kelvnn · 3 months
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Prompt for day 1 of #Batstarionweek2024 “Falling asleep in unusual places” 🦇
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prismbearer · 2 years
Didn't know the DLC for Kingmaker added tieflings...
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vivi-llain · 2 months
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cmm for feybloods <33
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littjara-mirrorlake · 11 months
After hours of discussion, theorycrafting, and thinking, I'm finally ready to present V1 of my first homebrew subclass, the Feyblood sorcerous origin.
From levels 1-5, the Feyblood sorcerer is a highly effective face whose conversational skills extend to Beasts, Fey, and Plants. From level 6 onward, though, it reveals its true nature as a potent combo mage, chaining together charm spells with high mobility that make it difficult to catch on the battlefield. (There happen to be quite a few hidden combos within this subclass, to reward players who decide to go that route.) The capstone is a devastating pseudo-Geas landing on a creature you've already charmed, sealing their fate as a thrall to your blossoming archfey power.
I hope you all enjoy, and feedback is encouraged and welcome!!
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vivrune · 1 year
Rune, 45, writing
I am a butch dyke, otherwise ambiguous and ambivalent about gender. (Any pronouns are fine.)
I write queer-oriented fantasy of manners for adults.
This blog is a working journal, a record more for my retrospective use than a social port of call, but you're very welcome to read and interact.
Current work:
All in a Summer's Month
Iriel Varelandil, eldest daughter of the feyblooded Erlkings of the Gloamweald, has spent twenty years away from his native isle in a solitary struggle to master the forbidden, lost art of magic. When he returns home for his sister’s wedding, he learns the bridegroom has been murdered, throwing their family’s tenuous vassalship with the colonizing Protectorate into turmoil. Though Iriel hoped to seed a revival of magic and establish independence for his homeland, now he must convince the Protectorate’s own immortal inquisitor, Judge Ornette, that he is neither a treasonous threat to her Hierophant's ambitions, nor a cataclysmic danger to everyone around him.
Keywords: Sapphic & genderqueer, character-driven, political, ecological, Edwardian-adjacent high fantasy, post-post-apocalyptic, dysfunctional family dynamics
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orionsfriend · 1 year
Hello! Who’s your OC in your recent piece? Do they have a backstory?
Omg!!! Ok uh.... I guess his name is Paul. But like i gave him this name like 7 years ago lol so i think its kinda silly nowadays so might change in the future lol. So its a medieval high magic setting, the country he lives is being ruled by a super powerful demon passing as a human , since the giant's leader was one of the leaders that tried resisting his rule, he united revenge with convinience and decided that the giants should be enslaved his country, spreading propaganda that they are all savage and violent creatures and such.
So we have paul, he's a giant being raised by his mother and father who once lived in a giant community but were now raising paul by themselves on the run after their community was discovered and destroyed. Paul would have been around 6 years old when his parents would be killed by an army of fey blood going on a ritualistic giant hunt. He would then be able to escape but would be capture and work as a slave. He would manage to escape when he was about 12 years or so, he was barely hanging on but his was found by another kid his age (the kid was mystro, race name subject to change but basically the closest to a human since humans were also pursued in this country) whose consciousness convinced him to help Paul, they then became friends (this plot was stolen from an old g/t comic on DA I read so many years ago lol). The kid then would frequently visit paul in secrecy as he hid in the forest near his village, he would help paul to survive and supply him self and keep him company, he even taught Paul how to write his name and started teaching him how to read( his parents were planning to start teach him the day they were killed). But after the kid was descovered to be keeping the giant so he was executed by a man who then captured Paul. He would then live as a slave until he was about 18, he then managed to escape and lived by himself till he wound be found, by the party of protagonists, where he would be convinced to join to help the true heir retake the country, after being rescued by them after he was attacked by another army of feyblood, he would take a lot of convincing after the continuous trauma after everyone who would come close to him or try to help would die or suffer.
