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thedeluluverse · 2 years ago
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This is my first foray into the world of drabbles but please gimme allll the feedback! 😊 I just couldn’t get this damn chair idea out of my head so hope y’all enjoy, let me know XD
Summary: You normally aren’t the type to go home with a handsome stranger from the club but today is different. Stressed with life and a long day at work, you let loose for once! But what will the morning after bring?
Pairing:  idol!Taehyung x cashier!f!reader.
Rating: PG13 ig lmao
Genre: idol!au, strangers to lovers!au, fluff,
Word Count: 1,787
Warnings: swearing, 2nd hand embarrassment, making out, some hair pulling, mentions of smutty night before, customer service job (yes that’s a warning lmao), sleepy pure bean Tae
You have been living on your own for about a year, and so far, so good until you started your new retail cashier job at a little-bit-of-everything store. It isn't the worst job ever, but it tends to attract all kinds of people in varying shades of odd, so it can be quite mentally draining in addition to all the Karens you encounter. Feeling more tired than usual, you don't even notice the tall, handsome customer walk in and head straight to the back clearance corner where the weird things you might find at a garage sale live.
Until the rest of your coworkers leave for the day, and you are alone because your dumbass manager doesn't know how to make a schedule. So, he has no other option to check out besides you. The sound of approaching shopping cart wheels alerts you to look professional. Still, you almost lose your balance once your eyes focus on this customer. Though his appearance is barely seen with a baggy hoody, baseball cap, and a mask, you can tell this is one handsome dude. The flustered sensation fades slightly once you see him place the only item in his buggy up on the counter to be scanned; a chair with more cake than most people that you threw in the back months ago. Gulping hard at the familiar object, you ask,
Y/N: *turning the chair around to find the tag to scan* “Wi..will this be all for you today, sir?"
CM: *raises an eyebrow with an amused look and chuckles* "Yeah, that's it, but you don't need to be so formal; it looks like I'm not much older than you."
Y/N: *you blush b/c omg he looked at me lmao* "Oh…okay… I didn't mean to offend you; just part of my job. *Bags up the item and places it back in the cart* "Have a nice day…well, what's your name Mr. not old."
CM: *has a fake annoyed look on his face* "Someone is quick-witted, I see… well, sadly for you, I'm not keen on revealing such personal things. Not like this, at least. See you around, Sassy." *Leaves store*
You sit back down on the bench with a hand on your heart beating out of your chest from the mere presence of that man, much less you had playful banter?? And did he just give you a nickname?? Taking a deep breath, you are energized by this interaction and start cleaning up the store so you can leave on time to meet your friends at a new club tonight. One other person comes in before closing, so you can leave work at 8 o'clock on the dot for once! Much as you try not to, you just can't help replaying that mysterious stranger in your head the whole drive home. Once you get home, you blast your upbeat boss bitch vibes playlist as you freshen up and get ready to head to the club.
Entering the club, you spot your friends, and instantly, the stresses of life fade away in the aesthetic lights and boppy music blaring through the stereo. It doesn't hurt that you feel fine as hell, either! After about 2 hours of songs and 2 shots, you sit down at the bar for a breather and some water as you were too busy for dinner, so a couple of shots don't necessarily agree with your stomach despite your attitude feeling fantastic. You close your eyes for a moment as you enjoy the crisp water going down your throat, feeling the cooling sensation all the way down. The relaxation doesn’t last long until you feel a presence beside you. This isn't odd since you are in a public space, but it has the energy of someone waiting to talk to you. Turning to your left and swiftly standing up to show you were stable to whoever was near you didn't work out according to plan. Your legs buckle as soon as you are upright, and you can feel your balance slipping from getting up too quickly as you aren't buzzed enough to be unstable. Thankfully, a solid but gentle pair of arms catch you before you hit the ground and slowly turn you to face him to ensure you are okay. Before any words are said, you recognize him as the customer from earlier today. Your eyes widen suddenly, and you are very nervous about how good you look because most men you've met in clubs have been scum. You start to dart away, but his honey-like voice pulls you back.
