#more paul in yellow please
sgtpeppers · 2 months
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Paul in his yellow shirt! Let It Be (1970)
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nsharks · 2 years
bleeding blue | apocalypse au
part eight —other parts
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pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!reader words: 3.2k tags: death. blood. zombies of course. reader menstruates. single dad ghost. there will be sex but it isn't here yet. slow burn!!! enemies to lovers. summary: After losing your companions, you run into a skull-masked man and his daughter. They are your last hope for survival. a/n: let's see how this trip goes
A neon-yellow lighter. A comb with a few teeth broken off. A deck of cards. That is what you have scrounged so far in this little convenience store that Blue convinced Ghost to stop in— the only stop in the village he will allow on the way to the military base. She spotted a rack of magazines from the window and the child in her begged him.
Fuckity fuck, Ghost. Please. Please. Please.
You’ve decided to sweep through the aisles to make this forced trip at least a little worth it for you. Broken glass and dust lay under the soles of your boots. All the food in here is gone, of course. The lighter you found can be useful.
Oh. You also found a corny romance book. You are in need of something to read, too. You left behind your old copy of A Farewell to Arms. You imagine that it was flattened to something unrecognizable by the mass of Greys.
You go to the aisle for toiletries. Again, these shelves have been licked almost clean. You fish your hand all the way to the back to see if anything could be there. You didn’t have time on your first trip to do much searching for anything other than medicine.
What your hand manages to knock against is a box. You pull it forward to inspect it. Gold packaging. Faded letters. It’s a box of condoms. First, you feel annoyed. It is useless to you. Expired, anyway. But then some memories come to mind along with a stir in your stomach.
Sex. Right. At one point, these were useful to you.
What you had told Blue the other day was mostly the truth. Coursework and exams meant that a steady relationship wasn’t on your mind back then. You were too young for it, anyway. You liked going out. You liked dancing with your friends. You liked meeting new people and sipping on drinks that were sweet enough to go down without a wince.
But what you didn’t tell Blue, and what you haven’t thought about in a long time, is that the last guy you had sex with was a little more than just someone you enjoyed the company of.
You trace your finger over the letters on the box, recalling the buried memory. A few weeks before the outbreak, you met him at a pub. He chatted you up. He was kind-eyed and sleek. A few years older than you. A jaw like the man in Blue’s magazine.
You didn’t even go home with him that first night. You just spent hours talking. And then texting. And then he took you out to that sushi place you loved in London three times because he saw that you were obsessed with the sashimi. He teased you for it. Finally, he invited you to his flat. He was different. He didn’t touch you until you touched him. You can remember it, that last time. The kissing. You whispered in his ear to take you to his room. He pulled out a box of condoms just like this.
The morning of the outbreak you remember telling your sister you might want something more from him.
She was thrilled to hear it.
There were a few people you texted that day to see if they were okay. Your parents, some close friends, and him. You never got a response from any of them. As you fled with Paul towards the forest, you’d dropped your phone. You only realized it later than night when you wanted to take it out and read over your old messages with him as a source of comfort.
Anyway, he was never your boyfriend, and he is now likely dead. Or Grey.
You haven’t thought about him for at least three years. Just another singed thread of an old life, unimportant to you now. Those losses are easier to deal with than the losses you had to actually witness.
You are just about to put the box back when a poke arrives on your shoulder.
“Hey, Twix, look what I found.”
Blue holds a solid stack of magazines against her chest. In her other hand, she holds up two bracelets with plastic, pink beads on them.
“Bracelets,” she smiles. “One for you and one for me.”
You raise a brow, then glance around. You spot Ghost at the front counter stuffing his backpack with cigarettes. His own treats, you suppose.
You look back at her. “Are you sure?”
She nods and offers one to you. As you slip it over your wrist, subconsciously hiding it under the sleeve of your coat, she says, “One of the books Ghost read to me talked about friendship bracelets. That can be this for us. I mean— we’re friends, right?”
“Oh. Um. Do you want to be my friend?”
“Well,” she slips her own bracelet on and waves her hand about, “Grim is my friend and he never saved my life before or gave me chocolate. So—” her voice turns hushed as if sharing a secret, “—I guess you are a better friend than him, huh?”
You bite a smile. “I guess so.”
Then, her eyes drift to the box still in your hand. “What did you find?”
“Huh?” You raise it up, almost having forgotten about it, and feel a warmth spread over your cheeks. “Oh, nothing, really.”
“What is it?”
“I-I don’t know, actually,” you splutter quickly.
“Maybe Ghost knows.” She rounds her lips as if ready to call for him but you shush her.
“No, no. Don’t ask him."
“Why not?”
“Because he—” you slide your eyes around, looking for the right excuse, “Because he doesn’t care for me, okay? I don’t want to bug him.”
“It’s not that he hates you or anything,” she assures you, sighing. “He just doesn’t trust you. Really, he isn’t so bad. He let you play would you rather with us, right?”
She is referring to the game that consumed the four-hour walk to get here. As you stepped over the same tree roots from your first journey, Ghost and Blue began a rather dark game of would you rather. Asking each other which gruesome death they would prefer. A humor she must get from him, you figured. Blue finally asked him: Can Twix play, too? He flashed you a look, jaw stiff, and you wanted to hide as you watched his eyes process this new name his daughter has chosen for you. To your surprise, he allowed it. Maybe to keep her calm, entertained, or both. You can’t say it wasn’t awkward for you, though.
Before you can protest again, she calls his name, and you regret not just telling her what they are.
He is quick to make his way over.
“Twix found something but she doesn’t know what it is,” Blue chimes, taking the box from your hand and passing it to him. You inch backward, your spine pressing into the shelves as you watch him realize what it is. Then, he offers you an unreadable glance, probably wondering why the fuck you would be looking at these.
His eyes shift back to her.
“Well,” Blue clicks her tongue. “Is it useful?”
“No.” He hands it back to her.
“What is it? Do you know?”
“Jus’ nothing useful,” he repeats, and she huffs, giving you an apologetic look and mumbling a sorry before tossing the box back on the shelf.
“Got ‘em all picked out?” He nods to her magazines.
She nods. “Yeah, I found some good ones.”
“We’re leaving, then.”
A clear sky hangs over your heads as you continue moving south. On your solo trip, you spent hours perusing Ribchester's streets, whereas now Ghost cuts right through, wanting to search the base before nightfall and then find somewhere safe to sleep.
There is no rain today, luckily. Even though it helps conceal your human scent, it also helps hide their rotten one, making it hard to detect them. It also can make shooting arrows trickier.
There is a light wind that howls like a moaning widow through the empty buildings, drowning out the sound of all three pairs of booted footsteps. Just as you told Ghost, there aren’t many of those fucks here. Their smell lingers in the air but most of them are probably trapped in the buildings and cars. Still, you keep your bow armed and Ghost clutches his handgun. Only one finds you here, but it isn’t much of a threat. A slow and pitiful one with a twisted leg that drags as it clambers out from an alleyway.
It catches the human scent, its pale eyes pointing toward the three of you.
They love the smell of living flesh. From your experience, they love the smell of fresh blood even more, but luckily none of you are bleeding, or else more of them certainly could've been drawn out like cockroaches.
Upon one look at it, you can tell this Grey must have been infected years ago, a woman tattered without any hair left on her skull. The thing is, the longer they have been infected, the longer their muscles have been rotting away. They grow slower.
For some reason, Ghost doesn't pull the trigger of his gun even though you know he sees and smells it like you do. He doesn't even reach for the axe tucked at his waist. You have never encountered Greys with him. You suspected he'd be quick to kill them. Confused, you aim your arrow and close one eye for precision, but a firm hand falls on your arm and forces you to lower it.
You give him a furrowed look.
He drops his hand and nods to Blue, who has been sticking close to his side.
"All yours, kid."
"Do I have to?" She puckers her lips in disgust and touches the fabric of his black coat.
"Good practice for you."
"With my knife?" she sighs dutifully. "Or the gun you gave me?"
"Knife. Save the ammo.”
The Grey is still a few paces away, but slowly trudging closer, enough that its flayed snarls sound over the wind.
Blue pulls out the knife from her pocket. You stand back and watch as she hurls it towards the head, but the blade pierces its neck instead, splitting the stringy flesh and exposing a larynx.
She winces.
"S'okay. You've got another," Ghost says.
She nods and reaches for the second knife strapped to her ankle. This time, her knife finds the skull, audibly cutting through bone and brain.
“Good. Now go get ‘em.”
You understand why he made her practice this. They don’t encounter them often in the forest, but he still wants her prepared— get her used to doing it on her own for the day she might not have him there. It is a reminder of what it means to be a parent in this world, and you don’t envy him for it.
Blue twists her knife out from the skull, some chunks of grey brain bubbling out, and she scrunches her nose but doesn’t seem too bothered. Before she runs back over, she mouths words to it just as you have seen her do to the dead animals. You can’t make them out.
“Sometimes I wonder what it’s like being one of those fucks,” she announces as you keep walking. She taps a finger to her temple. “I just wonder if you still remember your old life or have dreams and stuff. Or does your brain just not work at all?”
“They aren’t people anymore,” Ghost reminds her gruffly.
“I know, I know.”
“I don’t think they have dreams,” you quietly add. “They don’t sleep.”
“But maybe they are sort of sleeping,” she says. “Like sleepwalking. And maybe they are dreaming the whole time about things they remember from being a human.”
“No,” Ghost says. “They’re as good as dead. Don’t go thinkin’ like that.”
“I’m not saying I feel bad about killing them. I know they aren’t real people anymore,” she mumbles, kicking at a rock. She looks at you. “Twix, what would you do if you got bitten?”
Ghost mutters a Jesus Christ under his breath.
The question throws you off, even though it is something you have mulled over often. You hesitate, before honestly answering, “I think I would just kill myself.”
“Ghost would, too. Well, actually, our plan is for me to shoot him in the head and then run back home. Right, Ghost?”
He hums his response.
It must be a plan he reviewed with her before leaving.
A plan that he has ingrained into her brain from an age too young to fully comprehend the potential reality of it.
There are another ten kilometers to walk to get to the military base. The sore toes cramped in your boots and the growing blister at your heel wishes Ghost took the truck, but whatever his emergency plan is, it must call for every drop of fuel he has.
The terrain transforms back to soil and trees as Ghost departs from the road, and the rotten smell in the air remains faint. The game of would you rather resumes, but Blue quickly grows bored of it. Instead, she begins to poke at you with some questions as she likes to do. She seems to be more comfortable doing it in front of Ghost. It’s not like he can keep her away from you out here.
“So, Twix, how old are you exactly? You never told us.”
You tell her.
“Shit balls, Ghost,” she nudges a hip to his side. “You really are an old man.”
“Fuckin’ hell. I’m not.” He nudges her back, a bit too hard, because she practically stumbles, but it only makes her laugh more. “I’m just your old man, kid.”
Luckily, her questions stick to the minute things, and she doesn’t bring up sex again. Your favorite animal. If you have any tattoos. You should see how many Ghost has. Of course, you have only ever seen the skin of his hands a few times and the skin around his eyes.
The sound of rushing water is what quiets her.
You make it to a river.
Ghost leads you to where a bridge must have been on his map, but all that remains of it is a narrow beam of rusted metal and nothing to hold onto.
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea, Dad.”
Blue peers down the cliff and you take a look with her. The water isn’t moving too fast, but it must be freezing, and walking around in wet clothes is a sure way to get hypothermia. Ghost doesn’t have much of a choice.
