#morudoru hitaki
shiraki-yurara · 3 months
An Assistant's Capriccio Story Event - Hitaki - Chapter 3 - Premium End
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Disclaimer: Morganatic Idol belongs to CYBIRD & ABC Frontier, Inc.
My Notes: Translation is for entertainment purpose only. Translation may or may not be correct. Please ignore any grammar mistakes.
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After leaving the studio, Hitaki-san quickly changed his clothes and got into the car that had been prepared for us.
(I spoke to a staff member on my way out, but nothing unusual happened……)
(So, did I mishear that mutter?)
As I was feeling a little uneasy, Hitaki-san muttered, "Oh, that's right."
Hitaki: I need to let Sakura-san know that the filming is over. Can I ask you to do that?
Rina: Ah, I see. I understand.
I quickly changed my mind and took my smartphone out of my bag, just in time to receive an SNS notification.
(Ah……, I did follow the audition program social media for this job.)
After sending Sakura-san an e-mail, I opened the social media page.
The page was filled with posts from candidates reporting that they had just finished filming.
Rina: Hitaki-san, everyone is posting about the filming. There are also lots of photos of you all together.
Rina: It's also spreading like wildfire…… With so much public attention, it's definitely worth the PR efforts.
Hitaki: Wow, let me see it too.
Hitaki-san leaned in closer as if to peer at my smartphone.
The closeness of our position made my shoulders tense up, but Hitaki-san seemed to sense it as he chuckled.
Hitaki: Fufu, you don't have to be so conscious of it.
Rina: Even if you say so……
Hitaki: Don't worry about it, just turn your phone towards me. I can't see it.
The phone was held in my hand, and our fingertips touched each other.
I could even feel his soft body heat and his breath, and I reacted with a twitch.
(It's impossible not to be conscious……!)
Hitaki: Ah, it's true. Everyone looks so happy in the photos.
Hitaki: There seemed to be a lot of serious girls, and if they were that passionate about it, they would probably be popular right after their debut.
Hitaki: Today was a good inspiration for me too.
(If they were that passionate ……)
When I looked at Hitaki-san's profile as he said that, he was smiling and staring at the screen.
However, his expression seemed colder than it was during the filming.
(Hitaki-san was speaking to the girls seriously. Then, what was he muttered on the way home……?)
I made up my mind and opened my mouth.
Rina: Um……, why did you mutter that when we were leaving the studio?
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Hitaki: That?
Rina: ……You said “How can they all be so passionate about it?”.
Hitaki-san gave a wry smile but answered simply.
Hitaki: Oh, I might have mentioned that. I didn't mean it literally.
Hitaki: You could say I relaxed after the filming finished……, but the producer said he wanted to have a passionate chat at the end, right?
Hitaki: When I heard those words, my true feelings just slipped out.
Hitaki: But don't get me wrong. I'm not bashing the girls.
Hitaki: I can understand the principles of their behavior, but I can't empathize with them. That's what I mean.
His smile was the same as usual, but right now it looked a little crooked.
Rina: But…… Hitaki-san, when you were aiming to become an idol, didn’t you have that kind of passion too?
Hitaki: ……I don't know about that. I've already forgotten.
He dodged it so easily that I felt I couldn't pursue it any further.
(If I get to know Hitaki-san better, will there come a day when I will understand him?)
Feeling frustrated, I continued, "But."
Rina: Hitaki-san's words to the girls were not lies.
Rina: Wanting to be more serious and aim higher…… I can feel that enthusiasm.
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Hitaki: Eh……?
Rina: Hitaki-san, you practice a lot on a regular basis and take your work seriously, don't you?
Rina: And yet, I can't believe there's no passion there.
Hitaki: ……
Hitaki-san was silent for a while, then he burst out laughing.
Hitaki: I never thought you'd say something like that.
Hitaki: But I think I understand why Sakura-san has his eyes on you.
At the same time as he muttered that, the hands that had been lightly touching each other now went around my waist.
Rina: Kyaa……
Hitaki: Don't be so nervous. I want to know more about you.
Hitaki: Would you become my personal assistant from now on as well, not just for today?
Staring at me at such a close distance, my heart beat faster again. His expression was the same as always, shining like a prince.
Although I was dazzled by Hitaki-san's overwhelming sex appeal, I managed to keep his distance somehow.
Rina: That…… would be difficult.
Hitaki: Really? Working with you seems like it would be fun, and if it turns out we get along well, they might say yes.
Hitaki: That's right, let's make a memento of this. So that people can see how close we are.
Hitaki-san said as he took out his smartphone.
Rina: Eh? What are you……
Hitaki: I just wanted to get a photo with you.
Rina: ! That, that’s a little……
I tried to get away in a panic, but the shutter was clicked as he held me close.
Hitaki: I got a good shot. Come on, lean in closer……
Rina: Ah……
He whispered sweetly in my ear and I almost lost my strength.
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Hitaki: Fufu, you’re so cute. I have to take a good photo of that face too.
Hitaki: I can't post it on social media, but I think I took some good photos.
The expression on his face as he said that and smiled was gentle and sweet, but there was also a hint of wickedness mixed in.
(He's a kind and gentlemanly man, but there's more to him than that……)
His smart yet seductive sweetness made me fall for his charms to no end.
Just as I let out an involuntary sigh, the car slowly came to a halt.
(Huh? It's still too early to arrive……)
Hitaki: Looks like we've arrived. Actually, I was heading to the restaurant to say thank you for the gift today.
Hitaki: Since I'm here, I thought I'd just have a meal. If you don't mind, would you like to join me?
(Eh!? At that high-class restaurant?)
The surprise was fleeting, and I was soon swept into the restaurant.
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Rina: Are you sure I really can join you? What about the dress code……?
Hitaki: Don't worry. I've reserved a VIP table tonight.
Rina: Eh!?
Even though it was clearly a high-end restaurant, I was amazed at how Hitaki-san was able to easily find a seat for us.
Hitaki: Don't be so formal. Just enjoy your dinner with me tonight, won't you?
His smart gestures made me realize that it was pointless to resist any further.
Rina: ……I understand. Thank you for inviting me.
When I timidly took the hand that was offered to me, Hitaki-san gave me a captivating smile.
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archiveikemen · 25 days
Hitaki Main Story Release Date Confirmed!
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Hitaki's main story route is confirmed to be released on 29.08.2024 at 1600hrs JST!
► Route PV
► Character Profile
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lilaccosmic · 4 months
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Title: Love in the time of Sickness
Nagi x Reader
Note: Hello guys my second Morudoru Fan fiction story but this time this is Nagi from gem cuddle and i hope you like him would you take care of him when he is sick?!
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Nagi stood backstage, surrounded by the vibrant energy of his fellow bandmates, Hitaki and Miu. They were moments away from stepping onto the stage for a highly anticipated concert, but Nagi’s mind was elsewhere. He felt a wave of nausea wash over him, a persistent headache pounding behind his eyes.
“Nagi, are you okay?” Miu asked, noticing the slight furrow in Nagi’s brow.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Nagi replied with a forced smile, trying to brush off his discomfort. He didn’t want to worry his friends. After all, they had worked so hard for this moment.
The reader, a longtime fan who had gotten to know the band members personally, watched from the sidelines. They could tell something was off with Nagi. His usually bright eyes were dulled, and he seemed to be forcing himself to stand tall.
As the lights dimmed and the crowd’s cheers grew louder, the reader couldn’t shake their concern for Nagi. They approached Hitaki, who was checking the last-minute details with the stage crew.
“Hitaki, can I talk to you for a moment?” You asked quietly, trying not to draw attention.
Hitaki turned to the reader with a curious expression. “Sure, what’s on your mind?”
“It’s about Nagi,” You started carefully. “I think he’s not feeling well. He’s been acting a bit off backstage.”
Hitaki’s brows furrowed as he glanced over at Nagi, who was now trying to psych himself up for the performance. “I hadn’t noticed. But if you’re worried, maybe we should check on him.”
You nodded, feeling relieved that Hitaki was taking them seriously. “Do you think we could postpone the concert? Just for tonight. I don’t want Nagi to push himself too hard.”
Hitaki considered the suggestion for a moment, weighing the excitement of the audience against Nagi’s well-being. He knew Nagi could be stubborn when it came to showing weakness, especially in front of their fans. But Hitaki also trusted the Your judgment.
“Alright,” Hitaki finally said, making a decision. “Let’s do it. I’ll talk to the organizers and announce it to the crowd.”
With a nod of gratitude, You watched as Hitaki walked over to the stage crew, quickly explaining the situation. Meanwhile, Miu had noticed the serious discussion and came over to join them.
