#morro is not among them while cole is
razzle-zazzle · 2 months
you have a sandstorm au?
I have a wholeass playlist for it, too 💪😌
I've summarized it before but it's been a while and some things have been updated so here's another quick summary, under the cut because of allusions to suicide:
Cole kills himself prior to canon by way of train, and ends up in the Cursed Realm. He meets Morro, and initially the two of them don't interact all that much until Morro figures out Cole's supposed to be the master of earth. Morro teaches Cole how to fight, Cole teaches Morro ballet because he doesn't want to owe anything to Morro, and they bond and it's nice and sweet and the Preeminent is looming over everything!
When the Cursed Realm is opened up and Morro and Cole slip out, Morro possesses Lloyd as per usual. Where things change is that Cole comes in separately and pretends to be enemies with Morro, allowing him to get in good graces with the ninja. He sticks around, helping them in their attempts to get the Realm Crystal before Morro can, and finds that it's actually... not that bad, hanging out with these guys.
But Cole knows where his loyalties lie. When the ninja get their hands on the Realm Crystal, Cole steals it to bring to Morro, who uses it to free the Preeminent as they planned. But Cole's time with the ninja had an effect on him, and he really cares a lot about Morro. Like, a lot. And while before that saw him being willing to follow Morro wherever, now (with some nudging from Wu) it's got him moving to work with the ninja to stop the Preeminent. There's a brief fight between him and Morro that doesn't do anything but affirm that they both really care about each other.
When the Preeminent's defeated and the ninja are victorious, where does that leave Cole and Morro? Wu offers to house the two, but Morro needs time and space after everything, so he and Cole set off to parts unknown. They don't return until Day of the Departed, and even once they have bodies again they're still not certain about their future. But they're here, and they're together, and there's a whole wide world and a whole wide life for them to live. So why not try?
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oshawottarchive · 2 years
Thinking about my Devourer Cole au, and was wondering what would happen in later seasons.
This is long, so uh
So, Cole can just, turn into a snake, although it’s hard to nearly impossible to control.
Season 4 would go a lot differently. Chen and his cult would probably be ecstatic, the other ems, not so much.
Chen would immediately give Cole vip treatment, and arrange for him to get an anacondrai tattoo. Cole would rather keep his pretty green scales, thank you very much, and nopes out of there (not much they can really do to stop him without getting envenomated, whether it be on purpose or an accident).
Chen continues to try and get Cole on his side, but keeps getting hit with a hard no.
Eventually, after vip treatment and politely asking fail, Chen tries physical restraining him.
They barely manage to actually catch him, but give up on giving him a tattoo because the last person who tried it lost a hand.
So they steal his elemental powers, hoping desperately that it’d at least slow him down a little bit.
It does, but he’s still very much capable of turning into a huge ass snake, and has very little control over it.
So they put him into a cage (not wanting to risk him breaking the noodle factory), and call it a day.
Eventually, he does manage to bust out, but only after his snake stuff actually starts to cooperate. It took at least two days for him to get his scales back after they put him in a cell.
When he does get out, he manages to find Zane, who is very glad to be free but also very nervous because Cole’s being a giant snake that can barely fit in the tunnels right now.
Luckily, this also means that the Anacondrai serpent does not want to deal with them right now, and would rather eat something smaller.
Some other stuff happens (that I haven’t planned out), and yay they’re all free now. Too bad Cole’s still a giant snake right now.
So, they have to 1. Fight Chen’s now Anacondrai-ified army, and 2. Deal with Cole definitely not fitting on a dragon and not being in the best state of mind.
You see, Cole has a very hard time distinguishing what’s food and what isn’t food when he’s a big ass snake (and sometimes when he only has a few scales, too), so, he has tried to eat a few people in the past week or so (and he might have eaten a cultist or two).
Anyway, the only way to get him off the island is to either wait til he gets smaller, or for someone to lag behind so they can stay with him as he swims across the entire ocean.
The latter happens.
Eventually though, before they have to fight Chen’s army, he does change back a bit.
And this is a horrible time to change back because otherwise he’d be able to fight Chen’s army as a giant snake.
Now on to season 5.
It happens quite a bit differently. 1. Cole doesn’t get ghosted, and 2. Morro is kinda freaked out and confused.
Morro’s still willing to fight the ninja (they’re in his way goddamn it), but he’s a little wary of Cole.
Also, in the first episode, Cole gets a few scales while they’re handing out flyers (it happens when he’s still holding up the car).
People still aren’t too used to one of the ninja being a snake, so they freak out a bit (especially the guy in the car).
I don’t have Possession planned out that much, so on to Skybound (not much is planned for this, either, tbh)
So, Nadakhan tries to get Cole to make a wish, and expects him to wish for him to become fully human again, but instead Cole wishes for confirmation that Jay loves him, and Nadakhan is very confused, but realizes that it doesn’t go against the rules and grants the wish.
What happens is that, since Jay already loved him, he just becomes very obsessive, which makes it a bit hard for him to fight Nadakhan, since he keeps getting distracted.
Now I’m gonna skip to the Oni trilogy.
At this point, Cole’s a bit better at controlling his snake side, but it’s still very unpredictable and hard to contain.
He has his scales for most of the Oni trilogy, which makes it hard for him to try and disguise himself among the sog and the dragon hunters.
Harumi is immediately wary of him, and the Jade emperor and empress are hesitant when it comes to letting him into the palace of secrets.
The ninja do convince them, and Cole gets to stay and help out.
(I don’t have too much planned out so insert text here I guess)
Little Wu doesn’t really remember the ninja, so he’s a bit scared of Cole, but gets used to him once he realizes that he won’t hurt him.
Once little Wu starts talking, he won’t shut up about Cole. It’s usually “snakie!”, “pretty scales”, and when he gets older “why are you a snake?”, “are you always cold?”, “why do you have a tail sometimes and then you just don’t?”.
In Hunted, the dragon hunters are convinced that Cole is definitely an Oni, and keep putting him against Slab even though both Slab and Cole are getting themselves pretty beat up.
Eventually though, Cole does become Devourer sized again, and the hunters freak out.
He’s a bit less Oni to them and a bit more “giant being of death” (especially when he might’ve eaten a few hunters).
I don’t really have much else planned for the au, I just know that Aspheera is very fascinated with Cole, Pythor doesn’t want to even look at him. Vangelis doesn’t wanna fight the giant earth snake again, Mr. F doesn’t remember him, and Harumi is just like “hmmmm, maybe we should try and convince him to join our side, since it would be a good idea to ally with giant snake guy.”
The Overlord is just like “not again, please”, and agrees with Harumi.
Cole does consider it, but mostly pretends to be on their side while he secretly eats some of their vengestone army (they don’t taste very good, but most of his tastebuds are gone, anyway). Also, his stomach acid destroys the vengestone, so he’s fine.
The crystals do get to him a bit, though. He doesn’t get his dragon form cause he doesn’t really need it, and prefers to just smack everything around with his tail as he steals his scythe back.
Anyway, that’s about all I have right now. Hope you enjoyed reading! I’m really excited to finally start writing for this au.
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lunas-lego-land · 2 years
Hello Hello Hello! I am already drowning in this au. I love underused characters getting so much spotlight. AND MORRO AND ECHO SJDHISBDNF a rare pair that will live in my heart forever.
But anyway onto the question-
1. I’m super interested in Pixls role in this au. Is she working with Wu’s ninjas? Maybe an internal conscience in Zane? Or is she just chilling with borg this time around?
2. Another thing I’m curious about is the evil ninjas! How did they end up with Wu? How did they get the golden weapons? Are their backstories still the same? And how did they end up here, harming innocent people and going down the path of darkness?
3. Last question I swear! How do our main ninjas powers work? Like we know a base idea of Morro’s and Skylor’s powers. But how do the others work? To what extent is Vania the master of “stone”. And I’m especially interested in Harumi’s jade powers!!!
Ok I shut up now this au is just rly good
IM GENUINELY SO HAPPY PEOPLE ARE ENJOYING THIS SKLDNKSF,,, all these characterss live in my heart and im so happy other people enjoy them too,, citrus shipping beloved
anyways i can answer these boringly with just text so bear with me--
it is insinuated in the first chapter of the fic of this au BUT borg industries has been bankrupt and out of service for quite a while now in ninjago city, and as such cyrus went underground to work on his robotics without restriction. in his loneliness, he made P.I.X.A.L., and when the overlord took over ninjago she sided with wu's ninja, as lord wu had been an investor and supporter of her father. she chills with borg for a bit but eventually gets to enact chaos and villainy of her own!
their backstories are MOSTLY the same; kai and nya's parents disappear, zane was built by dr julien, cole lost his mother, BUT jay found out about his parentage much earlier and chose to pursue wu's teachings. they just have different reactions to their backstories! cole got angry at his father's lack of a reaction to his mother's death and chose to run away; zane became angry upon learning his father intended to steal his memories away upon the man's death and tipped off the skeletons, leaving his father at their mercy; wu visited kai and nya's shop, and knowing their parents he told them about their heritage and offered them a place among his ranks. tldr? they were children capable of more selfish, violent reactions to their traumas and i think that should be explored.
oh boy here we go (: here's the basics of how OUR good ninja's powers' work. in a future chapter their philosophies/mentalities about their powers will be revealed but here's the basics!
her body is essentially infused with her element, as her bodily fluids are varying levels of venomous. she utilizes this with her FUKIYA, aka her blowgun. she can also summon larger quantities of poison, like nya can summon water, but because she fights mostly in highly populated areas (and she doesn't want to KILL her opponents) she tends to stray away from doing so.
they can turn anything they touch into rust, no matter the material. this includes organic things, such as plants, animals, and humans :). they can also manipulate this rust to a certain extent, but they mostly deteriorate things and let their weapon do the rest. this rust gets in their mechanics and inner gears, and if they're not careful they can outright rust their own (important) parts. they require frequent constant Maintenace and upkeep to stay running, but skylor is up to the task!
not a part of their elemental powerset, but similar to zane's future sight, echo has something called Empathy. it allows them to see other people and their intentions, gaining a deep understanding of them. they haven't quite realized this yet, though.
like cole with earth, vania requires her element (stone) to manipulate it. she can manipulate all stones in ninjago, including vengestone as long as she is not in direct contact with it. her powers also gift her superstrength (like cole).
kind of like jay, he can summon lightning, BUT he cannot control it. he can summon storm clouds, thunder, rain, hail, sleet, and other forms of storm. his control is over the entirety of the storm, not its individual parts. he also has super strength but that's because he's a big fish man, not because of his element. sometimes, he'll summon small, harmless storm clouds to entertain fans! it's very wholesome.
jade. the element of harmony and balance. harumi's powers include: healing (both physically and emotionally), luck (both bad and good), and Transformation. her physical and ninja feats are her own-- while her teammates have physical manifestations of their elements to utilize, harumi's powerset is that of a healer, a support. because that's what jade is-- if green is energy, jade is its equal but opposite. tranquility, serenity, passivity. she has no oni or dragon blood, nor powerful blasts of energy to aim at her enemies, but she has something arguably more important-- the ability to heal.
