#morstache monday
too-antigonish · 2 months
Well, I'll let you get settled in...
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Yeah, I know you can barely see the 'stache (take it as a win @librawritesstuff) but that kind of fits.
Jago his just introduced Morse to his new luxury office space. Luckily (because he's Morse) we know he didn't have high hopes to begin with. An office in Materials Storage Rm. #7 can hardly make his life that much worse.
The particular flavor of Morstache that reflects this mood? I'm calling it the 'Tache of Futility
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librawritesstuff · 27 days
🎶Just another manic Morsetache Monday 🎶
Is someone trying to work off the effects of too much coffee?
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fanficrocks · 26 days
Next time, he will bake a cake!
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Or so he claims…
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thewatcher98 · 3 months
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Yes but what? The getting naked? The tuxes? The boiler suit of lust? Something new? What contractual clause is he complaining talking about right now?
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shaun-evans-fanblog · 6 months
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Shaun with the hair and makeup staff.
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jessieren · 6 months
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A final additional Moustache Monday post specifically for @librawritesstuff
It’s the Schrödinger’s tache shot…
You know it’s there but you can’t see it…
You’re welcome 😇
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season-77 · 6 months
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OK, OK I surrender ... it's time to eat this humble pie ...
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too-antigonish · 2 months
If you hated the Morstache, wait until you hear these ideas for S6...
I've been thinking a lot about a S7 rewrite this last week and somehow it has seeped into my Morstache Monday. As I sat down to do this post, my original plan kept getting derailed by ideas for alternate versions of S6.
So here they are:
Morse: Undercover as cool, bad boy, 70s cop.
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2. Morse and Joan: Cute couple in wacky 70s sit-com.
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3. Jim Strange and Endeavour Morse: Buddy Cops
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4. Morse: Sensitive 70s Folk Singer
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5. Mr. Bean?
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[Photos 3,4,5: endeavourneverland]
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too-antigonish · 3 months
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Continuing @jessieren's theme for Morstache Monday with a beautiful bts photo from endeavourneverland taken during filming for S6E1: Pylon, in August of 2018.
On her FB page, endeavourneverland also includes this handy note:
"PS Someone asked... the watch is a late 50s/early 60s Welsh-made Smiths Empire sub-seconds."
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too-antigonish · 2 months
Yeah, I got nothing...
Blame it on the heat...or August...or one of those days...or something.
So I'm going to sit here and look at my favorite non-Morse softstache pic from the Miss Julie/Black Comedy era.
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I feel the tiniest bit better already.
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too-antigonish · 7 months
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Never thought I would say this but...taking a moment to savor the Morstache. Happy Morstache Monday!
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too-antigonish · 5 months
Assignment: Snarky Little Shit Monday...the Morstache Edition
Exhibit A: Category 2: Eyeroll; Subcategory 1a: Common eyeroll; Subcategory...
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Exhibit B: Category 2: Eyeroll; Subcategory 2: Full body eyeroll; Subcategory 1...
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Exhibit C: Category 1: Snarky little shit; Subcategory 1b: smug little shit; Subcategory 2:...
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Exhibit D: 1: Snarky little shit; Subcategory 1a: "You're not doing it right"; Subcategory 1...
“I was right and you were wrong. Again.”
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Exhibit E1: (unclassified)...
Let me explain exactly *how* you’re wrong—in excruciating detail…
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Exhibit E2: (unclassified)
And before I get started, how much time do you have? Because it's gonna take a while...
(Thursday is mentally rescheduling his entire day...)
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Exhibit F: (unclassified)
Your very existence pains me...
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Exhibit F: Smug; otherwise unclassified...
You cannot conceive of the revenge I am planning...
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NB: We'll pretend for the sake of this little exercise that photos of Shaun *are* Morse. All non-screenshots are by EndeavourNeverland. Additional snark classifications courtesy of @librawritesstuff.
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librawritesstuff · 5 months
*cracks knuckles*
I am teaching “Hamlet” right now, but the inspiration blame for this fully belongs to @thewatcher98
To tache, or not to tache, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the face to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous facial hair,
Or to take razor against a sea of stubble
And by opposing end it. To shave—to shear,
No more; and by a shave to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural whiskers
That face is heir to: 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To shave, to shear;
To shear, perchance to smoothe—ay, there's the face rub:
For in that dream of tache what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this bristled coil,
Must give us pause—there's the hirsute respect
That makes calamity of this tache life.
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librawritesstuff · 4 months
“Now hold on just one minute: I never said - or implied - it was a cult. . .”
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too-antigonish · 4 months
The Last Weekend...
It's not the Morstache, but I say it counts!
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While the Morstache is infinitely wondrous, I thought I'd change things up a bit in the facial hair department with a collection of Last Weekend screenshots from the original @shaun-evans-fanblog.
Hope you enjoyed!
P.S.-That last one is the *exact* come hither look he uses in Dread.
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thewatcher98 · 7 months
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Definitely my favourite pic for this mustache Monday
Find it on Pinterest, so I don't know if it belongs to anyone
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