He is a very kind and nervous bean who has a gentle soul ( i love him hes so cute). Though he wears a distant shield at the start it quickly melts away.
Thank you do much for the ask it made my day!!! I love talking about my blorbos even tho my stories as super messy and not set in stone since a very rarely write stuff down lol.
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ritunn · 1 year
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About Me
Hey there! I'm Rit, I'm an asexual AMAB enby and my pronouns are They/He. Other than that, my hobbies primarily include gaming, reading, TTRPGs, and writing. I'm also a freelance writer who does plenty of commission work which you can find out more about below.
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Content Here
Here's you'll mostly find me reblogging art, sometimes of the kink variety, but otherwise I post about TTRPGs, my OCs, and essays on random interests of mine primarily. If that doesn't interest you, then no worries! Can't please everyone.
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If you're interested in commissioning me for a short story involving your OCs or fanfiction, please first review my Carrd for information on rates and what I won't work with. You can also check out my Furaffinity for examples of my work.
Once you've done so, feel free to message here or anywhere else I'm available. I'm pretty much always taking commissions but do special discounts every 1 - 2 months.
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I have many characters, but among them include the following with refsheets linked below:
Aisling Willowreed: Feyblood Kobold
Cassandra Dreameyes: Red Panda
Citotl Cosma: Raven
Faire Mor-Rioghan: Enfield
Miruku Ushikit: Kitsunushi
Ritunn Ink-Tails: Fennec Fox/Nu Mou
Teiruna Ironbreaker: Red Wolf
Tyra Featherfall: Bliss Dragon/Half-Elf
Uisce Fairweather: Undine Kobold
Vale Valamoss: Kodo Sahash
Vrakroth Dusklight: Blue Dragon
Yai Yurei: Hisuian Zoroark
Yuzuki Yamaguchi: Honshū Wolf
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I use the following custom tags to organize content or CW others on my account.
Character Names: Type in the names of my characters to find all art featuring them I've posted or reblogged.
Chub Stuff: This is kink art involving feederism/weight gain content.
Feycore: This is anything I think invokes the feelings of the fey. I really dig the fey.
Legends of Alepheria: This is content from my current Fabula Ultima campaign.
Rit Commission: Art I've commissioned from others.
Rit Writes: Just random thoughts and posts about my day.... or sometimes actual stories.
Transformation: Art involving transformation content.
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(Dividers by @cafekitsune)
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zahryaofdawn · 2 years
where: the faerie queen’s forest who: open to eladrin & faimen
✿*゚ ‘゚・
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The forest wouldn’t begin to feel like home until the Eladrin began to treat it like home. Luckily, Zahrya was in an excellent place of mind today. He’s been contented to detach himself from his memories, and the realm beyond the forest at large. It’s helped him to reconnect to his old thoughts back when his greatest concern was making sure festivities were alive and to Her Majesty’s liking. Back before he learned what it was to grieve, or hate, or harm. 
Every feyblooded in Rome and the faerie realm received an invite to his feast. Within the spring’s gardens preparations were well underway. The blossom sprites were coating every inch of wood in flowers, willow leaves swayed in the wind to create clinking melodies as if made of glass, and Zahrya had creatures of all kinds bringing delicious Otherworldly food to the table for everyone to enjoy. He’s very much in his element planning this party, so much so that the early arrival of a guest is enough to get him in a bit of a tizzy. 
“You’re early, I said sunset,” he says, his approach warm regardless. Spring is joy and life, traits Zahrya exhibits in his beaming smile as he embraces the other. “I guess it’s fine, you get to see the party come to life!” Clearly he’s proud of the progress and more than happy to show it off. It’s unfortunate he can’t stay and watch them soak it all in. “I will have to depart soon. I must return to the maze and fetch Asterion. He’s never been to one of my court’s parties, but I think he would have fun! He may be a little shy at first, but he’ll warm up if everyone else is enjoying themselves, right? I know some may find his presence ... offensive, but I want him here. I may be growing into this new title of mine, but as Chancellor I should practice throwing my weight around more, especially if for his sake.”