“What’s going on?” Miu asked, looking between Hitaki and You
“Nagi isn’t feeling well,” You explained softly. “Hitaki’s going to announce that we need to reschedule the concert.”
Miu’s eyes widened in concern. “Is he okay?”
Hitaki nodded. “I think he will be. Let’s just give him some time to rest.”
You felt a mix of emotions—relief that Nagi would get the rest he needed, but also worry about disappointing the fans who had been eagerly waiting for the concert.
After Hitaki made the announcement, explaining that Nagi needed to recover and promising to reschedule the concert soon, the crowd reacted with understanding applause. They were disappointed, of course, but they trusted the band’s decision.
Backstage, Nagi finally allowed himself to relax, supported by his bandmates and you . He realized how lucky he was to have friends who cared about him not just as a performer, but as a person.
“Thanks,” Nagi murmured, a weak smile on his face. “I didn’t want to admit it, but I really wasn’t feeling well.”
Hitaki clapped a hand on Nagi’s shoulder. “That’s what friends are for, Nagi. We’ve got your back, always.”
Miu grinned. “And besides, we’ll rock this concert twice as hard when we reschedule!”
Nagi chuckled weakly, feeling the weight of their support lift some of the burden from his shoulders. “Yeah, you guys are the best.”
As they walked off stage together, the reader couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride in their bond with the band. They knew that, in sickness and in health, they would always stand by each other’s side.
Nagi watched as Hitaki and Miu left to speak with the organizers and make arrangements for rescheduling the concert. Alone now with the reader, he couldn’t hide his discomfort any longer. Sweat trickled down his face, and a wave of dizziness swept over him.
You immediately rushed to his side, concern etched on their face. “Nagi, you don’t look good at all. Why didn’t you say something sooner?”
Nagi managed a weak laugh, though it was tinged with fatigue. “I didn’t want to worry anyone. You know how stubborn I can be.”
You gently brushed the hair away from his forehead, feeling the warmth of his fever. “You should have said something. You need to rest.”
Nagi’s expression turned serious as he looked into Your eyes. “Will you stay with me? Take care of me?”
Your heart skipped a beat. They knew Nagi cared deeply for them, but hearing him say it so openly still made their heart race. “Of course, Nagi. Always.”
Nagi chuckled softly, a hint of amusement in his tired eyes. “You know, I love you.”
You smiled warmly, their hand resting on Nagi’s cheek. “I know, Nagi. I love you too.”
Nagi’s laughter was interrupted by a sudden coughing fit, his voice coming out hoarse. “Would you take care of me, my wife?” he asked, his eyes searching the reader’s face with hope and love.
Your heart melted at Nagi’s words. They had been married for some time now, and Nagi’s playful reminder brought a rush of fond memories. “Of course, Nagi. Always and forever, my husband.”
Nagi’s smile widened, a mixture of relief and affection. “Thank you,” he murmured, his eyes drifting shut as exhaustion finally caught up with him.
You stayed by Nagi’s side throughout the night, keeping a cool cloth on his forehead and comforting him with soft words. Nagi slept fitfully, occasionally waking to whisper words of gratitude and love to the reader.
In the days that followed, Nagi recovered slowly with the reader’s loving care. The postponed concert was rescheduled successfully, and the band performed with even greater energy and enthusiasm, supported by their loyal fans.
As Nagi continued to regain his strength, You remained devoted, ensuring he had everything he needed and showering him with affection. They took walks together, cooked his favorite meals, and cherished quiet moments at home.
One evening, as they sat together on the couch, Nagi leaned his head on the reader’s shoulder. “Thank you for taking care of me, my love,” he said softly.
You smiled, running their fingers through Nagi’s hair. “You’re welcome, Nagi. I’ll always be here for you.”
Nagi lifted his head to look at them, his eyes filled with gratitude. “I’m lucky to have you,” he whispered.
You leaned in and kissed Nagi gently on the lips. “And I’m lucky to have you,” they replied, their love for him shining brightly.
Together, they knew that in sickness and in health, they would always be there for each other.
On the night of the rescheduled concert, Nagi stood backstage with renewed energy, ready to perform. The reader stood beside him, holding his hand tightly, their hearts filled with anticipation and love.
Hitaki and Miu exchanged smiles as they joined Nagi and the reader backstage. “Are you ready, Nagi?” Hitaki asked, his voice full of encouragement.
Nagi nodded, a grin spreading across his face. “Absolutely. Let’s do this.”
The lights dimmed, and the crowd erupted into cheers as the band stepped onto the stage. Nagi’s voice rang out strong and clear, his energy contagious as he sang and danced alongside his bandmates.
You watched from the wings, their heart swelling with pride and love for Nagi. They knew how hard he had worked for this moment, and seeing him shine on stage filled them with joy.
As the concert reached its peak, Nagi locked eyes with the reader in the audience, a silent promise of love and gratitude passing between them. The reader smiled back, their love for Nagi shining brighter than ever.
After the final song, the crowd cheered for an encore, and Nagi, Hitaki, and Miu returned to the stage, their energy undiminished. Together, they performed an electrifying encore, leaving the audience cheering and clapping for more.
Backstage, after the concert ended, Nagi embraced You tightly, their hearts overflowing with happiness and relief. “Thank you,” Nagi whispered, his voice filled with emotion.
Nagi smiled, pressing a tender kiss to the reader’s forehead. “I couldn’t have done it without you, my love.”
Together, they knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always be there for each other, in sickness and in health, supporting and loving each other with all their hearts.
Later that week, as Nagi continued to recover at home, he found himself thinking about the reader and how grateful he was to have them in his life. He wanted to show his appreciation and love in a special way, so he decided to enlist the help of his friends, Hitaki and Miu.
One afternoon, Nagi called Hitaki and Miu to a private meeting. “Guys, I need your help with something important,” Nagi began, his voice serious yet filled with determination.
Hitaki and Miu exchanged curious glances, sensing Nagi’s seriousness. “What is it, Nagi?” Hitaki asked, concern evident in his voice.
Nagi took a deep breath. “I want to give her a special gift to show how much they mean to me. They’ve been by my side through everything, especially when I was sick. I want to do something that will make them feel loved and appreciated.”
Miu smiled warmly. “That’s a wonderful idea, Nagi. What do you have in mind?”
Nagi hesitated for a moment before continuing. “I was thinking of something personal, maybe a piece of jewelry or an accessory that they can cherish.”
Hitaki nodded thoughtfully. “I think that’s a great idea. We can help you find something perfect for them.”
Over the next few days, Hitaki, Miu, and Nagi secretly planned their mission. They visited various jewelry shops and boutique stores, carefully considering each item they came across. They wanted something that would reflect Nagi’s love and appreciation for the reader.
One afternoon, they stumbled upon a small, quaint shop tucked away in a quiet corner of the city. Inside, they found a beautifully crafted necklace with a delicate pendant shaped like a heart, encrusted with sparkling gems.
“This is perfect,” Nagi murmured, his eyes lighting up with excitement. “It’s beautiful and meaningful.”
Hitaki and Miu nodded in agreement, sharing a knowing smile. “She will love it,” Miu assured Nagi.
With the necklace safely tucked away in a box, Nagi couldn’t wait to surprise the reader. He wanted to wait for the perfect moment, a quiet evening when they could be alone together.
One evening, after a delicious dinner prepared by you
Your eyes widened in surprise as they opened the box to reveal the stunning necklace. “Nagi, it’s beautiful,” they gasped, their fingers tracing the delicate heart pendant.
Nagi smiled nervously, his heart pounding with anticipation. “I wanted to thank you for everything, for taking care of me and loving me. You mean the world to me.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as they looked at Nagi with overwhelming love. “I love you too, Nagi. This means so much to me.”
They embraced each other tightly, feeling the warmth of their love surround them. Nagi knew that with the support of his friends and the unwavering love of You , he was truly blessed.
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Night version!!
After Nagi presented the beautiful necklace to you their eyes widened in surprise and delight. They gasped softly, their fingers delicately tracing the sparkling gems and the intricate heart-shaped pendant.
“Nagi, it’s beautiful,” You whispered, their voice filled with awe and gratitude.
Nagi smiled warmly, relief flooding through him. “I’m glad you like it,” he murmured, reaching out to gently take the necklace from its box.
As he fastened the necklace around Your neck, their fingers brushed against each other, a tender moment of connection. Nagi’s heart swelled with love for the reader, grateful beyond words for their unwavering support and care.
“I wanted to thank you,” Nagi continued softly, his voice low with emotion. “For everything. For always being there for me, for taking care of me, for loving me.”
