#more than anything I want to go for a bike ride now the weather’s so nice but that’s impossible
skelliko · 6 months
๑-context: a summer activitie with them
๑-featuring: kazutora, chifuyu, Baji, Mikey, inui, shinichiro, Kokonoi, Rindou, ran, mitsuya,
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°- kazutora hanemiya
• exploring abandoned places and going so far out into the city, climbing over fences just to get into the buildings and running from the police or other pedestrians that had caught you trespassing in someone else's property even though it's not like you both are doing anything harmful there. your just enjoying each others company whilst getting excitement in exploring new places that may be even a little dangerous but what's a little fun if you don't 'ball it'
°- chifuyu matsuno
• making hand made jewelry is a cute activity, you had to teach chifuyu how to tie the string right otherwise it'd come loose but after he got the jist of it y'all were making many sets of matching bracelets that you wear all the time in different colours and patterns. though sometimes it gets frustrating when it comes to tying the string and you can't seem to get the loop right or when your fingers accidentally let go of one side of the string and then all the beads fall downwards and both of you end up crawling on the floor trying to recollect every lose bead, but that doesn't happen often.
°- Baji Keisuke
• forest walks, not all the time but sometimes he'd suggest wandering around a forest, picking up weird shaped branches to show you, finding a bug on a leaf and if you don't like bugs then he'd be a nuisance about it and chase you around with the it. but if you have a heart with bugs then hed look around trying to find the coolest looking one specifically to show/give you and he'd dedicate to it even if he does occasionally get a little grossed out by them.
°- manjiro sano/ mikey
• constant motorbike rides! if you have your own motorbike then the both of you will be riding till you reach the end of earth and seeing which one can out do the other. but if you don't then you'd be latched on at the back of his bike and going with the flow of the wind to cool off from the heat. mikey would also try teaching you how to ride a motorbike, he's more patient with you than anyone else so you can take your time with taking in the information so that you know how to switch gears and dont attempt in going through a wall.
°- Inui seishu / shinichiro sano (I couldn't decide)
• due to him being in the bike shop and working on fixing some motorbikes here and there, there'd be trips to visit him holding a sweet, cold treat to give him on his lunch breaks. though when you're teasing him a little too much he'd purposely smear his oil grease stained fingers across your skin to leave a large, black mark and it'd cause a small fit of smiles and laughter but also some small annoyance on your side as you have to scrub the mark off from you by the sink.
°- Kokonoi hajime
• perfect time and weather to go visit new towns and enjoy the beautiful scenery that neither of you thought you could see until now. browsing into small business shops that you haven't seen/been into before and if something catches your eyes that you'd die for to have then Koko would buy it for you in a heartbeat because seeing you smile with light in your eyes at an item makes him want to keep you in that gleaming mood.
°- rindou haitani
• spontaneous night outs where you start the night to be all cozy watching a series with a tub of ice cream to then be all dressed up and sparkly after one text or phone call from rindou mentioning a club is doing a certain theme. the both of you may seem to be there for the party but actually it's the attention you both bring, getting all dressed up is the fun part and most of the time you do it together and have matching outfits or accessories, give everyone around a sight to see and only then do you give your all with the drinks and dancing.
°- ran haitani
• constant need to be in the pool or anywhere that has water, especially on hot boiling days when a 5 minute walk would feel like 5 hours. in the day you'd usually go to an outside pool and enjoy yourselves and then at night you'd have to pamper him since he's still affected from the heat, he has no tolerance. you tend to go to public ones but only those that you know are clean and have decency of others, essentially public pools that kids don't go to.
°- mitsuya takashi
• summer is the perfect time for him to work on summer clothes and you always happen to be his muse meaning you're the one who he always dots down your measurements and your always the one that tries the clothes on and half the time you tend to keep the clothing. if you wear dresses then sun dresses are always something that he enjoys sowing for you, you spinning around as the dress flows and spins with you, he doesn't make those basic ones but rather he puts in a lot of detail just for you, making it adorable and flattering. but if you don't wear dresses or such clothing then he always considers what kind of material he uses, that way for the hot days your not melting and instead you feel more free and feel a breeze.
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grapejuicestyless · 10 months
can you do a conrad fic based off the song i know you by faye webster?? angst to fluff? love youuuuu
I Know You.
Conrad Fisher x fem!reader
summery: As the years went on, it became more apparent to Conrad of his and Y/n’s two year age gap. As he spends his last summer before college in a downward spiral. His mother, his father. But most important, the inevitable end of summer. Where he will go off to college and she will stay in high school.
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Summer was always my favorite time of the year. The sand between your toes, the sunshine warming your scalp. Even in the sweltering heat, the summer temperatures only made the cool ocean water more desirable. More than that, it was the season of Conrad Fisher.
We’d met when I was only seven. He was nine, back when his hair was still shorter and his glasses weren’t collecting dust on his bedside table, but instead sat clean on the bridge of his nose. My parents had decided to finally buy the small beach house that had been on the market for almost a year. It was always my mom’s dream to live down by the water, so my father had been saving for it just so maybe one day, they could retire by the water, like the old couples do in the cheesy movies. The house that they bought that day sat neatly beside the Fishers beach house. Nothing but a wooden fence to separate the two backyards and a line of bushes in the front.
The first summer down, it was cold. Already, I had kicked and cried about leaving my friends for so long. Both new and old, all with the fear that they would leave and find better friends in my absence. Now, on top of my already distaste of the distance from our home, the sky was gloomy and the temperature refused to surpass the high sixties. It rained almost everyday, and when it wasn’t raining, it was about to.
It stayed that way for a week, the same week I spent inside, curled up in my room and looking out the window anxiously. I wanted to swim, at least. I wanted to run in the grass and I wanted to do everything my mother promised. I missed my friends and I missed my bed. Summer wasn’t summer to me.
Then, one morning, the sun came out. The cold front moved out and an intense heat suddenly took over. The mid eighties seemed like a dream. I could feel the sweat on the back of my neck sticking to my hair. My shirt sleeves were rolled up and my cheeks were burned. I spent the whole morning running around and playing pretend. I didn’t need anything in that moment but the surrounding joys of the summertime weather that had finally came. I was so caught up in this that I didn’t see the football go hurling over the fence.
“Hey!” His voice was much higher pitched then, he was just a boy. But it still scared me. It was loud, sudden. It made me jump. When I turned to face where the sound came from, he looked apologetic, but he never apologized. He was gripping onto the fence so hard, it was obvious he was either on his tip toes or not touching the ground at all.
I stared at him like an idiot, stuck in place, piecing together the context clues. I understood now that he was my neighbor. I waved shyly then, not wanting to be rude, and he waved back, still gripping the edge of the fence with one hand.
“I lost my ball, could you throw it over?” I was suddenly aware of the brown football by my foot. He pointed at it until I looked.
Slowly, I picked it up to show him. For some reason I felt nervous, unsure. He nodded, his smile never fading. Even then he had the kindest eyes, the warmest smile.
“I don’t know how.” I confessed. I knew how to paint, I could ride a bike. I was a quick runner and I could out-spell anyone in my second grade class. But I never learned how to throw a football. My dad had never taken the time to toss a ball around with me like he had once promised my mother to do. So, I never bothered to learn either.
“What?” He questioned.
“I don’t know how.” I repeated, unmoving.
“You don’t know how to throw a football?” He laughed, but he wasn’t making fun of me. It was almost like he couldn’t believe someone could lack such a skill!
“Thats what I said.” I held it with both hands, looking at the lacing while I spun in around in my palms.
“I can teach you!” He said, a little too enthusiastically.
“What?” I questioned him this time.
“I can teach you! I play football, let me teach you!” He persisted, adjusting himself on the fence so he could hang there for longer.
When I didn’t move he continued to beg. He begged and begged until finally I walked over the the gate that resided between the sides of our homes. It was rusted and hard to open, but it budged eventually and once I was over, I could see him fully.
He wore a blue baseball tee and athletic shorts. His glasses were fogging up from the heat and his hair was collecting sweat along his hairline.
That day, we didn’t leave the confinements of that yard until his mom, that I now know as Susannah, called for him to come inside for dinner. When he begged both his mom and I to stay for dinner, neither of us put up any fight. He called dibs to sit at the end of the table so he could sit beside me, and when dinner was served he gathered my plate for me so I wouldn’t feel awkward.
That night, he and Belly, who I met at dinner because she was to my right side, and who was also my age, begged again to let me stay over for the night. Susannah was unsure, not wanting to worry my parents too much. The next morning, he was knocking on my front door bright and early. He claimed we still had more to learn, but we spent the entire day down by the beach with his surf board and buckets for sandcastles. Suddenly, with Conrad beside me, I didn’t mind being so far from home anymore. Summer became summer.
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Kicking the sand as I went, my footsteps left a trail of divots on the beach, marking where we had already been. The sun was just peaking over the horizon now. The air hadn’t gathered the usual summer humidity levels yet. It was the perfect time to be down here. Yet, today the waves were flat and the tide was too far out to really enjoy it. Regardless, Conrad and I always came down. No matter what.
It was one of the many traditions we’d gathered over the years. The yearly made up games became calming walks. The burning passion and competitiveness between us still burned, but in other ways. Our early morning enthusiasm never dimmed, it simply shinned for something else.
It was silent between us, but not awkward. Usually during this time we would talk about everything we missed. Though we practically slept in the same bed each night during the summer, his home in Boston and my families apartment in New York was much too far apart for us to constantly be together.
We would talk about school, our dreams, our friends and family. We still did all of that, but I couldn’t help but notice how he spoke less and less of his friends and more and more about us, Brown, and his mom.
Part of me worried for him, honestly. He called me just a few months ago. He had decided to quit football. I was shocked. How had Conrad, a boy with more passion for the sport than anyone I knew, somehow lost all the burning desire for it? Not only that, but it was that passion that brought us together in the first place. It was foolish to have been so caught up on the news, it was inevitable that we would’ve met. But part of me wondered if it would have been the same. I couldn’t help but wonder if his sudden disappearance from his clubs and sports made him drift away from them.
I still remember the call, when he told me everything. His deepest secrets, the ones that he kept from his own blood. When I laid down my concerns for him, how blandly he had stated it. I needed to know if there was something that happened. Something had to have happened. Conrad brushed it off then, he told me he had grown up and grew out of it. I knew that was a lie. He was just raving about it last summer. How excited he was to be back on the field. He described the the Friday night lights as the closest feeling to the summer sun he would ever be in the colder months. Something had happened.
So, when the line went silent, I reminded him of how he could run circles around anyone he wanted, but not me.
“Conrad,” I had started, “I know you.” And he knew what I meant. It was like I was watching him crumble beneath my fingers, even if I couldn’t see his face. He told me about his fathers infidelity, his mothers resistance towards freeing herself from their relationship. More than that, now that he was a senior, the reality of moving away for school was a looming storm cloud scaring him. But he never mentioned the loss of his friends.
“Hows Brett and Johnny?” I asked, suddenly aware that the farther we got down the beach, the less we had to say. We already covered it all over the phone, too eager to wait this year. It felt wrong, so I dug in the one blind spot this year.
“Oh…uh, I don’t really talk to them anymore.” He said is so casually, scratching at the back of his head. I expected to be partly right, but not right on the money. I stopped in my tracks, confused.
“What? No! Brett and Johnny?” Drifting away from childhood best friends is inevitable in most cases. The interests you share as children develop into passions and mature hobbies that often differ from one another. You are led down another path, but the kind smile they give you in the hallway during passing period reminds you how close you once were. You chat in the classes you have together and you catch up every so often.
“Yeah.” He took a deep breath like he was going to continue, but he didn’t. He stopped himself, he never stopped himself. Especially when it came to Brett and Johnny. His pals, his buddies!
He used to talk my ear off about them every summer! Begged Susannah to let them come with him. He told me of everything they did during the school year and he taught me their schoolyard games and we made the same stupid bets. It was a boyish love, I was so sure they would be the ones to stick together.
“I’m sorry.” I felt like it was my fault, somehow. When I connected the dots, his fathers affairs, his mothers giving heart, his brothers attitudes, his never ending stresses, I was left with a scribble of nothing. Just lines that resemble something that should mean something, but don’t. His friends wouldn’t leave him for something so small. I was missing something. I knew it.
