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claudiaindarkness · 5 years ago
@mortiiicia like for a starter.
Claudia remained still as she gazed at the woman before her. She seemed human but she wasn't like anyone she had met. The petite, for once, didn't know how to address her. "Salut, madame..."
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sawsomeghosts · 5 years ago
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Merry Christmas @mortiiicia & @patriiiarch !
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lloronala · 5 years ago
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❁ ❁  “  ¿Should I be concerned about one of your niños trying to hang the other one up on that tree? Or is this an ongoing tradition in your familia?  ” No doubt did the older realize fast that things were managed differently around here. The family, ironically enough, weren’t unpleasant people to know---but one would have needed to be blind to not have seen the hazardous rituals that were constantly played out in this household. & although it wasn’t her issue to be worried about, it still raised plenty of questions that were itching to be asked.
@mortiiicia​  ||  holiday starter call
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patriiiarch · 5 years ago
❝ Gomez darling... I had a thought about what to hand out the children this year for Halloween. Instead of the usual lady fingers, why don't we have mama fix up her spécialité - candied porkupine? ❞
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“Mhmm!” With his enthusiastic agreement muffled in her arm, Gomez continues to kiss his way along it. It was the only way to respond to an utterance of French that always sounded dreadfully depraved upon Morticia’s tongue!
“An excellent idea, my dear. These trick-or-treaters will be overwhelmed with disgust, the lucky devils!” Ah, to be a child again on Halloween. Gomez could still recall the days where he and Fester would terrorize the neighborhood with their dynamite! If he concentrated hard enough, he could almost still smell the sweet aroma of the Nitroglycerin.
“Shall we hand out eyeballs, too? Perhaps the ripe ones that are getting ready to burst!” It was for a special occasion, after all! “We could set up a competition where the child who pops his or hers the fastest gets something particularly gruesome as a prize.” It would only be a small prize so that the other children didn’t feel left out.
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xenophonrising · 6 years ago
There Is A Heavy Blue || Closed
He walked slowly among the headstones, staring at his feet as he went. Vision through golden eyes became blurry with tears, because even when he blinked them away, they came flooding back. It shouldn’t be this hard. He should have been able to push away the pain. But all he felt was lost. Lost with a sharpened dagger entrenched deeply in his chest. He swallowed, nostrils flaring as he breathed in despite the lack of need, exhaling despite the want to scream.
How dare he! How could he be so frigid, to bring up his wife and daughter like that, as tools to be used against him? To call them weaknesses, burdens? Leeches that had sapped him of his strength and made his heart too soft? Damn him! Arygos drove his fist into a headstone, glad after the fact that the rock was sturdy enough to withstand the blow. What if it had broken? Then it would match the fragile organ in his chest. Right? Wasn’t that what he would say?
His legs finally buckled beneath him, and he collapsed, sobbing, onto the grass. The man’s hands rose to cover his face as his shoulders shook. Arygos didn’t spare a single thought as to who might see or hear him, or even that anyone would. He wouldn’t follow him here. That was all that mattered as he let his weakness flow down his face and speckle the grass below with sorrowful dewdrops.
Perhaps, he thought, the dampened earth would cry with him.
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starrymused · 6 years ago
He was nervous. Maybe more than nervous. Terribly anxious, more like! Fixing his attire and smoothing back his already perfect hair, Brad Majors bites his lip. He and Sterling had arrived back at the Addams home the night before and he had been introduced to the family. However, because of a few delays, he hadn’t really had a lot of time to properly converse with any of them. Now that Sterling was discussing work business with the patriarch of the house, Brad found himself wandering.
He wanted to make a good impression and get to know the family members. Sterling had briefly spoken about each one and had explained their fondness for everything dark and horrifying. After everything he had experienced back at the castle with the Transylvanians, Brad felt like he could handle whatever was thrown his way.
He catches a glimpse of the matriarch of the house in the garden, her pale face surrounded by her long black hair. She was really beautiful. For a moment, he hesitates and wonders if he should approach. Deciding that it couldn't hurt, Brad makes his way over.