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senatushq · 2 years
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The chancellors of the four seasons gathered following the events of the Halloween Massacre to discuss their plan of action given the attack that took place at the hands of the Asphodel Coven. 
The Pilgrim brought forth The Liar’s crimes and moved to have them exiled, as their crimes resulted in the loss of fey life. The Truth, leveraged their current position and suggested The Liar be made into The Pilgrim’s warder so their magic could still be drawn from and they could keep an eye on them. The Mystery agreed and The Liar was removed as a chancellor and made to take a modified bond with The Pilgrim.
With this decision The Liar was escorted from the chambers and the remaining three chancellors began to discuss the items on their agenda.
As there were losses within the court and within the senate, the chancellors decided to attend the Roman funeral and to bring flowers for the event. There they would lend their support to the senate in taking down the enemies that have arisen about Rome. The Shadow and The Tinkerer, informed by The Puppeteer and their spies, told the Senate that The Eye has recently developed technology that allows them to open doors to the Otherworld, and close them as well. Additionally, they stole technology from The Tinkerer that allows them to erase life, it is their belief that The Eye was behind the missing Alstroemeria Coven, as well as the appearance of The Leech.
If and how the Senate chooses to disseminate this information around Rome will be up to the senators.
Emboldened by Titania’s departure and enraged by The Liar’s betrayal, The Mystery proposed a new holding for eladrins in Rome. A safe haven for feyblooded creatures and a place for them to mourn their recent considerable losses. With the absence of so many Tiber wolves, their forest has been transformed into a holding held under the name of the faerie queen. The Mystery was named guardian of the forest and would tie the magic of the remaining three chancellors to it. An oasis in the middle of a desert, a frigid mountain, a section of eternal spring and another of forever fall. A memorial will stand within for the fallen fey, so any who stick to the stone path might find it.
The appearance of so many new drow has created a problem, most notably the news that Aegnor (The Prophet) has returned in this form. Previously a Summer eladrin, after Titania Aegnor was the greatest warrior and most powerful fey that the court had ever known. The Truth proposed a hunting party and volunteered to lead the charge and willfully took volunteers from the ranks of noble and common eladrins alike. The Mystery volunteered to send several of their changelings to join the hunt.
The Pilgrim spoke next about the Asphodel and felt that while the coven was a threat, the eladrins were stretching themselves too thin. It would be prudent to uncover the identities of their members, as well as the ways to infiltrate the coven of death. The Pilgrim also highlighted that Ayi’ig is only one drow and she would be less of a threat if she were to be summoned without the horde. The chancellors agreed it would be prudent to strike first before the queen had a chance to.
All agreed that the lightning storm that took place brought with it a presence that was not of this world, the supernatural entities were identified by The Pilgrim as Seraphim, the last time the Blessed walked the earth it was destroyed - humanity brought to the brink of extinction and most of the fey were decimated in the war that ensued between the Fallen and the Blessed. The Seraphim required vessels, and if they whispered, The Pilgrim reminded their courts not to listen. They presented the chancellors with their childhood memories of the event, when Eden burned.
The Eye has remained a problem since its founding thousands of years prior, the chancellors agreed that its presence in Rome would need to be further monitored. The Puppeteer, who would later be made fall chancellor, was tasked with discovering the identities of its members, as well as their families.
The eladrins attended the Roman funeral, they brought flowers.
Meryasek told the senate that The Eye was responsible for killing the Alstroemeria coven with stolen fey technology. He also told them that The Eye created The Leech.
The chancellors took over Tiber Forest and made it into the enchanted forest, more details to follow. 
A drow hunting party was made, headed by Aurora. She’s taking recruits.
The eladrins have learned that the Blessed Seraphim have returned (bad news).
