#more fun facts about the frankenstein anon:
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triptychofvoids · 1 year ago
I think Medic should keep adding limbs to his creation (have we asked them what they'd like to be called?), either until there's no space left, or until we reach the limit on how many limbs the human mind can control. Whichever comes first.
its really fascinating!! seems like the frankenanon can move its arms separately when trying, but the arms move mostly in unison when it isnt focusing on them!! more arms were tested and rejected because it didnt respond well and couldnt control them. besides, i might need those extra arms for other things
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tokoyamisstuff · 4 months ago
Halloween with the Hellsing Characters
Inspired by an Anon ask. Can be read both romantic and platonic. No warnings.
Featuring: Anderson, Alucard, Walter, The Captain, Seras (+ Pip), Integra
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Sorry, but this man is an absolute killjoy about every non-christian holiday. However in the end he's a big softie and can't deny you or the children any wish. Will fold like a lawn chair eventually.
Even then he'll complain. A lot. It's heretic to celebrate this, it promotes gluttony that, blah blah blah...
Man will get a heart attack seeing his sweet lil' babies dressed up as vampires and the likes, it's hilarious just observing him tryna keep his cool for their sake. You'll coerce him into going as Frankenstein but he refuses to acknowledge the similarities.
He definetly has a sweet tooth and can be bribed into having a good time though, especially after he discovers his bayonetts are working neatly for cutting pumpkins.
This is one silly, goofy man and you can't tell me otherwise. You think this is below him? Nah, he'll take any chance of entertainment he can get. There's nothing off limits or too cringe for him.
I mean hello?! It's the only time of the year he can literally be himself and people will think it's just a decent costume or special effects. Probably shows up headless or turns into a bat, shows people his 'puppies' or whatever.
Will absolutely overdo it, though. Terrifies the local children (and adults alike), the police will probably get involved at some point and Integra has to bail you guys out.
Ordinary events like these actually help him feel a little more human again, so he can't wait until next year.
Not a fan of anything that had been introduced by the US, including this tradition. It wasn't part of his childhood either so he's not really eager to committ. Yet in the ends he loves to serve, especially people he's fond of, and he's very adaptable too.
Would like a more classy and mature approach, like going to some kind of masquerade. Could also see him hosting his own gathering.
There's literally nothing he can't do himself, from selfmade treats to a puppet show using his wires. Would absolutely love to do a partner-costume with you and can sew anything you want!
The Captain:
In all honesty this man would rather just spend the evening in peace and silence at home with you.
Is very passive about basically anything, but that means you can do whatever you want to him and he won't complain. Dress him up as something cute, chances are high he'll secretly love it. Doesn't even try to be scary, he just is.
Mostly just quietly looms in the background but he really is happy, he could watch you do stuff you like forever.
Seras and Pip:
They're the most hyped about it like?? omg yess thank you for asking
Wants to do it all: making sweets, decorating, trick or treat, visit a haunted house, go to a party. They have a whole childhood to make up for.
They're definetly pranksters and will wreak havoc in the entire neighbourhood. Act like Pip is some kind of glove puppet, use Seras' powers to entertain the children or make it rain candy, etc...
Despite being a literal median herself Seras is still soo jittery, will jump and scream at anything really. The fact that Pip tries to scare her doesn't make it any better. They're mostly giggling and chanting, though.
To be honest it's been a while since this woman has actually enjoyed herself. It'll take a while to convince her but then she'll spare no expenses to assure the best experience ever. Private jet to all the best places it is.
No costume for her, she's intimidating enough. Gets in trouble for carrying real weapons too.
A lil' paranoid, always expecting the worst like an enemy to hide amongst the crowd. What better moment for a monster to strike would there be than during Halloween?
Calls it childish and unnecesssary a lot, but damn did she have fun (will rather drop dead than admit it).
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yallemagne · 23 days ago
Kind of basic bur Top 5 books .. ..? Maybe 5 fiction and 5 non fiction if you’re feeling free
and you cant say FraCula . Okay you can i don’t control you
I am deeply sorry, anon, because when I made that "call me beep me if you wanna reach me" post, I'd completely forgotten that I disabled email notifications for my inbox because of bots.
This is fucking rough. Mostly because I just spent an hour typing out a response (too much effort for a tier list request, I know) and then Tumblr chewed it up. How did I ever manage to write full essays on here back in the day without typing them up somewhere else??? BUT ALSO because I feel like such a fake literature fan. I feel like I've read nothing at all. There are so many books that are staples that I haven't read. There are so many books on my shelf that I haven't finished.
"FraCula"? I presume you mean Frankenstein and/or Dracula? Yeah, lol, no. They are not making the top 5. You'd think that they would because of how much time I have dedicated to them, but that's probably the issue jiopegprio. If I were to rank them, Frankenstein may win over Dracula simply because I have so many more feelings about the latter than the former. Which doesn't make sense, right? But the Dracula fever was a turbulent time in my life, and though I love so much about the novel, I hate so much as well (and those things I hate are because I love the other things with such ferocity). Though... I do have to restrain myself from getting into fights with "Victor Frankenstein is the real monster!!!" people. But isn't the fact that I am able to restrain myself further proof that I love Frankenstein less? That I fight for it less?
Oh well. Onto the actual list:
Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne Absolute comfort novel, and I wish I had been introduced to it YEARS AGO when I got it for my friend because it was on their wishlist. I'll never forgive. Though, maybe I wouldn't have been able to appreciate it in middle school. This novel was such a positive influence in my life when I was reading it (on this very blog, you can see it helping me through some traumatic shit in real time). I have never touched any adaptations or "sequels" of it and never wish to. [From this point on, the list order is just chronological to when I read the books.]
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott This book will always have a place in my heart because it felt like the first "real book" I ever finished. My mom was very excited when I finished it. So she got me the actual book. Yeah... the book I had finished had been an abridged illustrated version. But still! The excitement (and confusion) on Christmas day when Ma gave me a copy of the real book.
The Silverwing Trilogy by Kenneth Oppel Keeping with the trend set by Little Women, I actually first found this story through the animated adaptation of it. It wasn't until years later when my cousin coincidentally got me the book series as a gift (literally just bc I love bats) that I even knew there were books. Reading them was so fun, rediscovering moments that were in the animated adaptation, newly discovering moments that were left out. I unfortunately fell off with the third book due to how unfamiliar it was, though. Still. Great fun. [people are gonna fuckin roast me for having children's books in this list and not something refined like Les Mis... that is one of the books languishing on my shelf after I failed to get past the first few chapters in middle school]
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson Yet ANOTHER book I learned of primarily through adaptation... though this novella has no good adaptations. The reason? They always disregard Utterson! My beloved POV character. I do not relate to him in the SLIGHTEST, I love him so much.
The Vampyres by C.R. Kane If this list were in any particular order, this would be right after Twenty-Thousand Leagues. And the two would be tied if not for a singular detail that made me lose my shit. The author knows what they did. Let me just... put my book review here:
Roses. Garlic. Ash. The Vampyres is a story about the hunter becoming the hunted. This story was delightful to read. Kane introduces the protagonist, Gordon Williams, and his peers: members of the undead who have made pacts with gods to be indestructible, not even threatened by wards that we commonly know to work against undead monsters like garlic and holy symbols. And then, once the reader is confident in the vampires’ total invincibility, Kane pulls the rug from under their feet and introduces a horror that even the proud and complacent Gordon dreads. Every character introduced is fleshed out by the narration, even minor victims of Gordon’s bloodthirst, creating a world that feels lively beyond the protagonist’s supernaturally broad perspective. I’d recommend this story to anyone for its thrilling action, striking prose, and potent emotions.