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“Good morning, Mrs. Addams. Thank you for allowing me into your home on such short notice. I really appreciate it.” It had all happened so fast. One moment he was in Denton and the next he was catching a plane to Washington with a man he had only known for two days!
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thislovelylady · 6 years ago
Lenora had been raised to enjoy the presence of plants more than people. The small, frail blooms in the potted plant by her window kept her company when she hid from her father's abusive words and actions. They were her friends. They would never hurt or demean her. Their silence was relieving and her devotion kept them alive. It was a lovely relationship.
But despite all that, they still could not protect her entirely. Especially not her mind. Eventually, the desire to be free overwhelmed the fear her father had instilled in her. Eventually, she left those plants behind because she only had one chance to flee.
So she dumped them out on the floor so that they wouldn't have to live without her. 
She fled, she wandered, she did what she could to survive between women's shelters. She read books and watched what TV she could, absorbing everything within her grasp. She was a fast learner, at least, and had always been rather clever. Absorbing knowledge like a sponge, she learned all she could in order to make ends meet.
Cleaning, cooking, even some manual labor kept her alive. She had been living like this for three years now.
"...dreadful, horrfifying plant monster! She fed it what must have been half a pig, at least!”
“Aw, cut it out. We all know you’re full of crap.”
“I’m not! I swear! She called it a -- an African Strangler or something!”
The young woman slowly turned around in her booth, poking her head over the top to stare at the adjacent seated guests, who were speaking behind her.
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“...Excuse me,” she started, polite but oddly intense. “Are you describing a plant that...eats meat?”
The man was happy to tell her everything, seeing as how she was the only person willing to believe him. He explained how he had visited an ‘eerie’ family known as the Addamses regarding a noise complaint, which led to the family matriarch inviting him for tea in her greenhouse. There, presumably as an intimidation tactic, she introduced him to her African Strangler.
Needless to say, if he wasn’t lying, Lenora’s attention was captured. She asked him where this house was, and an hour later, she was standing just outside the intimidating Addams Family estate. She almost laughed as she took it all in: a structure straight out of a horror movie! It was so... so... on brand?
The gates even creaked open on their own! This time, she did laugh. She knew she probably be frightened, but she just couldn’t seem to be. Automated or haunted? She didn’t care. She sort of loved it.
Approaching the large double doors, she hunted for the doorbell and then eventually rang it. The odd foghorn -like response made her laugh again. How amazing this all was!
She was very much excited to meet the family who thrived in such a place.
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carvedheart-blog · 6 years ago
Standing in a place known only as the “Killing Fields” while the sun began its slow descent wasn’t exactly how he pictured his day going. He once watched a documentary about the area’s history and why it was given such an ominous title and, as intriguing as it had been, he hadn’t intended on actually visiting it.
However, due to unforeseen circumstances such as the car breaking down, he had been left with it while his dad hitched a ride to the nearest town. Instead of being a responsible adult and allowing his son to join him and the stranger, he had told him to stay with the car in case anyone tried to “steal shit” from it. Not that there was anything worth stealing, of course...
Twenty minutes ago, J.D had grown bored of waiting in the car and decided to venture out. It was still sort of light enough to see where he was going. Until darkness took over completely, he would explore what he could before heading back.
Well, that had been the plan.
After being caught up in his own thoughts, night arrives and leaves him stranded. It was his own fault for allowing himself to become distracted, but it still wasn’t the best situation to find himself in.
If only he had brought a flashlight.
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The next ten minutes (or maybe it had been longer) were spent trying to navigate his way through the pitch black. He rolls his eyes at his own stupidity. What a smart idea it was to come out here, J.D. Best one you’ve had in a while.
He walks without any sign of light for a while before something in the distance comes into view. Squinting, he tries to make out what it could be. Golden in color, it bobs up and down while drawing nearer. A lantern, perhaps? Once it was close enough, he calls out.
