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Courageous Mornings - 5 - Is This a Bad Time? . I slept in this morning and it was glorious. . Now was this a bad time to start this routine with everything going on right now? . The truth is...it’s never a good time to start a routine. Actually it’s always a good time to start something new, because if you’re waiting for a the perfect moment, you better get used to waiting. 😉 . Onward my friends! Everyday I am getting stronger. . What are you starting today? . #livewithacourageousheart #mindsetcoach #coach #keynote #speaker #giantslayer #iamthelion #lifestorycoaching #morningquest #faith #mentalhealth #igotuptoday #igotoutdoorstoday #noexcuses #graceandaccountability #courageousmornings @owen_the_wild @ryangillshares @hal_elrod @robinsharma @doc_amen https://www.instagram.com/p/B1knWzMAWuo/?igshid=1snhkib4f214y
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morningmask27 · 3 years
tbh my gender just feels like the void with a hint of feminity, which means that i like dresses, alot, and have long hair. 
this is not my definition of feminity, and people who have long hair/wear dresses that don’t want to be feminine are not feminine. This is simply how i feel it for myself
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upstartcrow1564 · 6 years
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What are the cages you’ve created for yourself? How can you set yourself free? #MorningQuestions #oracle #themusesdarling
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beeourquest · 4 years
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‘의식적으로 매일 감사하고 행복하고, 즐겁게 해주는 질문을 하는 습관을 들일 수는 없을까? 그렇게 긍정적인 감정 상태를 가지고 하루를 살아간다면? 그것은 분명히 모든 일에 영향을 미칠 것이다.’ . ‘그래서 나는 성공의식’이라는 것을 치르기로 했다. 나는 매일 아침 나 자신에게 하는 질문을 만들었다.’ . “진정으로 변화를 원한다면, 진정으로 성공을 원한다면 이 성공의식을 매일 의식적으로 계속하라. 이 질문을 꾸준히 계속하다보면 활력을 주는 감정 상태에 도달하게 될 것이고 크나큰 풍요로움을 경험할 수 있게 될 것이다.’ . “네 안에 잠든 거인을 깨워라” by Tony Robbins . #morningritual #네안에잠든거인을깨워라 #TonyRobbins #AwakenGiantWithin #morningquestions #afformations #mkyu #리부트전략워크숍 #미국꿈공방 #cio과정 #김미경대학 https://www.instagram.com/p/CDCRHKNniYy/?igshid=19dli06fny93k
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fashionistaru · 5 years
Good morning 🌞 after MET Gala... i think it will stay for me: before and after))) never thought that so many peacocks and such sort of blooming vanity exists. That was really contagious feather and fuzz flu in the air. Help me to remember why was this event invented? For what purpose? #morningquestions after healthy breakfast with #joker #jacknicholson in #Batman as an antidote of too much healthiness. #haveagoodday #morninginspiration #morningmood #antifashionsuddenly #oldmovies (at Lucca, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxJ_3awIhRy/?igshid=1u32menxdgtcs
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bathiahanif-blog · 6 years
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🌴Apa ada tempat lain selain pantai yang bisa disinggahi? 🌴 #morningquestion #opponif #morning #friday #beach
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Courageous Mornings - 2 - The Hug That Changed my Day . I was up at 4:30am today and by 5am I saw this blonde little head coming around the corner with crazy hair and half opened eyes reaching out for a hug...that’s enough motivation for me to be awake early every morning. . Feeling his little arms wrap around me instantly reminds me what’s most important in life. He will grow to be better than me...He will grow to be his own man...and I will be his guide. . I also had a chance to connect with @ryangillshares and @owen_the_wild on IG Live to talk about the journey in creating intentional disciplines, time for yourself and not just work, and balancing grace with fierce accountability. . Cheers to the journey!! . What will you be grateful for today? . #livewithacourageousheart #mindsetcoach #coach #keynote #soeaker #giantslayer #iamthelion #lifestorycoaching #morningquest #faith #mentalhealth #igotuptoday #igotoutdoorstoday #noexcuses #graceandaccountability #courageousmornings https://www.instagram.com/p/B1bTM22hSt5/?igshid=uiwgnn73o0eq
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Quest to be a Morning Person . I CHALLENGE YOU!! . I’ve completed 31 straight days of transformation, going from a night person to a morning person - waking up at 4:30am every day! . I have seen so many amazing results from increased productivity to an increased sense of well-being. . NOW I CHALLENGE YOU! 🎥 watch video . ✅ Challenge: For 31 days, choose a time that you will wake up. It can be anytime you want (doesn’t have to be 4:30am). **think about how much time you want to create for yourself every morning before the day gets busy and that will help you determine your wake up time. . ✅ Accountability: Everyday post a video, photo, or just a text write up, documenting your journey. What are you learning? Where are your struggling/growing? How are you feeling? **this is about keeping it real...not making a show for everyone else. I did an #Instagram live video everyday and then posted in my social media platforms. . ✅ Duration: 31 Straight Days!!! Even if you miss a day...keep going! This is about progress not perfection! . ✅ Hashtags: Make it easy to follow the journey. Tag me in your posts and use the hashtags: #livewithacourageousheart #morningquest . Are you ready to conquer the morning?!? 🦁 . . ‪#iamamorningperson‬ ‪#motivation‬ ‪#coaching‬ ‪#keynotespeaker‬ ‪#entrepreneurship‬ ‪#storyteller‬ ‪#challenge‬ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsxbf_XHOlv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jpbsilfwbfj7
