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just-an-elf-with-the-socks · 2 months ago
A little snippet slightly based off @admirably-abhorrent headcanon that Mairon still calls Melkor “my lord” as a term of endearment. Not to mention Mórul causing chaos mere hours after he’s born, we love to see it
Melkor couldn’t stop staring. Feanor could show up on his doorstep ready to hand the Silmarils over on a silver platter and Melkor couldn’t care less.
In the room he shared with Mairon, his little flame was lying in their bed exhausted and proud, the result of forty-eight hours of labor resting on his chest. The minute Melkor had gotten the okay, he had gently climbed into bed next to them.
A small, tiny baby with pointed ears nursed eagerly at Mairon’s chest, only stopping for a few moments to breathe. Mairon was covered in sweat, afterbirth, and blood, and Melkor still saw him as the most beautiful being in Arda. Especially now after seeing him give birth to something so precious.
“You’re staring, my lord.”
Melkor started a bit, luckily not enough to wake their son. He used one hand to gently stroke Mairon’s arm. “I don’t think I could ever stop, my little flame.”
Mairon’s eyes shone as Melkor kissed his forehead, soothing their baby when he whined to change positions. Once again, Melkor was enraptured.
“Did you know?”
Mairon looked up. “What?”
“Did you know our child would be a boy?”
Melkor grinned at the teasing glint in Mairon’s eyes. “I had a bit of an inkling from the start. I was more sure of it the bigger he grew, and the fact that he was late, as his other father so often is.”
Melkor ignored the jab in favor of watching Mórul let out a tiny yawn before going back to Mairon’s breast.
“However, Maia aren’t born with a gender in mind. We come into the world as our souls first picture our physical bodies to be, and we change our fanas to represent who we feel we are inside at the time. This is how Mórul chose to make his entrance. He may very well change his mind as he grows.”
Melkor was just filled with utter wonderment and joy as he whispered. “Fantastic.”
“Did you hear a word I just said?”
“Of course, precious. And I am happy for him.”
Melkor frowned suddenly as he gazed at Mórul.
“What is it, my lord?”
“I suppose I wonder what I have given him. Suppose I gave him nothing to claim his power with.”
Mairon sighed with fond exasperation. “My lord. I’m perfectly sure our son will-“
At that moment, Mórul’s little face scrunched up uncomfortably. He stopped nursing for a moment to raise his head and let out a tiny sneeze. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to frighten someone who had never sneezed before. Mórul whimpered once and then let out a piercing cry.
Mairon began to gather him close when the entire fortress suddenly shook, trembling all over and knocking things off the tables and walls. Melkor tensed, immediately reaching for his family. “Mairon, I believe we’re under attack.”
Worried, Mairon guided Mórul back to his breast, cooing and whispering as calmly as his fear allowed him. Mórul’s crying gradually faded into whining as his red cheeks made contact with his father’s bare chest. As he latched on, Melkor had already headed to the door and prepared himself to slaughter whoever dared to disturb them.
The moment he pulled his armor on the shaking slowly came to a stop. So, Valinor planned to play dirty with multiple siege strikes? Melkor wouldn’t dare let them, they—
“My lord.”
Melkor turned to see his family still safe in their bed. “Do not worry, precious. Their forces will not live to see tomorrow. I will send Thuringwethil to be your guard, and perhaps Draugluin, too, to be safe.”
“My lord.”
“Our outward defenses might be damaged after their brutality, but I promise you it will be repaired before the next full moon. Perhaps I should send you with our personal guard to Angband in the meantime. Yes, that would be the best course of action-“
Melkor stopped at Mairon’s insistent tone, only one foot covered with a boot. Mairon was staring at him fondly. “Come here and take off your armor.”
“Little flame-“
“I believe I have discovered the cause of our little “disturbance” just now.”
Melkor looked where Mairon had angled his head and was shocked to find himself staring into icy, blue eyes. Mórul. They were cold as night and so shrewd for one so young. “You don’t mean-“
Mairon smirked as Mórul returned to feeding. “It seems our little one has a flair for the dramatics. After all, there is only one Vala I know of that could rend Arda in two with a single cry.”
Melkor let the rest of his armor fall to the ground, returning their bed with utter amazement in his eyes. “He has the voice of the Valar inside him.”
Mairon nodded. “And the fana of the Maiar.”