Your eyes shimmered with tears of joy. “Nagi,” they whispered, their voice catching with emotion. “I love you so much.”
Unable to hold back any longer, Nagi leaned in and kissed the reader gently on the lips. The kiss was soft and tender, a silent promise of love and devotion. You melted into the kiss, their heart fluttering with love for Nagi.
Feeling emboldened by their mutual affection, Nagi gently swept the reader into his arms, cradling them close to his chest. “Come with me,” he murmured, his voice husky with desire.
Carrying you
In the privacy of their bedroom, Nagi and You shared a night of intimate love and affection, their hearts and souls intertwining in a dance of passion and devotion. They cherished each other’s presence, knowing that their love was a bond that could weather any storm.
As they lay together, wrapped in each other’s arms, Nagi whispered softly to You , “I’m so lucky to have you. Thank you for loving me, for being my everything.”
You smiled lovingly, their fingers tracing patterns on Nagi’s chest. “I love you, Nagi. Always and forever.”
And in that moment, as they held each other close, Nagi and You knew that Your love was a force that could conquer any obstacle, in sickness and in health, now and forever.
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Note: i hope you all enjoy him shower Nagi with love Love you guys so much
Taglist: @judejazza @elbertsbabygirl
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shiraki-yurara · 3 months
An Assistant's Capriccio Story Event - Hitaki - Chapter 2
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Disclaimer: Morganatic Idol belongs to CYBIRD & ABC Frontier, Inc.
My Notes: Translation is for entertainment purpose only. Translation may or may not be correct. Please ignore any grammar mistakes.
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Hitaki: Ah, wait a moment.
He held my hand and looked at me from close range. I was startled by the beautiful light.
Hitaki: I know there are a lot of things you don't understand, so why don't I accompany you? There's still time.
Rina: Thank, thank you very much. But I'm fine on my own.
Rina: Please leave the gift-giving to me. I will make sure to deliver it for you.
I said cheerfully, feeling nervous at how close we were, and Hitaki-san gave me a gentle smile.
Hitaki: Then I'll leave it to you. I know there will be many things you'll do for the first time, but do your best.
Hitaki: And……
Our clasped hands were gently pulled together, bringing us even closer to each other.
A cool voice sounded in my ear as I was urged to lean in closer and look in the same direction.
Hitaki: After you finish greeting everyone, please wait here during the filming…... at the back of the studio.
Hitaki: I told them in advance to prepare chairs, so you'll know when you get there.
Rina: ! I’m sorry, I even made you arrange my seat.
Hitaki: It's not such a big deal.
He gave me an endlessly gentle smile, and I found myself captivated.
(I should be the one to be more considerate……, but Hitaki-san is way better than me.)
(Instead of just feeling embarrassed, I should at least say thank you properly!)
Rina: Um, thank you very much! Good luck with the filming.
When I called out to him quickly, Hitaki-san smiled softly after a moment's pause.
Hitaki: You're really honest. I like that kind of girls.
As he said this, his lips curved gracefully.
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Hitaki: So I can't help but pay attention to you…… If we aren’t in a studio now, I would be more affectionate with you.
Rina: !?
The voice became more and more sensual, and my body became numb and unable to move.
Seeing me blushing and at a loss for words, Hitaki-san finally moved away a little.
Hitaki: Just kidding. You look a little red. Are you okay?
Rina: ……Please don't tease me so much.
Hitaki: Fufu, I get it. I guess that was a little mean.
With those words, Hitaki-san sent me off.
He was kind and refreshing, but if you let your guard down you would easily find yourself at his mercy.
(……Hitaki-san is an idol, so I'm sure he's used to it.)
Even though I thought so, I was completely captivated by his irresistible charm.
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TV Host: Hello everyone! Our guest judge this time is Hitaki-san from Gem Cuddle!
Hitaki: Nice to meet you.
Hitaki-san's appearance at the event brought the audience to its feet.
The performances were divided into two teams, and teamwork would be evaluated in addition to individual ability.
The first team's dance was amazing, with rough movements but clear evidence of hard work, and it really got the crowd excited.
Producer: It's amazing that you've made it this far. What do you think, Hitaki-kun?
Hitaki: That’s right……
Hitaki: Although there are individual differences, the overall level is high.
Hitaki-san analyzed each person in detail and commented with advice.
Hitaki: The group was a little lacking in cohesion, but that will improve with practice.
Hitaki: In addition to aligning your movements, try a different approach-----…
(It's amazing. He can understand so much from just one performance…… And his advice is so logical and easy to understand.)
(The candidates also seem to be listening seriously to Hitaki-san's comments.)
As I watched the scene, enveloped in a warm, euphoric atmosphere, I suddenly felt something was off.
Candidate 1: ……
(Huh? Only that girl looking grim on her face?)
One of the candidates on stage was biting her lips and glaring at her feet.
The producer also noticed her behavior.
Producer: You there, what’s wrong?
Candidate 1: ……Regarding Hitaki-san's previous comments, I was the only one who was criticized.
Candidate 1: What's so bad about me!?
The place instantly fell silent as she raised her voice and stomped her feet.
Candidate 1: I was so nervous I messed up, but the truth is, I can do better…… Huu, huu!
No one could speak to her as she cried tears of frustration.
(This is a very bad situation. What to do……)
Hitaki: Don't be so pessimistic. Just try again.
Candidate 1: Eh?
She looked up at almost the same time that Hitaki-san stepped onto the stage.
Hitaki: Now, wipe away your tears. Look up at me.
Hitaki-san took the candidate's hand and spoke to her gently.
Hitaki: First, let's fix your posture. Raise your head just five more degrees and focus your gaze on that light.
Hitaki: This alone will give you a smooth voice. Now all you have to do is add emotion to it.
Hitaki: Take a deep breath…… 1, 2, 3.
When Hitaki-san lightly tapped her back, her singing voice rang out as if it was pushed out.
(! It's completely different than before.)
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Hitaki: Yeah, that's great. Keep singing.
Hitaki-san said as he began to sing along with her.
His singing voice, which seemed to support and accompany her, instantly captivated all of us who were there.
(It's so beautiful……, just listening to it fills my heart with joy.)
The tense atmosphere had disappeared without a trace, and in its place was an overwhelming brilliance.
When the song ended, a huge round of applause broke out from everyone.
Producer: Awesome! I'm so impressed!
Hitaki: Thank you. I thought it was a bit of an over-the-top imitation.
Hitaki: I was able to fulfill the producer's request, and I hope it will be helpful.
Hitaki-san smiled and said this, and the candidate next to him bowed deeply.
Candidate 1: Um! I'm so embarrassed. I'm sorry for getting so upset.
Candidate 1: But I feel like I've grasped something with this song. I'll try harder!
Hitaki: Yes, good luck.
(Wow…… He managed to get the situation under control in a flash. And in such a way.)
While the audience was dazzled with surprise, thanks to Hitaki-san, the filming finished without any problems.
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After the filming finished without any problems, I ran over to Hitaki-san.
Rina: Hitaki-san, good work!
Hitaki: You too, Kawanaga-san. How was the filming?
Rina: I learned a lot from this. At first, I was moved by Hitaki-san's comments.
Rina: What's more, the improvised songs were wonderful. I couldn't take my eyes off you.
Hitaki: Yes. I think it was certainly entertaining performance for the audience.
Hitaki-san nodded with a smile and then the producer came over.
Producer: Good job, Hitaki-kun. I'm really glad I had you as the guest today!
Producer: If you don't mind, how about we go out for dinner after this? I know a nice restaurant.
Hitaki: Thank you for the invitation. However, I have an early day tomorrow so I'll have to decline today.
Producer: I see…… I guess that can't be helped. Next time we meet, I'd like to have a lively discussion about this industry with you.
Hitaki: Yes, I will. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Following Hitaki-san's example, who bowed with beautiful manners, I also finished my greeting.
And then, the moment I stood next to him as we headed towards the exit.
Hitaki: ____......
I couldn't believe my ears when I heard the words muttered.
(What did that just now mean……?)
I almost stopped in my tracks, but Hitaki-san just kept going.
I followed him, puzzled.
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shiraki-yurara · 3 months
An Assistant's Capriccio Story Event - Hitaki - Chapter 1
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Disclaimer: Morganatic Idol belongs to CYBIRD & ABC Frontier, Inc.
My Notes: Translation is for entertainment purpose only. Translation may or may not be correct. Please ignore any grammar mistakes.
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Rina: Hitaki-san’s assistant……?
Sakura: Yeah, he has been cast in an audition show that's been getting a lot of attention lately.