He stopped himself, he was tense. He couldn’t even look at me. I wanted to slap it in his face that I knew something was missing, something bigger. I knew him. But the look in his eyes he hid almost completely behind his gentle gaze warned me not to push. If I unsurfaced it, he might not survive. So I let him hold back, just this once. I hope the squint in my eyes assured him I still, couldn’t have circles ran around me. I could simply read the room.
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The longer summer progressed, the quieter Conrad got. It wasn’t just his friends that lacked in conversation. It was everything. He walked beside me more often than not with his head down and his hands in his pockets. He never talked about school, or his mom. He never asked about me anymore, what we should do. He lacked any ability to care, it seemed.
His eyebrows are forever furrowed. That kind smile replaced with an empty expression. During the day he was uninterested in every way. He never participated, never cared enough to even try. Yet, when night rolls around and I slip in through the window, I’m his again. He doesn’t really speak like he used to. We don’t laugh hardly enough. But he reaches his arms out just the same, and welcomes me into his bed. And when he thinks I’m asleep, I catch him pulling me in just a little bit harder than before.
I can’t help but wonder where it really started. I think back on it, and the first signs were all there. So small it was hard to know if it was really him changing or if he was just growing. Quitting football, losing his friends. Losing his father, in some sense.
But every time I try I always see that same look in his eyes. The one warning me not to push. The one that forced me to listen.
It wasn’t like he was being cold towards me. But there was an obvious difference in our nature. Shorter walks, longer wake ups. He was tired, and now so was I. But not of him, never of him.
“Conrad?” I asked in the silence. His room was darker now that he had ditched his nightlight all those years ago. The moon didn’t quite illuminate it the same as the glowing yellow did. I felt his body next to mine, his arms hovering over my body. His breathing was steady and his body unmoving other than the gentle rise and fall of his chest.
“I wish you would tell me what’s going on with you. I just want to help.” I sighed, under my breath. It was so quiet, even the waves in the distance seemed louder. I spoke this way just incase he was awake, in case he was lying. I never really knew anymore. He might as well have been sleepwalking these past few weeks.
When a silent pause passed, I understood there would be no response. He wouldn’t open up, and there would be no resolve. Conrad was and will always be my best friend. He’ll come around, I knew it. He had to. I doubt myself just a little when I remember his resistant look and unwavering attitude. I begin to think that it’s me. I have lost that special spot in Conrad that made him feel like he could always be as vulnerable as he wanted with me. I am not enough. I begin to think the day he comes back to me will never come, and he will be off to college with his new life and forget all about the girl who learned how to find his favorite constellations by heart just so they could point and laugh all summer about how they drifted quickly across the sky.
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“Conrad!” I called out. My feet his the sand harshly. The uneven surface sinking quicker the harder my feet hit only slowed me down. My outstretched arms would never be enough.
He was already up the steep hill. Nearly crossing through the hedges and over the fence to his backyard. He was a storm. Untamed and wild. His fists clenched, not from anger but frustration. The sound of the bonfire faded into the distance, and my lungs were hot and sticky with smoke and the salt air.
“Conrad, stop!” I yelled again, straddling the fence clumsily. With an extra hop I barely cleared it having no time to gain any composure when splitting it.
Finally, the speed of my legs compared to his long strides balanced, and my hand was close enough to grab at him. He didn’t spin, but I could see the bruises on his knuckles and the radiating heat from his clothes. He was hot, worked up too. I just needed to see him, finally pry him open.
“Conrad, whats going on with you?” I begged for him to tell me. I wasn’t at all disgusted with him, I held no judgement. But it would’ve been so much easier to defend him if I had a reason.
“Go home, Y/n.” He was angry, his hands pushing back his hair so much, I thought he might rip it out.
“We used to talk about things, remember that? When we could talk about everything? Why shut me out? Why now!” I expected some sort of sympathy. Anything that would explain his distance and let me back in.
“Go home, Y/n.” His voice was steady, but strict. When he shook his arm, my hand came off so quick it slapped against my thigh. It hurt but I would never tell him. Make myself look more immature than I felt already. Just a dumb girl trying to understand his complex feelings.
Maybe he didn’t expect me to actually do what he said. He didn’t see that I would actually turn on my heals and head for home. He let out a choked breath, and just barely over the gentle breeze I could hear him sniffling.
My parents were out of town until Tuesday. I was so excited for this weekend. I could barely wait for tonight. The first Friday for just us in months. I bought his favorite cookies. I rented our favorite movies, threw our favorite blankets in the dryer.
I sit in my bed thinking about this, about how I did so much for him all summer. Stayed with him, stayed true. Held him like an oath. What was I beginning to become to him? Nothing more than his other friends, it became clear.
“Y/n!” Knuckles hit my window, followed by the soft calling of my name. It was persistent, I was ready to yell at Jeremiah to go home.
The window was Conrad and I’s sacred space, in many ways. When we were younger, my parents were stricter. Too scared to let a boy so immature into my room. So each night, Conrad would climb the railing on the back deck until he was high enough to crawl up the garage roof. It was lower than the rest of the house, and ended just outside my window. He would tap very softly until I would turn on my light and rush over. We’d talk and talk and talk until our parents realized it would be safer to just let us be.
Now, Jeremiah came knocking more than Conrad. Always wanting to sneak out with Belly or Steven. Conrad slept in his bed, and if I didn’t come, he wouldn’t come retrieve me.
But, after all these weeks, there he was. Hair a mess and puffy eyes. He was sitting just outside my window like a dog with a bird at my door. Waiting for some praise.
“Con?” It was pathetic how quickly I unlatched the handle that kept the window stuck shut. So quick to let him in again.
His limbs were long and clumsy clanking through the small window frame. It took longer the more he grew. It was a harder fit. He was breathing heavily, hand on his chest, balled up in a fist. He looked bewildered, panicked.
From the uneven breathing and the rapid pace, along with the paleness growing more and more in his usually rather tanned skin, I knew it was more than fatigue.
“Conrad, hey, Conrad.” I knew him, deep down. Even if distant behavior couldn’t get rid of what I already knew. He could never erase us, or my ability to know him so well.
“Just talk, say anything. I just want…need to hear your voice, please.” He rushed, voice raised but not yet shouting fully. I knew he liked to be talked down from these attacks, he used to have some when he was growing up. I never really knew what to say, though. No matter how well I knew him, it felt different.
“About what?” I asked, my hands guiding him to my bed. The blue stripped sheets wrinkled under our weight, the white duvet tossed lazily at the foot of my bed.
“Anything. The beach.” He blurted out, eyes wide and staring back into mine. I couldn’t help but notice how the moon made them look even more blue. Just as deep and swimming in color. My hands were shaky, and my mind was racing. Suddenly, I was speaking.
“I think I like July the best.” I breathed, trying to remain calm. I let my hand slide off his shoulder and into his lap. My palm that rested on his thigh flipped only to show that he could take it if he wished to. I wouldn’t mind.
“June is great too. I like catching up with you, finally seeing you again. But the sand is the warmest in July. I love being able to know that. I love being able to walk next to you with my hands in my pockets one second and being thrown over your shoulder the next. I love when you race into the water in your nice clothes. How we swear to our parents we won’t do it again and we do. I love our traditions, I love that no matter how old we get we still do them. I love how you teach me everything you love so I can love it too. I love that nobody really knows about them but us.” I feel his hand now. His steady fingers intertwine with mine. His breathing has slowed juristically and his eyes have sunk back into the usual droopy state. But the moon still shines in his eyes the same, they still swim with color. I am still sotting next to Conrad.
“Talk to me.” I whisper in the silence. He squeezes my hand three times.
“What if things are never the same?” He won’t look at me, thats when I realize just how serious he is.
“What do you mean?” My thumb rubs against the back of his hand. His skin is warm and soft. I want to kiss it, make it better. Know him fully again.
“I’m already losing my mom, what if I lose you too?” And suddenly I know him. I see how his mothers obvious illness is affecting him, even if she won’t admit she’s sick again. He had to have known, which meant I did too. I can see how his father’s infidelity makes him blind with rage, and I see how anxiety eats away at his insides until he is nothing more than a once occupied space. Over his family, over me.
We both know he is leaving soon. Only going farther away from me. He’ll be in college and I will be a senior. Its in our nature to see the world differently as we grow. I see him thinking about Johnny and Brett. Wondering if we’ll have the same fate.
“You know me.” I remind him, then. I squeeze his hands three times, I remind him how much I love him. I’m afraid I’ll never stop. “And I’ll never forget you.” My hand leaves his to brush the hair out of his face. I let my palm rest against his wet cheek selfishly.
“How can you be certain?” His weight rested in the palm of my hand, skin being molded under the soft motion of my thumb against his cheek.
I paused, biting my tongue. I knew the answer, but I couldn’t find the words right away.
“When we’re old and have to leave the earth, I’ll still remember all I’ve learned. From you.” I felt him smile. His eyes scrunched up delicately, knocking the stray tears away from his eyes. They pooled around my hand. I let them lay. Still.
“I love you, always know that.” I reassured him, my gaze locked in his eyes. Stuck.
“I love you too. And I know, I know you.” Summer would always be summer as long as I had Conrad, and I knew he felt the same.
I knew him like no other. It was a scary reality, trusting someone with something so delicate, so special. But when that anxiety takes over I get to remind myself that its only Conrad. The boy who tossed a football over the fence and taught me how to be a kid.
I wonder if he threw it over on purpose.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Rafe Cameron x tutor!reader? I know it’s been done a lot but it’s a really fun idea.
This is possibly one of my favorite tropes in this fandom.
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Of course a storm had to hit the minute I wanted to leave after my meeting with Wheezie.
We finished up her math and her history homework in a few hours, Ward paid me and I had all of my stuff ready to go when I heard the booming of thunder over the estate. Rose had mentioned when I got there that there was some nasty weather coming towards us but I definitely was not expecting a tropical storm that's forcing everyone to stay in their homes till it passes- which, of course, would be tomorrow.
It's not the worst placed to be holed up, not in the least. They had plenty of food, plenty of guest bedrooms, Sarah and Wheezie and I already spend so much time together so it wasn't odd. But I'd never been forced to spend so much time under the same roof as Rafe.
I have no personal issues with him, I've just heard things throughout the different pogues that I hang out with, including Sarah's boyfriend who's had a thing against Rafe since they were in primary school- the last time they were in the same social bracket.
He's just the older, best friends brother, who'd go out of his way to mess with me if given the chance- whether than be at parties, during my meetings with Wheezie, or if he happens to be at the beach the same time I'm there, basking in the sun. He's an instigator, he loves the attention and he almost demands it whenever he walks in the room just by the stupid cocky look on his handsome face.
I practically jump out of my skin as the house shakes, rain pounding against the window of the guest room that I've forced myself into after gladly changing into a change of clothes that Sarah had graciously offered me.
"You okay?" My head snaps to the open door where Rafe stands, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. I give him a simple nod before looking back out the window, watching my bike fall over in their driveway with a sigh.
"That was my bike you heard hitting the ground." I huff, biting at the skin around my nails as I tuck my legs under me, heart pounding as I feel the weight of Rafe's gaze.
"I can give you a ride home in the morning- in fact, my dad's insisting I do." He laughs awkwardly, reaching up to rub at the back of his neck, feet shuffling against the carpet.
"Thanks, Rafe." His name feels foreign as it leaves my lips as he steps into the room. "Do you need anything-"
"How's the, uh, sessions been with Wheezie?" He asks suddenly, cheeks blushed in a faint red tint. His question makes my brows tick up in confusion, wondering why on earth he cares- he's never been interested enough to ask. "That was a really poor attempt to try to talk to you." He chuckles bashfully, leaning against the wall only feet away from me.
"You could've just talked to me." I laugh, fisting the sleeves of my long-sleeve shirt, nervously biting at the inside of my cheek. If Wheezie was here, she's ask for some distance between us, constantly joking about my 'hormones' when it comes to her brother. She's way smarter than people give her credit for and you'd be so surprised on the things she's picked up on, even when you don't want her to.