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keity-devil · 3 years
Black Sheep - Chapter 12.
The wind was blowing leaves withered through the air. The sky was slightly cloudy with a warm temperature. A wooden sound was heard from second to second, slowly but tenderly. A quiet rhythmic sound made music among the leaves on the beaten path of the modest house.
A year-old soul, only in the appearance of an early age of old age, walked on the porch of the house. Pressing lightly on the doorknob, until an opening click was heard, entering. Everything is dark, but not really. The windows were open, the silver curtains half drawn, which let the dim sunlight into the house and illuminate the old but new corners.
"Morro?" The silence was a grave one, the name echoed. Only the distant chirping of the birds could be heard, with the wooden staff hitting another. "Morro? He can't sleep at this hour, can he? Morro!"
Wu shouted his name and shouted, until he searched the whole house, and no sign of his boy. He was beginning to guess where Morro might be. He had high hopes that he suspicion would be wrong, but unfortunately he foresaw that it was true.
"Of, of... Will Destiny come true so soon? Does the truth want to come out now?"
He knew it would not be good, it would not have a promising end.
"Ha! Other than rice, sushi, salads and tea!" Morro spoke happily as he devoured the cake Cole had given him.
"Is that all you've eaten so far?! And easy!! You'll choke right away like that." Cole told him.
Morro chuckled guiltily. "Sorry. I've eaten more, but more of those things."
"Well, my dear friend, welcome to the world of cakes! And I recommend the chocolate cake. It's the best!"
"How did I manage to live without them?!" He felt in the ninth heaven. Wu didn't give him cake or anything sweet, not often, he barely had anything for his birthday. His father, however, brought him small gifts on the big holidays.
"Wow! What did you do to him!?" Lloyd had appeared, watching Ghost eat merrily. It was strange to him that he didn't get his face dirty at all.
"I brought him into the world of cakes, Greenie."
"Is good?" Floyd asked, smiling.
"Mhm!! Yes it is!! But the candies on the stick are too. Heh, especially when you get rid of the stick." They were just looking at him. "What?" He didn't like that they stopped and all eyes were on him. He felt guilty, that he had made a fatal mistake, that he had better shut up and say nothing.
"What are you talking about?" Lloyd asked him.
"Candy on a stick but no stick."
"How... how does this come about?" Cole asked.
"Oh, I took a candy on the stick, after a pair of scissors, and I started to cut the stick as close to the sweet side. It takes a while, but then you have a normal candy! It's much easier to eat them like that, secretly more chosen."
"You're... you're weird. You're not in your place with your mind." Kai told him in a small shock of his idea. He had appeared with them a few seconds after Lloyd.
"Hey! My ingenuity doesn't mean I'm out of my mind, is it?"
"I like his idea." Jay woke up talking. "What?"
"Friends!!!" Nya ran to them, panting a little, but quickly looking at them with a smile. "I have tickets to the new movie!! For everyone!!!"
"Seriously?!!" Everyone screamed, except Morro, who was still eating the cake and looking at them as if they were characters from a TV series.
"Yes!! Today we have a program boys!"
"Ghost? Why aren't you happy?"
"Oh, but I am! I haven't seen such a soap opera in years."
"Soap ope- You know what? I won't ask anything. Let's go to the movie!!" Jay screamed in ecstasy.
Floyd pulled Ghsot by the shoulder. "Come on! You'll like it. I guarantee." Ghost smiled back at him.
After they left the movie. Morro was left with an astonished expression of happiness. He was full of energy. He never went to the movies, and for the first time, it was a beautiful experience for him, especially since he was with his friends.
The groups parted to return to their homes.
Morro could hear the phone ringing and ringing on the way. He checks it, and his breath fades. He could feel his heart beating fast, hard, with a small tremor in his body.
"No! It's not true, Nya! It didn't happen in the movie. Tell her Morro!" No answer. "Morro?"
"All good?" Kai asked him. He realized from his expression that something was happening, something serious. And he didn't answer the question either.
"No.. It's not. Dad keeps calling me. He doesn't have to find me. I haven't found my brother yet...!"
"He won't find you, stay calm." Nya speaks. However... she wasn't so sure of his words.
"I can't stay calm, Nya! If he calls me, it means he's home, which means he suspects where I am! Which means he's on his way to Ninjago or he's already in Ninjago!!"
"Calm!" She shook him well. She refrained from slapping her on the face to fully recover. How Cole give to Jay or her to Jay when he exaggerated and panicked a lot with or without meaning. They didn't give a damn. "Calm down. You have to calm down. Inhale. Exhale."
"Okay, okay. I'm calm. I'm calm. That's it."
"Good. Good. Now, let's go home, and then we'll see what we can do, okay?"
He nodded. Morro shut down his phone all the way.
"Hey Ghost!" Harumi grabbed cheerful his arm in the school hall.
"Oh, hey, Harumi." He had talked to Harumi several times that day with her hair, he was slowly starting to change his mind about her, but he wouldn't let his guard down.
"All good?" The girl asked, widening her eyes.
"Mhm. What is it?"
"Curious. Well, I wanted to ask you if you'd like to go out or something after school. What do you say?"
"I can't, sorry. I'm busy after school." He was going out with Floyd. Floyd offered to show him the city that day.
"OH. Okay. Maybe another day?"
He look at her a little. "Sure."
Harumi was about to say something to him, but the phone rang. The screen was purple. "Uh.. Sorry, I have to pick up this phone call. Shall we talk later?"
"Yeah, sure. Bye Harumi."
"Bye Ghost!"
The phone keeps ringing. A violent purple number.
"Yes? -- Of course I do. I'm Harumi, you know me. -- What?! But- -- It's too early! I can't convince him in that short- -- Okay... I'll do that."
The violent call of purple closed, with a stressed Harumi to the bone.
The footsteps could be heard, breaking leaves underfoot that had walked for many years. The steps were done slowly, rhythmically or with speed, in different minutes, different moments. Wu was warned that this day would come, but not when. The day he went to Mistaké's teahouse in the woods, she told him that the day or truth would soon be revealed. The bird cannot be kept in his nest forever, of how much the mother bird wants it.
On the way, he came across a flower, an orange, a Peach Orange Rose Flower. In his mind, Koko appeared instantly. The flower was as orange as Koko's hair. He wanted to take it, to touch it, but when his hands touched the thin body of the flower, the petals began to fall one by one. Only one petal remained attached to the center, only one. Even the happiest person, the person who was in full bloom with her dear boys, experienced the fatal day of her life. He didn't want to tell Koko anything about what had happened now, about Morro. He didn't want to, he didn't have the power to do that, at least not yet. He wanted to find him first. He has to find him before anyone else can.
The Ninjago city was big, and the chances of his Brother finding his son before him were just as big, and that frightened him terribly.
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parachutingkitten · 4 years
Season 5 Analysis
STANDARD DISCLAIMER: I am going to be applying the concept of criticism to a TV show you presumably love and adore as much as I do. If you do not want your idea that the show is immaculate to be challenged, I would not advise reading past this point.
Additional Disclaimer: This includes criticism of Nya’s arc, so if you’re the type of person to get catty about this subject, turn back now.
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Mood for this season: It’s spoopy time.
You don’t need to, but if you are interested, and haven’t seen my analysis of past seasons, you can find those here:
Pilot - Season 1 - Season 2 - Season 3 - Season 4
You can also find all of these, and future installments, on my blog using the tag #analysis 
Hey everyone! I’m still doing these things! Let’s see, when was my last one? Over two years ago...? Yikes, I owe y’all an apology. I really didn’t mean to put these off that long. Anyway, get ready to hate me, cuz although (for the most part) this seems to be the fandom favorite season… I think it’s overhyped. I know, don’t kill me. I’ll explain myself. I don’t think it’s bad or anything, it’s very well structured, but I definitely wouldn’t rank it among my favorites. First, for a little context, I am making a one second of every ninjago episode video right now, so I’ve been binging the series and all it’s shorts back to back, so I think I’ll have a bit more to say about connective tissue between seasons, and hopefully you guys can look forward to more of these analyses between now and the new year when I’m releasing that video. I’m also officially a film major now so… sorry if I come of as extra pretentious or get too deep. Anyway, let’s jump into the thick of it, shall we? 
This is probably the area I have the fewest number of complaints about. This season has a breakneck pace and it keeps everyone busy. I think that’s why people like it. Everyone’s favorite has something to do. Which brings me to the question… which ninja’s season is this? Lloyd is on a lot of the promotional stuff, but he’s possessed and out of the picture for over half the season, so that can’t be right. Cole turns into a ghost, and the season is a ghost season, but that can’t be right cuz I don’t know that I’ve ever heard anyone claim it was his. Nya reaches her true potential, maybe it’s hers? Well, she does have a large b-plot, but she is consistently not a part of the a-plot. Kai has a whole thing with being protective of Lloyd, he has his fear of water, maybe it’s just another Kai season? Thing is, it’s no one’s. It is an ensemble season, and I think that’s a healthy thing for ninjago to keep doing. The more we label certain seasons for certain ninja, the more complaining we’ll get about who’s turn it is for screen time that we’ll miss out on telling a good story. Also, If the season is focused on a ninja you don’t like, you are less likely to like the season (see my next analysis for that can of worms). Again, this season tells it’s story really well. Morro directly ties into the ending of last season, and Nya’s getting water powers was foreshadowed the season before. That’s some cool connective tissue to start. The opening episode establishes the three different things the ninja will be looking for, and for once they’re actual tools instead of a series of weapons, blades, masks, whatever. I like that. Jay has some really good humor, Zane has his speech changes, Kai has his irrational fears and protective instincts, Cole has his ghost angst, Lloyd has to deal with his father’s passing, Nya is a new water ninja, Wu has a shop to run and a student to reconnect with, even Ronin has an arc about developing morals and gaining friends. There’s the mystery about how to deal with the ghosts, what the rules are, there’s the leader subplot, the ninja’s money situation, and lore of the different realms, they even worked in Skylor and Borg, there’s a lot of cool stuff going on. This is a tightly woven script that manages to include a lot of new concepts that you get pretty quick. I don’t feel like there’s even that much fat to cut. The opening is a little slow and strange, and the cloud kingdom episode feels a little unnecessary, but I do like the idea of visiting a different realm early in the season so the audience isn’t caught off guard in the climax. Again, the plot all works for me, it’s the other stuff I find myself pretty meh on.
I’m pretty sure Ronin is the only new (non villain) character introduced. I like him a lot. Ninjago needed a true wildcard to shake things up and be unpredictable. I also think he’s pretty nicely woven into the action of the plot. I think his introduction is a bit strange. Like, the ninja already know him, but we’ve never seen him before? Just the way they talk about him sounds like they’re quickly recapping who this guy is for those who missed previous episodes. It’s fine if the ninja already know him but either 1) Introduce or foreshadow him a season earlier or 2) Introduce their dynamic to the audience before it becomes plot relevant. Maybe the ninja are grumbling about him being a nuisance while tea shenanigans are going on or something. Or maybe you have a scene of him stealing the scroll and making snarky remarks about the ninja while he does it. Idk. just something so his sudden plot relevance isn’t out of nowhere. Also, I don’t hate his and Nya’s dynamic, but I know a lot of people love it, and I’m just not totally here for it. Is he supposed to be a father figure for her? Mentor? Frienemy? Just plain friend? (love interest???) it’s not super clear and I could have used some clarification. I also like his use and tie to the next season, so overall, well integrated character.