Just go fucking read it, dude. I need you to read this book. Read The Vampyres by C.R. Kane.
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pumpkinsy0 · 11 months ago
Do u have headcanons about or what do you think about a 90s or 00s AU (maybe) where Curly Shepard is a punk and Ponyboy a goth or a babybat? ^_^ Like imagine purly but ponyboy tries to show his obsession for edgar allan poe and curly or the gang JUST DON'T GET IT 😭
wym anon that literally already IS purly🙄🙄
BUT YEA I DO HAVE HCS!!!! o(^-^)o
(for context who dont know, baby at is the name for like ppl who r newly goth basically, theyre just starting out listening to music n stuff like that)
•since curly is punk here and the whole idea of punks is essentially anti establishment and love individuality i will NOT make him make fun of pony for being goth, especially when hes a babybat hes just embracing himself
•also curly is curly i feel like hes a bit morbid himself and would be at the very least interested in edgar allen poe, so even if he wasnt punk he wouldnt make fun of pony for liking him, even if he does thats just bc hes being friendly and just does NOT like poetry
•ill place this in like, late 90s and early 2000s, so there is that huge thing against goths and punks for being ‘weird’ and against god or something along those lines
•curlys pretty used to being targeted for being different for his punk style and such while pony isnt exactly used to that so i imagine that hes more protective while ponys trying to figure himself out in that regard
•some bands pony would b interested in is evanescence, the cure, and siouxsie and the banshees, london after midnight, of course there IS more but these r like more so his favs
•how pony found out about gothic bands was like, a song was playing in darrys car radio and darry didnt rlly like it so he changed it but the song was already stuck in ponys head
•he brought it up to curly but pony was just like ‘idk maybe itll pass’, it in fact DID not pass and later they was just chillin in curlys car and the song came back on the radio and pony was like ‘neuron activated’
•curly was personally not rlly into the song, but hey, ponys happy so its whatever
•personally i imagine that pony doesnt have a gothic STYLE more so he has a love for gothic songs and literature, yknow what i mean??? but maybe he does borrow some clothes from curly thats more on the gothic side or thrifts some clothes
•other than edgar allen poe, he does like phantom of the opera, frankenstein, dracula, carmilla, dr jekyll and mr hyde, also he would like ruby gloom (thank my gf for this hc)
•his art style is kinda influenced by those media actually
•as for what type of goth he is i could mostly see him being like a geek goth, but he is interested in the looks of victorian goths and gothabilly goths
•tbh, not much to add for this guy, punk curly is literally just regular curly but more understanding of who he is and what he wants in the world yknow??
•think of curly but actually a lil more, idk thought provoking in his own curly way with a better understanding of the world
•he is from a haitian household tho and haitian moms especially tend to be more, religious and all that jazz, so while tim and angela get their ears yelled off for well being them, its especially happening to curly bc in his moms eyes hes “turning away from god” n what not being a “vagabon” as many haitian moms would put it
•he likes customizing his own clothes, he thrifts and gets a bunch of hand me downs so might as well make them look cooler
•hes a graffiti artist and hes acc pretty well known, everyone knows its him but they dont rlly say anything cause 1) hes curly shepard but 2) his work rlly isnt that bad actually
•i could totally see him liking green day and he does NOT like fall out boy but he does like a coulle of songs from them (much to his dismay
•hes picking up guitar (how he afforded it??? i payed for it lets just say that)
WHEN IT COMES TO THE GANG, they dont rlly get pony being goth, they support him of course, but they do tend to make fun of him a bit</33 but darry, soda, and johnny do try to understand him more, its rlly just two
ps anon my gf said she loves u for ur idea (shes goth, u got the goth stamp of approval)
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shmowder · 7 months ago
No don’t worry!! I did find it cool to figure out Daniil actually has a canon height lol! I’m just autistic and get insanely embarrassed when I get things wrong about my special interests is all!! You didn’t come off as “erm actually at all” don’t worry!! It’s just me having a oh god I got this minor detail wrong i’m so cringe moment…i genuinely love learning new things!! Even if i feel a bit silly cause i got things wrong as a result!! And you’re absolutely right it’s always nice to see some content for strong and tall characters getting the damsel treatment that’s always fun!!
However that being said can I get some short Daniil and short reader content!! Because short Daniil just itches a part of the brain so it’s the short transmasc part of the brain that’s the part of the brain it itches.
Also your screenshot edits are so good!! “Never read Frankenstein” absolutely took me out because yeah I don’t wanna imagine what would happen if that man read the Frankenstein…..however I’d also love to see what would happen if he read Frankenstein, don’t know if he can due to time period reasons but….if it’s possible get that man a copy immediately!
-immune anon
Short Daniil with a short reader
[fluff, slight comedy, comfort]
[GN Reader]
The one thing Dankovsky abhorred the most about this town was the sheer quantity of tall people. Gaint freaks roaming the streets, causing his neck to crane just to hold eye contact with them, already developing a sore muscle.
Was it something in the water? Has their bottled milk been blessed by some deity to be 10 times as effective? Even the herb brides were taller than him. Daniil doesn't want to think about what he might look like to people while standing directly next to Dr. Rubin.
This is why he didn't feel the least bit ashamed of the great amount of relief that overcame him once he first set sight on you. Finally, he can meet someone eye to eye.
Well...someone near his age, to be more precise.
Straightening his posture, Slightly puffing his chest and thanking whatever powers that be for letting him remember to put on his good shoes thise morning–the ones with the subtle platforms integrated seamlessly into the design—Daniil was more than delighted by the discovery that he in fact did surpass your height...
...by 2.5 centimetres.
which were mostly his shoes–But, a victory nonetheless.
But at least, this was the start of something beautiful. You haven't said a word yet and already made a good impression on him.
Months go by, and the two of you only get closer and closer. Like two peas in the pod, height accuracy, and all. Struggling to reach things on the high shelf, bringing any new clothes you buy to the tailor for hem adjustments.
Going on strolls together, naturally keeping up with one another's pace. A mutual understanding between you two when Daniil found you climbing atop a table once just to reach the clock on the wall in order to change its batteries, or that time you saw him use the pistol barrel to hook through a mug's handle and bring it from the wall cupboards.
One day, Daniil managed to sprain his ankle—just another average day of almost being thirty—and you let him lean his weight against your body as you helped him back to the house.
A seed of suspicion was planted in your mind that day, one that questioned if you could, theoretically, carry him?
There is no better time than the present; you went to put your hypothesis to the test immediately. Much to Daniil's confusion as you march up to his sitting figure on the couch after he just finished checking over his ankle, bending down, putting one arm around his waist, another under his knees.
And without warning, lifting upwards.
You discovered that without his heavy snakeskin coat, leather shoes, and medical bag, Daniil was relatively easy to lift up. His body barely put any strain on your arms, or maybe it was you who was getting stronger? You knew munching on these rather expensive protein bars had to pay off one day.
Would it have been anyone else, the Bachelor might have put his gun to use, or maybe borrowed a page or two from the Haruspex's book and got creative with a scalpel.
Luckily for you, and your lifespan, since you weren't just anyone to Daniil, you only got away with an earful about immediately putting him down.
