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womblegrinch · 1 year ago
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Maxime Maufra (1861-1918) - Le Plage de Morgat
Oil on canvas. Painted c.1902-03.
25.6 x 31.9 inches, 65 x 81 cm. Estimate: €25,000-40,000.
Sold Rennes Enchùres, Rennes, 5 Feb 2024 for €39,500 + B.P.
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postcard-from-the-past · 3 months ago
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Grand Hotel in Morgat, Brittany region of France
French vintage postcard
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ecoleplonevez · 9 months ago
« On est allĂ© dans un semi-sous-marin. Un semi-sous-marin, c’est un bateau ou en dessous de l’eau y a des z’hublots comme dans les fusĂ©es et du coup, on voit tout ce qu’y a sous l’eau. »
« Dans le semi-sous-marin, on a vu une mĂ©duse. » « J’ai vu des grandes et grosses algues, c’est des laminaires. » « On a vu aussi des poissons. » « Moi, j’ai vu un gros poisson. » « Dans les laminaires on a vu des gros poissons cachĂ©s. » « Sur les rochers, on a vu plein d’oursins, des Ă©toiles de mer et aussi des Ă©ponges de mer ; elles sont jaunes. » « On a vu aussi comme des champs d’herbe mais c’étaient des plantes, pas des algues. Ça s’appelle des zostĂšres. » « Moi, j’ai bien aimĂ© quand on allait vite parce que ça faisait plein de bulles Ă  la surface de l’eau. » « C’était la premiĂšre fois que je voyais le fond de l’eau comme ça. » « Moi, je savais pas que c’était comme ça le fond de l’eau. Je croyais que y avait que de la vase alors qu’en fait, y avait du sable, des rochers avec plein d’algues accrochĂ©es dessus et aussi plein de plantes de mer toutes vertes. » « Moi je pensais que y avait que des rochers. »  «  Mais on n’a pas vu de poulpes ni d’araignĂ©es de mer ni de requins. » « C’était trop bien. J’ai tout aimĂ©. »
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mintchocolatemagic · 5 months ago
I am now 20...I feel old and decrepit...put me on the retirement home, I have past my youth...darn kids...
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odilon-redon-art · 11 months ago
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-The Port of Morgat-
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yama-bato · 2 years ago
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Jaume Llorens - Fotografies
light and ocean— in Morgat, Bretagne, France.
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Jaume Llorens - Fotografies
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fics-n-stuff-n-stuff · 2 years ago
Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia -
all fairy tail characters-
Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic
Follows Fairy tail but with my own twists set in modern day
Fluff and Angst
developing feelings
Lucy has new spirits I checked constellations and gave her ones I thought were cool
Lucy is thrown into a world she didn’t know existed. Join her as she unravels this new world full of magic that brings adventure, romance and destruction along with it.
Just a modern re-telling of Fairy tail following its arcs with a few twists and turns along the way💞
Language: English Words: 3,227
You can also read it here- https://archiveofourown.org/works/49084309
Lucy was not having a good day, or a good week, or a good year for that matter.
Since running away from home a little over a year ago, and having to financially fend for herself for the first time in 20 years it was a challenge in the beginning for someone as sheltered as she is, and did not come without great challenges.
But it is something Lucy has gotten used to and has actually come to enjoy some odd jobs and trades she's had to learn to get by.
At least to a certain degree.
But with her arrival in Hargeon today, and having spent half of her day trying to find a job, and the other half trying to find somewhere to live. Having no luck with either was a tad discouraging and left Lucy to wonder if her plan to move every few months was actually a smart idea, or if she was just being paranoid.
I mean, she's heard no word from her father or anything about her disappearance. So it's only natural to think he isn't looking.
Then again, it's better safe than sorry, so moving every time she starts feeling like she's suffocating or bored was the conclusion.
She had left Morgate Town fairly easily, it wasn't like she had any friends in the place, and her job as a waitress had her underpaid and overworked, so she was happy to leave.
Now if only she had had the foresight to at least look for some jobs or housing in this area, but no, she decided to treat it like an adventure.
She scoffs now at the thought, right adventure is what she had been looking for when she ran away. Freedom to do whatever she wanted.
Boy, has the real world slapped her in the face.
