assesofparnassus · 13 hours
The Best in You
I try to find the best in you,    But may I say discreetly: You do your best--you really do--    To hide it so completely.
--Steven Kent
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assesofparnassus · 2 days
Engendering Mystery
What’s the form book on gender this century? What freaks us? What’s cool and adventury?   What broad-spectrum glow   Lights up all we don’t know About thirst for new flavours of quenchery?
"Boy" and "girl" don’t suffice anymore; Amid options and reboots galore,   Men have so much to learn   That we’d feel real concern If we’d understood women before.
--Chris O'Carroll
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assesofparnassus · 3 days
Kitty Yum-Yums
When your kitty comes prancing to greet you and seems more than elated to meet you, don’t delude yourself, dude. I don’t mean to be rude: if it could, that cute tabby would eat you.
--Vladimir Tumanov
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assesofparnassus · 8 days
It's loud but not disastrous, not a cataclysm--- Just dogmatists disputing, barking out some schism.
--David D. Horowitz
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assesofparnassus · 10 days
ON ANGER: A friendly note to William Blake
In the dawn I thrilled to see my lifeless, deadwood Enemy; and on the garden's rusty wire, his kit-and-caboodles hanging fire.
Thinking back, it may be vicious, but 'twould have been thus twice delicious, if this had a different end, and anger offed my useless Friend!
--Royal Rhodes
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assesofparnassus · 5 months
New Hampshiremen mock us Vermonters and the odd state that we are in. But we regard the Granite State fondly, as our feeble, bastard twin.
--Roderick Bates
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assesofparnassus · 5 months
Dover Air Force Base, Delaware: February 2, 2024
Today I watched the "dignified transfer" -- More sorrow and pretense than truth should bear. The coffins, draped with spotless flags, Held the corpses from indexed body bags. After the honored dead were wheeled away, The News returned to covering Groundhog Day.
--Bob Zisk
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assesofparnassus · 5 months
Winging It
Albatross, ovenbird, John Keats’s nightingale, Skylark, a sparrow in Nemerov’s zoo,
Ornithological Poetry murmurates, Raven to darkling thrush, Swan to cuckoo.
--Chris O'Carroll
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assesofparnassus · 5 months
Electric Greta
“What do I want by 2050?” said Greta, showing that she cares. “All things electric: cars and blankets ...and chairs.”
--Vladimir Tumanov
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assesofparnassus · 5 months
On waking up in a strange bed on New Year's Day
stupid Cupid missed again
--Mandy Macdonald
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assesofparnassus · 6 months
Glancing back at a full-length mirror
Again aghast At what's amassed.
--Aaron Nydegger
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assesofparnassus · 6 months
The Philosophers
It often seems, with certain men,  The point is: not to make one.  They'll repeat what they've said, again -  An exit? Yes, I'll take one.
--Claire Boyce
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assesofparnassus · 6 months
Risqué Clerihew
Walter Pater was a master debater. The love he could not name burned with a gem-like flame.
--Royal Rhodes
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assesofparnassus · 6 months
Gertrude Stein thought Hemingway a swine and offered to pay his air fare to where there was no there there.
--Gail White
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assesofparnassus · 6 months
Selective Envy
It doesn't jangle my serenity when brilliant poets win.  I clap with awe to witness merit honored, yet to see talentless bastards triumph scrapes me raw.
--Susan McLean
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assesofparnassus · 6 months
Too Much
When all is said and done, my son, Too much is said, too little done.
--Steven Kent
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assesofparnassus · 6 months
Note to Self
As page on page increases weight and density encumbers lift, you treat each poem as short shrift until confession inundates and leaves your readers bored, at best. Should you keep writing? Sure. I guess. 
--Richard Porter
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