#more important than blood
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qwordavoider · 3 days ago
The Proposal
I have been on a roll with writing for the More Important Than Blood universe, so as a treat, another epilogue has been posted on ao3! Here are two separate snippets to get you started.
It was about 9 months after the accident that Tommy bought the ring. Saw it in a store window right after he and Evan had agreed that they would all be moving into Tommy’s house at the end of his lease. It was a simple silver band with a small sliver of sapphire that was the exact shade of Evan’s eyes. He hadn’t been planning to propose for a while yet, but it felt like fate. 
About a week before he planned to propose, Evan had called and asked if he could pick up Liam from daycare. They had a call that was definitely going to go over the end of shift. He, of course, was happy to help and knew it would be the perfect time to ask Liam about asking Evan to marry him. 
When he got to the daycare, he signed Liam out and waited for them to bring him to the front. He heard Liam shout his name before Tommy saw him. Liam was running down the hallway and threw himself at Tommy. 
He picked Liam up as he greeted him, “Hi lovebug, how was daycare?”
“Awesome! We painted today,” Liam explained. 
“Really? Did you paint anything cool?” Tommy asked out of genuine curiosity to see what he painted. 
Liam exclaimed, “Oh no! My painting!” and wiggled out of Tommy’s arms. He disappeared into the room for his age group for 30 seconds before he came running back out with a wrinkly piece of paper in his hand. 
He lifted it up proudly for Tommy to see. When Tommy looked at it, there were three distinct shapes. Two big ones and a small one that were connected by lines all in front of a blue and green background. 
He didn’t want to assume what Liam had painted and be wrong, so he asked, “Do you want to explain your painting to me?”
“Yeah! That’s me,” pointing to the smallest figure, “that’s Bubba,” pointing to one of the larger figures, “and that’s you!” pointing to the remaining figure. 
“Oh, I love it!” Tommy said as he made to hand it back to Liam. 
“It’s for you!” Liam said, pushing the paper back towards Tommy. “For when you miss us!”
Tommy had to clear his throat at the sudden emotion he got from hearing that. So he wrapped Liam in a big hug. 
tags (comment or reblog to be added): @chococara25 @inawickedlittletown @moonydanny @manifestingchaoticvibes @hummelinski @crimsonwildcat-blog @n1kkii @captainwitharedstar @javanicko @tommy-loves-evan @rubydaiquiri @eliotwaughdeservesbetter
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just-null · 1 year ago
im so mad at u omg
how dare u make my noritoshi obsession 10 times worse
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Noritoshi spews his true feelings when you're upset with him. Similar to a very eager puppy trying to regain your favor by any means...... but realizes what he says and blames you for turning him into a fool. Another downside for him is that he won't take his words back in fear of you getting the wrong idea.
you're just a bully that he hopes will forget about the embarrassing words he blurted out.
hes simultaneously reeling and embarrassed. is this what happens when you make your love upset? does that imply he's your love?!
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asexualaromanticautistic · 4 months ago
guys think about it.
He was alone. Doomed to be from the beginning. the child of wolves. The mad wizard. Found his pair and razed the grounds to ashes but without otherwordly meddling, would he have choosen him? If given a choice?
With the canary he felt pity. Desperate to kill, desperate to save. He found another team, a pity one stuck to past regulations, a pity that he killed one of them. He understands now and instead of going mad, he loves. He smiles from more than a successful kill, but from his company. Has allies with more than half of the server, even if one sided.
It's almost symbolic that his trap, designed to kill, failed him when he wanted to die. He's changed. A hand stained with so much more than blood now. He's happy and he's alive. He's happy and he's alive.
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odekiisu · 2 months ago
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Restock day
Inspired by this post by @icantspellthings & referenced off a couple doses of A positive at our blood bank lol. Was intending to include pink/purple Klingon blood as well but I ran out of space 😔
From left to right: Human, Cardassian, Ferengi, Vulcan (top one also noted as appropriate for Romulans), and Andorian.