Her lack of foresight and naivety for adventure is why she was currently walking down the dark streets of Hargeon, following her phone GPS to the inn with the most positive ratings, that wasn't too pricey.
She had found it online earlier when she had stopped to get something to eat and decided to book a room.
Turning the corner of a street, she noticed that everything was suddenly eerily quiet.
People were walking around just a minute ago, looking around she didn't notice anything particularly out of the ordinary, but she couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched.
Picking up her pace slightly, she continued down the street, wishing the inn were closer, so she could just draw a bath and try to figure out her game plan for tomorrow.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, something slammed into her from the side, sending her flying into an alleyway between two buildings.
With a grunt, Lucy landed on the hard ground, slightly disoriented and wondering what sent her flying, looking up, she saw a figure covered by a black cloak standing at the entrance of the alley.
"What the hell is your problem?" Lucy asked, trying to sound confident as she stood up on shaky legs.
They started walking towards her, not answering her question, but she did hear hissing sounds and weird clicking noises coming from under the hood.
Not wanting to figure out what the hell this person's deal is, Lucy looked to the other end of the alley, only to see that it goes one way and is blocked by a wall connecting the buildings.
Dead end.
With a curse under her breath, Lucy looked back at the cloaked figure and tried to sidestep and escape, only to be grabbed by the back of her hair and violently slammed her into the brick wall.
Lucy let out a harsh scream as her body made an impact, and looking at her attacker she finally noticed that it wasn't a person at all that was attacking her because under the black cloak was a figure straight out of a nightmare, a soulless face, with dark gray skin and no apparent eyes started back at her.
Lucy only screamed louder, the creature tightened the hold it had on her and started mumbling words that Lucy could barely make out.
"We could feel your magic, yes, yes, so sweet it smells, a good feast we have found, good, good." It sounded like it was talking to itself.
Not being one to give up, Lucy kept struggling in its hold and kept screaming for help, hoping someone would hear her.
"No, no, no escape. Keep still."
It sounded harsher, and with those words, Lucy was slammed into the wall once more, she heard a crack and could feel blood trickling down the back of her head. That stopped her protest as she felt the pain come in full swing.
The creature above her was drawing closer, its mouth open and sharp teeth on display, gods, is this how she dies? In a dirty alleyway, with no one to miss her, no one to even know she was dead?
'Please don't let me die like this, not like this' Lucy thought to herself as the creature finally started to feed on her, it felt like her very soul was getting sucked out.
She was fading fast and thinking, this time, of her mother, and how she will finally be able to see her again, at the very least.
Just as that thought crossed her mind, Lucy felt the air around her start to increase in temperature, making sweat build up on Lucy's temple she felt a blast of heat and warmth around her and suddenly the creature was thrown off of her with an unearthly shriek.
There were more heat blasts, it looked like fire shooting out of somewhere. She wasn't even sure anymore as black spots started to appear in front of her. 
Sliding down the wall, she heard another shriek and after a few beats of silence Lucy was suddenly wrapped in warmth, she didn't even realize she was freezing.
"Crap, he got you good, don't worry you're safe now. I'll take you back to Fairy Tail and-"
The person who had her in their arms was talking, but Lucy was losing consciousness, fast, and could not focus for the life of her. The last thing she saw was pink before passing out.
* ********* ********** ********** ********* *
Waking up disoriented and with a pounding head, when you're 100% sure you didn't drink the night before is not fun by any means.
This is how Lucy finds herself waking up, in a brightly lit room, with her head feeling like someone is trying to escape from inside it.
She sat up with a groan, blinking away the way the light hurt her eyes, and finally able to look around, the room she is in appears to be an infirmary of some kind, but how did she get there? Why is she here?
Suddenly she remembered the attack, a creature of some sort, sucking out her soul, and then fire and warmth, someone fighting the creature and rescuing her before everything went black.
No, that can't be right, there must be a logical explanation for what she saw. She just needs to get up and see where she is, and get some answers.
Going through the infirmary door she sees that she is on the second floor of what appears to be a tavern.
The ground floor was full of people who were laughing, drinking, and playing games.
Some even appear to be fighting.
'What an odd place' Lucy thinks to herself as she descends the stairs, looking around at everyone she suddenly notices that these are no regular people.