Despite his initial apprehension, as the days went by, your discovery was proven more and more useful. The amount of times you've moved a sleeping Daniil from his desk to the bed, slowly carrying him up the stairs, careful not to accidentally bump his head against the wall–who was the architect that thought a curved staircase was a good idea?
Dankovsky wasn't stupid. He knew he didn't magically teleport from downstairs to his bed after he woke up.
His pride prevented him from outwardly expressing gratitude, the idea of being picked up still leaves a bad taste in his mouth, but he attempted to show his thanks in other ways.
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miwhotep · 1 year ago
Blackmail resistant Milverton anon:
Not really about the same thing, but something I've thought about a *lot* because yuumori already mixes British media of the time is Milverton's reactions to other villains in other media franchises of the era. Like Doian Gray, Frankenstein, Dracula, Jekyll/Hyde...
Do you have any thoughts about any of them?
I don't think any really are blackmail resistant. Dorian may be unafraid of getting caught as long as he keeps the painting a secret, but he is awfully paranoid and obsessed with his own downfall. I feel like Milverton wouldn't need real evidence to push his buttons, actually.
Dracula perhaps? He feels a little bit overconfident and less like he is even trying to keep his secret? Do you have any thoughts?
Hi, nice to see you again! I am a big fan of classic literature, so your ask made me really intrigued, especially that I never thought about these before.
First, Dorian Gray. I can't decide when it comes to him. First, he has his beauty and one of the main thoughts in the book was that people generally thinks that a beautiful being can only be good. Dorian might think that even if he gets exposed, the public wouldn't believe he comitted those awful things - he was also able to convince his  late fiancé's brother that it can't be him who chased the girl to her death, since he is so young and that event happened 18 years ago.
On the other hand, what you say about his paranoia is true, too. Milverton might be able to scare him just by knowing too much about him.
Victor Frankenstein. I think he surely could get blackmailed, even if not through his reputation - Milverton blackmailed people with threatening their families, if he chose to blackmail Victor, he would use this method, who has people he holds dear after all. (If you meant blackmailing the Creature, on the other hand, I don't think so. The Creature is an outcast of society, who has nothing to loose already.)
Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde. Complicated matter. I think Dr Jekyll can get blackmailed, but Mr Hyde doesn't. So if Milverton blackmails Dr Jekyll, Mr Hyde would come after him to destroy him.
Dracula. I don't think he would ever imagine someone would be so insane to blackmail him - but I can see Milverton doing it (of course, fully armed with weapons what can be used against vampires) just for the funzies and to later expose Dracula and turn humans fully against him.
If Dracula gets blackmailed, he would surely kill Milverton, even if he doesn't care about his reputation - and he might not even cares, people are already gossiping about him. But the fact that someone dared to blackmail him would make him really angry.
(Your ask also gave me a crazy AU idea - because vampires usually have red eyes, while dhampirs - human-vampire hybrids - in some series shown with yellow eyes. YuuMori setting in a world, where the high class consists mostly vampires and some influental humans and evil vampire nobles using the lower-class humans as livestocks. There, Liam and Louis are vampire orphans who are planning to overthrow the division of the races with humans on their side, fighting against the evil vampire nobles. And Milverton is a dhampir, who, because as a half-blood he was despised and rejected by both groups, tries to turn vampires and humans against each other even more through his blackmails, because he want them to destroy each other in the end.
Sorry for this stupid additional rambling.)
Thank you for the ask, these ideas were so much fun to play with. And now I wanna re-read The Picture of Dorian Gray, I love that book so much.
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variousqueerthings · 2 years ago
hiiii sorry to bother you with this ramble but i've been watching cobra kai mainly out of curiosity and the ups and downs i have felt when watching this show haha
i don't want to give this show a hard time, but it's so...yeah. of course i should've expected that going into the show, it's the reboot of the one movie from the 80s everyone and their mom knows of course it's not going to have the most philosophical questions but like....it both intrigues and enrages me in sooo many ways. Having just watched the sequels for the first time I was very surprised to find what it had to say about the cycle of violence and the somewhat unconventional masculinity in Daniel and...the showrunners seems to forget about all of that?
They seemed to sort of get it with the first two seasons where Johnny/the kids who walk into Cobra Kai walk out impacted in a way that the narrative doesn't see as rewarding which is really interesting! Only to...forget that? Once heavy metal starts playing, that's the cue that tells you "Oh yeah this is where the cool stuff happens! You should be rooting for them!" and I don't. I just kind of. sigh and let the scene happen
Oh and don't even get me started on how the writers seem incapable of writing the kids without having them in romantic relationships. I know they're in high school but like. It's tiring seeing these kids get together, then break up in two episodes -__- but that's just my thing with media
Ok one more thing cause I'm gonna keep rambling on and on: I really enjoyed Daniel taking Robby on as his student and just watching this kid have some sort of stability and guidance in his life was really nice so it was cruel of the writers to just rip that away (in my opinion)
Sorry for this long ramble, this show has definitely confused me but is somehow interesting enough to keep on watching
Can I just say I am somewhat enamoured that occasionally an anon will wander into my space and give me a little update on their various cobra kai and/or karate kid watches, makes me feel like we're all in this together.
And onto the message itself: everything you're saying is correct. Cobra Kai is a silly show, it's a show with many many flaws, it's a show that not only at times contradicts TKK character-building, but also its own emotional and thematic build, it's been my little "puts on clown suit and nose" show for the last couple of years, and it's one I'd never technically recommend, but for the fact that I am delighted by a great deal of it + the fandom (on tumblr -- venture into some other corners and you're reminded that the actual target audience is middle-aged straight guys who kin Johnny and think there's nothing deeper than "Daniel was the real bully" takes) has been a source of a lot of fun.
It was something that helped me during the pandemic + introduced me to some lovely people (including someone I have travelled to another continent to meet irl!)
What does this have to do with your message? Technically nothing, I just need you to know that I am both incredibly biased about my emotions around this show, because of all the real life stuff around it, and that I was very forgiving of it for quite awhile, up until s5 confirmed that yeah, the narrative that it seemed to be building up to (in its own flawed way) was uh... simply not occurring anymore.
Now I've moved past the stage of "oh okay, it's bad bad," and gone into "here's what I like," mode -- with no small degree of kvetching of course.
The way that I watch this show is on the basis of "take what you want, leave out the rest." Sometimes I'm not a fan of this approach, because it can leave out what actually works in favour of popular fanon headcanons (that can also make people who aren't into them feel excluded from cliquey spaces that dictate The Truth). But if the writing isn't up to snuff, I think it's only right to take a sledgehammer/scalpel/tool of your choice and Frankenstein that thing into proper shape!
The show has good bones -- the bones of The Karate Kid movies, and the actors (old and new) who are really into playing their roles and put a lot of work into it -- and it has good parts in its story too.
As for the rest *rolls up sleeves and gets'a'hammerin' and fixin'*
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Hey I wanted to do ur matchmaker thing bc i thought it would be fun abd also i just generally like ur content! I’m fine being matched with either DC characters or HP characters (preferably marauder era ones). Also i’m bisexual with a preference for women but if you think a guy really matches my vibe thats totally fine
Ok so this is kinda hard but i’m gonna try my best to describe myself. I’m white (mostly German and Belgian) with brown hair and green eyes and i’m 5’9 (dreaming of a day i reach 6ft despite the fact that i’m 18 and will probs not grow anymore). I’ve lived in Houston, Texas my whole life and have never moved. Actually i’ve never even traveled outside of the USA and have only traveled out of state 4 times i think. So yeah, pretty sheltered but thats mostly due to money stuff. I would love to travel the world later in life; somewhere like Italy or really anywhere with interesting and old architecture.