CM: "Hey, hey, it's okay; you're safe, alright? I was worried when you came to sit down, so I was on standby to protect you.
Y/N: *is confused* “But wh..why? You don't even know me; why do you care?" *slight pause* "Oohhh, right, you're a guy. I bet you are just trying to play the hero card to get in my pants."
CM: *frowns* “I am a guy, but everything else is wrong. Do you not recognize me from earlier? You are the same cashier, right? Sheesh, that'd be embarrassing if you weren't…."
Y/N: *astounded he recognized you* "Woah… I did, but I didn't think you'd remember me!"
CM: *chuckles and shyly rubs his neck* “I mean.. how could I not? Hard-working, funny, and beautiful, it'd be a crime to not commit you to memory."
Y/N: *bibi di nobody bo you’re a tomato* “I..well.I’m flattered.” *looks down, biting your lip, then head snaps back up with hands on your hips* "Wait… so can I know your name now?? You already know mine because of my stupid uniform name tag, so it's unfair."
CM: *tilts head in, 'You have a point'* "Fair enough, the name is Tae. Nice to formally meet you, y/n."
Y/N: *butterflies a flurry in your stomach, hearing him say your name* "Trust me…the pleasure is all mine. So I have to ask, do you really think I'm beautiful? Like, I know I look hot right now but earlier, different story. "
TAE: "I mean what I say and vice versa, gorgeous. I normally don't do this, but I've been going a little crazy since the store. Sooo, would you be okay if I.. again, it's fine if not, I just wanted to ask because..”
Before he can finish the sentence, your arms are thrown around his neck, engaging in a passionate kiss. You don't break away to breathe until about 10 minutes of your hands roaming all around each other’s bodies and through your hair without a care. Communicating wordlessly, you bolt out of there hand in hand to his car, where the makeout continues for another 5 minutes before you agree to take it to his place. You usually are never the type to have a one-night stand, but something just feels so right with this guy. You feel safe enough to let go of your worries and let something other than your vibrator give you release for once.
Waking up in a new place in a baggy Celine t-shirt, the events of last night slowly replay in your head as you goofily grin, feeling elated for the first time in a while. Looking over, you notice Tae is not in bed still. It shouldn't worry you, it's a hookup, after all, but you can tell he's not that type of guy. Curiosity getting the better of you, you wander out of the room, greeted by the cutest little fluffball of a Pomeranian. Squatting and letting it sniff you, it instantly jumps into your arms; walking into the living room, you meet Tae's shocked eyes.
TAE: "He let you pick him up? It normally takes several meetings for him to be comfortable with someone."
Y/N: *shrugs as you release the upper, excitedly panting for his dad* "I've always been good with animals, honestly. What's his name?"
TAE: *picks up the dog and kisses head* "Names Yeontan but I call him Tan for short."
You melt at all the cute you have witnessed in the last few minutes, then you stare off into space, looking shocked about something.
TAE: * waves hand in front of your face* “Hey, y/n, you okay?”
Y/N: *doesn’t blink* “You…you’re…The.. as in motherfucking Kim Taehyung Tae????? I thought you looked familiar, but I wasn't sure about you looking undercover as fuck in the store and then the low lighting at the club. Holy shit… tired brain went away and immediately put the puzzle together, and I… I need to sit..”
He guides you to the couch and rubs your back, making sure you are alright but also thinking your reaction was adorable and is honestly surprised his disguise was that good. Once he feels your breathing stabilize, he kisses your temple and pats your leg as he gets up to make the two of you breakfast. As he turns around to face the stove, he notices you look like you've seen a ghost.
Y/N: “Tha..that wasn’t a gift? You actually wanted that for your own house.. oh my god, what is life...”
