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The Morh Estate
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Awesome Imperial Moth outside our store today.
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Ministar s gumenim metrom
Nova bolnica mi nije daleko od kuće. Godinama nas nadlijeću helikopteri koji voze one pacijente kojima je potrebna hitna medicinska njega. Ne znam, zadnjih desetak dana, pod utjecajem napisa u novinama, kad začujem moćan zvuk helikoptera u niskom letu, pomislim, Evo, Milanović ide na dernek u Dubravu. I pred očima mi se pojavi Zoka s onim slušalicama na uhu, a sa zemlje ga promatra Anoušić koji…
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MOŽEMO LIJEPO ZAHVALITI BANOŽIĆU! Sada moramo moliti Orbana za pomoć: Ministar koji prepusti dio suvereniteta mora odstupiti
Dvije teme iz obrambenog sektora dominirale su posljednjih dana javnim prostorom. To su, nažalost, teme kojima se čelni ljudi MORH-a ne mogu pohvaliti. Unatoč najavama o velikim nabavama u obrambenom sektoru, poput novih borbenih zrakoplova, helikoptera, novih Patrija, već plaćenih Bradleya, protuzračnih sustava i protuoklopnih sustava, sustavna nebriga prema obrambenom sektoru posljednja dva desetlje��a ostavila je toliko praznina u sustavu obrane da je pitanje mogu li se one uopće sanirati. Tako su posljednjih dana s naslovnica medija u Hrvatskoj vrištali naslovi kako će Mađari i Talijani uskoro patrolirati hrvatskim zračnim prostorom. Posljedica je to zakašnjelog ugovaranja nabave novih višenamjenskih zrakoplova i isteka resursa hrvatskim MiG-ovima. Bili smo prvi koji smo na ovu mogućnost upozorili još nakon propasti posla s nabavom F-16 Barack iz Izraela. No nakon tihog potpisivanja sporazuma s Mađarskom 2019., koji je s njihove strane jednostavno nazvan Sporazum o nadzoru zračnog prostora, bilo je jasno kako će u budućnosti Mađari patrolirati sjevernim dijelom Hrvatske, a Talijani južnim.
Tragično opravdanje
Nažalost, strani, talijanski, nadzor hrvatskog zračnog prostora neće biti nikakva novost. Hrvatska javnost slabo je upoznata s činjenicom da talijanske zračne snage već godinama nadziru južni dio hrvatskog Jadrana kojim godinama HRZ nije obavio patrolni let. Dežurni patrolni dvojac s talijanske strane Jadrana redovito obavlja kontrole neidentificiranih letjelica na koje ih upozori središnje NATO-ovo zapovjedništvo za kontrolu zračnog prostora. I tako je već godinama, a posljedica je to sustavnog urušavanja spremnosti Hrvatskog ratnog zrakoplovstva i protuzračne obrane. Sada je svima jasno kako je RH trebala ugovoriti nabavu novih zrakoplova još prije deset godina. Ni jedna ozbiljna država, koja dugoročno i strateški promišlja svoju obranu, ne čeka da joj se posljednji ispravni zrakoplov prizemlji pa da tek onda pokrene proces nabave novih zrakoplova. Takve nabave, strateške razine, ugovaraju se i do deset godina prije isteka resursa aktivnih eskadrila. Piloti, mehaničari i zemaljska oprema sustavno se pripremaju na dulji rok. Međutim, Hrvatska je propustila sve rokove te se dovela u poziciju da joj zračni, nacionalni, prostor čuvaju susjedne države. Opravdanje ministra obrane za situaciju u kojoj se našao hrvatski sustav zračne obrane u najmanju je ruku čudno, a mogli bismo ga nazvati i tragičnim. Naime, ministar Banožić izjavio je kako je to dobro jer će biti – besplatno! Kada ministar obrane jedne suverene države opravdava prepuštanje nacionalnog zračnog prostora susjedima, ma koliko oni bili saveznički i partnerski nastrojeni, cijenom patroliranja, onda je to tragedija kompletnog sustava obrane, ali i same države.