"Yeah?" He asks, brows furrowing cutely. "Can we talk now?" His question makes my stomach flip, more so than the pounding thunder outside the walls as the rain violently hits against the window.
"About?" He shrugs, sliding down the wall to sit. "We've literally never had a substantial conversation. Why now?" I ask, jumping as another crash of thunder hits, lightening lighting the whole room up momentarily.
"In all honesty?" He asks with a sheepish laugh.
"I'd hope so." A few moments pass, Rafe's lips parted in silent words, the smile on his lips not fading as I wait.
"I think you're really hot."
I'm sorry, what?
I blink dumbly at him, jaw slack as he laughs. "That was unexpected." I whisper, reaching up to rub my hands down my face, taking a second to grin like an idiot into my palms. "Just like this storm." I snort, pointing out the window as the house rattles.
"Do you not like storms?" He asks, not phased one bit at chaos.
"I do. But only when I'm tucked in my bed in my trusty trailer and not in a mansion, in clothes and a room that aren't mine." I chuckle nervously, watching his brows settle and his lips tug down into a frown as he looks around the room.
"Well, it's not your bed or your room but I could tuck you in." He flirts, his grin making my head spin especially at the realization that he's openly flirting with me.
"I'll be fine-" I cut myself off with a squeak as another crack of lightening lights up the room, a loud laugh coming from Rafe who claps his hands in amusement.
"Mhm, you look fine." He teases, making his way over to sit beside me, his arm scooting around my waist to pull me into his side. I gawk up at him, taken completely off guard at his forwardness but he just smiles calmly.
"So you've gotten an excuse to talk to me and now what? Touch me?" I ask, finding it humorous that he'd ever take on the stance of a 'knight in shining armor' to protect me from the raging storm outside.
"Yeah, I'd say this is working out in my favor." He shrugs cockily but his soft smile tells a different story, his boyish gaze flickering across my hesitant expression. Reaching out, I press a hand to his chest and he raises his hands in surrender with a laugh.
"Cool it, hot shot. Before I tell your sister you came onto me." He scoffs at my threat, bumping his shoulder with mine before patting my knee as another crack of thunder sounds above us.
"She'd jump for joy."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy
@steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee @storytellingwitht @savageneversaw @admiringlove @witxhy-lexx @starlightandfairies @hysteriahall @piceous21 @igotmajordaddyissues
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fieldsofbats · 1 year
waitress au : a hectic shift
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woop woop going back to waitress au :) i kind of hit a wall with this one but i love them sm and i wanna keep writing them, mostly for comfort. i've moved this month so i'm missing my old waitressing job a lot. requests and all are open <3
part one, part two, part three
its families weekend, aka the busiest weekend for every customer service worker in the entire town. even more so because the clouds have finally cleared and the sun is out.
suns out guns out.
three plates every time you leave the kitchen, speed walking to tables, trays of seven to eight different drinks, cheeks aching from smiling at every fucking person.
ghost parked his bike and was surprised about the amount of cars in the car park. he hadn't figured out why and just assumed maybe because of the nice weather more people were out and about.
he wasn't wrong. he just didn't realise the added factor of children. everywhere.
screaming and crying and laughing and running around and yelling instead of talking and just generally being germ-y children.
you weren't at the entrance to greet him as usual. you hadn't realised what time it was yet as you were stuck dealing with a child's very specific allergies. each nod and smile was aching your cheeks to maintain.
you didn't miss a chance to go into the kitchen and stand still for a few seconds, organising your thoughts and then going back outside.
thats when you saw a new person in your section, simon's table. a genuine smile was on your face as you walked over to him. a familiar face amongst the horrors of random girlfriends and boyfriends.
"hey." you sighed and handed him a menu. he looked up at you and nodded, "busy." he commented. you chuckled "yeah, tell me about it."
it felt nice to talk to him, someone familiar and friendly. someone who won't pick apart the way you smile or be demanding. "im sorry it's so loud. i can sit you somewhere quieter, it's just not my section."
he wanted to say yes so bad, the kids next to him weren't sitting still and the interrupting boyfriend behind him was insufferable. but he couldn't leave you. go one more day without seeing you? no thanks.
he just shakes his head and orders quickly. "i'm alright here. wouldn't wanna be anywhere else."
instead he just watches you this time. not desperate for conversation as the noise around him is enough to keep him stimulated.
he watched as you go into the kitchen with dirty plates and come out with fresh hot meals. each time you have to stop and step around peoples feet or untucked chairs.
although he would make sure it never happens, he thinks about how smooth you would be on the field. smoothly dodging punches in hand to hand combat, or sneaking around buildings. he would rather die that ever let you near danger.
it took longer than normal for his meal to come out, but you made an effort to ensure you were the one who gave it to him. "i wish i could stay with you longer, but things are hectic today." you looked down at him with wide but tired eyes.
an overwhelming sense of concern overcame him. he wanted to take you back to his home, make sure you are well rested and warm and taken care of. this must be hard on you. you should come back with him. he will take care of you.
"thats okay, love." he reached out and gently ran his thumb over the pulse point on your wrist, "i can come by after your shift and give you a ride home." anything to prolong your time together.
it was then he could feel your pulse rise slightly, even through his gloves, gently he pressed between the two tendons. not letting you escape yet. if he let you go now he wouldn't have you again for some hours.
the shift continued the same. the main motivator being the thought of wrapping your arms around simon while riding his co- BIKE. bike.
fortunately, once the larger families and groups started to leave the pressure eased up. now was just reseting for dinner and handing the shift off to the next round of staff.
he was outside, you head him when he arrived back to pick you up. your shift went thirty mins over so when you got out it was quick apologise.
you nodded with a wide smile and took the helmet off him.
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melodygatesauthor · 2 years
Holiday GSG 9 Headcanons
Alright I did this the other day for the Spetz boys and had a good time, now I'm going to do it for the GSG 9. If anyone has any that they want me to do, let me know! I might do more :)
These are gifts that I think the members of GSG 9 would get their SO and how they would treat their SO in cold weather (warming them up, what food they'd make them, e.t.c.)
Bandit - Bandit would be more about experiences than material gifts. It would be important to him to create memories with you instead of buying you an object. He would be the one to plan a romantic weekend bike ride to a nice remote cabin if you liked the woods, or if he knew you hated the woods he would bring you to a romantic weekend on the beach. As long as the two of you were together, he wouldn't care where you went. The ride would be his favorite part of the whole experience, feeling you wrap your arms around him tightly so you don't fall off. He would also make sure to get you a single gift that you didn't know he knew you wanted.
Secretly Bandit would hope for you to get snowed in so you would be stuck together all weekend. Of course, no matter where you were, you'd never lose power. If you shivered even a little he'd make it his personal mission to make sure you didn't stay cold for long. If his leather jacket and three blankets weren't enough to warm you, his body heat would be, and he would hold you tightly into the night.
Jager - He's someone who, like Bandit, would want to give you a special experience that you'll never forget. He would take you for a helicopter ride over your favorite landscape and feel giddy inside at every excited exclamation you made. He would be inclined to make sure that the house was well decorated, in fact, he's known for it and takes great pride in it. He would enjoy putting a smile on your face with the small and personal gifts, rather than big and extravagant gifts.
If it was cold out, or you were stuck in a storm, he would be the one to make sure that the house was running at full efficiency, really good heating system, plastic on the windows to keep the heat in, etc. He doesn't brag about it, but he makes really good winter comfort food and would love nothing more than to have you try it. He would be really happy if you would curl up with him under the covers and be his little spoon when you're cold and shivering.
Blitz - Blitz would be the one to make sure that anything you mentioned liking or enjoying that year was under the tree on Christmas morning. He would be stressing as it got closer, probably reaching out to your closest friends and family members to make sure he didn't miss anything. He would be exceptionally nervous that you wouldn't like some of the gifts he got you, but of course he nailed it. Blitzen is his spirit animal.
When it's getting chilly, Blitz will be the first one to start complaining. You will think he's cute when he's whining, and he will use it as a convenient excuse to get very close to you every winter...not that he really needs one. He also really enjoys cuddling up in front of a cozy fireplace and letting you fall asleep on him while you're on the couch.
IQ - Whether you want it or not, IQ will always make sure you have the latest tech wrapped up under the tree. She would also make sure that you got the one thing you asked for the most. IQ would be the type to conveniently be under the mistletoe far too often, despite being with you all the time and not needing an exclusive invitation to shower you in kisses. She would also really enjoy baking and decorating cookies...like a lot of them.
When it's cold, IQ will tell Alexa to turn up the heat so she can spend less time worrying about the weather, and more time with you. She wouldn't care if you were the big spoon or she was, as long as you could curl up and watch some wintery movies together. She uses an electric fireplace instead of a real one.
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aajjks · 2 months
“not to steal crystals, silly. to keep the city safe. my apologies for offending you about” mj replies and after that the conversation is finished. but it doesn’t leave mj wondering one thing: why is it whenever anything negative is brought up about spider-man jungkook takes it personal? almost like they’re talking about him. could it be?
“Are you okay?”
“um, yes. i’m okay. just thinking about maybe our next outing. we should go bowling next” says mj before taking another bite of the stir-fry noodles. the rest of the night goes by smoothly as conversation seems to flow easily between both mj and jungkook, however, the finish line has been pushed back further than before.
“uh, no thanks. i don’t mind walking. um, i had fun as well. see you later, jungkook” mj says before heading in the opposite direction of jungkook who reaches for his helmet.
“it needs more….still not strong enough….”
it’s 11 at night and after a drink or two, you’ve finally loosened up and had some fun with your friend jisoo who insisted that everything would work out fine. you’re still a little tipsy but you can still make out your surroundings and with jisoo passed out on living room floor, you’re stuck walking all the way back home alone.
maybe you should call jungkook but then you’re reminded of his date with that girl mj and he probably doesn’t want to be bothered by something so minor. not too long ago you told jungkook you’d kick young-jae’s ass if he ever put his hands on him and that goes for any person that is smart enough to put their hands on you.
you wait awhile to sober up some more before leaving jisoo’s apartment but only after making sure she’s comfortable in bed and safe. your apartment complex is only a 10 maybe 15 minute walk away so it’ll be quick. hopefully…
“hey pretty lady” says a man against a concrete wall but you continue onwards not paying attention to his obvious advances. once the man sees that you’re ignoring him, he takes it upon himself to follow after you. you speed your pace up with hopes to get out of his reach but it’s too late. the man grabs hold of you and pulls you close.
“you don’t hear me talking to you? it’s always stuck up bitches like you that think their pussy’s too tight to acknowledge someone”
“you got in money on you, eh? or do you wanna offer me that pretty mouth of yours?”
you struggle against the man but when you see an opening, you take it. you take a huge chunk of his finger in your mouth and clench your mouth tightly which causes him to let you go but not without pissing you off.
“YOU BITCH!!!” he punches you in the face which sends you onto the floor. “oh you’re really gonna get it now!!”
Jungkook is now riding on his bike as he thinks about his dinner with mj. Why did he fuck up an opportunity he probably would’ve died for some time ago?
He’s still focusing on the road, tightening his hands around the handles. It’s almost about to rain, “ugh fuck.” He exclaims while driving.
It’s so lonely as he drives back home, the streets are almost empty, maybe due to the weather, but.. he shouldn’t be too stressed out about this.
Just as he drives through the roads, Jungkook notices some commotion. “What the fuck is going on?” Some man beating up a woman- holy fuck.
He needs to help her.
Jungkook stops his bike to the side way and quickly puts the keys in his pockets before running into an alleyway with his bag.
Jungkook immediately puts on his Spider-Man disguise and doesn’t waste a single moment before running to the man attacking the woman.
“WHAT THE FUCK!?” He gets near the man before kicking him harshly, the raindrops start to drop from the sky. And that’s when it gives him some time to look at the assaulted woman.
“OH ITS YOU!” The man exclaims as he tries to defend himself against the great vigilante.
Jungkook can’t believe it at all. It’s you. His best friend who was being harassed by this creep. “YOU FUCKER IM GOING TO KILL YOU!” Jungkook uses all of his strength to hurt the creep.
He kicks him, punches him, repeatedly. Doesn’t even remember to use his webs or any power to hurt the man.
It’s not Spider-Man fighting but it’s jungkook fighting for you.