I’m adding in Nya here cuz she goes through a major character change, and how she’s handled is one of the things that rubs me the wrong way about the season. A lot of people will probably disagree and/or hate me for this section of the analysis so… here we go! The thing she has to get past to reach her true potential is fear of failure (supposedly) and the solution to that is to just… not care as much? First of all, I know this isn’t supper important, but the fun thing about the ninjago elements is that every elemental master matched up personality wise with their element. Jay is the energetic master of lightning, Kai is the hothead master of fire, Zane is the calm and calculating master of ice, Cole is the strong and dependable master of earth, Lloyd is the literal child master of energy. This especially goes for all the new season 4 masters. So what qualities are often associated with water personalities? Well, serenity, control, flexibility, elegance, patience… calm. You know, like a Zane type character (the element directly adjacent to hers). These are things that Nya isn’t - or at the very least don’t define her. (there’s also something to be said about water and its ties to more feminine qualities, which Nya has been actively shown to reject, but I won’t go into that rant here.) She was designed as the fire master’s sister, and when you try to fit a fire personality into a water shaped character mold… it doesn’t exactly mesh well. It doesn’t make sense. But, like I said, whatever. Maybe that’s the point? Like she has to change her personality to be more in tune with water? Sure. But let’s talk about this fear of failure thing. Because that’s the stated thing that dialogue tells us she needs to overcome. But when has Nya ever been afraid of failure? Fear of failure means avoiding doing something because of fear. Nya is ridiculously persistent, always has been (you know, fire personality). She tries training when no one tells her to, she makes her own alter ego to try and be a hero and save the people who would constantly tell her she wasn’t ready. Wu says she only wants things that come easy, but that’s never been her character before now, she has carried the team with her tech, research, and covert ops that no one forced her to do, all things which are not easy. Fear of failure is usually characterized by what if questions. If Nya is so afraid of failure, why don’t we hear her saying stuff like “but what if I’m not strong enough, what if I can’t save them in time, or worse, what if I lose control of my power and end up hurting people?” Cole shows much more of a fear of failure this season surrounding his insecurity about being a ghost. He wants to sit out from missions because he’s not sure he’ll be able to do it - he’s afraid of failure. But whatever, the writing isn’t clear at expressing her true setbacks, but she does display a real problem that a lot of people have and I think could have been well done if set up correctly. She shows an undying persistence that gets her too close, and makes her increasingly incapable. She lets her frustration hinder her progress (again, fire personality trait), and I think that’s interesting because I don’t think ninjago has done this character arc yet. The supposed solution to this problem is that she just needs to… care less? And yes, I kind of see where they were going with this, we sometimes cloud our natural potential by thinking about it too much, but saying “you need to stop caring” is the absolute wrong way to word it. Caring is not her problem, the problem is her control over the emotions that come from her caring. Caring is a good thing, and teaching kids that if you’re ambivalent about your problems, they’ll go away is not a good message. What she needs to do is take a step back. She needs to take a break, stop to think, and look at the big picture instead of hyper focusing on the roadblock directly in front of her. The usual and much better wording of the moral I think they were going for is “stop overthinking things”. Teaching kids to look at a problem from a different angle and give themselves time to cool down is a great thing. And just think of it, in the climax she could have this ah-ha moment where she steps back and looks at the bigger picture - the whole town, surrounded by the ocean - and gets the idea to sink the preeminent into the water, you could even easily tie that back into the bucket exercise, and that’s what triggers her true potential rather than the current… I’m honestly not sure what. Random flashbacks and the end of the season approaching quickly. Alternatively, you could tie it more directly into samurai x, and make her struggle with letting go of the past and allowing yourself to give up something good in your life to progress to something better. Anyway, I don’t think this was a bad decision long term, she needed to be solidified on the team as a full fledged ninja, I just think this season doesn’t handle the transition that well. Anyway, whatever, I’ll be waiting for your hate comments in the notes.
Um… there’s none this season? Like there’s a few Wusako moments that are still as weird as they were in season 2, but they’re really not prevalent. There’s also the Jay seeing the future thing which has some weird implications next season (again, some interesting connective tissue between seasons), but that’s about it. Maybe that’s part of why I don’t love this season? Like where’s the pixane? Lol, I’m kidding. But maybe that’s why a lot of people do like it. If you don’t like the canon ships… this is a nice little safe haven for you. Rare for a majority of the series.
So Morro is a good idea… in theory. I know he’s the fandom’s favorite edgy boy, but idk I think the brand of angsty teen they ended up with was more of an angsty 13 year old than 17 year old. His voice is really grating and I always want to yell at him to just… go get some cough drops. Stop throat screaming, use your diaphragm man! Also, everyone goes on about his last minute redemption, but as far as season 5 goes, he has like half a second of a change of heart. Literally, when Wu comes over and he’s drowning, he’s still being a persistent little idiot like “you never cared about me nooooo!” and it’s only at the last possible second that gives him the crystal, and even that he does it kind of saltily. The preeminent is pretty cool, I like her concept, her design, all that. All the other ghosts are fine I guess. Nothing super memorable out of them, although their aesthetic, especially when there’s a bunch of them swarming around is pretty cool. One last thing was I never understood how Morro “becoming the green ninja” worked and what exactly it was that… did for him? Like he didn’t actually get the power of energy, right? I don’t remember him using it. Did just him defeating Lloyd make him the green ninja? How does that transfer work? And why did he need it to take over the world or realms or whatever? Like I get that it’s supposed to give him more power and what not but idk, it wasn’t super clear. That’s a minor thing though.
Pretty cool. I like the ATMOSPHERE. Green light is a hard thing to use and justify correctly, but it works really well here, especially with the dark kinda gray blue sky complimenting it. When the preeminent starts walking into the ocean, it’s genuinely terrifying, but you understand exactly how it works and why she’s strong enough to do it. Nya’s true potential is again a little out of left field and could have had some better motivation put behind it. Like what is it Nya learned in that instant? To not be afraid to protect people? She’s… been doing that. Idk. I’ve hit on that enough for now. Overall, there was good variety. I like the green ninja fake out, I like the realm hopping, I even like the little Garmadon visit and Lloyd getting the robe. I feel like we didn’t need a part one and two, you could have had different titles. I mean come on. But hey, now we know, if Pix had only been there, the whole climax would have been wrapped up in like 10 minutes apparently. Pix for the win.
Really good. Like I’m surprised how much I laughed. Jay wasn’t annoying humor, it was good stuff, there were some good running gags, there’s a solid fourth wall joke about who the lead ninja is at the beginning of the season. Overall, I am pretty impressed. My favorite joke was perhaps the bit where Jay is sarcastically positive, the voice acting is just really solid. Then again, there’s also the whole Borg scene where he roasts half the ninja, that’s solid stuff right there. There’s just some really solid character interaction this season and the humor feels a lot more natural and less forced.
Okay, we’ve got a lot this season. Y’all know how I feel about Nya’s arc by now. It does not work for me. Ronin’s relationship with her is alright, but kind of comes out of nowhere. Ronin’s solo plot about kinda working for the ghosts works. Cole’s ghost angst works for the most part, although I wish he would have actually skipped a mission and then gone in to help save his friends once they can’t do it without him. That was probably the most solid drama of the season. The other main thing we have this season is Kai’s whole… fear/protective streak. This also doesn’t really work for me. Like, I get that Lloyd and Kai are friends and stuff, like his whole true potential was centered around Lloyd. But like, why does it have to be framed so weirdly? Sometimes in trying to make it seem like Kai is protective of him, it seems like the other ninja just like… don’t care about him? Not all the time, but there are some weird vibes. Also, it doesn’t really go anywhere. No one learns anything about themselves from this subplot, nothing comes of it, there isn’t really a payoff. Also, Kai has yet another irrational fear, this time of water, which really comes right the hell out of nowhere. They try to explain it away like “Oh, Kai feels powerless and so water can get to him” but like… what? That’s the exact situation he was in at the end of season 2 and he seemed perfectly content to literally swim across the ocean (which um… what do you mean the sworn protector of ninjago can’t swim?). Where is this coming from?! Again, it doesn’t really go anywhere, there’s not a point where he has to learn to confront it or he grows because of it. It’s just pointless stuff added cuz the writers like giving Kai vague trails to try and develop him. The cloud kingdom is kinda cool. That last minute twist about them working with Morro is… stupid and unnecessary though. 
Spotlight Episode
I really like the Spinjitzu master tomb episode. Some cool riddles, I like the first two rooms a lot. I do think the third room is a bit strange. Like, the clue was “don’t look ahead” and the solution was to look beneath them, which is the exact same solution as the previous room. Like, you already have magic ice that shows the future, why not play into that? Don’t look ahead could maybe mean don’t look to the future, the opposite of that being the past. Maybe they have to draw on their past adventures to solve it somehow? Learning from the past is a good lesson, right? But overall, I really like it. Some real solid humor this episode. This episode has the sarcastic Jay optimism, Kai totally stalling for time, Zane dealing a pretty sick burn on Cole, just a lot of fun stuff. I like it. It just has great energy and nothing feels like it’s drawn out for too long.
The aesthetic this season… can be inconsistent, but the main ghost vibe displayed in the opening theme is really solid and I really like it
Speaking of the opening, Ghost wip is great and the opening in on par with last season’s (which is my fav) for sure
Ice age references… okay.
Chima references…. OKAY...
Okay, but like Deepstone can… kill ghosts? Or not? Is it just something ghosts can touch? It’s supposed to be like water in weapon form, right? Like that’s how I understood it when they first introduced it. Wouldn’t the deepstone bars kill Ghoultar then? And then like, Cole’s bike is made of deepstone. He uses it as a weapon. Wouldn’t it kill him? It kills other ghosts when they touch it. How… how does it work?! I need answers!!!
The captain of the steam boat says they’re going as fast as possible, but later Ronin comes in and cranks it up like twice as fast… that always bothered me like, why would he lie about that? Who is this captain and why is he so chill about everyone’s lives?! And then later Wu cranks it up yet again, like the ship had slowed down to it’s previous speed. What the hell is happening with the controls of this ship???
So pissed that the nasty CGI nightmare cloud monster that chases the ninja is named Nimbus. Totally forgot about that. I have an OC with a cat named Nimbus… I promise, there is not going to be a stupid twist bout the cat being the monster thing in Mists of Fate. That would be very stupid.
I was all excited that season 13 gave us minecart chases, but I totally forgot season 5 gave us one first. I really like the return to the caves of despair btw, good reuse of a known location.
