#moral orel ramblings
Im in the stage of the hyperfixation where I analyze anything and everything about this media.
the media being moral orel is. in and of itself something I am more than happy to analyze bc I know it's gonna be an emotional and moral rats nest /ref
also being aroace and being strict with the difference between attraction and love. will come in handy when screaming from the rooftops on why Bloberta and Clay's marriage is strictly based on some attraction and trauma. haha this'll be fun /hsrs
I'm. gonna put rambles abt that specific topic bc I have nowhere else to infodump abt my stange interest.
I'm telling you rn: this is all my opinion, so if something seems misinterpreted, then it probably was.
rambles are under the cut ↓↓
I think it's a bit obvious that Clay and Bloberta's marriage is NOT based upon mutual love. it's based on trauma both of them have. Bloberta's being feeling useless and unhelpful. she finally finds a guy that she has helped in some positive way. she immediately jumps to the conclusion of "this is it. this is the one." without thinking about anything else other than "he was the first one that has seen that I've helped, so obviously I have to get with him." and it's. a trauma response. she does have an attraction to him, bc obviously he's a handsome guy. but she doesn't know him. all she knows is that he said that she helped him. that does it for her. she doesn't need anything else.
and what she ultimately did was set herself up for disappointment. getting him drunk was a bad idea, obviously. so when he acts up and starts showing bad signs/red flags, she ignores it. or at least she tries to. leading to a sort of coping mechanism; cleaning. she thinks Clay is "filthy" so she goes to cleaning as her outlet.
this leads to her knocking Clay out, bc she can't take it anymore. once Clay wakes up, she helps him clean up, and talks to him abt what happened and proposes that they get married.
my genuine thoughts on why she did this so quick is, she doesn't want to get to know him. she doesn't want to see the red flags, or the bad parts. she also doesn't want him to say no. Clay is the first person that she had "helped" and she will not let this go. she won't let him go.
when Clay declines, she drops his head. this shows a bit of manipulation going on. a power imbalance. she's keeping him comfortable and safe, and once she lets go, he's not safe anymore. she did this on purpose, as I said before; she will not let this opportunity go. she has to marry him so he can make her feel wanted. that's all she's ever wanted. to feel helpful. to feel wanted by someone else. someone who would care about her and tell her she's useful.
when he finally "agrees" to her "proposal", she openly cares for him again. happy with the response.
they get married a bit later, the two having a service. you can see the emotion gone from Clay's face. Bloberta looks happy, but as soon as she sees Clay's deadpan face, her emotion drops as well. this shows that she might have genuinely liked him, in a love-ish kind of way. but we all know that they didn't know each other very well at this point, so she was probably hopeful for a happy wedding. and a genuine shared love with her husband. but she overlooked the possibility that maybe he didn't love her the way she loves him. because I think she did love him, at a time. at a time where she could look at him and love the man she saw. someone she barely knew.
this was probably the opposite with Clay. he barely knew Bloberta and he couldn't feel any real love for her. he doesn't try to fake this for the sake of a wedding because why would he? there's no reason to pretend to love someone you don't. and he was basically forced into this. being married to someone who practically manipulated you into saying yes isn't going to be the happiest decision of your life.
but I'm not saying she meant to manipulate him in this way. she probably just thought he liked her. and she liked him. so why not get married? two people who like each other. and when that takes place is a prime decade of unhappy marriages just because you liked someone and decided to get married. not getting to know them before holy matrimony is a fatal mistake, even now.
Clay's trauma is being worthless. this leads to him saying yes in the first place. hes told he's worth something. someone cares. someone is gonna marry him because he's worth something. and being very sensitive to any type of care, he'll take anything he can get. this specific scenario, a woman who is helping you is telling you that she wants to marry you. and you're supposed to say yes. you feel you have to. because she cares about you. she thinks you're worth it. who would say no?
also being hungover and not thinking straight, you're obviously not gonna have time to think before she leaves your life forever. and he doesn't want that. she's the first person to think he's worth hanging around and being with. it's a weird situation to be in. saying yes was the only logical thing for him to say, yk?
him being deadpan at the wedding. he knows he fucked up. he knows he didn't do the right thing, because he doesn't love her. not like you would love someone you genuinely want to marry. one: because he doesn't even know her well enough to grow and make a connection. two: because he doesn't want to be emotionally vulnerable again, being forced into something because your heart told you to.