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tea-cat-arts · 9 months ago
I simply think this fandom doesn't give Wei Wuxian enough credit for the various ways in which he saved Lan Wangji
#mdzs#mo dao zu shi#wangxian#idk man- i just see a lot of “Lan Wangji has always been protecting Wei Wuxian” posts and its like...#I mean... Lan Wangji has always certainly been trying to protect Wei Wuxian#it took him a long time to figure how to successfully do that though#rereading the books rn and noticing theres a lot of instances that could be read as lwj being frustrated over his inability to protect wwx#like he seemed ready to cry when wwx went missing for a while and then came back with the cursed leg#lwj has always been great at protecting wwx from physical threats (ex: waterborn abyss) but had no idea how to protect him from himself#meanwhile wwx has always been instictually good at saving lwj from both#like I'm 100% lwj would've become like Jiang Cheng if wwx hadn't snapped him out of the blindly following authority thing#and also like... 15 y/o lwj wasnt happy with his life. he was lonely and stressed and literally signing up to be flogged whenever he goofed#wwx is who allowed lwj to grow up by showing him what it was like to actually be a kid (shown in story whenever lwj gets drunk)#he led lwj to having a more flexible mindset. and it both let lwj relax and set lwj up to be a better parent#looking into lwj's dynamic with the juniors- he lets them break a fuck ton of the petty rules and encourages them to question authority#he also teaches them to not be married to any one meathod of problem solving#wwx is also able to save lwj from his own stubbornness#ex: carrying lwj when he broke his leg. getting lwj to cough up bad blood. getting lwj to keep the rabbits#wwx also tends to give lwj the words he has trouble saying himself. helps him communicate#wwx also protects lwj in fights a lot but thats narratively less important#except the various times wwx puts himself in danger to help lwj. those times are what made it so lwj could never move on from wwx#like with the cave incident#or when wwx helped surpress the arm instead of using the chaos to escape cloud recesses#tldr i guess: i think this fandom tends to treat lwj being the best like its natural to him when really wwx accidentaly rewired his brain#I'm looking directly at fanfic writers who act like the Lans would've treated wwx better than the Jiangs#lwj had to do so much work and self reflection post meeting wwx to be the way he is. he is not the sole product of the Lan teachings
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nimbusclan · 3 months ago
Moon 3, Part 2
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Without a second of hesitation, Moonpaw takes off over the mountain, mouth open to follow Fogpaw’s scent as her paws fly over the rocks. Her legs are screaming, but adrenaline overpowers her exhaustion.
“Fogpaw?” She yowls. “Fogpaw!”
“I’m here.” Fogpaw’s voice sounds from somewhere nearby, strained but blessedly alive. Moonpaw turns in the direction of the sound and darts around the edge of an outcropping of rock, freezing as the sour scent of blood fills her nostrils.
“I told you, I’m right here,” He hisses. He’s half on the ground, struggling to pull himself to his paws, so Moonpaw goes to press her body to his to help him up. His pale fur is stained and streaked with blood from long gashes that mar his flank and there are clumps of fur stuck between his claws.
“What happened to you?” Moonpaw is terrified. The scent of blood reminds her of her last night at home and she struggles not to gag. “It smells like other cats.”
“It was other cats,” he spits, leaning heavily on her as she guides them back towards where she first spotted the rabbit. He limps, wincing with each step. “Remember those cats we met up with at the border? They’re using our hunting grounds.” Fogpaw’s voice shakes with anger. “I confronted them, but they said we don’t have a clan anymore which means that the territory is theirs. They said that if I tried to stop them, they’d make me pay. Well,” he laughs humorlessly, “I tried, but there were too many of them. I’m lucky that what little honor they have left was enough to stop them from killing me.”
Thank StarClan. She can’t lose her brother, too. He’s the only thing she has left. “You’re too reckless,” Moonpaw scolds. Fogpaw’s muzzle twists into a scowl, but he doesn’t deny it. “We have to leave, Fogpaw. We need to find somewhere new. We can rebuild NimbusClan, but it can’t be here.”