Simbolična cijena
Mnogi će sada reći kako je to bilo jedino moguće rješenje te kako Banožić nije kriv za propuste svojih prethodnika. Istina, aktualni ministar ne može biti kriv za nečinjenje prethodnika. Njegova odgovornost računa se od trenutka kada je stupio na dužnost. Banožić već dulje vrijeme zna kako će se MiG-ovi morati prizemljiti te kako će njihovi letni resursi isteći prije dolaska prvih Rafalea. Umjesto da planira prepuštanje zračnog prostora Mađarima i Talijanima, od Banožića se očekivalo da ponudi alternativu. Što je mogla biti alternativa? Imperativ je bio osigurati operativnu sposobnost dežurne pare. Do dolaska novih višenamjenskih zrakoplova moglo se iz Rumunjske nabaviti nekoliko zrakoplova MiG 21 LanceR. Rumunji ih upravo povlače iz uporabe zbog uvođenja F-16. Riječ je o zrakoplovima koje je temeljito modernizirao izraelski Elbit te koji još imaju dostatne letne resurse. Hrvatski piloti praktički bi odmah mogli sjesti u njih bez posebne obuke i pripreme. Cijena ovog aranžmana bila bi simbolična, a moguće je i da bi nam Rumunji par ovih zrakoplova i besplatno ustupili. Letjeli bi najviše godinu dana, a RH bi, barem simbolično, zadržala suverenitet nad svojim zračnim prostorom. Naravno, puno je lakše obratiti se NATO-u i reći kako više nismo sposobni samostalno upravljati vlastitim zračnim prostorom te ih zamoliti da oni preuzmu taj posao. U normalnoj državi u kojoj narod drži do svoje domovine i nacionalnog ponosa, ministar obrane koji bi prepustio dio suvereniteta susjednoj državi isti bi tren bio prisiljen odstupiti. Ne treba zaboraviti ni činjenicu da se Orban voli naslikavati s kartama Velike Mađarske koja bi obuhvaćala kompletan sjever Hrvatske. Sada ćemo, zahvaljujući Banožiću, pustiti njegove zrakoplove iznad Zagreba.
Nacionalna sigurnost
Drugi veliki obrambeni problem, koji se kao trakavica vuče još od 2014., jest pitanje obalnih ophodnih brodova. Posljednjih dana pratimo prepucavanja na relaciji Brodosplit – MORH o tome tko je kriv za to što pet obalnih ophodnih brodova, koji su trebali biti gotovi još 2018., još nije predano HRM-u. Vlasnik Brodosplita Tomislav Debeljak tvrdi da je kriv MORH jer nije uplatio ugovorena sredstva kako bi se brodovi završili. Štoviše, Debeljak tvrdi da MORH još nije platio ni sve za OOB Omiš, jedini iz serije od pet brodova koji je predan HRM-u. S druge strane, Banožić tvrdi da je država podmirila sve što je bila dužna prema Brodosplitu te da je ova tvrtka odgovorna za kašnjenja. Sve je dodatno zakomplicirao i stečaj koji se bio nadvio nad Brodosplitom. Sada iz MORH-a čujemo i glasove kako Brodosplit više ne može završiti brodove. Nitko, ali baš nitko, ni u jednom trenutku nije postavio pitanje narušene nacionalne sigurnosti zbog neisporuke ugovorenih brodova. Također, danas nitko u Hrvatskoj ne može ni približno reći kada bi spomenuti brodovi mogli ući u sastav HRM-a. Država, odnosno MORH, kao da čeka da rješenje padne s neba. Hoćemo li voditi sudski spor par desetljeća s Brodosplitom, a za to vrijeme će brodovi biti na navozima? Možda sutra, po uzoru na zračni prostor, Talijanima prepustimo i osiguranje teritorijalnog mora. Koliko smo se nagledali neozbiljnosti državnih institucija, ničemu s više ne bismo trebali čuditi. Zaista se postavlja ozbiljno pitanje koliko je Brodosplit, nakon silnih potresa i odlaska najkvalitetnije radne snage, sposoban završiti projekt obalnih ophodnih brodova.