She sees what looks like elf ears and wings on some people, and bursts of energy or other strange-looking things from others.
"I must still be dreaming, yes that's it, this is all just a lucid dream." Lucy mutters to herself as she makes her way through the middle of the crowd and to the bar, where she sees a beautiful white-haired girl tending to it.
As Lucy sits down on an empty chair the girl looks up at her with a bright smile "Hello, my name is Mirajane, how are you feeling? You were in quite the rough shape when Natsu brought you in last night."
The girl, Mirajane, puts a plate of fries and some chicken wings on the bar, as well as a glass of water "Here, I'm sure you're hungry, and you need to replenish the energy that was stolen from you."
Lucy smiled at Mirajane, looking down at the food, it smelled amazing and she suddenly felt and heard her stomach growl which is what made Lucy think, maybe she wasn't in a dream after all.
Looking back at Mirajane, Lucy smiled, she could feel it was slightly strained because of the uncertainty of her surroundings, but she tried her best to hide it.
"My name is Lucy, thank you for the food Mirajane, I didn't realize I was so hungry. I am sorry, but I have to ask you, do you know what happened to me? I, I'm not sure what I saw last night, you see I was attacked but I'm not, well, I" Lucy trailed off struggling to find the words to describe the creature that attacked her, fearing she might sound completely insane if she did.
"Yes, dreadful creatures, Lethifolds. They feed off of energy, usually fear. But they are known to attack and take a person's life energy and magical energy as well. You were lucky that Natsu caught the scent of one and found you when he did."
Mirajane explained with a wave of her hand as she went back to wiping the bar.
Lucy just started back at her, stunned. Lethifolds? Magical energy? She felt like she was going crazy.
"I'm sorry, did you just say magical energy?" Lucy asked but her question never got answered as she heard someone yell to watch out and she turned around only to see a chair flying towards her.
Lucy only really had time to close her eyes and try to duck as best she can to try and minimize the damage.
But the blow never came, she only felt warmth at her side and slowly, Lucy opened her eyes to see the chair had been stopped by someone barely 20cm from her face.
"Jeez, you guys gotta be more careful or somethin'." the person that stopped the chair said, throwing it suddenly back, hitting a big guy with white hair. Making him fall back and topple several people along with him.
"That's rich coming from you flame brain"
Another voice chimed in from across the room making the pink-haired man next to Lucy bristle.
"What'dya say ya stripper freak?" He growled back at the man who taunted him.
'Huh, pink hair suits him ' Lucy thinks to herself as she looks at the man who saved her from another possible concussion.
"Thank you, for catching the chair, I would've been a goner." she finds herself saying to the stranger, who, at the sound of her voice snaps out of his staring contest and turns to face her fully with a brilliant smile.
"No problem, glad to see ya're up and movin', I was kinda worried I didn't make it in time, but the mean healer said you'd be awake soon so I guess that's good. I'm Natsu" he rambled on, sitting next to her at the bar as he did.
That's who Mirajane said saved her from that Dementor-looking thing.
"Oh, you're the one who saved me." Lucy said dumbly, wincing slightly as she did.
Seriously what kind of weirdo says something like that?
Natsu just smiles wider and nods "Yeah I did! I was finishin' up a job in Hargeon when I smelt one of those bastards and knew I had to hunt it down before it caused any trouble, looks like I got there just in time, eh." He winks and nudges my shoulder, wiggling his eyebrows, the smile never leaving his face.
Lucy smiles back at him, letting out a slight laugh. This one is a little more real, something about this pink-haired man made her feel warm, made her feel safe.
That is a foreign feeling to one Lucy Heartfilia.
So she lets herself relax if only a little.
"Well thank you, you saved my life. I'm not even sure what happened but I don't think I would've made it if you hadn't shown up. I don't know how to make it up to you."
His expression suddenly turns serious as he turns to fully look at her, from her shoes to the top of her head.
Now Lucy has had many men, young and old, look at her up and down before, and most of them made her skin crawl.
The way Natsu was looking at her was more inquisitive than anything like he was trying to figure something out. He stopped his inspection and looked her in the eyes.
"The creature that attacked you feeds off of energy, positiv', negativ', it doesn't matter, really. Thought this one was going for your magical energy." He says the last part with conviction and looks for her reaction.