He looks at her, his eyes going wide and round. Slowly, a determined sheen comes over them. “Alright. Lead the way, Moonpaw.”
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bucephaly · 2 months ago
Hi! quick question: if i have confirmed Cherokee ancestry (which I'm working on currently and likely do) even if it's a small amount, is it okay/not appropriation to identify as "two-spirit" (though i don't think that's super accurate in terms of Cherokee-specific traditions, but i think i have heard that cherokee gender roles tended to be more flexible- correct me if i'm wrong.) I'm definitely white + don't know much about Cherokee culture/what is acceptable in terms of being a part of the community.
Ok a big disclaimer that I'm also white and disconnected and this is a very complex topic. But I have looked into this some so I'll try to share what I've learned and ofc check the replies for if anyone has chimed in with corrections or added anything etc
'Two spirit' is a pan-native term used as an umbrella for the many distinct cultural 3rd [or 4th 5th +] genders that many native cultures have or had. I think the consensus I've seen is that it's distinct from just being native and LGBT. And you Have to be native to be 2spirit, there have definitely been nonnative appropriating it
I would say to be 2 spirit you would have to be involved enough in your culture and community to take on community roles according to the cultural 3rd etc gender. Like.. I'm trans and gay, but I'm culturally disconnected. I dont consider myself two spirit, because I'm not in those community roles because I'm disconnected. 2spirit means something specific and it means more than just being trans and native.
As for what the actual cherokee systems were, I'm not sure if I should share what little I know about that on a tumblr post, but I'll say not much of anything has survived to the present. And be careful if you do research it, as an author claiming falsely to be cherokee has written about cherokee 2spirit stuff before but they're a weirdo pretendian. So don't trust anything from a Qwo-li Driscoll.
But yea basically 2spirit isn't just 'LGBT native' and ive seen lots of reconnecting people go 'oh I'm native? I can use this cool native-only term now!' As if it's just a fun thing for natives only just to look cooler or smth, it has more meaning than that and most of it is specific to the culture.
As always, native folks feel free to chime in in the comments
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seasononesam · 8 months ago
not a single late seasons plotline I wouldn't trade for more psychic powers/demon blood sam... if british men of letters has to die so I get to see late seasons sam with blood all over his mouth it will have to perish!
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bite-the-bloody-hand · 7 months ago
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Knight Commander Grenzel 'Zell' Hellsing - 10 of Swords
This piece has been so much fun to work on. I've learned a lot of new techniques and rekindled my love of illustration with this; I'm very excited to see where things go from here.
I went back and forth on doing a tarot-inspired portrait for my Knight Commander, partially because I didn't want to lean too hard on my gamer roots as a Dragon Age fan, partially because making a Tarot piece feel like it hit the mark is HARD.
Eventually I decided not to go for any one specific style and just let myself feel things out as I went, playing around with texture and composition until I landed on what looked and felt good.
As such, this turned into more than just a 10 of Swords piece, rather something that represents the full suite of Swords as well as the narrative themes that follow this particular character. Betrayal, Loss, and Anxiety paired with Clarity, Inspiration, and Ambition. Meanwhile, hidden in the background are clusters of six arrowheads representing victory within creative problem-solving. They look something like trees among winding riverbeds or nature trails- a reminder of his nomadic lifestyle and formative times in the River Kingdoms.
The scarlet halo suffused with blue light, and the blue cloth stained with blood, represent the constantly warring nature of his ancestries as a Dhampir and a Celestial. Heaven's light draws him, but also burns him, as represented by Lariel's flaming blade. Desna's butterflies remind his desire for freedom and secretly dreamy, romantic nature.
I hope you enjoy this piece as much as I do! Now to find somewhere I can get this printed onto a blanket or something.