Prijelazna rješenja
Također, na potezu je poslovično nemaštoviti i neodlučni MORH koji mora predlo��iti rješenje za izlazak iz ovog začaranog kruga. Svi rokovi za isporuku brodova odavno su probijeni. Nacionalna sigurnost i zaštita hrvatskih pomorskih interesa ozbiljno su ugroženi. Stoga MORH mora djelovati žurno. Još dok se raspravljalo o mogućem stečaju Brodosplita, predlagao sam da se donese posebni zakon, lex specialis, te da se nezavršeni brodovi izuzmu iz Brodosplita i završe u nekom drugom brodogradilištu koje ima kapacitete. Sudski spor između MORH-a i Brodosplita išao bi svojih tokom, ali izuzimanje brodova i njihov završetak u nekom drugom brodogradilištu bio bi moguć na temelju već spomenutog lex specialisa. Hrvatski obrambeni sustav godinama je patio od sindroma odgađanja donošenja ključnih odluka. Svaki put kada je trebalo donijeti neku ključnu odluku koja je za dulje vrijeme trebala definirati pravac razvoja hrvatske vojske i sustava obrane, takva bi se odluka odgodila. U najboljem slučaju osmislila bi se neka prijelazna rješenja koja ne bi donijela nikakav napredak u sustavu obrane, ali bi kupila vrijeme. No problem je što je na pragu Europe mogući globalni rat pa za odgodu donošenja odluka, taj najdraži instrument naših političara, jednostavno više nema vremena. Dnevno.hr Read the full article
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moth :3
moth :3 (I'm love with little guys irl)
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FFXIVwrite2024 30. Two Heads Are Better Than One
Featuring: @driftward 's Fredrick the Poroggo Characters: Koana, V'tenpe Tia, Gulool Ja, Jullus pyr Norbanus, Alphinuad Leveilluer, Wuk Lamat, Bakool Ja Ja, U'rahn Nuhn, Violet Fisher, Jannie Eyradoux Fortemps, G'khenna Summers, Khloe Alipoh, T'kebbe Morh Rating: T Summary: Closing Vignettes about family, love, and friendship. Notes: Taken from by Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Thanks @autumnslance
-Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor-
“I cannot thank you enough, son.”
Koana’s ears perked at V’tenpe’s praise. “Son?” he thought to himself before having his back patted firmly by V’anille's father. He supposed it was true, his mentor now bound to him by marriage. “Son”. Praise. It warmed him in a way he thought would nigh’ be possible again.
“Guncle Tenpe! I got the wrenches you asked for Gulool Ja’s voice rang out, holding a set high above his head as he wandered over to their work station.
“Sorry kiddo, those are A’rahn wrenches. I need the Ratchet kind today. Go ask your Auntie Mauhli for those, okay?” V’tenpe instructed, parting Gulool Ja on the head as he took the wrenches from him.
“Okay! Uh…is Koana okay?” Gulool Ja whispered.
Koana blinked as the two stared at him. He touched his face finding a stray tear, then wiped his face off with his ascot. “Some dust in my eye is all.”
“Okay then,” Gulool Ja said, hesitating a moment before running off to get the right tools.
V'tenpe raked his hand through his hair, smiling as the boy ran off. He turned to Koana, shaking his head before squatting down to deadlift the large gear. “Y'know. With your friends gone back to Eorzea or wherever, I bet it's a hard adjustment. You had brothers to get stuff off your chest. Now it's just you and your sister and Anille, and you've got in your mind to keep yerself stoic and level headed. Probably moreso with your fancy title being the Vow of Reason.
“But life's going to be like fixing up this train. Sure I could do this by myself, but it'd be harder on my own. I'm fortunate to have a good hearted son to tag along and my little helper visiting too. Makes the whole thing easier to get through and I don't accidentally wear myself out. The mind is a lot like that too. You keep it all in your noggin’ and you'll burn out. You understand me?”
Koana nodded, swallowing a little before coming over to help V’tenpe fix the gear upon a spoke. “I am, admittedly, finding myself missing my father at times. You are right, I think I might be letting my title prevent me from grieving,” he explained before lowering his ears. “Thank you…dad.”