“Hey, is someone there?” Unless he was hallucinating — which wasn’t impossible — he was fairly certain he could recognize the shape of a person.
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matriiiarch · 6 years ago
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                          Sister, breach in! take my hand and follow my name                       Sister, take me! hold my hand and guide me through death
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unclebarnavelt-blog · 6 years ago
@mortiiicia Continued from Here: X
     “Hmm? Oh yeah, sure anyone can learn. Well...not everyone, I mean it does take years of practice, not to mention everyone has their own kind of magic which takes time to perfect but yeah, anyone with the time and patience can learn. But all I do is just take this lighter, light it, swirl my hand to enlarge the flame and...” Step by step he recreate the trick until he was holding a baseball size fireball in his hand as if it were nothing.
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     “Voila! One ball of fire ready to order and before you ask, no I don’t think it’s a good idea to try it out on human targets. At least start with some vases first, or in this case windows, and work your way up.”, he chuckled darkly. Though he didn’t know Morticia well, he knew Gomez and was well aware of their ideas of ‘fun’.
     “By the way, thanks for letting Lewis and I stay the weekend. Poor kid’s been locked in his room after an incident at school...seems no one is liking the new kid.”, the man sighed, tossing the flame into the nearby fireplace, watching the logs within quickly catch ablaze. “This’ll be good for him-”, Jonathan said before being cut off by the scream of his nephew.”-hopefully. He’ll be fine....right?”
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sawsomeghosts · 6 years ago
👹 - go to a Halloween store
Things to Do in October: Starters // @mortiiicia
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               LYDIA HAD ALWAYS LOVED HALLOWEEN. The spooky aesthetic left her in high spirits and she ended up embracing the strange and unusual side to her even more so than normal. Anyone that didn’t know her might think she was embracing the holiday with the way she chose to dress. Of course, Delia had to make the house appear GLAMOROUS during Halloween with beautiful uncarved pumpkins on the front porch and strategically placed around the bushes as if it was its own pumpkin patched. Red and orange leaves covered the front lawn instead of her neurotic stepmother forcing her father to scrape them all up into piles ready to be bagged and thrown out. Even inside of the house it was beautifully decorated with orange string lights wrapped around the fireplace mantle, tucked between different fake decoration leaves.
               Delia had an ELEGANT approach to decorating the house, but when Lydia was growing up it was completely different. Her mother shared the same tastes as she did. Instead of elegant, it was completely SPOOKY around their house. There were carved pumpkins on the porch, each face more horrible than the next and she wanted to keep them lit until Thanksgiving if she could. Floating ghosts hung from the trees in the backyard. Lydia used to run around them, boots crunching through leaves and giggling while her mom carved pumpkins on the porch. She remembered these glittery witch and ghost figures that lit up different colors when they were plugged in. She wondered if they were still in a box in the attic somewhere. Costume shopping? That had always been fun, too. She usually had in mind what she wanted to be that year, though sometimes when she got to the store she was a better costume and just had to be it.
               ❝ It’s so nostalgic watching kids carry around their costumes and masks, ❞  she commented as she and Morticia took their time walking around the Halloween store. It was filled with so many costumes, accessories, decorations, and so much more. It was heaven for someone like her. It almost made her wish she was five again and wanting to dress up like a witch. Maybe she’d buy a witch’s hat just because she wanted to. She’d keep that in mind as they walked up and down the aisles.  ❝ Are you doing anything special for Halloween? ❞  She asked her mother-like friend as she reached out to grab a glittery spider ring, admiring it for a moment.
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wineinthewidow · 6 years ago
-sends my url via bats-
LET ME TALK ABOUT YOU!!! / @mortiiicianever denying ever ever
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     ALRIGHT! PULL UP A SEAT AND HERE WE START!!! So when I first followed you, it was out of pure genuine love for Morticia and when I checked out your blog and was just BLOWN AWAY!! By the writing!! Is so!! wonderful!! there was no question about my following the second i laid eyes on your work. the depth that you go into in every single sentence you construct is always awe inspiring! you touch every fabric of Morticia’s mind and you expand on that and it’s such a beautiful process to watch happen every time you make a post. It’s honestly reached a point where I now see her as a full person, standing in front of me.