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qwordavoider · 4 days ago
The first one-shot in the series following More Important Than Blood is posted! It is Eddie and Chris's first time meeting Liam. I am taking a break from my Eddie bashing for this one, because in this au, Eddie isn't a total dick about Buck being upset he has to move. Also, he and Tommy talked a bit after the breakup. I am hoping that later additions to the series will be a bit longer, but you can read this one below or on ao3!
Buck is bouncing on the balls of his feet in the entryway with excitement. Tommy and Liam are giving him the same incredulous look from the living room, which Tommy definitely taught him in the almost 3 months since they had met. Normally he was glad when he got to see some of Tommy rubbing off on him. Except right now it was dampening his mood the tiniest bit. 
Today was the day that Chris and Eddie came home. And Buck could not be more excited for them to meet Liam. Almost as if conjuring them, there was a knock on the door. He opened it before the knocking was even over and he barely registered Eddie raising his eyebrows because he was too busy pulling Chris into a bear hug. 
“Hey, Superman!” 
“Hey, Buck!”
He set him back down and was surprised when he wasn’t met with the usual groan and eyeroll that became common before he left. Chris must have really missed him. 
He pulled Eddie into a brief but tight hug before turning back to where Tommy had picked up Liam. He was tucking his face into Tommy’s neck. Buck had noticed that Liam was a little bit shy around new people. Like when they had left him at his new daycare for the first time. He had hid behind Buck’s leg for a few minutes until a little girl came up and said hi. From then on he was Mr. Social Butterfly. He was almost upset when Buck came to pick him up later that day. They had been trying longer and longer shifts in preparation for Buck to go back to work in 2 weeks. Tomorrow was going to be the first full 24 hours that he would be alone. 
Now though? He could see the curiosity getting the better of Liam as he started squirming for Tommy to put him down. He approached slowly and was looking straight at Chris’s crutches. Chris just took it in stride and said, “Hi, I’m Chris.”
Buck could see the slight recognition in Liam’s eyes as he realized it was the same person he had talked to over the phone, and then confusion as he took in Christopher’s crutches a second time.
“These are my crutches, they help me walk,” Chris as he patiently waited for Liam to say something. 
Finally, Liam seemed to have investigated enough, because he said, “Chris come play?”
“Yeah, let’s go play,” Chris responded. 
So the three men just watched as Liam led the way to the play area. Once they got settled, Tommy wrapped Eddie in a hug finally. 
“It’s good to have you back man,” Tommy said as he pulled away. 
“It’s good to be back.”
“How are things going with Chris?” Buck asked.
“Better, still fragile but I think he’s glad to be back so that’s a point in our favor,” Eddie said. 
Buck didn’t want to dwell on that right now because he was excited for Eddie to see the new place. So he gave him a quick tour before they joined Chris and Liam. Christopher was helping Liam put together some of the more complicated Lego sets that he had been gifted. It was great to see them playing together despite the age difference. That went on for a while before Liam started to get bored. He walked over to Tommy and crawled into his lap. Eddie was sitting next to them and Liam seemed content to just study him. 
Eventually, shocking everyone, he said, “Eddie,” while pointing a finger at him.
“Yeah, Liam! That’s right!” Tommy said excitedly.
Encouraged by that Liam reached across to Eddie. Unable to say no, Eddie grabbed Liam and set him in his lap. Liam seemed content to just play with Eddie’s hands for a while. After that, Liam was a ball of energy who seemed more than comfortable with the Diazes. The toys did not stay confined to the play area after that. But Buck didn't mind, he was happy to sit back and let them play, glad that Liam was getting along with Chris and Eddie. 
Eventually, Liam started to get tired. Before Buck could even stand up, Tommy had scooped him up. He turned Liam toward Chris and Eddie, “Say night night, Liam.’
Liam already had his head tucked into the crook of Tommy’s neck, but he lifted it slightly, “Night night Chris, night night Eddie,” before promptly falling asleep in Tommy’s arms. 
Buck watched after them with a smile on his face, which was rudely interrupted by Chris saying, “When’s the wedding?”