How many times this season did we do the: 
Kai: Oh, I don’t like water, I can’t do it uwu  Cole: ...You serious?
Thanks for reading! And if you got this far… I don’t know. I would love to hear your thoughts if you have any! These are just my opinions, so don’t think too much of it if you disagree.
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someandrea · 4 years
Some favorite Ninjago fanfics to share with ya’ll
(All of these are on Fanfiction.net)
True Grit – Astrid16 – AU – 700,822 – Family/adventure – English – almost at end – team centric – link Cole is a mercenary whose life has been ruined by Overlord. Kai and Zane are noblemen living lives in positions of power. Jay is a vagabond with a dangerous secret. These four men must learn to work together as they search for the four Blades, which will help them free their worlds from Overlord's tyranny. T for blood, disturbing themes, and romance. – 11/10 because it is a masterpiece,  with a complicated world settings, everything that happens makes sense, READ IT!
Nature Versus Nurture – StoriesAreMagic  - Cannon – 63,235 – Family/friendship – English – completed – o. team centric – link When Lord Garmadon finds out that the ninja were temporarily turned into children, he comes up with a bold new plan for defeating Wu and his students, a plan that could change the battle forever. Not that his oppressed feelings as a father comes into the picture or anything – 8/10, really sweet with a lot of fluff and character growth
Measure of Man – StoriesAreMagic – Cannon – 14,216 – Angst/family – English – completed – Zane centric – various continuations – link When a woman shows up claiming to be Dr. Julien's daughter and the heir to his estate, Zane's personhood is called into question. Angst and hurt-and-comfort abound as the ninja must investigate and in the process discover how far they'll go for someone they consider family – 9/10, zangst, you’ll love to hate the “villain”, the ninja are at court, the author has made more than one ending
The fantastic Mr Walker – ShinyShiny9 – Cannon – 495,979 – Friendship/adventure – English – completed – Jay/team centric – link Hold the nunchucks, hit the bad guys, they said. It'll be easy, they said. Now there's aliens crashlanding on Ninjago, a mysterious crime ring is rising to power, and it seems like everybody on the ninja team suddenly has secrets to keep - some darker than others. But hey, nothing here the Master of Lightning can't handle! Having your hands full is all part of the fun – 6/10, slow to accelerate, lots of quality time with the ninja
Control – TombRaiderNinja – AU – 94,765 – Sci-fi/adventure – English – completed – Lloyd/team centric – link In a world ruled by technology, survival for a ten-year-old-gone-rogue isn't easy. Most of all if there's an entity calling itself The Overlord aiming to take over your one and every thought. In a quest to regain control over his mind, Lloyd recruits others with powers not unlike his own – 9/10, balanced action and not-action, getting the team together
Lost Soul – DietCokeIsLife – Cannon – 84,432 – Drama/adventure – English – trilogy – Cole/team centric – link Takes place right after Season 5. When Jay accidentally pushes Cole into the water, the ninja are sure their brother is gone forever. After they begin to see signs that Cole may not be as gone as they thought, they will do anything to bring him back, even if it means risking their own well-being, traveling between realms, or calling on the help of a former arch-enemy – 10/10 a great continuation of the show, leaves no loose ends, follow the shows lore (mythology) to perfection
Broken Circle – DietCokeIsLife – sequel – 87,942 – Drama/adventure – English – trilogy – Cole/team centric – link Sequel to Lost Soul! Takes place after Skybound and is loosely based on Day of the Departed! After receiving a distress call, the ninja travel back to the Departed Realm only to find themselves caught up in a civil war that has Morro right in the middle of it. The ninja have to face fears and old enemies, but the stakes are even higher whenever they notice Cole acting strangely – 8/10 taking Lost Soul and continues it like no sequel before, but does not stand as clear in my memory as I wished
Forgotten Memory – DietCokeIsLife – triquel – 111,860 – Drama/adventure – English – trilogy – team centric – link Triquel to Lost Soul! Things are far from perfect for the ninja as they- and the rest of Ninjago- adjust to having a newly revived Morro on their team. But, when an attack leaves one of them grievously injured, the ninja find themselves forced to travel into the Departed Realm yet again to seek help from the most unlikely of sources- and end up facing the ghosts of their pasts – 10/10, the ninja get themselves in trouble never seen before. Forgotten Memory continues and wraps up the trilogy perfect
Also check out DietCokeIsLife’s amazing five-times stories Featuring: Five Times Jay Cheered Someone Up Five Times Zane Was a Nurse Five Times Lloyd Was a Pain Five Times Kai Lost His Temper Four Times Cole Helped the Guys with a Nightmare Five Times Morro Trusted WU
Ninjago: Gods Among Men – Ninjago Warrior – AU – 38,200 – Adventure/suspense – English – incomplete – o. team centric – link You know the story of the Ninjago Ninjas, but you don't know these Ninjas. Set in a parallel universe, the Four Masters of Spinjitzu are a brutal force that try to maintain order on Earth. Most fear the Ninjas while others accept them. Many want the Ninjas in prison and that may soon happen when four scientists are murdered with the Ninjas as the prime suspects – 7/10, bad ninja blasting powers everywhere, being arrogant to everyone with good reason
If you have any recommendations, feel free to comment them!
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More of the magical girl/guy stuff. (this was half written in one of my docs. I’ve finally finished this, so hopefully you’ll enjoy it) By Season 5, everyone’s outfits are no longer messed up, however they have changed from their season 1/true potential outfits; Jay still has some show host elements, Cole has short/no sleeves from his lumberjack look and Kai’s gloves now have some metal worked into them(the patches are still a bit dark, but it’s brighter than right after his near-corruption, and getting lighter each day), among other things. (Jay and Cole still have the stitches by the way, they aren’t as visible, but are still there.) Everyone has calmed down after season 4, everything seems to be okay. Then Lloyd comes home from the museum. Lloyd(?) transforms in front of them, but it isn’t his familiar outfit. It’s an off shade of green, battered and torn, parts floating in an invisible wind. He’s wearing pieces of blackened armor, twisted and weathered, and filled with cracks that glow a toxic lime green. (Yes, there’s more Morro and Kai parallels, why’d ya ask?) Nya’s outfit starts out rigid, parts that restrict her movements, with sharp, angular designs printed over everything. The worst part is that she has ballet shoes, but unlike Cole, her outfit forces her to go en pointe, making every step in her current outfit painful. It’s like the outfit was made just for one particular pose and nothing else.
When she finally gains her true potential the fabric loosens and flows, every sharp pattern curves into waves of water. She moves to the music of the transformation, every movement impossible in her pre-potential form; breaking the piece that was holding her back, turning it into water. She finishes the sequence by pulling off a pirouette, spinning once, twice, three times before the accursed shoes shatter like glass.
The new outfit is practical, with elements of the Samurai she once was, and the Ninja she is now. The shoes are a pair of strong boots designed to protect her feet, and she has a headpiece, subtler than her Samurai X outfit, but clearly referencing it. Cole’s magical outfit as a ghost is tattered towards the edges, but it feels more purposeful and gives him an ethereal air as small scraps of fabric float around him. At first, it almost looks like the outfit’s dissolving into the air, but as Cole accepts his new nature, they come closer together, more whole.
Now, I haven’t watched the majority of season 6, but there is one outfit that I have a definite idea on.
Cole went into the captain’s quarters, bottle of venom in hand, when he heard a thump.
His eyes rushed to the wall, before freezing.
Nadakhan was more vile then he ever thought.
Jay lay there, in an outfit that made it clear what the captain thought of him.
His chest was bare, with only a vest to cover his back. His shorts barely reached his knees. He had heavy golden bracelets covering his forearms and an anklet to match the ball and chain attached to his other leg. But the thing that disgusted Cole the most, was the thing around his face.
It wrapped around Jay’s neck and the bottom half of his face. This mechanical monstrosity ensured while his neck could move, his jaw was locked into place, rendering the motormouth completely mute.
He did what anyone would do in that situation, and carried Jay out of there.
“Okay, Jay, let’s get that thing off of you.”
Jay shook his head, well, as much as he could with the thing trapping his tongue and jaw would allow.
“Huh? Oh, does it do something of you try to take it off? That’s ok, we can get Nya to take a look!”
Another shake.
“No? Is something wrong?”
Jay pointed to himself, then his face.
“I mean, I know about that creepy gag, but-”
Jay grabbed his hand, and after a brief second to make sure Cole was paying attention, Jay began to write on Cole’s hand with his finger.
N A H D A K H A N  D I D N T  P UT  T H I S  O N  M E
I  D I D
Cole felt something creep up his throat. He didn'tknow ghosts could vomit.
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goninja-go · 5 years
Dumb Headcanons 3
Zane's skin, the one over his metal, is a synthetic one. If the temp is too high it'll melt off to reveal his metal
Both Kai and Jay are babies when it comes to horror movies and tv shows, but if it's a game, book or comic then they're fine
When it's hot out everyone, expect Kai, will be outside running around in their swimwear blasting each other with waterballoons or waterguns.
Nya abuses her powers during this and they get annoyed.
Zane stays inside with Kai to make sure he doesn't suffer from heat stroke/exhaustion
There have been a few times that has happened. Once in the Fire Temple, once on the Dark Island, once on Chen's Island, and once when he went to the Boiling Sea
The same goes for Zane. Whenever it for cold out and it snowed the others would be outside and playing in the snow while Zane was inside laying on Kai like a heating pad
There were times where his joints froze over, causing him to be immobile
One of the times was when they were on the Wailing Peaks, his joints froze over and he had to be carried the rest of the way to Cloud Kingdom
Nya can breath underwater!!!
She and Zane have Epic Fights(tm) underwater bc they're the only ones who can breath
Cole can make armor from the surrounding earth (think like Toph with her metal) it's usually to protect from fire (like when Kai bursts and he's walking towards someone with the intent to murder)
When Jay gets happy he sparks!!!
He also sparks when he's mad, annoyed or embarrassed
Jay's a touchy person! He likes touching things, mostly to feel their texture
Kai is a disaster Bi and no one can tell me otherwise
He's also a fashion disaster.
Then again, everyone expect Jay is.... mostly
Zane's strong! Like, Cole strong. It's mostly because he's a Nindroid and that's why he's so strong.
So imagine pre-finding Zane just picking up a large rock and throwing it at an enemy and his panic over it
Other HCs
Acronix is also a touchy person. He likes touching things to feel their texture.
You can imagine his reaction to being 40 years into the future, seeing new things and wanting to touch them.
Unfortunately Krux never really allowed time for him to do that
He touched Cryus' wheelchair, one of the Vermilion Warriors, Krux after seeing him again (he was annoyed at that), the sidewalk among other things
Acronix takes very good care of his hair, gets a bit whiny when it's ruined
Acronix never really wanted to reverse time. He was only going with it because of Krux
Krux isn't the kindest person you'll meet, has been since childhood
Morro acts tough but he really isn't, it's to hide his insecurities. He always felt weak, that's one of the reasons why he wanted to become the Green Ninja so bad. To feel powerful. Growing up on the streets and often getting into fights, ones he usually lost, made him feel weak and scared. That's why he was always training and pushing himself to do more, he wanted to be strong
Wu knew this and told him that he could be the Green Ninja someday and he believed wholeheartedly that he could, but was crushed when he found out that he wasn't. That's why he lashed out.
