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liverpoollomo · 1 month ago
Greenbank Park. Zenit EM. Expired Truprint 200 (shot at 400.)
I am fortunate to live near some of the most beautiful parks in the city. However Greenbank Park is one such open space that I always seem to drive past and seldom walk through.
Originally part of the estate of the Rathbone family the land was purchased by the Liverpool Corporation in 1897 on condition that it remained an open space or recreation ground with a stipulation that the Corporation was "at liberty to let off the whole or any part of the said land to cricket or other clubs, and to use the lake for boating, skating or other purposes". Stipulations where also in place to ensure access to the lake and to protect the trees.
I was happy that I was shooting at 400 iso on the day i visited as the conditions where quite dull.
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dailystargatebooty · 2 years ago
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henryleo82001 · 15 days ago
Best service for Bathroom Renovation in Mossley
Are you looking for the best service for Bathroom Renovation in Mossley? Then contact D.R Plumbing & Heating. They are insured and registered professionals committed to delivering top-quality plumbing and heating services. Visit them for more info.
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pennylane-dreams · 3 months ago
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In 1962, George Harrison sent a 3-page letter to a fan named Susan, thanking her for sending gifts to his family and the rest of the letter was a set of instructions on how to wash a car and dump dirty water on Paul's car. Transcription: 42 BRODIE AVE. MOSSLEY HILL LIVERPOOL 18 Dear Susan, I hope you had a good chrimbo, and have a happy nuclear too. Thank you for giving my mum flowers and chocs. [ it was you wasn't it] Thanks also for the card, in fact THANKS A HEAP SUSAN. "Your too kind". Instructions for washing car: - 1. Use plenty of soapy clean water, preferably warm. 2. When car is [though it may take a lot of water] - clean, leave to dry off for about 20 minutes. [ You can have a cup of tea now]. 3. Now ask mother to find some dusters [2 each] and with the polish, apply with No. 1 duster over an area of about 1 sq foot at a time, in a circular motion. Dont leave it too long before polishing off. This should carried out until the car is spotless, and gleaming clean. [Dont forget the wheels!] 4. Take 1 brush or vacuum cleaner, and have a bash at the carpets. They too can be made to look like new. 5. The Windows [interior] should be polished new, after which you can retire for another tea. 6. Before returning home, i suggest you look over the car again, for any parts you may have missed out, on finding, they should be cleaned accordingly. 7. Now proceed to 20 Forthlin RD. with about 6 buckets full of dirty muddy greasy water, where a shiny ford Classic will be seen. Spread contents of the buckets evenly, so as to leave a nice film of muck over the car. You can now return home knowing you have done your deed for the day. Thank you!!! Proceedings should be carried out about the 8th of January, Thanks again for the card cheerio for now dont forget Ban the Bog love from George [Harrison] xxxxxx
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refigiowen · 3 months ago
Untitled Project (Scrapped): Scene 12
Context: The Vessel had made it's way into the capital, Mossley, and was on it's way to the Academy of Mossley. On it's way it encounters a mad scholar by the name of Ajax who, like many of the scholars of the academy, is infected with Pantomania.
"A-Ah, greetings, traveller carrying the Struggle and Despair... No, greetings, Struggle and Despair."
The man is tightly holding onto his head, as if it is about to errupt. Fluids seem to be leaking from his eyes, ears, and cracks on his head.
"I-I am Ajax, a scholar of the Academy of Mossley and a follower of The Second.
A-Ah, The Second.. Lord Of Knowledge And Wisdom, yes. Curse you, i say...
Why must you hold such a grudge towards us humans, oh lords? What can we do about our core being, we apologize for who we are!"
The man sobs, holding his head together tighter.
"The Lords stood for eternity and the stagnation of all beings as they currently are - believing that preserving what is now will stop any change from ruining the perfect now. And so they came into this world, tamed the storm and took us under their graceful wings. And in return we worshipped them, though, they cared little about our worship of them. They cared only about our preservation and the preservation of their perfect, never changing world.
At some point, The Second began to seek the knowledge of this world. I still remember gazing upon him for the first time. His head knew no boundaries, so did his mind. He had a large, sun like, formless light for a head and was dressed in a yellow cape that hid his skeletal body.