TAE: *follows your gaze to the ass chair he bought yesterday and looks confused* "I mean, yeah, why wouldn't I? It's unique, and I liked it so voila! What's so odd about that? Plus, it's Jimin's designated seat when he comes over because, I mean…booty and harder for him to fall out of that one, haha."
Y/N: *shakes head, trying to process* "No, I get it just..ugh, I swore nobody would know this, but here we are… that used to be mine. So the fact that our tastes are this similarly odd and you own something that my ass used to be on is just a little overwhelming since you may or not be my ult bias since I was like 15… “ *blushes and twiddles fingers nervously*
TAE: "Everything you just said made me that much giddier, and I wasn't sure that was possible… I don't mean to weird you out, but I'd like to see you again. Outside of work or the club, maybe go get boba tea and a snack this weekend if you're free?"
Shocked that this is how your life is playing out but not questioning it too long, you agree. That date leads to another and another until 6 months later, you are officially dating and the happiest you've ever been. You do a lot for and with that man, but no way in hell are you ever using that chair again or getting over the fact that he actually bought your ass chair from you and proudly displays it. He's lucky he's adorable, but even still, you wouldn't want him any other way.
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phanfictioncatalogue · 1 year ago
Morning After Masterlist
and they were (not) roommates (ao3) - dakogutin
Summary: dan wakes up in the hufflepuff dorms
Because I Trust You (ao3) - ReederJoe
Summary: The morning after their first time together, Dan and Phil have quite a few things to say to each other. They're just two boys in love.
Blackout (ao3) - philtrash_number2
Summary: Dan and Phil wake the morning after getting blackout drunk. They can't remember anything, and that's fine, until Dan tries to sit down and realises just how many bruises are on him. What happened that night?
Butt Tattoos (ao3) - smollettuce
Summary: 'Last night we had a one night stand but before we drunkenly got each other’s names tattooed on each other’s butt cheeks so now its kind of hard to forget you’ au
hippo milk is actually pink (ao3) - deletable_bird
Summary: In Which Dan Is Drunk, Phil Is Also Drunk, They Hook Up, And Things Just Kind Of Go From There
I’m Sure Last Night was Phantastic (ao3) - Iusedtobesomeone
Summary: Phil’s friends may have led to him having a bit too much fun after his boyfriend (not Dan) broke up with him.
Morning, Baby (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan is wearing Phil's hoodie.
New year, New us: a phanfic (ao3) - BlueFox1319, UnusPhanus
Summary: “Dan hurry we are going to be late, PJ and the others will be here any minute to pick us up! It’s already seven, we need to be at the restaurant by eight!” Phil yelled down the hall at his boyfriend. December 31st, New Year's Eve, every year the pair went out with friends and spent the first night of the new year together. For Dan and Phil, tonight would be a little different though, Phil had been planning this for months .
Party Poison (ao3) - your_starless_eyes
Summary: Dan and Phil get a bit too drunk during a party... ...the next morning it bites them on the arse.
What Happened Last Night? (ao3) - duskomybloom
Summary: Things get complicated when Dan wakes up in Phil's bed after a party and he has no idea how he got there.
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5sosfanfictioncatalogue · 2 years ago
Morning After Masterlist
A Mild Disaster (ao3) - alseeptoday Calum/Ashton E, 7k (WIP)
Summary: Calum and Ashton have very drunken spur of the moment sex and Calum can't quite figure out why he liked it so much...
Calum tried to remember what had led up to this but the alcohol was severely clouding his memory. That and the mouth on his neck was sending distracting shivers down his spine.
Baby, This is All I Could Be (ao3) - orphan_account Luke/Ashton, Michael/Calum N/R, 7k
Summary: The trust Luke places in him breaks Ashton’s heart because he’s crushed Luke, and maybe they’re both too far gone to be saved. In all honesty, Ashton doesn’t even remember hitting Luke, he almost never does. But he knows. He knows he’s angry when he’s drunk just like his mum is, and he knows that he probably hits hard, he hits things for a living, after all. Knowing all of this, Ashton is just astounded by the strength his boy carries on his frail shoulders. Luke carries his whole world, and Ashton repays him with a broken heart and a bruised face.