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Quest to be a Morning Person . Day 31 - I am The Rooster . Today declare victory over the mornings and that I’m officially a morning person. . For 31 straight days I have been up at 4:30am...not one snooze button, not one day off! . The rewards from this journey have been abundant: . 🦁 Stronger sense of well-being 🦁 Dedicated time for self 🦁 Increased productivity 🦁 More present/focused 🦁 Reading more 🦁 Starting the day with a sense of pride 🦁 Honored a commitment to myself 🦁 Better understanding of self 🦁 Just as creative as I was at night! . There is so much that I am thankful for...I never intended for this to be a public quest. It was a last second decision on my very first morning and I never would have guessed that so many of you would have resonated. . I will continue my morning routine but I am looking forward to layering a new habit. . What habit should I tackle next??? . Thank you all for your support...accountability helped make this a success! . Check out the video for more details and stay tuned for tomorrow when I issue out a morning quest challenge for anyone else who wants to conquer the morning! . ‪#livewithacourageousheart‬ t‪#iamamorningperson‬ ‪#motivation‬ ‪#coaching‬ ‪#keynotespeaker‬ ‪#morningquest‬ ‪#entrepreneurship‬ ‪#storyteller‬ (at Temple, Maine) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsu2SboHHFR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16ycfz2o20eno
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Quest to be a Morning Person . Day 30 - What Are You Doing Here? . 30 consecutive days of waking up at 4:30am...not one snooze button, not one day sleeping in...I got this!!! . But...yesterday was a bit of a curveball. I didn’t even mention it in my video yesterday because I was still a bit thrown off. . This may seem silly but it was interesting how something so small threw me off course. Yesterday when I woke up at 4:30am I walked into the kitchen and there was the smiling face of my wife sitting at her laptop with a cup of coffee. . The reaction I wanted to have was “good morning...glad we can share this time together”! . The reaction I really had was “hey...what are you doing up”? - As in you’re not supposed to be here right now. . I should have been thrilled that she was inspired and getting up early to seize the day too; however, I was just thrown off course and a bit annoyed...I’m just being real here! . The other part is that our internet is really poor here in Maine, and only one person at a time can really be on it or else it freezes up...of course we were both competing for that. . What came out of the morning was a really cool conversation about how we can both support each other and respect our own routines in a loving way. . I laugh at it now...just funny how something so small threw me off...but a good opportunity for growth came out of it. . ‪#livewithacourageousheart‬ t‪#iamamorningperson‬ ‪#motivation‬ ‪#coaching‬ ‪#keynotespeaker‬ ‪#morningquest‬ ‪#entrepreneurship‬ ‪#storyteller‬ (at Temple, Maine) https://www.instagram.com/p/BssRoxSHVKc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xu2i2h735bs8
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Quest to be a Morning Person . Day 29 - Back In Maine . Up at 4:30am...back in the Eastern Time Zone! . Had an early flight from Austin, TX to Portland, ME yesterday. . My energy is a bit off due to my routine and things being a bit out of order. . We had a massive flood in the house the other day because of a burst pipe. . We didn’t have any running water and there were workers all over the place trying to get everything up and running again. . Grateful that we were able to get everything fixed and the water running again working a few hours of coming home. . It was a strange night...I woke up every hour it felt like...I feel like I slept well but maybe I had too many thoughts facing through my head. I will need a couple days to get back into the swing of things here. . I am really grateful for this time to myself where I can have this type of emotional awareness. . What are you aware of today? . ‪#livewithacourageousheart‬ t‪#iamamorningperson‬ ‪#motivation‬ ‪#coaching‬ ‪#keynotespeaker‬ ‪#morningquest‬ ‪#entrepreneurship‬ ‪#storyteller‬ (at Temple, Maine) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsprAXCnkhJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3p7zfpxp5rwf
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Quest to be a Morning Person . Day 28 - It’s 3:30am!!! ✈️ . I was up at 3am...it’s time to fly back to Maine!! It’s been a great week in Austin! . Funny, in the past, this would be the only time I would wake up early...if I absolutely had to!! Now I wake up for me. . This is getting much easier and feeling more natural every day. . People have asked me if I am forcing something that isn’t natural...that would be true I was really a natural night person. The deeper into this quest I travel, the more I’m realizing that I had also trained myself to be a night person in the past due to stress, anxiety, and work. . This isn’t about being a night or morning person...this is about creating intentional time for myself every day and I am loving the experience! . How do you create time for you? . ‪#livewithacourageousheart‬ t‪#iamamorningperson‬ ‪#motivation‬ ‪#coaching‬ ‪#keynotespeaker‬ ‪#morningquest‬ ‪#entrepreneurship‬ ‪#storyteller‬ (at Bee Cave, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsnFNfgH5WP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ov5lqz43xg09