It’s raining, completely soaking the roads as he beats the man to a pulp without even thinking of his reputation as a hero.
“YOU ARE GOING TO DIE.” Jungkook delivers one last kick to the man as he falls to the ground unconscious and bloody.
And it finally gives him some sense of satisfaction and he helps you. “A-Are you okay?” He looks at your face and his anger finally dissolves.
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dilfhwa · 1 year
Garden Kisses Chapter 2
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Unpacking had to be aaliyah's least favorite thing to do, other than packing in the first place. she had spent some time grabbing the clothes that had been in one the three suitcases she had brought for her vacation. had she over packed? just a little bit, but to the girl she had felt as if she had underpacked. she had been unpacking for a while, not even noticing the sun had begun to set.
quickly, she stopped unpacking and began to run down the stairs. out of the door, to the backyard wanting to catch the rest of the sunset. the beautiful hues of the sun hand always been something aaliyah loved to see. she had loved watching the sunset, especially in the summer, something about the warm weather had always made the colors of the sky even more beautiful. she had made tradition to watch the sunset the first and last day of summer, often joined by jeremiah.
she hadn't really thought of anything when said boy had sat down right next her, she had recognized the smell of salt water every summer around this time. it had been a hint that he had just came back from swimming at the beach with belly, another of one of the many traditions the kids had.
"i think this is the best one yet." jeremiah had said, looking both at the sky and the side of liyahs face. the girl nodded. she didn't necessarily agree her favorite had been the one from 2 years ago.
it wasn't the first or the last day of summer, it was closer to the middle. she had just gotten to the beach after a bike ride with jeremiah, they had went down to the ice cream shop to buy two cones, and hade rode to the beach deciding to watch the sunset there. as her and jeremiah sat there in silence it felt as if the world had disappeared.
the sun had admitted a beautiful glow onto both of their skins. to aaliyah though, jeremiah looked heaven sent. she had always thought the boy was cute, always had and always will. but she hadn't felt this way before. since she had got to cousins her heart had beaten a thousand miles a minute any time a thought of jeremiah crossed her mind. ten times faster than that when she saw him. she had known that summer was going to be different, the boy himself had been different. he had a glow up. his hair became a little longer, he grew taller, he gained more muscle, his face began to mature as well as his voice. i mean what do you expect he was in the summer of his sophomore year a lot had changed.
as the sun began to lower even more and the moon began to show, the two teens sat in silence, appreciative of the beautiful night sky. the stars began to appear and aaliyah swore the boy beside her could hear her heart beating, so undoubtedly fast. he looked so beautiful, he had felt the same. to him, aaliyah was the most beautiful girl that he had ever seen. sure he may have dated and kissed many people. but to him, no one could compare to his liyah. he had thanked his lucky stars that he was even able to get out of practicing with conrad. the older boy "needing to perfect his arm." he was happy that steven and belly had been able to distract his brother while he snuck out behind the three to meet aaliyah outside by their bikes.
jeremiah had always known aaliyah was pretty. he never thought any different. hell he knew aaliyah was pretty before he ben know what the word meant. but tonight, something had changed. something had changed for the both of them. as they sat there underneath the moonlight, his arm around her shoulders and her leaning in to the boy as a blanket wrapped around them, both of them talking but neither of them actually listening. they knew that the had loved each other, even if the other didn't know. they did. and they were okay with that, for now at least.
"how was your swim?" even though she knew the response she would get, having asked every year, she still asked always happy to hear the boy talk.
"it was good. it was actually my first swim of the summer, i wished you could've joined us though." jeremiah had replied, he had began to lean closer to the girl wrapping a blanket on their shoulders his arm ending on the shoulder opposite to his.
"yeah me too but you know i had to unpack." aaliyah replied leaning her head on his shoulder continuing to look up at the sky.
"yeah, i know. i don't know why you just don't do it tomorrow it's not like you'll finish tonight." the boy replied a smile dancing on both of their lips as he teased the girl in his arms.
"shut up jere." the girl replied shoving him a little letting out a laugh. the boy laughed along with her scooting back to the girl wrapping his arm around her again, she put her head back in his shoulder.
they sat there, just appreciating the beauty of the summer skyline, in silence. it wasn't and uncomfortable silence, no silence between them had ever been. they just sat in each others arms grateful for the presence of the other. they had sat there for about her twenty minutes, the moon fully high in the sky. they didn't move until a chilly breeze had went through them, encouraging them to get up and join everyone in the dining room.
jeremiah had been right, the sunset had been beautiful, but never better than the one from before.
— zoo talks💕 —
hi y'all ! i'm not back back but i am here for now. i hope you all enjoyed this chapter i think i did a pretty good job.
as always don't be a silent reader ! have a great day.
word count:1014
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!taglist!—— @revemixer
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dove00 · 7 months
Born To Run
Hi!! This is inspired by a post by @miadeardn ! Basically, Spider-Verse AU with the flash family. I own nothing DC and Spider-Verse owns. Warning: non graphic death and fights. Please let me know if more tags need to be added. Stay safe and enjoy!
“Wallace! You better be ready!” Ace winced as he was most certainly not ready. 
“Coming, Aunt Iris!” He called back. 
He ran to get ready and tried to not have a grumpy face. Avery always teased him because of it. 
Today was the day he was visiting his aunt’s boyfriend at his job. Something about an olive branch. Yeah, sure. 
Wallace smiled and denied the offer for a ride. He’s fine taking his bike. 
Finally making it to CCPD, he made his way (with some trouble) to Barry’s office. 
The weather decided to match his mood because it started raining hard. 
Great. Now he needs to ride home with Barry…which was probably his aunt’s plan. Wallace almost wants to ride his bike in the rain just out of spite but he pushes those thoughts from his mind. 
“Hey.” He called out to Barry, who closed his laptop quickly. 
Wallace tried not to let it bother him. Really. 
“Hey!” Barry exclaimed then winced at how loud that sounded. “Hey. How’s it going?” Barry checked his watch. “Ah. It’s 12. Right. I’ll grab my stuff and we can head to lunch and then I can show you around. There’s this great place down the street—“
“It’s raining.” Wallace pointed out. 
Barry paused then turned to the window as if he was shocked to see rain. “Oh.” 
“Yeah. Oh. It’s fine. I ate before I came here.” 
Barry smiled but his eyes were still on the window. 
Wallace walked to the window as thunder rolled. Barry put a hand on Wallace’s shoulder. 
“There’s something you should know.” 
“If you’re cheating on my aunt, I’m—“
“I’m not!” Barry exclaimed and then became more quiet and moved his hand away. He walked away to stand by the desk, leaving Wallace alone at the window. “I’m not. Wallace, I’m—“
Wallace didn’t get to know what he said next because a bolt of lightning struck the glass and hit Wallace in the chest, sending him flying back into a rack of chemicals. 
Wallace woke up. He felt like he was out for ten minutes and thirty years at the same time. 
“Hey. Good to see you’re awake.” Barry said. 
“This is somehow your fault.” Wallace groaned. He and Barry were at Terrific Tech if any of the lab coats were anything to go by. 
“Not entirely untrue, I’m afraid. I was trying to get faster to stop someone and it seems—“
“Faster? Stop someone? Dude, you’re a Crime Scene Investigator! Who are you going to…” Wallace trailed off. No way. “You’re…”
“I’m Flash, Wallace. I have superspeed and it seems so do you.”
Mr. Terrific made his appearance that moment. “For someone who took a bolt of lightning to the chest and fell onto chemicals, you healed really fast.” He joked. Wallace didn’t laugh but Barry did. 
“Does aunt Iris know?” Wallace demanded. 
“Don’t be mad at her but yes. I waited to tell her longer than I should’ve but she knows.”
Wallace sat. 
Barry moved to do…something when his phone rang. He frowned a bit and answered it. 
“This is Flash—“ Before Barry could get the whole sentence out, the other person quickly spoke. 
“It’s Grodd. He’s doing it.” Those last three words had Barry’s eyes widening. 
“I’ll be right there.” He hung up. “Stay here.” He said to Wallace and then turned to Terrific. “Let’s go.” 
They were gone in a flash. 
Wallace waited a whole five minutes before he decided he’s not going to wait on the sidelines for answers. He’s getting them now. 
Wallace doesn’t know where Grodd is doing evil stuff but he pulls out his phone and opens social media. 
A gorilla attack in downtown Central City by The Flash Museum according to multiple users. 
Wallace gets up and falls on his face. 
Okay. So. He probably should get his balance. He was unconscious for a while. 
Wallace gets up and he means to run to grab his bike that he hopes isn’t still at the station but instead he makes it across the hallway in a second. 
Guess Barry wasn’t joking. 
Wallace looked down to make sure his clothes weren’t burned off and was surprised to see him in some sort of costume that felt stronger than regular clothes. 
Okay. Downtown Central City. Flash Museum. 
Wallace runs and he is grateful he knows the city so well on bicycle that he makes it to The Flash Museum in under 10 minutes. 
He stops on the way to grab a party mask. He paid for it but he wished they had something other than a purple masquerade one. It is not his favorite color. 
Wallace stops at the museum’s steps and thinks of what to do. His thoughts are interrupted when Barry comes flying out of the doors and hits the ground hard. 
Barry looks up to see him and his eyes widen. He grabs Wallace and runs him about 400 feet away. He looks like he wants to run further but his lack of calories won’t let him. He crouched behind a large piece of concrete and drags Wallace down. 
Grodd, a giant gorilla, came out of the museum laughing. “You think you can stop me?” 
“Stay here.” 
Wallace grabbed his arm. “Are you crazy? He’ll kill you.” 
“The league is working to make sure his device doesn’t work and I’m keeping him busy.” 
“Flash!” Grodd called. “Where are you, coward?!” 
“Stay here and please, Wallace, listen to me this time.” 
He’s gone before Wallace can say anything. 
“Looking for me, buddy?” Barry sounds out of breath but he still says it. 
Wallace chances a glance on the side of the concrete. 
Barry is losing. 
Grodd hit him again and again. Barry falls down. 
Wallace makes a move to do something but Barry shakes his head a bit. 
“Even now you think of your love.” Grodd taunted. “You hope someone will be there for her—whoever she is.” 
Aunt Iris. He has to be there for aunt Iris. 
Wallace stops moving. 
“Goodbye Flash. You can rest knowing you were a worthy adversary.” 
One final hit—
Barry is gone before Wally can do anything. 
The funeral for The Flash was filled with people and quiet. 
Nobody said much on the televised ceremony. 
The funeral for Barry Allen was not as full of people but full of stories. 
Avery came to pay respects and check on Wallace but he was more worried about his aunt Iris. 
Wallace wants to tell her that Barry’s last thoughts were of her but he doesn’t know if that would help much. 
Avery put a hand on Wallace’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry.” 
“I was there.” 
He realized he didn’t want to keep this from Avery. 
“I need to tell you something.” 
After he was done, she looked at him like he grew two heads. 
“It’s the truth.” He shrugged. 
“I didn’t know you were like me.” 
“Like you?” 
She nodded. 
Wallace tried not to feel hurt. “You’re a speedster?” 
“Shh. You don’t know who’s listening. Yeah. I got hit by lightning and Barry…he was helping me.” 
“Oh. So he’s fine with you in the field.“
“Hey, no. No. He didn’t want me to be in the field. I—“
“Where were you? If you had speed, you could’ve helped.”
“No! I’m sick of everyone lying to me and leaving me in the dark! You, Barry, aunt Iris. I’m sick of it!” 
Wallace felt the lightning under his fingertips and he ran in the other direction. 
He is back at The Flash Museum looking at all the damage when he realized he had run across the city. 
He sits down on the ground in front of the statue of The Flash. 
“I’m sorry.” Wallace whispered. He doesn’t know what he’s apologizing for—leaving the lab, blowing up at Avery, being at that window when Barry was supposed to get faster. 
Maybe for all of it. 
He put his head in his hands when he heard someone call out, “Hey. What’s wrong?” 
Wallace whipped around and got up lightning fast. He put up his fists. 
The person looked incredibly unimpressed. 
She’s wearing all white with gold lightning bolts. 
Great. Another person Barry trusted before Wallace.  