BUT YEAH. that's my little. ramble I guess.
take all this with a. grain of salt. all of this is my opinion and how I view this!
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hey what are y'all's favorite moral orel quotes that aren't the big ones
no "i have faith in you"
or "why did you quit working on me!!"
no "oh well why not?"
especially no "i love you....orel"
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ashartstuff · 2 years
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Ok, so back when I went to Catholic (ahhh!) school, we weren’t really allowed to express ourselves through our appearances at all. There was a way to get around this, though, and that was to wear JESUS JEWELRY, which was allowed. I wore so many brightly colored Christian rubber bracelets like the first slide when I was 11, you have no idea.
I started thinking about this again when I found my old “I ❤️ Jesus” slap bracelet laying around, and the idea of Orel wearing these bracelets stuck in my mind.
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rvrndz · 2 months
“i know you too well to like you anymore” by reel big fish reminds me of bloberta and clay
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puzzled-pegasus · 4 months
My brain is writing a season 4 moral orel episode so im just gonna write some of it down in case it's interesting to anyone
Orel is in his Goth Phase and has completely lost trust in his father
(One of the main points of the season is Clay going through the 5 stages of grief to try and get Orel to believe his every word like he did before, but that's not happening yet)
Orel and Clay have an argument and Clay tells Orel to meet him in his study, Orel refuses, Clay gets madder, and Orel's like hey wait. I can just leave. So he runs off and he's like im never coming back!!
And he goes to Christina's house cus he's thinking he's gonna bring her with or at least tell her whats up. But it's late in the evening so he tosses pebbles at her window.
And Poppit opens the window and is like orel? Tf are you doing, Christina's not even here!
and Orel's like "she's not?"
"no, she's at the hospital" poppit smirks "she had a little accident while we were on a picnic together, and she fell in a creek and broke her arm."
so Orel goes to see her in the hospital
And Christina tells him that it was actually Poppit who pushed her into the rocky creek and got her arm broken and now she hates her mom
Now Orel is 10000000000x more angry
Thats as far as ive got lol
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link7057 · 1 year
OMG please share your headcanons about adult orel ♥️
MY FIRST ASK !! late reply but this might be long:
He's definitely the most affectionate dad ever and calls his kids silly nicknames or just wants a way to show that he loves them and Christina a lot :] he's the best dad basically (and definitely what he wished he had growing up <//3)
Then I feel like he would have a strained relationship with his parents, mainly Clay especially. He would either still put effort to have a somewhat good relationship with his dad since I just think it's in Orel's heart to still see good or after he moved out he cut contact with them to not be reminded of or connected to those memories :[
Then some about Adult Orel himself is he would still have a small limp at times but mainly recovered (not sure about mentally :[) and if one of his kids asked about his scar he would say "I was just clumsy and I fell while playing when I was a kid"
And I stole this headcanon from @starfac3 who said Orel would sound like Ricky Montgomery when he's older (thank you it made my day when you said that)
He would definitely have flashbacks to when he was goth during middle school (yes I also made some goth orel designs)
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There are definitely more that I have but these are just some I wanted to share so far :] Thank you for reading !! <3
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maxe-murderer · 1 year
goddamn moral orel for having so many pun names im out here writing an essay for a university class having to write out bloberta so many times
i feel so silly
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detective-marshmallow · 3 months
You know what, imma say it. Ms. Secondopinionson is so underrated. Like she has so much going on in the one ep we get with her.
What i mean is that I believe she wasn’t in moralton at the start of the show. I think she was the legal guardian of Joe and lived out of town for a while until her father got too old to live on his own. I don’t even think she likes him, she just feels like its a requirement as his daughter.
