randombubblegum · 4 years
i haven't read aws' book but your tages on the skateboarding gif made me wonder how much he talks about otto in it and what he says #awtto4lyfe
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babblish · 5 years
👀 !!!
Okay this is from the “Ottobiography”, Part One: The White Rabbit, Chapter Two; (tw: violence, death, adult scenes)The house hadn’t long been abandoned. Kozlóv had kicked down the door which implied it had been locked from the inside. It was strange, Scaarbach mused, wondering if Velima had been the one to do it. He wandered around, trying to locate the reason for why he felt so on edge.
There was a hushed, sharp sound, and Scaarbach spun on his heels, fumbling for his knife with bemittened hands. A small child stared up at him, holding a meat cleaver as he trembled violently. Scaarbach put his knife back away, and lunged forward, trying to disarm the frightened little boy. The boy shrunk back, his eyes wide. Scaarbach sighed.
“He told me his mother and grandfather were killed by a monster,” Kozlóv explained, entering the house, “A vicious demon with stone for skin.”“Velima let the boy go?” Scaarbach wondered, “What was she thinking?”“She didn’t know he was there. The boy hid. He’s been hiding for two weeks,” Kozlóv grunted, “He doesn’t know we’re not human.”“Good,” Scaarbach nodded, “Two weeks is good. It means we’re gaining on her.”Kozlóv put a heavy hand on his shoulder from behind, “He has family not far from here.”“So? What does that ha— Oh, oh I see,” Scaarbach frowned disapprovingly, “But the child is a liability, he saw Velima sir, and surely the mission should take priority over a single human boy?”“Hmm, yes,” Kozlóv replied thoughtfully, “You’re right, of course. Kill him quickly and we’ll leave straight away.”“Yes sir,” Scaarbach replied, looking down at the boy who took another step back, “Come on,” the boy yelped and thrust out the meat cleaver defensively, “I’m just going to…,” Scaarbach fished about for his knife and paused, the boy panting heavily in fear.“What are you waiting for, Ottokar?” Kozlóv demanded gruffly.Scaarbach took a step towards the boy, removing the mitten from his right hand, “Give me the knife, little boy,” he demanded in what he hoped what a kind and patient tone.Kozlóv translated to the child, the boy seemed to protest slightly but gave in, handing over the meat cleaver, “He wants to know why you can’t speak Russian like a normal person.”“I’m not a normal person,” Scaarbach laughed humourlessly, examining the meat cleaver’s blade.Kozlóv relayed his reply to the child, who then asked another question, “He wants to know what you’re going to do with it.”“Nothing,” Scaarbach replied, looking at the pathetic little thing. He tried to stay cool, regardless of his size or age, the boy was still nothing more than a human. He would tell others about what he saw, out changelings to the world. For all the fight he had left in him, he’d be nothing to a changeling, or even a regular human adult.“He’s still breathing, Ottokar,” Kozlóv reminded him, a brusque voice from above.Scaarbach looked at the pathetic child and begrudgingly accepted his weakness, “Fuck!” he exclaimed, turning to look up at Kozlóv seething with disgust at himself, “He’s just a little boy,” he grimaced, “People probably won’t believe him anyway.”Kozlóv folded his arms, “You’re disobeying my direct orders?”“Yes,” Scaarbach replied, looking up into where he believed Kozlóv’s eyes would be, “I’m sorry, sir,” he wondered if Kozlóv would leave him behind with the child. It’d be a fitting fate for his cowardice.“You can’t even kill a tiny defenceless child?” Kozlóv asked, his voice lilting with humour and something else Scaarbach couldn’t read.“Oh I can do it sir, but —” Scaarbach turned back at the little boy who stood watching them, still shaking with fear, “ — it doesn’t feel right.”Kozlóv exhaled, his body deflating, “Good. Needless suffering isn’t our job. We’re going to take what valuables we can and escort the child back to his family. Do not question how long this will take, we’ll make up for it later.”Scaarbach looked at his feet, “You were testing me,” he concluded, “Did I pass?”“No,” Kozlóv chuckled, patting him on the shoulder, “It doesn’t matter what I think. Do you think you passed?”“You surprise me sir,” Scaarbach said quietly, “I thought… you told me to kill him?”“I wanted to see if you’d really do it,” Kozlóv admitted, “I know different changelings have different methods, but the only rule of the Code worth listening to is the third.”Scaarbach brightened up, understanding exactly the lesson being imparted, “Oh yes! I agree, sir! I’ve never been more relieved.”Kozlóv laughed, “The look on your face, Ottokar. You thought I lost my stone, didn’t you?” Scaarbach chuckled awkwardly, “I was worried.”