Or, part two of Promising Everything I Do Not Mean, the morning after
Cloudy, with a chance of me being a bitch (ao3) - orphan_account Luke/Ashton M, 919
Summary: Sometimes you go to hard without noticing. But ohh how that changed in the morning.
Or, Luke is sore the morning after, and not all that happy about it.
falling fast, breathing slow (ao3) - jbhmalum Michael/Luke M, 2k
Summary: "His hand slides down under the sheet to the other's to find it much smaller than his own, skin soft and smooth and a different kind of familiar that he can't quite place. He lets his fingers glide over the bony knuckles, the movement bringing out a contented sigh from the mouth growing closer to his neck, and he shivers at the feeling it leaves in him."
OR Luke wakes up next to the wrong person.
how do you like your eggs in the morning? i like mine with a kiss (ao3) - orphan_account Calum/Ashton, Michael/Luke M, 2k
Summary: Ashton doesn't know how he got lucky enough to have the most beautiful boy in the world standing butt naked in his kitchen making him breakfast on a Saturday morning but hey, he isn't complaining.
i didn't know that i was starving till i tasted you (ao3) - irwah Michael/Ashton E, 3k
Summary: 'we just had sex and it's the morning after and i woke up to an empty bed and how could i be so stupid of course you left me alone but wait you're in my kitchen cooking me breakfast and i'm so relieved' au
In The Dark (Like Meteorites) (ao3) - dafeedil Michael/Calum/Ashton E, 26k
Summary: Ashton falls for Calum at a nightclub, and then for Calum's boyfriend, too.
I Thought Heaven Can't Help Me Now (He's So Bad But He Does It So Well) (ao3) - Migs Michael/Luke E, 6k
Summary: Luke is Michael's favourite camboy that often comes to Calum's coffee shop.
Love is Never Simple (ao3) - FayeHunter Luke/Ashton E, 2k
Summary: Ashton returns the favor for the blowjob at the club
the greatest tragedy of them all is to never feel the burning light (ao3) - orphan_account Michael/Calum N/R, 1k
Summary: michael is hopelessly in love, and calum will only love him when he’s drunk. they talk.
White Noise (ao3) - merlypops Luke/Ashton E, 7k
Summary: 'Luke had high expectations for the evening and, somehow, he kind of knew Ashton wasn't going to disappoint him. Then again, the older boy could give Luke the world's worst hand job and he'd probably still love it. Crushes were the worst. Except when you got to have sex with your crush. Then they were pretty damn great.'
Luke and Ashton have massive crushes on each other, Ashton throws a party, and all of Luke's dreams come true. (Maybe they're a tiny bit in love too. Maybe.)
You Were A Vision In The Morning When The Light Came Through (You Were Red) (ao3) - Migs Michael/Calum E, 2k
Summary: The morning after.
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rogerrcoyle · 1 year ago
after the party
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happyrealities · 2 years ago
Titled: We Suppose
The holiday season is finally over with-
He didn’t call me that.
She did.
Write her over.
I did.
All done.
Sweep sweep.
Say later.
Don’t mug.