When Morro was possessing Lloyd he was his memories and Lloyd saw his. It didn't really make him sympathetic to Morro but it did get him thinking.
When he was younger he was very shy, never really speaking up for himself and he hated that. He hated that he got pushed around because of him being shy. That's why he started to live and train with Wu, hoping that he could break out of it.
Morro panics a lot. You can't see it because he's always hiding it on the inside.
When he was possessing Lloyd, Lloyd could feel his panic over every little thing.
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yozaka · 7 years
I Need your Help!
I’m planning to make or animate the history of Ninjago up until this coming season but IN SONG FORM! this is going to be a great project but i need your help with lyrics I will provide the ninjago timeline you guys have to put all of that into singable lyrics AND IT HAS TO RYME! the deadline is 12/29/2017 whoever has the best lyrics I will use in my project and you will get a speacial mention!
You don’t have to include everything some things you can leave out if its  negligible
The First Master of Spinjitzu forges the Golden Weapons in the Temple of Light with gold from the Golden Peaks.[1]
With the weapons, he creates Ninjago.
The First Spinjitzu Master's counterpart, evil (the Overlord), manifested itself in the shadows, and declares war to decide the fate of Ninjago.
The Stone Wars: The Overlord creates the Stone Army to combat the First Spinjitzu Master, as well as the Temple of Fortitude to fortify against the Golden Power. To combat the Overlord, the First Spinjitzu Master uses the power of the Golden Dragon and Golden Mech to fight him off.
The First Spinjitzu Master splits Ninjago in two parts (Ninjago and the Dark Island), with the Overlord banished to the Dark Island and the Stone Army entombed underneath Ninjago City, leaving the ultimate battle between good and evil yet to be finished.
The First Spinjitzu Master creates the Realm Crystal.
The Serpentine come into existence, along with the humans who colonize the land, building cities, villages, and other places. The first Elemental Masters are created as well.
Samurai Warriors are hired to protect the land of Ninjago.
The Sons of the First Spinjitzu Master
(Centuries Ago)
Garmadon is born as the first son of the First Spinjitzu Master. He is given the element of Destructionby his father.[2]
Wu is born as the second son. He is given the element of Creation by his father, in order for his children to represent balance.[3]
Garmadon and Wu spar one day, but Wu loses one of the katanas over the wall of their monastery. Afraid of their father's disapproval, Wu chooses not to go after it, but Garmadon does. In the process, he is bitten by the young Great Devourer, and becomes ill as its evil venom starts to affect him.
Wu and Garmadon learn Spinjitzu from their father.
The First Master of Spinjitzu dies[4], but first leaves a hidden message for Wu that will lead him to his final resting place where the Realm Crystal is hidden. Additionally, the siblings also gain kimonos with protection spells against evil.
Wu and Garmadon fight and defeat Samukai.
200 Years before the events of the Pilot:
Stone Warrior statues are uncovered, marking the era of the Stone Warrior. [5]
Captain Soto and Nadakhan's crews would clash in a battle between their ships, the Destiny's Bounty and Misfortune's Keep, with Soto proving victorious. Soto traps Nadakhan within the Teapot of Tyrahn and scatters the Sky Pirates across the Sixteen Realms, before going on to look for the whereabouts of the Island of Darkness.[6]
In his search for the Island of Darkness, Soto's crew accidentally crashes into the coast of Ninjago, causing their ship to sink and killing them.
The First Serpentine War
(Decades Ago)
40 years before the events of Hands of Time:
Morro dies in the Caves of Despair and his soul is banished to the Cursed Realm.
Dr. Julien builds Zane, the first Nindroid, and builds the Falcon as a companion.[7]
Garmadon trains under Master Chen alongside Clouse, and later, Garmadon gains the title Lord (as Chen's right hand). Meanwhile, Wu finds Morro, and trains him.
Morro fails to become the Green Ninja and attempts to find the tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master.
As conflicts between the Serpentine and humans arise as a result of paranoia over the Curse of the Golden Master, Chen takes advantage and tricks both sides into attacking each other.
The Serpentine War begins, and Garmadon defects from Chen. Garmadon, Wu and the Elemental Masters fight the Serpentine, who in turn eventually split up. The five tribes begin fighting among each other. Garmadon develops the Sacred Flute, allowing the humans to win the war. The Serpentine are locked away in their tombs, the Anacondrai generals are banished to the Cursed Realm, and Chen and Clouse are banished to an Island far from Ninjago due to their involvement with the Serpentine.
The Hands of Time, Acronix and Krux, betray Wu and Garmadon and try to take over Ninjago with their Elemental Time Powers.
Ray and Maya forge the Time Blades; Wu and Garmadon use them to battle the Time Twins and steal their power. Wu and Garmadon dispose of the Time Blades through a temporal rift as Acronix and Krux follow them and became lost in time.
At some point, Krux emerges from the Temporal Rift along with the Reversal Time Blade and begins plotting his revenge on Ray and Maya for creating the Time Blades, and Wu and Garmadon for stripping him and his brother off their powers and causing them to be lost in Time.
Ray and Maya find the Reversal Time Blade and Wu has them dispose of it in the Boiling Sea.
At some point after the war, Garmadon marries Misako.
The Birth of the Ninja
(Nearly Two Decades Ago)
Possibly 16 years before the events of the Pilot[8]:
Jay is left at the doorstep of Ed and Edna, and the couple adopt him as their own.
Possibly 14-15 years before the events of the Pilot[9]:
Kai is born to elemental masters of Fire and Water respectively, Ray and Maya.
Jay is born to Cliff Gordon and the Elemental Master of Lightning.
Cole is born to Lou and an unknown mother.
Nya is born as the second child of Ray and Maya.[10]
Battle Between Brothers
(Several Years Ago)
Around a decade before the events of Rise of the Snakes:
5 years before the events of Rise of the Snakes:
Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon is born to Garmadon and Misako.[11]
The evil in Garmadon completely takes over him, and it mainly manifests itself in the form of overwhelming greed. He returns to the Monastery of Spinjitzu to steal the Golden Weapons in an attempt to recreate Ninjago in his own image. Wu confronts him, and after a short battle, the combination of the four weapons and the protection spell on their kimonos opens a gateway to the Underworld, where Garmadon is struck down to. As he fully succumbs to the evil in his veins, Garmadon battles Samukai (leader of the Skulkin) for command over the Skulkin army, and easily wins (becoming the ruler of the Underworld). Wu realizes that Garmadon will stop at nothing to get the Golden Weapons, so he hides them away in secret locations, each guarded by a dragon. Wu then makes a map of the four secret locations, and gave the map to a trustworthy friend to keep.
Kai and Nya's parents, Ray and Maya, are taken by Krux for his plan.
In his final moments, Dr. Julien erases Zane's memories. Zane becomes an orphan, but Dr. Julien is soon revived by Samukai to construct vehicles for them (being reunited with his son as ransom). When he disagrees, the Skulkin take him to a Lighthouse Prison guarded by a Leviathan, to force him to design their vehicles. After he successfully complies with their demands, the Skulkin do not release him from the prison, and leave him there.
Misako drops off a young Lloyd at Darkley's Boarding School (in a precognitive precaution), so she can go find a way to prevent the father and son from facing each other.
Masters of Spinjitzu
Master Wu finds Cole climbing a mountain, Jay testing an invention, and Zane meditating under a frozen lake.
The three train together for a short time as a team of ninja.
Kai and Nya work in the Four Weapons Blacksmith when Master Wu comes in search for a ninja to train: Kai. However, the hard working blacksmith declines Wu's offer. Soon after, Samukai and his army (ordered by Lord Garmadon) attack the blacksmith in search the Map of the Golden Weapons, and in the process manages to get both the map and kidnap Nya. Encouraged by compassion for his sister, Kai agrees to train in the art of Spinjitzu under Wu's teaching to become a ninja.
Kai begins training as the Fire Ninja, and in the same instance meets his new teammates: Cole (the Earth Ninja), Jay (the Lightning Ninja), and Zane (the Ice Ninja).
The Ninja team begin their hunt for the Golden Weapons.
Kai goes to the Fire Temple and finds his sister and the Sword of Fire. While retrieving both, it is revealed to be a trap set by Lord Garmadon. Master Wu then rescues Kai and Nya, but discover theother ninja have been ambushed by the Skeletons, with the weapons stolen. Master Wu then takes the Sword to go to the Underworld to confront his brother.
The Ninja tame their respective Dragons and head to the Underworld.
Samukai and Master Wu fight for the Sword of Fire, but Samukai wields the three other Golden Weapons and wins. Samukai then betrays Garmadon, attempting to take the Golden Weapons for himself, but their combined power causes him to implode, opening a portal to the Dark Realm. Garmadon escapes through the portal, aspiring to gain a way to possess all four weapons, leaving Ninjago in peace.
They find the Scythe of Quakes.
They find the Shurikens of Ice.
They find the Nunchucks of Lightning.
Rise of the Snakes
(Season 1)
Lloyd gets kicked out of Darkley's Boarding School after spending his whole life there and makes his journey to Jamanakai Village, in an effort to become like his father. He terrorizes the village, but is soon suppressed by the Ninja.
Seeking revenge on the Ninja for humiliating him, Lloyd releases the Hypnobrai from their tomb. Lloyd tricks the Hypnobrai General, Slithraa, into hypnotizing himself and gains leverage over the tribe.
Lloyd returns to Jamanakai Village with the entire Hypnobrai tribe. The tribe uses hypnotism to take control over the citizens. The Ninja arrive to stop him and defeat the Hypnobrai, freeing the people and taking the tribe's staff. However, Skales (the Hypnobrai second-in-command) manages to post-hypnotize Cole.
Zane finds a Falcon after another evening of feeling left out from the Ninjas' antics, and he follows the Falcon to a Treehouse being constructed by Lloyd and the Serpentine. He informs the Ninja of his discovery, and they begin their mission to destroy it. Just before they finish the destruction, Skales uses the previous post-hypnotic command on Cole to attack the Ninja. As the Ninja struggle to fight Cole, Master Wu and Nya arrive on Kai's dragon, using a flute (later to be described as one of the flutes of the First Spinjitzu Master used to banish the Serpentine in tombs) to snap Cole out of his trance. The group hurry back to the unguarded Monastery, only to find that the Hypnobrai had burned it down in search for their staff. Cole, Jay, and Kai blame Zane for the loss of their home, and in the ruckus, no one notices Zane flying off on his dragon. Later on, the Ninja try to make the best of their situation, but immediately regret what they had said to Zane. To their surprise, Zane returns, conveying to them that he had not been hurt by what they had said, but merely had seen and followed the Falcon again. He then leads them to where he had followed the falcon to: an abandoned ship in the middle of the Sea of Sand, that would be their new home, and goes by the name "Destiny's Bounty."