Robin has been made the new fall chancellor and is continuing to spy on The Eye
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emmawrxght · 2 years
@emorystarling​ notes: post curse break
Over the course of the last few days, Emma had considered a hundred different ways to tell Emory. A casual text in the afternoon, a phone call around the same time. Maybe she’d descend from the sky, open a parachute and land in front of him - triumphant in the light of day. She sat and watched her first sunrise and thought for a fleeting moment that he should be there, in the end it hadn’t been her that broke the curse, Emma hadn’t uncovered the root of it and yanked it up single-handedly. No, it came in the form of a brokenhearted fey, one whose rage was something that Emma might have related to had it not taken so much from her. 
Emma settled on something simple, an unannounced interruption in his afternoon routine, a simple statement that had her settled on a park bench that stood opposite the gym she knew he frequented. The faiman waited as the warm sun pooled across her features and watched as that familiar head of brown hair emerged from the front doors. There was a tickle in the back of her throat, something akin to the sort of cold the resilient feyblooded creature had never known, but she chose to ignore it. When Emma was sure she’d caught his eye, she raised her hand and waved.
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fernrisulfr · 2 years
Griel Clovermoss
Griel Clovermoss (Barbarian 10/Paladin 3) Barbarian (Wild Soul) - Outlander- Firbolg - Chaotic/Good -
Once belonged to a clan of peaceful Firbolg living in seclusion deep within the forest. One morning a creeping red moss was found at the edge of the village. With time it slowly spread across the village, not only across the trees and huts, but the people. It drove the Firbolgs afflicted by it into a state of madness and rage, until they quite literally tore the village and themselves to pieces. Was hidden by a parental figure by locking them in a storage cellar. Was able to watch the massacre happen through a gap in the cellar door. Was eventually infected by the mold as well and broke out of the cellar, only to find everyone else in the village already dead either by the hands of another, or succumbing to their wounds. Being too young and weak to cause much harm, but old enough to take care of himself (at least without dying), eventually acclimated to the moss enough to keep from a constant state of blind rage. Has several red markings that at first glance appear to be tattoos or warpaint, but are in fact the moss still growing on his body. Moss begins glowing whenever he enters a rage. Moss seems to have disrupted the natural magics of his feyblood causing them to become unstable. Stands at 7'4 to 7'7, covered in a sort of mold coloured grey-green fur, darkish not quite black hair, brown/amber eyes, kinda on the gaungly side at first glance but is actually lean/wirey muscle. Wears an assembly of leather straps over his torso, and a furred kilt.
Backstory Used: Born in deep within the Forgotten Forest, in the secluded Firbolg village of Autumnbreeze, Griel had what would be considered a fairly normal childhoood; until about the end of his first decade when the moss came. The villagers barely noticed it at first, an odd red moss growing upon the trees and stones at the edges of the village. Given time however, it spread to the buildings, and inevitably the people. That was when the nights of red started. The village bellowed with rage, it's people consumed by a frenzied madness. It wasn't long before they tore themselves apart...quite literally. Griel only survived because his mother locked him tight within the cellar when the violence began. Being locked away didn't prevent him from hearing the carnage however, nor prevent the moss from reaching him as well. Just a child, by the time he broke free from his confines...it was over. Nothing but bloody bodies and moss for miles. Old enough to survive, but not old enough to leave, and tormented by the madness of the moss, Griel remained in Autumnbreeze for years. With time, as the moss spread over his body, Griel grew accustomed to the rage, learned to channel it, use it for his own ends. Often he spoke with the moss, not that it was capable of replying. He didn't know where it came from, or what it really was, but in that time, it was his only friend.