He has her walk close in front of him and keeps both hands firm on her shoulders. You don’t have anyone to help you. You tighten your core to keep yourself upright, watching each step you take. Right, left, right, left. The wind dissuades you with nudges against your left side. You pause for a moment and look up.
They are already across.
You hear Blue shout just as your left foot slips. Air whirls around you and your arms instinctively jut out to grab hold of the beam. You hang from it, breathing hard from your nose. Your bare hand clutches the sharp edge and earns you a cut into your palm, but the pain is easy to ignore. Your ears ring. You muster all your strength to hoist yourself up, but it’s not quite enough, and you almost lose your grip.
Hissing, you look down at the water that laps between rocks beneath you. Maybe you should just fall in. Your skin prickles as you imagine the icy water engulfing you and soaking your clothes.
Hypothermia. Another real threat in this world. You recall the chapter from one of your textbooks. It can set in quickly. There wouldn’t be enough time for you to make it back to the village and search for dry clothes. You should’ve brought your extra pair of old ones. You didn’t even think—
What ends up engulfing you is warmth.
You are pulled up with ease and drawn close to a hard chest. Ghost locks an arm around your waist to steady you and naturally, you lean into his hold, your boots finding their place again on the beam.
You pant. For a moment you just stand there, before you start walking again, this time with him close behind you as he holds your shoulders just as he did with Blue. Because of the proximity, you can detect the rise and fall of his chest against your back. Underneath his thick coat, the muscles of his core are tightened just as yours are in order to keep his balance.
He couldn’ve just let you fall. Blue must have asked him to help you back up.
You find your voice when you are almost across. Blue watches with her hands tucked in her pockets.
“Thank you,” you tell him.
What he tells you, warm brass in your ear that arrives in the quietest voice you’ve ever heard from him: “Don’t become a liability for me out here, Twix.”
It unnerves you, the message that lies in his words. What he means to say is he has no problem leaving you behind if he has to. Letting you die.
But what unnerves you even more is the shudder that hums through your spine from the soft drawl of his voice in your ear, uttering this new name for you when he has never even once used your real name, and the way that his filtered breath works its way down your neck. Even though he has growled threats of murder in there multiple times, you find yourself not minding if he has a few more to offer just so you can hear his voice like this again. So quiet. Probably so Blue doesn’t hear.
But he doesn’t offer anything else.
Maybe you are just in shock. Maybe you are just glad to not be freezing, and his warmth has given a confusing relief. You swallow the strange thought and find a nice burial spot for it next to your grief.
When your boots make it to the soil, his hands drop and you turn around to face him. Annoyance finally finds you. Of course, his help arrives at the same time that he warns you of the limited supply of it he is willing to offer.
Through your teeth, you say, “I won’t.”
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gnomeantics · 11 months
for those unable to attend the livestream i present:
NOTES FROM THE HATCHETFIELD HALLOWEEN PARTY 14th October 2023, 01:00 BST (my time!) / 13th October 2023, 17:00 PDT (their time!)
Note: These notes are at times a little nonsensical and useless and just quotes. This is because it lasted from 01:00-04:00 for me meaning I was incredibly tired. Please bear with <3
Section 1: Nerdy Prudes Must Die talkback
Started with chiptune of Feast or Famine and then chiptune of Jane’s A Car
Steph’s dad may be dead but at least she has a boyfriend <3
Joey was eating beef and potato stew for most of the first segment
When Jeff was asked for the inspiration for The Summoning: “[…] I don’t know. That just popped in my head. It could be true.”  (His answer was Wizard of Oz.)
Section 2: Hatchet Town Trivia Challenge
I tried to keep track of “chat vs cast” points but lost count and failed rather miserably
Nora’s last name is Beanie. Nora Beanie
Jeff is “an avid lover of baby-water” (water pure enough for babies to drink) and “widely known as Doctor Spreadsheets” (my notes just say “baseball game”)
Every time the world destroys, Ted dies twice: once as Ted, once as homeless guy
Lex helped deliver Hannah by teleporting her out of the womb through the Black and White
Greenpeace Girl’s name is Harmony Jones!
Wilbur Cross murdered Duke Senior (Duke Keane’s dad) this may be explored in future.
Section 3: Workin’ Boys
All of my “notes” here are just gushing about the characters. I have written nothing useful enough to be put here
Section 4: Workin’ Boys talkback
Chad was not included in WB because it was deemed that nobody could live up to the legend. This spawned the “Darren 4 Chad” movement in chat
The Workin’ Boys album will be out around next week if all goes to plan. It is 5 tracks and would include Mariah’s version of the Show Stoppin’ Number monologue as well as at least some of her singing it (as seen in the show; hoping for a full version!!)
Mariah’s character in the audience was called Woman.
Lauren’s character in the audience was Courtney, Thrash’s girlfriend from Killer Track
Paul Gabriel’s character was Paul Gabriel
Linda Monroe auditioned for Workin’ Girls and was the only one who didn’t get a part (Ruth was chosen over her). This is why she was happy to see it crash and burn
The programmes made for Workin’ Girls had very detailed bios, which hopefully when in full quality will be readable when paused. This may set up the potential for the Workin’ Girls actresses to be in future HF projects where this can be explored
Jaime will hopefully be in the next Starkid musical!!!!
The Black Book was originally supposed to debut in Workin’ Boys, in its original form in 2020
The 2020 version was planned as a feature-length film but eventually it was decided that it was confusing and remodelled.
The Summoning was supposed to be in Workin’ Boys – the producer would have tricked Hidgens into making the girls perform a ritual; it was realised that this didn’t make much sense so the song was transferred to NPMD
Section 5: The Future Of Hatchetfield
Hatchetfield was supposed to be finished by 2020
Starkid is not going to be exclusively Hatchetfield in the future; their next full-length musical will not be Hatchetfield
NMT3 is hopefully going to happen provided there is enough interest! It was supposed to happen in the same year as NMT2 but they take a long time to write (much longer than a full musical) so that couldn’t happen
NMT3 would conclude Lex and Hannah’s story after Yellow Jacket
It would be produced more face to face like a TV show – Nick said “less Zoom call-y”
It would include stories withheld from NMT1 and NMT2
It would entirely depend on how much interest, particularly views on NMT2.
It would be Halloween themed.
“More things akin to Workin’ Boys would be nice” - Nick
The episodes would be:
Bottle Imps
“Bill Woodward has been chosen to test CCRP’s latest and greatest product: Bottle Imps. These reality-bending buddies will bring their owner the one thing they desire most. When his new imp, Lovely, leads him to his soulmate, Bill decides to use his magical companion to play matchmaker. But to help Charlotte find the man of her dreams, Bill will have to bend the Imp’s rules. Rules he’s been warned, must never be broken…”
“Desperate to see a naked body, Ruth Fleming and Richie Lipschitz volunteer at the morgue of St. Damian’s Hospital. Their terrible plan becomes exponentially more terrible, when they become unwitting subjects in the experiments of the body-snatching madman, Doctor Lazlo, who claims to have conquered death itself. If Hatchetfield thought Ruth was bad before, then they will cower before the unspeakable horror of… Frankenruth!”
Becky Barnes Climbed A Tree
“Becky Barnes is on top of the world! Not in a literal sense, of course. She’s deathly afraid of heights. After years of struggle, Becky’s life is finally everything she dreamed it would be. She’s engaged to her High School sweetheart, Tom Houston, and the two have a surprise baby on the way! But as the couple prepared for the arrival of Baby Marie, a shadow from Becky’s past returns to haunt them.”
Devil’s Night
“Tim Houston has a crush. Unfortunately, it’s on his older, mature, and totally cool babysitter, Grace Chasity, who he fears will never see him as anything but a snot-nosed little kid. But when a devilish maniac with murderous designs on Grace attacks Hatchetfield the night before Halloween, Tim must protect his beloved, or join the killer’s growing body count. It’s another slashing adventure on the night HE came home… Devil’s Night.”
Miss Holloween
“It’s Halloween in Hatchetfield once again, and Miss Holloway is celebrating the same way she’s done for decades, staving off the horrors that go bump in the night. But when Duke gives her an invitation to his wedding, the dejected Miss Holloway begins to chafe under the terms of a contract forged many years ago. She strikes a new bargain, but unfortunately her creditors are known for their tricks, not treats. Just as Miss Holloway gives up her powers in exchange for a mortal life, a monstrous new threat rears its ugly head. As All Hallows Eve descends, and all Hell breaks loose, Miss Holloway must save the town or die trying… for real this time.”
“Lex Foster had a life once. A home. A boyfriend. Now there is only the road, and her sister, and the fear of the men who are hunting them. As Hannah Foster watches Lex sink deeper into despair, she is certain of only three things: Webby is gone. She cannot help them. They are alone. Elsewhere, an old soldier awakens from a catatonic state. Returned from some unimaginable Hell with a mission. He knows that somewhere two magical girls require immediate evac… then maybe some coffee.”
As NPMD was conceived of first, it was supposed to be a Nerdy Prudes series: Nerdy Prudes Must Die, Horny Campers Must Die… (this was turned into NMT2’s Abstinence Camp)
The next Hatchetfield full-length musical would probably be about Miss Holloway if there was enough interest.
There is the possibility of a full movie set in Hatchetfield if there is enough interest. (Workin’ Boys was like a trial for how Hatchetfield works in film)
It would be called Cast Party Massacre
“The Hatchetfield Community Players. You will never find a cattier troupe of two-faced thespians. But when the blood begins to flow at their latest show’s cast party, they must consider: is there a secret murderer in their midst? And more importantly, who amongst them is a good enough actor to pull off such a performance? Can they set aside their petty squabbles and tangled romances, or is it curtains for this ensemble? Who will survive… the Cast Party Massacre!”
It would possibly feature the girls from Workin’ Boys.
The licencing rights to TGWDLM will be available soon!
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raspberrysmoon · 9 months
the lords in black often find themselves... attached to certain mortals. you'll see it often.
some of them get more violently attached than others, of course. they get possessive. protective, even, of the things that are theirs. like a starving lion and its fresh-killed prey.
t'noy karaxis, tinky, the bastard of time and space, is a wonderful example of how they can get violent. tinky has his toys, and once he decides they're his, no-one else is allowed to touch them. his attention is intense and short-lived. tinky gets bored of his toys rather quickly. he finds that his branding needs to be simple and easily removable. once hes done with a toy, its not his anymore. tinky wraps his toys in yellow. the naked eye could never see the intricate lines swirling around theodore spankoffski, but tinky can. tinky tugs on strings attached at points that ted doesnt realize he has. long, fluffy ears and dark, solid horns. ted cant see them, but tinky can. when hes done with his teddy bear, the yellow strings of light will fade, and the horns will fall off, only to be added to an ever-growing collection in tinkys space. when a toy- no matter how loved- does him poorly, he adds them to his collection just a little bit early. when he finds a toy taken, touched or harmed, he wrecks havoc on his brothers. he may not be the cleverest, or the hungriest, or the strongest, but he is certainly the angriest.
nibblenephim, nibbly, the one who feasts in the dark, is a delicious example of possession. nibbly doesn't find himself so entranced with his toys as tinky does-- not by a longshot-- but he doesnt get bored of them, either. when he chooses his new toy, he sinks his wide, sharp teeth into them, and they become wholly his. their blood, their very soul, glows pink in honor of the hungriest god. nibbly cannot remove this, and he does not want to. when he loses interest, or begins to dislike them, he devours them. he finds linda monroe will be an especially tasty treat when she finishes her purpose. linda is hyperaware of her marking scars. nibbly finds great joy in this fact. she knows who she belongs to, and it is certainly not that pathetic man she calls her husband. nibbly is the hungriest, and he hungers for the thrill of possession.