He never interacted with us scholars directly, but would seek and absorb the knowledge we gathered to feed his never ending hunger for knowledge.
We saw him as our guidance, our mentor, but he spoke not one word to us. We were merely food for him."
The man lets out an agonizing scream, sounds of cracking coming from his head.
"GRAH! When Odium came the Lords understood fully what humans were. They were beings of change, not stagnation, they were meant to change lest they would die and rot. So they began to HATE us.. us who gave them nothing but our love and admiration, US who served our lives worshipping them just to be CURSED. The Second cursed those who seek knowledge with a disease. One that would pull them deeper, deeper and deeper into the need for knowledge... until their mind BREAKS.
And the youngest... cursed us with eternal hope.. and an allergy towards change, he planted a parasite within our minds.. one that Odium now has to forcefully remove.."
The man begins to scream in agony.
The man desperately tries to keep his head from errupting, yelling his final words into the sky.
His head errupts, for a moment the same sun like light that The Second was known for would be where Ajax's head once was. He raises his arms to the sky, the light emitting a sound that one could interpret as a cackle, before vanishing and the headless corpse of Ajax collapsing to the ground.
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year ago
I have an ask for Nik Sabatino 🩷 The prompt is 3. And we kept everything professional But something's changed. Thank you so much.
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Tagging: @words-and-seeds @novamariestark @whateversomethingbruh @trublu2u @stelacole @kmc1989
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Nik’s been back in LA for approximately three hours when he finds out about your trip to Mexico, the one you didn’t tell him about. He’s barely had enough time to dump his bags at his hotel and shower before he’s called out to a scene in Malibu involving his C.I.
It involves two dead bodies in the trunk of his car and a high speed pursuit on an electric scooter. Only in LA, he thinks as he scrolls through Tucker’s phone bringing up his most recent internet tabs.
It's then he finds the hitlist, the one with your picture on. It’s a group shot of you, Sam and Callen,  your face is shadowed by the cap you’re wearing, but the others are in plain view. It’s been taken in a hospital carpark in Mexico, he knows that because he’s been to the same hospital, he’d dropped Arlo Turk off there with a gunshot wound to the shoulder once upon a time.
He picks up his phone, dialling Turk’s number. If anyone can tell him what mischief you’ve been getting up to in Mexico it’ll be him.
“What’s your interest?” Turk asks him before he divulges the information.
My life partner’s trying to give me a heart attack, he considers telling the other man. However your relationship is still on the downlow, not even your team are aware that the two of you are together so he goes with the usual party line.
“Classified.” He says dryly. “But there’s an eighteen year old bottle of McCallan in it for you, if you tell me everything in the file and out of it.”
By the time Nik hangs up the phone he’s livid.
You’d undertaken an unsanctioned mission into Mexico to rescue Mosley’s son. It had resulted in the horrific death of Special Agent Harley Hidoko. Deeks had been critically injured, which is why you were at the hospital in the first place and the rest of you had barely escaped with your lives.
The fallout is currently still ongoing as the entire team are being investigated by a federal prosecutor. Nobody’s sure if charges are going to land your way or not, and your career…
Lord knows if you’ll still have a job at the end of the week.
You’re trying to give him an aneurysm, Nik’s sure of it.
He uses back channels to summon both you and Callen to the crime scene. His job was over and done with once his CI was arrested by the LAPD but if he leaves the scene he has to hand over the phone for evidence and he wants to show you the consequences of your actions. It’s clear to him that none of you played out how badly the mission could have gone. When he looks at it, he can see the plan was slapdash, haphazard, not the usual standard of work he expected from you all.
Mossley’s doing, he suspects, a woman so driven by her emotions, her desire to find her son that she would have sacrificed anyone of you. Hidoko had played the ultimate price, tongue cut out, burned alive and that woman hadn’t even attended her funeral. The thought of that happening to you…
It makes his blood boil because to Mosley you’re disposable and she’s hanging every single one of you out to dry.
When you step into the tented command centre he can tell you’re surprised to see him. You tuck your hands into the pockets of your jacket as you straighten your shoulders and hold your head up high. It riles him in more ways than one because you know, that he knows, and that he can’t show how pissed off he is right now, not without dropping the dime on your relationship.
