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moonyy-writes · 2 years ago
Morning Cuddles
a/n: here's a little miche fluff for you all :)
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“Mike, come on. I’ve got to go to work.” “Five more minutes,” Mike mumbled. “You said that five minutes ago, now let go.” You insisted. Mike had woken up wanting cuddles and now that you had given them to him, he was refusing to let go. “Just call in sick, you’re always working.” “I can’t do that to them, we’re already understaffed.” Though you wished you could take the day off. “Pleaseee, today’s my day off and I’m gonna be lonelyyy.” You pushed yourself out of Mike’s arms. “You’re such a baby, I’m working a shorter shift so I’ll be back soon.” “But that’s still too long.” Mike insisted, sitting up in bed. You shrugged. “You can stop by if you want.” You began getting dressed, putting on your work clothes and makeup. Meanwhile Mike was still laying in bed watching you. “But babe-“ Your phone started ringing from your nightstand. Mike grabbed it before you could. “Hey it’s your boss.” You gave him a confused look and took it. “Hey, it’s y/n.” “Hey don’t worry about coming in, we had to close cause too many people called out and nobody could cover their shifts.” “Oh! Well, I hope everything is okay.” You hung up with a small smile. “Guess your wish came true.”
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taglist: @chaotic-nick
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shakooo · 8 months ago
Hey Shakoo!! đŸ«¶đŸŒâœš
Mel here!! :D I was wondering if you perhaps have any tips on backgrounds?? I gotta do backgrounds for something important coming' up in my blog then realized... "Oh crap. I don't know how to draw backgrounds!! 😀"
Thank youuuuu!! <3
HIIII‌ Moony, sorry for barely answering, but when i read your question iknew i had to answer it as detailed as possible jdksjsk soo well here it is, i made some notes!! i hope they help youu and if you can't read something because of my bad handwriting just tell me
i also apologize if there are errors in the writing, but as you know, english is not my first language TwTT
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a somewhat strange tip that i can give you too is to notice how things work around you as well as the environment, like one thing that i usualy do very often is take photos of landscapes, since for example when i want to paint the sky , i can use them as a reference jsksjsk
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two things i can mention the first is about being careful with saturating the backgrounds with details((?sometimes it will take you a long time to make them and they won't even be visible in the final drawing😔 and the other thing that i can mention but that is more of a personal taste is that you can leave things in a mess aand what do i mean by that??? well, let the brush strokes be seen, and there be no lineart in the background i feel like that gives a lot of life to a drawing
im still struggling to achieve that because uhhhm sometimes i go over details and saturate my drawings with many things, when i want to go for a simpler path JAJAJAJ since I LOVE how the lines look in the conceptual art or in drawings like that in general jjejej BUT that is up to your personal decision of!!
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i also have a couple of speedpaints here that maybe can help youuuu
and that's all (i think) maybe i didn't know how to explain it well or something like that but i tried jsjsks and i hope that as i already said this helps you Moonyy!!!! btw i've seen your blog AND IT'S GOING EXCELLENT, so i want to see how everything will develop >:3
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w1tchbitch · 2 years ago
hey guys! i'm going to become inactive on this account, but feel free to follow my writing account :) i'm much more active on that one
^^ i mostly write attack on titan fanfics but i also incorporate my own personal interests as well :) (studio ghibli, geology, etc)
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starfxkrinc · 3 months ago
i want to but dont have the courage to write like cnc and stuff similar to perv uncle jj , like the icky stuff but i feel id scare all my followers away.. bcs like u said apparently the people of tumblr become prudes as soon as it comes to that
anyways love ya moonyy
you gotta slow drip it until all the freak who would enjoy it are left
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stargazing-enby · 4 years ago
hiii :D
lately i’ve been having a friend tell me that i’m making my sexuality my whole personality and it’s changing me, is that considered homophobic?
also i have this other friend who likes to pretend she’s gay with her best friend and they call themselves lesbians constantly and call each other their wife. it makes me really uncomfortable and honestly kind of invalidated. is that also homophobic too?
Hi! :) I had some thoughts about your ask as soon as I read it, but decided to ask some queer friends to share their thoughts too before replying, which sprouted a really interesting conversation on blatant versus subconscious and internalised homophobia. Thanks to everyone who shared their point of view! And if anyone else wants to weigh in, please go ahead.
“Is it homophobic?” is, in itself, a tricky question, and the answer might depend on who you ask. In fact, framing it as a “yes or no” question might not even be useful, especially when talking about acts that aren’t blatantly hateful, but rather accidental, subconscious or uneducated, like your friends’ might be. (It’s hard to tell with so little context, though!) 