After being betrayed by the Hypnobrai, Lloyd uses a map of other tombs to find the Tomb of the Fangpyre and reawakens the Fangpyre Tribe.
Master Wu informs the Ninja that their Dragons have reached the age when they need to fly off in order to go through a stage of metamorphosis. This leaves the Ninja without transportation.
Jay and the Ninja go to Ed & Edna's Scrap N Junk to visit Jay's parents, Ed and Edna, only to find out the Fangpyre have injected venom into them, and Lloyd has taken over the Junkyard.
To fight off the Fangpyre (who's venom turn's people and objects into snakes), the Ninja find out they can transform their weapons into elemental vehicles (Jay's Storm Fighter, Kai's Blade Cycle, Zane's Ice Glider, and Cole's Tread Assault). They manage to get the Fangpyre Staff, which Nya extracts the anti-venom from to reverse the effects on Ed and Edna. With a bit of help from Jay's father, Jay activates the Bounty's new flying function that allows them to escape the approaching Fangpyre, but the staff falls over board in the process.
Master Wu travels to a dark dimension and finds Lord Garmadon, who's revealed to have four arms. After informing him of Lloyd's releasing the Serpentine and his imprisonment at Pythor's hands, Garmadon agrees to return to Ninjago to rescue his son.
After following the Falcon into Birchwood Forest, Zane finds out that he and the Falcon are robots. Prior to this event, Zane was in shock for a while. Zane discovered a memory switch in his robotic body which leads to him remembering his creator. After accepting this, Zane discovers his True Potential.
Jay and Nya are at the Mega Monster Amusement Park but Jay becomes a snake after pricking his finger on a skeleton from a Fangpyre. Meanwhile, Pythor and the other Serpentine find the first Fangblade. They tie Nya to a rollercoaster and Nya reveals to Jay that she is Samurai X. After that, Jay discovers his True Potential.
The Ninja are searching for the second Fangblade and Cole says he has seen the Fangblade on the Blade Cup, a trophy which his father had won many times. The Ninja go to Cole's father and train to be dancers to get the Cup but the Serpentine sees it too. The Ninja go to the Concert Hall of Ninjago City and win the Cup but Pythor steals it and crushes Cole and his father, leading Cole to discover his True Potential.
After all his training, Kai unlocks his True Potential upon realizing he wasn't destined to become the Green Ninja but to protect him: everyone soon realizes Lloyd is the Green Ninja and must face his father. Meanwhile, the Serpentine obtain the Fangpyre Fangblade and are one away from releasing The Great Devourer.
The Ninja capture Spitta and later figure out that the Serpentine are using underground tunnels to avoid them.
Lloyd suggests getting the remaining three Fangblades while Python retrieves the Venomari Fangblade. The Ninja train in preparation and infiltrate the Constrictai Tomb, leaving Lloyd and Garmadon behind.
Lloyd catches his father trying to steal the Ninjas' secrets, and confronting him, gets him to leave. The ninja fight the Serpentine, only to fall into Pythor's trap.
Pythor places the Fangblades together and holds a Slither Pit to celebrate.
Lloyd dons the Green Ninja robes and confronts Pythor alongside his father and the Skulkin. The ninja get the fang blades and escape on the Destiny's Bounty, but Pythor sneaks inside.
Master Wu gets a vision of the Great Devourer being awoken.
Pythor saves the Fang blades from being thrown into Torchfire Mountain and escapes on a nearby train with his Serpentine forces, converting it into the Serpentine Train.
The Ninja pursue Pythor, but he manages to awaken the Great Devourer, only to be eaten alongside Master Wu.
The Great Devourer destroys the Destiny's Bounty.
The Ninja use the Tornado of Creation to create the Ultra Sonic Raider and use it to discover the Great Devourer's weakness on its forehead.
The Great Devourer attacks Ninjago City and the ninja are helpless against it, even when the dragons return in the form of the Ultra Dragon.
Garmadon attempts to go back to the Dark Realm, but upon noticing the return of the serpent that cursed him, arrives to help the ninja kill it.
The Ninja begrudgingly entrust Garmadon with the Golden Weapons, and Garmadon destroys the Great Devourer, only to escape with the weapons in tow. Master Wu survives, reconciling with the ninja, and Pythor escapes, undetected.
The Final Battle
(Season 2)
The Ninja fix up the city and train Lloyd to face the Dark Lord.
Lord Garmadon uses the four Golden Weapons to recreate the Destiny's Bounty into an evil variantfor his own transportation.
Garmadon shows off his powers, getting the Serpentine to abandon their generals in favor of him.
Garmadon takes the Weapons to the Golden Peaks, and forges them into the Mega Weapon.
Skales tries to kidnap Lloyd as leverage but fails and is arrested.
Lord Garmadon uses his Mega Weapon to resurrect Captain Soto and his crew of pirates, but Soto takes advantage of his exhaustion and reassumes command of his ship, before attacking Ninjago City.
The ninja meet Dareth and train at his dojo.
Lloyd unlocks Earth and his own element, Energy, and helps the ninja fight Soto and his pirates.
Soto wins, but is defeated by Nya in her Samurai Mech.
Soto and the pirates are captured, and Garmadon reassumes command of the Black Bounty, escaping.
Lord Garmadon uses the Mega Weapon to create evil versions of the Ninja.
The ninja and Lloyd are invited to Darkley's to celebrate their reforms, only for the students to reveal it as a trap and attempt to lure Lloyd back into the side of evil.
The Bizarro Ninja track their counterparts to Darkley's, forcing the students and Ninja to team up together to defeat them, and Lloyd unlocks his control over Lightning.
Garmadon uses Darnagom Enterprises to threaten Dareth's dojo into ruin.
The Ninja join the Ninjaball Run to save Dareth's Dojo. Skales escapes prison and the ninja win the race, getting back their ship, and Skales rescues Garmadon from the police.
Lord Garmadon uses the Mega Weapon to turn the Ninja into children, and awakens the remains of an extinct Grundle. In the process of turning the Ninja older (and killing the Grundal), Lloyd becomes a teenager.
The Ninja go back in time to stop Garmadon from changing the future to his own desires, destroying the Mega Weapon in the process.
The Ninja meet Misako, Lloyd's mother.
Garmadon, inspired by Soto's tales, attempts to find the Island of Darkness and succeed where the pirate failed. However, unimpressed by his plans, Skales, shoves him into the Endless Ocean, leaving him to drown, and is crowned the second Snake King.
Garmadon washes up on the shore of an island and meets the weakened Overlord. Acting as his champion, Garmadon activates a switch that raises the Island of Darkness from the Endless Ocean.
Skales leads the Serpentine to dig tunnels underneath Ninjago City, destroying its foundations and causing earthquakes.
The Serpentine become trapped underground in the tomb of the Stone army, simultaneously awakening the long dormant Stone Army.
Garmadon activates the Celestial Clock and dons the Helmet of Shadows, summoning the Stone Army to the Island of Darkness and assuming control.
The ninja sail to the Island of Darkness.
Garmadon begins digging up troves of Dark Matter to power the Garmatron.
The Falcon is captured by the Stone Army.
Zane reunites with Dr. Julien, his father and creator, and frees the Leviathan.
Zane saves the Falcon.
The Ninja go to the Temple of Light and gain the Elemental Blades, giving them an advantage, and Lloyd gains the power of the Golden Dragon, allowing him to defeat the Stone Warriors.
The ninja attempt to stop the Celestial Clock from finishing its countdown but fail, and the Garmatron is finished.
Nya is corrupted by Dark Matter.
Garmadon uses the Garmatron to infect Ninjago with darkness, shifting the balance and allowing the Overlord to cross over into Ninjago by possessing Garmadon.
The Overlord wrecks the Destiny's Bounty and escapes with the Stone Army to Ninjago City, and proceeds to convert nearly everyone under his control.
The Ninja unlock the Golden Mech and with the Ultra Dragon fly back to Ninjago for the final battle.
Nya destroys the Golden Mech, and Dareth dons the Helmet of Shadows, placing the Stone Army under his command.
Jay, Cole, and Zane get corrupted by Dark Matter in their efforts to help Lloyd defeat the Overlord.
Lloyd becomes the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master and defeats the Overlord, restoring both balance between Good and Evil, with Jay, Cole, Zane, Nya and, especially Garmadon being purified from evil.
Post-Final Battle
Cyrus Borg turns Ninjago City into a futuristic metropolis with new technologies, becoming New Ninjago City.
The Overlord's spirit survives his battle with Lloyd and infiltrates Borg Industries' computers, transforming himself into a virus in the process.
Garmadon builds a Monastery and assumes pacifistic ideals to atone for his crimes.
The Ninja (all except Lloyd) become teachers at Master Wu's Academy.
Dr. Julien, once again, perishes from old age.
P.I.X.A.L. is built.
The Serpentine free themselves from the Stone Army tomb and become pacifistic to atone for their ways. Skales marries Selma and has a son that he names after himself, Skales Jr.
Age of Technology
(Season 3)
The Ninja and the others visit Borg Tower in the recently new and renovated city.
Nya takes the perfect match compatibility and finds out Cole is designated as her perfect match, thus straining the friendship between Cole and Jay.
Cyrus Borg gives the Ninja the techno blades and all of New Ninjago City's tech becomes hacked by the Digital Overlord.
The Digital Overlord virus begins to take over New Ninjago City.
The Overlord converts Cyrus into a cyborg, possesses him, and creates the Nindroids.
Cole develops feelings for Nya.
P.I.X.A.L. is freed from the Overlord's control and becomes the ninjas' ally.
The ninja destroy Ninjago's main power station, knocking out the power and deactivating most of the tech in Ninjago. Pixar is deactivated as a result.
Cyrus is rescued in his tower, but Pythor rescues the Overlord's hard drive and moves it to his underground lair.
Master Wu becomes Techno Wu.
With Ed and Edna's help, Pixal is reactivated; However, Pythor and Techno Wu use Electro Cobrai to reactivate the nindroids, though eventually escape.
To investigate Pythor's white scale, the Ninja find the Serpentine in the Stone Army Tomb. Acidicus tells them about the Curse of the Golden Master, only for Nindroids to attack.
Pythor attacks Garmadon and Lloyd at Hiroshi's Labryinth, revealing himself and leaving Garmadon to die in the Endless Ocean.
The Overlord begins draining Lloyd's power.
The Ninja go to the Digiverse and defeated the Digital Overlord, with Pythor and the Nindroids, along with a captured Cyrus Borg, escaping. The Mech Dragon crashes, but Lloyd escapes in time. Wu is freed from the Overlord's control.
The Overlord, having drained enough power to become physical, is rescued from the Mech Dragon's wreckage by Pythor, and hides in the Anacondrai's stomach in order to conceal his weakened form.
Lloyd decides to halt the Overlord's plan by splitting the Golden Power apart, forcing the Overlord to use his other plan, Codename: Arcturus.
The ninja track Pythor to Ouroboros, where a rocket is being built, and board it in time.