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thelowkeygeek · 7 months ago
Check out the latest LOWKEY GEEK #youtube video! Let's Recap All The News From D23! | The Morning Afternoon LIVE #D23 by LOWKEY GEEK! Good afternoon and Happy Tuesday! D23 dropped A LOT of announcements, trailers and more! So let's recap all of the good stuff plus go over the recent box office numbers with Deadpool & Wolverine officially joining the BILLION DOLLAR CLUB! Great ways to show support to the channel is by donating during the live stream in the following ways: TTS is ON at $5+ Super Chats & Donations - Get your messages read out loud! Donations: https://ift.tt/JKcRFar Become a friend of the channel for just $1 a month. Join a membership TODAY! 🔔 Consider Subscribing: https://ift.tt/mzJLTQ3 🎧 Listen on Spotify: https://ift.tt/7Ti9uhd 🎧 Listen on iTunes: https://ift.tt/jSVGRvs ► The gear used on this channel: https://amzn.to/3L79c1Y ► Fever events and experiences: https://ift.tt/NeHbTt7 ► 80s Tees: 30% OFF with code WINTER30: https://ift.tt/ZkFYOlm Other Great Content ---------------------------------- ► Movie Review & Out of Theater Reactions: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YH2jORSfkqtudOJX2KFFJkK ► The Trailer Park: Trailer Reactions: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YETuoR2B2Y1ulc_TfFKkyGZ ► The MovieTime Podcast: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YFrFx7-xandmlAgLWoUwIhc ► The Talking Talk Podcast: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YG3kXuSkEzu2PGgnjvU70Kc ► Special Events & Travel: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YGUo9x5FHnbideFkmHV_lAM ► Japan WOW Now: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YFX48uPJl5FwipHSTGis9Qy ► LOWKEY GEEK Gaming: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YHHmgt_YpmNFEbOi0d52hic ► One-Shots: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YGDDThqnXOa9FOLYtvAjFNK Follow Us --------------------------------------------------- Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_lowkey_geek Instagram: https://ift.tt/tdYRayb Follow me on Letterboxd ----------------- https://ift.tt/iYp8fEs Chapters ----------------- #deadpoolandwolverine #live #themorningafter #podcast #movienews #morning #morningnews #morningafter #headlines #entertainmentnews #moviereviews #moviereview #headlines #weekendboxoffice #moviesof2024 #movies2024 #mcu #marvel #marvelstudios #disney #boxoffice via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS0CXhL2MHg
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lovelypol · 10 months ago
"From Nightlife to Wellness: Navigating Hangovers with Supplements"
The anti-hangover supplement market is booming as people seek effective ways to mitigate the effects of alcohol consumption and enjoy their social lives without the dreaded morning-after consequences. These supplements are formulated with a blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and herbal extracts that target dehydration, liver support, and the reduction of inflammation, all of which are common factors contributing to hangover symptoms. Ingredients like electrolytes, vitamin B complex, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), milk thistle, and prickly pear extract are commonly found in these supplements, offering hydration, liver detoxification, and antioxidant support. With the rise of wellness culture and the growing awareness of the importance of responsible drinking, anti-hangover supplements are becoming a popular addition to pre-party rituals, promising to lessen the impact of alcohol on the body and help individuals feel refreshed and revitalized after a night out.
