yes
Platform: ERC20
Categories: Platform
DigitalFlyer Overview:
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Firstly, it is important to understand DigitalFlyer’s business offering in order to appreciate its value as the chosen vehicle for the Initial Community Business Coin Offering. Digital marketing is the most powerful marketing platform yet in the history of our planet. We have access to around 3.5 billion users via smart devices, enabling you to sell just about anything to anyone. The trick is for you and your customer to find each other. A digital marketing base makes it possible for you to start or boost a business more easily than was possible in the past.
DigitalFlyer is a business-to-customer (B2C), as well as a business-to-business (B2B) platform focussed on serving small to medium enterprises, connecting customers to their chosen service provider or product. DigitalFlyer is an established and growing marketing and business service platform.
You started your business to make more money. You want to do what you enjoy and profit from it. In order to do that you need your time to be available to you to generate more business and more profit, not to spend time and most of your budget on administration, invoicing, marketing, social media and websites. We have created a, growing and evolving, toolkit that does all that for only R600.00 ($40) a year. By joining our network and community we multiply the value of your R600.00 ($40) many times over. DigitalFlyer is not a middleman, but an enabler and connector.
We provide you with the means to free up your time so that you can focus on your health, wealth and happiness. Our platform achieves this by lightening the administration and marketing load at an affordable price by opening the communication channels between those looking for a service and those providing it. You and your customer target each other which makes landing new business a pleasure. The platform adapts to your industry to upskill, train and empower you at whichever experience level or business stage you are at by providing you with a customisable one-stop business marketing and, ever evolving, administration platform. Our modules will streamline any business so that you are able to focus not only on doing business, but on creating wealth.
DigitalFlyer charges a R600.00 ($40) annual business membership fee for the following services which we call business modules:
Business and Marketing Platform
Your business profile can be found via web searches on our web platform and app.
Other modules that will be available as a growing list of separate add-ons to your directory are:
Recruitment made easy on our Job Seekers and Job Givers platform
Outsourcing platform for specific contractors, such as developers
Second-hand car sales section
Real-estate section
Full eCommerce Module
We provide you with the option of integrating with one or all the below online payment merchant accounts. This enables you to get paid with no commissions charged by DigitalFlyer for any sales. All commissions will be charged according to the contract with the respective payment merchant. We will always be researching the best suited payment gateways and continue to add more options.
Sage Pay (Enabled) – DigitalFlyer is the only platform that allows for multi Sage Pay account integration, meaning each of our business members can integrate their own Sage Pay account to their DigitalFlyer profile, and be paid directly.
Chips Money Manager (Under review)
K-Merchant (Under review)
PayFast (Under review)
PayPal (Under review)
Events Management Module
Any business member or user can use the Events Listing module to list upcoming events free of charge. Business members can use the full events management system to sell tickets, add merchandise and manage an event’s ticket sales.
Appointment Booking Module
All business members can use the booking system to manage their appointments. This plug-in is designed for service-based businesses, such as hairdressers, massage therapists, estate agents doing house viewings, or any other service that books out specific time slots for customers. The customer can book a desired time slot and even pay a deposit if required. Both the customer and business member will be able to track and modify their appointments.
Customer Relationship Manager (CRM)
All business members will be able to manage their customer relationships and track the status of their sales and leads via the CRM module.
Email Marketing
Email funnel – The business member has the option of creating multiple funnel mails and execute said funnel at their leisure. The platform will be POPI Act enabled, and each member will have the ability to build their own email lists.
Social Media Module
All business members will be able to integrate the major social media platforms into their marketing strategy and publish articles, messages, service or products from a centralised dashboard to all their selected social media platforms. This module will also be able to track the success of marketing campaigns, enabling our business members to adapt their marketing campaigns to maximize customer reach.
Accounting Module
All business members will be able to access basic accounting functionality on our system. Included will be the ability to action and record the following information on the fly:
Purchase Orders
Slip Management
VAT Management
Bank Reconciliation
Stock Management Module
All business members will be able to manage their stock directly from their dashboard. Stock levels can be customised with an automatic ordering setup and early warning system when stock levels are low. This plug-in will be fully integrated into the eCommerce module.
Human Resources Module
Business members will be able to manage all employee records from their dashboard, advertise available positions and publish basic job requirements.
Legal Contracts and Administration Manager Module
Business members will have a fully integrated legal file system to store, secure and manage all contracts and legal advice.
