#more vampire!Charlie to cure what ails ya (as long as what ails ya was your life lacking vampire!Charlie)
lucindarobinsonvevo · 6 years
@it-is-bugs TDBM Drabble Challenge: A Stranger Comes to Town Title: Night Time, My Time Words: 300
“What did that tree ever do to you?” Matthew whipped around from where he was stabbing tree-Macavoy with a penknife to see a man atop the climbing frame behind him. Relieved to see it wasn’t his father quickly dissipated when he realized that even though it was the dead of winter, the man was only wearing a thin, short sleeved shirt and tan pants.
“Who the Hell are you?!” He demanded. The man gracefully jumped from the climbing frame to the ground, landing just in front of him. “Charlie.” “And what are you doing here, Charlie?” He asked, hand grappling with his knife, just in case. “Aren’t you cold?” “Getting something to eat.” Charlie said, without hesitation, before looking down at his bare feet. “Guess I forgot.”
Now he was closer, Matthew noticed that his shave was choppy, and his hair unwashed, though neatly parted. He also smelt like the mourge over at the hospital where they took his grandfather. He didn’t look familiar and Matthew knew everyone (who went to Church, that is).
“How long have you been in town for?” “Not long.” Matthew squinted at him, “What do you do for a living? How old are you anyway?” He certainly didn’t look employed. “I used to be a policeman. Hope to be one again someday. Twenty eight. More or less.” Matthew had toyed with the idea of policing, Vera be damned. “More or less? You don’t know your birthday?” Charlie finally broke eye contact and looked away, scratching his face with blood crusted nails. He was embarrassed. “Guess I forgot that too.” He passed Matthew, and pulled his knife out of the tree with a flick of his thin, waxpaper coloured wrist and offered him. “We can’t be friends, just so you know.” “Why?” “That’s just the way it has to be. Good luck with your tree.” Matthew watched as he passed into the street, seemingly melting into the shadows as he went.
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