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dhddmods · 7 months ago
Transreproductive/Diffprodu flags!
We decided to make flags for transreproductive terms! We included the definitions for ya'll.
Meaning: A person that desires a different reproductive system to the one they currently have.
The purple represents androgynous-associated sex traits. The blue represents masculine-associated sex traits. The green represents neutral-associated sex traits. Yellow represents xenic-associated sex traits. White represents sex fluidity. Black represents the teresex (angenital, angonadal, and anutero) umbrella. Orange represents outherine-associated sex traits. Red represents feminine-associated sex traits. The shades of brown represent the BIPOC community. The pinkish symbols in the center of the flag represent the uterus/prostate and gonads.
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Meaning: A person that desires different gonads to the ones they were born with.
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Meaning: A person that desires ovaries.
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Meaning: A person that desires testicles.
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Meaning: A person that desires a combination of testicles and ovaries.
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Meaning: A person that desires a different reproductive organ (prostate or uterus) than they were born with.
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Meaning: A person that desires a uterus.
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Meaning: A person that desires a prostate.
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Meaning: A person that desires gonads or reproductive organs that are not currently known to be possible for human biology.
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Meaning: A person that desires gonads or reproductive organs that are related to space. For example, desiring two miniature planets as gonads.
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Meaning: A person that desires gonads or reproductive organs that are related to elements/weather. For example, desiring a bubble instead of a uterus, and tornados instead of gonads.
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Meaning: A person that desires gonads or reproductive organs that are related to mythology/mythic beings. For example, desiring a reproductive system found in a mythological being.
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Meaning: A person that desires gonads or reproductive organs that are animalistic. For example, desiring a bird's reproductive system.
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Meaning: A person that desires gonads or reproductive organs that are plant-related. For example, desiring vines and fruit instead of fallopian tubes and ovaries.
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Meaning: A person that desires gonads or reproductive organs that are mechanical, robotic, or digital. For example, desiring a reproductive organ that is made of metal and bolts.
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Meaning: A person that desires gonads or reproductive organs that can morph or retract. For example, desiring gonads that can shift between testes and ovaries.
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Meaning: A person that desires gonads or reproductive organs that are a mixture not yet seen as biologically possible for humans. For example, a testicle that functions as a uterus (retracting into the inguinal canal when impregnated and growing a baby there.)
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altersexswagtournament · 2 years ago
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talcite · 7 months ago
I wish all genitals are detachable, being able to change size, or otherwise mutable to become other shapes
I wish boobs were detachable. Because sometimes I want to look like a genderless being, other times the outfit needs boobs.
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kerosene-saint · 7 months ago
oughhhh if I list out all my identities (not just the queer ones, all of them) it'd look silly... I got so many....
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bunplay · 8 months ago
pt: morphisexslut
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Morphisexslut : a genderslut term related to being morphisex and a slut.
pt: morphisexslut
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tag list: @mogaigonewild @archiveafterdark @apocalypth @gender-erotica @w4lh4ll4 @lewdsergendered @lewdmail-gender @mmogaiafterdark
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veeshoard · 10 days ago
hi i'm V or vee (she/they/maybe it?). this is my flag hoard blog. we're 22 and a mixed origin system.
flags/terms will be sfw and explicit (block the tag "mogai after dark" if you don't want to see). no dni, i don't care about discourse and will just block as i want to.
other info:
bi lesbian
shapeshifter with only a human(ish) form and a cat form (eldritch being cat but looks mostly normal)
general chaos enthusiast
music lover
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pup-emoji-anon · 1 year ago
yea!! I just found out about it recently and it's helped a lot and I identity with it pretty nicely :D there's also little other terms under it like morphisex under the xenogenital or altersex umbrella!!! so many fun words :]
nurse gee should do experiments on me that end with me having both a penis and a vagina (I am definitely not saying cause I'm salmacian /sar)
seriously why can't I have both tho, this is the question nurse gee strives to answer and the answer is I can <333
I swear I'm normal...ish
I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE I diddnt know there was an actual name for that
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themogaidragon · 3 years ago
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Xenogenital is a form of altersex referring to individuals who wish to have nonhuman sex characteristics and/or genitalia, or individuals who prefer to conceptualize or imagine their sex characteristics and/or genitalia as alien or otherwise nonhuman. This can be any form of sex characteristics that are not normally found in humans. Imagining oneself with alien sex characteristics may reduce disconnect, dysphoria, or cause euphoria for the individual.