bliklotep, blinky, the watcher with a thousand eyes, is not as possessive, nor as violent as his brothers are. blinky prides himself on being quite calm in his watching. he finds himself switching from view to view frequently- he doesnt stick on just one. his favorites come and go from watcherworld as they please, he doesn't mind the loss of money as he reimburses their ticket cost. he enjoys watching the woodwards especially, recently. when blinky chooses someone he likes, their eyes glaze over slightly. they become a little warmer. a little more orange. they dont notice. they will never notice. blinky loses interest quickly. he finds more interest watching his brothers or his sniggles. they seek to entertain him, at least.
pokotho, pokey, the singular voice, finds favorites among crowds larger than his brothers could dream. he takes and takes and takes until he silences them. he finds a favorite here or there, a challenge, a dancer, or a particularly persuasive individual. he finds himself quite enamored with paul matthews recently- he was so difficult to infect that it was like solving a rubix cube for him. paul matthews bleeds blue, now. until the end of time, paul matthews will bear the mark of pokotho, whether he stays infected or not. pokey finds that the longer an individual is his, the deeper their blue. pokey finds great joy in tearing his toys apart to see their blue, and stitching them back together so they can sing with him again. when (not if) pokey gets bored or annoyed with their voice, he replaces it. the blue stitch lines fade, eventually, to a pale baby blue across their throat. pokey does not let his toys go.
wiggog y'wrath, wiggly, the lord in black, prides himself on not having toys. unlike his brothers, he dislikes playing with the human race himself. he doesn't much like getting his hands- well, tentacles- dirty. he prefers to let the humans who follow him do what they'd like. he appreciated linda monroe while she was his, sure, but he didn't care enough to.. care for her. he doesn't mark his humans. they stay for short bursts, and disappear. usually out of fear. wilbur cross has stayed for far too long, in his opinion, but he hasn't found another to spread his power, yet. uncle wiley has green eyes. wilbur cross does not. wiggly does not appreciate this change.
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Oh my hey! Please, if you haven't already, please, could you do if you haven't please do favorite singer and song of the sdv bachelor/ettes
Oh, this is the first time I've posted an ask about a topic like this, so I hope I did it right. Thanks for the question, and have a great day! 🫰💕
SDV bachelors:
Harvey's radio will always play Louis Daniel Armstrong or Ella Jane Fitzgerald because the doctor loves listening to jazz. If he wants something more energetic, Harvey will switch to the Latin music radio channel. He's sure to start dancing in the kitchen when Pete Rodríguez's "I Like It Like That" comes on. With music like that, cooking dinner becomes more interesting and fun.
It may sound pretty cliche, but Alex will definitely have a workout playlist with songs from the 80s rock and roll, pop rock and metal genres. Stan Bush ("Touch", "Fight for survive", "Never surrender"), Paul Engemann ("Push it to the limit, "The Eagle Lands"), Survivor ("Eye of Tiger"), Judas Priest ("All guns blazing", "The Sentinel") would be his favorites.
I'm sure Sebastian will be a fan of alternative rock (Nirvana - "Smell like teen spirit" and "Lithium"), emo-core (Taking back Sunday - "Cute without an "E") and electronic rock (almost all Celldweller albums, his favourite album is "Wish upon a Blackstar"). I also think that Sebby often likes to enjoy breakcore, not really remembering the specific artists and listening to whatever he likes. This is how I imagine Sebastian trying to explain to his mom what breakcore is (Warning: loud).
It's quite difficult with Sam because he's a real melomaniac. He listens to absolutely everything and almost all the time. Depending on his mood, he can listen to both heavy metal and pop music. However, the most frequently played bands in his music player are definitely the Beatles (his two favourite albums are "Help" and "Yellow submarine"), Coldplay ("Yellow") and Arctic Monkeys (the album"AM"). And also any popular song that gets stuck in his head (California girls we're unforgettable, daisy dukes bikini on top-).
Classics for Elliott! Our dear writer - and without masterpieces of classical music? Unthinkable! Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, Grieg, Debussy - all either playing in his little radio on the table, or the writer himself sits down at his piano and plays music by famous composers. He also loves modern classical music, and sometimes light jazz.
Shane listens to rock and heavy metal like Metallica, Ramstein, AC/DC all the time and you won't change my mind (I'll fight for that headcanon). I like to think he just lies on his bed, turns on his music player and plays the loudest heavy rock you can imagine in his headphones. One of his favourite songs that he listens to all the time is "For whom the bell tolls" (Metallica).
SDV bachelorettes:
Actually, I always thought that Maru would like synthwave and retrowave genre. I don't know why, but it would be just her style to include a playlist with synthwave artists (all Home songs, especially "Resonance" and "Head first"). If this genre is a too calm and the young inventor wants something a bit more energetic, her choice would be Daft Punk (Around the world, around the woooooooooooooorld!) or Disclosure ("Grab her" and "Omen" are her favorite songs).
Abigail's choices are quite chaotic. One moment she can listen to dark electro (Owl vision - "Horus" and "Holy shit"), and the next moment the amethyst lover admires folk music and promises herself that she will also learn to play the flute (Percival Schuttenbach - almost all songs, but especially "Karanfilce" and "Lazare", as well as Sowulo - the whole album "Sol"). She is also a lover of video game soundtracks and dark ambient. As I said before, pretty chaotic music taste.
All the popular pop, dance-pop and R&B you can think of - that's what Haley's playlist is. Ariana Grande, Doja Cat, Rihanna, Beyoncé, Britney Spears.... Haley doesn't have a particular favourite song, she likes everything. In the evening she likes to listen to the same pop and dance music songs, but in slowed down version + reverb.
Emily just can't live without energetic dance music. She could probably compete with Sam for the title of Starview Valley's music lover. And the genres can be diverse: from electro-swing (Caravan Palace) to Latin music (don't play Kaoma - "Lambada" in front of her, otherwise she will drag you to dance), from RnB (Beyoncé) to disco (Bee Gees).
When classical music is played, Penny falls into a melancholic mood. She is particularly affected by Claude Debussy's cycle of six piano pieces "Children's Corner", and she loves to listen to the piano version and the orchestra version equally. Besides classics, the young teacher also likes to listen to Enya (she always sheds tears when she listens to "May it be" or "Aniron"). But Penny will shed real rivers of tears if she hears the soundtrack from Titanic (especially "Hymn to the Sea").
If you ask Leah about her favourite music, the artist will name you a few groups of indie music and alternative music. After all, those are her favourite genres. In her free time, she sometimes likes to relax listening to Slenderbodies (especially "Belong" and "Opal ocean"), or Glass Animals (she can listen to the whole "Zaba" album all day long and she won't get bored). Leah also loves listening to songs by the indie duo King of Convenience (especially "Mrs Cold").
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faghubby · 4 months
Not Knocking changes my life
I opened the door to my bosses office. I had thought he had already left for the day and wanted to leave the incedent report for him to look over. I dropped it when I saw him. His pants around his ankles as he jerked off. I froze for a moment his cock was so big. He didn't stop instead he spun his chair a bit so I had an even better view.
"So sorry Mr Green" I stuttered he was still slowly stroking himself. I had never seen another man jerk off before.
"Paul check out this one" he said moving his computer screen. I was even more stunned when I saw what he was jerking off too. A slender small femme boi. I tried to leave.
"What Paul I know this is what you watch" He said. I froze.
"That virus we got last week" he added as if telling me how he knew.
"Paul are you wearing panties now?" He asked.
"No, of course not" I stuttered I wasn't sure I could get any more uncomfortable then I was now. He stood kicking off his pants as he stepped and grabbed my arm.
"Prove it" he said. He was so close I could of touched his cock. I let him turn me. He started to unbutton my shirt. I panicked and closed the door.
"Mr Green you're married" I said it was stupid but only thing I could think of. He removed my shirt. Standing very close now. He looked down into my eyes. He was at least 6 inches taller then my 5'5" slender frame.Mr green was old enough to be my father. I was 22 year old loser. And this successful handsom older man wanted me. unbuckled my belt I couldn't move. As he unzipped my pants and let them fall around my ankles.
"You little liar" Mr Green smiled when he saw my satin yellow panties. He cupped my bulge. My 4 inch penis straining against the flimsy material. His hands wrapped around and gropped my ass with both hands.
"Mr Green" I stuttered
"You should probably call me John with what is about to happen" John told me. John pulled his shirt off and led me back to his chair. He sat down and pulled me to his lap.
"Sit on Daddy's lap and watch this with me" John told me. He continued to rub me thru my panties. I stroked his cock as we watched porn on the computer.
"Do you suck cock baby?" He asked.
"I never" I mumbled
"I got myself a little virgin sissy" he laughed. I stroked him faster as his breath sounds increased.
"Look how she takes his big cock in her ass" John said he rubbed me thru the panties. I came. A moment later I made him cum. My hand coated with his seed. There was so much I thought. I never came that much.
"Have you ever tasted it?" John asked scooping up a glob of his cum and bringing it to my lips. I shook my head but opened my mouth and tasted his cum. The salty taste and texture was odd. But Iooked them in the eye for the first time and licked my hand. He was still rock hard. I was surprised.
"Why don't you sit on it" he suggested.
"It's so big and" I stuttered.
"We don't even have to take off your pretty panties" he smiled. And moved me his cock rubbed against my ass. I started to gyrate on his lap.
"I am going to teach you everything" John told me. He rubbed and pinched my nipples.
"Do you have a girlie name?" John asked. I just shook my head no. He pulled my long hair out of the pony tail I always kept it in.
I got hard again as I did I doubled my efforts pleasing him. I spun around on his lap. I don't know why but I leaned in and kissed him my tounge danced in his mouth. This made him cum all over my ass. He stood lifting me with him. He set me down and pulled my panties down bending me over his desk He used his cum as lube he worked his fingers in my ass. I cried out loud as he did. As his fingers probed my ass. He stroked my dick just a few times making me cum on his desk.
"I love you to except that I am going to have you" John told me. I nodded. He watched as I got dressed and left.
The next day I got called to HR. At first I thought it was over the forklift accident. But when I got called into a private office by Gina. Gina was an older woman of about 60. I thought of last night.
"Paul, sit down. You are not in trouble. Mr Green just wanted to show his appreciation for your professionalism in reporting the incident. She handed me an envelope. I opened it and it was a pass to a salon. I must of looked confused.
"Paul, John is discreet and on occasions chooses people to achieve their potential. I am aware of somethings, not details. But I help Mr Green at times. And if you don't want to continue or want to even file a complaint I will help you with that. I also am someone you can contact I'd there is a problem." Gina told me she handed me a new cell phone. "Both mine and Mr Green numbers are in the phone. It is the only number you are to use to reach Mr Green." Gina was very calm about all of this. She stopped and looked me straight in the eye.
"John won't want half way, that coupon you hold is for a full body wax and mani pedi." Gina warned me. I nodded as to say I understood.
"Okay, that appointment is in an hour" Gina smiled. It was 9 am I had 6 hours left on my shift.
"It's okay go" Gina assured me. I left and drove across town to a very upscale salon. I sat in the car for ten minutes trying to build the courage to go inside. Having to pee I went in to use the bathroom. As soon as I walked in I was greeted by a very good looking woman in her 50s
"You must be Paul" she said greeting me. I was stunned.