“Looks like you guys survived Mexico.” He says, his expression filled with ire as he places his hands upon his hips. “Good job.”
You say nothing as you meet his gaze but he can see the defiance in you. You’re convinced you did the right thing and the problem is he can’t argue with you. The thing he loves most about you is your conviction, you know exactly who you are, you don’t lose yourself the way he does.
It’s both infuriating and extremely erotic.
“I have a feeling that’s you didn’t call us down here to congratulate us on our success.” Callen remarks, jutting his head towards the hand sticking out of the trunk of the nearby car.
“No, it is not.” Nik says, withdrawing the phone from his pocket and holding it up for the both of you to see. “The killer left his phone in the car and we found a cartel hitlist and guess who’s on it.”
He swipes his finger across the screen and the picture appears, the one of the three of you outside the hospital.
“One million.” He says looking pointedly at you. “Per person.
He sees the expression on your face change at the realisation. One million is a lot for a hit. The guy lying in the trunk of that car, his bounty was only $250,000 and he was the head of the drug enforcement taskforce. That’s how badly the cartel wants to murder you guys.
“They haven’t identified you yet but trust me they are trying really, really hard.” It’s impossible for him to keep the bite out of his voice.
“So we need to get that site taken down.” You begin, withdrawing your own phone from your back pocket to call Eric.
“I’ve already taken care of it.” Nik tells you as he returns the phone back to the evidence bag.  “I’ve got the NSA cybernuts scrubbing it from existence but it’s been on the darkweb for almost two weeks. There’s no telling who’s seen it.”
“I’m getting the feeling your mad at us. ” Callen says, crossing his arms over his chest. “Did we fuck up some super-secret CIA operation you guys were running?”
He turns his gaze on the other man, and the fury it burns deep down inside of him. There’s no way Callen doesn’t see it.
He’s almost as culpable as Mosley. He’s supposed to be the team leader, the calm one, the responsible one but he’d run head first into this mess, the same way the rest of you had. Nik knows he’s inches away from betraying himself so he does what he does best, he spins his anger towards something else, something that fits with Callen’s perception.
“You guys burned Arlo Turk.” He snaps, jabbing his finger at the other man. “That guy was the biggest source of cartel intel in the country and you burned him, do you know how many agencies relied on that information?”
None of you have any idea of all the threads you’ve unravelled, all the hard work that you’ve undone. There’s people in Washington baying for your blood, threatening to shut down Special Operations, to indict you and the two of you have no fucking clue. Nik’s out here doing damage control, he’s calling in favours, twisting the narrative, trying to save your lives and your careers.
“And there it is.” Callen mutters, the left side of his mouth twisting up into a bitter smile. “We’re making your life harder.”
He really has no fucking idea.
Nik’s phone has been vibrating in his pocket ever since this conversation started. His contacts coming back to him, feeding him information, completing the tasks he’s set them. You’re not going down for this he’s making sure of that, he’s put Mosley directly in the firing line for pulling this shit.
Already Callen’s walking away, you’re about to follow when Nik captures your arm. His eyes meet yours and you know that this isn’t over. There’s so much he wants to say to you in this moment but the words won’t leave his mouth because he’s just so God damned angry.
“Don’t think we won’t be talking about this at home.” He warns you, releasing his grasp on your arm. “I mean it Alana, you guys fucked up big time.”
Love Nik? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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ginandoldlace · 9 months ago
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1939 The christening of the new lifeboat 'Edmond and Mary Robinson' at South West Princes Dock, Liverpool. Eighty nine year old Mrs Mary Robinson, of Mossley Hill, Liverpool, widow of a sea captain, named the lifeboat and presented it to the New Brighton Lifeboat Station. She had sacrificed £6,000 of her life savings to buy the vessel
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youplush · 2 years ago
hiii i dont know if u still want plushie pics but here's my boy :3
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his name is mossley !! i love him. hes very old ive had him for like . my entire childhood. ywah i dunno sorry !!! ^___^
whoaaa mossley!
he looks so cool with that outfit!
he seems like a very friendly fellow!
i am glad you were able to have him for such a long time!