Public users i.e. customers will benefit from the following free of charge:
A personalised dashboard offering functionalities such as:
Favourites list
Transactions list
Appointment calendar
Personalised and family shopping list (shared and accessible from various devices)
Holiday planning chart
Personalised communication preference, such as specials or location notifications
Points reward tracking and management plug-in
The DigitalFlyer platform is adaptable and constantly evolves as we receive feedback from business members and their customers. It is with this community of production and exchange that we have decided to grow the platform’s ability to create wealth and opportunity for our members and their customers alike. We invite you to continue reading as we introduce you to our Community Business Coin.
Technical Info
DigitalFlyer and CBC Technical Overview
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User Interface and Communication
DigitalFlyer’s business members will manage and administrate their tasks via a web interface available on all major web browsers. Basic tasks and communications will be done via the app interface.
Public user functionality will be available via the web and app interfaces. The app interface has been built on React Native for the fastest operation and phone OS integration. The app is available on iOS and Android stores.
All communication will take place digitally, utilising blog posts, via the member’s back office which will keep business members and users updated on our latest news. Our own integrated chat module will provide a real time support platform where we can quickly respond to business member and user queries. Social media platforms will be used to communicate public news and updates. The aim of all our communication channels is to maximise efficiency and minimize costs to our business model. The acquisition of on-going concerns will add a further market value growth to DigitalFlyer, resulting in the increased value of the CBC, which is linked as a tradable coin between DigitalFlyer business members and clients alike.
DigitalFlyer is a market leader in the field of digital marketing and business support. The team strives to provide top quality service to businesses and their clients by streamlining the process of connecting business to client and client to business. DigitalFlyer sources and provides best-of-breed business support partners, accounting systems and support services. We can offer this at an affordable price because we already have an active and operational platform, delivering on quality and focused on quantity.
Now, DigitalFlyer has gone one step further by introducing the Community Business Coin and our Initial Coin Offering. We created a space where our business members and their customers can generate wealth by partaking in and trading with CBC’s on our existing platform. We invite you to partake in our CBC ICO during our 12-month cycle and reap the potential benefit of an estimated 3000% growth on your initial buy-in or CBC value at the end of the ICO. Furthermore, you could not just increase your share of CBC’s by referring customers, business partners and friends. Our shared goal is more business, more profit and ultimate wealth generation, converting individual businesses and one man shows to self-sustaining prospering communities.
Community Business Token Roadmap
Community Business Expo
Regular expo's were held but due to covid-19, got put on hold till further notice
HelpLift platform
The HelpLift platform was developed as part of the community drive and can be found at www.helplift.net
CBT Wallet
Deadline was set for December 2020 but wallet is already active and being used by members
Launch CBT on exchanges
Time frame is once ICO completes CBT to be listed on various exchanges
Our Team
We are proud to introduce our team
Our team consists of a collection of people with experience who have earned the title of experts in their field and each perfectly aligned with the vision of CBT and DigitalFlyer. The full team’s page will be updated on a regular basis as we add more team members.
Dewald Rosema: Founder and Visionary
Abhishek Mehta: Technology Master Mind
Andrew Visagie: Wellbeing and Communications Expert
Jeetesh Gajjar: Product Owner
Doepie Du Plessis: Financial Distributor
Deep Yadav: CTO
More information
Telegram chats: https://t.me/CBT_Bounty, https://t.me/cbtico, https://t.me/SoficoBounty.
Bitcointalk username: Jadon Sancho
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2954208
Telegram: @Jadonsancho09
ETH Address: 0x5541Bd8145965dFBE8CE3429898000605F689904
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datascraping001 · 2 months
Canadian Pharmacists Email List
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Canadian Pharmacists Email List
Boost Your Pharmaceutical Outreach with Canadian Pharmacists Email List by DataScrapingServices.com. In the fast-evolving pharmaceutical industry, effective communication and targeted marketing are crucial for building relationships and driving business growth. One of the most efficient ways to achieve this is through email marketing. DataScrapingServices.com offers a comprehensive Canadian Pharmacists Email List designed to help pharmaceutical companies, healthcare providers, and medical suppliers reach pharmacists across Canada. This meticulously curated list provides valuable insights and contact information, enabling businesses to execute targeted marketing campaigns and establish meaningful connections with pharmacists.