There was truly nothing Mórul wasn’t capable of.
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dwarvendiaries · 1 year ago
Ironfrenzy, Autumn Year 100
Diary of Iton Velaban
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Large upstairs. Sealed. Rotting animal with wool
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Cried to Morul. Morul's sad all the time. Dwarves with animals came. Iral was annoyed. He's something called a broker. Don't know why, he does not break stuff. He wanted the gems cut.
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They've built a bridge now. For keeping the dead things out. And no more sleeping on the floor we have beds now.
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eggman91 · 1 year ago
I still can’t draw for shit but here a dwarf form a fortress of my Pepsi Kegeth or Pepsi hold a mighty dirt fortress and here morul diamondarmored a dwarf that had no importance just a miner who got killed by a giant spider if you can see but some reason the dwarves really miss them, and they kept carving his death on every wall they could I think it’s a glitch or some thing, but they keep carving it so you walk into a room and you see all around the wall carved a dwarf being killed by a giant cave spider
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losterthanlost · 5 months ago
October 19, 2024
I made my 4th Twitter (now X) account as my latest attempt to make a personal account. I already have a main account where I literally talk about anything. I don't track the number of tweets, retweets, regulate which language to use. Although, I do care about my mutuals who can see what I am saying. Then I have my private account. My rant account since 2022 and until now I still don't have it in me to delete it. I cried out some of my worst heartbreaks there. I also have this third account I made recently. It is a private nsfw account. I post all my horny thoughts and feelings there for self-regulation purposes. I believe I'll go insane and make the most embarrassing mistakes in public if I don't express all these natural but inappropriate feelings and taboo thoughts. So, the point of saying all this is because I am confused as to why I created my 4th account. Was it a consequence of my innate desire for clout? Am I crazy? Or is it really just a sign of being addicted to this website? Like, I can see myself being mutuals with those yapping accounts. I became mutuals with two of them, actually. But I can't match the way they tweet. Ah yes. I have this desire to match the way they tweet to like "fit in". In my big age I still want to "fit in"? Seriously?
— from here
So mao lagi to, naga-iral na pud akoang pagka people pleaser and clout-chaser sa paghimo atung akoang 4th account. Naga-bisaya ra ko didto though. Naga-english pud pero like tungod ra gud kay mao to ang nisulod sa akong utok and dili kay naay makakita na mutual and mag-like ato. Ingana man gud ang feeling nako sa feelerfish/flowydew sa una. Gi-follow back ko og big account so na-pressure ko. Maski dili na gud jud ko niya makita sa iyang timeline tungod sa akong pagka-small pero ayorn. Di ko kaya ang pressure. Eventually nag deac ko until lapas 30 days so deleted na to. Ayaw ko ng ganyan. Ambot gani para asa pa jud tung morulles. Basta biyaan ko lang sa to for the meantime and magtambay lang sa sa akong priv nga mao na lang pud akong gibilin na naka-log in.
So, after sa recent update sa Twitter (Now X) na ang mga tao daw na imong gi-block kay makakita pa daw gihapon sa imong mga tweets, siyempre unsafe na siya for sooo many labi na tung mga dugay na jud diri and daghan na og nakalaban and sa mga tao, usually babae, na naay mga creeps and stalkers sa ilang comments. Sheesh. Bogo jud si Mr. E ay. As in bogo jud. Kung gi-block siya edi maghimo na lang siya og bago na account. Uhaw ra pud kaayo siya sa attention and validation sa social media. Salig ra jud kay naa siyay kwarta.
So related ana, nag-open ko usab sa akong bluesky account and akong username didto kay tung same sa akong 4th twt. And naisip nako basi maging careful na sad ko didto so dapat same lang sa main aron madala nako akoang personality didto. Plus very common siya na username pud. Like, naa jud maka-isip ato na username jud.
(---) Okay so after ana na paragraph nihawa ko para maghimo og isa pa ka bluesky account using ang same email sa akoang main twt and same un sad. So di na ko need magworry. Bahala na. Sobraan na ko ka online aning akong kabuang.
So 9:13 am na. Mugawas na ko and magpaka tao. Bye.
