#more of my dnd kidos
pastelvomitboy · 6 years
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Helga and Mekah
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ladyseychelles · 3 years
For the DnD au: Hanatarou, Hitsugaya, and/or Kira? (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Congrats you get all of them! I will always be happy to talk about this weird intersection of interest.
So I should run you through the basics first: This AU is set in the Dnd setting of Exandria , the same place that the popular Dnd podcast Critical Role is set in. (It was also created by their dungeon master Matt Mercer.) I created an original nation for that setting for the sake of this fanfic. Its very much inspired by Meji-era Japan.
There is still a version of the Gotai 13 in this world although there are quite a few differences in how they are laid out. Magic exists, and our favorite characters are reinterpreted as a bunch of fun Dnd classes. I won't be giving to much of the story away,
Hanatarou: So based on his name Hanatarou, which is pointed out in canon that it sorta sounds like flowers, and my need to make the Squads fairly diverse in their class set up, Hanatarou is a druid.
Specifically he is a Circle of Dreams druid, which is a subclass that is majorly built on being support. The first ability this class gets is a massive healing ability, and the second is one that allows you to protect allies as you rest and recover. The class description makes them out to be people who are just humbly making sure that their homes stay safe and good.
Circle of Dreams specifically mentions a connection to fey, and it weirdly charms me to think of Hanatarou as the expert on what can otherwise be a pretty niche topic
Hitsugaya: Okay the characters with distinct visual motifs are somehow easier for me. I saw his ice dragon sword and immediately went Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer. Adding to that Toushiro is presented as sort of a child prodigy, which fits a sorcerer- those are people born with the powers instead of having to study them.
As a subclass Draconic Bloodlines are more durable then most sorcerers, and a adapt at a certain element. At higher levels they can also gain dragon wings, just like Toushiro does! This combo was one that really clicked together.
I also named Toushiro's dragon father after his zanpakto. I like to incorporate the zanpakto names in general as little fun shout out.
Kira: Kira was a struggle, not gonna lie. He is shown to be adapt at lot of different skills in canon, including healing, kido, and melee combat. That combination made figuring out were to stick him a bit difficult. Eventually I had to break a self-imposed rule to give him the subclass that I think worked the best.
The one rule I was working with was that I didn't want Captains and Vice-captains to have the same class. I felt that this would force more diversity in their fighting style. For Kira though I had to let it slide as nothing else I gave him felt quite right.
Kira is a Twilight Domain cleric. This is a subclass that I feel fits Kira the best. It allows for great support, spellcasting, and clerics can be decent in a melee fight. Also the nightime and darkness visuals in the flavor text compliment Kira very well. Its also functionally very different from what I gave his captain.
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intobarbarians · 5 years
yyh critical role au, but instead of the gang as dnd characters, they make a dnd live stream show that accidentally becomes super popular keiko and kuwabara keep in touch, but school is eating up so much of their time it's hard to make plans. they realize this isn't just true about the two of them, but their whole friend group, especially since yusuke, hiei, and kurama took off to makai. they organize a huge get together of the people left on earth and kaito mentions wanting to start a dnd group. folks are a little hesitant at first because kaito is so fucking competitive, but he has all of the rulebooks memorized and he's got a million campaign ideas percolating because of his strong literature background. yukina asks kuwabara if their characters can have a common backstory. 'you mean...like long lost lovers...?' 'i mean like they're twins!' 'i'm really gonna agree to help you rp through some issues huh' everyone is into it. kaito agrees to dm a game for keiko, kuwabara, botan, shizuru, yukina, kido, and yanagisawa, and even though he was a little hesitant because it's such a big group, they all fucking love it. fastforward a few months later and they meet at least twice a month for sessions that run up to four or five hours long. they're closer friends than they ever imagined they could be. kurama comes back and sits in on a game and loves it just as much. everyone is delighted by how smoothly he can rules lawyer kaito('i'm gonna need you to make an acrobatics check to even consider this ridiculous gambit, minamino' 'that's all i ask for, kaito'). he hates missing out on the group's progress when he goes to makai(kurama is the ashley johnson of the group) so kurama implores them to set up a live stream so he can keep up to date. ('does makai even have the internet?' 'i'm taking care of it'). they're self conscious about opening their home game to an audience even though they know it's only gonna be kurama watching, but they like the idea of having videos to rewatch so they can remember exactly what happened in their last session. kurama, of course, makes the live stream about as popular as the makai tournament is. yusuke steals his phone to watch and rewatch keiko mastermind the takedown of kaito's villainous green dragon('that's my girl using feeblemind or whatever the fuck! she looks so beautiful and happy doesn't she look beautiful kurama?' 'please give me back my phone yusuke'). even hiei can't help but watch the stream enviously: kuwabara and yukina sit right next to each other and pretend they're brother and sister. the devotion is so deep people jokingly call the players themselves twins. who is he more jealous of, kuwabara for being the brother yukina has always wanted or yukina for being the one kuwabara calls the most important person in the world, even if it's only in game? then they start selling t-shirts and there's talk of a liveshow that people will pay money to come see and it's so exciting. the best part is when kaito announces three surprise guests, and everyone erupts into cheers when their friends finally come home.
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