Sakura: He will serve as a guest judge and evaluate the candidates' performances.
The name of the program he told me was an audition program for a girl idol group.
(! This program was in the news because it recruited participants from overseas.)
(It is said that if they could debut here, they would definitely become a world-famous artist.)
(The judges are all famous artists who come as guests every time, so it gets a lot of attention from the public.)
Sakura: Now that Gem is becoming more popular, Hitaki's appearance will be a hot topic.
Sakura: I think it would be a learning experience for Kawanaga-chan if she could accompany him to such a location.
(There is certainly a lot to be learned about the entertainment industry and idols……)
Rina: Understood. I look forward to it!
Sakura: Good, that's great. Then, discuss the details together with him.
Sakura-san left, saying, "I have another meeting."
(First I need to talk to Hitaki-san……)
Just as I was thinking that, Hitaki-san showed up.
Rina: ! Hitaki-san, good work. Can I talk to you for a moment?
Hitaki: I don’t mind. What can I do for you?
Hitaki-san smiled slightly as I told him the conversation from earlier.
Hitaki: Ah, it's about my upcoming TV appearance. I got the materials from Sakura-san in advance.
Rina: I understand. I'm not very familiar with this, but I look forward to working with you.
When I bowed slightly, Hitaki-san nodded slowly and said, “My pleasure.”
(Hitaki-san, even when you're off work, you're so stylish…… You have such elegance and sexiness.)
(I get nervous just by being stared at.)
As I was thinking that, Hitaki-san's face suddenly came close to mine.
Hitaki: Are you feeling nervous already? If you have any questions, please let me know right away.
Rina: Errr.
I am taken aback by the soft scent of Hitaki-san's perfume and the handsome face before me.
Hitaki: Oh, I guess you’ve become even more tense. I was only trying to ease the tension.
Hitaki: Since you’re usually around exe, we don’t really get to talk much, right?
Hitaki: It seems like fun to have you as my assistant like this, and I'd like to be friends with you.
As he said this, he lightly pushed my bangs up so that we could meet each other's gazes.
(! ……Hitaki-san’s hand.)
Rina: I, I understand, so could you please step away for a bit?
When I asked him timidly, Hitaki-san chuckled.
Hitaki: Oh, sorry. Did you hate it?
Rina: No! ……I was just a little surprised.
Hitaki: Is that so? Then……., I wonder if you will allow me to do this.
Hitaki-san gently stroked my head. At that moment, his fingertips lightly touched my ear, causing me to flinch.
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Hitaki: So cute. When I see a reaction like that, I just want to keep petting you.
Hitaki: Your face…… Show me more.
Rina: I, I'm sorry. No more than this……!
Unable to bear the embarrassment, I took a step back and distanced myself.
Hitaki: Fufu, I went a bit too far. I'll be more careful from now on.
(I’m surprised. I wonder if Hitaki-san was teasing me……)
I regained my composure and straightened up.
Rina: So, um…… is there anything I should be careful of or prepare for?
Hitaki: Hmm, nothing in particular. I've already checked the documents here.
Hitaki: All you have to do on that day is be by my side and you'll be fine.
He responded kindly, but it made it seem like there was no point in me accompanying him as his assistant.
(I have to try my best to help Hitaki-san.)
Rina: I know that I lack the skills and experience. But I can't just sit back and do nothing.
Rina: It can be something simple. Can I help you?
After I continued to press him, Hitaki-san seemed to think for a moment.
Hitaki: Okay…… Then, just one thing.
Hitaki: Can you arrange for a gift to be given on the day of the event?
Hitaki: There's a restaurant I often order from. If you mention my name, they will prepare everything for you.
When I looked up the restaurant Hitaki-san had recommended on my smartphone, the website of a Michelin-starred luxury restaurant came up.
Rina: Eh, this restaurant!?
Hitaki: Since I was introduced to him by an acquaintance, I've been on friendly terms with the chef there.
Hitaki: I give roll cakes as the gifts, and people always love them.
Hitaki-san's refreshing smile left me speechless.
(It's like we live in different worlds……)
As Hitaki-san had instructed, I would prepare the gift and head to the event on the day.
And finally, the day of filming------
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Producer: Hey, Hitaki-kun! I've been waiting for you!
Hitaki: I am honored to be invited. I look forward to working with you today.
As soon as we entered the studio, the program producer greeted us with a big smile.
(This guy is a famous producer who has nurtured many popular idols.)
(He's also serving as the main judge for this audition, so I'm sure he's putting a lot of effort into it.)
Producer: I'm also happy that Hitaki from Gem is coming as a guest!
As the producer said this and lightly tapped Hitaki-san on the shoulder, cheers were heard from afar.
Candidate 1: Ah, just as I thought! It’s Hitaki-san!
A dozen or so girls ran up happily, and the producer lined them up.
Producer: Hitaki-kun, let me introduce you. These are the candidates for this idol audition.
Producer: There are still many areas where they need improvement, but they are all very talented.
Candidate 1: Nice to meet you. I look forward to working with you today!
The candidates all bowed their heads, but their faces were filled with joy at meeting Hitaki-san.
Hitaki: You are all looking so fresh. Just by talking to you seems to cheer me up.
Hitaki: I know you're nervous, but I'm looking forward to it.
Every time he made eye contact with each of the girls and spoke to them, they cheered.
His gentlemanly and elegant manners made him truly the "Prince of Gem."
Producer: Hahaha, as expected of a top idol. Just a greeting gets the crowd excited.
Producer: If they could actually see your singing and dancing, it would be a learning experience for them too.
Producer: Anyway, I look forward to the filming.
Hitaki: Yes, I understand.
After finishing his greeting, the producer left, taking with him the candidates who looked reluctant to leave.
(Okay, I should also start working.)
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Rina: Hitaki-san, you have some preparations to do as well. In the meantime, I'll go and say hello to the staff.
Hitaki: Ah, wait a moment.
Just as I was about to start walking, Hitaki-san grabbed my hand and called me to stop.
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shiraki-yurara · 3 months
Hitaki - Favorite Type
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Disclaimer: Morganatic Idol belongs to CYBIRD & ABC Frontier, Inc.
My Notes: Translation is for entertainment purpose only. Translation may or may not be correct. Please ignore any grammar mistakes.
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Hitaki: My favorite type? Well……, I like honest and cheerful people like you.
Hitaki: Their behavioral patterns are easy to read, and they are obedient, so they are easy to control.
Hitaki: Ah, you look a bit put off. Maybe I was being a bit too outspoken.
Hitaki: But my answer just now is not a lie. I like you quite a bit.
That's not a compliment.
Hitaki: Well, I did mean it as a compliment.
Hitaki: You have things that I don't have, and I think you're really cute.
Is that really your favorite type?
Hitaki: Ah, I guess that's a bit off in terms of being a love interest.
Hitaki: But I do enjoy talking with you. So maybe it’s not really incorrect?
Hitaki: On the other hand, what kind of men do you like? I'd like to know for reference.
Hitaki: No comment? Fufu, that's fine. Then let me gradually find out more from now on.
Hitaki: Or maybe it would be interesting to change the preference itself.
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shiraki-yurara · 3 months
Hitaki - Special Skills
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Disclaimer: Morganatic Idol belongs to CYBIRD & ABC Frontier, Inc.
My Notes: Translation is for entertainment purpose only. Translation may or may not be correct. Please ignore any grammar mistakes.
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Hitaki: My special skill…… Being able to respond immediately when a member gets injured or unwell.
Hitaki: I can treat a minor sprain, and I can tell you which over-the-counter medicines are effective for colds.
You’re like a doctor.
Hitaki: I just have some knowledge. Why is that……? Do you really want to know?
Hitaki: I'll tell you why another time. It won’t be fun to tell you everything now, right?
You can do anything.
Hitaki: I'm not sure of the scope of anything, but it's nice to be praised.
It's a useful skill.
Hitaki: It's especially useful when you can’t go to the hospital.
Hitaki: However, I'm a little troubled when Nagi asked about nutritional balance…… I'm glad he relies on me though.
Hitaki: Ah, and if you get sick too, I'll check you up right away.
Hitaki: Hey, why are you holding back? You also thought it was great, didn't you?
Hitaki: I won't do anything terrible to you when you're weak. Do you doubt me?
Hitaki: Besides, I intend to get something in return. Fufu, I'm looking forward to that time.
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shiraki-yurara · 3 months
Hitaki - The Places You Often are
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Disclaimer: Morganatic Idol belongs to CYBIRD & ABC Frontier, Inc.
My Notes: Translation is for entertainment purpose only. Translation may or may not be correct. Please ignore any grammar mistakes.