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vantagevu · 1 year ago
KHULI CHANA’S EPIC HIT SINGLE ‘KHULIYANO’ ENTICES FANS REMINDER Khulani Morule, who is affectionately known as Khuli Chana, is a South African rapper who has been making waves in the music industry for quite some time. He is known for his contributions to the sub-genre Motswako, which originated in his hometown of Mafikeng. After initially gaining recognition in 2005, he became a prominent…
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islandpcosjourney · 1 year ago
3rd October 2023
Fertilisation……… to Blastocyst
So, yesterday was classed as Day 0: Egg recovery or Oocyte recovery as its officially called. 11 eggs were collected but I was advised that it didn't mean that all were mature enough - they'd only be able to tell that during analysis in the afternoon, once I had already left. Only mature eggs can be inseminated and ours were being done via ICSI (Intracytoplasmic sperm injection) with Kevin's frozen sperm - a technique used when semen analysis has been reported as moderate/severe male factor. This happens for around half of couples who are having trouble conceiving and is the most common and successful treatment for male infertility. Treatment before this point is the same whether for IVF or ICSI. The only difference is that instead of mixing the sperm with the eggs and leaving them to fertilise, a skilled embryologist will inject a single sperm into the egg. This maximises the chance of fertilisation taking place as it bypasses any potential problems the sperm will have in getting inside the egg.
So, Kevin's sperm was thawed while I was having my eggs collected & our mature eggs which were available to inject was done yesterday afternoon while I was travelling back from Dundee. We were told that the average fertilisation rate is 65-70% but I had no idea how many were mature at this point. In some cases failed (0%) or low (<30%) fertilisation may occur. If we had one or two eggs fertilised, a Day 3 embryo transfer would be advised. If we had 3 or more, a Day 5 embryo transfer would be recommended.
Day 1: Fertilisation - (Tuesday) This morning I got the call we had been waiting for to tell me that 7 were mature enough to be inseminated and 4 of the eggs had successfully fertilised - Hallelujah! God has richly blessed us 🙏🏻 That means we had a 57% fertilisation rate which is not bad at all, so the plan to do a fresh transfer on Saturday is still looking hopeful. Unless something major happens, such as they are slow in developing or we lose several, I won't be contacted again until Thursday on Day 3.
Day 2: Cleavage - (Wednesday) Embryos should cleave to form four cells. I shouldn't receive a phone call today if all is well.
Day 3: Cleavage - (Thursday) Embryos should cleave to form eight cells. I'll get a phone call between 0900 and 1600 to update me on the embryo development and to confirm a time and instructions for embryo transfer on Day 5.
Day 4: Morulation - (Friday) Embryos should compact to form a morula. I won't be called today.
Day 5: Embryo transfer - (Saturday) Embryos should form a blastocyst on Day 5. An average of 30-40% of fertilised eggs form a good quality blastocyst and around 85% of patients have at least one good quality blastocyst. If we have good quality blastocysts, unit policy is to transfer a single blastocyst. Any remaining good quality blastocysts are frozen for future use (98% survival rate). Sub-optimal quality embryo(s) can be transferred but with reduced chance of success. In a small number of cases, there can be poor development of embryos. In this scenario, they advise not transferring these as there is a 0% chance of conceiving.
Day 6: Possible freezing - Any remaining embryos are checked to see if they are suitable to be frozen. I would expect to get a call between 0900 - 1600 to confirm numbers frozen (if applicable).
So, in the days ahead, all we can do is wait patiently and pray. No expectation of a call until Thursday so it means that I can go about my day normally tomorrow. I'll be having a lovely day in at the SBS office again - we're studying Ephesians tomorrow, isn't that a lovely start to a working day? Sharing work updates, praying & bible study, all staff together - beautiful.
I have felt so up & down today. One moment I feel very energetic then the next I'm exhausted and needing to nap - very difficult to know how I'll be feeling from hour to hour so I've been totally relaxed, drinking lots of spearmint tea, taking painkillers, listening to podcasts, writing, reading & eating leftover pizza 😁 I had a counselling session at 2pm but unfortunately it was right in the middle of a moment of exhaustion and I looked and sounded awful - not how Anne usually sees me! (except yesterday when she popped by after I'd woken up in the ward - must've looked tired then!). She kept talking about the uncertainty of this week as we wait to hear about our embryo development but to be honest, I feel very at ease with it all.