I’m a massive introvert who 9 times out of 10 would absolutely rather stay home. That paired with a diagnosed anxiety disorder pretty much means a lot of alone time that honestly i really enjoy. I LOVE reading. I’ve been a big reader since elementary school and never stopped. About 4 years ago i also got really into comics, specifically batman and all the robins that he replaces like a parent exchanges their child’s dead goldfish for a new one so they don’t have to learn abt death yet. I also like reading classics like pride and prejudice, (promise i’m not trying to get Jason i just relate to him a lot on this)A picture of dorian gray, Frankenstein, and Maurice. (I’m also trying to get my hands on a copy of camilla bc like sapphic vampires!??? Absolutely). Although i would def not characterize myself as a writer I am trying to improve my writing skills bc its something i honestly enjoy and it’s kinda my dream job even if it’s unrealistic.
Ummm idk what else to write. Maybe some quick fun facts.
- my fave color is forest green💚
- i have a twin sister who i have a kinda rocky relationship with. Mostly bc she just has so much energy and she’s really sociable. Basically we dont really mesh but she’s still my sister (woah who could I possibly kin. Def not regulus black bc that would be sooo unpredictable🙄) sry that one wasn’t all that quick
- i’m a Sagittarius
-ummm i’m running out of ideas
-chocolate is literally the best food on earth
Ok so thats pretty much it. I went way more in depth abt myself than i planned so thats why i ended up doing this as an anon. Ik the whole point of this is to show myself bc thats how you’ll decide a character but like, being seen is scary. I’ll be checking in once in a while to see who i got matched with but feel completely free to not respond if you have a lot of asks.
Lots of love ❤️
Can you ask about this in my DMs? So sorry for the trouble but it would help me complete it better! Thanks for understanding!
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transsexualraskolnikov · 2 years ago
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity! 🌟
I LOVE THIS THANK YOU ANON FOR SENDING ME THIS!!!!!!!! things that currently make me super happy are:
1.) the kids i tutor because they are getting so good at english and i love spending time with them and teaching them new things
2.) my graphic novel that’s getting published! don’t know when exactly yet but i can’t believe all that hard work payed off and i’m actually going to be a published writer ….. it feels so unreal
3.) the fact that i just finished my bachelor thesis, which im really proud of. i love the subject matter of it, it’s so interesting and im really excited for the presentation i’ll do on it
4.) reading books. so, like, this is kind of random but at some point at the end of last summer i really got back into reading and i’ve been unable to stop since then. i’ve read so many amazing books and i can’t wait to read more and have my mind enriched even more. currently reading slaughterhouse-five, next will probably be frankenstein
5.) bungo stray dogs. that anime has genuinely become such a core part of me. it’s one of my most favourite things ever and it makes me so unbelievably happy. the characters, the story, the fandom, all of it. i just wish i had someone to talk to about it and share my excitement
phew this was hard to narrow down to just five but a fun exercise nevertheless!
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river-bottom-nightmare · 4 years ago
For some reason BirdFlash gives me the look like nerds but are actually jocks vibe while JayRoy are the look like jocks but are actually nerds vibe. TimKon is the classical jock + nerd and since this came to my mind I can't unsee
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At first sight, birdflash gives off STRONG nerd vibes. wally’s actually known throughout the school for his science achievements, trophies, and awards. you don’t stand a chance against him in the science fair, don’t even try. and dick went to a fancy rich prep school where he scored some of their highest grades. just because he doesn’t like school doesn’t mean he isn’t good at it. and whenever they see each other in civvies, wally’s chattering on about this experiment he’s doing for fun and it seems like dick actually understands what he’s talking about, not just nodding along. and with a single visit to wally’s school, he revolutionized the tech department with a few careless suggestions. but really, that’s just their individual interests. wally might like science, but his entire life is running. he trains and trains, both with and without the speedforce. along with being trapped in that thing for years, wally’s pretty sure the reason he’s the fastest speedster is because of his strict track and cross-country training. and no matter what the circumstances, dick’s always happiest when he’s in the air. he possesses a natural athleticism that leaves others in awe along with skills finely honed to perfection for years that very few others could even hope to achieve. the two of them are long and lean and strong, and are in complete control over their bodies. they play different sports for fun, give each other leg warmers, socks, and water bottles for holidays, and go on early morning runs. the two of them are sports culture to the max (i actually made a post about that here)
now jayroy give off just the jock vibe, maybe even running into punk territory. first of all, lets get this out of the way: BICEPS. two of the biggest pairs of guns you’ll ever see, i swear. roy’s got a cocky smirk and he wears threadbare tank tops with dumb slogans on them and he never takes that trucker hat off. he makes his way into the basketball game going on at the courts on the bad side of town with a laugh. he squares up his fists for a fight any time there’s a hint of action. his nose is crooked from all the times its been broken and reset. not to mention his tattoos. and yes, roy loves lian with his entire heart and cares for her with everything he has, but that doesn’t change the fact that he was a teenager. now jason, jason just looks the part. he’s huge, and built like a goddamn brick wall. those muscles gotta be used for something, right? he’s always wearing those fingerless gloves, but his knuckles are constantly bruised anyway. you stop and take a double take anytime you see him when his lip isn’t split. almost everyone’s seen him with a gun. but he also spends his free time reading literary classics. his bookshelf is crammed full of old paperbacks, with everything from Frankenstein to Wuthering Heights to Farenheight 459 to The Importance of Being Earnest. The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy is a guilty pleasure of his. And he’s not just flipping through them either. no, he reads them. poking plot holes and other criticisms faster than a bullet. character analyzations sharper than his jawline. a lecture about the problem with many contemporary and modern novels longer than his dick. yea, jason devours those novels, and can tell you about all of them. as for roy, he’s inventive. always tinkering, always fiddling with a piece of tech, always creating. whether it be a new set of trick arrows or a coffee machine that spits out poison darts of a toaster that has 56 settings or a goddamn bazooka. he loves building stuff with his own two hands, a messy bun on his head, grease on his face, goggles shoved over his eyes as whatever he’s making sparks to life in his hands, bested only by the strike of pure creative passion in his eyes. textbook definition mechanic and geek, and we love him for it.