This is why Joe came into the series a bit later and why he’s new to church. I doubt his sister made him go before they moved. This was probably bc his father wanted him to go.
Also she updates Nurse Bendy on what Joe is up to bc she clearly wants to know. She lets Joe move in with Bendy presumably. I also think she answers the phone when bendy calls is bc she wants to keep her away from at least one of her abusers, her father. Overall shes one of my faves and I wish she had more love.
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molqr · 1 month
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mike lazzo gets shot and dies moodboard. for every adult swim fan
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oh and the full thing if anybody wants it? thumbs up emoji
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ms-scarletwings · 7 months
binged the stopmotion tragicomedy show (again)
Not only did “Nature” give me just as many goosebumps this round as it did the first time, but I found some old commentary of mine that I still stand by
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rants and headcanon stuff 🫶
[this time w the Secondopinionson & Bendy family]
under the cut !!
rants n etc. under the cut !!
- w/ the Secondopinionson/Bendy family, I strongly believe Miss Secondopinionson is transfem bc of her voice and the way she has to hide it in public/on the phone. I just love her a lot bc of her kindness and patient nature w Joe. shes so nice and compassionate w her dad and w her step bro. like it's admirable how sweet she is. she even made Joe his favorite dessert [probably to cheer him up] and how she tries her best to be a grown up and take care of Joe and her dad.
I don't think she's trying to be Joe's mom, shes trying to be his big sister. taking care of him and making sure he's happy and okay.
- w/ Joe [it's just a silly headcanon] he's transmasc and due to all the stigma and hate towards ppl in the community, he didn't grow up in a healthy household and due to that, he's a bully and an asshole. he's only projecting his insecurities and hate onto everyone around him. he's so interesting bc I don't believe he's a Christian, or at least not a very committed one. that leads to my next headcanon which is Joe is probably atheist. he doesn't care much abt the religion that he's typically forced into. he doesn't care abt anything like that. like at all.
also I like how he doesn't have a filter at ALL. like he can say smth and not even mean to say it out loud. but he probably doesn't regret it, knowing him.
Nurse Bendy is his mom, so I'm gonna talk abt her!
- I really love Nurse Bendy, she's so interesting. she's not naive at all, she's not stupid and she's not oblivious about what ppl do to her. she knows but can't stop it. probably bc she was told that saying "no" isn't going to work. or if she did say "no", it didn't stop anyone from doing stuff to her. she's a super deep character and I wish we got to see more w her.
- I also love the idea of Nurse Bendy meeting Miss Secondopinionson bc that would probably be so sweet UEUE even if they aren't technically related, I think they'd get along well.
blood doesn't dictate family, so I think Miss Secondopinionson, Joe and Nurse Bendy needs to hang out together like pls itd be so nice...
anyway that was some silly. analysis hehehoohoo. hopefully someone finds this interesting or entertaining to read. 😺
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Is there anything from the end of series notes that you really agreed or disagreed with? I personally hated the voodoo suggestion because that removed Clay's agency in the situation. Let that man be terrible.
well for starters
i really don't think danielle should have been redeemed
but y'all already knew that
i also think bloberta should have made some sort of comment when dan told clay it was too late
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foxxys-huzband · 8 days
i just had the worst idea ever
zalgo in Drawn Together, Homestar Runner, Charlie the Unicorn, Charlie the Steak, ATHF, MTL, Moral Orel, Xavier Renegade Angel, Smiling Friends, Kevin Spencer, or Penny Arcade
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ashartstuff · 9 months
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Message me if interested! I’m willing to make accommodations, so don’t feel shy!!
I take Ko-fi and Venmo
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aintiahandsomefella · 3 months
moral orel is quite possibly the best piece of media to portray what it’s like to grow up in a spiritually toxic environment and the people who decided to cancel it are spineless cowards in this essay I will
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andiv3r · 2 months
Gimmie a show to watch, no promises im just taking suggestions since I just finished 2 on my to-watch list and im avoiding the other one because it made me cry
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