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Hitaki: Places I am often…… Basically I only go here or places related to work.
Hitaki: If I do what I had to do, I don't think there is anywhere else to go.
Don't you ever take a break?
Hitaki: I take breaks whenever I need them, beside even a cup of coffee is enough.
Hitaki: Well, Miu and Nagi complain that it's not fun.
Maybe I'm also similar……
Hitaki: So you just go back and forth between here and work? Well, isn't that the case for most office workers on weekdays?
Hitaki: I don't think it's something to be depressed about.
You're serious.
Hitaki: I suppose from the outside, I may look like I'm serious. And that's more convenient in many ways……
Hitaki: No, it's nothing. Being serious is a good thing, right?
Hitaki: ……Oh, it's already this late. I need to get some sleep soon, otherwise it will affect me tomorrow.
Hitaki: You should also get some rest early. Lack of sleep reduces your work efficiency.
Hitaki: Fufu, that's an honest answer. Seeing a reaction like that…… makes me want to try more things.
Hitaki: Hm? Oh, I just thought you were a really good girl. Well, good night.
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shiraki-yurara · 3 months
Hitaki - First Impression
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Disclaimer: Morganatic Idol belongs to CYBIRD & ABC Frontier, Inc.
My Notes: Translation is for entertainment purpose only. Translation may or may not be correct. Please ignore any grammar mistakes.
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Hitaki: It was here that we first met. You were waiting alone……
Hitaki: I remember you looking very anxious.
Was it that obvious on my face?
Hitaki: You're more expressive than you think you are.
Hitaki: But being honest isn't a bad thing, so I don't think you need to worry about it.
I didn't have a grasp of the situation at the time.
Hitaki: Ah, he brought you here without much explanation. I can understand how you feel.
Hitaki: Sakura-san has that kind of personality. When he comes up with an idea, he acts on it right away.
I think everyone would be like that.
Hitaki: Certainly, the layout of this place would overwhelm an average person.
Hitaki: But you've gotten used to it, haven't you? You live here every day.
Hitaki: Even so……, back then I never thought that you would say that you didn't know us.
Hitaki: Moreover, you knew about exe, so it wasn't a very amusing story.
Hitaki: It's only a matter of time before we overtake them. Keep an eye on us, too.
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shiraki-yurara · 3 months
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Hitaki's home clothes sprite.
Really makes me want to strip him. The temptation is real. 😘😘🥰
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shiraki-yurara · 4 months
Cards Lines - Hitaki
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Disclaimer: Morganatic Idol belongs to Cybird & ABC Frontier.
My Notes: Translation is for entertainment purpose only. Translation may or may not be correct. Please ignore any grammar mistakes.
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Fufu, you have quite a melted expression. Just close your eyes and feel me some more......
Are you curious about this scent? If so, come closer and I'll hold you close.
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I like your honesty, and I think it's really lovely. Fufu, I wonder if you would be embarrassed if I said it so directly?
To be honest, I respect you. Your positive personality has saved me in many ways.
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Our live was great, right? Fufu, I can tell by your cute reaction.
I was smiling at everyone at the live concert……, but from now on, I'll go back to being just yours. I'll whisper love to you only.
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……It's your fault that my face is red. I never thought I'd be so fascinated by you.
You look so beautiful in that dress. I want to snatch you right now and make you mine…… I love you so much, I can't let you go.
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What do I want? I want you to guess it. This kind of exchange is also fun, isn't it?
I'm happy to hear "congratulations," but that alone isn't enough to satisfy me. You know what I mean, don't you?
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It would be wonderful to have endless sweet dreams with you.
I'm Hitaki. I'm known as the "Prince of Gem", so should I call you Princess too?
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shiraki-yurara · 2 months
On-Screen Lovers Part 2 Story Event - Hitaki - Epilogue
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Disclaimer: Morganatic Idol belongs to CYBIRD & ABC Frontier, Inc.
My Notes: Translation is for entertainment purpose only. Translation may or may not be correct. Please ignore any grammar mistakes.
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A few days after helping Hitaki-san prepare for his role.
At his request, I came to the filming set as his assistant.
(There are a lot of people, but the atmosphere is more peaceful than I expected.)
I was expecting a tense atmosphere, so I was a little disappointed.
(I think today is the important scene where the main character confesses his love to his girlfriend right after the live performance.)
Therefore, many sponsors were at the event, and Hitaki-san was busy greeting them.
He looked as smart as ever, and every time he said something, it seemed to elicit a laugh.
(I think the reason why the atmosphere was so friendly was because of the leading man, Hitaki-san……)
Director: All right! Let's get started.
At the director's command, the actors and staff took their positions, and the room fell silent for a moment.
Then……, the acting began.
Hitaki: As an idol, I am loved by many people. I won't deny that.
Hitaki: But as a man……., all I want is your love.
His eyes gazing at the other person fluttered lovingly, and his pale cheeks flushed slightly.
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Hitaki: You may not believe me when I say this.
Hitaki: But what I just said is my true feelings, without any lie.
Hitaki: I love you. What is your answer……?
When Hitaki-san frowned sadly, there was a gasp from all around.
(Amazing…… Just watching this really makes me feel like I’m “in love with Hitaki”.)
I was simply blown away by his acting skills that captivated everyone in the audience.
Director: Cut! Well, Hitaki-kun is the best after all!
Director: Everyone here has fallen in love with you!
Hitaki: That's an honor.
Hitaki-san smiled at the director and other staff who ran up to him excitedly.
(It seems like a lie that he was unsure about his role……)
As I gazed upon that shining figure, I too felt my heart warm.
The filming went smoothly from then on, but by the time we returned to the dressing room, the sun was setting.
Hitaki: Good work, Kawanaga-san. That's all for today, right?
Rina: That's what Sakura-san told me. He said it's okay to go home straight away after packing your things.
Hitaki: I understand. Thank you.
Hitaki-san was smiling softly and showed absolutely no signs of fatigue.
(That's amazing. Even when you must have been concentrating really hard and moving all the time……)
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Hitaki: By the way, I haven't heard your feedback yet. What did you think of my performance?
Rina: ! Yes, it was very good.
Rina: Every movement and words were so cool…… Everyone in that room was mesmerized.
Hitaki: You say similar things to what the director said.
Rina: Because that’s the truth.
When I told him this enthusiastically, Hitaki-san suddenly came over to me.
Hitaki: Then this time, I'd like to hear your thoughts slowly.
Saying this, he took my hand and we sat next to each other on the sofa.
I sensed him getting closer and my shoulders involuntarily shook.
Rina: ……Um, aren't we going home?
Hitaki: Before that, I want to talk to you more.
Hitaki: You said earlier that everyone was mesmerized. Does that include you?
Rina: ……!
He asked in a whisper, and that alone made me blush.
Rina: Of, of course. You make it seems like it’s a lie that you were struggling to prepare for the role……
Hitaki: Then it’s fine. But it was only because of your support.
Hitaki: I have to thank you again for that. Thank you so much.
My heart started beating fast as Hitaki-san looked at me, smiling and taking my hand.
Rina: Me too…… I once again realized how glad I was to be of help.
Rina: You are a person who can do anything, but you are also dedicated to your work, Hitaki-san……
Rina: Seeing that made me want to support you with all my might.
I want to help Hitaki-san----- That feeling welled up in my heart.
Rina: I'm sure Hitaki-san and Gem will continue to be bigger stars.
Rina: So if you need anything, please let me help you.
However, Hitaki-san stopped speaking for a moment and smiled bitterly.
Hitaki: ……I'm glad to hear that, but that’s not what I expected.
Rina: Eh?
Hitaki: You're pretty tough.
Our joined hands were pulled closer, bringing us even closer together.
I nearly cried out at how close our noses were to touching.
Hitaki: I thought you were aware of me during our home date, but maybe I was just imagining things?
Rina: ……That is.
The sweet time I spent with him the other day instantly came back to me.
(Even though I tried not to be aware of you……)
Hitaki: Fufu, that's the face. Do you remember our date?
Rina: I never forget it.
Hitaki: Really? I'd be happy if that was the case.
Hitaki-san's smile deepened as he stroked my cheek.
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Hitaki: I like you a lot more than you think I do.
Hitaki: That’s why...... I want you to support only me, not everyone.
I unconsciously swallowed my saliva as I caught a glimpse of his tongue.
He then smiled seductively and stroked my waist.
Rina: ……Ah……
(It happened again…… When Hitaki-san touches me, I want to give myself over to him.)
Rina: That’s…… You’re teasing me again, right?
While enduring the pleasure running down my spine, I desperately asked him.