The term is commonly used by xenic and otherkin individuals, but anyone can use it, as not all xenic and otherkin people are xenogenital and not all xenogenital people are xenic or otherkin. This term could also be useful for non-human alters within systems.
Systems who identify with this may also call themself aivotsex. One who identifies as this may also fit the diffxeno label as well.
This term is very vast in nature, and holds many possibilities for how one may visualize or desire their genitals, however some specific subsets exist and are listed below.
Astrogenital: someone who desires space-related genitals.
Cyberex: someone who desires a sex that is digital.
Faunagenital: someone who desires animal-related genitals.
Floragenital: someone who desires plant-related genitals.
Machinex: someone who desires a sex that is robotic, mechanical, and made of mechanical/robot pieces.
Morphisex: someone who desires sex traits that are able to morph, change, and/or retract.
The xenogenital flag was designed by Tumblr user fathermartinarchimbaud. The alternate flag was created by an anonymous wiki user.
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dhddmods · 6 months ago
Some new varsex terms!
(Please read and reblog our intersex guide, by the way! Its important to educate yourself and spread awareness!)
Neurosex: A term describing a varsex person whose neurodivergence is linked to their sex in some way. This could be an altersex person who feels as though their sex identity is directly correlated to neurodivergence, or an intersex person whose variation caused neurodivergence.
A few examples include the following:
-An intersex person with a chromosomal variation, and the chromosomes caused a developmental condition as well as their sex-traits.
-An intersex person with hypergonadism/hypogonadism or otherwise atypical-levels of hormones, who experiences a mood disorder or sexual disorder as a result.
-An altersex person who experiences sex-repulsion as a result of their neurodivergence, and identifies on the sexless spectrum because of that (such as desiring for their genitals or reproductive organs to be removed, so that sexual urges will dissipate.)
-An altersex person who feels as though they are xenosex due to one of their hyperfixations/special-interests, and desire to have sex traits relating to that interest.
-A system that is nonhuman-heavy, and desires for their shared body to be mythicsex as a result.
This term was requested by a user that wishes to remain anonymous.
The colors of the flag are taken from the neurodivergent flag. It takes the format of the varsex flag. The neurodivergent infinity symbol is also present.
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Invisiex, Invisigenital, Invisifluid, & Invisixenive
Invisiex: An altersex term, describing someone that desires one or more of their sex traits to be invisible, either solely to other people or to themself as well. When referring specifically to genitals, the term Invisigenital is used instead.
Invisifluid is used to describe someone that desires the ability to turn one or more of their sex traits invisible at will.
Invisixenive: An altersex term, describing someone that desires for their gonads or reproductive organs to be invisible, or to turn invisible at will. This generally refers to people with descended testes/ovotestes, however it could also apply to non-humans within systems, whose innerworld body is see-through in some way, or otherwise visible by outsiders, and they wish they could hide it.
Invisiex, invisifluid, and invisixenive is not the same as desiring retractable genitals, as the terms morphisex and morphixenive would be used instead.
The invisiex & invisigenital flag uses shades of bluish-grey to symbolize different levels of visibility.
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The invisifluid flag follows a similar format to the invisiex flag, except bottom half of the flag inverts the top half, representing fluidity. There are also arrows within the altersex symbol to represent fluidity as well.
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The invisixenive flag follows the theme of the other transreproductive flags.
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Objectex, Objenital, & Objectoxenive/Obxenive
Objectex: An altersex term, describing someone that desires one or more of their sex traits to be objects or object-like. For example, a person that desires a sex-toy in place of their genitals, or somebody that desires an inflatable chest. When referring specifically to genitals, the term Objenital is used instead. Cyberex and machinex might be considered subsets of this.