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drdamiang · 11 months ago
this is Staley bridge
my father's birthplace
here is a picture
of me in a pram
my sister
in a pram
on a big bridge
crossing the Tame river
this is not
that Staley bridge where
the Saxons crushed the
rushing back to
meet my
Norman ancestors at Hastings
and we
know what happened there
Yes, here we are
up front Mossley
in that picture, my
daughter of a war hero
pushing our pram
and there, no doubt,
the great cotton mills
doing their job though
not now in
their hey day
what landscape altering modes
of production ushered
in in
their wake
and here is Engels incliding
text on this place in his seminal
work on
the working class
in England
and here I am
years later, studying satire living
in his monument house
in Oxford Street Manchester
under this bridge, water
us all
Tipperary, Stalybridge,
Mahikeng South Africa
in a Lowry paintimg
they come
and they go
under this bridge then
so much water we
tend to
forget about
water headed
to the port of slavery
same water in the skiffle
psychedelia of those
Sergeant Pepper people
magicians of the airwaves
conjurors of
a whole new
in identity
fruit of the clash of
working class proclivities
clash, I say,
but what a melding, beloved
without which
no way this space, or place,
or room
to talk
gone these guys
or finally fading
those mills of my childhood
Spitfire stories
of how
we stood alone
everything reconfigured,
outright repurposed
voices (and their words)
I fail to recognise, alien
elevated above whilst
so out of frame
somehow talking all
necessities of suppression
commandeering everything
the distance below
to above
to breaking point
viewed from
the Southern tip of Africa, product
victim of
all that this is metonym of
all this place
this life
of which
I speak
could not be more
(so dark
these river with
their druid name
we cross
all our lives
every day
so quietly all
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therockymarrow · 1 year ago
Into the Mossley Gardens - General Layout
Hello, this is part 2 of the Into the Mossley Gardens 5e campaign I'm currently drafting up. It will go over sections of the gardens, and subcategorize the areas to then go more in-depth in later posts. Sorry this is such a weird way to format it. I'm kind of just going with how my brain works. When it's all completed I'll try assembling a pdf in a more book-ish layout.
See the main post here, or other sections listed at the bottom of the post.
First, let's start with a basic map of the garden, I'm drawing it in dungeon scrawl to start, but would like to replace it with an in-game, more fleshed out illustration to give my players at the table. I'll add it here if I ever have time to sketch it out. The areas will be numbered with their location on the map:
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Here is a breakdown of each section of the Garden's. Feel free to play with the dimensions, and what you think should be there. For example - I don't really think every area needs to be so equally sized as it looks on the map. In hindsight I'd also like to add at least one building into the community garden's zone. I tried to consolidate what each area is, but you can click the name of each zone to further explore it as they become avaible.
Sections: 1. Main Gate - Just barely inside the main entrance to the gardens, this functions as the main walkway through the grounds and holds 2 statues of the properties previous owners - Vinoth and Juniper Mossley. These statues are not Stone Cursed, but feel free to add a spell like Magic Mouth to add spice or clarify lore. Such as the characters finding a code-phrase that will unlock information from the statues. Otherwise this area can act as a base-camp until characters further explore the grounds. They can also meet up with Hyacinth (see: NPCS) here, before he locks them in.
2. Front Garden/Exhibition Zone - To the right of the main path is a garden littered with various flowering plants, trees, and miscellaneous foliage. A simple-enough walking trail, statues look down at visitors from beside the path. Roll 1+1D4 to determine how many of these statues are Stone Cursed* (see: Combat Stats/Monsters). If you're characters are into herbology and want to forage from the plants, have them roll either a Nature or Survival check. 1-5: 1 plant that they think are safe to consume. 6-10: 3 plants that they think are safe. 11-15: 3 plants and they are sure of it's purpose. 16-20: 5 plants and they are sure of it's purpose. I would then use a table (like this or your own) to determine what plants they can identify. Have them roll a 1D4 for how much of each plant they able to collect. If I think of it maybe I'll draft one to put below.
