murmuringartist · 11 years
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sharpest-shooter · 11 years
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                        ----- His addiction would hang betwixt his lips, firearm swinging beside him, unruly blond hair bouncing softly with his footsteps. Azure hues gazed over the beauty that was the royal gardens of the Caelum household. The arrangements were so perfect, that the word perfect didn't even describe how well the gardeners tended to the gardens. A slight twinge of jealousy would pick at the blond at times, for others obtaining a skill that he could never wrap his head around or have time for. 
Sliding his hand into his back pocket, he pulled out his simply metallic lighter, flicking it a few times. At first a spark, and then a small amount of fire. The day was pretty breezy, but fortunately the gunslinger had just enough time to light his cigarette before the wind would blow it out. Smoke free falling from his slightly parted lips, he would watch it trail for a moment, taking the cigarette between two fingers to exhale the smoke he'd just took back. 
The marksman sighed, the day had proved to be short of successful. Nothing was achieved tonight. Was it so bad to wish for a bit of action? He didn't want Idola and his men to attack, in fear of the worst, though he didn't doubt that him, Noct and the gang could take him down. Spending his days of youth simply waiting for something to happen became tedious. He would usually wander into the market streets, but it was drawing on early evening, everything would be closing for the day, and the taverns and clubs didn't pick up pace until later on that evening. 
Taking another drag of his cigarette, he walked around the gardens a little, admiring the view. Pure blue hues would always find much fascination in the colours in the garden. Something caught him off guard. Shifting his hues to the left, he caught sight of someone who seemed to be off in a rush. A shift of his path could be heard on the slightly rubble, concrete path beneath his feet. Taking his cigarette from between his lips, he parted his lips to quickly speak.
"Yo, wait up!" He called to the stranger who walked on. For all he knew, it could've just been Noctis or Ignis wandering around, but the other moved too quickly for him to notice. 
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imthelcstprincess · 11 years
mortemdues, thereindeerwhisperer started following you
"Hi there!  I'm Rapunzel," greeted the princess, a friendly smile on her face.  "And you are?"
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kanxsen · 11 years
{ + 8 } Earth Badges
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           The gym leader was chipper for a reason, he held onto a strange pokeball and he was alone in his gym. "Alright... Lessee how you came out..." Not realizing the stranger walking into the room, Green pressed the button as he tossed it forward. What appeared there was a fusion pokemon...
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            "Sadly, there wasn't enough DNA to make the real thing..." Green started muttering to himself as the pokemon stared at him with its eyes. "I'm sure Gramps didn't mind that I use his Flareon..."
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radiantheir · 11 years
Garnet: NOCTIS LUCIS CAELUM ! your child defecate come help me change the diaper dear
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fulmen----s · 11 years
You perfect human being.
≺ ϟ ≻ ——-   Bewilderment stuck him for a moment, due to the statement that absconded the tiers of the unbeknown individual. Notwtihstanding such prospect, he took the liberty to permit flippant pride to arise, as an oblique smirk engraved the dermis of his facet.
"I don't need reminders of the obvious. Though it's good to see more people start to realize it."
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naru-uzumaki · 11 years
Send me a '✏' and I'll handwrite your URL or anything you ask.
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radiantheir · 11 years
Get Fluffy
Put ‘Get Fluffy’ in my inbox, and I’ll randomly generate a number-
                                   A pillow fort
{♔ }     While Garnet cared the children from the fruit of the love of Noctis and his wife, Noctis was preparing to have another romantic evening with his wife, the brunette was glad for him that he built a family but she wanted to be in the place of his wife. He watched the petite girl to take care of their children as if it were their mother leaning against the side of the door with a small smile formed on his lips, the girl realized that was someone watching and turned toward the door. Just looking at him, she wanted to cry.
Noctis could not call the Garnet as Garnet or Dagger or Sarah because he still think she isn’t the real, but a look-alike imposter. He wanted some help with his tie, by education she went to help.
 Why he didn’t asked for his wife? Away from my domain, you’ll go bad to worse, comes I’ll teach you to be better.
Wrapped, tied and Noctis gaze at her scalp “— All ready…” Don’t look at his eyes, don’t look at his eyes… was too late, that look was like a hypnotist, tiptoed the girl approached her lips to his, feeling his breath until he turns his face. “I have a wife and three children” This was the argument that he had, and he repeated it every time. The girl huffed and threw a pillow in his face and headed for the door but something stopped, she felt a pillow hit on her back.
"— Um?" Forgot that Noctis sometimes behaved like a child in her surroundings, he was whistling with a suspicious look "— You just hit it a pillow at me?" the raven threw another at her face, his children only began to pay attention on the pillows part. They were laughing and pointing at their father. "— Noctis Lucis Caelum be declared dead !" she said taking a pillow and hitting him without stop. 
Noctis did the same thing, and he was laughing. Noctis laughing was something rare, a sign that he was really enjoying himself. His children joined the fray pillow then Garnet and Noctis had to decrease the force and Noctis had completely forgotten that he hoped his wife in the castle’s gates. The children had the idead to create a pillow fort against the aliens that were on their way.  The five created, Garnet and Noctis childhood had returned.
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pinkhairedwarrior · 11 years
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ayaneandpals · 11 years
mortemdues started following you
"Hello hello~" Aya Cheered to the other person, happy as ever. "How are things?"
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