"We are alone except my assistant. This is just between us" she said making me feel at ease. She showed me to a locker room I stripped and put on a pink robe. Kelly the salon owner explained everything and answered every question with care. Her assistant Mary another woman in her 50s. They made chit chat. As they scubbed, waxed, plucked my body. It took forever but there were breaks where I soaked in a hot bath. They didn't stop until every hair below my chin was gone. They also did my nails. My toes where painted a hot pink my fingers a clear polish. They weren't done next the treated my hair adding highlights and some volume to my hair cut and styled it. Mary showed me how to style it to look more femine. She then smiled alittle.
"Trust me?" Mary asked. I nodded and she shapped my eyebrows. Not alot but they where thinner. I got a text with an address. And time from John.
I arrived to find a hotel I got another text room 1204. How did he know I was here. I went up to the room . John answered the door wearing a fluffy robe.
"Those are for you?" He said. I saw several presents. I was already amazed at how generous he had been. I didn't even know if I could do what I knew he wanted. I had never been with anyone. Not even a woman. John sat on the bed. He watched me as I walked across the room. His eyes never leaving me. I just approached him I stood in front off him for a moment. Then sank to my knees.
"I never, not sure how, and you're so big" I said with a certain amount of fear. John said nothing just spread his leg a bit further. I opened his robe. His cock was still impressive even soft I thought. As I reach ed and stroked him. I bought my head down and took just the head in my mouth. His hands gently played with my hair. As I licked and sucked his cock. Making it grow.
"Cup the balls, gently caress them. Even lick and suck them" John told me. "That's nice with the tounge wrap it around like that. Don't take to much. You will get better at it slowly" he told me. "You can use your hand some. No such thing as to much salivia" he kept encouraging me. My jaw started to hurt. But I kept going it took more thspen a half hour to get him close. He stood pushing me back. As he unleash a tidal wave of cum into my mouth and all over my face. It dripped down my chest. He helped me to my feet and grabbed a towel. He feed me big globs of his cum but basicly cleaned me. Then led me to where he had left the gifts. The first box was beautiful white lingerie like a bride would wear. A corset that attached to stockings, and a little thong.
"I love to see you in this" he told me. I picked up the box blushing and went to the bathroom. I needed his help with the corset but managed the rest. He ran his hands all over my body when I came out.
"You look so lovely" he told me. Kissing me. I melted in his arms. He then handed me the next present. I opened it to find ha jeweled butt plug. He took it from me and lubed it up. I bent over he pulled my thong to the side and slowly worked it in. It wasn't that big but felt huge as he set I'm place. I was so aroused I would of let him do anything at this point. But he sat me down next to him and opened a small box. It had a gold necklace. With "Paulie" in it he didn't ask just put it on my neck.
"You will need alot of training before I can fuck you" he told me. He pushed on the plug. "Would you like to start?" I just nodded. He grabbed a bag and set it on the table. He positioned me on the bed my face buried in a pillow and my ass high in the air. He removed the plug and replaced it with something longer. After about ten minutes he used another toy thicker. Then another. And another.
"That's enough for today" John told me.
"Please daddy, try I can take it please let me feel you inside me" I pleaded. He got behind me and applied even more lube. I felt the huge head of his cock pushing against me. Then my ass suddenly opened and engulfed the head of his cock. I screamed as it did. Daddy didn't move just held me still. The pain subsided sum. I was in pain. But I wanted him, I wanted to plase him. So I pushed back. Letting more of his massive cock rip my virgin asshole open. Tears flowed down my face now.
"That's enough" Daddy smacked my ass. And pulled out. I crawled into a fetal position. Daddy came and lifted my head and set it on her lap. He ran his hands thru my hair.
"Shhh, it's okay you did well" he told me. Then he reached down and pushed a plug in my ass.
"I never want to see you not wearing this" he said running his hand across my necklace. "And if you aren't wearing panties you better be Commando." He told me. I met him once a week at the hotel. At work though I couldn't even hide the special attention he gave me. It was obvious to all my co workers and I was teased about it. They didn't know exactly who was throwing me favoritism. But at least once a week I found myself in his office (usually after hours) or in his car. He took pleasure not only in teaching me to be his slut. But pushing me to be more and more femine.
Once a month I had a spa appointment, where I learned skin care, but also make up tutorials. At first he had me get my ears pieced. He loved buying me jewelry and perfume. I could now take half his cock in my ass. But still not been able to take all 10 inches. Orally was worse but I was beginning to get over my gag refex.
Then one night he calls drunk tells me he is outside my appartment. I was in bed I get up and throw on some clothes and let him in. He is forceful for the first time is normal gentle patience gone. He rips my clothes off annoyed at my male clothes. Then bends me over my table. My ass is plugged. He pulls it out and drives his cock in. Not stopping this time not working about me he FUCKS me. Driving all 10 inches of his two inch thick cock into my ass. I can do nothing but bite my lip as he pounds away. I cum on the table after only a minute he doesn't even notice. Smaking my ass as he uses me. I almost pass out by the time he fills my ass with his sperm. He pulls out and leaves. Barely saying a word. I grab my shirt and wrap it around myself.
As I arrive at work the next morning I am met in the parking lot by miss Gina. She quickly ushers me to her office.
"I am guessing things changed last night" She smiled. "John has asked me to have you read this and answer any questions you may have. As I read what looked like a contract. Gina made the comment.
"You know you are a year younger then his daughter?" I blushed I had not even thought about it.
I was confused by the language of the document I was reading.
"Basically it says you agree to be his. You will not be permitted to have any relations with anyone else. You will wear what he asks you too. Do what he demands. In exchange he will set you up in a condo, with an allowance." Gina said. She stopped looked at me. "You will be his sex slave for at least the next 5 years" she stated. "He may have you alter your body permanently" she added.
I nodded that I understood. I went to see him before I signed. He locked his door and dropped his pants he pushed me to the floor.
"Take it all" he commanded as he shoved his cock in my mouth. I had never took more them half. But now he forced it down my throat. Soon he was fucking my throat as I tried to relax as tears flowed down my face. His balls slapped against my chin and I felt like I had won the world series. He continued to fuck my throat till he came straight into my stomach. He pulled out and helped me up.
"You're fired" he said. Handing me a tissue to wipe my face. "Gina has the keys to your new place. No need for any of your old things unless I gave them to you. And some personal things" John told me. I didn't even tell him I hadn't signed. I went back to Gina signed it and was driven back to my place where I was given a box to pack up a few things from my old life. Before bought to a gorgeous two bedroom condo. The place was furnished and closets full of clothes. I was left alone the closets where almost completely women clothes. I had recover worn a dress but I tried them on.
John came in around 7pm. He had a key. He walked straight up to me and pushed me over a table. Flipped the dress up and tore my panties off.
"You drive me crazy" he told me his cock sliding across my ass. He smacked my ass. And let me go.
"You are to be fitted with a chastity cage" he told me. I can't have you flopping all over. As he said it there was a knock at the door. He opened it and two men entered. They sat me down pulled up my dress and took measurements. First of me hard then one of them put some kind of gel on my penis. It got soft immediately. They took more measurements then locked me in a steel cage. And gave the keys to John. He thanked them and they left.
"You are a woman now, I will not have you dressing or acting in any other way" John informed me.
"Lily (his wife) knows all about you. She even has keys to this place. You will treat her with respect if she chooses to meet you" he told me. He then picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. He tossed me on the bed and ripped the dress off of me. He was gentle he was rough and corse. Biting and cursing he play raped me. Then pulled out and shoved his cock down my throat. I was so turned on my penis hurt unable to grow. As I moaned even cried as he used me.
"This is what you are for" he told me.
"Yes, thank you Daddy" I moaned.
I learned Lily allowed me because I did everything she had no interest in doing and Daddy needed. Daddy even took me on trips with him on occasion. He transformed me. I had not only my ears pierced several times but also my nose and nipples. I had c cup implants he didn't want them big with my small frame. My clit was locked away in a custom made cage that was so small it compressed it even when soft. He even had me get a tattoo that said Daddy's toy on my ass. Unless I was naked no one would ever suspect I was really male.
I knew my place, if Daddy had a stressful day. I was going to feel it. It wasn't even beyond him to tie me up of spank me. I was his to do as he pleased.
Till one day Lily rang the bell. I invited her in. I never went out without Daddy or at least Gus his driver. I didn't have a car. And really no money everything was paid for.
"Paulina, I have a proposition for you." LILY said. "A few months ago you met a man named Mohammed" she continued I remember.
"Mohammed has asked for you" Lily told me. "John likes the conquest but he has you properly as far as he is willing to take you. He will soon replace you. But Mohammed" Lily smiled. I was confused.
"If John throws you out you have nothing" Lily pointed out.
"John is aware I am here. I propose you meet with Mohammed" Lily continued. I had said almost nothing. Lily got up.
"A car will arrive tonight at 6" she told me. And left. I didn't know what to do but fussed and panicked about meeting this man tonight. Was picked up by a driver and driven to a hotel. In the presidential suite I met Mohammed. He was a good looking man. Taller then I remembered. His black bald head shimmered in the light.
Without a word he pointed to the floor at his feet I dropped. He unzipped his pants, I reached out and helped him. I pulled out his lovely black cock. I had only ever touched John's. He wouldn't like me touching Mohammed's. But I couldn't resist and sucked his lovely cock. It wasn't as thick as John's but just as long. Mohammed stopped me before I finished.
"I am told you like disapline" He says.
"I understand my place and need to be spanked" I told him.
"What about more then spanked. Have you ever been whipped?" He asked his hand cupping my face. I swallowed hard
"No sir" I replied.
"I am going to" he told me he pulled my hair. As I stood. He had me strip. Naked. He didn't care about my pretty lingerie. He tied my hands above my head. And laid me on the bed. Where he tied that to the frame then my feet spread apart where tied as well. He used a belt. Across my ass. Then let it lay there. Slowly moving it then again. And again. It was slow, it made me jump and cry everytime. But also strangely erotic. I never went back to the condo.
Sir. Gave me a dozen lashes that day. Before he fucked my ass pulling out to cum all over my welted ass. I belonged to him after that.
Mohammed was different although much more strict he was there everyday. There was no second like. I traveled with him. And practically every night we slept in the same bed.
He was Mohammed in public but always sir when we where alone. Now 26 years old. I am pain slut to a 58 year old. He doesn't even have the keys to my cage. He says if we ever need it off he will just have me castrated.
I want to marry this man, but he says he cant. He is married to a woman he hasn't seen in 20 years.
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Hello, could you write a story about the reader working in a small shop on boardwalk?
Pizzeria, cafeteria, hotdogs stand or something similar.
Dwayne goes there every day to see y/n. The boys are teasing him about it because he's buying stuff he doesn't like just to see y/n.
Y/n is perhaps scared of him because he doesn't talk much and just stares most of the times they see each other. But also has a crush on him, because i think it's obvious why xd.
I'm definitely not low-key in love with this idea? Absolutely not. No. (Hope you like this!💜)
Also, my requests are still open, so feel free to send me an ask :)
If Laddie hadn't been begging for an ice cream cone, he would have never entered the shop. The Ice Dream was a brand-new store selling all kinds of frozen treats. The outside was painted in a bright yellow pastel colour - that probably looked lovely during the day, but was a rather ugly colour by night - and the inside was also a bright, pastel coloured fever dream. Definitely not a store Dwayne would have thought of entering of his own. But Laddie had asked, and he would do anything to make the kid happy.
"Hi, what can I get -" You stood behind the counter, starting cheerful but slowing down when you saw who entered. You didn't know who it was, but damn- he was hot. "You...?"
"Can I have a strawberry and a chocolate scoop?"