Lucy can now say she officially has no idea what is going on, and what is real. He said the same thing that Mirajane had.
Magical. Energy.
"You have no idea, do you?" Natsu's voice broke her out of her thoughts and she looked back at him.
"You just said magical energy, as in like magic? Like Harry Potter and stuff?" Lucy asked, perplexed and not knowing what to think.
This wasn't real, no way. Lucy had always had an active imagination, so yeah that's all this is. She's probably bleeding out in the alley where she was attacked.
Natsu just smiled at her, scoffing slightly at her Harry Potter comment. "Yes magic, no not like Harry Potter. And you have it. I can smell it on you." He said sniffing the air with a shrug, as if it proves his point.
"You can smell it on me ?" Lucy asked, her voice squeaking slightly. She brought her hands to hug herself.
'Do I stink?' Lucy thought to herself, a little self-conscious about what she'd just learned.
"Yeah, I got a good nose, and even though it's repressed or something, I can tell it's there." He answered as if it explains everything.
Lucy felt a migraine start to form from everything going on, she could also feel a pressure in her chest, building.
She tried to wrap her head around magic, and did he say repressed?
"What do you mean by repressed?"
Natsu looked back at her with a shrug, as if trying to find the words.
"Like it's locked inside of you, ya know? But I can tell that it's ripping through the seams like it wants to burst out, that's the only reason that bastard could've sensed it. It's also why I brought ya here, thought maybe you'd like for us to break it for you so you can learn to use your magic." He explained casually like they were discussing current events, and Lucy finally snapped.
Standing up abruptly causing Natsu to lean back a bit from surprise she looked at him, eyes wide and she was panting slightly, breathing deepening from her increasing panic.
"Ok, hold on, stop. You can't really be saying that magic is, that magic is real? Like actually real, casting spells and flying on brooms and wicked witches casting spells?" She spat out, in an obvious panic now, at some point she had started pacing in front of Natsu, who just looked back at her, wide-eyed from her outburst.
Lucy started at him, chest heaving, waiting for a response, only for the pink-haired man to laugh at her.
Annoyed, Lucy let out a groan and hit his shoulder.
"Don't laugh at me, I think I'm having a panic attack, you should be helping, not laughing." She hit him one more time for good measure which made him stop laughing and let out a sigh of his own.
"Okay, okay. Sorry for laughin' at ya, it's just, flying on brooms, really?" Lucy couldn't help the pathetic laugh that bubbled from her throat, she didn't even know what was funny.
It was a legitimate question, she didn't know anything about this supposed magical world.
Looking back at Natsu she saw him already focused on her, with a small smile on his face.
"See, got ya to laugh. Point for me."
Before Lucy could even interject, he continued talking.
"Now, as for the magic part. Yes, to the magic is real part. No, for the flying brooms. Yes, to casting spells, although 'spells' is one term for it, there are others. And I guess yes to the wicked witches part too, but trust me, they are not like the cartoons. "
Lucy started at him, trying to wrap her head around him actually answering her questions, and taking her seriously.
"Here, let me show you my magic, it is totally the coolest in the guild!" He exclaimed, making Lucy smile a little at his enthusiasm, her smile was suddenly wiped when Natsu's right arm catches on fire.
A high-pitched squeak came from Lucy's mouth and before she's even realizing her actions her hands are on Natsu's arm, trying to put out the fire.
"Are you crazy!?? You're going to burn yourself!" She yelled patting his arm, trying to put out the fire as her panic started to kick in again.
Amid her panic, she failed to notice that the fire was not burning Natsu, nor was it burning her.
When she noticed that the flames were dying out slowly, she turned her eyes back to Natsu who was looking at her with a strange expression on his face, something akin to astonishment.
Before either could speak a voice entered their conversation.
"What's all this ruckus about, ey?" Lucy turned to her left and saw a short gray-haired man with a weird hat on top of his head sitting crossed-legged on the bar, their eyes met and he gave her an assessing look before offering a smile.
"You must be the girl Natsu saved last night, good to see you back on your feet."
Lucy smiled at the old man. "My name is Lucy. I'm sorry for disturbing you in your tavern, I was just leaving."