-If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up-
Alphinaud punched his fist into the snow, ass sore from being knocked back while his entourage of Garlean pears laughed at his expense. Two years and a handful of ilms had done little to better his chances with swordplay and he’d regretted his pride, preventing him from asking his sister or Estinien to train him in the art.
“Stick to books Eorzean,” one of the guys laughed before going quiet as Jullus stepped in to reach down and help Alphinaud back to his feet before picking up the training sword the other had been given.
After examining it, he threw it to the other’s feet. “You gave him a damn weighted sword. Is this how the new Garlemald is going to win their fights? Cheap tricks? Sod off you lot and run some laps,” Jullus ordered, watching his company men groan, one slugging the instigator in the shoulder.
Alphinaud bitterly clenched his fists and hung his head. “It is just as embarrassing to lose as it is to have you jump in for me every time I lose a challenge. Though I suppose I should take comfort in knowing they’d set me up for failure.”
Jullus shook his head. “Honestly, you have no business holding a sword. Even if you hadn’t been given a disadvantage your stance and movements are too…noodley for lack of a better word.”
“I’m not seeing how that is to make me feel any better,” Alphinaud said before finding his chin pulled in by Jullus. He flushed as he was kissed, letting it do its job and calm his.
When Jullus parted he smiled then laughed. “That’s not going to work for me much longer is it? I fear each time we part you’ll return a head taller,” he said before hearing his troop scream in the distance. “As for making you feel better. I hosed down a section of our run.”
Alphinaud looked around Jullus, seeing the group trying to pick themselves up on the iced over path. He sighed, unsure if he wished to thank the other for preemptively coming to his defense or scolding him for creating an unsafe environment for his friends. He supposed as long as no injury came from it, he could enjoy a moment of watching them stumble about one another with Jullus’s arm around him. He smiled to himself then turned to attempt to steal another kiss, surprising himself that he no longer needed to lift up on his toes and could meet him at his level.
-Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?-
Bakool Ja Ja jumped and put a claw over Wuk Lamat’s mouth, silencing her frustrated scream as it echoed through the peaks of Urqopacha. “Careful my Vow, you could cause an avalanche,” Mystic warned before letting her go.
“Sorry. I am just so frustrated. Tobli should build higher fences if he doesn’t want these fiends escaping. I should have had Koana handle this as soon as I knew the petition involved the furry little fiends. I’m sorry that I ever tried to like them,” Wuk Lamat ranted before holding herself as a wind blew by them. “Though I wish one was around. I could really use something fluffy and warm. Hopefully the wind will pass soon,” she continued before the wind howled and picked up. “Okay, maybe we stop for a moment until it calms down.”
Bakool Ja Ja nodded, following Wuk Lamat’s lead to take shelter under an overhang of rocks. He swallowed, watching her shiver and peak out toward the snowy roads. Swallowing, he cleared Might’s throat then rubbed the back of his head. “Vow, if you are cold I could help.”
“Cold? I’m not cold. I’m fine…Really fine,” Wuk Lamat said as she chattered. “I’ll shake it off soon and we’ll be on our way to find that alpaca in no time. You’ll see.”
Bakool Ja Ja frowned with both heads, watching her stubbornly buckle forward as she held herself. Inhaling, he worked up his courage. It was duty as a Landsguard to keep the Vow safe, despite her stubbornness…but, to embrace her. He felt heat rise in his faces at the mere thought. Working himself up, he stepped forward then hesitantly hugged her from behind. “I apologize, but I cannot watch you freeze to death,” Mystic said, feeling her straighten up in his arms.
Wuk Lamat stood stiffly for a moment, not saying anything as she was held. After a few breaths, she leaned back into the warmth of the blessed siblings, ears slumping. “Thank you, Bakool Ja Ja. This is not…unpleasant,” she said carefully.
Being thanked was still new to him. More heat flooded his faces as she relaxed against him. As the snow blustered about outside their small shelter, he stood and held her for as long as she’d let him.
-Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.-
Rrahn rushed forward, dodging Black Cat’s swipes with a flip to the side before releasing a flurry of blows into her stomach before going for an uppercut before being repelled by a biscuit maker. Violet watched as he flew over her. Blowing her hair from her face, she launched herself forward and began to swing wildly with her gunblade before discharging a bullet, only to have Black Cat relocate herself across the field making her tumble forward past Jannie. Jannie raised her blade defensively, capturing Black Cat’s attention and letting her start to punch and kick at her blade.