3. Community Cultivation Center (Community Garden) - This are is a gated field, further divided by smaller fences. Each section contains a name plaque, as well as a list of the plants being grown there. Some plaques also contain a serial number pertaining to a filed experiment of the college's lab. Still others contain family's names, simply growing fruits, vegetables or patches of flowers. An off building sits on the far side of the field, large windows and a small greenhouse are attached to the old brick structure. Scarecrows are propped up idly along the gates and within the field, consider making one or two living scarecrows if you'd prefer an action oriented encounter here.
4. Oldtown Cemetery - As the name implies, this is one-of if not the oldest cemetery in the city of Mosswood. Not particularly large, it is full of old headstones, benches and wistful trees. a few small mausoleums are held here, as well as one of considerably larger size towards the back of the property.
5. Hedge Maze - A hedge maze designed simply for the fun of visitors to the gardens. Relatively easy to pass through, the other side holds an arena for students to practice their spell craft as well as give presentations for guests. 1D4 caged Cockatrice (or another creature of your preference) have gotten out of containment since the grounds were closed and now prowl this area.
6. The Mossley Estate - The estate proper. This large building casts a considerable shadow on the property. Built in a gothic style it is decorated in pointed archways, flying buttresses and sharp spires. Large cold looking stones make up it's body. The structure is an stable as it is imposing. Thin windows look out over the property like narrowed eyes gazing down at you. Players can feel a general sense of unease when examining at the building for to long.
7. The Atrium and Greenhouse - The newest structure to be added to the gardens, the atrium and greenhouse encapsulate the interior gardens. Similar to the front gardens this area contains paths stretching through it, with loops around various plants and displays. a pond is held at it's center. More tropical and seasonal plants can be found here than outside on the grounds. However, this is also where more dangerous plants are located. So if your players have wanted to fight a Needle Blight, Awakened Tree, Myconid, or even a Shambling Mound now is your chance. These creatures may have become present in the unsupervised gardens.
*Contains Homebrew elements. How I use them may not accurately reflect how they're intended in DND cannon.
Main Post │NPCs │Antagonist(s)│Combat Stats/Monsters │Loot
Find more quests/idea on my page here
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usnewsrank · 14 days ago
Couple drowned in floods because sewage system ‘couldn’t cope’ with heavy rain
The spot where Philip and Elaine Marco died had been linked to at least four similar incidents in the same year An elderly couple drowned in their car days before their 54th wedding anniversary because Liverpool’s sewage system couldn’t ‘cope’ with heavy rain, investigators have found. Elaine and Philip Marco, 76 and 77, were attempting to drive under a bridge in the Mossley Hill area when the…
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londranotizie24 · 3 months ago
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Di Annalisa Valente Dante e Pinocchio hand by hand e poi Fenoglio: è stata davvero ricca di stimoli la Settimana della Lingua Italiana della Dante Society Liverpool. Settimana della Lingua Italiana, a Liverpool Dante e Pinocchio vanno a braccetto In questo 2024 oramai alle battute finali la Settimana della Lingua Italiana in UK è stata celebrata in diversi modi: da chi ha portato i propri allievi in Italia a imparare la lingua sul posto (e di cui vi abbiamo anche raccontato qui) a chi ha organizzato programmi culturali ad hoc per non dimenticare e non far dimenticare il valore delle tradizioni italiane. Tra i principali protagonisti di queste occasioni di celebrazione "made in Italy" non possono certo mancare le Dante Society dislocate sul territorio britannico. Tra queste, la Società Dante Alighieri Liverpool che a metà Ottobre ha organizzato (e cofinanziato) the Week of the Italian Language in the World in Liverpool, con un calendario di appuntamenti settimanali in partnership con l’Associazione Centro Studi di Letteratura, Storia, Arte e Cultura Beppe Fenoglio e con la Scuola di italiano MammaMia diretta da Stefania Pisano. La Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo di Liverpool è un evento annuale (quest'anno giunto alla 24a edizione) con il patrocinio del Ministero degli Affari Esteri italiano che coinvolge una rete globale di istituzioni culturali, dipartimenti linguistici, scuole e associazioni italiane. Al centro