List of Data Fields
The Canadian Pharmacists Email List by DataScrapingServices.com includes a wide array of data fields, ensuring a complete and detailed profile of each pharmacist:
Full Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Pharmacy Name
Pharmacy Address
City and Province
Postal Code
Years of Experience
Benefits of Canadian Pharmacists Email List
1. Targeted Marketing Campaigns
The Canadian Pharmacists Email List enables precise targeting based on specific data fields such as location, specialization, and experience level. This targeted approach ensures that marketing messages reach the right audience, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion. Pharmaceutical companies can tailor their communications to address the specific needs and interests of pharmacists, resulting in more effective marketing efforts.
2. Enhanced Lead Generation
For pharmaceutical companies and medical suppliers, generating high-quality leads is essential for business growth. The email list provides direct access to pharmacists who are key decision-makers in their pharmacies. This facilitates efficient lead generation and accelerates the sales process, allowing businesses to connect with potential clients and partners quickly.
3. Improved Professional Relationships
Access to detailed information about pharmacists allows companies to build and nurture professional relationships more effectively. By understanding pharmacists' specializations and professional backgrounds, businesses can create personalized and relevant communication strategies. This fosters stronger relationships and opens the door to collaboration and partnership opportunities.
4. Cost-Effective Marketing
The Canadian Pharmacists Email List enables companies to implement targeted email campaigns with minimal investment compared to traditional marketing methods. This helps maximize return on investment (ROI) while achieving significant outreach and engagement.
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In the competitive pharmaceutical industry, having access to a targeted and comprehensive contact list is invaluable. The Canadian Pharmacists Email List by DataScrapingServices.com empowers pharmaceutical companies, healthcare providers, and medical suppliers to execute highly effective marketing strategies. With detailed information on pharmacists across Canada, this list facilitates targeted campaigns, enhances lead generation, and improves professional relationships. To unlock the full potential of your pharmaceutical marketing efforts, consider leveraging the Canadian Pharmacists Email List from DataScrapingServices.com. Contact us today to learn more and get started on optimizing your marketing strategy.
Website: Datascrapingservices.com
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smendoza68 · 4 years
Stressed out Rant.
Sometimes I wonder if there is anyone out there like me…constantly worrying about life, and then being stressed because I am worrying too much. There must be people that feel the same way, right? There must be people who understand what I mean, although I am sure it sounds confusing.
2020 has not been the best year for me or for anyone I’m sure, but it has also not been my worst year. For that, I am grateful. It has had its ups and downs, and overall brought me to a place of more clarity than ever before. I have spent most of the year on my couch truthfully, but I have actually spent time on my mental health, learning new things, and delving deeper into philosophy (which I have always been interested in). Overall, it has been a decent year for me. Still…I find myself in a place I am all too familiar with, feeling stressed.
A few years ago I decided to quit my job to become a massage therapist. I left a job of security for a career holistic care. I wanted to be part of an industry that helped people. Helped them to feel better physically and mentally. Unfortunately, that is not really the experience I have had. I went from having a steady pay check and living well (monetarily), to a life of barely being able to make it by. I made every effort to make sure I was getting a steady stream of money, took a job at a spa, worked for an independent contractor site, and promoted myself at the gym I frequented. Still, nothing. It seemed no matter what I did I was unable to pull myself out of this rut I was in. I switched up my career because I thought I would genuinely be happier. To me helping others seemed ideal, but no one wanted my help. Well, not if they had to pay for it. Everyone I told about my career was more than happy to volunteer, you know, if I needed some “practice”. Then 2020 hit and there was no massage available at all for about 4 months. To be honest this was kind of a relief…I mean being forced not to work was better than admitting to yourself, you are failing.
I like most people, collected unemployment. For the first time in about 12 years, I didn’t have a job. For most of the 12 years I had two jobs and went to school. I was always busy, and for the most part, liked it that way. I have never been rich, but was always able to make it by. This was nice for a girl who grew up extremely poor. I mean sleeping in a car or motel some nights, or 6 people in one room poor. On unemployment it was nice, of course we received the extra so that was nice. I paid some of my debt off, though not all of it, not even close. Most of this debt from that massage schooling that has yet to pay off. So even though the unemployment was nice, I have been constantly trying to find work to ensure a steady income.