“Who are you?” 
“Lightspeed and I’m not from this universe.” 
Wallace started to get dizzy. 
“You didn’t eat yet today, did you?” 
Wallace opened his mouth to answer and he stumbled a bit. 
Lightspeed swore a bit and disappeared. In a few seconds, she was back with some food. 
“Sit down.” She ordered. Wallace did. 
They began to eat in silence. 
“You’re from another universe? Like that Jay Garrick comic Barry was obsessed with as a kid?” 
“No idea who either of those people are.” Lightspeed shrugged. “A portal opened and I had nothing better to do than jump in it.” 
Wallace gave her a look. “You fell through it by accident.” 
Lightspeed looked away. “Yup.” She looked back at Wallace. “So, what do I call you?” 
“Yeah. You’re a speedster, aren’t you?” She looked at the statue. “Are you the next Flash?” 
“No!” He exclaimed then quieted down. 
“I didn’t mean to offend.” Lightspeed offered. 
“I know. It’s fine. I don’t want that.” 
“You can call me Ace.”
“Nickname. I don’t want to give my name.” 
“Right. Of course. Sorry Wallace.” 
“What?! How?!” 
“I know your doppelgänger on my Earth.” She explained. 
“Wait. I just realized. How do I know you’re telling the truth?” 
Lightspeed thought for a moment that didn’t last long. She stood up and took the trash. Then she was back and offered a hand to Wallace. 
“Let me show you.” 
This is such a bad idea. This is such a bad idea. This is such a bad idea. 
He took her hand and they both ran. 
They went to look at a fancy looking house. 
“Whose house is this?” Wallace asked. 
“My doppelgänger’s house.” 
They watched as a person who looks a lot like Lightspeed without the mask argued with a man. 
“I’ve been watching them for a while. Ever since I fell here.”
“When did you fall here?” 
She looked at him. “Two weeks ago.” 
“Who’s he?” 
Lightspeed looked away. “Her husband. Rick.” 
“Alright. Unless you’re a twin, you’re not from this Earth.” Wallace admitted. 
“Only child.” Lightspeed promised.
“We should head back.” 
There was a sound and air moving. 
“Oh, boy.” Lightspeed said, sounding tired. “Someone has been following me for a while now.” 
Wallace was immediately on alert. “Who?” 
“No idea. Let’s go.” 
They ran back to The Flash Museum to see Avery in all purple with a lightning bolt. 
“A friend of yours?” Lightspeed wondered. 
“Best friend.” He said then turned to Avery. “What’s going on?” 
“I told your aunt that you needed some time.” 
Silence. Wallace knew it wasn’t comfortable like it usually is with Avery. 
“Sorry.” They said at the same time and then laughed. 
“Have you been following Lightspeed?” Wallace asked. 
Both said no. 
“The one that’s following me is someone different—someone who’s familiar.” Lightspeed admitted. 
“Let’s go somewhere more private.” Avery suggested. 
They all ran, just missing someone watching from the shadows. 
Aunt Iris immediately checked on all of them when they came back to the house. 
“We need to stop Grodd.” Wallace said. 
Everyone paused and then looked at him. 
“The Justice League is handling it.” 
“Like they handled whatever he was planning?  My bet is that is what opened the portal.”
“I doubt it. If it was just me that came through the portal, then—“
“That’s a pretty big if.” 
Lightspeed opened her mouth when the doorbell rang. 
Everyone stood, immediately on alert. 
Aunt Iris pushed through all of them and checked the door. She gasped and opened it to show a girl who looked to be around 13. She has red hair, green and brown eyes, and a determined expression. She’s holding up a boy with black hair and brown eyes who is leaning on her. 
“Hi aunt Iris! Have you seen our parents?” 
To say everyone was shocked would be the understatement of the year. 
Aunt Iris shook out of it the fastest and led the girl and boy into the house.  
The girl brought the boy to the couch for him to heal up. Aunt Iris didn’t even seem to mind the boy was bleeding a little on her couch. 
She told Wallace to get the first aid kid but Wallace couldn’t move. They called her aunt Iris. That shouldn’t be possible. 
“Wallace.” Aunt Iris said and that got him moving but then the boy’s injury healed immediately. 
“What the—“ Lightspeed started but then looked at the girl and stopped. 
The girl didn’t seem to mind and laughed. “You’re funny, mom.” 
Everyone paused and Lightspeed’s eyes widened. “It was you that had been following me.” 
The girl nodded. 
“I’m Irey. Dad always said I have to be careful who I share that with but you’re family, so it’s fine.” 
“Dad?” Lightspeed echoed. 
The girl—Irey’s face fell a little. “He, um. He died when we were 9.” 
Aunt Iris put a hand on Irey’s shoulder. 
“I’m okay, aunt Iris. But Jai and I need to—“
“Jai?” Wallace said. “Like Jay Garrick?” 
Irey nodded. “Dad and Mom named me after his aunt and Jai after Poppy.”
Before Wallace can fully freak out, Jai says something from the couch, “Grodd.” 
The room goes silent once again. Wallace is getting tired of the silence. 
“How does he know that name?” He demands. 
“We have a Grodd on our earth. He’s a bad guy.” Irey answered. 
“Why is he thinking about Grodd right now?” 
Irey bit her lip. “Uh.” 
“Who injured him?” Wallace pushed. 
“Wallace.” Aunt Iris said. 
“I just want answers.” 
Wallace didn’t mean to step forward but he feels so lost and confused and maybe if he gets answers, the feelings will go away. 
Irey stepped in a way that blocked Jai from him. 
Wallace took a step back, surprised and ashamed. He wasn’t going to hurt anyone, especially not a kid who is barely conscious. 
“This was a mistake.” Irey said and moved to grab Jai. 
“Wait.” Avery said. 
Irey ignores her and tries to pick up her brother. 
“Irey. Hang on a second.” Aunt Iris tries. 
Wallace says nothing. 
Lightspeed went beside Irey and went to the girl’s eye level. 
Irey didn’t meet her eyes but Lightspeed spoke nonetheless. 
“My name is Linda Park and I know you’re probably really strong but I think you need a little help.”
Irey frowns. Clearly, like Barry, she doesn’t love asking for help.  
Like Wallace. 
“Think of it like this.” Lightspeed, Linda, starts. “How far do you think you’d get with him like this?” 
“He’s healing.” Irey said almost immediately but she stopped moving. 
“I understand that. Wallace is just as confused as you are.” 
Irey turned to Wallace, who offered her a small smile. 
Irey said and did nothing for a long moment and then she smiled back. 
“On our earth, Grodd was talking to someone from another universe. A different version of himself. We fought him as a portal opened. I ran through it with Jai.”
“That was dangerous.” Aunt Iris said. 
“Yeah, you’d probably say that on our earth, too, but they don’t call me Impulse for nothing.” 
“Impulse?” Avery wondered. 
“My other name. He’s Surge.” She pointed to Jai, who started to sit up. 
“Worst headache ever.” He complained. 
The oven beeped. Aunt Iris moved towards the kitchen. “That’s dinner. Good thing I made a lot.” She said the last bit quietly. 
Wallace followed her to the kitchen. “How long did you know Barry was Flash?” He asked as she pulled the food out. 
Aunt Iris sighed tiredly. “A month after we started dating. He told me two months in.” She had a sad smile. “He always had to disappear and I noticed. I am a reporter, after all. We notice the small things.” 
“And you never said anything.”
“I knew he would tell me when he was ready.” 
Aunt Iris put a hand on his shoulder. “I’m proud of you.” 
Wallace frowned. “There’s nothing to be proud of. If I wasn’t at that window—“
“You were trying to connect. You wanted to help Barry when he fought Grodd. You’re helping all those people in the living room. You know, sometimes Barry didn’t like his powers—he was always worried of hurting someone. I knew he wouldn’t. He’s too good. You’re good. It’s good that you were at that window. It may not always seem like it but it is true.”
Wallace felt tears come. “I’m sorry.” 
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” She promised. 
They hugged. 
Aunt Iris pulled back and wiped a few tears away. “Okay, let’s go eat some food.” 
“What about after that?” 
“After that, I have a surprise.” 
The food was delicious and everyone was silent as they ate. For once in a long time, it wasn’t an awkward silence. 
“It’s getting late.” Aunt Iris said after they rest a bit and put all the dishes in the dishwasher. 
Jai and Irey looked up and at each other. 
Jai said, “We don’t have a bedtime on our earth.”
Irey nodded. “We’re 13 ½ so yeah…” 
They’re both terrible liars. 
“Nice try.” Linda said. 
“You’re on this earth so you’re going to bed.” Aunt Iris said. 
Wallace snorted. It’s been a while since he was their age and had a set bedtime. 
“Wallace.” She said while not looking away from the twins. 
Avery snorted which made her laugh harder. 
Jai and Irey said Goodnight to everyone and Wallace took them to the only guest room. 
Irey fell into bed and immediately fell asleep, obviously tired from the fight with Grodd, the trip, and dinner. Jai stood still. 
“Hey, man. What’s wrong?” 
“What if…What if we fail? What if we can’t get home? What if we’re trapped here? What if—“
Wallace went to Jai’s eye level. “None of that. We’re gonna win. Do you know why?” He asked. Jai shook his head. “This earth’s flash had a saying: We’re running together.” 
Jai smiled. “Uncle Barry said the same.” 
Wallace wanted to ask more but Jai looked more tired. “Head to bed. We’ll talk more tomorrow.” 
Jai nodded. 
Wallace left the room and saw aunt Iris walking up the stairs. “So. What’s the surprise?” 
She took him to the attic. “When I first heard what happened, I knew you would want to help. It’s just who you are. You can’t go around wearing Terrific Tech and a party mask all the time. So…” 
She pulled off a red sheet to reveal a case. In the case was a silver top and black pants suit with a red lightning bolt in the middle. 
“I couldn’t come up with a name for a long time. How do you feel?” 
Aunt Iris turned and Wallace put the suit on. 
It fit perfectly. Wallace looked at her. She smiled. “We’ll have to think of a name.” He said. 
Aunt Iris nodded. “Go to bed.” 
“Aw, man.” 
The next day, Wallace woke up to someone falling on his bedroom floor. 
He was immediately awake and putting his hands up. 
“Woah, man. That was a really bad fall.” The guy wasn’t even looking at Wallace. 
“Uh, hey.” Wallace said. 
The guy turned and he looked just like aunt Iris and Barry, which is insane and Wallace doesn’t think his brain can handle anymore. 
“Hey, Wallace, I’m Bart. Your doppelgänger says hello.” 
Wallace stared at him.
Bart shrugged. “Anyway, we have to stop Grodd before he takes over the multiverse, so if you can stop staring and start moving, that would be great.”
Wallace was shocked into moving when he heard a yell outside and they both walked out of his room. 
“Uh, aunt Iris.” Irey called. “I think Grodd opened the portal again.” 
Irey and Jai walk out of the guest room with a woman with dark hair and eyes. 
Linda and aunt Iris are talking to an older man with a red shirt, blue pants, and a helmet and a man beside him in white and blue. 
There’s a blonde woman and a person with silver hair talking to a woman with black hair, brown eyes, and a purple shirt and a man in green. 
“I think we need some introductions.” 
They introduced themselves over breakfast. The woman who fell into the guest room is Meena Dhawan, Jay Garrick is the man with the helmet and Max Mercury was beside him, and the blonde is Jesse Chambers, the silver haired person is Jess Chambers, and the people they were talking to are Jenni Ognats and Jules Jourdain. 
“You’re Impulse, too?” Irey asked, looking excited. “Cool!” 
Bart chuckled. “Yup.” 
“Looks like we got a lot of help to stop Grodd.” Avery said. 
Jay told them that it was his earth that the versions of Grodds were meeting but they can only meet for a small amount of time. 
“Why?” Linda wondered. 
“It’s why I think the portal only brought us. The Speed Force. Think of it as the force that gives us our powers. If Grodd wants to be here for longer periods, they need the Speed Force to do it.” Max answered. 
“How do we find the portal?” Jesse asked. 
Avery answered, “I think I know someone who can help.” 
Hartley Rathaway looked less surprised to see this many speedsters and more amused. 