Only now did you notice the kid walking behind the man, who silently nodded. As you made the order, adding a bit of sprinkles after being asked, you noticed that he was staring at you. With a shy smile, you handed the young boy his ice cream before turning to the man. "Can I get you anything?"
He shook his head. "I'm good."
After he paid, he left the store, listening to Laddie exclaim that this was the best ice cream he ever had. Dwayne smiled, but couldn't help but think about the ice cream seller. They were cute, kind - and somehow, no matter what he did, he couldn't get them out of his head. So the next day, he went back to the store, taking Laddie along as an excuse.
"What's your favourite flavour?" Laddie asked you as he looked at the dozens of flavours, ready to be scooped.
"Blueberry," you answered, "but this orange lemon ice cream is also really good."
"Can I have those then?"
You smiled and nodded, once again noticing how the man - whose name you didn't know - was looking at you. Today, he looked kinder and a bit more approachable than the day before, but not by much. He was still rather intimidating. "You sure you don't want anything?" You asked, but he had already paid and left the store. You waved at the boy as he left, seeing the man smile. You sighed - he was really pretty. And scary.
The next day, Marko had picked up on Dwaynes plan of going to the Ice Dream again.
"What, do they sell bloodfavoured ice cream or something?"
"Nah, he just likes the one working there, right?"
"So?" Dwayne looked at Marko and Paul, shrugging. "It's not any of your business."
"It is when you're crushing on them." David piped in, causing Dwayne to sigh. "I don't have a crush. There's just something intriguing about them."
"Sounds like a crush to me."
The others agreed. Dwayne shook his head as he went to the store. This time, Laddie had just given him an order ("Please bring me the bluest and greenest ice cream they have?") while he waited in line for the carousel.
You looked up as the bell above the door rinkled. "Your kid must really love ice cream," you said with a smile as you wiped the counter. "What can I get you tonight?"
Dwayne gave his order, and you quickly made it for him. "That will be two fifty. Or," you shyly smiled, "we can do one fifty and a name?"
"Dwayne." He said, taking the cone, giving you one last, very intense look, and leaving after dropping five dollars on the counter. You hadn't even had the time to give him your name. But, you knew his. Dwayne. You hated to admit it to yourself, but you spent half your day just looking at the door, hoping he'd come in again. Luckily, for you, he did. Just never during the day.
In the days that followed, he showed up practically every night. Sometimes, with Laddie, sometimes without. Every time, he'd buy a cone - and you were certain that he'd never tasted a single bit of ice cream. Either Laddie ate it or some of the other guys he hung out with. So, after a week, you decided to confront him.
"Hey, I've got a question for you," you smiled as he entered the store.
"Just tell me if I am right or not. I think you don't like ice cream. Am I right?"
"So, why do you come here every night?"
He was quiet for a moment before answering.
"To see you."
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pauls1967moustache · 5 months
do you have any recent beatles fic faves? :) open to any ship I’m in a fic drought (loved your latest btw!)
Oh thank you! I’ve been so bad about reading fic lately, I’ve had a bunch of tabs open for ages. But here’s what’s in my recent bookmarks:
I’ve loved @planetaire two most recent ones monkey’s paw which has SUCH a good john, and also covers the Japan leg of the ‘66 tour which you don’t see often. Also don’t talk, take my hand about jpy 1968 yellow submarine chaos, a favourite topic of mine, as I’m sure dedicated readers well know.
your lucky break by @o-boogies - I feel like everyone’s read this, and of course why wouldn’t you!! Not only does it pay off on the inherent sex appeal of a jp may/december thing, but also has sublime world-building. What a delightful universe. Captures the mclennon mutual insanity perfectly!
Like I Please You by @eveepe - sexy with just the right brand of insane mclennon sexual escalation. Yeah just put his dick in your mouth paul, it’s nothing!
1969-headache by phyllistine - lovely little character piece about get back! Nails all the dynamics, the undercurrent of love as well as all the overwhelming normal current of tension and awkwardness.
Play me one of yours (been thinking about the scene where Paul’s aunt tries to take his guitar for several weeks now…) and the more recent Hurricaneville (dreamy and lovely and so richly textured) both by the always wonderful @crepesuzette2023
And The Story Continues @javelinbk ‘s hot follow up to beloved Our Version of Events. It’s got glorious smut! It’s got delicious angst! Can’t go wrong :)
Also, not a recent one but one I recently revisited while looking for a quote and realised I didn’t bookmark so quickly rectified that because it’s great - ageless children, animal sweat by @eyeball2eyeball
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bcdrawsandwrites · 5 months
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(Please reblog if you want to, do not repost! Do not post to Pinterest!)
[ID: A Team Fortress 2 fanfic cover featuring a render of Pyro and Spy standing back-to-back in profile, with Pyro facing left and Spy facing right, standing against a dark purple background. Spy is smoking. Both characters have a yellow/orange rim lighting. Above them is the title of the fic, Flickering, glowing the same glowing yellow/orange. /end ID]
Fandom: Team Fortress 2
Rating: K+
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Friendship
Characters: Spy, Pyro, all the other mercs, and Miss Pauling (primarily Spy and Pyro, but everyone else has important moments too)
Warnings: TF2-typical violence, PTSD, panic attacks, trauma in general (none of these guys are okay)
Description: After the events of the comics, the mercs try to go back to how things were, but it's never that easy.
Spy can see his teammates going through their own struggles… but something seems to be very, very wrong with Pyro in particular.
And since no one else seems to be doing anything about this, Spy makes it his mission to get to the bottom of what is troubling Pyro. For no particular reason.
Beta Readers: @mechmolar, @gonturan0, @junuve (Teeth (mechmolar) also did the render for the cover!)
Notes: This fic is legit like around 80% complete already because it takes me forever to actually post anything these days. I'll be posting new chapters as I feel like it. It'll be around 10 chapters in total. Also, Pyro is nonhuman and uses it/its pronouns in this fic. Okay? Okay.
They were pretty sure they knew what awaited them when they got to Gray Mann's base. Or, Spy was sure, anyway. Mann was after the same Australium they were, and they'd be interrogated for what little they knew. And he wasn’t going to get that information out of them easily.
Spy’s tongue nudged one of his fake teeth. The time would come for that eventually.
His suspicions were confirmed when Demo, still distraught from the loss of Sniper, was dragged out by a couple of the enemy mercs, who snickered over the ways they could "make him talk."
That left him, Miss Pauling, Soldier, Zhanna, and Pyro, all of them chained up in a tiny room, waiting out their fate.
Well, until that thing entered.
It was the other team's pyro. Their Pyro perked up with an interested hum when it saw the other, only to jump—as much as it could with its feet chained to the floor—when the enemy pyro removed its face.
Spy had, admittedly, been caught off-guard, but rolled his eyes immediately after. This was not like their Pyro. This one was a human—a woman, her face scarred with old burns and one eye missing, her hair pepper gray with half her scalp scarred over. The fact that she was human had startled him more than any disfigurement could have.
Of course, he had to remind himself that his team was the exception, as always. They'd become so accustomed to the incredibly strange nature of their comrade that it felt eerie to actually see a human behind a similar mask.
Pyro must have felt the same, with the way it tilted its head with a hum of consternation.
The woman stared at it in turn. "Hm. This one seems promising."
Miss Pauling's head shot up, but Spy nudged her and subtly shook his head.
Unfortunately, Soldier was not on their wavelength. "That one? HAH! If you need a building burned to the ground, maybe! But Pyro doesn't talk!"
One of the woman's eyebrows raised in interest. "Really."
Spy shut his eyes, imagining himself flipping open his butterfly knife and driving it through Soldier's throat.
"Nope! It's completely incomprehensible! It can’t tell you anything! The rest of us won’t, either—we will not yield under torture, especially not me. Though I'd love to see you try!"
"Soldier, no!" Zhanna cried. "I must be tortured first!"
But the enemy pyro did not respond to them—likely still staring at their Pyro. "It doesn't, eh?" she said, putting a heavy emphasis on the pronoun. "Good. I like a challenge."
Seconds later, several robots filed into the room, immediately heading for Pyro and unlocking its shackles from the floor. Pyro mumbled something at them.
"Wait, no!" Soldier cried. "Pick me, pick me! I'm a good challenge!"
But the robots paid them no mind as they escorted Pyro out, and Spy cracked an eye open to see it showed no signs of worrying about what was about to happen. The door slammed shut, and he let out a sigh, tipping his head back. "Soldier, you are going to get us all killed."
"We're gonna die anyway!" Soldier protested. "We can at least go down fighting!"
"We are not going to go down fighting, you imbecile. We are—" He stopped himself there, deciding he didn't particularly want to reflect on their fates with someone who wasn't going to care anyway.
"Poor Pyro," Miss Pauling murmured. "What are they going to do to it?"
Spy shrugged. "Better it than us." He lowered his voice. "With luck, they'll waste several hours trying to get information out of it before they realize Soldier, idiot that he is, was more-or-less telling the truth. That may buy us some time."
"You think we can still get out of this?" she whispered, hope edging into her voice.
"Not likely. We're probably delaying the inevitable." His tongue nudged one of his molars.
"We'll have to hope.” Miss Pauling sighed, staring at the door. "I guess Demo or Pyro could break out."
Spy barely resisted the urge to snort. "The drunkard? Not likely. Pyro? Who knows."
"I still can't imagine what they would do to it."
Spy tipped his head back to regard the ceiling for a moment. "Who can say? Waterboarding, perhaps?” A random guess, and he snorted at the absurdity of it. “Though I struggle to imagine what could break that creature."
"Neither could the Administrator. That's one of the reasons she recruited it." Miss Pauling shook her head. "If that's the case, maybe it'll find a way to break out. And break us out of here."
"Unless it decides to burn down the whole base with us inside. Regardless, resisting torture and breaking free are two different things. But we shall see."
Soldier groaned. "But when's it gonna be my turn to get tortured for information?"
"Will be our turn soon," Zhanna reassured him.
Spy heaved a sigh, and Miss Pauling shut her eyes.
They sat in uncomfortable silence (save for Soldier and Zhanna's chatter) for some time, Spy keeping an eye on the door while Miss Pauling stared at the floor, lost in her own thoughts.
The minutes ticked on. For how long, Spy was uncertain—he couldn't reach his watch to read it, and the feeling of dread in the air was not helping with their perception of time. Next to him, Miss Pauling occasionally muttered to herself, and every so often he could pick up phrases.
"...and we could go back to Australia, and..."
"...if Scout or Heavy are still out there..."
"...and Sniper could... wait, no..."
Sighing, he almost considered tuning her out, but it was a good distraction from his nicotine cravings, at least.
At some point, she raised her head. "Where is it?"
Spy raised an eyebrow. "Hm?"
"Pyro. They've been keeping it for a long time."
"Yes. Demo has been gone for some time, too."
"Yeah, but... they can get information out of him." She turned to face him again, and an unspoken question hung in the air.
Spy returned her gaze. "Miss Pauling, if you are under the impression that we are in the hands of anyone other than violent sadists, I do not know what to tell you."
Before she could react, the door burst open.
“I VOLUNTEER!” Soldier cried, straining against his manacles.
But instead of their captors, Pyro stumbled into the room.
Spy would have hoped that it had indeed broken loose and come to rescue them had it not been for the fact that its hands were shackled behind its back.
The robots escorted Pyro to the end of the bench, where they shackled its feet to the floor. Meanwhile, the enemy pyro stepped into the room.
"Finally!" Soldier exclaimed. "You've had your turn, Pyro. Now it's mine!"
"Our turn," Zhanna corrected.
With an unfriendly smile, the woman turned to face them. "If you insist."