On the other side of the ring, G’khenna did her best to maintain a healing aura around the field as the Warriors of Light got knocked around while ahead of her Khloe went all out with her blades, fighting Black Cat’s deflecting tail as she tried to land a blow before catching a flick of the appendage. Khloe let out a cry as she was sent flying backward into G’khenna, knocking her out of her concentration. Black Cat’s attention on them, they held each other and let their eyes grow wide as the fighter appeared before them and raise both fists high, ready to bring them down on them.
“What’s this? A new challenger approaches,” Metem’s voice called out in surprise.
As the girls braced for impact, a pink carbuncle jumped in front of them then created a barrier about them both. On impact, Black Cat recoiled then jumped backward only to be ambushed by the Warriors of Light once more. Standing up, they found a pink-haired girl next to them tossing her hair as she held an open grimoire.
“KEBBE!” Khloe and G’khenna called out, both hurrying to hug her tight.
“Sorry I’m late! It was really hard getting over here,” she laughed, ears fluttering as she hugged her best friends back.
“Khloe, I mean, I missed you so much! We had a huge adventure!”
“We participated in the Rite of Succession and found the City of Gold,” G’khenna added before yelping as a powerful beam hit the panel that they were on once, then twice.
“MY RING!” Metem’s voice cried out in despair.
The trio yelled as the panel shattered beneath them, all three falling into the field below before finding themselves levitated and placed safely back on an unblemished part of the ring.
“Catch up later! Let’s help the others take this lady down,” T’kebbe said, raising her book in the air then casting a broil toward Black Cat.
“Ahem! Please bear with us while we repair the ring,” Metem’s voice sounded out before it dropped into an angry muffled hiss. “Someone! Get that weird frog out of here.”
The girls blinked then returned to battle. Behind them Fredrick hopped as fast as he could around the stadium, robotic sentries chased him. All these years later and Miqo’te girls continued to be nothing but trouble.
#final fantasy 14#ffxiv#final fantasy xiv#ffxiv oc#ff xiv#ffxiv miqo'te#ff14#u'rahn nuhn#v'tenpe tia#gulool ja#g'khenna summers#khloe aliapoh#jullus pyr norbanus#alphinaud leveilleur#wuk lamat#bakool ja ja#violet fisher#jannie eyradoux#t'kebbe morh#ffxivwrite2024#ffxivwrite#koana#koana ffxiv
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I should be able to press charges on whoever coughs on me
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#txt#its a morh i think and i like moths but not when rheyCRAWL ON MY LEGS AND I CANT FUCKCING SEE THEM I CAN ONLY FEEL THEM AAAHAGHHHHHGEAVE ME#ALONE#now i feel itchy all over FUCK YOU its ok though youre one od gods creatures and i love you but seriously please dont do that again
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My dad doesn't cover his nose when he sneezes
#rambles from my nonexistent basement#not a vent or anything i jusy think its funny#bc it pisses off my (teacher#) morhed
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Vox doesn't have to blindfold Val. If he wants to blind him, he gets really close to Valentino's face, quickly flashes his screen brightness up to maximum and Val's eyes kind of stop working for the next hour.
One of the downsides of this is method is that while a blindfold can be easily taken off once you're done, with the stunning method they have to wait untill Val's eyes get over the light shock.
I mean if his sight is really that shitty, it would probably suffice to take his glasses off and dim the light in the room hehe
I saw a tiktok the other day where they showed how Vox briefly lit up his screen to get Val‘s attention and that is so cute ugh 🙏 him using his screen to make Val only pay attention to *him*
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Zaiden finally died
On his daughters birthday and after finding out she has a baby. He lived a good life and made a lot of simoleons. He leaves an amazing legacy and his gallery is still full of art to sustain his family indefinetly.
She pleaded to the Grim Reaper but he denied her request and Lina lost her father before he could walk her down the aisle. And she was so close to making that dream come true.