It is rough out there. I am applying to more steady jobs, since massage is obviously not paying off. The issue is basically no one is hiring. When I do get an interview I get judged a lot for getting my massage license. People fear that I will not be serious about this job because I have switched up my career in the past. Pay no mind to the fact that I was at my last company for 6 years, and multiple other jobs for 2-3 years, in my younger years. I have worked hard my whole life, and have always dedicated myself to whatever I do. Still, it seems no one cares. So, I am back to where I have been many times before, worried. What else can I do? Seems to be the question I often ask. Every time I make an effort to work harder to switch things up, it seems I am too late or perhaps, too early. I am not sure. What I do know is…I don’t know what to do, but as usual, I will try to just figure it out.
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missroserose · 5 years
For the watercolor asks -- indigo, mars brown, light green, and scarlet. Tell me all the things, haha.
💕Excellent!  We can be greedy together tonight.
indigo: what’s the best/sweetest compliment you have ever received? 
Hrmmmm.  I’ve had a few, I know, but remembering is always the tricky part.  One of my favorites was in a professional context—I had a yoga student who sees a lot of massage therapists, and he happened to be in my neighborhood one day so he called to see if I was available.  About midway through, as I was working on a particularly stubborn knot, he said, impressed, “You know, you have a very educated elbow.”  I about busted a gut laughing and asked him to put it in a review on my Massagebook page; sadly, he never did, but I treasure the memory anyway.  (I’ve thought more than once that it’d make a great name for a massage-related blog, but given my track record trying to manage multiple social media accounts, that seems doomed to fail...perhaps I’ll make it a Tumblr tag, though!)
As for a more personal compliment, one that’s stuck in my mind was probably a good seven years ago.  I was walking through downtown Tucson, which is a particularly funky/arty kind of area (ASU is not far away), and I passed a random dude on the street.  We made eye contact just briefly before we passed, and as I went by I heard him say “You are beautiful—” and I get complimented on my looks a lot, especially with the hair, but it was the way he said it that stuck in my mind.  Almost reverently, under his breath, like a prayer or an expression of wonder.  I turned and gave him a big smile before continuing on my way.
mars brown; what’s a movie that always puts a smile on your face/makes you laugh?
I have lots!  What We Do In The Shadows and The Lost Boys are both solid choices, because I love my horror-comedy vampires; V for Vendetta is one I turn to when I need to reinspire my faith in humanity.  Juno is probably my warm-fuzzy-feelings movie, I love the characters and their relationships in it.  And Scott Pilgrim vs. the World never fails to make me laugh, despite its use of some tropes that I have less patience for as I get older. 
green light; are you in a comfortable place in life? if not, what do you think might make it better?
This is a somewhat complicated question for me.  I have a long history of trying hard to find the comfortable place as quickly as possible and stay there as long as possible, whether in work or social relationships or hobbies or whatever.  And that’s not necessarily a bad thing; it means I pick up new skills relatively quickly because I’m devoted to practicing them until I have them down.  But obviously, if I don’t keep learning, I get bored and stagnate.  It’s easy for me to grow so afraid of having to keep doing difficult things that I give up on something.
All of which is to say, this might have something to do with why I took on the condo board president gig despite it basically being another part-to-full-time job.  It’s been a rough couple of weeks, but I feel like I’m starting to get a handle on things.  As to what might make it better, well, a 30-hour day would be a good start, but I’m willing to settle for a decent filing system, a slate of good contractors on call, and another $80K in reserves so I can stop worrying about when our roof will need replacing. :P
scarlet; describe your current crush/es.
Oh, my friend.  I have so many.  Really, I could copy/paste your answer right here—I admire so many things in so many people.  Kindness, and creativity, and wit, and laughter, and a willingness to be humbled by the humanity in another—all crazy attractive.  Sadly, being poly doesn’t automatically mean I can pursue them all (or perhaps not sadly, as I’d probably spontaneously discorporate from trying to move in a hundred directions at once)—finding someone I’m attracted to, who’s attracted to me, who’s interested in the type of relationship I have to offer and in a place to pursue it ethically is...tricky at best. But it’s nice to know there are so many possibilities out there, even if most of them are unlikely to ever play out.  💕
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kennynailtech · 1 year
8 Ideas for Launching a Massage Therapy Company
If you're a massage therapist, you might be considering starting your own business. While some therapists want to work independently, others prefer to start their own spa, massage shop, or other business. Although it is a vocation wholesale nail supply store that lends itself to going it alone, there are numerous challenges and roadblocks to overcome when you do.