While the robots got to work escorting the two least intelligent people out of the room, Spy and Miss Pauling looked over their recently-returned companion. "Pyro?" Miss Pauling whispered. "You okay, buddy?"
Pyro said nothing, sitting still on the bench and facing forward.
"...Well, it looks okay, anyway." Miss Pauling shrugged. "Guess the Administrator was right."
"Hm." Spy's eyes narrowed as he continued to look Pyro over. While it was true that it looked more-or-less uninjured—the suit was a little roughed up, but that was it—he couldn't be too sure that it was unharmed. The enemy wouldn't have just done nothing with it, and the way Pyro did not answer them, nor even respond to its surroundings, was not encouraging.
Nor was the fact that it was trembling.
But before he could analyze Pyro's behavior any further, the doors burst open again, and this time a barely-coherent Demo was practically dragged into the room.
In the whirlwind of events that followed, the torture that their fellow mercs had endured was nearly all but forgotten.
But it would not stay that way.
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jewishevelinebaker · 6 months
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Have you ever wanted to make the TF2 guys drown in a pool? Or perhaps... kiss? Well, now you can! Here's a list of my TF2 Sims 4 custom content. Playtested, all LODs, all base game compatible. If you come across any problems let me know, but I don't think you should.
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I made 3 items for Scout: his cap with headset, shirt with rolled up sleeves (comes in RED and BLU), and a necklace with 2 dogtags.
For Sniper I converted his hat, made a pair of sunglasses with a yellow tint, and added his facial scars. The scars can be found in skin detail, freckles. Also for Sniper I took a vanilla hairstyle and drew on his funky hairline.
Shown with Makesims' Hand Wraps
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Here are 3 vests I made by combining and changing some vanilla vests. The one on the left is intended for Heavy, as it has t-shirt sleeves. The two on the right can work for either Demo or Sniper, as both have sleeves rolled up to their elbows. Both contain swatches with and without Demo's long undershirt sleeves. All vests come in BLU and RED.
Also shown here, on Demo and Heavy, are a pair of pants I converted from Strangerville's army career. See, normally when Sims 4 pants tuck into boots, the lower sections of the pants just disappear. But with these, because they include the shoes, the pants puff up over the top of the boots. There are 5 swatches: brown/grey, RED, BLU, and RED/BLU with gradient.
On Heavy and Sniper are black fingerless gloves. There is a swatch with gloves on both hands and a swatch with one glove (for Sniper).
Shown with Pralinesims' eye patch. Also, for Demo I used a white left eye from my Bad Batch CC for when he takes it off.
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For Soldier and Engie I made these hats from scratch. Soldier's has two swatches to match his RED and BLU outfits. Engie also gets a pair of goggles.
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I made Spy's mask by editing the ninja mask from the Spooky stuff pack and Pyro's by recoloring the inaccurate scuba mask from Island Living. It's not exactly a gas mask, but I really did not feel like making one from scratch and I'm not satisfied with any gas mask CC that already exists.
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Pyro's mask also has a version with cat ears. For pary time, of course. Their shirt, while not exactly like Pyro's in-game shirt, has a similar silhouette which is why I chose it. There are white, RED, and BLU versions with and without the balloonicorn graphic.
I also made Pyro's gloves. The second swatch adds a black covering on the neck so that Pyro can wear many shirts without showing skin.
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Here are the outfits for the rest of the characters.
Medic has a recolor of the Get to Work lab coat, RED and BLU, with and without gloves.
Spy has a recolor of the base game pinstripe suit in RED and BLU.
For Pyro, in addition to the shirt, I made another pair of pants with gradient, but this time they can go with taller boots. The boots do not come with my CC.
Engie has a recolor of the handyman overalls, in RED and BLU. I also made the gunslinger as a glove. There are two versions, with and without the bulky wrist part, so that it can still work with long sleeves and not clip.
Miss Pauling's dress has 3 swatches with different shades of purple. Please ignore the shading issues in this post's cover image; it has since been fixed but that pic was so hard to get I'm not retaking it.
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I have added a few build/buy options. The 2Fort roofs (shown in the 2Fort images earlier) are a recolor of roofs from Werewolves. I also added the gym and meeting room walls from Expiration Date.
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Mercenary Career!! Branches for all classes, plus branches for the Administrator and Miss Pauling. Script mods must be turned on and the files for this cannot be more than 1 folder deep in your mods folder.
All items can be found here on Sims File Share.
Recommended: Serenity's 1960s CC and Simduction's Dixie Hair for Ma 💖
My build of 2Fort and my sims can be found on my gallery, username Dadverinee.
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pavl-art · 18 days
uh thinking of an au that I’ve been making (if you wanna know some stuff please ask:)!) it’s uh set in like a fabricated thing of the 80’s uh I don’t wanna share art yet because i haven’t put my watermark on it (because it’s fully colored and stuff)
but uh a little thing
Emma has more greens (for wiggly) on her
Charlotte has more pinks (for nibbly) on her
Bill has more purples (for blinky) on him
Paul has more blue (for pokey) on him
Ted has more yellow/orange (for tinky) on him
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youllnevergrowold · 12 days
Shout-out to @midnight-in-santa-carla! I saw your tags on that post (we all know the one) and thought why not? Here's some NSFW Michael and David for you, and I hope you enjoy. :)
Also on AO3
"I'm gonna get you for this, Emerson."
Under other circumstances, this might have been intimidating, but as it is, Michael is barely even impressed. Maybe it's the pitiful, frustrated whine that has taken the place of David's usual devil-may-care attitude that does it. Maybe it's that Michael has been working him over with hands and mouth for ages now and it's hardly the first time the threat has been issued that takes the sting out of it. Maybe it's that every time Michael thinks this is surely it, the moment when David finally goes over the edge, his eyes flash yellow and his fangs lengthen dangerously and yet there is never any release.
What Michael does know is that this is a lot more fun than he'd anticipated.
Blame it on Sam and those cheesy comics he'd left lying around. Michael had caught a glimpse of a panel featuring a cartoonishly frightened damsel in distress and a wizened old man assuring her in a cramped little speech bubble, "Don't worry, miss! Vampires can't come inside without permission!" And in his own defense, how was he not supposed to put it to the test?
David and the rest of the boys showed up after dark and it took some work to convince Marko, Paul, and Dwayne to head out without them, but Michael won in the end. David, on the other hand, needed almost no convincing to stay back and fool around, especially with the rest of the Emersons out of the house and out of their way. Michael played it cool, waiting until they were both half naked and half hard before he asked, "Is it true?"
"Is what true?" David replied before leaning down to nip at Michael's neck. Not a serious bite, but enough to get his heart racing that much faster.
Michael unzipped David's fly and reached into his pants to wrap a hand around his cock. He let out a long sigh at the first touch but his breath hitched after only a few strokes, and Michael had to resist a self-satisfied smirk. "Can vampires come inside without permission?" he asked.
"You had to invite me in, didn't you?" He let Michael carry on for a bit, then drew back enough to narrow his eyes in suspicion. "Why?"
Michael pushed him back onto the bed then climbed after him. "You'll see."
There's no telling how long it's been since, and Michael has yet to get bored of this. David is past curses and threats and has finally started begging, but Michael isn't about to let him off the hook. After all the teasing and hazing and other bullshit, David has earned some payback, and Michael is more than happy to oblige.
It's about time that cocky bastard got what was coming to him.
Michael finally rolls onto his back and David takes the hint. A few moments to maneuver and then he's sinking deep, with one hand flat on the bed for balance and the other between their bodies stroking Michael in time to each thrust of his hips. Jesus, it's too good... Michael isn't going to last long like this...
"Michael," David says, the word raspy and breathless, "stop fucking with me, please, you gotta let me..."
He's almost there himself, right at the edge and ready to go over...
He opens his mouth, the words right there on his lips--
The rumble of an old engine and the blare of an off-key horn horn cut him off.
Michael shoves David away with enough force he falls off the bed, landing with a loud thump and a shocked expletive. Ignoring him, Michael bolts to the window and peers through the blinds in a panic to see headlights pulling up the driveway. Grandpa is home early.
"Michael, what the fuck?" David demands, picking himself up off the floor and following to the window. "Who is that?"
Michael abandons the window and starts searching for discarded clothes. "You gotta get out of here," he says. "Hurry up, before someone sees you."
"Are you shitting me?" David catches the shirt Michael flings at him and puts it on, too distracted to notice it's inside out. "You're just gonna string me along all night and then kick me out before either of us gets to finish?"
"I didn't plan it that way," Michael insists, still throwing David's clothes at him. "And don't act like you didn't like it."
David grins midway through getting his pants back on. "You're right. I kinda did."
The door slams shut downstairs as they move to the window again. Michael eases it open slowly so it doesn't creak and gestures out into the night. "Go. I'll catch up with you later."
David steps onto the sill and pulls Michael in for one last kiss before giving him an impertinent pat on the cheek. "Next time I see you, you're in deep shit," he says.
"Next time I see you, I'll string you along even longer," Michael replies.
David smiles. Not his usual devilish, arrogant grin, but one of the rare, softer ones with more warmth and sincerity. "See you around, Michael." He steps out of the window and there's a rushing sound as he disappears into the night, and Michael stares after him before turning away to get dressed. Hopefully, Grandpa won't notice him sneaking out. If he dawdles, he'll never catch up, and he doesn't want to keep David waiting.
Well. Maybe not for too long.
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could you please do a BoRhap request? Where she looks after the guys during recording since her family owns Rockfield Farm and they love her cooking? But the guys (minus Fred who has Mary) all fancy her too?
Pairings: John + Roger + Brian x Fem!reader Summary: ^^ Warnings: none, I don't think Note: I did my best guys, I'm sorry
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a knock came to your door as you finished up breakfast
you left the kitchen and went to the front door
you opened the door to see a blonde with long hair with sunglasses on
he was wearing dark, slightly flared jeans, a yellow v neck shirt underneath a greeny grey jacket with fur
behind him was a short haired brunette with a mustache
he pushed the blonde out of the way and held out his hand
"hi, I'm paul, this is Roger, From Queen" he introduced
of course you knew Queen was coming to your family's farm, it wasn't like you didn't know who they were and wouldn't let them in, it's just that you felt Rogers gaze planted on you and it made you feel a little nervous
"you're not" Roger scoffed quietly
"yes, of course, come in, are the rest here too?" you asked, stepping out of the way to let them in
"they're sorting out their luggage" Roger answered, taking off his glasses
"well, I made breakfast..if you're hungry?" you smiled tightly
"depends what you're serving" Roger smirked and looked you up and down
"pancakes" you responded quickly
"yeah, I could eat"
he followed you to the kitchen and he took a seat, shovelling food onto the plate in front of him and started eating
a few minutes later Roger had finished his plate and went back for seconds
"ah there you are Freddie" Paul spoke up, noticing the other three band members by the door
"we're also here mate" the tall, long curly haired brunette said, seeming annoyed by Paul's presence
"should I show you boys to your rooms?" you wondered, breaking the silence that filled the room
The three boys standing at the door all turned to you
"didn't know the farm came with a pretty lady" the curly Brunette smiled
"oh I'm Y/n. this is my Family's Farm. I live in the building beside this one, I'm just here to show you around"
"are those pancakes for us?" the auburn haired one said
"oh, yes! you can have as many as you want" you pointed to the mountain of pancakes you had made on the counter
"they are delicious" Roger said with a mouthful of food
"well I'm Brian, This is Fred and John and I see you've already met Rog"
"it's a pleasure to meet you guys"
"pleasure's all ours darling" Freddie beamed
"well I'll show you your rooms then" you said taking off your apron and leading them upstairs
"it's probably not what you're used to but your manager said it was perfect to get away from distractions so" you shrugged
you turned to face the boys and see Roger first
"you're in here. mister Taylor" you looked to the first door
"right" he grunted, walking into the room with his heavy luggage
"and that's yours, Mister Mercury" you pointed to the room in the corner to the left
"thank you darling"
"Mister May, yours is right here" pointing to the right side next to the bathroom
Brian walked into the room and you noticed John still standing on the top of the stairs
"oh, sorry. mister Deacon, you're downstairs" he walks back down the stairs and you lead him down to the room.