timkon is definitely the classic jock + nerd pairing. the only problem is that they always switch which is which. kon drapes his spiked leather jacket over tim’s shoulders when he’s cold, and later on at football games, tim cheers kon on wearing kon’s varsity jacket. but tim dropped out of high school because he has “better things to do” while kon just genuinely enjoys learning about stuff. kon does need help with his homework, so he calls tim, who always gives kon the math formulas he forgot the empirical formula of a compund that he doesn’t feel like calculating while simulaneously working on a couple other cases (he bounces his theories for a certain homicide off kon). but half of tim’s closet is made of sports jerseys for his favourite teams that he wears completely unironically even though they practically dwarf him, and he drags kon to all of their games while cheering and hollering, screaming at the tv when he can’t be there live,,,,and it’s not just one sport,,,,,nooo he’s got a good many he’s completely emotionally invested in. tim steals kon’s shirts so often that he just starts giving them to him, and dear god there’s almost nothing kon loves more than seeing tim wearing his clothes, looking tiny and misleadingly delicate and his. but tim carries around a skateboard and uses it practically 24/7, and one afternoon was spent teaching kon how to use the thing, including lots of laughing and falling over and steadying hands on waists, before a break at an ice cream parlour was followed by a sugary kiss. so yea, timkon is jock + nerd culture, with both of them being the jock and the nerd (also sorry anon i know you were thinking of kon being the jock and tim being the nerd, and honestly that’s how i usually view it too, its just this particular idea popped into my head and i had to write it) (also for timkon, i usually go for skate culture, and my hc for that is here)
ok wow this got a lot longer than i expected. i was shooting for a couple lines about my ships, and ended up with a whole new hc list instead. ooooof. tag list: @comicsandhoney @birdy-bat-writes @astroherogirl @anothertimdrakestan 
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bansheeoftheforest · 4 years ago
What if one of the lodgers refuses to believe ghosts exist and is constantly brushing off legitimate evidence
-ouija anon
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So what you're telling me... A buzzfeed unsolved Ghost Jekyll au? 👀 I don't know what is funnier, one person not believing it or the whole Society being split about it. We have the skeptics who doesn't really believe in ghosts or that they are spooky, much to the disappointment of Maijabi who literally works with ghosts (technically), while the other half is so superstitious and so terrified of the ghost and what possibly could have caused it to haunt them. It would be just like Shane and Ryan. Henry pushes someone down the stairs and the skeptics would go "It's just the wind, the stairs were slippery". Henry would cut down a chandelier in hopes of hitting one of the Lodgers but that is "faulty wiring" and "it's was a shitty job done, it was probably bound to break at some point" and Henry would be so frustrated XD
...Y'know what would be a fun idea? Remember that "Hyde gets separated from Jekyll" Part of the au? What if that happens with the rest of the guys in Jekyll's head? So they have Mind!Lanyon and Mind!Frankenstein and Sabrina mentioned that there existed a Mind!Jasper somewhere in there is haunting the Society too, or at least can take over Jekyll much easier than before? Now we also come to the fun part of Jekyll probably being horribly mentally ill if this only happens to him rather than everyone else that has died and come back as a ghost but maybe it was some hoodoo voodoo bullshit with the hj7? XD
...The fact that no one is question why a ghost is getting coffee-- would Henry just become Some Dude once he is a ghost? Like, no matter if people realize that he is Henry Jekyll or not, would he cause enough trouble that people don't bat an eye when he is out and about getting coffee and shit? Can you imagine the Lodgers seeing him and overhearing that??? XD
...Y'know I have daydreamed about that so hard but I'm disappointed in myself bc I did not manage to make him spooky enough in the DTIYS... Yet at least but I really love the thought of him turning really spooky, especially if he, at some point, turns Moreau-spooky-esque. That would be absolutely terrifying and especially if it happens over time. Like, when he is freshly dead he looks exactly like when he was alive, perhaps bloody and injured depending on his death, but the angrier he gets and the more defiled his corpse and his legacy is being and the more the Lodgers are ignoring him he just turns spookier and spookier. His clothes gets ripped and his hair gets shaggier and his fingers turn into claws, especially if it also makes him more powerful too and sjdfsdjfsd <3<3<3
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mayybirds · 4 years ago
I feel like a lot of people are dunking on Mia for being a not so great wife and I get that! The fact that Ethan never noticed how Miranda was pretending to be mia suggests that how Miranda acted is just like how Mia acts normally isn’t a good sign.
But even then I like Mia’s character. Despite the fact that her and Ethan’s relationship is toxic(I would argue, but that’s my personal opinion), she has done some genuinely messed up shit, and not to mention she let rose become this weapon?? Also it’s implied that Chris takes more care of Rose which isn’t good....
but even then she’s still interesting to me. I wish they could’ve given more backstory in why she was apart of this whole thing with Eveline. Was she in a tight spot where she desperately needed money? Or was she hired for another reason?
I hope RE9 will explore this with Rose, revealing more about Mia’s backstory and dealing with the consequences of her past horrible actions. Because even though I like her, it annoys me how it feels like in the end she survives or gets a pass on the fact that she was apart of Eveline becoming this monster which eventually led to many deaths and horribly tragedy’s.
But to sum it all up, I like Mia’s character but I don’t condone her actions whatsoever. I just want to see more backstory in why she ended up in this position.
Don't worry, anon, I understand your position perfectly! I'm happy to let people dunk on Mia for the fun of it all, but I'd never judge anyone for liking her. You can like her without condoning her actions. Heck--I think she's interesting myself! I just wish canon did more with her if they were going to keep pulling her from almost-certain death each game. She's so underutilized and her backstory and mentality is ripe for details they won't give us. It's why I'm excited to take a different direction with her in my fic--she's not a main character, but the Mia and Chris BSAA sideshow is rapidly becoming a thing in my notes.
But like...I was a lit student, anon. I've read Frankenstein, Jekyll & Hyde, etc., etc. I've read Lolita (though, frankly, I don't think I could stomach a second reading of that one...). I can perfectly understand how someone can find a character interesting, or find literary value in their narrative, while also unquestionably condoning their actions.
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pearlsongfromstuff · 4 years ago
Hi its the oc ask anon from before! The New God OCs look intriguing and im always a sucker for dnd!
I watch Kyo's stuff too so all of that is really interesting as well, but the New God thing is drawing me in. If you want to talk about other ocs that's okay, but thats the one that has my interest atm
Have a good day pearl!
Thank you so much, Anon! I'ma nickname you Anny, Anny. So anyways, with just New God OCs (The name New God actually is name of my biggest AU that houses most of my main stories and my OCs. The name was inspired by the name Bad God but instead of a "Bad" God, there are "New" God's running the world. Fun little fact)
So with just these OCs alone we have 33 OCs, so I'ma give brief explanations for them
(Note: All the OCs with (*) are made by @chaoscorners-blog since we share these OCs but they were his original concepts)
(Also some other vocabulary you might need to know for this AU:
Minnrig- A fake Micronation near Ukraine and Romania where most of the stories take place. This place holds all the power in this universe
Red Eye Curse: Also called the 2p Disease or Madness Curse, the Red Eye Curse was a magical curse that plagued most of the 2p Universe. It drove people to madness by making them selfish, power-hungry and manipulative. It's also why the 2p Universe was known as the "Evil Side" while the 1p Universe was known as the "Good Side". It eventually disappeared 10 years as fast as it appeared)
Pearl and *Angel (He/they / He/They): The "New Gods". They run the universe and live in a castle near Minnrig. Though they may seem kind and thoughtful on the surface, they're actually not that good of people. I recommend not coming close to them.
Darling (She/Her): Adopted daughter of Pearl and Angel, she is known to have any magical powers. Not much is known about her since she rather hide in the Ancient Records within the castle
Star and Rose (He/Him, She/Her): Star and Rose are also adopted children of Pearl and Angel but unlike their older sister, they have magic. Star and Rose are probably more powerful than Pearl and Angel combined. Star is more adventurous and wants to learn about the magic in the world while Rose tries to live a more normal life, away from her godly heritage.
*Viktor and Sal (He/Him, They/Them) : Two 2ps that escaped to the 1p World, they live with Pearl and Angel as caretakers for Star and Rose. Star is the most attached to them, calling Sal "Mama" and Viktor "Dad".