Capital will be one of your biggest obstacles, but it won't be the only one affecting your ability to start a successful firm. The best chance you'll have to flourish on your own, according to Massage Today, is to have good business management, which covers finances, time, branding, marketing, and customer service. You should make sure to follow these eight suggestions whether you run your new business alone or with the help of contractors.
1. Create a Comprehensive Business Plan
Make sure you have a nail technician supplies wholesale thorough business strategy written before you take any action. This ought to outline your objectives as well as a timetable. This will not only assist you in determining the various steps you must follow, but many banks and investors will request to view your business plan before funding your endeavor. Consult a professional if you have any questions regarding how to write a business plan.
2. Credentials and Permits
If you're thinking about going it alone, you probably have have the training and license needed in your state to perform massage therapy. To start your firm, you will need to obtain your certificates, though, if you are not fully qualified. Not only are certifications and licenses necessary by law, but they also serve to protect you and your company and uphold your reputation as a professional.
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3. Affiliate with a Professional Organization
You will benefit in numerous ways by joining a professional organization like the American Massage Therapy Association. First off, it will give your customers a sense of professionalism and trust, which will help you draw in more customers. It will also assist you in expanding your professional network. Additionally, you may frequently find advice and assistance for successfully managing your business while keeping up with the most recent developments in the industry.
4. File the Documents Correctly
You must complete the necessary paperwork, including registering your business name, before starting your venture. You must also choose your business nail salon supply store near me structure, such as sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, or corporation. You should make sure that everything is filled out completely and accurately to prevent any future hassles. Hire a lawyer or lawyer service if you require assistance with filing company papers.
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jwes210-blog · 6 years
Things to know to about becoming a massage therapist
What do you need to know to become a massage therapist? This is one of the most essential questions that people fail to do their research on before they decide to go to massage school.  Questions such as,  how much can you make, can you make a good living, what do you need to learn, etc.
Most often when you are just thinking about the idea that you might want to become a massage therapist you often don’t even know what questions to ask.  Things that are a tad bit off the wall, but really are questions that should be considered.
You have to touch people! Skin to skin contact! Remeber this profession is about helping people, even if they are a stranger.
Most massage therapists start their own business. Even most jobs are actually sub-contractor jobs so that really means that you are starting your own business. Even jobs require that you do sales of products and promote your services.
Every day you have to do something to get a steady flow of new clients – write pages for your website, start a marketing campaign, network with doctors and other professionals, sign up with Last minute Massage ;o).  Even if you have a full day of massage clients you have to do something to keep clients coming in the door.
You really should cut your nails.  Clients don’t want to be scratched.  I know I definitely do not.
Erections are a reality.   You should to be prepared and know how to deal with them and get support in dealing with them.  There isn’t any one simple answer.  They just are.
The physical and mental strain of working on people all day in a dark room, alone, not talking for the most part is isolating.  Taking care of yourself so that you can handle the demands is the first step in being a successful massage therapist.
Are there any things I’m missing here, that you have thought of that you didn’t think of when you decided to become a massage therapist?
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Modern AUs I Wouldn’t Want to Be Responsible for Writing, Part 1: Pillars of Eternity
@bloodilymerry, this post is your fault. So, we got to thinking about how we would populate a modern AU of the Pillars of Eternity series—and by modern AU, I mean one taking place in the contemporary or near-contemporary real world, with no or minimal fantasy elements, because that’s the most difficult kind to make workable and therefore the most fun puzzle to solve. Ideas below the cut.
Consider all of these to be footnoted with “research well, and tread lightly”; the games touch on some heavy issues to begin with, and without the fantasy setting to give us some distance from them and make them easier to bear, we can end up in some really sensitive territory. Hence why I wouldn’t want to be in charge of actually writing any of this—getting this stuff right would be a heavy responsibility.
Aloth: Educated but didn’t have the connections to get a job in his field, so we may find him working a menial job (or indeed several part-time ones) to get by. Depending on exactly when and where our AU starts and what his standing with the Leaden Key is when we meet him, he’s either still with the cult he joined to get away from his abusive family or beginning the process of extricating himself.
Edér: Can stand largely as he is, as a farmhand and war veteran. This is going to end up touching on geopolitics as well as more personal issues like family tensions and PTSD, especially since 15ish years before the present day would put his and Woden’s military careers in the years after 9/11. I leave how to wrangle their ethnicity and religion and the relation of those things to The War as an exercise to the reader.
