#most goncharov fics are really developed
Now that Avatar: The Way of Water is out, let's compare the cultural impact of both of the Avatar movies compared to Goncharov (1973) directed by Martin Scorsese.
Which was more culturally significant?
The fourth most grossing movie of all time released in 2009 and its sequel with awesome special effects:
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Or one Mafia movie made up by Tumblr users last month:
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What I find really fascinating about the Goncharov fics on AO3 is that, for once, the number of mlm fics and the number of wlw fics are roughly equal.
People often accuse fandom of fetishising mlm pairings whilst ignoring wlw ones, but this proves to me that the real issue is that, in most media, the female characters are so underdeveloped that it is hard for the muse to strike.
As the saying goes: build it and they shall come. Goncharov has managed to create two fascinating, multi-faceted characters in Katya and Sofia, who crawl into a writer's mind and demand to be written about. It's so refreshing to see.
I hope that now this masterpiece is finally receiving the attention it deserves, filmmakers and storytellers will take note and be inspired to develop multiple complex female characters in their tales.
(But I'm not holding my breath.)
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astromechs · 2 years
2022 year in review
thank you for the tag @seek--rest
Number of stories posted to AO3:
2. Word count this year:
64,281 (this doesn't include things I didn't publish, and this doesn't include things I wrote in private rps with friends, so I have no idea what the actual word count is, that's just what AO3 told me from what I've posted lol, but I would imagine with all that put together it might be close to 100k)
3. Fandoms I wrote for:
taking the list from AO3 (in alphabetical order):
Captain America/Avengers (movies)
Daredevil (comics/TV)
Goncharov (1973)
Guardians of the Galaxy (comics/movies)
Jessica Jones (TV)
Moon Knight (TV)
Nova (comics)
Peacemaker (2022)
Scarlet Witch (comics)
She-Hulk (TV)
The Boys (TV/2019)
X-Men (comics)
4. Pairings:
ok so the list of all the pairings that got stuff posted to AO3:
Adrian Chase/Christopher Smith (Peacemaker)
Jean Grey/Wanda Maximoff (Marvel unless otherwise noted)
Gamora/Peter Quill
Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanoff
Gamora/Richard Rider
Matt Murdock/Marc Spector
Matt Murdock/Jennifer Walters
Matt Murdock/Peter Quill
Jessica Jones/Matt Murdock
Matt Murdock/Elektra Natchios
Queen Maeve/Starlight (Annie January) (The Boys)
Matt Murdock/Foggy Nelson
Matt Murdock/Richard Rider
Katya/Sofia (Goncharov lol)
Wanda Maximoff/Matt Murdock/Richard Rider
5. Stories with the most:
Kudos: this might be all i ever wanted (all i ever wanted to happen to me) — got right in at the She-Hulk finale hype so I think that helped to boost it
Bookmarks: same as above; people were really loving that one at the time it dropped!
Comment threads: whatever happens (happens to the both of us) — my first Peacemaker fic, and I think the timing of this hit when a lot of people were finishing up the show, but I'm really flattered and honored!
Word count: ghost behind my eyes
6. Work I'm most proud of (and why): I'm going to cheat and pick a few:
ghost behind my eyes — at 10,143 words, it remains my longest self-contained one shot, and I'm really proud of the character work I did here. Christopher Smith and his character development are really important to me, and here's to hoping that will continue in Peacemaker season 2!
standing at a broken altar (asking if we feel relief) — represented a whole new creative venture for me, featuring characters I (at least at the time) had never written into fic before, and I'm someone who's... honestly pretty lapsed, religion-wise, and writing this made me think about faith, how it's questioned, tested, and found again, in a way I haven't in a while. That's a theme I'd like to explore more in future writing — and I'm planning to do more of this through Matt.
almost paradise — the story that's been a long time coming for me. Gamora is literally one of my favorite characters of all time, and to say I... did not handle Infinity War well is putting it very, very mildly; that movie came out not that extremely long after a big personal loss in my real life, so losing a character that dear to me at that time was something I took really hard. This is the first time I've actually acknowledged her death in a piece of writing, and I'm proud of myself that I did.
7. Work I'm least proud of (and why): none of them? I don't usually post something unless I feel pretty good about it.
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
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cannot express how much this comment made my year. yes, I do. when women.
9. A time when writing was really, really hard: Honestly, my biggest challenge surrounding writing is just... working around my own chronic illness (which involves episodic fatigue) and mental health struggles. For one of those reasons or both at the same time, there were periods of the year that made writing more difficult than others. I'm working on incorporating smaller, more manageable writing goals during those periods so that I can still keep working without exhausting myself.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: I wasn't expecting Matt Murdock Slut Era to extend for as long as it did, and yet here we are.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing: from almost paradise:
What he deserves, he thinks, is to be left here, alone with ghosts because that’s all he’s fit to provide company for — maybe until he becomes one himself. Because, yeah, if Ego had been telling the truth, for all his words had been worth, with the destruction of his planet, Peter can do that now. That might actually be better for everyone involved, because all he does, clearly, is pull people into a total shitstorm or get them killed. Sometimes both.
But people don’t ever really get what they deserve, do they? His mom, the kindest person the universe would probably ever know, hadn’t deserved to die from a tumor in her brain, put there by an evil man she’d chosen to give her huge heart to.
And he doesn’t deserve a hand reaching toward him, pulling him up from the floor.
12: How did you grow as a writer this year: My writing got a lot smuttier LMAO But it also just... reflected a "fuck it, we ball" type of attitude that I'd been slowly embracing. Inventing ships, writing whatever the fuck I want. I've grown a lot, and I feel really liberated.
13. How do you hope to grow next year: I hope to continue just... following my bliss. I've come a really long way in not caring as much about an invisible audience and just writing whatever I want, and I aim to keep doing that. I aim to keep believing in myself in that way and going the distance with my screwball ideas.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): Would like to thank the discographies of Massive Attack, CHVRCHES, and Taylor Swift for fueling my writing. Also anyone when I said "I'm gonna put these blorbos together" who said "do it".
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: I mentioned it before, but almost paradise was written during a depressive episode and I've joked it was me flinging out all my unresolved grief issues onto the page instead of going to therapy in December (using, you know, one beloved character of mine grieving another beloved character's death as a proxy), so. yes.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: Don't write to cater to an audience; write to cater to yourself. If you love what you do, readers can see that love, and they'll believe in it, too. Readers are really good at telling what is and isn't genuine, so the best thing to do is just... be yourself.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: I have an existing WIP to finish, and a few more ideas in the can! Featuring: more Vigilmaker, more self-indulgent blorbo ships I invented (featuring either Matt Murdock or Rich Rider or both likely), and GOTG Vol 3 about to wreck my life, so of course I would imagine a good bulk of my writing this year will be related to it. This is all I'll say.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read:
(no obligation!) @paperprinc3 @literatigeek @sgtjamesrogers @mari--lace @quillsmora
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