'Yes, I'll just leave and then hopefully this is all just a very vivid and disturbing dream and a pink-haired man did not save me from a Dementor and did not light himself on fire.'
Lucy thought, trying to back up, and out of the building when suddenly, she felt a stab of pain in her chest, making her stop in her tracks and clench her midsection.
Doubling over she felt another pierce through her, this one knocking the air out of her, Lucy felt herself falling but did not have any control over her body.
She felt a pair of warm hands catch her before she had a chance to hit the floor.
Lucy could barely make out the voices around her, everything was spinning, her chest hurt, she could feel something inside of her, something that felt like it wanted to burst.
With one last jolt of pain, a crack resonated within Lucy, and her power was unleashed.
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lespoulesebreizh · 7 months ago
camping les bruyĂšres/ plage de Postolonnec
Camping les bruyĂšres/ la plage de l'Aber
Journée de relùche aujourd'hui: 13 km...
Petit dĂ©jeuner tranquille au soleil avant de reprendre le GR34 oĂč nous l'avons laissĂ© la veille.
Je ne sais pas ce qui a de pire les 103 marches hier soir ou à la fraßche ce matin...ce qui est sûre c'est qu'on ne les fera pas deux fois.
Descente sur l'anse de Morgat. Ancien port de pĂȘche devenu port de plaisance, on se fera une 1ere pause terrasse et quelques courses pour midi.
Le temps de traversée la plage de sable fin, de montée deux, trois cÎtes pour passer les différentes pointes: pointe de rulianec; pointe des grottes; pointe du menhir avec des vues magnifiques sur Morgat malgré le ciel couvert. 
Puis, nous voilĂ  sur la plage de Postolonnec pour picnique et baignade.
Du moins, karine s'y est baignée, moi je dirai que j'ai été détendre mes membres inférieurs: jpense que l'eau ne dépasse pas les 16 degrés...( 1ere semaine de soleil depuis un moment, l'eau n'a pas pu chauffer).
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joostjongepier · 1 year ago
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Wat?   Fischer ziehen ein Netz ein (1657) door Reinier Nooms, Zwei Fischerkutter in stĂŒrmischer See (1831) door Louis Charles Verbroeckhoven, Vor Morgate (1840) door J.M.W. Turner, Raddampfer im Sturm (1863) door Louis Mennet, Gewitter ĂŒber dem Meer (1847) door Anton Melbye, KĂŒstenfischer (1848) door Andreas Achenbach, Ohne Titel (Studie) (1840) door Andreas Achenbach en Brigg und Lodsenboot (1842) door Jean Antoine ThĂ©odore Gudin
Waar?   Tentoonstelling Spiegel der Welt – Schlaglichter auf SeestĂŒcke aus drei Jahrhunderten in Internationales Maritimes Museum Hamburg, Hamburg
Wanneer?   7 maart 2024
Het Internationales Maritimes Museum Hamburg is groot. Het enorme gebouw telt maar liefst negen etages met werkelijk alles wat met scheepvaart te maken heeft. Van ontdekkingsreizen tot cruiseschepen, van uniformen tot scheepskanonnen, van een gigantisch schip in Lego tot een zeilboot gemaakt van colablikjes. De achtste etage is gewijd aan vier eeuwen schilderkunst over zee en scheepvaart.  Uit deze collectie is een overzichtelijke tentoonstelling samengesteld, die al direct op de eerste etage te zien is: Spiegel der Welt. De expositie is overzichtelijk ingedeeld en begint met het land dat in de zeventiende eeuw de scheepvaart domineerde: Nederland. Het land had meer schepen dan Frankrijk en Engeland bij elkaar. De winsten van de wereldhandel maakten van Amsterdam de rijkste en meest innovatieve stad van de wereld.
Reinier Nooms (ca. 1623-1664) schilderde een werk dat onmiskenbaar zeventiende-eeuws Nederlands is. Driekwart van het schilderij bestaat uit wolken. Daaronder vindt de actie plaats: vissers halen hun netten op. Terwijl de boot links nog in de schaduw van donkere wolken ligt, wordt het scheepje rechts verlicht door de zon die voorzichtig door het wolkendek prikt. Nooms was zijn loopbaan waarschijnlijk gestart als zeevarende. Hij signeerde zijn werk dan ook met met ‘R. Zeeman’. Waarschijnlijk was hij leerling bij de beroemde zeeschilder Willem van de Velde de Oudere. Het Amsterdamse Scheepvaartmuseum wijdde in 2022 een tentoonstelling aan deze schilder en zijn gelijknamige zoon.