We talked about the purpose of framing a conversation about a hurtful act toward a queer person around the “is it homophobic?” question. Is it useful? If it hurt you, isn’t it worth speaking up about regardless of whether others would consider it homophobic? And if you decided it was homophobic and left it at that, is there any chance you’d be shutting down a conversation that could help your friends reflect upon their conscious and unconscious discomfort with queernes? 
Regarding your first question (and, again, having no context for the tone in which it was said), I do think telling you you’re making your sexuality your whole personality is a microaggression, at the very least, and you have every right to be affected by it. But there are other questions that might not get asked if you focus too much on “is this homophobia or not?” For example: do you think your friend might be coming from a place of concern due to subconscious homophobia? Is she worried for you, or does she say it in a malicious or mocking tone? Do you think it’d be helpful to have a conversation with her about it, and explain why it’s so important for many of us to be loud and proud about our identities? (How it’s often due to the fact we’ve struggled with internalised homophobia, shame and hatred for most of our lives, and being loud helps us feel more true to ourselves and connected to our community?) Does your friend perceive her own words as homophobic, and if not, would she be open to listening to you and other queer people on our issues so she can be a better friend and ally? Do you want her to try to be a better friend and ally to you, or would you rather end the friendship at this point in time?
Regarding your second question, personally, I don’t think it’s useful to label it homophobic as a whole for people to pretend to be gay and call their same-gender friends their spouses. I do think, however, if straight people are going to use our labels, the least they could do is to not then turn around and criticise queer people for being openly queer.
Two very interesting points were raised about your second question. The first one was: since society doesn’t allow people to express their platonic love in many ways, it’s understandable people, especially teens, might use romantic terms to express a serious platonic connection, or strong platonic love. Platonically dating one’s friends, in and of itself, is as valid a way of expressing your affection as any other. It’s when the people who do this are against actual same-sex relationships—when people use our labels as a joke but hate us for actually being those labels—that the issue begins. That I would definitely label homophobia.
The second one was that, apparently, a lot of queer people (as in, everyone who participated in the conversation as well as our queer friends from our teen years) play “pretend gay” while closeted. For a lot of us, this seems to be a way of exploring and expressing ourselves while we struggle with internalised homophobia and denial, and before we’re ready to claim any actual queer identities for ourselves. Many of us were “fake-married” to our same-gender friends, or jokingly dating in a way that made the people around us wonder if we were actually dating, or even platonically kissing our same-gender friends. In my teen friend group, in particular, we’d constantly propose to one another and we’d hold weddings during recess and hangouts. Four of us are in two serious relationships nowadays, but back then 3/4 of us still thought we were straight. 
So, in conclusion. Is it okay that your friends’ behaviours hurt and upset you? Yes, absolutely, and no one has a right to tell you what should or shouldn’t hurt you personally or make you feel invalidated as a lgbtq+ person. Do your friend’s comments about your sexuality stem from subconscious homophobia, an issue we all need to put work into un-learning because we were raised in a homophobic world? I would honestly say so. But the most important question is: what is your end goal? Will labelling their behaviour as homophobic help you feel validated, or help you make a decision to dump them and find better friends? Or do you think they’re coming from a place of genuine concern/ignorance/unconscious homophobia, and it’d be helpful to start an honest conversation with them about their behaviour?
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snzunii · 4 years ago
ok ok so i’ve been binging unexpected and im literally obsessed
i can feel all the emotions & how much the reader is hurting and wow is it good !!
hiiii omg sorry for the late replyyy, thank u sm i'm so glad to read this!! (*/ω*)
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levis-hazelnut · 3 years ago
Eren x Reader Kiss Me More (Modern AU)
summary: eren keeping you company while you bake, and he's completely off in his own world, talking about whatever comes to mind.
(a/n: something super short before i post something on valentine's hehe)
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Eren perched himself atop a counter in the kitchen that you had wandered into moments ago, deciding to bake chocolate chip cookies. And your boyfriend trailed after you, like a duckling, talking about something to do with his friends; something about Jean talking shit to him.
He continued to ramble as he sat there, eyes mindlessly following your movements as you searched through cupboards for ingredients and equipment. The back of his heels lightly tapped against the cupboard door behind his legs.
His hair was let loose, falling elegantly around his features as he peeked at you through the few strands that descended over his jade irises. A simple black t-shirt and grey sweatpants were what he was dressed in, choosing to be comfortable after coming home only less than an hour ago.