dell'evento, l'Italiano e il libro Il Dipartimento di Lingue, Culture e Cinema (LCF) dell'Università di Liverpool ospita tradizionalmente la Settimana Italiana con una serie di eventi culturali, spettacoli, concerti e proiezioni. Il tema di questa edizione è stato “L’Italiano e il Libro”. Primo appuntamento, una serata musicale dedicata ai cantautori italiani con la band locale "Paparazzi and Friends" presso Mossley Hill Athletic Club in Mossley Hill Road. Dopodiché è stata la volta di Pinocchio and Dante: Children and Teen workshops and exhibitions presso Mossley Hill Hilltop Centre (Mossley Hill Church) in Rose Lane. Un pomeriggio interamente dedicato a due figure iconiche nella storia sociale e culturale italiana, tradizionalmente letteraria. Sia per i più piccoli o per chi ancora ricorda i valori e il senso della vita della giovane età, sia per chi coltiva il desiderio di conoscere meglio o di riscoprire una figura imponente dal punto di vista storico come quella di Dante Alighieri (al quale, naturalmente, tutte le Dante Societies sparse nel mondo si ispirano). Pinocchio e Dante: due icone italiane Un connubio, anzitutto letterario dunque, che è proseguito con la serata "Italian Icons: Dante and Pinocchio hand in hand", a cura del professor Stefano Jossa, Honorary Research Fellow presso la Royal Holloway University di Londra e docente di Letteratura italiana presso l'Università di Palermo. Un appuntamento, sia online che in presenza presso Language Lounge, University of Liverpool, in Abercromby Square, che ha puntato ad analizzare i due simboli più iconici dell'Italia e dell'italianità, Dante e Pinocchio, rappresentanti di una stessa nazione, sia culturalmente che politicamente. Nonostante le loro differenze nella storia e nella letteratura (reale / immaginario; umano / di legno; medievale / moderno), sono diventati indicatori dell’identità e del carattere italiano. La settimana celebrativa è poi proseguita con la serata “Tradurre la narrativa italiana per il mercato anglofono: reti transnazionali, alleanze imprenditoriali, archivi (anni '50-'80)”, anche questo un appuntamento importante, a cura della professoressa Daniela La Penna, docente di Modern Italian Culture & Translation all’Università di Reading (UK) dove co-dirige anche il Centre for Book Cultures and Publishing. Un incontro (anche questo online e in presenza presso Language Lounge, University of Liverpool, in Abercromby Square), in cui la professoressa ha trattato delle dinamiche culturali, economiche e sociali che circondano la traduzione inglese di titoli italiani nel mercato librario anglo-americano dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. In esame una serie di casi studio, emersi dagli Archives of British Publishers and Printing conservati presso l'Università di Reading e relativi a Jonathan Cape e Chatto & Windus. E per concludere, il reading of Beppe Fenoglio La settimana celebrativa della lingua italiana si è conclusa con “Lettura fenogliana: a reading of Beppe Fenoglio’s (The Twenty-three Days of the City of Alba)” in collaborazione con il Centro Studi ‘Beppe Fenoglio’, di Alba (in provincia di Cuneo) per celebrare l’80° anniversario della Liberazione di Alba (10 Ottobre-2 Novembre 1944). Con gli attori Andrea Castellini e Luca Occelli. Anche questo appuntamento si è svolto online e in presenza presso Language Lounge, University of Liverpool, in Abercromby Square. “L’Italiano e il Libro” quindi si è dimostrato un topic quanto mai ricco di sfaccettature e contenuti, adatto per tutte le età e tutti i livelli sociali e culturali. E l’occasione della Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel mondo organizzata a Liverpool ne è stata la dimostrazione. Una ventata d’aria fresca e di ricordi del cuore, di tradizioni e di storia che fanno parte del proprio Dna. Quale altro modo, bello e gratificante, per concludere un anno così lungo e impegnativo? ... Continua a leggere su
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bookmarkquinn · 3 months ago
Performing Poet
Have you ever performed on stage or given a speech? Yes, I have been doing my poetry on stage, I only started last month and it is going well. The Gillery in Mossley I performed my poetry once before a few years ago, only once at a environmental rally; that poem was about sustainability, but since November I have been to a few ”Open Mic’ events. The Station Hotel in Tameside My poetry is in…
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refigiowen · 3 months ago
Untitled Project (Scrapped) Scene 2: Graveside Plains
The Vessel had been constantly walking for days now, its tomb far behind it, out of sight and mind. For days as well have graves covered the plains, far and wide, nothing but gravestones. In the far distance walls can be seen, walls which reach far into the sky, a giant open gate.