Objectoxenive: An altersex term, describing someone that desires for their gonads or reproductive organs to be objects or object-like. For example, a person that desires a toy uterus. Technoxenive might be considered a subset of this.
The objectex & objenital flag uses yellow to represent childhood-themed objects, brownish-yellow to represent adult-themed objects, dark green to represent objects formed through nature, brown is for culturally-themed objects, black is for non-tangible objects, and the white sparkle is for fictional objects.
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The objectoxenive/obxenive flag follows the same theme as the other transreproductive flags. The teddybear represents childhood-themed objects/toys. The sparkler represents holiday-themed objects. The pot represents decorative objects. The couch represents furniture. The moon, star, sun, and planet represent space-themed objects. The buildings represent construction and location-based or cultural-based objects. The screw, nut, gear, telephone, and screen represent technology. The rocks and plant represents nature-based objects. The paper, paintbrush, and pencil represent art. The arrow represents weaponry. It also uses similar symbols to the luduace flag, to represent adult-themed objects.
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Xenochest: An altersex term, describing someone that desires a chest/breasts and/or nipples that are "unusual." (For example, desiring a chest made of clouds.)
The flag goes along with the xenophallus & xenoyoni flags and the xenoclitoris & xenovulva flags. A symbol meant to represent a chest is atop the altersex symbol.
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altersexswagtournament · 2 years ago
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variant-archive · 3 years ago
Hello! You can call me Roswell, or Ros for short. I collect variant terms as a special interest. For a more literal archival blog with tags and stuff I recommend @radiomogai. My main blog is @pastelroswell (cw for posts about adult topics and politics, blog is 80% memes, shitposts, positivity and aesthetic stuff though) and 18+ LIOM blog is @xemboy (WIP. If you're a minor and interact there I'll block you there AND here).
Check out my notion if you'd like. It has my term collection and other stuff about me. Please share your term collections with me so I can add to mine, it really helps! /nf
Synnimchro/Altechro (bodily 27). I'm spiritual alterhuman (autocosm, divinekin, dogkin, foxkin, fictionkin, +more). Godshard (of my metasoul). Furry/Postfurry.
I've been in the neolabel community for over a decade! I was here when MOGAI was coined. I'm also the creator of the queer, omni, xenogender, ficto, and altersex flags along with many other flags and terms. I've collaborated on many too. I feel that gender education is my life's calling and I hope to do much more work for the community in the future! ☆
My primary overall gender descriptor is xemboy. I'm an ambiguous, xenic, genderqueer, femme nymboy. I only use boy/dude/guy etc. and not man/male (including "mlm" even though I'm a guy gay for guys). My xenogenders mostly relate to love, divinity, space, and various cute things.
I'm an aroallo bi gay. I also use gai, binotrix, floric, rosaen, queer, and homo. I'm POSIC and objectum. My primary attraction and relationship type is queerotic. I do not experience platonic or romantic attraction, but what I experience is indeed love and I'm polyamorous and happily partnered. ♡
I'm altersex (morphisex, phantasex). Atypically hormonally transitioned, paraphoric, and comfortably non-op/transine. AGAB nonconforming.
I use he/him, ae/aer, and ne/nym/nys pronouns and I dabble in others on occasion.
I'm autistic + ADHD-I, and I also have C-PTSD, DPD, dysthymia, and multiple OCD-spectrum disorders. I have other ambiguous or subclinical issues too. I'm also diagnosed with fibromyalgia/FMS. I am legally recognized as being disabled and I can't work.
Check my notion (linked above) for my full term/identity collection. This is a summary.
Special interests are psychology, philosophy, spirituality, nature, aesthetics, and identity of course. Always down to talk about them.
I am an anti-radqueer radinclus.
bigots in regards to any marginalized group. For example, sexist, ableist, racist, transphobic, classist, biphobic, etc.
exclusionist (anti-endo, transmeds, anti-mspec gay/lesbian, aspec exclus, microlabel exclus, xeno exclus, objectum exclus, etc.)
against the use of femboy, androgyne, genderfae, or queer as identities.
against the use of neoAGAB labels and other forms of AGAB nonconformity.
condone or participate in harassment or bullying or abuse towards anyone. Criticism is totally fine of course, there's a difference.
if the blog you're interacting from is primarily a discourse blog. I just don't want to see it, it's bad for my mind.