It was endearing to watch how he spoke while he was in his own world, saying whatever came to mind aloud because he wanted to let you know about everything that he thought about. You didn't think he realised that you were focusing too much on what he was saying, though, but he seemed to be content talking your ear off. It caused you to smile tenderly and that was one moment where he knocked out of his trance, his hues on you again.
"Why are you smiling?"
"Because you're adorable."
Blinking blankly at you, he wonders where that randomly came from before brushing it off. "... Anyway, as I was saying..." He continued his story that you listened to parts of, your attention mainly directed towards your cookies.
"Hey, baby, can you pass me the flour please?" you asked, and he reached his hand out to get it to give to you. And you laughed when he handed you the pepper shaker instead. "Thank you, Eren."
"You're welcome, babe."
Giggling softly again, you stepped towards him and gave his lips a little peck, interrupting another one of his stories that he never seemed to run out of. But you could listen to his voice for days on end - you loved listening to everything he had to say, no matter how small it seemed because it was significant to him and you were always the first person he would speak to when something 'significant' happened.
He stared at you in slight confusion and he encircled you with his legs, not allowing you to leave when you tried to move back to your baking station. "What was that for?"
"I already told you, my love: you're adorable."
"... C'mere, give me another kiss."
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Taglist (fill out this form) or send in an ask: @theyenvymarleyyy @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein @ackerluvr @thelovehashira143 @moonyy-writes @beautiful-is-boring @iworshipyelena @subjecta13-thefangirl @universallychaoticpan @resonancesoul @ruthbestboi @may-machin @kiyakemi @day-sii @mattsunsbitch @oh-theseus @lavenderdaisyhoney @aalijoli @punch-a-hole-in-me @aengelren @putmeinyourdeathnote @soranihimawari @bratckerman @kpostedsum @tdntu0 @the-princess-button @thesimpsstuff @animebae100 (crossed out names cannot be tagged)
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dr4kenlvr · 4 years ago
as she walks by
pairing: pieck finger x fem!reader
genre: fluff
summary: in which pieck locks eyes with the most beautiful girl at the local coffee shop.
a/n: ahh so cute! this is my first pieck fic, so sorry if the ending feels rushed <3 my friend @moonyy-writes wanted to be tagged in this!
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saturday afternoon. an expected day and time for the local coffee shop to be busy. despite its small size, the store was filled with lively customers- little groups buzzing with chatter, or lone customers quietly enjoying a latte paired with a pastry.
you have always loved this place, ever since your good friend, sasha, had first brought you here. 'their cinnamon rolls are to die for! i'm telling you, i fell in love!' she'd always say until you gave in to her pestering. after the first couple visits, you too, fell in love with the homey atmosphere of the place (the food was just a plus). eventually, you and sasha began to pull mikasa along to your frequent visits. she became quite fond of the food as well, always buying an extra cookie for eren.
this coffee shop quickly turned into the go-to place for any of your hangouts. the three of you would order your usual, sit down, and begin to chat. today was no different, except the appearance of a certain someone.
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"man, is it hot today." reiner complained, swifting a quick hand through his blonde tufts. "if i'd known, i wouldn't have worn such a warm shirt." he laughed.
annie huffed in feigned pity, "poor you, if only you'd check the forecast before leaving today." she eyeballed reiner—who only laughed again—before someone caught her off guard with an arm around her shoulder.
"oh annie, don't be too harsh on reiner! i think he looks adorable in his cashmere sweater." said pieck reassuringly. although, she luckily had dressed perfectly for the weather. sporting a mid-length sunflower dress that swayed with every step she took, pieck felt great. she smiled. she had to agree though, it was scorching today. a nice refreshing drink sounded just like what she needed.
as if reiner had read her mind, he suggested that they make a stop at the coffee shop just down the block. "they sell cold drinks too, right?" he asked. pieck and annie nodded.
"let's go!" pieck declared cheerfully.
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"and so i told him not to eat my leftover dinner! but guess what? he—"
"—he ate your dinner?"
"yes mikasa! can you believe him?"
you chuckled, taking a sip of your drink. "honestly, yeah. sounds like a connie thing to do." mikasa nodded feverishly in agreement.
sasha slouched in agony and shoved a mouthful of her croissant in her mouth. "so, anything interesting for the two of you this week?" she spoke with her mouth full.
mikasa's face piqued up, before she began talking about the books armin had lent her recently and how she was currently reading one called 'looker'. from fiction to non-fiction, to fantasy all the way to horror, armin had loaned it all. he was always the avid reader. you smiled at her, cheek resting in your palm as you added in a comment or two here and there.
although deeply absorbed in the conversation, a soft ring caught your attention. you recognized it as the sound that played whenever a customer entered the shop. out of harmless curiosity, you turned your head to catch a glimpse at who came in. first one to walk through was a tall, muscular man who seemed to be dying at the seams of his (expensive) sweater. right after him, entered a small women with an icy expression— quite a contrast to her soft blonde locks you thought. then came, her.