Upon reaching the gate The Vessel spots an old man inside a small, makeshift tent, some wares laid out before him.
The old man chuckles and looks up at him, his hat covering most of his face.
"My, oh my, its been ages since a new face came 'round here. Well, i suppose i can welcome you to Mossley, the capital city of these lands. It's seen better days, but well, it is what it is."
The man holds out a hand for a handshake but is left hanging by The Vessel. He sighs in defeat and retracts it.
"Not the talkin' type, ay? I respect that, ain't nothin' much to talk about these days anyway.. Well, i take it you ain't from 'round here, judgin' from your looks'n'all."
The man is met with silence again. He scratches his beard and points towards the graves outside the gate.
"You musta asked yourself why there's so many of those graves, ay? Well, thats where all the sinners lie. All those who died during the Inquisition, a bloody slaughter let me tell you that much!
The Pontiff, some old guy who sorta runs the place, hired a buncha men to burn down the settlements of those who betrayed their gods. Far north's Bolney, the Tower Settlement. South's Calmarnock and to the west there's Ruby's Fall."
The Vessel simply gazes into the man's eyes who lets out another laugh.
"I can't tell ya more than that, my friend. I sit here all day and take of these graves and sell a thing or two at best."
He takes off his hat, his long grey hair is tied into a ponytail, and holds it before him in a greeting manner.
"Im Dane, humbliest of merchants and gravetender. And you're one of those Prehevil, ain't ya? I can tell by that hue in those eyes of yours. I've seen like.. two of you before, they weren't so... quiet though.
He puts his hat back onto his head.
"Well, you needn't tell me what you're up to anyway. This world's gone to shite anyway, just look at this city. Hah! Ruins fit this place more. I for my part care little about what happens, i've had my fun already."
He leans back against the pillar of the gate, crossing his arms behind his head.
"Im guessin' you've got the Pontiff on your list? I saw your eyebrow move a little when i mentioned him. Well, he's not shown himself for years and probably won't anytime soon...Unless some kinda crazy thing happens maybe? I dunno."
Dane smirks.
"I know, i know, this old man ain't much of a help. But then again, what's a good hunt without mystery? Hahaha.. well then, Youngling.. i suppose you're gonna head inside now, ay? Do be careful though, there's still plenty of people in there.. and they're as insane as their beloved Pontiff.. Weidmannsheil, Youngling!"
Dane laughs once again and The Vessel carries on inside the capital... but not before tossing Dane a few coins.
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ap-emergency-services-24h · 7 months ago
Tap Repairs Service
Expert Tap Repair Service 24h
Our tap repair service in Greater Manchester is focused on restoring the functionality of your taps and handling a wide variety of tap-related concerns. Whether you’re dealing with leaks, faucets that drip, low water pressure, or another issue, our emergency service engineers have the expertise and ability to deliver fast and dependable solutions. We begin by thoroughly inspecting the damaged tap’s internal components to detect any old or broken parts. Based on our experienced evaluation, we conduct precise repairs with high-quality materials to ensure durability.
Our plumbing service specialists work hard to complete the repairs promptly, reducing any inconvenience caused by the tap problems. They also provide maintenance advice to help your taps last longer. Choose our tap repair service for proficient solutions that will bring back smooth functioning to your taps and maintain an efficient plumbing system in your home or business. Contact us immediately and wave farewell to those unpleasant tap issues.