Is het werk van Nooms opgebouwd uit slechts een paar kleurtonen, dat van de Belgische schilder Louis Charles Verbroeckhoven (1802-1889) is helder van kleur. Zowel de golven als de zeilen van de schepen lichten prachtig op. Niet alleen de schepen zijn prachtig uitgewerkt; dat geldt ook voor de wolkenlucht en de zee.  In dat opzicht mag Verbroeckhoven zich, hoewel hij zo’n tweehonderd jaar later leefde, plaatsen in de traditie van de zeventiende-eeuwse Nederlandse schilders van zeegezichten.
Vanaf de achttiende eeuw werd de suprematie op zee overgenomen door het Britse Rijk. Nederlanders, Spanjaarden en Fransen moesten in zeeslagen tegen de Engelsen het onderspit delven. Succesvolle buitenlandse schilders werden naar Groot-Brittannië gehaald. Als het om zeegezichten ging waren dat vooral Nederlanders (zoals de eerder genoemde vader en zoon Van de Velde). Hun invloed op latere Britse schilders van zeegezichten was dan ook groot.
Mijn oog valt op een klein werkje van J.M.W Turner (1775-18510. Geen schilderij, maar een werk in potlood en wit krijt. Turner stond bekend als ‘schilder van licht en atmosfeer’ en in dat opzicht is dit werkje een echte Turner. In enkele verstrengelde potloodstreken geeft de kunstenaar de contouren van een schip weer. Met wit krijt laat hij de zon op de branding schijnen en suggereert hij een kustlijn met een gebouw. In 2020 identificeerde historicus Ian Warrell welk voorval Turner hier had vastgelegd. In 1840 had men bij Margate twee schepen van de OostindiĂ« Compagnie moedwillig laten vastlopen in het zand om te voorkomen dat ze hun lading in een storm zouden verliezen. De lading werd gered en de schepen gerepareerd. We zien hier Ăłf de Claudine Ăłf de Westminster.
Door de Franse revolutie veranderde er veel in de schilderkunst van dat land. Kunstenaars verloren met de aristocratie hun mecenassen en moesten zich aanpassen aan de markt. Ontwikkelingen volgden elkaar snel op. De Parijse Salon van 1824 vormde een waterscheiding in de wijze waarop critici naar kunst  keken. Het onderwerp van schilderijen werd ondergeschikt aan het experimentele gebruik van schildertechnieken.
Op het schilderij van Louis Mennet (1829-1875) zien we hoe een raderstoomboot zich een weg baant door de hoge golven. Het kleurenpallet dat de schilder heeft gebruikt voor water en lucht is klein. Deze tonaliteit wordt alleen doorbroken door het rood van het schip. De witte schuimkoppen zijn wollig geschilderd, wat de suggestie geeft van opspattend water. De mensen aan boord worden weergegeven met slechts een aantal willekeurig ogende verfstippen, maar op afstand werkt dit uitstekend.
Bij het bekijken van het schilderij van Mennet, ben ik als landrot blij niet aan boord te zijn. Het doek doet me terugdenken aan een boottocht die ik ooit maakte van Borneo naar het ‘paradijselijke’ eiland Pulau Tiga. Het stormde en de golven waren hoog. Het water was zo wild dat we bij aankomst niet konden aanleggen. Met de bagage boven ons hoofd moesten we naar de kust van het eiland waden. Op het eiland was van het ‘paradijselijke’ niet veel te zien was. Het hele strand lag, als gevolg van de storm, vol aangespoeld hout en andere rommel. De ervaring heeft me geleerd dat ik de zee liever op schilderijen zie dan daadwerkelijk overal om me heen.
In de jaren twintig van de negentiende eeuw ontstond in Denemarken een generatie schilders die sterk beïnvloed was door de Duitse Romantiek. De natuur en het alledaagse leven van vissers gingen het beeld bepalen. Daarbij werd de werkelijkheid vaak geïdealiseerd. Deze Deense ‘Gouden Eeuw’ (althans wat kunst betreft) bereikte tussen 1820 en 1850 zijn hoogtepunt.