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babblish · 5 years
1, 4, 15. Fandom writer ask.
Thanks for the ask prompt! Hopefully I can get this done without fighting with tumblr too much. [Fanfic asks]
1) If you’re an author, how many WIPs do you currently have? (Be honest!)
:| Okay I’m going to sit down and calculate exactly how many I have, not including the all ones I have put on the indefinite backburner or scraped entirely, but as this didn’t specify fandom specific projects I’m just going to list them by current order of priority.
Ottobiography - a longform fanfic that is actually 4 separate but connected stories. Gonna be years until I’m done with this one, but I have so many goshdarn feels I just might make it.
Bean Project - personal project that’s currently in the developmental stage. I am converting a dnd campaign into an independent narrative because I did a lot of worldbuilding for that setting and PC that’s otherwise just sitting there, and writing about an arse renegade botanist gay pirate sounds like a refreshing change of pace. I’m mostly just adding worldbuilding shit here and there and pondering the characters while I wait for a solid vision to hit me on this one.
Untitled Man Witch Short Story - Using this one to practice character voice and first person PoV. Only going to work on this when I really want to, might have the potential to be Unfun™ otherwise due to my personal (and unreasonable) biases against first person present tense.
Witch!Janeth - a shorter form fanfic that I’ve written like… two chapters worth of content for. I’m not super emotionally invested in this one, but occasionally I get this mood where I am like ‘I need to write this chaotic unhinged nerd in her childhood immediately’ so I do it. Unfortunately there’s a possibility I might never get this one finished but you never know.
Dreamscape Project - Technically this is a series, but I’m counting it as one thing. Every now and again I’ll have wild af dream that follow a plot and I write them down when I wake up because they happen to be interesting story concepts. I have the first short story around 60% finished, but who knows when I’ll go back to it. This one is the one about gay blue!elves living in a nation that was split in two by civil war, it will have a bittersweet ending but writing about such oppressive homophobia (public execution scenes and everything) literally bummed me out so much it probably was a big reason I turned to working on a fluffy fanfic about a side character from a family friendly animated series the second I was able.
Seed of Magic - This is technically in hiatus because I want to start from scratch again, but I haven’t fully scraped the one about the drow soldier who abandons his people and goes on an adventure to become himself on the surface world.
4) What fandom’s/ship’s fan fiction do you read the most?
I… don’t normally read as much fanfic as I really should (because I spend that time writing my own) but when I do, it’s normally ToA, and of those fics they are invariably about changelings. (You know how I’ve always been a massive slut for changelings.) And the ones I am reading I normally will re-read over and over again rather than become invested in another because… oof.
The ones that speak to me the most are the ones that grapple with their fucked up ideological position, existentialism but with tenderness, personal interpretations of changeling culture, and general explorations of the lore. The source of this content is pretty much entirely stricklake, which I don’t actually super ship (especially as it is in canon) but as I find the pair an interesting foil to each other, and the fandom is generally in agreement that there’s no way that man is anything other than a massive disaster bisexual who probably speaks Latin fluently but can’t make a sensible personal decision if his life depended on it, there’s more than enough to keep me engaged.
15) Post the last line you wrote without context.
Oh boy, I was actually adding in some lines into a scene I had already written  last night and I’m not entirely sure I can remember which was the last one I wrote. So I’m just going to pick a line I know for sure I wrote last night since it’s as close as I’m gonna get.
“Impure are not… people… like You,” Scaarbach explained as matter-of-factly as he dared in the archaic tongue, “We are the mission,” his eyes flashed with indignation, “I am the mission. I am… only… the mission,” he was never one to deny his life’s purpose, “I - I… beg You, Bular, Son of Gunmar the Black… Purest of the Pure… I beg You… throw me not down… because You see… not a use… for me,” he glared up at the troll in complete sincerity, “My life… is Yours… always.”
Note: the tag is a note to myself that the line is being spoken in a Trollish language. I also use for the Changeling lang, and also etc. This is future translation purposes, but it also helps me keep track of who can understand who in various scenes.Note 2: Shut up, me explaining wtf means doesn’t count as context because it explains nothing about what’s happening in the scene.
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