“Hey.” Avery greeted him. “Your rats go everywhere. Do they know where Grodd is?” 
“Now that you mention it.” Hartley played a note on his flute, calling some rats. He picked up one. “This one is a new one and he talks.” 
“Cool!” Jai said. 
“Yeah, until it’s 3 in the morning.” 
“I’m from a universe of talking rats. I like to see the world—“
“That’s nice. These people do need to know what you know. You won’t answer me.” 
The rat looked at all the speedsters and answered immediately, “Gorilla City.” 
“What?” Wallace said. 
“No, he’s right.” Aunt Iris said from the communication device she had them wear. “I’m seeing on camera Grodd going through a boom tube.” 
Wallace looked around. 
Aunt Iris continued. “Tech that can take you to different places. It probably doesn’t work for what he’s planning.” 
The rat spoke up. “He needs speed.” 
“We gotta go.” 
“I know where it is.” Avery said. She turned to Hartley. “Thanks.” 
They all ran. 
Getting to the city was easy. Grodd broke down the barrier. 
“Stay on communication devices.” Aunt Iris said. 
Avery nodded. “Jai, Irey, get the civilians to safety. Jess, Jules, find a way to turn the barrier back on. Grodd—any version—doesn’t leave here without us. Once you’re done, come help the rest of us.” They all heard yells. “Grodd has an army but he needs at least one of us alive. Hit them when you can, find Grodd and the portal, and don’t get caught. Everyone good.” They all nodded. “Let’s run.” 
Everyone set off to do their jobs and Wallace ran, taking down a lot of Grodd’s soldiers. He found a room with a man inside a cell. 
The man’s eyes widened. “You need to get to safety.” He said. There was a power stopper around his neck. Scars and bruises littered his face and body that wasn’t covered by a shirt and pants. 
“No way. I’m not leaving you here.” Wallace tried to phase but he couldn’t. He hadn’t been able to get that one yet. Okay. Old fashion way. “What’s your name?” 
“You look like someone I know.” 
“Cool.” Wallace noticed the hesitation to give a name. “I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to help.” 
“I’m Wally. Wally West.” 
Wallace paused for half a second and then resumed. “Nice to meet you. I’m Wallace.” 
Wally’s eyes told him that the older man knew. 
An explosion shook the building. Footsteps came. Wallace didn’t have the door unlocked yet. In his defense, he’s never done this before. 
“You need to go.” 
Wallace looked out the window to see a barrier surrounding the city.
The door flew open revealing Grodd throwing Linda into the room. 
She got back up and raced at him. 
Wally was up so fast you’d think his speed was there. “Wallace. Listen to me. You have to phase.” 
“I…can’t.” Wallace admitted. 
“I used to not be able to either but you can do it. Just imagine your molecules are vibrating.” 
Grodd threw Linda again. 
Wally shook. “Please. Wallace. Please.” 
Wallace closed his eyes and tried again as Linda began to lose the fight. 
He won’t lose another person to Grodd. 
The glass broke and with it, the collar fell from Wally’s neck as Grodd threw Linda in their air. 
Wallace blinked and suddenly Wally was running so fast he jumped off the wall and went into the air, using momentum. He caught Linda and brought her down safely. 
For a moment, they were staring at each other but Grodd was still frozen. Wallace got the idea their mouths were moving but nothing else. 
Soon, time started again. 
Both Linda and Wally were on their feet. Wallace was ready. He raced cuffs onto Grodd and knocked him down. 
Grodd laughed. “You’ve stopped me from leaving but you haven’t stopped me from using one of you and killing the rest.” 
More of his soldiers came into the room with guns pointed. 
They all raised their hands but Wallace saw Linda smile at him and touch her communication device. 
“I think we need a bit of impulsivity.” She said calmly.  
Nothing happened and then the building shook. 
“Sir?” One of the soldiers called anxiously. 
“Shoot them!” Grodd ordered. “We can use one of the others.” 
“Get away from the center of the room.” Bart’s voice said from the device. 
They all ran in different directions, all moving away from the center of the room. 
Jesse and Jai burst through the floor and clap their hands at Grodd and his army, sending them flying back. Irey and Bart came in with a gorilla. 
“Long story.” Irey said. “That’s Solar. He’s got it from here—“
She stopped when she saw Wally. 
“Jai.” She called. 
The boy came over and his eyes widened. 
“Are we from the same universe?” Irey wondered. “Because if we’re not, you should tell us now and—“
“It’s me.” Wally said simply. 
They rushed and hugged him. 
“No! No! No!” Grodd said. “I killed The Flash.” 
All the other speedsters came.
Wallace said, “No, you killed a Flash and you’re going to go away for that but don’t ever forget that we are running together.” 
“I think you should be the next Flash.” Wallace told Avery once they made it back to Central City. 
Avery paused. “What about you?” 
“I told Linda the truth. I don’t want it. You stepped up. Like I said, you won’t be the only flash but you should be a flash.” 
Avery hugged him. “I love you.” 
“Love you, too.” He hugged her back. 
Sending everyone home was certainly a time. Jay, Jesse, and Max made a new portal by lunch. Jai and Irey said goodbye to everyone and went through the portal with Wally first. They had a lot of catching up to do, especially with their mom. Before they went, he hugged Wallace. 
Soon, it was just Linda. Aunt Iris and Avery gave them space after saying their own goodbyes. 
“You think of a name, yet?” 
“Yeah. Burst.” 
“I like it.” Linda smiled. “Are you guys going to be alright?” 
“Yeah. Are you?” 
She looked at the portal. “I talked to that Earth’s  Wally. I told him I met my Earth’s Wally, but I didn’t think anything would come of it. I was scared, I think. I don’t want to feel pressured just because we’re together in another universe…but the idea of never seeing him again…”
Wallace smiled. “I think you know what you have to do.” 
Linda wiped a tear away. “I told my doppelgänger to not give up on love before I came back to the house.” 
Wallace’s eyes widened. “What did she say?” 
“Oh, she screamed but she also is starting to look after her mental health starting with a divorce.” 
“That’s good.” Wallace said. 
Linda cracked a smile. “Stay safe, Wallace.” 
“You, too, Linda.” She ran through the portal and Avery turned it off. 
“Is anyone else super hungry?” She asked and they all laughed and went inside. 
Eventually, everything went back to normal. 
Avery was accepted by the Justice League as Flash even if people still sometimes suck about it. 
Aunt Iris won a Pulitzer for reporting on the Grodd event. 
Everyone from their trip made it home safely and Wallace even has the communication device that Max fixed to work with the Speed Force to talk to everyone. 
Even Hartley changed sides fully, beyond just helping from time to time with Avery and Wallace’s help. Mostly because he wants to change. 
As for Wallace, he’s been going out as Burst and fighting all sorts of rogues. 
He visits Barry’s grave more than the flash memorial with a promise. 
He’s never running alone.
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shadowxamyweek · 2 years
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From @sonisis : SEGA is a coward with Shadow and Amy interactions, they're afraid of how good their interactions are.
YES... but I think it goes beyond that.
(Also, I hope you don't mind me low-key putting you on blast. This is just something I've wanted to sort of talk about for a while (not that others have not already talked about it to death.))
I feel Sega does a lot of what I call over-steering.
Imagine if you can that you're riding a bike or car or something- anything- whatever you like. The road is clear, the weather is good. Then, all the sudden, you notice a hole in the road.
A standard response would be to go around the hole. Not a huge arc around it but just enough so you don't wind up in the hole.
What Sega has a tendency to do, I feel, is yank the handlebars so hard they make a near 90-degree turn and end up hitting a tree.
Oh, they're worried about the portrayal of Shadow? Well, now the restraints are so tight that few writers on the IDW team want to actually write the character for fear of portraying him in a way that they and many fans find dissatisfying.
Oh, they're worried that some people feel that the focus is drifting from Sonic and they want more Sonic-centered games and stories? Well, now you can't play as any character other than Sonic (Forces is the one exception, and that is your OC with a basic Sonic move-set so... *shrug*). Oh, they're worried X-Character has developed some conversation about whether or not Y-Characteristic is good/bad/in-line/not-in-line/out-of-character/etc? Well, now the character has been stripped down to a caricature, a shadow of their former selves. I know these sentiments are not shared by everyone, and I know even if they are, they will of course be personalized by the individual doing the interpretation of the materials. Still, I just feel like there's this weird...disconnect. Even the characters between Sega's own games sometimes seem distant of one another. For example, Tails between SA1 and then SA2 make sense, but then Heros comes around and???? Where's my brave little boy? Where is he? He has worked so hard! He did so much! What did you do to him? Even going back to Shadow- In SA2, he smirks fairly frequently. He's smirked in plenty of other things too. Sonic X, Sonic Heros, even in his own Shadow the Hedgehog game in the opening sequence he has a smile/smirk. However, there was a large amount of complaining about one of his new collectable statues (I want to say it was his First4Figures statue) due to the original draft concept having him smirk... and they changed it. (Please, I hate navigating twitter, but I remember watching it happen in real-time. If you can find those tweets, that would be amazing.) Similar ongoings have been reported with the mandates placed on Shadow as presented by Sega to IDW.
It's odd. I don't have a better word for it that I can find. I'd say infuriating if maybe I had a better understanding and found the reasoning to be lacking but I don't- I don't have that. So it's just changes in a void and it's odd to me.
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I had a really excellent day off. And I tried really hard to not let my brain gaslight me into feeling bad for not being productive. Because in reality I was productive!
I slept okay. My back was cold and I woke up a few times. I stayed in bed a little longer then I was planning. I had split my toenail in half yesterday and I had tried to use nail polish to keep it together but as I was laying there I got it caught on my blanket and it hurt really bad!! So I did get up and deal with that. And then went to get dressed.
And I felt like a pretty princess today. I am loving the necklace stack. This new dress is excellent and flowy. James made me an omelette for breakfast. Things were good.
I would have my Google call with Alexi at 10. So I spent the hour hanging out on the couch with James. Then I I got everything together to set up in our bedroom to get on the call.
I was getting very anxious and my laptop decided that it can no longer support Google calls and will not update so I had to do it on my tablet and I found that James said unplugged my tablet and I was very upset about it. And then like 9:59 vacuuming in the next room and I was like dude what are you doing not the time. I was very upset. But I had to let it go and they went for a bike ride and then Alexi was on the call.
And it was a really good call. I don't have an official offer or anything like that but she said that she'll have numbers worked out by Friday. She gave me an offer I gave her an offer back. And we talked about the responsibilities and the ways that would break down and how it's a grant position so it might only last a year and she was wondering if I would be okay afterwards if they didn't get another brand and just working with the other programs and stuff. And I was like yeah no totally absolutely understandable and we talked about having flexible days but still being full-time. And I just feel really good about all of it. I did ask for a little less than I had originally wanted but it was still more that I make now. So I would be basically doubling my regular paycheck. And that just is really cool. I can finally get some savings and put me and James in a better position.
Drive for yelling at them and they were on there very long bike ride so I just chilled in bed. I just enjoyed a few hours with the sun coming in the room and watching videos and it's so nice. No expectations on me at all.
When James got home they went and got cleaned up and we would spend some time laying around together and eventually I would go into the studio to do some sewing. I got a shirt in the mail that looked really cute in pictures but it's not flattering so I changed the neckline and the sleeves and I love it so much more now. I'll probably wear it next week. And I was just feeling very good. I would collect all of my stuff for going away this weekend my parents house and making sure I had justice thing and a couple things that I wanted to bring back there. Specifically flavored syrups for the sodaStream for my dad. And then I just spent some time in bed with Sweetp. And I painted my nails and I think they look really nice.
James asked me if I wanted to go for a walk. And I didn't but I knew that I would feel better if I did. So I said okay and I fixed my makeup and put on shoes and we went for a nice walk around then it cried. And it was a beautiful day. I really felt good walking around. I really love the temperature right now and we talked a lot about how if this is about the high of temperatures while we're in Alaska what clothes and shoes we might need to bring and how we're going to probably do a test pack soon and how our trip is coming up really soon I'm really excited about it. I really can't wait. And it was nice just walking all around with James and enjoying the nice weather.