Lewton (He/Him): The personification of Minnrig, Lewton is also the Detective of the town. He's also the husband of Bazarov (who we'll talk about if anyone asks about 2ps) and he's also responsible for the end of the Red Eye Curse.
*Zargon and Diablo (He/Him, She/Her): The Adopted children of Bazarov, sadly they were found around the time Bazarov had the Curse, they were taught since adoption to become soldier, and they're mainly representative of Heart (Zargon) and Mind (Diablo). Bazarov actually stole Diablo's heart for years, making her very heartless and making her a war criminal like her father while her brother always seemed to get the blame. After many years and while Lewton was working on saving the world, Zargon found Diablo's heart and they got the fuck out of there.
Deera (She/Her): The eldest sister of Zargon and Diablo, Deera kinda left her siblings for dead after the death of their birth parents. She instead headed to the Fantasy universe and kinda became a fucking villain in the stories, mainly manipulating anyone for whatever she wants.
Riley (She/Her): Another adopted child of Bazarov (He has a lot), She was raised while Zargon and Diablo were but sperate. She later on took over her father's place as General.
Abble (She/her): An (say it with me now) adopted child of Bazarov but with a twist: She's also Lewton's daughter. She actually has a nice upbringing unlike her other siblings because Bazarov was free of the curse when she was being raised. Her siblings are highly jealous of this.
Bean and Loki (He/Him, He/Him): Bean is a cat who radiated too much magic and can now turn human. Loki is a Mochi America but somehow, during hatching, gained more of a conscience than his other Mochi brethren. They're also married after many weird circumstances.
*Azreal (She/Her): To put it shortly, she's a bootleg Dr. Frankenstein. She has a never ending thirst for knowledge and uses such knowledge of other universes to bring people to life and to create life. And in one story, she kills Nevo......sooooooo-
*Mono (He/Him): During life, he was a simple manga artist with a wife and child but after horrible circumstances, he ends up dead at the hands of a gang. Azreal takes him and brings him back to life. Sadly, during the "bringing back to life" process, his soul is merged with a more evil soul, so now two personalities are contained in one body. Mono being the more awkward side and Parasite having absolutely no chill.
Pearl Song (Any Pronouns): Originally my very first cringy Marysue OC, we revamped her into being another of Azreal's projects. She has the power of the everything due to her past life and now uses that power in her current life to cause chaos with her favorite brother, Mono.
*Foalina and *Matthias (She/Her, He/Him): Another project by Azreal, they are two bunny twins that travel the world as performers. On stage, Foalina is seen as meak and weak while Matthias is more flirtatious and cunning. Off stage, they hate each other with a burning passion
*Caddy (She/They): Another project by Azreal, she is a mute traveler of the many universes. She is very excited soul that likes any good story.
*Shyane (She/Her): Azreal's first project, at first, Azreal saw her as a daughter and she saw Azreal as a mother but after time, their relationship became more strained and she became more of a servant than a daughter. She is very nurturing and caring.
*Demonic and *Ivan (She/Her, He/Him): Demonic is another project by Azreal which Azreal didn't just take a dead body and reanimate it, she actually created her. She was mainly used for experiments until she finally left. After many unfortunate events in her life, she gives birth to Ivan, her son. Ivan is the light of her life and just is an absolute sweetheart. We see more of them during Ages AU.
*Lilla (She/Her): A girl from the 1500's that left her home to become a Teutonic Knight so she didn't become a maid, after her entire crew is supposedly murdered and the enemy is after her, she starts working for a witch in the woods who eventually send her to the future to escape death sentence.
Amelia (Amy) (She/Her): Basically Amy Rose (from Sonic series) but she is an old interpretation I had of her in 2016 that she basically became my OC. Anyways, she also comes to our present and meets Lilla and after she helps her understand the world around her (which Amy sees as old technology), they actually fall in love and get married, yay!
Cosmo (She/Her): Daughter of Amy and Lilla
Amore (She/Her): Amy's past lover that basically gets in fights with Lilla a lot
Kaarlo (He/Him): Lilla's past lover that dies of hypothermia after looking for her in the snow. F in the chat
Berry, *Duke, Nicholas, and *Cole (Any Pronouns, He/Him, He/Him and He/They): Basically two femboys (Berry and Cole) and two hunks (Nicholas and Duke) in a Dream Scape
AND THERE ARE ALL MY ORIGINAL CHARCTERSSSSS. Damn that's a lot of typing for one phone. Anyways, I hope this entertained you guys! I will take any asks you have. I will also post some art of all of them later
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madlymiho · 4 years ago
Hello!!!! If I'm right on time can I request spooky alphabet Casper, Frankenstein, kill, supernatural & Unexpected with Law & Zoro? If not then delete this.
Hey anon! ☺️ you were in time!
Law's S and F letters has already been answered, so I won't put it again here!
Thanks for requesting my alphabet! 🤓❤️ I hope you'll enjoy it!
Spookyvent #12
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Casper: Do they believe in ghost? Would they hunt for them? Do they believe in a life after death or are they down on the ground most of the time?
Zoro isn’t so much a believer (remember how he claims he didn’t believe in God even when he was in Skypeia?), so ghosts? Meh, possible, for sure, maybe it exists, maybe not. Who really cares? If they exist, well, he’s not afraid of them, and he’s more curious to know if he’s able to slice them in pieces rather than truly study them. Can he kill a ghost for a second time? That would be a nice thing to discover for sure! If Luffy believes it can be fun the hunt them and discover their existence wherever they are, yeah, for sure he’s in! Zoro lives for the thrill and the fun, and he’s probably the one who doesn’t blink when his captain comes up with the stupidest ideas. So frankly, Zoro is swinging between his non-beliefs in general, and the very fact that his world is a damn example of weird things happening. If it happens, it happens, he will only care if it can bring some fun and challenge in his swordsman’s life!
Frankenstein:  Favorite literature to read during this spooky period? Comics? Novels
Not that he’s the most idiotic man on Earth, but Zoro isn’t a thorough reader either. He sometimes borrows some comics to Usopp or Franky, he avoids to ask the damn cook for any kind of reading as well (because he knows what he will find), and he’s not really into very complicated books like Robin would enjoy. What can be his options? Chopper prefers to read medicinal books, Nami is into romance or navigation stuff, and Brook prefers some classical readings Zoro finds too boring to actually care. Perhaps if any of them could offer him a story with sword and war, he will pay attention and might try to read (if he’s not falling asleep during the process).
Nah, really, the best option remains in having a member of his crew (Robin, for sure), picking a very morbid and bloody story to read it out loud, so at least, he wouldn’t have to read it himself - especially not when someone can do it better than him!
Kill: What would be their most favorite way to kill someone? What is their method? Are they able to kill or would they get cold feet?
Killing isn’t what motivate Zoro to fight. He’s not looking for any sort of murder, and this is not the Straw Hat’s philosophy, on the contrary, they always prefer to try saving soulds rather than condemning them. Zoro will always make sure that he’s not deadly hurting someone, only seeking for the challenge of the combat rather than the death of his opponent. Even the most cruel ennemies he fought aren’t dead today, even if Zoro definitely has the power to end their lives.
Zoro has honor, despite his choice to become a pirate, and killing someone is a part of the forbidden thing of his own code.