Buck picked up the pillow behind him on the couch and threw it at Chris, who laughed as he swatted it away. 
“It’s too soon for that,” Buck said.
“So you’ve been thinking about it?” Eddie asks with a grin on his face. 
“Remind me why I ever wanted you guys to come back?” Buck groaned, but it was drowned out by the sound of Eddie and Christopher’s laughter.
“Because you missed us,” Chris said, matter-of-factly. 
“Fine kid, you got me. I did miss you guys,” Buck said with a smile on his face. 
tags (comment or reblog to be added): @chococara25 @inawickedlittletown @moonydanny @manifestingchaoticvibes @hummelinski @crimsonwildcat-blog @n1kkii @captainwitharedstar @javanicko @tommy-loves-evan @rubydaiquiri
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vaintrdraws · 1 month ago
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Valentine's Day more like Valentine's Die
I love my OCs so they get to spend some time together happily (ignore the zombie apocalypse going on outside)
more versions of the drawing ⬇️
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beedragony · 4 days ago
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@wherethemothsgrow wip of them lesbeans
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non-un-topo · 3 months ago
More cishet observations from the past month at work:
- They really fucking buzz off of the TERF wizard book series
- Their favourite place on Earth is Florida (why???)
- If you tell them you're an artist, they will ask you if you've ever "tried out AI"
- They will joke about OCD a lot
- They absolutely hate their bodies and will take any opportunity to talk about food in a toxic way (bonus points if they compare their body/food to yours)
- They hate their spouses and think that this is funny
- They. Do not. Have interests. (Besides the TERF wizard book series)
- They don't watch movies or TV??
- If they have kids, the way they talk about them makes it sound like it was genuinely the worst decision they ever made
- If they don't have kids, they will still fucking talk about having them
- They don't like cats??
In other weird news, I'm gendered correctly at work and I pass to the point that cishets actually talk to me like I'm a cishet guy.
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organised-disaster · 2 months ago
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I have discovered Ambessa Medarda for the first time
Here's a silly video I made
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ronsenburg · 23 days ago
tbh I think dimitri calling sylvain an older brother figure in the jp version of the game says a lot more about dimitri than it does sylvain…
#dimitri ‘glenn was about my age and my best friend and my step mother was always kind to me’ blaiddyd#i guess i'm still on about this#as a related aside:#i always took sylvain calling felix’s past behavior ‘cute… like a little brother’ as more of a jab than a genuine lament#sylvain knows felix too well for it to be anything else#‘cute’ and ‘little brother’ are just two of felix's big red buttons that sylvain can push when he wants to be an ass#and he does in that support--because felix saying they’re only friends because of their parents actually really gets to sylvain#family to sylvain is an obligation that you don’t get a say in#at this point in the game he is struggling SO hard with accepting the life that someone else has planned out for him#simply because of the blood that runs through his veins#but he gets a say in being friends with felix and ingrid and dimitri#and i think that distinction would be really important to him#if barely-hanging-in-there-dimitri wants to imprint on sylvain like a traumatized baby duckling now that glenn's dead#well--that's a dimitri problem i think#honestly what does IS think a big brother figure is? someone to look up to as an example? to go to for support when you have problems?#because at the start of the game sylvain can't be EITHER of these things to anyone#sylvain's trying to fix problems by redirecting anger onto himself - he's lightening the mood with jokes that make people want to punch him#he's possibly even dying for them on the battlefield#he absolutely cares about them! but he doesn't want to be a brother. he wants to be a friend. that they intentionally chose.#what little self worth he has kind of hinges on it#what do i know though#whatever people can have their own thoughts and opinions i'm not actually saying 'we can't be friends if you don't think like me'#but i clearly feel strongly about this#rambling character thoughts
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nefelibatat · 4 months ago
The only way I'd accept any surprise parentage reveals re:Felicia is if Silco was actually Vi's biological dad. That's it. No other combination.
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