When we got back James made you text Max for dinner. I had a quesadilla and they had a burrito. And we chilled on the couch for a while. And eventually James went to go watch baseball stuff and I refilled the fish tanks and went to work in the studio for a bit.
I don't want to abandon my resin pins. But the last couple batches just will not set properly and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I think I need a new measuring tool because it's one to one it shouldn't be this difficult. And honestly I probably should wearing gloves because it's really messing up my skin. But I worked in there for a while and then I decided to practice on my darning loom because I'm going to have that visible mending workshop in April and I want to be able to show how to use that properly and do it with a darning egg or hoop as well. And my practice really is working out well and I'm pretty much getting consistent lines now which is nice and finishing it better than I used to. Just got to keep practicing.
Eventually I would take a shower and me and sweetp have been laying in bed for a while. I think I'm going to go brush my teeth and get ready for bed now.
I'm at Campbell day tomorrow for an adventure program. I'm doing ground elements and I'm looking forward to it. And it's supposed to be another beautiful day so let's hope that the weather is nice and I have a lot of fun with the 5th graders. Good night everyone. Be safe.
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whatsabriard · 2 years
Watch With Me: Hart to Hart 2x03
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Original Airdate: November 25, 1980
Synopsis: Jennifer is kidnapped by a man who wants to get some of the money from an old crime by holding his ex-partner's wife...who happens to be a dead ringer for Jennifer.
Why this one?: Jennifer In Jeopardy. Also Dominique is *chef kiss*
Favorite Quote: "Say hello to this banana brain." Hello, Banana Brain.
This entire episode was a vehicle for Stefanie Powers to fuck around, which is what makes this episode so much fun.
This episode starts with the Harts in bed.
Jonathan says he would never want to be 15 again, because at 15 he never had such exciting evenings.
Jennifer, definitely in The Mood, asks him about his mornings.
He responds by showing her the bikes he bought for them...but he doesn't remember what the news said the weather was going to be. Jennifer reminds him that they only watched through the sports. *eyebrow waggle*
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A limo passes by with a bike rack. Inside we get our first glimpse of Dominique. Her husband doesn't understand why she wants to ride a bike.
She says "some of us" still care what we look like with our clothes off.
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So right off we know that Dominique is Jennifer with an edge. This will pay off in spades for us.
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The footage of them riding the bikes is used again in a season 3 episode, dialogue and all. Which really effed me up when I was watching this hopped up on the covid.
Anyway, they decide to race for ice cream and Jennifer gets a head start. So the bad guys, who are waiting for Dominique end up kidnapping her instead.
They call her Dominique and she's like "huh?"
At the ice cream, Jonathan is waiting and is confused about what could have happened to Jennifer. So he goes off to look for her.
What he finds instead is Dominique, getting into her limo. He goes up and bangs on the window "Jennifer!"
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Dominique has full attitude and when Jonathan says he thought she was his wife she says "What an intriguing idea."
Then her husband leans over and asks Jonathan if she looks like his wife and Jonathan is like YEAH SHE DO and the husband is all "lucky guy".
Jonathan is much confuse.
A kid finds Jennifer's banged up bike lying across the sidewalk. Oh noes.
Jonathan calls the police and wants them to help him find Jennifer but they're dragging their feet and they haven't gotten any ransom calls
Jonathan is starting to go around the bend with worry.
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Some gossip columnist calls wanting to know if it's true that Jennifer is missing.
Jonathan says Jennifer's disappearance is being kept quiet and the lady goes on about the responsibility of the journalist to the reader so you know she's about to be a fucking pain in the ass.
Jennifer is trying to explain that she is not Dominique but she won't tell them who she actually is.
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apparently dominique's husband was this guy's partner in crime. This guy took the fall and went to prison and husband is living large on what they stole. He wants payback.
Bad guy decides to call Marty to gloat about having his wife but his call doesn't make much of an impression as Marty is playing backgammon with Dominique.
They go back and forth on the phone, Dominque even talks to the bad guy, and we get this amazing look.
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Anyway, the kidnappers don't believe it and are going to keep her until they get $500k in ransom.
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The next morning, gossip lady has done what she does best and Jonathan is PISSED.
He's yelling at the cop guy and the cop apologizes. Max says "not as sorry as we'll be if anything happens to Mrs H" which was absolutely meant as a threat.
the second kidnapper is a bit of a nice guy, so he goes and gets better groceries for jennifer, including a newspaper for his brother.
The dumbo leaves the keys in the door and jennifer tries to do a runner, just as they realize that she's NOT Dominique thanks to the newspaper. She's worth even more money than they thought!
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She doesn't get far - they catch her. whomp whomp. and now they know who she is. double whomp whomp.
Jonathan is piecing things together in his head and starts to think maybe they were after the lady in the limo - dominique.
Enjoy this dominique picspam.
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Jonathan goes to see Marty and wants his help. But Marty plays stupid and doesn't want to help.
But Dominique shows up at the house and wants to help! Although she looks at Jonathan like he's something to devour.
They hatch a plan to try to convince the kidnappers that they DO have Dominique, to buy time for them to get Jennifer back.
So he calls the gossip lady and wants to have dinner with her...with Jennifer.
Jonathan wants Dominique to wear some of Jennifer's clothes since the society people know everything she wears. Dominique drops that she's been married multiple times.
We also realize that she's looking to make her husband jealous. She says if he gets mad enough,he'll do anything. And when Jonathan asks what might make him mad enough...she says she'll just stay at the Hart house that night. WHOOOOO.
At dinner, Dominique looks exactly like Dominique and not at all like Jennifer but the gossip lady is pretty stupid so she believes it.
Especially since Dominique wants Jonathan to sit closer and kiss her. Which she goads him into.
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Anyway. Dominique really likes her some Jonathan.
next morning, the kidnappers are really really mad that they were played as fools.
Dominique stayed in the guest house and she's pretty salty that she didn't get to stay in Jonathan's bed.
And Marty shows up all pissy because he knew Dominique had the hots for Jonathan and there she is, looking FOINE in all white.
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her stupid husband says he oughts let her have it and Jonathan literally rolls his eyes.
so they're going to do the whole ransom exchange with marty and the kidnappers just happen to call him on his briefcase phone.
Dominique is now hot for her husband when he acts like a hoodlum.
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they meet in a junkyard to do the ransom exchange and, as always, things go sideways because the nice kidnapper decides to try to take off with the money. Everybody starts shooting at everybody.
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Jonathan even rides on the roof of a car. but then he falls off.
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Eventually he wins the fight with a tractor. I wish I was joking.
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the episode ends with them back in bed, and Jennifer is fishing for more information about his time with Dominique.
Jonathan is amused by her seeming jealousy so they kiss a few times to make sure he doesn't think Dominique kisses like her. Which makes none amount of sense but I don't care because...
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Fortunately for ALL of us, we will revisit the Jennifer Doppelgänger storyline in one of the Hart movies, Til Death Do Us Hart. In that storyline her twin is French. Something to look forward to!
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quippih · 1 month
i need to get out of florida
I've lived here for my whole life. It's always been the same hot weather and scorching sun and suffocating humidity. I don't hate it here; if I could afford an apartment far away from my family but close enough to the beach that I could go whenever I wanted and got top surgery and hormones so I didn't feel like a freak whenever I go to the beach then yeah. I'd live here for the rest of my life. I fucking love the beach.
But a little less than a year ago I was up in Kansas City, going to art school and living in the overflow housing that was just a hotel next to the school. And yeah, I wasn't doing great in my classes and I eventually was kicked out because of it, but damn did I feel free.
I even had a job, as mind numbing and exhausting as it was. In hindsight seasonal depression plus my uncle passing away really put me in a position where I wasn't fighting to stay in that school. I wasn't trying. For 90% of my life I've blamed myself for my shortcomings, so shoot me if I want to blame the snow and some cancer for not trying, instead of faulting it on my own willpower.
I miss it every day. I don't miss the student debt and the art history and critical studies classes. I mainly miss riding my electric bike around and feeling responsible when I went to get groceries with money I earned. Sure, I wasn't paying rent and I got most of my meals through the school. But I didn't have to think about whether or not I was allowed to have a treat or get myself a midnight snack. Or whether I was allowed to go to late night events or ride my bike around town at ungodly hours of the night.
Of course, I wasn't really taking care of myself that much either. I was very wishy-washy with therapy, which sucks because I found a therapist I really liked right before I left. He knew nothing about being trans, which I sometimes find is a good thing because explaining it to someone else makes me feel like I understand myself more than I probably do. I was at least taking my meds, I tried to use good coping skills or whatever. I didn't drink alcohol or shoot heroin or anything. But again, getting hit with a wave of not being able to get out of bed because it's cold outside was fucking intense. Especially after living somewhere where the only two seasons are hot and hotter.
I'm reading Nevada right now, a book about a trans woman in New York who rides her bike a lot and thinks a lot about Being Trans in a very self-aware kind of way. And I see her holding a job and living in an apartment with her girlfriend and (spoilers) having to couch surf with a friend for a bit and I think. I've already got friends in New York. I have L, a friend who does performing arts and has been up there at SVA for at least a year now. My friend D is going up there for SVA too. I went to an art high school full of fellow fags and dykes and transsexuals, of course a good chunk of them are ending up in New York.
It's hard to have that courage again, because I failed the first time. I don't know if I want to go to New York, or Kansas City, or anywhere else because I won't have anywhere to turn to if I fail again. In a school sense, I mean; if I had a degree and was just struggling to find work and couldn't afford rent then I think my parents would help me out a bit. They're not heartless or anything.
I think I'm going to get my bachelors in Graphic Design at the local college, fill my time with school so my parents think I'm working towards something, and then I'll fuck off to some other state where it snows. I'll figure out how to hold a job and pay rent and live with my boyfriend and live with my girlfriend and take hormones and save up for top surgery and Be a Person without wanting to kill myself again.
and maybe then, after a while, i'll come back home and go to the beach again.
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fff777 · 8 months
part 1 reaction to nct dream's our dream day in the US #2
Woo! Part 1 was super cute, and I think part 2 will be too based on the montage
Markren: We're going to Georgetown Jisung: When I become famous, I'll build a Jisungtown Mark: In Korea? Jisung: In Europe Renjun: Cute~ He's their baby <3
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Jisung: I'll have a JS street Jisung: Only INFPs can walk on it Mark: A bit much
Jisung suggesting doing the First Snow challenge video outside
Mark was thinking of Candy
Photographer Jaemin paired with model Haechan :3
Lol Jenle bumped into someone who asked who they were and then they showed the person their Youtube page
Chenle: It feels different to be abroad Chenle: To me, Korea is abroad too Jeno: It's your second home
Haechan and Minjae at the hotel bar >3
Jaemin sulking about Haechan not paying attention to his antics Haechan, in English: Jesus
Talking about muscles again X'D
LMFAO Mark going on a SPREE inside Ralph Lauren without telling them he was an ambassador for them
More outdoor photoshoots with Nahyuck
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Jenle waterside photoshoot lel
LOL Squid ink + corndog
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Jeno: Why are you trying so hard
To be honest have Nahyuck ever done anything together alone?
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Lol they had their customer service smiles on when the server was talking to them
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Jaemin angry that Haechan went ahead and drank without making a toast first
Sweet boy wants sweets
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More photography. Photographer Jaemin in action is really fun to watch :3
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Chenle falling in love with the doggo
LOL Haechan's vivid deja vu about Nahyuck video content
Haechan is an extrovert who gets along better with introverts :3
I think Dream's English is probably pretty good. They are good at listening but I think they understand social cues well too.
More MBTI science from Nahyuck
Jeno caught a wild Jaemin and got him to take his photo
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Lol multiple models crying today (Haechan and Chenle). A combination of opening eyes for too long and the sunlight I guess?
Both Chenle and Jeno getting their pants wet from the grass ^^;;
Bother bother
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Jeno is right, that water path is perfect for bike rides
The way Jaemin does that photographer thing of praising his models
Losers XD
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I wonder where Haechan went off to since he abandoned Jaemin lol
And now Jeno's abandoned Jaemle
So Jaemin is saying about 5% of photos are good enough for exhibiting. Meanwhile, I just screenshot everything.