Supernatural: What are their beliefs? Do they actually trust in supernatural existence in the first place?
Absolutely nothing, this guy is bulletproof to any kind of supernatural beliefs. You can put him a ghost, a god, a zombie, for sure he’s surprised, but he believes they are some kind of explanations, coming from the Devil Fruits in the first place. Real ghosts, real demons, all of these, he clearly thinks they are a myth and nothing else. He’s very rational, and would never pay attention this kind of stuff, preferring to live his life in peace.
Supernatural things aren’t a thing for a swordsman, he has to remain down to earth to prepare himself to claim the title of being the best fighter, and for that, he can only count on himself anyway.
Unexpected: What could really surprise them, what would be the most unexpected situations to spend Halloween for them?
Having a quiet celebration can be the only surprise for Zoro here. Quiet... the only world which would never define the Straw Hat and their chaotic vibes. It seems almost frightening to imagine that they can behave. Imagine how it can be so disturbing to have them all quietly seated around a table, eating in peace and soft voices, until they would all choose to sleep rather than doing some mischief in town?
So scary... It gives goosebumps to Zoro for sure!
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Casper: Do they believe in ghost? Would they hunt for them? Do they believe in a life after death or are they down on the ground most of the time?
No, definitely, Law doesn’t believe in ghosts. He doesn’t really believe in anything from the supernatural area, mostly because of his scientist mind for sure. Of course, as everyone, he has sometimes wished to be able to see his family again, or Corazon, because it could have offered him a bit of comfort when his days were dark and clouded. But right now, as the grown-up edgy man he is, frankly, ghosts are nothing but stories. Even in a world like the one he lives in, he can’t allow himself to really have hopes in those beliefs. So he doesn’t care, and wouldn’t hunt for them. Surely, he has better things to do.
A life after death? If he’s not certain about it, at least it hopes it exists. Probably because he wishes to see the people he lost once more. He wants them to forever live pain-free, in a soothing world they will all deserve. But it’s only his personal hopes, and not something he will share with anyone.
Kill: What would be their most favorite way to kill someone? What is their method? Are they able to kill or would they get cold feet?
It really depends on the person, Law would avoid killing someone if he can. He doesn’t believe it’s necessary, especially with the power of the ope ope no mi he has. After all, he can remove organs and uses them to balckmail those people, so killing innocents, or pirates, just for the thrill to kill someone else? No, really not for him. He’s also a doctor, and it would be a contradiction for him to assassinate everyone on his path.
Though, for the people who hurt his loved ones, you better be sure that death can be on the menu. He prefers to come up with a long prepared plan rather than just rushing to kill that person. His emotions are honestly blinding his judgement, and his way of killing might be utterly brutal, depends on what the person for sure. So yes, Law can kill, Law will kill if he has a good reason - he’s still a pirate after all - but he’s not thirsty for blood and can definitely control his wrath.
Unexpected: What could really surprise them, what would be the most unexpected situations to spend Halloween for them?
Probably endind up trick and treating with any member of his crew or some allies like the Straw Hat, or just... celebratring Halloween in the first place. The real surprise would be that someone eventually find the good arguments to make his change his plans. He doesn’t want to go outside, he doesn’t want to party, he doesn’t want to put a costume on... If anyone manages to make him change his mind, well, that would be quite a feat here! After all, Law hates when things don’t follow his plan, and he’s not very comfortable when something breaks what he has anticipated for days, or weeks.
For sure... He’s afraid of the chaos Hallowen can be if he’s around the Straw Hat for example, quite sure that he would have the most stressful night of his entire life for sure!
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yume-fanfare · 4 years ago
hi i am that anon from like 29th Dec (last dang year) who said i read ur tsuki no hime and loved it and that u understand Aizou. i have read more of ur stuff since then and now i NEED to ask you for writing advice, on both characterization and general writing tips since I didnt mention it before. Sorry about that! i just forgot i sent an ask and i do not get notifs at all (or does anon asks not get notifs?) Also, ART STUDENT! That's why the nice art and art leaning!! I feel smart for sensing it
oh yup, tumblr doesn't send notifs for anon asks! but i'm glad you did see the answer anyway
this post is hideously long, so answer under the cut!
so, on characterization: it is mostly a matter of what would they say, rather than what you want them to say. the joke about "the characters do what they want to" instead of what the writer wants is pretty much true if you want them to be in character lol (that's why sometimes a little bit of OoC isn't too bad)
checking the source material is the most important thing: look at prior similar interactions the characters have had and how they reacted
this is kind of hard with LIPxLIP, as there aren't that many translated texts about them but with honeyworks the most canon and reliable thing to use as reference are the mvs. the mvs are drawn in a way that can pretty much be understood even if you don't have the lyrics, and sometimes it's even better if you can't read them, to properly focus on the images better
look at their expressions closely: while aizou is always explosive in his anger, yuujirou often has a more indifferent expression. so, when they fight, aizou is probably the one to blow up first while yuujirou maintains his composure better. it's kind of the classic "this was only a brief passing panel but i am going to expand on it" www
but the thing about fanfiction is that it's always a bit of a character analysis in itself. you don't start writing having already a color-coded folder of possible situations and reactions a character would have for each setting. you just throw the characters in a scenario and then think from there onwards, and eventually you'll be able to have the folder of situations and what you think their reactions would be like. (though, this links back to the prior point, if the characters have gone through a similar situation in canon, use that as guide! plus, finding little references to canon when reading is always fun)
for general writing, i'm going to mostly talk about my own experiences and process! i'm in no way a professional though
the basic is reading a lot. not just books but also fanfic. in fact, since you're writing fanfic, i Encourage you to read fanfic. even if your story ends up novel length, the way of treating the story is different from that of an actual novel. for example, because you're working under the premise that everyone knows the characters already. the general style of fics is different as well.