The Nindroids are sent to space to retrieve the remains of the Golden Weapons, the ninja acting as stowaways. Pythor and Cyrus recapture Borg Tower in anticipation of Cryptor's return with the Golden Weapons.
Cryptor retrieves the Golden Weapons and escapes, arriving back at Borg Tower. The Overlord, using a machine, recreates his physical form and gets to work forging the Golden Armor so he can become the Golden Master prophesized by the Serpentine.
The ninja build a miniature rocket out of the remains of the Nindroids' space ship and return to Ninjago.
After regrouping with their allies, they confront the Overlord, the latter now reborn as the Golden Master and having used his powers to convert New Ninjago City into a massive fortress.
Cyrus is freed from the Overlord's control and escapes to the Temple of Fortitude, giving the ninja a shrinking pill to stop the Overlord and Stone Warrior armors to protect them.
Nya tricks Mindroid into attacking Cryptor.
Pythor saves the Overlord by swallowing the shrinking pill and is shrunken, before being chased off by the Falcon.
Zane sacrifices himself to defeat the Golden Master by absorbing the Golden Armor and unleashing a blast of element power, the explosion destroying his body and destroying the Overlord and the Nindroids. The Golden Armor is left behind, and the Ninja grieve Zane's death at his funeral.
Zane survives by implanting his consciousness into Borg Tower.
Seperate Paths
The Ninja are divided, and Lloyd is the only Ninja remaining after Zane's sacrifice.
Cyrus Borg locks up the Golden Armor in a hidden location.
Mezmo hosts Slither Pit matches underneath Ninjago, which Kai regularly attends.
Jay becomes a gameshow host.
Cole becomes a lumberjack.
All the future tech from the past season is removed and Ninjago City reverts back to its modern self after the events of the Digital Virus.
Zane rebuilds himself as the Titanium Ninja. He and P.I.X.A.L. are captured by Ronin and sold to Master Chen, who steals Zane's powers and scraps P.I.X.A.L..
The Tournament of Elements
(Season 4)
Chen gets a Chair.
The Ninja meet at Chen's Noodle House, meet their new foes, and find out that Zane is still alive.
The Ninja join the tournament.
Kai meets Skylor and falls in love with her.
Karlof is eliminated from the tournament.
Bolobo, Gravis, and Ash are eliminated from the tournament.
Cole gets eliminated from the tournament, though his friendship with Jay is restored.
Zane decides to place P.I.X.A.L.'s data chip into his own database.
Cole finds and frees Zane.
Jacob is eliminated from the tournament.
Chamille is eliminated from the tournament.
The Ninja are able to ally themselves with the Elemental Masters.
Kai finds out that Skylor is Chen's daughter.
The remaining Elemental Masters, except Lloyd, are captured.
Chen tries to ally Kai, who leads Lloyd into a trap.
Lloyd is captured and loses his power.
The Elemental Masters escape and kill the Anacondrai Serpent.
The Ninja re-unite and capture several of the cultists except for Chen, Clouse, Zugu, Eyezor, Kapau, and Chope, and Skylor gets captured.
Skylor escapes but is recaptured alongside Kai so her powers can be used to power the spell. Close and Garmadon clash, and the former opens a portal to the Cursed Realm, only to be thrown inside.
The spell activates and Skylor, Garmadon, Chen, and the Anacondrai Cultists become Anacondrai. The Cultists escape and flee the island, heading to Ninjago.
The Elemental Masters overcome their fear and summon Elemental Dragons, arriving back at Ninjago.
The spell's affects begin to wear off, and to render it permanent, Chen seeks out Pythor's essence; likewise, hoping to find a weakness of the Anacondrai, the ninja confront a shrunken Pythor within Kryptarium prison.
Kapau'rai and Chop'rai break in, allowing the rest of the cultists to come in and kidnap Pythor, who reveals the truth of Chen's involvement in the Serpentine Wars.
Pythor's sweat is used to render the transformation permanent, and Chen declares the Second Serpentine War and takes over most of Ninjago.
The ninja rally several allies and fight the Cultists at the Corridor of Elders.
Pythor brings the Book of Spells and Garmadon is sent to the Cursed Realm to free the Anacondrai Generals, defeating the Cultists, but Morro escapes.
Post-Second Serpentine War
The Falcon is updated with a metallic exterior.
Ronin loots Chen's Hall of Fame and sets up a pawn shop at the City of Stiix, and later steals the Scroll of Airjitzu at the library of Domu.
The Possession
(Season 5)
An exhibit about the Ninja is opened at the Ninjago History Museum.
Wu attempts to retire from being a master and opens his own tea shop.
Lloyd goes to the museum and Morro possesses him.
Kai faces Morro to try and get to Lloyd. Kai hears Lloyd trying to fight Morro's possession.
Morro and Wu fight for the staff. Kai gets close to stopping Morro, but fails, and Morro gets the Staff of the First Spinjitzu Master, but not before Wu learns of the symbols engraved in its side.
The Ninja go to Stiix.
The Ninja and Morro try to get the Scroll of Airjitzu from Ronin.
Morro gets the Scroll and learns Airjitzu, and Ronin becomes an ally of the ninja.
The Ninja enter Master Yang's Temple looking for another scroll, and in the process, Cole becomes a ghost.
The Ninja learn Airjitzu.
The Ninja enter the Cloud Kingdom, only to be ambushed by the Ghosts.
Morro gets the Sword of Sanctuary, only for Kai to steal it back.
Ronin steals the Sword and brings it to Morro to free his cursed soul from Soul Archer's debt, only to be swindled.
The Caves of Despair is destroyed due to a chain reaction.
The Ninja and Morro look for the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master.
The Ninja see their future, whilst Cole simply sees nothing.
The Ninja and Morro find the Tomb, and Morro gets the Realm Crystal.
Morro opens the Cursed Realm to free The Preeminent.
The Preeminent drags Lloyd into the Cursed Realm.
Lloyd finds his father in the Cursed Realm, and with his encouragement escapes and fights with Morro over the Realm Crystal, traveling through multiple realms in the process.
Nya unlocks her True Potential and defeats The Preeminent, resulting in the death of both the Anacondrai Cultists and the Ghost Army, and Clouse escapes in time. The Preeminent attempts to drag Morro to his death, and Morro and Wu reconcile their pasts before the former hands him the Realm Crystal and dissipates in the Endless Ocean.
The Ninja bring back Lloyd from the realm Morro left him in, with Lloyd ready to train to become a master.
The Cursed Realm's destruction causes the collapse of its sister realm, Djinjago.
(Season 6)
Cliff Gordon dies.
The Ninja deal with their newfound fame and while attempting to escape news helicopters, Nya refuses to take Jay's hand, exposing them.
Clouse returns to Stiix and frees Nadakhan, a Djinn who is trapped in the Teapot of Tyrahn.
Nadakhan traps Clouse and Wu in the Teapot of Tyrahn.
The Ninja are framed by Nadakhan and are incarcerated in Kryptarium Prison thanks to the efforts of Ronin and the Police Commissioner.
Nadakhan traps Misako in the Teapot of Tyrahn and successfully retrieves the Realm Crystal from Hiroshi's Labyrinth.
Nadakhan brings his crew back to Ninjago.
Nadakhan visits Djinjago and learns of its collapse as a result of the ninjas' actions, and gets the Sword of Souls from his father.
Nadakhan and his crew return to Ninjago, swearing vengeance.
The Ninja escape Kryptarium Prison with the help of Captain Soto, who reveals how to defeat a Djinn through the use of a Tiger Widow's venom.
The ninja infiltrate the Police headquarters and learn the whereabouts of Nadakhan's ship, Misfortune's Keep.
The Misfortune's Keep is converted into an airship and escapes before Cole and Lloyd can find it.
Nadakhan confronts Jay alone and gets him to wish to become rich.
As a result of Jay's wish, Jay learns the truth of his parentage, inheriting massive wealth due to his father's death.
To lure out the ninja, the Sky Pirates attack New Ninjago City. As a result of the ninjas' heroic actions, the Police Commissioner gives them a pardon.
The Ninja find the Map to the Tiger Widow venom on Nadakhan's ship.
The Realm Crystal is accidentally destroyed by Flintlocke.
Kai is trapped in the Djinn Blade.
Nadakhan uses the Djinn Blade to slowly reconstruct Djinjago.
Zane is trapped in the Djinn Blade.
The Ninja grab the Tiger Widow Venom. However, Jay is captured by Nadakhan.
Jay learns of Nadakhan's plan to marry Nya on the newly-remade Djinjago, giving him infinite wishes.
The Ninja manage to free Jay.
Cole and Lloyd are trapped in the Djinn Blade.
Flintlocke realizes Nadakhan's true intentions and attempts to mutiny but fails and is demoted.
Jay and Nya return to the Lighthouse Prison and meet Echo Zane.
Nya is captured by Nadakhan.
Jay gets the help of Skylor, Echo Zane, Ronin, Dareth, and Soto to free Nya.
The Ninja are freed from the Djinn Blade.
Nadakhan marries Nya and gets infinite wishes, before betraying several of the Sky Pirates.
Dogshank and Flintlocke help the ninja fight Nadakhan.
Nadakhan and Nya are hit with the Tiger Widow venom thanks to Flintlocke.
Nadakhan's magic begins to disappear, causing Djinjago to collapse on Ninjago below.
To save Nya's life, Jay wishes that she had taken his hand and that Clouse never found the Teapot of Tyrahn.
Weakened by the Tiger Widow venom, Nadakhan complies perfectly with Jay's wish and undoes the events of the season, leaving nearly everyone, except for Jay and Nya, with no memory of what happened.
Back on the rooftop, Jay and Nya reconcile and their kiss is broadcast across Ninjago.
Clouse, with no memories of what happened, attempts to retrieve the Teapot of Tyrahn but is driven off by the citizens of Stiix, leaving the Teapot lost forever.
The Realm of Shadows
Wu sends some travelers off to send Kai and Nya a message.
While Kai and Nya are training, some visitors arrive with a teapot and a dragon egg. The teapot held a message inside of it that told the two Ninja to raise the dragon egg, and that it was important to the balance. At the same moment, Kai dropped the dragon egg and it broke, unleashing the young dragon, Bandit.
Meanwhile, Clouse is in a temple in the Toxic Bogs, planning to use his newly recruited Shadow Minions to capture Bandit, and perform a ceremony that will turn him into a Shadow Dragon.
Kai and Nya go to the Destiny's Bounty to tell the others the news, while the travelers tag along. Zane remarks that Bandit appears to be a rare YinYang Dragon, that depending on how it's raised, will either become a Shadow Dragon or a Light Dragon.
Not too long after, the Shadow Minions attack Destiny's Bounty and capture Bandit. The Bounty soon crash lands in the Toxic Bogs. Once the ship crash landed, Kai and Nya went to the temple where Clouse was performing the ceremony.