#AntiHangover #HangoverFree #PartySmart #WellnessCulture #HangoverRemedy #SupplementLife #DrinkResponsibly #MorningAfter #HangoverHack #Revitalize #Nightlife #Detoxify #HydrationBoost #HealthyLiving #RecoveryRoutine
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leanstooneside · 10 months ago
Enjoying your sexuality
• The Secret
• the government
• the Flame
• the
• the war
• the media
• the American
• the types
• the Apposite
• the phone
• the sub
• the Brooklyn
• the
• The Rainbow
• the ASCII
• the c
• the way
• the money
• the Macintosh
• the conversations
• the society
• the *spirit
• the Tom
• the hipness
• the medium
• the planet
• the object
• the admiration
• The Real
• the *whip
• the FBI
• the copy
• The Cure
• the sky
• The cards
• the tones
• the Universe
• the possibility
• the instructions
• the text
• the dark
• the
• The worry
• the budget
• the Curve
• the Shape
• the trade
• the formatting
• the ground
• the eddress
• The Omega
• the Easy
• the Cypherpunks
• the established
• the status
• the place
• the temptation
• the culture
• The Glass
• the Judester's
• the bogometer
• the company
• the nineties
• The moment
• the brim
• the state
• The card
• the world
• the summer
• the cyberpunk
• the initials
• the cartoon
• The Red
• the nature
• the NSA
• The ideal
• The morningafter
• the Net
• the NIMH
• The Philosopher's
• the cyber
• the following
• The Semiosis
• the Internet
• the idea
• the beta
• the list
• The Mandatory
• the info
• the end
• the email
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yourcomedyminute · 10 months ago
YOUR COMEDY MINUTE WITH CARMEN AND PHILLIP BENNETT / C & P COMEDY FACTORY #StandUp #Comedians #Alabama #Married #Husband #Wife #Duo #Solo #Different #Styles #Flow #Structured #Birmingham #Bucket #List #Fail #Not #Good #OpenMic #Shows #Better #Grown #Encourage #Note #Cards #Stage #Presence #Material #New #Stuff #Bickersons #DonAmeche #FrancesLangford #Hosting #Dark #Dirty #Clean #Raunchy #Carmen #Joke #Guy #Bar #Great #Laugh #Feel #Better #Weird #Good #Bit #NewOrleans #Museum #Death #Torture #Worst #Inventon #Ever #Bought #Boobs #Inflation #Bra #VictoriaSecret #OK #Older #Work #Intimate #Pill #Advil #Tylenol #Hurts #Kinks #Foreplay #Stretching #MorningAfter #Retirement #Plan #Music #Business #Cat #Writer #Writing #TomPadovano #Bomb #Therapist #Off #Practice #Learn #Chair #Crowd #Happy #Circus #Timing #Critic #Seinfeld #Nuggets #GoldenGirls #TV #Show #Blanche #Rose #TropicThunder #Fake #Trailers #Break #Character #Movie #RobertDowneyJr #Hollywood #Satire #Letterman #Monkeys #Funny #Live #Stream #Humor #Comedy
 If you would like to be a guest on Your Comedy Minute please contact me
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givenmyhistory · 1 year ago
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#morningafter @bignjeepin
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greeneyegirl00 · 1 year ago
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distintaexpresion · 2 years ago
A morning after
Im remembering another type of drug I used to consume
Cause I'm listening to the same morningafter playlist
I'm proud of me
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sialiaskitchen · 2 years ago
A very good morning to lastnight!me who cleaned up after the electroswing party before bed so morningafter!me woke up to a clean kitchen this morning.
Thank you, it is deeply appreciated.
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sourcreammachine · 1 year ago
started thinking about street deco again
we definitely need to commit to beautiful public objects again. in pedestrian zones we should build cute gaslight-style housings for modern electric bulbs. while letters are declining (but still essential!) we could have postboxes as dropoffs for small packages, or maybe even big red automated delivery lockers like them amazon things, but public. and more belisha beacons, and westminster street signs across the country. it’s all so beautiful and iconic
the red telephone boxes are duds now and thoughts about turning them into wifi hotspots or whatever have also proven redundant. abandoned ones are basically being reclaimed as ruins, turned into microlibraries or AED stations. but like, we have so many public doodads that could go in them! there could be public information, phone power, transport routes, hackney booking, assistance for whatever public service you need, tiny little public utility centres!
the police don’t need police boxes no more, they have walkietalkies and paddywagons to terrorise us with. but the police boxes are incredibly gorgeous and incredibly iconic. so - what can you also find in a police box? The Doctor! we should put the AEDs in the blue boxes, as well as epipens, space blankets, inhalers, first aid of all sort, first aid info, sanitary pads, condoms, ibuprofen, morningafter, fire extinguishers, fire blankets, fire axes, and a fucking contact for the ambulance, first responders of all sorts, samaritans and mental health teams. we need this shit in public spaces and the stars align with it being in the blue box
but there’s so many other things that could be incorporated as part of bold and beautiful street deco. water fountains are going through a renaissance - there should be a bright and bold street deco water fountain design. london’s new public maps that they’ve been building are an amazing design, but let’s see em street deco! there is a popular standardised design for bus stops but it’s lame and modernist, let’s see them as beautiful as the phone boxes! turn cyclehire docks from boring nothing into amazing street deco!