in fact, the style is the main reason i'm saying this slfkslfkslkf
read a lot of stuff and find a style you like. think of it as sewing together pieces from here and there to make a frankenstein amalgamation: this person's metaphors, the comparisons from here, the descriptions from there
personally, i adore the "long one-shot with a long title formatted (like this)" fics that are mostly feelings and descriptions and as little dialogue as possible, and some that occasionally play with the "show don't tell" rule, and some months ago i read a book whose descriptions amazed me because you could feel what the character was focusing on the most, rather than being general descriptions of the situation (i actually have a lot of thoughts about descriptions but that's a post for another day). but also i really like dialogue and plot-driven stories, descriptions can get boring and before trying to break rules, you have to be really good at following them
but, let's go step by step: developing an idea
for this i'm going to mostly reference the multichap i finished a while ago as an example
i started with just a few vague concepts in mind: non-idol au with aizou who does some sport and likes music but is insecure about his singing and yuujirou who does some music related thing and encourages him to sing in a way that's somehow related to the hozier song to noisemaking (sing), because it's what inspired me to write in the first place
then, from then onwards i wrote down what would happen in the first chapter of the story bullet-point-list-style, including things like the roommates part or the clubs the boys were in (at first yuujirou was in the choir club lol the change was a last second decision that idk why i took) and then bits of dialogue here and there that would be The Turning Points. those first dialogues were for the fight at the end of ch 1, the apology-date in ch 3 and then some vaguely unused ones for the "yuujirou encourages aizou" part, as those were the first key moments i thought of
because, since it's enemies to friends to lovers, an important aspect was character development
not all fics have character development bc not all of them are long enough (if you're aiming for short and sweet then there's no need). but if they do, i recommend you write down how the character was at the beginning of the story and then how they were at the end and then fill in the middle later, think of what those key turning points that made the character change were (the more little things you add, the more gradual it'll be)
samishigariya illustrates this very nicely: the song starts and finishes with the same lines, but the ending ones feel more light-hearted. the beginning has pre-arisa ken and pre-getting-along-with-yuujirou aizou, when they were the lonely people the title mentioned, and the ending, when they're not lonely anymore. the in between can be seen in depth during the other songs: ken before arisa was a playboy who didn't take love seriously, but after meeting her he realized that games were not all there was to love; and aizou used to be quite cranky and high-key a loner, but then he "meets precious things and knows of love". i will not elaborate on that because this isn't an aiyuu post but Oh You Know
for the fic, aizou would go through that same process, more or less: someone who doesn't really form meaningful connections with people but who, in the end, would end up having quite a bunch of people who care about him as his relationship with yuujirou advances too
since the relationship was the main focus, i wrote a very simple outline for how it would develop throughout 5 hypothetical chapters that was just: 1. civil w each other but mostly bad > 2. bad > 3. half friends > 4. pining > 5. date
and then with that in mind and the bullet point list, the final basic outline ended up like this:
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there were scraped ideas and ideas that made it in later, but i believe having a simple outline, a bare skeleton to add things to, is important. stories need continuity, development requires a prior buildup
it's especially important in multichapter fics where you post as you write, you need to have a more or less clear idea of what's going to happen because you can't ignore scenes you've already posted
shorter stories don't need it as much, you can think as you go, but it's still helpful to know where you're going with things to avoid getting stuck
and, on getting stuck: don't be afraid of deleting things. if you can't figure out how to continue things, then delete the situation and start again. it might feel like you'd be wasting time but in the end, it is so much better than being stuck on the same scene for weeks
in fact, you don't have to write in order. jump to the next scene and you'll figure it out later. you Can write the scene you want to write and then build everything else around it
it's normal to write a scene and then realize it would make more sense later in the story, or that it would be better if you added another scene earlier, or sometimes you just find it easier to jump from one part of the story to another. rely on your outline to keep track of what you've written, what you have left to write and what's the best way to arrange your story. make your story understandable
which bring us to editing
there's a lot of much better posts on editing stories, but yeah ctrl+f is your best friend: don't repeat yourself too much. and be sure to vary sentence and paragraph length, as well as sentence structure, to give dynamism to the writing
now, i've mentioned before the show, don't tell rule, but i'm going to talk a bit more about it because it's quite important
once again there's a lot of posts that explain more in depth what it is, so i'm not going to expand too much on that, but, very basically, try to avoid things like "then some time passed and they became friends". explain it: what happened exactly? how did they become friends? if it's important, show it to us, instead of summarizing
since things like these make the story longer, it also gives room for more development and proper explanation for things that happen
for example, the fic was originally going to start with them already in the room, and the whole situation would have been explained in a single paragraph somewhere, but by actually adding the scene where they first arrive to the dorms and argue with the lady at the main desk, the story flows better and it let me actually describe their first meeting
and uuuhhh i think that's all? this took super long to write i hope i didn't forget any super basic stuff lol
i want to add that for enemies to lovers i greatly recommend this post bc it's super good but yeah i think that's basically it, if you have any more specific questions just shoot me an ask
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bravadoseries · 5 years ago
I have a question about the SSCU page! What would you say are the genres of each film/series? And what would you compare them to?
ooh yay another fun question thank you anon!  the sscu page can be found here also and it’s basically a breakdown of what the films/tv shows/etc. would be like if i was in charge of the mcu . god bless anyway without further ado!
the avengers: canon so it’s basically the same BUT i think a little more tender...a little move loving...it’s a movie about an evil demigod and his army of robot aliens...but it’s also about friendship <3
the long haul: this is just a 10 minute oneshot set in a bar but it’s about audrey and steve getting to know each other!  it’s also very tender and just family-oriented and i want to say it’s almost like the scene in schitt’s creek where the whole family is laughing and dancing together 
lady liberty: legacy: this starts off as a heist movie but it eventually morphs into a real Spy movie.  it’s got action, conspiracies, kidnapping, etc.  very fun and cool
the tower (season 1/season 2): this limited series is filmed like a sitcom.  there are talking heads, it’s very parks and rec meets veep but there’s also like the chaotic energy of new girl.....tony is schmidt audrey is nick idk anything else but i know THAT is true 
black widow: opus: this is kind of dark?  it’s like killing eve but less graphic in its violence; there’s a psychological horror element to it as well.  i’m gonna call it killing eve meets black swan meets atomic blonde meets something to water it down and make it a pg-13 rating 
thor: the dark world: it’s basically the same but the b plot now also features audrey reckoning with the fact that darcy is dating her dad so there’s awkwardness there.  i think i’d like to write it so it’s a bit more funny and emblematic of taika’s direction?  so kind of like the witcher? 
agent 13: this is another oneshot that’s about 10 minutes long and is about audrey and sharon meeting to exchange information on the winter soldier.  i’m gonna go ahead and say it’s got spy energies, it’s serious, and tonally it’s very similar to tws 
captain america: tws: conspiracy theory, pretty much the same, though there’s a more tender element to it because of the familial connections and the fact that i’m really into making all the avengers be friends with each other lmfao 
hawkeye(s): this is like burn notice and veronica mars.  there’s an la noir element but also a comedic aspect to it; clint takes himself too seriously but also not seriously at all, they’re always at the beach, etc.  
the falcon: this show has very neo-noir vibes to it.  i think it has moments of extraordinary gentleness but also some violence, probably tv-14 but pushing it, kind of a mob story rom-com
avengers: age of ultron: there’s like a frankenstein something here but this time the creature is the monster.  generally i think it’s similar to how it was in the movie but there’s something a lot more horrifying about ultron in the way i want to write him.  i really want to emphasize how dangerous he is and have him be extraordinarily malicious and inhumane and cruel 
quicksilver and the scarlet witch: very lighthearted !! i see this being like arrested development meets community in terms of comedy.  it’s chaotic and has the same murphy’s law type thing as arrested development, but the characters aren’t quite so horrible.  
thorn: this corresponds to phantasmagoria/juliette fury’s fic and is technically set early 2014 but it’s released on netflix the february before ca:cw.  it’s quantico but also got like . weird halsey badlands energy? from dusk til dawn without the vampires.  supernatural without the ghosts or the sexism.  it’s a tv-ma road trip series about the things human beings invent when we are scared and want to be saved
captain america: civil war: basically the same but with more anguish lol
lady liberty and the angels of mercy: this is definitely birds of prey.  100%
thor: ragnarok: the same; this movie was perfect.  chef’s kiss i love u taika
avengers: infinity war: okay also kind of the same but hopefully emphasizing the apocalyptic nature of it all a bit more just so it’s even more miserable to watch 
the real hawkeye: THIS is old-fashioned noir.  it’s shot in black and white and created by rob thomas.  everyone smokes with cigarette holders and talks in mid-atlantic acents.  they lean in 
lady liberty: resurrection: this has the tone of those rescue mission movies? think castaway, that one where the lady from gossip girl is on the island with the shark, that kind of thing.  it’s a lot of pressure but ultimately hopeful 
avengers endgame: the same, but less stupid and more closure 
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