I can't explain a logical reason why, only a divine one, but the number 7 has been very present within me over the last week. It was preached about at prayer meeting on Wednesday night (Genesis 1) & in church sermons at the weekend, it's been on my mind that my Dad's Ruby Wedding speech was about the connection our family had with the number 7 (I need to look it out again - although it makes me well up when I read it) and so yesterday before egg collection, I had a strong feeling that we'd get 7 eggs so I was very surprised with the number 11 (however, it's also my house number in Stornoway 😉) but then this morning to hear that only 7 of those 11 were mature...... there it was again & we'll be having a transfer on the 7th of October - I love numbers and connections, can you tell?! So, no, I'm not worried about this week. It is in God's hands. He kept sending me the signs of 7, signs that comforted me and showed me to continue trusting in Him. I'm also attending a house group meeting tomorrow night where it's the host's son's birthday and he is turning 7 🤩 Nobody can say it's not all connected 🤷🏻‍♀️ God knits everything together so neatly and deliberately - it's so exciting! Remember what I said about not expecting anything and going on this adventure where we don't where we're being led?! Definitely exciting!
But, going back to my physical self. My body-clock is all out of whack because I was not able to sleep after midnight last night. Basically my blog writing kept me awake - nah, I'm joking but I couldn't switch off properly until 0530 when I did manage a few hours sleep before I wanted to be up in time for any calls coming in at 0830 - and I was glad I was because they phoned me at 0840! I was wide awake again this morning so I couldn't even go back to sleep after they phoned but that was me flagging when I was in my session with Anne. I needed a nap after that as I was heading to the opticians at 1730. I still wasn't quite with-it when I was there but I feel fine now - chose some nice new specs, in my favourite colour, of course.
I plan to spend the next few days being really kind to myself, taking it easy as I still recover from all the poking and prodding. I was told to expect to feel like I'm on a full-on period until at least Thursday. I don't feel so bad now but perhaps the painkillers are just doing their job 🤷🏻‍♀️
Prayer points to consider:
Thank God for each and every one of you who is praying for us, who is part of our journey and living our story alongside us.
Pray for those who are facing uncertainty this week, that they find comfort in Faith, Hope & Love.
Pray for Kevin and I in our marriage, that the hope of our 4 wee embryos, the first sign we've ever had of our DNA being woven together is an encouraging and exciting sign of our continuing & developing loving relationship.
Pray for each embryo that they may grow strong in their development - cleave to form 4 cells, then cleave to form 8 cells and then compact together to form a morula before they form a good quality blastocyst.
Pray for the embryologists as they watch over the embryos throughout the days ahead, that they may marvel at God's creation and His love for the world.
Pray for the staff at Ninewells ACU ward as they prepare for all of their procedures, but especially for embryo transfers each day & leading up to our own special day on Saturday.
Pray for continued windows of opportunity for Kevin & Mairi to have successful connections with technology as & when important decisions may have to be made.
My phone has been pinging & ringing constantly and I thank all of you who have been in contact. It really means a lot to me that you're keeping in touch & taking an interest in reading my rather long & possibly tedious posts. This process can be challenging at times and we really appreciate that we both have so much support from such loving people. It really shows us just who we can count on to be there when we need them and it brings joy to our marriage that we are surrounded by people who care.
"But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says, “Awake, O sleeper,       and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is." - Ephesians 5: 13-17
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My new glasses that I ordered today (should have smiled 😎)
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mabriga · 2 years ago
Stino Le Thwenny ft Khuli Chana & Lunatik – Karika
ISRC Code: ZA -ZB-3NU – 00006 Composer(s): Katleho Smaye , kanelo Motaung and khulane Morule Author: Katleho Smaye , kanelo Motaung & Khulani Morule
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ranger-rai · 3 years ago
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From Tonight's Stream, We have a Crossbreed between Hoppip and Morull.
Very Cute and unassuming, this Pokémon releases very beautiful luminescent spores that resemble falling stars.
While completely harmless, these Pokémon are very efficient in producing and spreading their spores, which is good in combat when they need to use their toxic spores to incapacitate enemies. As well we also have a Flying Beedrill with a cool splash color we discovered by accident!