Party Backstory:
"The three of you were brought together by the murder of the lord of the city state of Iraebor by an assassin. You spent almost a year tracking this assassin and just recently captured the villain and returned them to Iraebor for justice. Unfortunately, you also learned that this villain was a member of an imfamous band of halfling assassins called the "Skywatch Assassins". These assassins are responsible for many of the most gruesome murders across Faerun, but are difficult to track because they have a hideout in some sort of flying castle (allegedly).  Worse yet their leader, one Arissa Skywatch evidently has access to some sort of powerful magic that enables the assassins to travel through any mirror like it was a teleportation circle.  Its even rumored the leader enslaved a dragon and uses it as both a guardian and to eliminate any rivals. You set out immediately to end these assassins reign of terror (even if Fray claimed the cookie crumbs indicated it wasn't a good idea...).  Your parties other wizard, Alexa, while annoying is very good at what she does, and discovered a way to make use of this mirror portal to gain entry into the heart of the enemy's stronghold.  So you set off to strike a decisive blow and end these assassins! Unfortunately that's when it all started going wrong.  When you arrived instead of finding bands of blood thirsty assassins you found a strangely twitchy gentle looking scholar with a dwarf apprentice who was practicing casting cantrips.  Nearby you saw some sort of well dressed simpleton making stacks of books (some of which were impressively tall). Suspecting a trap you decide to take these people captive to get more information on what was happening here, but unfortunately Alexa (your wizard) picked that moment to trip over a bucket in the hallway...  Your prey fled, and obviously were very familiar with the castle because they were quite hard to follow.  Eventually you chased them onto the rooftop battlements where they were trapped (but somewhere along the way the simple one who had been stacking books disappeared).   Unfortunately they didn't want to talk.... The scholar transformed right before your eyes into some strange manlike rat beast (lycanthrope) and the dwarf apprentice begin throwing a seemingly unending number of simple (and very weak) fire bolt cantrips at you. Needless to say the fight was laughable if not short.  You got a couple of scrapes and minor burns but nothing like what you had expected from a band of world class assassins. It was gonna be easy to finish these amateurs off, but just before you finish subduing them (your gnome cleric was literally in the process of tying up the unconscious dwarf lady and the lycanthrope was already very dead...) you heard the beating of great wings and then a terrifying roar. Out of the mists of the clouds a great emerald dragon emerged. 6 seconds later your entire party is either dead or dying (or at least feeling like they are dying) as the dragons poison breath covers the battlements.  Even the bravest of you is filled with terror.  The dragon landed right atop your gnome cleric and new prisoner turning them both to a bloody smear under its giant claw.  Then as suddenly as it appeared the dragon flew away - leaving you coughing and retching on the ceiling. Stunned and badily inured you search for survivors - your cleric is clearly gone, as is the dwarf lady and the lycanthrope.  You ranger is just gone (you saw his dead body being tossed off the flying castle by the torando like winds from the dragons great wings as it took off).  There is nothing but a puddle of greyish goo where your wizard had been standing. (you all start on the flying castle battlements at 1/2 your health) - and that's where you'll meet the others. "
Died to a sudden Green Dragon attack. Fray cast Darkness. Unclear what happened following. Ranger attempted to abandon the group. Went over the edge, Wizard, Ranger, Cleric died.
Possible Multi-Class Options: - Fighter (Battle Master) - Monk (Mercy or Shadow) - Paladin (Ancients or Redemption)
Previous Party Composition (For backstory): Griel - Firbolg - Barbarian - Path of Wild Magic Fray - Assimar - Sorcerer - Shadow Soul Tobara - Paladin (of Selune) - Oath of Devotion Alex - Wizard - Human Breelin - Cleric - Gnome Guy - Ranger - Half-Elf
Current Party Composition: Griel - Barbarian - Path of Wild Magic Fray - Sorcerer - Shadow Soul Tobara - Paladin - Devotion
Personalty Trait - - VERY low standards when it comes to if food tastes good. - Prone to be incredibly brutal when killing. - Will unfalteringly try to sacrifice himself in someone's place if a sacrifice is unavoidable. 