I have to be honest, this sim has died multiple times. In another save file he died of old age and then his wife drowned in Selvadorada, I think she killed herself because she missed him so much. And then he became a ghost who lived with his daughter and took care of his granddaughter while she worked. The game has tried to kill him multiple times but I just relodaded the save each time. On this save file he was just waiting around as a filler character because I was too busy building Lina's life. He still visits the main residence since they have the family graveyard there.
#sims4#ts4#sims#morh#ts4 legacy#morh legacy#lina#zaiden#current household#ts4 simblr#ts4 screenshots#ts4 screenies#Youtube
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I think you've gotten e-dater allegations from 4/7 people in the server and that's actually that's pretty impressive. Now you just have to collect me, moth and jo and you've got the whole set
I believe in you 🥳
have i gotten edater allegations with clear yet? it's so hard to keep up. moth will be the toughest one to collect we are so snf coded it's insane
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Oružane snage su Jaglac. Ko nekad davno Flower Power
Sve je opanačke Sve je naopako. Ali, crv sumnje nagriza me, ako je sve naopako nisam li ja nasađen? Naopakon, naravno. U vrijeme socijalističkog mraka jurio sam autom po gradu, zaustavljao se pred dućanima i grozničavo pitao trgovce Dobar dan, imate li možda jogurt? A oni me blesasto gledali, jer nisu pojma imali što je to. U tom potrošačkom divljanju često sam prolazio ulicom što vodi od parka…
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Terror Strikes J&K: 7 Killed in Z-Morh Tunnel Attack
On Sunday night, employees of APCO Infratech, an infrastructure firm in charge of building the Z-Morh tunnel on the Srinagar-Sonamarg highway, were the target of militants in Jammu and Kashmir. This is the first militant attack on a major infrastructure project in the area, and it claimed the lives of seven workers. In Jammu and Kashmir, militants had hitherto refrained from attacking these kinds of initiatives. According to Indian Express, the completion of the Z-Morh tunnel is a critical infrastructure project that will have a major impact on the region’s economy and strategy.
What is the Z-Morh Tunnel?
The Z-Morh tunnel, which runs 6.4 kilometers, connects Kangan town in the Ganderbal region of central Kashmir with the Sonamarg health resort. The tunnel, which is close to Gagangir hamlet, would connect Sonamarg, a popular tourist destination along the Srinagar-Leh route, in all weather conditions. The road segment where the tunnel is being built is shaped like a Z, hence its name.
Significance of Z-Morh Tunnel
The Z-Morh Tunnel is positioned at an altitude of over 8,500 feet in a region that faces heavy snowfall and avalanches, making the route to Sonamarg impassable during winter. As a result, Sonamarg often remains isolated from the rest of the state for most of the winter season. This tunnel aims to tackle this problem by providing year-round connectivity, which is essential not only for tourism but also for the local population.
Project Timeline and Challenges
The Z-Morh Tunnel project was first proposed by the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) in 2012. Initially, the construction contract was given to Tunnelway Ltd., but it was later transferred to the National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL). NHIDCL re-tendered the project, which was finally awarded to APCO Infratech through a special-purpose vehicle named APCO-Shri Amarnathji Tunnel Private Limited. Read More-https://24x7newsroom.com/jk-seven-killed-in-terrorist-attack-on-z-morh-tunnel-heres-the-reason-militants-targeted-this-project/
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Flip the translucent blob over to discover a friend
Slug moth caterpillar, Belippa sp., Limacodidae
Photographed in China by insectyu
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Happiest Starlight Ever Day 10: That's What Starlight Means to Me
ft. @driftward 's Nyx Blackmoon Venue: Aether [Cactuar] | Empyreum | Ward 1 | Plot 60
#final fantasy xiv#ffxiv#ff14#final fantasy 14#ffxiv oc#ffxiv miqo'te#ff xiv#u'rahn nuhn#happieststarlightever#happieststarlightever2024#0007daysofstarlight#ffxiv starlight#starlight#keith summers#g'raha tia#wolgraha#hayzel summers#carter summers#sammy summers#kirian summers#g'khenna summers#khloe aliapoh#t'kebbe morh
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