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creativityburp · 5 years ago
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One... two... third of my starting seven. Morul Mafolnecik, his surname translates to Chambersinges. As he is only sixty-three years old, he was just a six year old child during destruction of Claspdimple. Withdrawn, dour and valuing privacy as he is, he never told his companions how did he escape Roc claws. But he seems to hold a grudge against the monstrosity. Generally this dwarf seems to be a classical inteligent but lazy type (I identify with him so much!): "good intellect", "not particularly curious", "occasionaly looses focus on the matter at hand", "consider ideas over practical application" etc. I made him a miner, as he is quite strong and prefers to be alone. He also "drops any activity at the slightest hint of difficulty or even the suggestion of effort being required" so I thought that fishing, as a hobby would suit him! It is due to this guy and his "hobby" that we have finally breached the caverns, in search for water and some cave lobsters. Let's just hope ther isn't any danger gratis.
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vanathema · 2 years ago
With the steam release of Dwarf Fortress coming, I’ve made a round-up of threads and stories over the years.
In general, most images are broken because some of these are ten, almost fifteen years old. Also worth noting that forum posters tend to refer to all dwarves as male, regardless of gender. This often extends to adventurer mode (even though one can adventure as nearly anything). This gets confusing at times.
The Most Interesting Dwarf in the World http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=34933.0 https://www.dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Morul Morul Cattenmat, renaissance dorf
The Elf King of Dwarves http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=39897.0 https://www.dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Cacame_Awemedinade how DOES an elf get elected king of dwarves, anyway
Cog the Blind Drunk http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=172504.0 the adventure of a drunken bar brawler. also there's mangoes
The Life and Death of Tholtig Cryptbrain http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=42702.0 via legends mode, memorializing the last dwarven queen
The Ballad of Almef Abliemtha http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=162870.0 an adventurer mode newbie stumbles into endgame. "I still don't know what candy is. I've been using goose leather."
Âsax http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=52295.0 “That bird was a saint, embodying two of the many great aspects of dwarven civilization: war and crazy names for garbage items.”
Glitchy body-surfing in adventurer mode http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=75246.0 "...discovered that Elephants can't open doors. All my plans for becoming the first great Elephant general ruined."
"You have found..." http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=80043.0 gently bullying a new player
One Dwarf Against The World http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=15572.0 solo-running a fortress, or, the origin of all dorfs being called Urist
Beware the giant sponge http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=101243.0 sometimes the most fearsome enemies are right on your doorstep, callously murdering your fishers by making them startle and trip into the river to drown, like utter morons
Archcrystal http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=156319.0 the almost (at time of writing) 500-year old generational fortress (considering encroaching FPS death kills more fortresses than tantrum spirals or invasions, this is as much a technical victory as anything)
Bronzemurder http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=54969.0 the illustrated saga
(note: the Something Awful threads are indicative of edgy internet humour circa 2005-2010, which is to say, a wee bit dated. proceed accordingly.)
SA: Boatmurdered https://lparchive.org/Dwarf-Fortress-Boatmurdered/ the prototypical succession game, from an ancient version of the game that had no z-layers (i.e. it was a 2-dimensional map) now immortalized in the soundtrack as "Koganusân"
SA: Headshoots https://lparchive.org/Dwarf-Fortress-Headshoots/ another succession game whether intentional or a bug, combat skill levels were uncapped for at least two dwarves, which might have been a mistake
SA: Syrupleaf https://lparchive.org/Dwarf-Fortress-Syrupleaf/ the sequel to headshoots set in a world plagued by frost giants and the undead Spawn of Holistic (which is to say, a modded enemy based on one of the fallen heroes of Headshoots)
glitches (mostly fixed)
Danger Rooms http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=92907.0 a popular if controversial exploit (now fixed) where the optimal way to train your militia was throwing them in a room full of wooden spear traps hooked up to repeaters, to be stabbed ad infinitum
It was the best embark, it was the worst embark... http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=61507.0 worldgen hiccup causes an impossible adamantine spire
Here lies Wagon: may he rest in peace http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=128593.0 the original image is broken, so to explain: a scuttled wagon may end up being listed as a deceased entity. deceased beings can be memorialized on gravestones, and so...
The Shaft of Enlightenment http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=134512.0 a particularly lucky goblin inspires the blueprints for a new super-soldier training zone
Planepacked: The Fractal Statue http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=28232.0 https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Planepacked a dwarf in a strange mood amasses far more materials than usual to build an artifact, and produces a statue carved with the history of the world
"Cat cancels Store Item in Stockpile: Too injured" http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/40d:Cat_cancels_Store_Item_in_Stockpile:_Too_injured local cat forgets it doesn't have hands
Parents carrying babies have their movement directed by said children https://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/mantisbt/view.php?id=11231 "Babies simply don't have any idea where they want to steer their mothers. I imagine it probably looks similar to Disney's Ratatouille movie."