Op Gewitter ĂŒber dem Meer van Anton Melbye (1818-1875) zien we een zeilschip dat in de storm zijn mast is kwijtgeraakt. Het drijft onbestuurbaar op zee. De sfeer van dit werk, maar ook van de andere Deense schilderijen op deze tentoonstelling, is totaal anders dan de werken hiervoor. Er straalt frust van uit, zelfs als er een storm wordt weergegeven. De golven hebben geen witte koppen, maar zijn donker, soms haast zwart. Het schilderij lijkt op te roepen tot existentiĂ«le reflectie.
Mede doordat Duitsland niet over een eigen zeemacht beschikte, speelden zeegezichten tot laat in de negentiende eeuw nauwelijks een rol in de Duitse kunst  De vlootpolitiek van keizer Wilhelm II bracht daarin verandering. Zeestukken werden propagandamiddel met nadruk op het militaire aspect. Na beide wereldoorlogen verdwijnt deze militaire dimensie grotendeels, ten gunste van een, soms nogal nostalgische kijk op het verleden.
Andreas Archenbach (1815-1910) schilderde aanvankelijk dramatische zeescĂšnes en scheepswrakken. Later ging hij zich meer toeleggen op het weergeven van het alledaagse leven van vissers en zeelui. Op KĂŒstenfischer  verbeeldt Achenbach de terugkomst van een Nederlandse vissersvloot met zogenaamde ‘Buisen’. De boten zijn aan het aftuigen. Op de meest linkse boot is al een net in de mast gehangen om te drogen. Een groep mensen draagt de vangst in manden aan land.
De tentoonstelling besluit met een aantal tekeningen. Deze variëren van een tamelijk technische werkschets (Andreas Auerbach) tot een volwaardig kunstwerk (Théodore Gudin).
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the-winters-prince · 8 months ago
what would be Artos and Morgause's ship name. Argause? Sounds like a ship of a an ancient greek war hero. Morgator? Sounds like the weapon of a cartoon supervillain. Armor? that's just too general
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masked-life · 8 months ago
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 Plage De L'ßle Vierge - Morgat - Doesn't this look inviting?
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postcard-from-the-past · 2 months ago
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View of Morgat, Crozon, Brittany region of France
French vintage postcard
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candm-brittany-2023 · 2 years ago
The electric on the pontoon wasn’t working. It’s not too much of a problem, but it makes it awkward cooking. We walked up to have a look at the facilities. The Capitainerie is only open Monday to Friday and we needed the codes. The Capitainerie is in a brand new building complete with outside lift to the 2nd floor. Unfortunately the building isn’t finished. It turns out that we don’t need codes as the facilities have not been completed. The old ones are gone, yet no new ones. There is a couple of tiny portacabins each housing a toilet, a shower and a urinal. Filthy. No thanks.
We walked into Morgat. The beach here is vast and they’ve created a seaside promenade since we were last here. The town has been done up well. It’s clean and tidy. Hopefully they’ll get the port sorted soon.
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Having had a good look round, we chose where we wanted to eat and headed back.
We got stuff sorted, changed, had an aperitif and strolled back in. A good meal.
It was still warm at 9.00pm when we walked back. We were due a FaceTime call from Canada and we sat on board enjoying the last of the sun.
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The street lights are very bright here!
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spinmeround · 2 years ago
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detournementsmineurs · 2 months ago
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La "Grotte de l'Autel" Ă  Morgat prĂ©sentĂ©e dans “La Bretagne des Druides et des LĂ©gendes” documentaire de MĂ©lodie Proust (2023) de la sĂ©rie “Les 100 Lieux qu'il Faut Voir”, dĂ©cembre 2024.
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prayerinmovement · 5 months ago
Sitting at South Maui Gardens
written February 2024 6 months after The Lahaina and Kula Fires August 8 2023. (Unintentionallu) listening to a group of older white men talking open and freely while sitting alone with my cup of coffee at a nearby table
 One person saying that FEMA is paying their friend $11.000 a month to rent out their 3 bedroom  apartment which will cover both of their morgates
 Talked to an elder man –

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