Clouse finishes the ceremony, turning Bandit into a Shadow Dragon, but with the encouragement of Kai and Nya, and the travelers, Bandit transforms into a Light Dragon. The temple soon collapses, and Clouse pledged to one day meet the Ninja again. Bandit soon flies away to its destiny beyond.
Dark Island Trilogy
Day of the Departed
The Ninja test out their new machines before going to the museum where they see an exhibition of old enemies.
Cole is upset about being a ghost and is suddenly forgotten by his friends.
Cole goes to the Temple of Airjitzu to get revenge on Yang for turning him into a ghost.
Yang tricks Cole into using the Yin Blade to open a rift to the Departed Realm during the Yin-Yang Eclipse.
Yang's students detain Cole while he reveals his plan of returning to Ninjago during the eclipse.
Yang releases the souls of Chen, Morro, Samukai, Cryptor, and Kozu who inhabit their mannequins at the museum.
Yang tells them that they can stay in Ninjago if they destroy the Ninja.
Pythor joins the villains who each pick their target (Chen chooses Kai and Nya, Morro chooses Wu, Pythor chooses Lloyd, Cryptor chooses Zane, Samukai chooses Jay, and Kozu picks Dareth.
The Ninja are scattered across several areas of Ninjago and are attacked by their old foes.
Morro visits Wu and instead of battling him he warns him of Yang's plans.
The Ninja and Dareth manage to defeat their enemies sending back to the Departed Realm while Pythor escapes.
Wu and a redeemed Morro tell the Ninja of Yang's plans and how he made them forget Cole.
The Ninja rush to the Temple of Airjitzu as Morro returns to the Departed Realm at peace.
Cole escapes Yang's henchmen and battles his way to stop him.
Yang tries to demoralize Cole by mentioning his friends forgot him until he hears them call him. Rejuvenated, Cole attacks and overpowers Yang which releases his students from his mind control spell.
Yang's former students escape turning them back into humans.
Yang reveals he cursed himself in order not to be forgotten as Cole relates to this.
Cole states Yang would of been forever remembered because he created Airjitzu.
Cole tries to take Yang with him through the rift but Yang explains how the curse works of one ghost remains.
Yang then sends Cole through the rift turning him into a human again.
The Ninja make the restored Temple of Airjitzu their new base and celebrate the Day of the Departed.
The Hands of Time
(Season 7)
Acronix returns after 40 years of being lost in Time to take his revenge on Wu for putting him there. When The Forward Time Blade arrives, Acronix accelerates Wu's growth and defeats the Ninja with ease.
Acronix reunites with Dr. Saunders who reveals his identity of Krux as they embrace and plot their revenge.
Zane protects Cyrus Borg but is taken down while Borg is kidnapped by the Time Twins and forced to make a weapon for them.
Various people and metal are stolen by the Vermillion to use for building armor and weapons.
Kai investigates his parents' disappearance and discovers Dr. Saunders, who he finds out is Krux, was behind it. Krux tells Kai that his parents were a pair of traitors who aided him and his brother in many ways.
The last three Time Blades appear one after another.
A mysterious person donning the Samurai X suit appears.
Kai and Nya reunite with their parents and learn why they disappear.
Kai, Nya, Master Wu, Acronix and Krux travel in time, 40 years before, after the defeat of the Serpertine.
Master Wu sacrifices himself and together with Acronix and Krux they are lost in time.
After the loss of Master Wu the Ninjas need a master and Jay names Lloyd as "Master Lloyd."
Source:Ninjago Wiki!
So like i said you do not have to include all the detail 
Thank you for taking on the challenge!
When your done post it on your blog and @ me. 
make sure you put on your blog and  @shiryokuninja-chan 
Good Luck! this will be an awesome collab
71 notes · View notes
tam-nya · 8 years
Under cut because it’s quite long (I wrote way too many quotes haha)
Top 5 favourite characters: Zane, Nya, Jay, Cole, MorroOther characters you like: Acronix, Cyrus Borg, Kai, Lloyd, Dareth, Skylor, Misako, Lil Nelson, Ed & Edna, Neuro.Least favourite characters: Eh I guess I don’t care about most of the skeleton and snake villains from the pilots to season 2. Skales is good though.Otps: JAY X NYA GIVES ME LIFE! I also love Kai x Skylor, Ed x Edna, and Misako x Garmadon. And Ray and Maya seem cute together.Notps: Let’s see... Morro x Lloyd, Lloyd x Kai, Lloyd x Garmadon, and Cole x Zane are the worst to me.Favourite friendships: I love the friendships among all the ninja, especially Lloyd + Kai, Cole + Jay, and Nya + Zane!Favourite family: Jay’s! Jay is a fantastic character, his adoptive parents are lots of fun, his discovery of his biological father is cool and his biological mom is beautiful.Favourite episodes: Home, Tick Tock, the Royal Blacksmiths, The Surge, The Titanium Ninja, Only One Can Remain, and The Temple on Haunted Hill.Favourite season/book/movie: Well I really love S3 the most! But S4, S5, and S6 are close in awesomeness too.Favourite quotes: Let’s see... Sorry if some are slightly off,  I might not remember completely correctly.
“There comes a time when every boy must become a man. What kind of man is up to him.” - Garmadon“We must all grow up someday. When that time comes, we must remember the lessons of our childhood, because our childhood is the greatest training of all.” - Wu (I think?)“We honour our ancestors, because if we do not look to the past, we cannot envision the future. On the Day of the Departed, we remember those who are no longer with us, and spend time with those we are still fortunate to have.” - Wu“You are like the sunrise. We cannot begin the day without you.” - Zane“Even in the darkness, we have the choice to reflect the light.” - Zane“I used to think technology would be the answer to all our problems. But then I saw it create new problems. Devastating problems. And then, a Nindroid named Zane saved us all. He was the perfect balance between us and technology. He taught us that life should be a balance, and if we focus on one at the expense of the other, that’s when the balance is off. Technology can improve our lives, but so can people.” - Cyrus Borg“You know, I think the real reason sailors name ships after women is because we name them after the most important people in our lives; mothers, wives, sisters. The people we can count on to be by our side when things get rough.” - Cole“I don’t feel anything anymore.” - Cole“It’s like I don’t exist anymore.” - Cole“Everyone wondered what powered Zane. I’d like to think it was brotherhood, because he powered me. And he’ll still power me as his memory lives on.” - Kai“I have no friends.” - Jay“Haven’t I suffered enough?” - Jay“Well, I’m HOOPED! And I haven’t brushed my teeth in a week!” - Jay“We’ll see who laughs when I have to go commando!” - Jay“Care for a mucus salt sandwich?” - Jay“Are you seeing what I’m seeing? Of course not, because all I see is my life flashing before me!” - Jay“You should never swear. It’s a sign of weak verbal skills.” - Jay“The only thing decided about you, Zane, is that you’re weird.” - Jay“I’m a tall glass of water!” - Nya“Now, I need to go before the perfume toxins enter my bloodstream and I go into shock.” - Nya“If you’ll excuse me, I need to go write a song about my feelings.” - Lou“I hate waiting... it’s beneath me!” - Morro“You can only save those who want to be saved. Goodbye, Sensei.” - Morro“Eh, kids. That’s why I never had any. Not because Gayle keeps rejecting my marriage proposals even though I’d make an excellent provider.” - Dareth
Best musical moment: ZANE’S FUNNY SWITCH DANCEMoment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: The entire show. But I guess I love the Royal Blacksmiths scene with the ninjas dancing and then snuggling at the end.When it really disappointed you: I guess Zane’s drastic change in personality after his sacrifice disappoints me but ah well.Saddest moment: Zane’s death and funeral, Garmadon’s death, Garmadon’s SECOND death (when Lloyd meets his dad in the Cursed Realm but it has to be destroyed minutes later) Morro’s death, Nya’s death, and the Day of the Departed Scene where they’re remembering their lost loved ones and when Cole is fading from existence. Jay’s endless suffering in Skybound is pretty sad too.Most well done character death: ZANE’S! IT FRIKKIN RIPS YOUR HEART OUT.Favourite guest star: n/a?Favourite cast member: Brent Miller, he’s so sweet to his fans and makes wonderful videosCharacter you wish was still alive: I think it’d be interesting if Morro was still alive.One thing you hope really happens: Just more hella emotional scenes and more Jay x Nya moments is all I need!Most shocking twist: Cole turning into a ghost was really shocking to me.When did you start watching/reading?: I started lowkey watching 2-3 years ago maybe but I only became hella involved a few months ago.Best animal/creature: The lego people!Favourite location: Borg Industries is really cool.Trope you wish they would stop using: *shrugs* I guess villains being related to snakes in some form is getting overused (S3, S5, and S6 were different though) but I actually like how they’re used in Hands of Time, so it’s okay.One thing this show/book/film does better than others: Uhh it deals with heavy themes better than other kids cartoons and it has amazing CGI animation in my opinion. And I think the characters and humor are great too.Funniest moments: ...Where do I begin... I already listed some funny quotes before. Admittedly I find the S4 scene where a fortune cookie explodes in Cole’s stomach really funny. And Jay screaming/overreacting is often funny. I also like a lot of humor involving Zane’s weirdness, like when he was sitting in the fridge.Couple you would like to see: I wanna see Kai x Skylor again and see it develop more.Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: Ehh don’t really care.Favourite outfit: The ninjas’ teacher outfits in The Surge are so cuteFavourite item: Does Zane’s falcon count as an item?Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: Yes... lots of lego sets, some books, all the DVDs, stationery... but my favorite thing is my lil Cole ledlight keychain!What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I don’t think I’d be one of the ninja, but I’d still love to be friends with them.Most boring plotline: The pilots!Most laughably bad moment: Ehhh I guess some of the humor involving the skeleton and snake villains but it’s funny to my little brother, so at least it appeals to the target audience.Best flashback/flashfoward if any: Zane’s flashbacks about his creator raising him and then dying after erasing Zane’s memory. And Wu’s flashbacks about Morro’s descent into darkness.Most layered character: I think Nya.Most one dimensional character: The Overlord because he’s literally just an embodiment of evil :PScariest moment: The Overlord’s dragon form at the end of S2 was rather creepy. And Morro can be terrifying, especially when he possesses Lloyd.Grossest moment: I guess that would be Jay talking about mucus sandwiches and making Cole vomit but I find that hilarious because I’m weird.Best looking male: Honestly I think Jay is the cutest but they’re all extremely cute.Best looking female: NYA IS SO CUTE AND BEAUTIFUL AND PRETTYWho you’re crushing on (if any): Well, none really now but it was Zane before.Favourite cast moment: Brent Miller interviewing any of the other staff.Favourite transportation: I think the Bounty is cool.Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): The Cloud Kingdom scenes are pretty, scenes with water are pretty, and the scene at the end of Day of the Departed where the lanterns are going into the night sky is pretty.Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you:Best promo: I like the S3 trailer but I guess I’m biased haha... the music is cool though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIuGSfSKZPEHonestly though the trailers for seasons 3 to 6 are all cool!At what point did you fall in love with this show/book:When I saw the scene with Zane in the apron and everyone laughing at him while he was just confused. :P
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