Chasing the Elusive Mermaid http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=25967.0 infamously caused Toady to immediately nerf the value of bones from sapient creatures, for some reason
On the Farming of Sea Serpents http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=75780.0 the slightly less alarming but no less ambitious sequel to mermaid farming
Dwarven "Child Care" http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=91093.0 http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=140588.0 "It's like regular childcare, except with more dogs, and less care." i don't think anyone actually got this to work, despite generations of inhumane experiments, which is the dorf fort community in a nutshell
The Fountain of Eternal Life http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=101251.0 how to vampirize a fortress (the answer is: ew)
Building a !!Well!! http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=93780.0 "I'm still looking for a way to make a self-cleaning well. This was not the way to do it."
Quantum Stockpiles https://www.dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Quantum_stockpile technically an exploit, too useful to fix
Dwarven Atom Smasher https://www.dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Dwarven_atom_smasher also an exploit left unfixed. dorfs invented an atom smasher to use as garbage disposal
Necrobacon http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=113638.0 wherein dead animals raised by necromancy have increased muscle mass, and therefore bigger yields from butchery
the first fully programmable dwarven computer http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=49641.0 https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/User:Jong/Dwarven_Computer turing-complete, apparently
Dwarven Game of Life http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=69307.0 "For the last few months, I've been building a megaproject which is an implementation of Conway's Game of Life in a dwarf fortress mechanical computer."
Dwarven Checkers http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=94140.0 the hit new boardgame
Dwarven Relativity http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=86248.0 a thread roundup of dwarven science, including several threads I haven’t seen before
Dwarven Language Codified http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=173289.0 this isn't shenanigans like the other !!science!! threads, just a fascinating read
dorf culture
Stupid dwarf trick https://www.dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Stupid_dwarf_trick the real spirit of dorf fort
Goblin Christmas http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Goblin_christmas non-denominational
Unfortunate Accident http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Unfortunate_accident weird how these things happen
Catsplosions http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Catsplosion spay and neuter your pets
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dwarvendiaries · 1 year ago
Diary of Dumat Kabalath woodcutter
6th of Limestone
This place doesn't have cups. It's a disgrace. Nor any trees for that matter.
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Morul got fed up of sleeping on the floor. So we removed some pieces from an anti-flooding wall and I got to work. Most of us haven't been that bothered to be honest. But Morul really didn't like sleeping on hard stone every night.
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Morul's really taken the whole leadership thing in her stride. Getting her own office definitely helped.
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Finally, we're sealing over the entrance from unwanted pollutants.
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gummie · 2 years ago
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More morul oral sketchs. Shapey and Orels relationship means so much to me
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m00r3-starzz · 2 years ago
(Past event)
Oh look wild and crunchy were drinking, what chaos will insue-
@kaylikestodrawlittlenightmares @rebuilding-paradise @morull
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rebuilding-paradise · 2 years ago
"Ohh, would you like some of my silk?? I have pleanty!-"
[Gold orb weaver cookie is now available]
"You threaten this circus, you threaten our home. . ."
[Albino Were-fox cookie is now available]
"Watch me stretch and my head detach! Do you have any oil??"
[Long-necked cookie is now available]
@kaylikestodrawlittlenightmares @m00r3-th3-shap3sh1ft3r @r0gu3f0rt-c00ki3-simp @morull
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demon-werepire · 3 years ago
nathon and rens weding (how the sides perpar )
side 1: nathon-husbend1, sniky-best man, Dee-best womon/teck, expert V-one of the 5 flower girls, HD-honestly morul saport.
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Side 2: Ren-husbend2, Nessy/dassy-morul saports, Peony-best man, BB-walking Ren down the iule
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side 3: M-nemi's gide, nemi/memy/dezzy/lupa-the other 4 flower girls, Me/demon-paster
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brainrot-rat-030 · 3 years ago
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ah I should have also drawn morull and shintonic but still cute hahaha @chaotic-spork
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Well there is an anvil but i dunno just have sharp break their arms off for the 15th time @williamshamspeare
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