"I know it's small but it doesn't get nearly as cold as the other rooms" you informed him
"okay..." he frowns as he steps down
"well I'll let you get settled then, i'll show you and the band around when you're ready" you smiled, starting to go up the stairs
"are there still pancakes?" he asked, putting his luggage down on the bed
"oh yeah, they'd probably still be warm too" you answered
he soon started following you up the stairs to the kitchen to find all the other members of the band eating the pancakes
"Rog really didn't lie, these pancakes are delicious" Brian hummed
"we need more syrup" Roger lifted up the empty bottle of maple syrup
"oh..ok" you walked over to the fridge as John took a seat and started eating the food
"here you go" you grinned, putting the syrup on the table in front of them
it's been a few days since they've arrived and much to your surprise, you've seen more of them then you expected
you didn't think you would see much of them, you thought thy would be very busy and you didn't have a problem with that
but Roger, Brian and John all seemed to want you around them
Roger would casually flirt with you
Brian would always start up a conversation or make you help with with a lyric
and John would subtly make eye contact and smile before coming up to you to ask for suggestions
and they would all ask if you could cook them up something when they got hungry and said they liked your cooking, so much so that there would be barely any left for Freddie or you.
Roger was currently helping you make breakfast while Brian and John sat and ate while they discussed songs
"i put my heart and soul into this song" Roger spoke up as they talked about his new song he made
"no one is disputing that" John smiled, lifting up his fork
"and you don't like it because you want your songs on the album" Roger fought
"it's not that Roger" John denied
"then what is it?" the blonde raised his eyebrows as he stopped cutting bread
"I'm in love with my car?" Brian spoke up
you fought back a laugh at the thought of the song
Brian and John both made a questionable face as silence filled the air
"maybe it's not strong enough?" Brian suggested
"what does that even mean 'not strong enough'?" Roger frowned
"I know I'm late. What did I miss?" Freddie came in and poured himself some tea
John straightened his back and looked at the singer "discussing Roger's car song"
"is it strong enough, that's all I'm asking. If I'm on my own here, then i apologise" Brian put his hands up defensively
"how does your new song go, then, hm?" Roger walked over and grabbed Brians lyrics
"you call me sweet.. like I'm some kind of cheese" the drummer read out
you stifled a laugh as you cooked bacon
"it's good" Brian defended, looking at the John who was eating a sausage with a smile and Freddie who was stirring his tea
"wow" Roger sighed sarcastically
"is that-, is that you know- when my hand's on your grease gun..That's very subtle isn't it?" Brian read Rogers back
"it's a metaphor, Brian" Roger argued
"it's just a bit weird Roger, what exactly are you doing with that car?" John spoke, waving his fork around
"what do you think, Y/n?" Roger turned to you, looking for backup
you put the now cooked bacon on a plate and turned to the boys
"don't turn to me, I'm not getting involved" you shook your head
"children please, we could all murder each other but then who would be left to record this album?" Freddie butted in
"statistically speaking, most bands don't fail, they break up" John stated mater-of-a-factly
"why the hell would you say something like that?" Freddie frowned
John shrugged and Freddie turned back to the Blonde
"Roger, there's only room in this band for one hysterical queen" Freddie informed the drummer before walking out
"you know why you're angry, Roger?" Brian began again
"...why?" Roger breathed out
"'cause you know you're song isn't strong enough" the curly headed man repeated
"boys I really don't think you should be-" you started to say but cut off by Roger throwing bacon at Brian's face
"is that strong enough?" Roger questioned
"ok" you mumbled, looking at John, who smiled at you amusingly
Roger pushed off plates and glasses off the table angrily
"what about that?!" he asked before going over to find something else
"Hey!" you yelled at Roger, who grabbed a pot of Coffee
he turned and began to swing it at the two boys before he stopped as they put their hands up
"Not the coffee machine!?" they both yelled
Roger put the coffee machine down and you sighed looking at the mess
"I'll clean this up" he sighed after a moment of silence
"you sure are" you nodded sternly
you sat in the recording room on the couch with John and Roger as Brian got ready to record his guitar
Roger slung his arm around your shoulder as Brian got set up
"so..how about we go get dinner later" he suggested
"pardon?" you wondered
"you, me, i'll take you out to dinner" he repeated
"I highly doubt she'll want to go out with you, Roger, she's too good for you" John sighed
"and what? you're better?" the drummer scoffed, looking over you to the auburn headed bassist
John stared at Roger for a moment
"how's katie? last time we saw her was right before we left to come here" the Deacon wondered
"shut it mate" Roger groaned
your thoughts were cut short as Brian started playing
you focused on the music but felt John's gaze on you, you slowly turned your head to see him staring at you, smiling
"so, do you have a boyfriend?" Roger asked
"I don't see how that's any of your business" you crossed your arms, looking back at Brian, who's still playing his solo
"what if I want to ask you out?" he shrugged
"how come you're the one that gets to ask her out?" John leans forward to argue with Roger
"because I can" the Taylor boy smirked
"Roger, do you have to be such a man whore?" John questioned, his accent become more defined and thick
"I think you're just jealous you don't get women chasing after you" Roger huffed, leaning back on the couch, seeming to be not fazed
"ah yes, because all i need is women to make me feel better about myself, all i need and want is women around me to fill a void of unfulfillment" John rolled his eyes
"oh yeah? let's see who she wants more then" Roger raises his eyebrows as he took off his glasses to look at you
John frowned "you can't pressure her into choosing either of us...that's not how relationships work, Roger"
Roger stifled a laugh "who said I wanted a relationship"
"my point exactly"
"all i'm saying" is that she's probably looking for somebody to love and i'm right here" Roger raised his hands in defense
"what makes you think she wants someone?" John glared
"children, children. leave the poor girl alone, she doesn't want either of you" Freddie butted in
you found yourself wondering how it came to this, two members of the band Queen almost practically fighting for your, to be with you
it made sense about Roger, seeing all of those tabloids of him with new girls around his shoulder almost every week
but John? he didn't really seem the type
you tuned out of the argument and soon wondered when Brian came back into the room as you looked up to find him sitting with Freddie
"I think whatever happens, it's up to her, you shouldn't be trying to force something she does not want" John fought
"what are you guys fighting about?"
"who gets to take this beautiful lady out" Roger smirked, nodding towards you
"who says either of you get to?" Brian spoke in a confused manner
"oh don't tell me you want her too?" Roger groaned
"what's so wrong about that?" the guitarist questioned
"I'm gonna go" you sighed, getting up
"are you still going to make us pasta tonight?" John perked up
you chuckled "I think you all need a break from my cooking"
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checkitoutmikey · 2 years
Star snaps
The boys told you not to wander alone. But you just wouldn’t listen, huh?
Pairing: poly!lost boys x fem!reader
Warnings: blood, gore, near death experience, death, if you love Star you don’t wanna read this, no beta
You didn‘t know what was happening at first.
You were just walking down the beach with only the sound of crashing waves keeping you company. The boys left you a while ago to find a dinner so you had some time for yourself before they come back. Sure, it would be better to stay at Boardwalk, smarter too, but you just weren’t in the mood for carnival music and cloying scent of greesy food. David would give you an earful if he found out. Him and Dwayne always tell how dangerous this place is and to not leave Boardwalk by youself. It seems you were about to prove them right.
At first your brain couldn’t really comprehend why you are suddenly laying on the cold sand, staring at night sky. Then you realized someone was sitting on top of you, crushing you. The wavy brown hair and tinkling of glass beads clued you in.
„Star?“ you choked out in daze.
Her sharp fangs ripping into your throat sent a chill down your spine. She couldn’t be feeding on you, right? She hated the idea of becaming a vampire so why was she drinking your blood? You could hear the sound with discerning clarity. Gulp, gulp, gulp.
You pushed your hands against her shoulders to try and get her off but that only seemed to enrage her. She pressed herself closer to your body. Her palm pushed at your chest so hard you heard something crack. That’s when the true fear sat in.
„Star. Come on, calm down,“ you whispered. Trying to stay cool under the assault of deep seated pain that blossom in you.
She growled viciously and sank het teeth even deeper into your tender neck. With every passing second you could feel the panic rising as you heartbeat became louder and louder in your ears. Flight or fight instinct was a bitch when you knew neither would help in your current situation.
„Please. Star, you don’t wanna do this. Star!“
Dizziness started to set in. Was this it? Would you die like this? What about the boys? Would they be angry? At you? Star? Who would they really blame for this whole mess? You shouldn’t be by yourself, that was on you. And Star couldn’t help her urges. Would they forgive her? Would-
David couldn’t remember the last time he panicked. Truly panicked. That primal unhinged emotion that made your heart race and brain shut down.
He just arrived at the Boardwalk with his pack in tow just to find you absent. They left you in front of the ice cream place but you weren’t there. He was about to order his boys to spread out and check your usual spots when he got a whiff of something sweet. Blood. Your blood.
Marko was the first one to snap out of his daze and bolted the way your scent was coming from with the rest of his brothers following close. Dwayne had to grab him, pull him back against his chest to keep him from pouncing on Star and making the whole thing worse. It would help no one to have two viscious vampires fighting so close to you. Paul stayed a bit behind. He whimpered at the sight of your mangled body, it made him sick.
David didn’t even properly register the scene infront of him before he grabbed Star by her hair. He took care not to move her too much, that would just damage you more.
„Star. Let go. Slowly,“ he growled, pushing her head a bit closer to your neck to unhook her fangs gently. The woman snarled in response. She tried to push back but he was like an immovable wall. „Star,“ he repeated and the threat was clear in his voice.
„Fuck! Just let her go Star!“ Marko trashed in Dwayne’s hold. Glowing yellow eyes staring murderously at the half vampire. He would kill her. If David wouldn’t do it, Marko will gladly tear her apart himself.
The seconds tciked by and David knew their time was running out. You were pale and unresponsive. Heartbeat alarmingly slow. While holding Star with one hand he sneaked the other around her jaw and broke it which earned him a pained scream from the women. Paul was there in a flash. He kept her hands away from you just in case she tried to fight for her meal. David moved her head upwards to pull her fangs from your flesh as gently as possible. As soon as she was off of you, he threw her down the beach. In that moment Dwayne released Marko and all hell broke loose. Marko went after Star like rage filled beast that was left out of it’s cage. „Don’t kill her,“ was all Dwayne had to offer before moving closer to you.
Dwayne dropped to his knees next to you but, much like Paul, was too afraid to even touch you. Paul was just standing close by, frantic and teary eyed. He was hugging himself like some scared child. „Are we really doing this?“ he asked but the answer was pretty clear. David gently cupped your face with his hands. By this point you were barely breathing. No way you could speak, much less give consent but that didn’t matter. Even if you didn’t want them to turn you, they would. David would choose pissed off vampire you before dead you any night.