Hitaki: To be able to ask me that here, you are really tough.
Hitaki: But because of that, I’m tempted to get serious.
Rina: ……Eh?
Suddenly Hitaki-san pulled back, and the distance between us increased.
At the same time that I felt a chill in the air, I was looked straight at.
Hitaki: Kawanaga-san, please let me thank you after the filming of the movie is over.
Hitaki: I want to officially ask you out on a date.
Rina: ……!
His quiet voice was tinged with seriousness, creating a different atmosphere than before.
(This is completely different from before…… Does this mean you're really serious?)
As I was unsure of how to respond, Hitaki-san's expression softened slightly.
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Hitaki: Since you didn’t immediately reject it, does that mean there's still some hope for me?
Hitaki: In that case......, please don't reject me.
He took my hand again and gently kissed the back of it.
His graceful mannerisms were just like a prince's-----
Rina: ……I understand. I'll keep that in mind.
Before I knew it, I had answered that.
Hitaki: Fufu, that’s great. I got the OK, so I can do my best for the rest of the filming.
Hitaki-san's face was dazzling as he smiled cheerfully, and my heart started pounding loudly.
(I hope Hitaki-san can't hear this sound……)
Wishing so, I let out a sweet sigh to myself.
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shiraki-yurara · 2 months
On-Screen Lovers Part 2 Story Event - Hitaki - Chapter 3 - Sweet End
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Disclaimer: Morganatic Idol belongs to CYBIRD & ABC Frontier, Inc.
My Notes: Translation is for entertainment purpose only. Translation may or may not be correct. Please ignore any grammar mistakes.
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Hitaki: Would you like to have a "home date" with me now?
After hearing that, I was urged back to the apartment-----
Rina: Are we going on a date here?
Hitaki: There's a scene where she cooks a meal for me, so I wanted to recreate that as well.
Hitaki: You often cook here, right? I don’t think it will be difficult for you.
Rina: But as far as acting goes, didn't you get the hang of it on our date earlier?
Hitaki: I think it would be safer to have a deeper understanding of that.
When Hitaki-san said that, I was at a loss for words.
(I wonder if I can make something that suits his taste…… But since I said “I'd do anything”, it would be hard to refuse.)
Rina: I understand. Then, I’ll make something.
It was nearly dinner time so I decided to make cheese risotto.
Hitaki: Oh, you use a skillet?
Rina: It requires less washing up and is surprisingly easy to do.
After cutting all the ingredients, I stirred fry them all at once in a skillet.
It was a task I was used to, but having Hitaki-san watching me made me feel a bit nervous.
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Hitaki: Fufu, is it hard to do when I'm watching?
Rina: Er,err.
Hitaki: That's right. Since I’m here, why don't I help you?
Rina: Eh?
Hitaki: Because that kind of thing really sounds like a "home date", right?
Hitaki-san quickly walked into the kitchen and stood next to me.
Hitaki: That said, there doesn't seem to be much I can do. I'll make a salad.
Rina: Are you sure?
Hitaki: It's okay. I can do that much too.
As he said this, his movements while cutting the vegetables were so smooth, it even seemed graceful.
(Hitaki-san can do anything with ease.)
Hitaki: Why are you looking at me so much? Your hands have stopped moving.
Rina: ……I’m sorry.
My heart leaped at the sweet, whispering voice, and I hurriedly resumed my work.
(Then mix the tomatoes, cheese, and rice……)
Once I had finished seasoning, all I had to do was heat it until the cheese melted.
By the time the timer was set, Hitaki-san had finished making the salad.
Hitaki: The only thing left is the dressing. I think we had wine vinegar……
Rina: Ah, you need a bowl.
When I handed Hitaki-san the bowl and whisk, he smiled and said, "Thank you."
The brightness of it took my breath away, and at the same time, I found myself tickled.
(Even though cooking together is not something we normally do. This feels as if we were……)
"Like a real couple" was the phrase that came to mind.
(I……, what am I thinking? Ever since we went to the city, I've been thinking too much.)
The moment I took a deep breath to calm myself down-----
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Hitaki: Cooking side by side like this, we're just like a real couple, right?
Rina: ……!
Hitaki: Oh, you thought so too? It's written all over your face.
Rina: ……Yes, I did.
(Wh, why did I reply honestly!? This is so embarrassing……)
I looked away and tried to smile deceptively.
Rina: But……, at first I thought I wouldn't be able to be Hitaki-san's partner.
Rina: So, even if it's just pretend, I'm relieved that I was able to fulfill the role as your girlfriend.
Hitaki: …………
Rina: ……Hitaki-san?
I timidly called out to Hitaki-san, who had fallen silent.
Hitaki: Do you feel inferior to me since I am an idol?
Rina: Eh?
Hitaki: I value you regardless of your position.
Hitaki: You’re considerate and hardworking. You’re the kind of person who can do things properly.
Hitaki-san stopped what he was doing and looked at me quietly.
Hitaki: At the city, you suggested the fruit candy and even paid attention to the escape scene……
Hitaki: I was surprised to learn that you even scouted locations.
Hitaki: It was very entertaining and I never got bored because you did unexpected things.
Rina: That, that’s too much praise.
I instinctively shook my head and Hitaki-san slightly raised the corner of his mouth.
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Hitaki: Really? I'm just telling you my honest feelings.
Hitaki: And…… I'm sure you worked hard today to prepare for your role.
Hitaki: For my part, I wish you were more conscious of me.
Rina: Eh……!?
His suggestive words made my heart skip a beat for a moment.
(What did you mean by that?)
(It's like…… It's like he's saying he wants to be my real boyfriend.)
My heart was pounding rapidly and I unconsciously put my hand on my chest to calm it down.
Rina: Err, you’re teasing me again, right?
I asked, remembering the night I first heard about the movie.
Hitaki: Ah, you mean when I got you backed up against the wall?
Hitaki: It’s true that I did that because I wanted to see how you would react, but……
Hitaki: For this time, I wonder. Which do you think it is?
Hitaki-san smiled sweetly and reached out to touch my cheek.
I almost squealed at the feel of his smooth stroking.
Rina: ……
Hitaki: You look so cute confused like that. Let me see more……
The moment Hitaki-san's face came closer and I was captivated by his bewitching eyes.
Rina: Ah!
The sound of the timer ringing brought me back to myself, and I instantly moved.
I quickly turned off the sound and before I knew it, he was back to normal.
Hitaki: Looks like it's done. Let's eat it then.
Rina: Ye, yes.
We quickly got the food ready and sat facing each other.
When I took a bite, a gentle flavor spread throughout my mouth.
Hitaki: Yes, it's delicious. It's such a shame that it's only for today.
Rina: That's an exaggeration. But I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Hitaki: So, will you continue to make them occasionally from now on?
The gentle smile reminded me of our earlier conversation, and I nearly fell victim to the illusion again.
Rina: ……Does that mean you want us to practice roles again?
When I asked for confirmation, Hitaki-san smiled and frowned slightly.
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Hitaki: Now, no matter what I said, you will connect it to the movie.
Hitaki: If that's the case, that's fine. I'd be happy to have more contact with you, even if just for the duration of the filming.
Rina: Eh……
Hitaki-san's eyes were full of love as he looked at me.
(Just looking at it makes my heart race……)
In the first place, it was impossible not to be conscious of him-----
(Because I'm so happy to hear what you just said.)
As I continued to eat, I silently envisioned a future with him in the back of my mind.
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shiraki-yurara · 3 months
On-Screen Lovers Part 2 Story Event - Hitaki - Chapter 3 - Premium End
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Disclaimer: Morganatic Idol belongs to CYBIRD & ABC Frontier, Inc.
My Notes: Translation is for entertainment purpose only. Translation may or may not be correct. Please ignore any grammar mistakes.
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Hitaki: Would you like to have a "home date" with me now?
After hearing that, I was urged back to the apartment-----
Rina: Are we going on a date here?
Hitaki: There's a scene where he invites her into his room, so I wanted to recreate that as well.
Hitaki: I had a great time with you on our date in town, so I think this will go well.
Hitaki: So, will you help me?
Rina: But as far as acting goes, didn't you get the hang of it on our date earlier?
Hitaki: I think it would be safer to have a deeper understanding of that.
Hitaki: And……, you said you'd do anything you could to help, right?
Hitaki-san gave me a grin, and I couldn't find the words to reply.
(Uh……, I did say that.)
Rina: ……I understand. Please excuse me.
After much hesitation, I said so, but then I stood there, not knowing what to do.
Hitaki: Don't be so stiff. Let's sit on the sofa for now.
Rina: Ye, yes.
