#moots: milfs-milk
thus-spoke-lo · 1 year
literally that tag about law panty stealing tho. we all know sanji would do it, that man sniffs panties for breakfast. but with law…?
i can see it. i saw it so vividly, in fact, i thought about writing a fic of it, but then i was like no… am i crazy? would he be that perverted?
the answer is yes. yes he would. especially if lo thinks so. i doubt my headcanons sometimes then see you having similar ones and i’m like ok so i’m NOT crazy lmao
"especially if lo thinks so" i'm cryinggg 😭 look, if you have unhinged headcanons that seem like they're too much...it's probably accurate that i have them too lmao
Law is the least obvious panty-stealer too--I mean, he's Law! He seems so serious and he's the beloved captain you all trust with your lives, and he would never be capable of such a thing...right? So when your panties mysteriously start to go missing right before wash day, you immediately blame Shachi and Penguin and brand them perverts--which, they are, just not the panty stealing kind. Meanwhile Law is shambles-ing your underwear into his quarters, huffing them desperately while he ruts into the mattress. He's conflicted over his perversion, but it's the easiest way he can get close to you without the possibility of rejection...and it feels so, so right.
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thus-spoke-lo · 1 year
lo. lo.
have you seen this official art for law’s bday??
it’s cute. right? but im not normal about it
it’s just got me thinking about drunk law. how he’d act, what he’d do… i take him as somebody who doesn’t drink too often, and when he does it’s usually in moderation, especially around people he’s not too familiar with. he’s never been big on parties, but if it’s with his crew, in the comfort of his ship, celebrating his birthday… he’ll allow himself to let loose a bit
and i’m just thinking of like. him overdoing it a little, words slurred and face flushed, his demeanor much more languid and loose, letting out the occasional hiccup. and you help him back to his quarters when the night’s over, an arm wrapped around his waist as you help him stumble through the dark hallway. he’ll be stubborn about it, mumbling an almost incoherent “‘m fine, i can walk by myself…” but he doesn’t push you off
he leans in if anything, allowing himself to relax and enjoy your touch, if only for this moment. when you get to his room and ease him onto the bed, the light noise he lets out almost sounds like it’s out of protest. he must just be tired. he looks half asleep already, but you still insist on taking off his boots before he crashes out. you give him a gentle goodnight once you’ve made sure he’s comfortable, and just as you open the door to leave, you can hear him mumble “thank you,” slurred and muffled but no less sincere, no less tender…
this came out softer than i intended. had potential to be hornier. but either way! it’s what the birthday boy deserves 🥳
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I totally see him as a bit of a lightweight--he just doesn't have much occasion to drink, and he's a doctor, so he's used to having to be prepared for anything (drunk operations are generally discouraged). He doesn't have the best gauge on how much liquor he can handle and next thing you know, he's past his limit. He'd be so much more relaxed as you walk him back to his quarters, maybe even mumbling something he shouldn't about how he feels about you that you can't quite make out and brush off as drunken ramblings.
I can also see him potentially pulling you into bed with him before he passes out--not necessarily for anything untoward but because you look soft and sweet and this man has the biggest case of cute aggression I just know it. Before you can scramble away, he's got those long limbs wrapped around you and he's snuggling you like you're a pillow, snoring into your shoulder, and you just have to accept you're the captain's new stuffed animal for the night.
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thus-spoke-lo · 1 year
while we’re on the topic of law’s personality… i’ve always wanted to know, what’s your process for characterizing him? how do you decide on his actions and dialogue while keeping him in character? are there any specific traits and mannerisms you feel define him best?
i’ve been struggling writing him… i try to keep him laid back and reserved and distant. but this stuff about nerdy law? y’all’re onto something
hii! this turned into a bit of an essay, so i'm sticking it below a cut:
I am by no means an expert on Law, but here's what my process is, hope any of this makes sense lol:
For traits and mannerisms, I think his subtle expressions are important--like, he doesn't raise his eyebrows, it's a slight quirk of his eyebrow. Lots of half-smiles, smirks, and gazing with half-lidded eyes. I also assume even in his personal life, he speaks in language that is simple/direct, maybe even coming across as formal/clinical--I try not to make anything he says overcomplicated or too coated in metaphor.
Also, I think a trait I try to keep in mind is that he is, ultimately, kind. Even when he's being obsessive with reader in PM, he still perceives what he's doing as kindness.
I joke about my "needy Law agenda" but a lot of how i write him is based on seeing him as needy/desperate--he wants affection and physical touch and romantic connection, he's just too traumatized to trust, and too awkward and cautious express it, so he either becomes cold/distant or a little too obsessive. That neediness/desperation also comes across for me in his action beats--describing how he's moving closer to/touching reader without being overt, the way he glances as reader with hunger/yearning, body language that shows him as intimidating, even if his words aren't.
Nerdy Law I think works even better with all of the above, because once he can move past those trauma responses, you can show him opening up to reader with weird/nerdy shit without having to specifically state he trusts reader now
This isn't advice so much as just a kind of an observation: the characters I feel most confident writing for (and the ones I've written the most for) are from animes where I have watched the English dub at least once--it makes it easier for me to 'hear' the dialogue in my head and think, like--would Zoro say this? How would Sanji sound saying this? etc. It's easier for me with Law in this regard too because I've heard a lot of Matt Mercer's other work and I watch Critical Role.
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