„Marko! Get that bitch over here!“ David didn’t even look over to make sure Marko was doing as he was told and instead he hastily sliced his wrist to feed you his blood. What was presented to him seconds later could barely be described as a person but none of them seemed to care. Star deserved this. She refused to change, she refused to feed safely and now she had to pay for her mistakes. Marko didn’t show her mercy. In his mind she deserved none. By now her face was just a pulp of flesh with blood caked on top of it with matted hair sticking to it in clumps. There was a time when they would welcome her to the family but that sentiment died the moment she laid her claws on you.
Dwayne took over David’s position and gently placed your head on his lap to make it easier for you to swallow the blood. He smoothed down your hair, running his fingers through it to help you calm down as much as he was trying to comfort himself.
Paul was full on sobbing now but kept himself away from the scene. The smell of your blood, the gore, the smell of death drawing closer was getting for him. He couldn’t remember the last time he was this scared. The pure need to help but not knowing how was eating him from the inside. But David would fix this. He had to.
Marko moved closer to his taller brother. He wanted to support him but was too enraged to do anything useful. All that was running through his had were images of tearing the bitch apart. Hurting her some more but he knew she was need for your change. Fitting punishment for her transgression. She will die so you could live. It was fair.
David simply broke Star’s arms so she wouldn’t do anymore damage and pushed her throat close to your mouth. „Come on, love. Drink up. Be one of us.“
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TLB - Romantic Szenarios
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warning : smoking, murder, blood, fluff, kissing, implied sex, no use of Y/n
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David : The full moon shone over the two sitting on the cliff. After a long ride on David's motorbike, the two had decided to go to the place where they had met. For them it was a simple evening walk but for the vampire with the ice blue eyes it was everything. Her blood, her smell, her appearance - it seemed to take him over completely at the time. It still did. But now as he moved his head to look at her he couldn't help but smile. The moonlight falling on her made her even more beautiful in his eyes. The soft smile on her lips, her eyes searching the sky for stars. Every time she was happy to see bats in the dark. ,,Hello Earth to David" he suddenly heard and saw her waving her hand in front of his face. Confused at first, he saw what she wanted. The cigarette between her lips was not lit and his was. ,,Sorry bat here," he said with a grin and leaned forward slightly to do the same. His leather-gloved hand went to her own. Stroked each finger before they both leaned forward the last bit. The tips of the cigarettes tapped against each other before hers ignited slightly and the two withdrew. ,,Thank you, sweetheart," she replied, taking the first drag of the drug before letting the smoke escape into the night. Before she leaned in and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek before leaning against him. The two of them would spend the night and eternity together.
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Dwayne : The sound of the two motorbikes echoed through the night as the two lovers raced along the streets. They had a destination, or rather his heart had a destination. The moon that showed them the way and reminded him of their first meeting. The black-haired man turned his gaze to her who was driving behind him. One night when he met her on the road with a broken down motorbike. He was her handsome knight in distress and they had spent that night together. But now it was a little different as the bikes were running and the destination was set. A few more moments of riding and they arrived at a large area behind one of the few hills in Santa Carla. Dismounting and putting an arm around her side, he pulled her gently against him, hearing the smirk on his romantic face. ,,I discovered it by accident," he began as the yellow flowers appeared on the surface. He saw the surprise on her face as she crouched down in the field and gently stroked the flowers. ,,Scented night candles a night bloomer" he explained and was pleased to see her smile before he sat down with her. He gently took hold of one of the flowers and pulled it out. Gave it to an even more beautiful flower and put it in her hair. Watched her beauty melt into the flowers before he placed a hand on her cheek. He ran his hand over her soft skin before pulling her closer. ,,Thank you Dwayne," he heard her murmur before she overcame the last moments between them and gave him a kiss. He felt her slowly pull him down and the two of them lay in the night blooming meadow. Just the two of them illuminated by the moon.
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Paul : The first thing he noticed when he woke up was that his brothers were gone and that there was a sweet smell in the air. Looking around in confusion and already wanting to call for the others, he suddenly felt a cold body next to him. ,, Bunny?" he asked, slightly confused, and saw that they were in a different hell from their home. Turning to his love he gave her a gentle good morning kiss. Before he looked around again to see where they were. The cave was larger, more decorated and at second glance seemed almost like a small fair. Before his eyes fell on the many tins of blood around them and the remains of masses of popcorn and candy floss. Slowly the memories of the night came back and he vaguely remembered how he suddenly had several little horses from the carousel in his hands. His love of tinned blood and how they ran away from the police and some surf nazis before they had their party here. ,,Paul? I think we've overdone it," he heard her voice as she sat up next to him and the blanket that must have once been a flag of something covered their naked bodies. But when the two looked at each other they couldn't help but fall into another hearty fit of amused laughter. He felt the joy and love inside him. Loved her for her ideas and for going along with everything no matter how drunk they were on blood. ,,Quite a mess," she murmured, but Paul suddenly ran his hands through her hair. ,,Your hair just like that," he murmured and heard the giggle before she could continue, however, he had pulled her onto his lap. Before he ran his hands through her hair and straightened it a little. ,,My pretty bunny," he murmured as he hugged her from behind and held her close. Just holding her close to him. For the moment when there was only the two of them in their shared hell.
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Marko : The night was dark and lit only by the bloody moon as the two vampires flew through the night. Chasing each other and in a playful chase. Again and again they flew around each other chasing each other before the blonde heard sounds from the sea. ,, Honey, it's time" he murmured and he saw her pointed teeth flashing in the moonlight. His dead heart seemed to beat again and besides the rush of blood, she was incredibly attractive to him. Flying down to the beach they soon found themselves in front of a group of hapless Kamper. He saw her crack her fingers felt his own beast increase. Before the two of them pounced on the group, killing one after the other, dismembering, sucking, feasting and reveling in the violence. Clenching his teeth into the throat of one of his victims, he saw his heart standing behind the firelight. Saw how the fire cast pretty shadows on her body. Their victim's blood flowed over them because of the amount of light. Her wild eyes searched for more prey before the blonde threw her another victim. ,,Such a pretty creature," she heard him say, giving him a warm loving smile in all the chaos, which made him smile. Before he went over to her, ignoring the blood and the bodies, and pulled her into a deep kiss. He licked the blood from her lip and deepened the kiss even more. The bloody night was a night of love for both of them.
@misslavenderlady , @ghoulgeousimmaculate , @ria-coolgirl , @britany1997 , @dwaynesluscioushair , @kirishimasfiance , @paranormal-fool ,@palomam18 ,@checkitoutmikey
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faghubby · 4 months
PANTS DOWN (part 3 to caught with her pants down)
I woke next to Stephanie in the morning the smell of sex still lingered in the air. My body ached as I waddled to the bathroom. My ass was raw. We only had about an hour till we had to leave for the airport. I showered. When I got out Stephanie was up.
"Paul we should talk" she said shyly
"Later we need to get going or we will miss our flight" i told her. She dropped it and showered. We made it to the airport alittle late. But had a few minutes to wait before boarding.
"I wanted to tell you" Stephanie started. My eyes darted around. I grasped her hand. With a look in my eyes. She understood and fell silent again. It was a long flight. With a layover and we barely spoke. But held hands almost the whole time. By the time we arrived we had spent the day traveling. We had a early dinner and took a walk on the beach.
"Olivia" Stephanie started again. I didn't want to have this discussion.
"Let's head back to the room" I suggested. Frustrated Stephanie tripped me knocking to the ground as she landed on top of Mr.
"Careful the baby" was my first thought. Her knee pressed into my groin.
"Now we are going to talk about what happened last night" Stephanie told me. I nodded
"I am sorry, Olivia has some kind of spell on me. I know it sounds silly but I just can't say no" Stephanie explained. "She seemed to have it over you last night as well" Stephanie waited for my response
"It was scary and exciting" I admitted. "Prehaps because we haven't in so long" I suggested.
"I fell like I may be a lesbian, but I can't raise this child alone" Stephanie told me. "Well maybe bi" she smiled.
"I have to admit it turned me on when Olivia fucked me" I told her she kissed me.
"Look at us under the spell of a woman with a magnificent cock" Stephanie laughed I laughed with her. We got up and headed to our room. To find Olivia had left us a message.
"I don't want you two getting any ideas that you aren't mine" is all I said.
"You think she means" I swallowed hard
"Yes, I think she means no sex" Stephanie said. We felt like somehow she would know. And went to bed just cuddling. I woke in the morning rested and started to kiss Stephanie she woke and soon we where naked. Bit as I climbed on top of her and slid my cock inside her. I felt Nothing. I fell out after the first thrust. Olivia and the girls with there massive toys had changed her. Queen sized her. My avrage size 5 inch cock felt nothing more then a finger to her. Stephanie felt bad and took me in her mouth but the damage was done I lost my erection. I would never be enough for her again.
"Well you got me still excited" Stephanie told me pulling my head between her legs. Trying to prove I could still please her I devoured her. I was like a mad man. I wanted her to cum harder then ever before. She came hard pressing my head hard as she did grinding me into her. We got up and ready for the day.
"Paul, I found these in my bag" Stephanie said holding up two presents. "They are from Olivia" I nodded and opened the one with my name on it. It was a yellow speedo. With a note.
"I want pics of both of you on a busy beach" it read. Stephanie opened hers. It was a matching yellow bathing suit but one piece made for a pregnant woman. There was also a big strapon dildo and lube. Stephanie's note read "if he won't wear his suit to the beach I want pics of him taking all of your cock everyday" Stephanie laughed at the enormous size of the toy.
"She will demand one" Stephanie told me. We where thousands of miles away and this woman still controlled us. I got dressed in the speedo. But this wasn't a man's suit. It rode up my ass. And had no front pouch. I couldn't go out wearing this. Stephanie looked cute in her new suit. With the big belly. She grabbed my ass.
"OH now I almost hope you refuse to wear it" She giggled. She gave me a robe to wear to the beach. Once there no one paid us any attention. We laid out to get a tan. Rubbing lotion all over each other. Stephanie did my back but then yanked up my suit and rubbed lotion on my ass. Her fingers slid between my ass cheeks and rubbed my hoke as well.
"Someone is enjoying this to much, maybe we are both bi" she giggled. But as the day went by Stephanie pointed out several hot guys on the beach to me. With a smile everytime. It was dinner time by the time we left the beach and I had become comfortable in my bikini bottom. Not even wearing the robe back to the room. We showered together. I again was horny and tried to iniate some type of sex.
"I want to wait, I want to obey Olivia. Don't you at least in some small way think we should" Stephanie said. We sent Olivia the pics of us on the beach. Dinner, dancing, drinks then back to the room Stephanie was definitely in the mood. But she bought me the strapon.
"Use this to fuck me" she pleaded. I agreed she even helped me put it on. I was amazed that after one a minute Stephanie was taking all 12 inches of the toy.as she moaned and cried in pleasure. She had multiple orgasms. It was so amazing I was so excited for her. That as I ground the toy into her my own cock rock hard rubbing again her big belly I shot my load all over her. I must of passed out because the next thing I remember was the sun shining into our room as Stephanie rubbed lube on my ass. Her fingers pushing there way into me. I didn't resist didn't even move.
"Your tan lines look so sexy" Stephanie told me. She spent the next hour teasing and playing with me. Bringing me to the edge and back. She then held up the strapon.
"Show me how you sucked Olivia's big cock" she said. I took it in my mouth it was even thicker the Olivia I thought. Stephanie gave me tips. As she shoved it down my throat making me gag even vomit at one point only to shove it back in. We found an adult store that day and bought more toys. For the next week we fucked and teased each other with them.
Opps posted early not finished..... well keep eye out
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