After confirming that I had sat down, Hitaki-san sat down next to me.
He closed the distance between us so much that our knees were touching, and I instinctively stiffened my body.
Rina: Um, aren’t you too close?
Hitaki: I think this is pretty normal for lovers.
Hitaki: Don't worry. You'll get used to it while we're talking.
Hitaki-san was smiling brightly, but my heart was beating faster and faster-----
(It's impossible to get used to it……!)
Although I shouted that in my head, Hitaki-san started speaking anyway.
Hitaki: Still, it was the right decision to ask Kawanaga-san for the city date.
Hitaki: You are considerate and a hard worker.
Hitaki: I was so happy to hear that you did all the research and even scouted locations.
Rina: That, that’s too much praise.
I instinctively shook my head and Hitaki-san slightly raised the corner of his mouth.
Hitaki: Really? I'm just telling you my honest feelings.
Hitaki: You suggested the fruit candy and even paid attention to the escape scene……
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Hitaki: It was very entertaining and I never got bored because you did unexpected things.
Rina: ……Those words alone are enough. And it's still too much praise.
When I replied, Hitaki-san paused for a moment before giving me a seductive smile.
Hitaki: ……Seriously, I wish you would stop being so modest. You're my girlfriend now.
He came closer to me and whispered in my ear.
The sweet sound made my body shiver and I instinctively ran away.
Hitaki: No. I won't let you get away.
Rina: Ah……!
Hitaki-san's hands wrapped around my shoulders and he pulled me in for an embrace.
At the same time, I could smell the perfume he was wearing-----
(Ah, I'm dizzy.)
Overwhelmed by his sex appeal, I felt as if I was intoxicated and held my breath.
Hitaki-san made me lean against his chest.
Hitaki: Fufu, you're cute even when you're confused.
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Hitaki: But I hope you get used to this. Otherwise, we won't be able to do much more, right?
The warmth of his body heat felt through his jacket made my heart beat even faster.
Looking up from his chest, his face was endlessly beautiful and glamorous.
Hitaki: Come on, call my name. Like a lover do.
Enticed by the sweet voice, I somehow managed to squeeze out a voice.
Rina: Hitaki-san……
Hitaki: Yeah…… When Rina calls me, even my own name feels special.
My heart skipped a beat when he suddenly called me by my first name.
His beautiful smile was so sweet that it almost made me think that we were really a couple.
Hitaki: I think your expression has changed a little. Can I touch you more?
Hitaki-san took my hand without changing his position and intertwined his fingers with mine.
The closer we got, the more I felt my body temperature rising.
(Hitaki-san is being nice to me because he’s acting, right?)
(If I'm spoiled like this, I might get the wrong idea……)
Somehow managing to keep my confused mind, I spoke.
Rina: Do, do you have an idea of the role now……?
Hitaki: Hm--……, I wonder.
Hitaki: For me, I think I might be able to grasp it better if we do more specific things that couples do.
Rina: Specific things……?
Hitaki: Yeah……, I want to try to touch you more.
Further beyond the current situation of being held close and intertwining fingers-----
Suddenly, Hitaki-san's lips came into view and I couldn't take my eyes off them.
(If he said to touch more than this, I……)
Hitaki: Ah, did you just imagine it……?
His free hand cupped my chin and our lips came closer.
The moment I felt his soft breath, heat rose to my face.
Rina: Ah……
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Hitaki: Tell me. What were you thinking just now?
Rina: I, I can’t say……
Hitaki: Why? I want to grant everything my precious girlfriend asks for.
Hitaki: Your shyness is cute, but I want you to be more honest, Rina.
(My name again……)
Being called by a name that was different from usual was a trigger, and I felt like accepting his invitation.
Rina: I, I……
(Kissing with Hitaki-san-----)
The moment that wish was about to be said, my reason barely managed to stop me.
(Ugh, I shouldn't say that. He’s definitely teasing me.)
I pursed my lips and averted my gaze.
Hitaki-san let out a small chuckle then.
Hitaki: Fufu, I didn't mean to tease you or anything.
Rina: ! Did it show on my face?
Hitaki: That’s right. I think you're an easy person to understand.
Hitaki: That's what makes you so charming and endearing.
Rina: ……You’re definitely teasing me.
I was so embarrassed and frustrated that I couldn't help but raise my voice.
Hitaki: No, that's a compliment. You are honest and easy to understand, but you also can’t be predicted……
Hitaki: I like the girl who I never get bored of watching because she’s fun.
Hitaki-san said that with a smile and combed my hair.
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Hitaki: ……But since you couldn't ask properly, the kiss will have to wait.
Rina: ……!?
Hitaki: And the less we do now, the more fun we'll have in the future.
Rina: Wh, what do you mean by that?
Hitaki: You can figure that out yourself.
Hitaki-san said that and finally pulling away.
Although I felt relieved by the distance between us, I also felt lonely for some reason.
(……I don't think I can win against Hitaki-san.)
I sighed, thinking how happy I was to be teased by.
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shiraki-yurara · 3 months
On-Screen Lovers Part 2 Story Event - Hitaki - Chapter 2
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Disclaimer: Morganatic Idol belongs to CYBIRD & ABC Frontier, Inc.
My Notes: Translation is for entertainment purpose only. Translation may or may not be correct. Please ignore any grammar mistakes.
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And so I ended up going on a city date with Hitaki-san.
We discussed our schedules and went out together a few days later.
Hitaki: Well then, please treat me well today.
Rina: Please treat me well.
Hitaki-san was beaming in his disguise, but the sight of him made me uneasy.
(I wonder if this disguise is enough. I feel like his aura isn't being hidden……)
Hitaki: Are you worried that someone might find out? Well, if they don't look closely, they probably won't notice.
Hitaki: In the meantime, where should we go? I guess we should follow the script and take a stroll first.
After hearing Hitaki-san's words, I changed my mind and nodded.
Rina: Yes. I did some research beforehand, but let’s walk around.
And with that said, we made our way through the sophisticated streets.
(Even so, walking alongside Hitaki-san…… feels strange.)
Even though we were not a real couple, I felt like we were on an exciting date.
As I was feeling uneasy, I suddenly found ourselves entering the street with few people.
Rina: Ah, Hitaki-san. Would you like to visit this fruit candy store?
Rina: It was a hot topic on social media, and you can even recreate the scene of enjoying eating out.
Hitaki: Fruit candy……
Hitaki: I haven't eaten much of it, but since we’re here, let's stop by.
Rina: Yes!
Hitaki-san smiled as we walked towards the front of the store.
Then there was a row of colorful fruits, sparkling and shining.
Rina: It's beautiful, like a jewel.
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Hitaki: Fufu, a jewel. That’s perfect for me, a member of Gem.
Rina: ! That is certainly true.
Gem Cuddle meant "to cuddle gems."
(I picked the store unconsciously, but as Hitaki-san said, it might be a perfect fit.)
When I thought about it that way, these little sweets felt like something special.
I bought strawberries, Hitaki-san bought grapes, and we moved to the side of the road.
We each took a bite, and the crisp candy and pulpy fruit melted in our mouths.
Rina: ……! It’s delicious.
Hitaki: Yeah. I don't usually go out and eat, but I think it can be a habit.
Seeing Hitaki-san with a smile on his face, I couldn't help but smile as well.
At that moment, he suddenly brought his face closer.
Hitaki: But this alone doesn't feel like a date.
Hitaki: If you don’t mind, shall we feed each other here?
Rina: Eh!?
Hitaki: Otherwise, what's the point of us coming together? Here, aa-n.
While I was confused by the sudden proposal, I was presented with a skewer of fruit candy.
Enticed by his beautiful smile and sweet voice, I opened my mouth before I knew it.
Rina: Nn……, it’s, it’s delicious.
Hitaki: Great. Now, can I have some of that, too?
Hitaki-san came closer with a gentle smile-----
With glossy lips, he slowly bit into the strawberry on the skewer.
(Is this…… an indirect kiss?)
I was engrossed in the sweet atmosphere and my heart began to beat faster and faster.
The moment I felt embarrassed and instinctively looked down.
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Hitaki: Oh, sorry. The juice is dripping.
Rina: Eh?
Hitaki: Look, at your fingers. Nn……
Hitaki-san took my hand and put it to his lips to wipe away the dripping juice.
The moment I heard a small lipping sound, I understood the situation and my body temperature rose instantly.
Rina: ……Er, err……
Hitaki: Fufu, don't be so shy. We are lovers now, aren't we?
The way he smiled and wiped his hand with his handkerchief was truly "princely”.
(But that was too bad for my heart……!)