and the routemasters. the poor routemasters. the New Routemaster (2011) and the Son of the Routemaster (2016) are okay, like, they’re better than most - but they’re no routemaster. and since the collapse of the company making them all the new orders have just been other buses painted red to pretend to be RMs. and it’s still only in london, everywhere else is incredibly lame. but like, there’s no fucking reason why new buses can be made truly bold and beautiful. Alexander Dennis, one of the biggest electric fleet contractors for TfL, is based in scotland, just as the company that went under was in ulster. there’s no reason why, with growing public ownership of transport, the DfT can’t commission a new proper electric routemaster and get it in service across the country. or make them trollies. fuck it - with trams on the rise, we can commission our favourite tram contractor (publicly owned by la republique française and with a plant in derby) to stylise (superficially of course) new rolling stock to be inspired by the routemaster, maybe in a hot racing green, much like manchester is turning theirs yellow
public design fucks so much man. we could have it so much better
might go take a really blurry low-res picture of one of the local pre-elizabeth-ii post boxes for @thanook
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thelowkeygeek · 7 months ago
Check out the latest LOWKEY GEEK #youtube video! HotD Fans Forced To Wait For The Dance To Begin! | The Morning Afternoon LIVE #houseofthedragon by LOWKEY GEEK! Good afternoon and Happy Monday! Season 2 of House of the Dragon ends on a MAJOR cliffhanger! Deadpool & Wolverine continues to SLAY the box office and why you should give Batman Caped Crusader a chance. Let's chat! Great ways to show support to the channel is by donating during the live stream in the following ways: TTS is ON at $5+ Super Chats & Donations - Get your messages read out loud! Donations: https://ift.tt/A93eHPY Become a friend of the channel for just $1 a month. Join a membership TODAY! 🔔 Consider Subscribing: https://ift.tt/XoBOjFl 🎧 Listen on Spotify: https://ift.tt/oNP9U42 🎧 Listen on iTunes: https://ift.tt/OjZXUYk ► The gear used on this channel: https://amzn.to/3L79c1Y ► Fever events and experiences: https://ift.tt/vi9bM7A ► 80s Tees: 30% OFF with code WINTER30: https://ift.tt/79c1rhH Other Great Content ---------------------------------- ► Movie Review & Out of Theater Reactions: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YH2jORSfkqtudOJX2KFFJkK ► The Trailer Park: Trailer Reactions: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YETuoR2B2Y1ulc_TfFKkyGZ ► The MovieTime Podcast: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YFrFx7-xandmlAgLWoUwIhc ► The Talking Talk Podcast: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YG3kXuSkEzu2PGgnjvU70Kc ► Special Events & Travel: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YGUo9x5FHnbideFkmHV_lAM ► Japan WOW Now: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YFX48uPJl5FwipHSTGis9Qy ► LOWKEY GEEK Gaming: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YHHmgt_YpmNFEbOi0d52hic ► One-Shots: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YGDDThqnXOa9FOLYtvAjFNK Follow Us --------------------------------------------------- Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_lowkey_geek Instagram: https://ift.tt/8injzQK Follow me on Letterboxd ----------------- https://ift.tt/19SMWIr Chapters ----------------- #deadpoolandwolverine #batmancapedcrusader #live #themorningafter #podcast #movienews #morning #morningnews #morningafter #headlines #entertainmentnews #moviereviews #moviereview #headlines #weekendboxoffice #moviesof2024 #movies2024 #mcu #marvel #marvelstudios via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2olx9mZttE
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hungryeyephoto · 4 years ago
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Scarlet, After.
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