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Areas We Cover
• Bolton – Farnworth • Blackrod • Horwich • Kearsley • Little Lever • Turton • Westhoughton • Bury – Prestwich • Radcliffe • Ramsbottom • Tottington • Whitefield • Wigan – Leigh • Abram • Ashton in Makerfield • Aspull • Atherton • Billinge and Winstanley • Hindley • Ince-in-Makerfield • Golborne • Orrell • Standish-with-Langtree • Tyldesley • Salford – Eccles • Swinton and Pendlebury • Irlam • Worsley • Trafford – Altrincham • Sale • Stretford • Bowdon • Hale • Urmston • Manchester • Stockport – Bredbury and Romiley • Cheadle and Gatley • Hazel Grove and Bramhall • Marple • Tameside – Ashton-under-Lyne • Dukinfield • Hyde • Mossley • Stalybridge • Audenshaw • Denton • Droylsden • Longendale • Oldham – Chadderton • Crompton • Failsworth • Lees • Royton • Saddleworth • Rochdale – Middleton • Heywood • Littleborough • Milnrow • Wardle
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zenasflower · 7 months ago
Flower Delivery in Liverpool
Flowers are a beautiful way to show someone how much you care. They can be used to celebrate important life events or to comfort a grieving family member. Whether you’re looking for a hand-tied bouquet or a gift basket, there are many options available to suit your needs.
Ordering a flower delivery online is easy and convenient. Many companies offer delivery in Liverpool on a wide range of occasions.
Same day
Floom’s flower delivery service in Flower Delivery in Liverpool Street gives you the option to send a hand-tied bouquet or plant arrangement anywhere in the area on the same day that you place your order. Just enter your postcode at the top of the page to get started.
A historic city on the river Mersey, Liverpool is home to a number of green open spaces. From the manicured lawns of Allerton and Aigburth to the woodland paths of Mossley Hill, the city has something for everyone.
Flowers are a great gift for any occasion. Creative Florist has a wide range of beautiful floral arrangements and gifts that are perfect for Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, anniversary, birthday or any other holiday. Their flowers are delivered to your loved ones on the same day, making them a perfect surprise.
Next day
With its evocative nickname as the birthplace of the Beatles, Liverpool has a great deal to offer visitors. One of the largest cities in England, it has a rich history, and boasts a vibrant contemporary cultural scene.
Send flowers to someone special in Liverpool to mark an occasion or say thanks, with options for local and nationwide next day delivery. Choose from a gorgeous bouquet of roses, lilies and alstroemeria complemented by delicate foliage, or send The Orient for a classic white arrangement with an exquisite scent. Your fresh bouquet will arrive in a special Eflorist box, protecting the stems and offering a delightful unboxing experience.
From special birthday flowers to romantic anniversary blooms and thoughtful get well flowers, Creative Florist offers the perfect floral gift for any occasion.
Whether you want to surprise someone with a one-off bunch or have a bouquet delivered on a regular basis, Eflorist’s flower subscriptions are the perfect gift. Choose from a selection of arrangements, including the fragrant Orient, which features white oriental lilies and roses, complemented with gypsophilia and alstroemeria. The flowers are delivered in bud, and with just a splash of water and the included flower food, they’ll open to reveal their full beauty.
These flower delivery services are perfect for celebrating every occasion, from
Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day to birthdays and anniversaries. And with sameday and next-day delivery options, you can keep your lucky recipient’s home or workplace flower-filled all year round! You can also order a weekly fresh flower subscription, starting at £35. This is an excellent alternative to sending a bouquet of flowers on a regular basis.
Funeral flowers
When someone close to you dies, it can be challenging to know how best to show your condolences. A beautiful floral arrangement is an impactful way to let them know that you care. However, finding the right floral shop can be overwhelming. A florist can help you choose the right flowers and guide you on funeral flower etiquette.
Flowers are a popular choice for funerals because they symbolize love and respect for the deceased. They also add beauty and warmth to the service, which is important in a time of mourning. Some popular choices for funeral flowers include roses, lilies, carnations, and gladioli. These flowers are available in a variety of colors and arrangements to suit any taste or sentiment. They can be delivered to the home of the deceased, the funeral service, or to the graveside ceremony.
If you want to send a gift to someone special in Liverpool, you can choose from a variety of beautiful flowers and plants. The city also has a number of unique and antique shops that feature pottery and other home dcor items.
Booker wedding flowers is located on Booker Avenue in Allerton and provides sameday flower delivery in Liverpool and Wirral, as well as nationwide deliveries through Interflora. Its floral designs have been praised by customers and the shop is an accredited member of the Good Florist Guide.
Their bouquets are made from fresh, locally grown flowers and are a great choice for birthdays, Valentine's Day, or Mother's Day. You can also find a range of other gifts, including balloons, teddies, chocolates, champagne, and much more.
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