Sagani: Oof. The obvious choice is to make her Inuit, isn’t it, or if not that then from some other indigenous group. Which’ll mean she’s affected by some serious issues and prejudices. (For one, the settler state considering her fitness as a mother suspect.)
Hiravias: Either indigenous or a poor Gaelic or Welsh speaker from the areas where those languages are hanging on. Oh, and the “wandering druid” thing translates into him being homeless.
Grieving Mother: Needs some changes if we’re stripping away the fantasy elements. Perhaps she was recommending substances or methods to her patients that were leaving them or their babies seriously ill or worse, and she had some kind of breakdown from the guilt and isn’t terribly functional when we meet her. (The exact words I used when spitballing this may or may not have been “woo-peddling hippie”.)
Durance: That asshole who’s constantly bragging about how many of Those People he was instrumental in shooting/torturing/blowing up during his time as a military contractor. (In front of Edér, too, who comes from a community of Those People and is already kind of conflicted about his military service.) In between the misogyny, racism, and generally being abhorrent. Should probably leave at least some characters and a decent chunk of the audience wondering why he hasn’t been hauled in front of a war crimes tribunal yet.
Pallegina: Her godlike body dysphoria is too good a metaphor for transness to not just make the modern version trans and have done with it. Beyond that, she’d be embassy staff from some country in the southwestern quarter of Europe.
Kana: A grad student from somewhere in the Asia-Pacific region—probably Japan, judging by some of the linguistic and cultural coding of Rauatai—born to Polynesian immigrants. He’s studying something about the ancient world (perhaps he’s a classics student, if we run with the Engwithans being fantasy Greco-Romans), and whatever it is turns out to not be what he was expecting.
Maneha: Well, she’s from the same country as Kana, clearly. I’m not sure the regular military is a good fit for her character, so who’s she running with? A private security contractor? A gang?
Zahua: Could go a few ways—monk, traditional shaman, modern occultist. Either way, he’s retreated into overdone asceticism and spiritual pride to deal with trauma in his past. What exactly that trauma is and what to make of his origins (the obvious choice is some Mexican or Central American Native group) I again leave as an exercise to the reader.
Devil of Caroc: Well, the obvious change is that she’s still human. She can stand as a serial killer out for revenge against the people who committed violence against her community during The War. She’s alive and out of prison only because she was released into an experimental program administered by Galvino; he gets away with treating her horribly because no one around them wants to be seen caring about a serial killer.
Serafen: Grew up desperately poor in gang- or militia-held territory. He’s still running with them when we meet him, though they send him forth with a job to do.
Tekēhu: A sheltered member of the native elite in whatever country the Ruas came from. Coasting through university on brilliance and no one being bothered to really make him work at it. A party boy with an eyebrow-raising number of sexual partners. And hey, are we still doing the “godlike = trans” thing? Fuck it, make him trans. It'd explain why his love interests feel the need to ask him about his junk, too.
Maia: Can stand as she is, Kana’s sister who joined the military.
Xoti: A missionary (she’d probably have to be Christian) from the southern US. Her bisexuality, Mexican heritage, and inordinate fondness for Santa Muerte make her kind of suspect in the eyes of her fellow missionaries. There are probably rumors of her being a crypto-Satanist or something.
Ydwin: Not an actual vampire, just creepy. Can probably stand as she is otherwise (I imagine she’d be from one of the Nordic countries).
Fassina: A grad student from the same country as Pallegina, studying something obscure with a deeply shitty professor.
Konstanten: Was in the military in his younger days, stationed somewhere that he was able to get up to a lot of mischief. The rest of his story can stand, both the rural origins and the post-military career as a massage therapist.
Rekke: I’d need more information about him and Yezuha to really do him justice, but a dry, mountainous country in the east? Sounds like somewhere in Central Asia to me. Something happened, probably involving those buildings that caught fire, and he had to get out in a hurry; he’s barely learned a word of English when we meet him.
Vatnir: From the same Nordic country as Ydwin, I suppose. Chronically ill, maybe not cis either, and ended up in a leadership position in a cult through a series of ill-thought-through decisions despite not really believing in their tenets. Whoopsie.
Mirke: Come on, drunks who get into fights a lot are everywhere.
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