MAP/pedo, zoophile, necrophile, incest/consang, or create/condone/consume content supporting or catering to these things (including in fiction and ships).
Radqueer. Transspecies, harmless things like transvoice etc. and all consensual paraphilas are ok though! :)
anti-informed selfdx.
anti-leftism or pro-capitalism.
are a cop apologist/sympathizer.
anti-drug user. This includes stigmatized medications, illegal drugs, and vaccines. I use cannabis and will tag any mention with "drugs cw".
anti-furry (SFW or NSFW).
you can interact if you're a minor but please don't try to befriend me. You can ask questions, ask for advice, ask for help coining something or making a flag, and we can chat about terms/identity/special interests and stuff. I care about y'all but please understand I'm paranoid about this because I have some trouble with boundaries and I overcompensate by being overcautious. Socializing publicly (in asks/replies/reblogs) is fine and welcomed!
Minors can (and should) ignore under the cut as it is specific about adult topics.
- practice kinks in harmful or irresponsible ways, or allow this (for example, not ensuring informed consent among all involved, practicing kinks while being unaware or heedless of the risks and safety protocols putting others in danger, spreading harmful misinformation, discussing kink with minors, posting kink content in non-kink tags or not mature filtering your kink account/content).
- are anti-kink, especially if you are intent on severing the kink and queer communities from one another's shared history. You may have an opposition to certain specific kinks for your own reasons, I'm fine-ish with that I guess, but you can't be against *most or all* kinks or against the concept, practice, or the kink community itself, or if you think that a person who is queer and sees their kink identity as part of their queerness isn't allowed to do so. Kink pride is valid af.
- if you're against kink at pride (when it's just people wearing their gear to show pride, obviously not sexual activity in public unless it's a space/event specifically for doing that).
- are anti-sex work(er) or think that being a sex worker makes you "tainted" or a walking NSFW entity. Your job isn't who you are.
- if you are against kink/sex related identity terms such as genders, alderns, allions etc
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carnivorepuppy · 2 years ago
000 whats a Ficti0nflicker and m0rphisex ?/gen :00 als0 y0ure really c00l !! :3
Fictionflicker is under the term fictionkin, but the kin shifts. And Morphisex is a altersex term meaning someone who wish to have morphable genitalia! Also thank you alot!
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bunplay · 8 months ago
pt: morphisexfag
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Morphisexfag : a genderfag term related to being morphisex and fag.
pt: morphisexfag
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tag list: @mogaigonewild @archiveafterdark @apocalypth @gender-erotica @w4lh4ll4 @lewdsergendered @lewdmail-gender @mmogaiafterdark
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unholyxvoid · 2 years ago
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void / lucien × it / he / they × ageless (bodily adult)
voidmasc × omnigay × polyam × morphisex × medusan
nonhuman × plural × objectum × selfshipper
info: carrd × pronouns.cc
sideblogs: system × selfship × glitch
partners: mate , mate , boyfriend , qpp
dm's & inbox always open
icon , eye gifs & userboxes by me , do not save/use/repost
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› void × the core , the void / darkness itself , base for all other forms
› demon × main physical form , demon god , future ruler of hell
× FULL FORMS › cat , bearded vulture , night fury
× HEART FORMS › wolf , crow
× DEMI FORMS › glitch / virus , cryptid , clown / jester
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× minors under 18
× racist , sexist , xenophobic , ableist , reality check , pro-contact for harmful paras
× anti-mogai/lgbtqia+ , anti-xenogenders , anti-neopronouns
× anti-nonhuman , anti-selfship , anti-regression
× thirst for / selfship with any of my f/o's
× talk about discourse & start drama
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kerosene-saint · 7 months ago
now that I'm looking at the list I'm wondering where did they come from I swear I did not have this many last time I checked
oughhhh if I list out all my identities (not just the queer ones, all of them) it'd look silly... I got so many....
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altersexswagtournament · 2 years ago
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