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Quest to be a Morning Person . Day 27 - Grateful . Up at 4:30am and spending my last day in Austin, TX until I return again next month. . It’s been a great week with friends and clients! . I’m just feeling overall grateful for where I am in my life right now. . I will spend this last day enjoying a church service at LifeAustin and then some relaxation at Cryowellness. . Looking forward to seeing my family tomorrow! . What are you grateful for this week? . ‪#livewithacourageousheart‬ t‪#iamamorningperson‬ ‪#motivation‬ ‪#coaching‬ ‪#keynotespeaker‬ ‪#morningquest‬ ‪#entrepreneurship‬ ‪#storyteller‬ (at Bee Cave, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsk2ngrHb5k/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cou5qwlelyxg
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Quest to be a Morning Person . Day 26 - You’re Doing . 4:30am Rise and shine from Austin, TX!! . I never would have guessed that this quest would have sparked so many emotional reactions from people... . There have been all types of reactions ranging from inspired, curious, and pissed off. . The pissed off community cracks me up. They typically will have only watched one video or post from this quest and instantly judge the entire experience and voice extreme dissonance. I get truly curious around these reactions...even when I have personally felt the same way. I always wonder what is it l/they can’t be with? . I have received plenty of messages from people to stop doing this, that I am wrong, that I look awful, that this whole quest is stupid, that I should be doing it differently, blah blah blah. 😂 . I love all the inspired and curious reactions; however, I have a genuine curiosity around my pissed off community. It reminds me of how many times I have judged someone and felt that I knew what was best for someone else. . When was a time you found yourself judging someone else? What couldn’t you be with? . ‪#livewithacourageousheart‬ t‪#iamamorningperson‬ ‪#motivation‬ ‪#coaching‬ ‪#keynotespeaker‬ ‬ ‪#morningquest‬ ‪#entrepreneurship‬ ‪#storyteller #judgement #imbettetthanyou (at Bee Cave, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsiFoXXnt7x/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gghexefnumif
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Quest to be a Morning Person . Day 24 - Growth Ain’t Always Pretty . 4:30am Austin, TX...after a night filled with cigars, friends, and ice cream, I am awake. . I am moving slow today...but I am moving. . Mornings like these, I have had people message me and say “maybe you should quit...you look terrible”. . I won’t argue with half of that statement...I do look rough some mornings; however, I have had many afternoons and nights where I have also looked ugly and beat up. . If all it took was one person or one ugly day to make me give up on my goals, then I wouldn’t have a thriving business over the last 4 years, I wouldn’t have overcome chronic illness, I wouldn’t be kicking depression in the ass, I wouldn’t be meeting all these amazing people, and I wouldn’t be living a fulfilling life! . Transformation and growth is f’n messy and it ain’t always pretty! . Regardless if it’s creating a morning routine or building a business...there will be days that are not pretty, but that doesn’t mean that they were not successful! . Don’t mistake my ugly moments as failure...I am f’n crushing it and I am declaring that today will be amazing. . When did you overcome an ugly moment in order to grow and transform? . ‪#livewithacourageousheart‬ ‪#iamamorningperson‬ ‪#motivation‬ ‪#coaching‬ ‪#keynotespeaker‬ ‪#mentalhealth‬ ‪#morningquest‬ ‪#entrepreneurship‬ ‪#storytelling‬ (at Bee Cave, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsc61dbnSmG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m1tavwxub83q
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Quest to be a Morning Person . Day 23 - Community Is Everything . Up at 4:30am in warm Austin, Tx! . Had a great 1st day back in Austin working with my coaching clients. My work is incredibly life giving for me, so I was already flying high; however, I ended the day with some epic fellowship. . I usually plan my trips back to align with a monthly get together with some epic men of faith where we have dinner and conversations that embrace vulnerability. . Yesterday was an overall amazing day. Some of my health issues focus around hormone imbalances and it can create some emotional chaos in my sense of well being. It’s a pain in the ass but focusing on the work with my doctor and living a healthier lifestyle has helped me have days like yesterday. . Community has been some of the best medicine I have ever taken. Dr. Daniel Amen, a NYT Best Selling Psychiatrist, says one of the healthiest things you can do for your brain is to surround yourself with positive people. . If you’re feeling stuck in life...I challenge you create intentional time around community and connection. Surround yourself with people who align with your values and thrive. . Watch the IGTV video for more! . ‪#livewithacourageousheart‬ ‪#iamamorningperson‬ ‪#motivation‬ ‪#coaching‬ ‪#keynotespeaker‬ ‪#mentalhealth‬ ‪#morningquest‬ ‪#entrepreneurship‬ ‪#storytelling‬ (at Bee Cave, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsaZa5IHsdx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jshsnkjwx8cp
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