    And i always appreciate a meta, and someone who could constantly talk to me about their muse. And I’ve had the pleasure to witness this on a couple of occasions and I can’t say how humbling it is to see. ( Remember our discussion on Cersei’s feelings on the approach to cannibalism?) And I always enjoy reading them every time they come across my dash, or if I feel like reading some wonderful things on the Adam’s family, or Morticia, I just come to your blog.
     And not to mention how wonderful you are OOC, we’ve spoken on a few occasions and I remember just adoring our exchanges. You are a fantastic human, nice, tempered and patient, but also with a deadliness to match your muse when patience is up. I remember my exact thought when we started taking was ‘wow this person is so- COOL!!!’ and I still hold true to that thought. I adore you, and i always will. Thank you for being wonderful
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escapedartgeek · 6 years ago
❝ What is it about death that seems to fascinate you? ❞
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   Now this is a question. There are often two responses to this question - the one that most people get which is fairly casual. And the other, the true answer which reveals a whole lot more about their fascination and intrigue towards death as a concept.
Being that the asker is Morticia Addams, of all people, Zora feels like more honestly seems to be the better way to proceed. “Well. Generally, I find the concept interesting just because people have gotten really creative about what they can do to each other. And the history of what can cause death is just neat to consider.
But there’s a more personal angle to my fascination. The thing is - I’m ...I’m actually of a species that does not easily die at all. It’s to the point where I have great-great-great ancestors alive in some other dimension somewhere after they faked their deaths around here. Surprise. And that’s..tends to be how the process works. My folk live in a specific area for some time, hang out, when they tire of it - they fake their death, change forms and changes realms in the process. It’s why I didn’t see too many actual funerals in the family growing up.
So most of what I’ve learned about death is from human associates and research into the way death works and following really morbid stuff over time. It really is something that has haunted my imagination for so many years, and to come at it from a perspective that is not avoiding of it but genuinely curious about it is the end result.“
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patriiiarch · 5 years ago
❝ that guy in the gorilla costume has been following us for the past ten blocks. ❞
halloween/fall starters ! - ( ACCEPTING. )
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“Good evening, old chum! Do you need assistance finding your way back to the city zoo?” It was a fair attempt at a gorilla costume, but it wasn’t going to fool anyone. Well, maybe Fester, but nobody else! When he received no reply, Gomez leans in to speak to his wife.
“I don’t know if he can understand us, Tish. Shall I speak gorilla? It’s been a while, but I think I still remember the basics.”
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tenebroustm · 6 years ago
mortiiicia replied to your post: ;; suggested muses: pugsley addams >.>
;; tell that to the people who nearly died in a severe car crash because he thought it’d be funny to remove the mandatory ‘stop sign’ just so the accident would take place…. !!! NOT A BASTARD? LOL.
SHIT FAIR POINT , but he’s so adorable. adorable bastard. 
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daisiied-blog · 6 years ago
@mortiiicia » cont. from here.
Talking to dead people — undead people? resurrected people? — didn’t sound appealing at all. Would she want to hear of painful experiences, or so she believed it to be. Painful above everything else. Forced to come alive again, Ophelia knew it sounded just as appealing to Morticia as it sounded grim to her. Bound by blood and yet so different. And yet, as opposed as she was to the idea of being resurrected, Ophelia desperately longed for answers. Answers her sister couldn’t give her, which needed to be given by someone who had experienced it before.
Head titled, blue eyes watching her sister for another moment, she gave a small nod in reply as fingers not all too gently played with the ends of her long, blonde hair. ❝ If it truly is the only way for me to get answers, we shall. Although, upon second glance, I could imagine the answer is rather obvious. ❞ If only the curiosity wasn’t stronger than her better judgement.
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          ❝ Who are we going to ask then? ❞
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