As I hurriedly put away the skewers I had finished eating, two high school girls passed in front of us.
Just as I thought that, they stopped and secretly looked back at us.
High School Girl 1: Hey! I just caught a glimpse, but that guy……
High School Girl 2: I thought so too! Can he be Hitaki?
A whisper of uncontrollable excitement reached my ears.
(! This is bad…… If this continues, there will be a commotion.)
My eyes met with Hitaki-san, who had noticed their conversation too.
Rina: Let's get out of here for now!
I urged him on and started to run.
We walked down a back alley, went out onto the street, blended into the crowd, and then entered another back alley.
We walked briskly in different directions and eventually arrived at the park.
Rina: …… It looks like they're not following us.
Once I confirmed that there was no one around, I finally relaxed.
Hitaki: Thanks to you noticing it early, we were able to avoid a big fuss. Thank you.
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Hitaki: Even so, we didn't get lost on our way here. Maybe you had the map in your head?
Rina: Ah……, there was a similar scene in the movie, so I was looking into it.
Hitaki: Similar scene?
Rina: There was a scene in the script where you had to flee through the city like this, right?
Rina: I thought that scene was exactly what you'd expect from an idol's secret love.
Rina: So, I've been scouting locations so that we can follow that path as well……
Hitaki: ! ……You even did location scouting?
Rina: Sometimes a map alone can't tell you everything.
Rina: But I never thought we'd actually have to run away.
When I told him this with a wry smile, Hitaki-san's eyes widened in surprise.
Hitaki: ……I had no idea you'd gone that far.
Rina: If Hitaki-san is trying so hard to understand the role, I want to try my best too.
After accepting Hitaki-san's suggestion, I researched some date spots in the area and actually went to check them out.
That's how I found the fruit candy shop I mentioned earlier.
Rina: I'm not an official member of the office. But……
Rina: Since I've decided to support you, I want to do everything I can.
Hitaki: ……I see.
Hitaki-san muttered softly, then narrowed his eyes as if dazzled.
Hitaki: I'm really happy about your feelings. It's really helped me a lot.
Hitaki: Not only was I able to escape successfully, but I also felt like I was able to grasp the feelings of being with a lover.
Hitaki: I think I can make full use of what I learned today to prepare for my role.
Rina: ! I'm glad I could help you
Hearing Hitaki-san's words, a sense of relief filled my heart.
Just as I was breathing a sigh of relief, he spoke, "Well, then."
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Hitaki: For you who have been enthusiastic about helping me, I have one more request to make.
Rina: A request?
He nodded with a refreshing smile, and I tilted my head, entranced by his beauty.
Hitaki: Would you like to have a "home date" with me now?
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shiraki-yurara · 3 months
On-Screen Lovers Part 2 Story Event - Hitaki - Chapter 1
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Disclaimer: Morganatic Idol belongs to CYBIRD & ABC Frontier, Inc.
My Notes: Translation is for entertainment purpose only. Translation may or may not be correct. Please ignore any grammar mistakes.
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On a calm and quiet night-----
I came alone to the dining room to make tea.
(I'll check social media while the water is boiling.)
(Reactions to the feature article on exe published today are……)
I swiped through my smartphone and read through the vast number of comments.
Then, information about Gem also caught my eyes.
(Hm? This is……)
Hitaki: Hey, Kawanaga-san. Good work today!
Rina: ! Hitaki-san, good work today. Have you just returned home?
Hitaki: No, I was working in my room for a bit, and I came to get a drink to take a break.
Rina: Oh, then, shall I make you some tea? I was just getting some ready.
Hitaki: Thank you. I'll take you up on that offer.
I poured in the boiling water, quickly brewed the tea, and handed the cup to Hitaki-san.
Rina: By the way, I just saw Hitaki-san's article.
Hitaki: Mine?
Rina: You're going to star in a romantic movie, right? Social media is full of people expressing their expectations.
A super idol met an ordinary woman and fell in secret love-----
The public was extremely excited when they heard that the "Prince of Gem" would be appearing in such a dreamy romance movie.
Rina: It's a role that suits Hitaki-san perfectly, and the majority of people commented that they were looking forward to the heart-pounding scenes.
Hitaki: It's good to see such a big response.
Hitaki: Actually, I was just checking out the script for that movie.
Hitaki-san showed me the script he was carrying.
(Wow……, this is exactly what you'd expect from a romantic movie.)
Just by reading the synopsis at the beginning of the book, it was clear that there were many scenes that would make your heart flutter.
Rina: Seems like the number of female fans will increase even more.
Hitaki: Fufu, that's true. I have to try my best not to disappoint……
Hitaki-san smiled as he said that, but his expression seemed to darken slightly.
Rina: Is there something bothering you?
Hitaki: Eh?
Rina: Sorry if I'm mistaken. It just seemed that way to me……
Hitaki: ……You have a keen eye for people. Actually, I do have some concerns.
Hitaki-san glanced at me and stepped toward me unexpectedly.
I was slow to react to the sudden approach, and the momentum drove me against the wall.
Rina: !? Er, errr……
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Hitaki: I'm trying to figure out how to play a scene like this.
A finger was placed on my chin and my face was raised.
His sweet whisper and the way he traced the contours of my face made my heart skip a beat.
Hitaki: What do you think? Do you have any advice?
Rina: ……I, I.
Overwhelmed by his sex appeal, I opened my mouth in confusion.
Rina: I think this is enough as it is……
Rina: My heart beats really fast right now. There's nothing to be worried about.
I somehow managed to answer, and Hitaki-san slowly let go of me.
Hitaki: I see. To tell the truth, I didn't expect such an honest reaction.
Hitaki: That was just a joke, I just wanted to see your reaction.
(Eh!? So you were just teasing me?)
His unexpected behavior, completely different from what I had imagined, left me speechless.
Hitaki: But it's true that there are concerns.
Hitaki: One of the highlights of the movie is the scene where they go on a secret date in the city.
Hitaki: It's a bit unrealistic, so I can't really relate to it.
Rina: Why is that?
Hitaki: First of all, idols wouldn't go on dates in public places, right?
Hitaki: I couldn’t understand why I'd go to town and risk being found out.
Rina: Ah……, you’re right.
Including Hitaki-san, Gem and exe members were all reasonably careful when they went out.
Since he was an idol himself, it might be difficult to dismiss this development as simply "entertainment."
(You could say that it's a professional concern……)
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Hitaki: Of course, it doesn’t mean that I reject city dates.
Hitaki: But casting me in this movie must have been for the purpose of letting people relive their "romantic relationship with Hitaki".
Hitaki: Thinking about it like that, since I myself would choose a high-end restaurant, I can't help but feel a little uncomfortable.
As I watched Hitaki-san mutter with his eyes cast down, I too began to think deeply.
Rina: Did he choose the location to suit the woman he was with, who is a civilian?
Rina: Or maybe he wanted to enjoy it from the same perspective as his girlfriend……
Hitaki: Hm……, that may be so.
Rina: By the way, where is the city date location?
Hitaki: I think it was Nishi-Azabu. The filming is actually going to take place there.
Nishi-Azabu was known with the image of a town with upscale residential areas and many fashionable stores.
Rina: Nice cafes from that town are often introduced. I see them a lot on social media.
Rina: If you get tired, you can take a rest in the park. It seems like it would be fun to go on a date there.
Hitaki: Wow, you know a lot about it.
Rina: That’s……, I think I know as much as anyone do.
As I replied, Hitaki-san's smile deepened for some reason.
Hitaki: Still, it's helpful enough. In fact, it makes me want to go with you there.
Rina: Eh?
Hitaki: Kawanaga-san, would you like to go on a date with me this weekend?
I couldn't help but shout out loud at the unexpected suggestion.
Rina: Eh!? Me?
Hitaki: Yes. As I said before, I can't fully empathize with the protagonist right now.
Hitaki: I think this can be solved by going on dates in the same place and having the same experiences.
Rina: But I feel that it doesn’t have to be with me.
Hitaki: Really? I think there’s no one who could be more qualified than you.
Hitaki: If it’s with you, I would have a great time on a date in the city.
Rina: ……!
His charming smile captured my heart, and it started pounding.
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Hitaki: Don't you think it's fate that we're talking about the movie like this?
Hitaki: I'm hoping you can help me with my problem.
He took my hand and squeezed it gently.
His mannerisms were gentlemanly, but there was also an intensity to them that left no room for argument.
(I want to support you if I can. That’s what I think, but……)
Although I was hesitant, I already felt that I had no right to refuse-----
Rina: I understand. If you are fine with me, I'll accompany you.
I gently squeezed his hand back.
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