Likes - - Rain - Quiet Places - Nature at peace - Things made of wood Dislikes - - Doesn't like large crowds (10+ people). - Anyone who'd harm those he cares about - Those that try to remove the mold - People who under value their loved ones Habits - - Uncomfortable around wealth. - Talks to mold. - More to polite to plants than people - Uses Anger Management Techniques - Does something along the lines of "meditation" in the morning. - Sensitive to noises. - Responds to Beasts by acting like a Beast back. Misc - - Griel knows how to preserve food - Mixed feelings on the mold - Mold glows Red when he Rages, as do his eyes. Spores float over the patch. - Child-level understandings of the basics of things. - Protective of the mold - Doesn't understand religion. - Afraid of Sunflowers because they look like Phaerimm. (But has killed one.) - Has made peace with the death of his people. - "The past is like a wood carving. It may fade, even rot if you let it, but you can't change it. If you try, you just end up with a scratched up piece of wood. An insult to the memory of those carved."
Appearance: 7′4, 252 lbs, Brown Hair and Eyes. His had the sort of white-green colour mold has, but on his shoulder, down part of his bicep, and down-across his left pec was this vivid red mold. Whenever he raged his eyes would turn red, the red mold starting to glow and releasing glowing red spores. Despite seeming like such a large man, he was actually pretty gangly for someone so tall. He had a beard but no mustache, with long hair that was an absolute mess. Definitely one of the more Bovine looking Firbolg, but with a touch of the more classic variety. Wore fur boots and a kilt, and eventually pants. Was sort of iffy if he wore one of those leather barbarian harnesses. Wielded a massive greataxe.  He was another of the ones I tried to make in HeroForge forever ago (and this was the game that started with Dorlen Undertow) but the options were more limited back then so it was never quite right. 
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kelvnn · 3 months
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#Batstarionweek2024 Day 2! "Cuteness Aggresion" #bg3
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prismbearer · 2 years
Took me like. 24 hours to settle for sure on a sorcerer bloodline for Idraniel because I was conflicted between abyss, fey or an elemental bloodline. Abyss was probably just Wrath holding onto my heart (plus with skills etc it felt very Baphomet...) so I said fuck it and went Feyblooded, but now I have to research PF fey and I really wish there was lore with more depth lmao. Probably should have just gone abyss bc at least I have wrath for reference. It's fine. For some reason I just was not feeling dragon at all.
I also let her be True Neutral just to see what the happens. Trying not to do the whole predetermined chaotic spiral Lev went through... So far I actually really like the characters etc even though I once again have almost no knowledge about the setting or wtf is going on. I was using spells without really looking into them and my foibles are now tied into my character being less experienced than many would assume she should be as an adult elf. I might have a wildly strange background I'm spinning for her because so far the little I can find on the first world is limiting my ability to feel confident in structuring something within the setting. In wrath there's just like Shyka who I loved so. Idek I was reading about how souls pass through the first to the material plane to incarnate from the positive energy plane and I might do something more like that. 🤷
At least it's prettier than the Worldwound... But also... I miss the WW... 😅 And I'm getting Serault vibes from the Stolen Lands actually. Which is promising for me.
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so-delightful · 5 years
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This is my long term DnD character Thalia, she's a sorcerer/artificer and my lil' angry nerd
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pastelvomitboy · 6 years
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Helga and Mekah
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veratok · 4 years
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❛  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋.    ╾     @vampirespawn​
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peace had fallen as dusk descended upon the land: and though, unlike those of his blood who could not bear the light, he walked ever in the day, still did alucard find beauty in that cool, black eve. something inside him, something which stirred in his ancient blood, waited on the edge for the moon to rise in all its bright glory, to sit above the blanket of night, and rouse his senses. he inhaled, breath little more than a luxury, just to taste the stinging cold of night, as it rose and conjured dew upon the grass, stinging his nostrils with its chill. never more did he feel more awake than beneath that glorious moon.
the grass clung yet to the heat of the day, and still stood tall. alucard, in his childishness, fisted his knuckles against it, pulling it from the earth, watching as it sagged in his palm. he spoke not, but exhaled that biting breath, still-cold as it passed his stony lips, allowing it to rustle the blades of grass upon his gloved palm.
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