Jaemin and Chenle bumped into Mark, Renjun, and Jisung. It's time to get their photos taken >3
Jaemin and Haechan's were worried that the people who didn't know them would not pay attention to them during their performance and just occasionally look up from their phones lol
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Original lineup was Broken Melodies, Hot Sauce, ISTJ, and Hello Future, but Renjun suggested Trigger the Fever over Hello Future, and Beatbox was added
Jaemin and Haechan have been saying they are similar other than the extroversion/introversion difference
Photographer Na always on the clock
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Jaemin is crying too? Is the weather really that harsh?
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When you become a photographer, you have to become a stylist too it seems lol. Mark needed to fix his hair.
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Awwww Jisung told Chenle to do a kitty smile
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Ah yes, I remember Chenji's trip to Busan where Jisung was photographer
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LMAO Jisung is so dramatic
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Markmin in the background doing their photoshoot
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Chenle IS being very obedient X3 Somehow he's not like this when others take his photos, but also Jisung is the only one who has so many directions.
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Jisung is soooo proud haha
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Meanwhile Chenle's like "...boring photos are ok"
Mark letting out the wildest scream while climbing onto the rail, he was so 大驚小怪
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Lol vibes too cute X3
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WAIT T_T Why is he getting so deep
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So he was saying that on instinct, he thinks about what he and the other person can gain from each other. I wonder if there's anything lost in translation. Like is this only to do with physical things, or intangible things as well?
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Ohhh I wonder if this is like, a habit gained from stardom at too young an age :S Like when you're a celebrity, you worry about what people want when they try to get close to you
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Jaemin and Haechan agreeing that they're most comfortable with the members, and don't feel like they need anything from each other. That's good but wow what brought about that interlude ^^;;
Getting the shot
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Mark: Should I jump? Jisung: Nooooo don't do it Chenle: You can do it!!! But don't do it Chenji literally the devil and angel on your shoulders
Chenle: You won't get hurt but you might die Honestly maybe that's the lesser of two evils
Jisung: Do you know why guys have shorter lifespans?
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How Things Have Changed
Riverman's Journal Aug. 2/23
Well here we go, this is the first blog I have ever done. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this. With so much content in the world today, I truly appreciate your time. All this media these days be it online blogs, social media, streaming, video games or any new one I haven't heard of yet. It is a far cry from when I grew up in the 80's. I grew up in Bonny River NB Canada we had 2 tv channels, 3 if the weather was good. A dial tone phone, cassette players, (I know I have lost all the kids now, as they are asking themselves what the heck those things are.) well here's a hint kids, music. Our cameras that took awhile to get your photos back and you hoped they came out good. There was no Netflix or other streamers but it was a real joy getting to the movie rental store and finding a copy of the movie you wanted still available. A real disappointment if it was gone. However once in awhile you would find a gem you really liked if you decided to have a deep dive through the ones you never heard of before. The biggest difference back then, now prepare yourself kiddies, there was no WIFI!!! Now you are probably thinking what the heck did we do back then. Well, we went outside, ya I know pretty wild to consider that one isn't it? Outside, you only go there to go somewhere or if by accident these days. No we went outside on purpose, to ride our bikes, play street hockey or other sports, play with friends, hang out. Now a days we have everything at our finger tips. We have a phone, camera, photo album, calculator, mini computer, movie player (through streaming services), calendar, alarm clock, games, flash light, email, banking abilities, internet, and so much more. Its funny looking back at a show like Star Trek the original series how they had communicators, hand held devices you spoke to people with. I still think of them sometimes when I have the speaker on during a conversation on my phone. Still haven't got the transporters down yet, or at least that they are telling us about yet. The things we are capable of now though is still quite impressive, for awhile now they have thought controlled arms and legs. Perhaps not to the level in Sci-Fi movies but still quite amazing. We have artificial intelligence(AI), a hot topic of whether or not we should even be messing with such a thing. There is however no going back with it now though as it is available online to write anything you want. Though its data banks are only updated to late 2021. It can however create works of art, or any kind of image you desire based on text description. That still depends on the persons ability to use their own words to get it to create what they want. The seemingly only thing holding that aspect of it back, as some people will be better than others at that, for now. They have highly intelligent AIs out there they are gearing for conversation abilities with humans to the point some people may not even realize that it is not another person they are speaking with. Some of the best AIs can think so fast the whole population of the planet would take some where in the ball park of 200 days + to process what some AIs can in a matter of seconds. That is scary for the ones who don't truly understand the AI. Such as myself who still to this day whenever I hear the world AI or super computer, my first thought is Skynet. For whoever doesn't get that reference then shame on you, lol. There is a lot of good that can come from AI there is no doubt, be it for medical purposes or saving lives in a different matter. We just need to have some kind of contingency plan for any possible bad. We after all are just human and there is always room for human error, or in extreme cases human malice or intent. Now when our grandchildren are the ones running the planet just imagine all those features I listed before on our cell phones that will seem like a dinosaur of technology just like the VHS. Google it kids.
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i-am-mildly-insane · 1 year
That Time The Universe Gave Me The Biggest "Nope" In The History Of Nopes.
So at the start of the summer, my cross country runner of a sister started trying to get me in shape because I have the endurance of a sloth and the athletic ability of a blob. Usually we both would go on a very short run and then I would ride my bike while she ran so she could get an actual workout. One week, she was away at camp, so I decided to do the little circuit by myself. I was attempting to prove I could motivate myself to workout without any outside influence.
Apparently this displeased the universe because the first day I tried to do it, things went from bad to worse to "Can you hydroplane on a bike?"
My sister and I always went on our little escapade around 4:30, so when four o'clock rolled around, I started getting dressed. However, my natural dislike of anything labed excersise that doesn't involve the equine family, combined with my still to be determined, maybe-ADHD-maybe-I'm-just-weird-and-lazy, along with a surprise phone call from my mother ment that I didn't leave the house until closer to 5:30. At this point, the weather was doing what southern weather does best. Changing at the speed of sound. Ominous dark storm clouds were quickly rolling in and I could smell the rain.
A smarter person might have canceled but I am defended from a long line of stubborn women who are bad at listening to obvious signs to stop when they want to go through with something. I threw my bike in the back of the car and drove to the trail. Just as I reach the parking lot, the bottom falls out. I mean sheets of rain pouring down so hard, the parking lot was hazy. Anyone unlucky enough to be caught in it was soaked withing five seconds.
Again, this would have been a good time to admit defeat, but I was in a "fight Mother Nature" mood so I opted to wait it out, hoping it would be over soon. Unfortunately, it was not over soon but it did ease a little so I finally said "Rain never hurt anyone, I'm going." I decided to not doing the running part and instead just bike. I got the bike out of the car, put on my helmet and hopped on. When I reached the trail head, I realized I may have made a slight error.
It was raining a little harder than I thought and just sitting at the trail head, I was getting pretty wet. Regardless I pressed onwards. It wasn't until I actually started pedaling that I realized how big my error was. In the time it had taken me to get the bike from the car, walk it to the trail head and get on, I had gotten so wet that the breeze I made riding was making me shiver with cold. Shivering is not helpful in keeping you balanced on a bike in rapidly deteriorating conditions, but I pressed on anyways, hoping the exercise would warm me up
The rain increased some more, becoming a heavy shower even the dense foliage overhead could not shield me from.
I kept going.
I passed a group of (much) smarter people huddled under a structure while the rain poured around them.
I kept going.
The rain increased even more and this time I heard the distant rumble of thunder.
I kept going.
It rained harder and the thunder got louder. FINALLY I decided to turn around.
Somehow, it managed to rain harder, then the wind picked up and now IT WAS RAINING SIDEWAYS.
At this point, I can feel water sloshing and squelching in my shoes, I'm struggling not to inhale water as it streams down the bridge of my nose and drips off the tip, and I'm wondering which would kill me first, a tree falling from the high winds or my bike hydroplaning (If you can even do that). While I contemplate this, I encounter a man roller blading down the trail, presumably trying to get back to wherever he came from.
Trail courtesy states that if you're passing someone, you have to make your presence known so collisions don't happen. I dutifully yelled "On your left!" as I approached him and then as I passed him, added "Your very soggy left" He heard me and cracked up.
Anyways, I made it back to the car, threw the bike in and drove back home. When I related my woes to my family later and suggested this was a sign, I should not excersise, my sister said "No, it just means you shouldn't excersise without checking the weather first"
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igiveanf · 2 years
Spring Clothes Fitting Too Snug? DO THIS NOW.
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Maybe you're feeling a little like our fur baby, Daisy - spring is coming and spring clothes aren't fitting quite like they used to.
(In this case, what actually happened is our 11 year old son grossly underestimated the size of our dog when he purchased her sweater) - but you get my point.
Colder weather prompts hibernation mode and that usually means we are more likely to be found curled up on a comfy couch in a warm room rather than going for a walk or a bike ride.
It also could mean we are consuming more comfort food. Snacks, alcohol, chips and fast food all tend to increase over the winter months.
Throw in less sun (lowered vitamin d stores), and this combination is enough to increase body weight and de-energize even the most energetic people.
So, what's my suggestion?
Well, here's what I won't do; I won't tell you to go out and buy a new wardrobe because that's not necessary (though it is for Daisy, she definitely needs to size up!)
Instead, I'll tell you that weight loss is easier than you think. We tend to overcomplicate it and put too much pressure on ourselves in the process but it really is a simple undertaking and one that requires just a few minor changes.
Below are three things you can start now that will ensure that your spring wardrobe fits you better than Daisy's new sweater.
1. MOVE MORE. I'm not telling you to do endless hours of exercising. I'm telling you to integrate more movement into your daily living in 10-minute increments.
For example, in the morning, go for a 10 minute walk. Take a 10-minute lunch break and do the same thing. Then, in the evening, just after dinner, before the relaxing begins, take another 10 minutes to move your body. This could be anything - a walk, skating, snowshoeing, or playing outside with the kids - some kind of movement needs to happen in the evening.
Studies show that increased movement throughout the day is the difference maker for most weight loss goals.
2. EXERCISE. Okay I didn't say no exercising in the above, I said no to hours and hours of it. Here is the fact; you NEED to exercise. I NEED to exercise. We all NEED to exercise, for the purpose of improving and maintaining our health. 20-45 minutes, 3-4 times a week is plenty. It doesn't have to be big to be good.
If you've fallen out of a regular exercise routine, now is the time to get back into it. BEFORE spring arrives.
Establish something manageable and then ask a friend or family member to either join you or hold you accountable - a coach at New U Studio can do that for you, too.
Like it or not, we all need accountability because we are all going to face a time when we aren't in the mood to exercise, or when life's to-do list piles up sky high and we just can't seem to fit it in.
That's when we need that person in place and ready to remind us to DO IT ANYWAYS - even if we don't want to or can't seem to find the time.
Oh, and while I have you on fitness, you've gotta lift some heavy stuff. Cardio alone isn't enough to support your bones or metabolism. You'll need weights AND cardio to get the best results - a little yoga in there is good for the mind and body too.
3. EAT BETTER. Choose healthier choices, especially in the evenings. I'm not saying you need to diet, or live ridgedly on chicken and broccoli, but I am saying that evening calories are notorious for being the unhealthy ones.
"I can be so healthy throughout the day, but as soon as after supper hits, the train is off the tracks."
Sound familiar? You're not at all alone. And guess what? You absolutely still can have a snack, but hear me out on this and please make a plan for it.
Decide for healthier snacks during the week, for example, popcorn, veggies and hummus, nuts and seeds, fruit and greek yogurt, and then pick one night to have your favorite chips or chocolate.
This way you still get to have what you love but you're just not having it all the time. Moderation is important and often times we let things slip beyond moderation and we simply have too much of the not soo good stuff. Bringing things back to a balance with your food choices as best you can will pay off.
Oh, and water, water, water - it's what you're made of so like it or not, YOU NEED TO DRINK LOTS OF IT.
These three changes will go a very long way, not only for your waist line but also for your mood, your energy, and your mental health. It's honestly an all-around win.
Remember, if you're struggling to get started, please ask for help. There are so many people that would absolutely love to join you in refocusing on healthier living, and there are so many people who would love to help you do it, myself included.
But if you don't ask, you don't get, so ask!
Happy almost spring.
Yours in health,
Alison Brown
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