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the air conditioning of the shop hit pieck like a brave gust of wind. she felt herself smile from the feeling as she followed annie and reiner to line up and order. as the two of them began chatting up and discussing what they'd order, pieck took the opportunity to observe the shop. she's never been here before, but from the looks of it alone, it seemed like a promising cafe. above her, hung low bulbs of light that gleamed and shimmered the place up with warm yellow light. the light basked her like a cozy blanket on a cool sunday evening. draped along the walls, were fake plants that fell just short of customer's heads. the place was quite full: families, couples, friends filled many tables. pieck glanced around for a free one that the three of them could occupy— when she locked eyes with you.
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she's beautiful, you thought immediately. the grace that she carried when she walked in was unmatched to anyone you've seen before. the woman donned an a-line dress that stopped at her mid-leg and was littered in cute little sunflowers. it suited her well, and hugged at her figure amazingly. her hair was pitch black, and artfully stylized into a messy bun. you wondered what she'd look like with her hair down. you didn't mean to stare—truly, you didn't— but it was too late when she caught you looking.
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pieck froze in her spot, she felt as if time literally had stopped. you were sitting at a table for four with two other women. but frankly, she could only pay attention to you. you seemed to have noticed her as well, a warm fuzz spread all over her body when she realized that you had already been looking at her. pieck smiled, a smile she hoped was inviting enough to say 'hello! i'm pieck, what's your name?'. to her surprise, you smiled back. and oh, was your smile just as pretty as you.
"pieck?" annie chimed. "we're next."
pieck fell out of her trance, blinking a couple times before nodding and proceeding ahead to the front.
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"helloooo? earth to y/n? you there boo?"
you jolted, turning around at sasha's calls. "huh? sorry," you coughed all red and blushy. "what's up?"
"don't 'what's up' me when you were clearly oogling over a stranger." she snarked back, eyebrows wiggling in a teasing manner. mikasa chuckled behind her cookie. you opened your mouth to protest, but no words came out. instead you slouched against your seat in defeat which made sasha and mikasa burst out in laughter.
"say, reiner," pieck nudged. "can we sit over by that corner?"
reiner obliviously glances over and spots the open table, "sure, any reason why?"
"god, you really are dense reiner," annie chimed with a smirk, "pieck only wants to sit there so she can continue gawking at that girl with her back towards us."
pieck grinned ear to ear, "oh annie, your observant skills never fail to impress me!" reiner simply chuckled as he grabbed the drinks and made his way over to the table.
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pieck walked over, arm stretched out and all giddy, "hi! i'm pieck. my friends and i were wondering if we could sit next to you?" the girl, who you now know was pieck, was standing directly right in front of you.
you could practically feel sasha and mikasa's eyes burning holes into the back of your head, urging you to say "yes! yes! yes!" "oh! u-uh sure pieck, please go ahead!" you stuttered out. pieck smiled adoringly, and you felt like a high schooler with a puppy crush. she sat down, immediately turning to ask for your name.
"i'm y/n, it's nice to meet you."
"likewise, y/n."
ever since that day, your friends and pieck's friends got to know one another, exchanged numbers, and made plans for another time to hang out. thanks to the local coffee shop, you met the most amazing person. and pieck felt the same way.
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chaotic-nick · 4 years ago
top 5 fic recs for miche ?
Hiii, there's a similar question. But rn I'll recommend the writers for Miche since I'm about to head to bed
Please, I love her series 'first date with the vets' but Miche just solidified my idea of him in the modern au *chefs kiss*
*chefs kiss* they make miche versatile in their oneshots
*bangs my head on the floor* THIS OK
Before tumblr, I used to read her works on ao3. Surprise surprise, I actually love the way she writes miche in ' fragments of memories' as compared to Prima vista miche
And someone who just joined the miche cult, @moonyy-writes her first one shot of him in a coffee au *bangs hand on the table*
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chaotic-nick · 4 years ago
I had to cut the reblogs off because it was quite lengthy, but
Im tagging you @axoxtxhxh (even if you tagged me first) @moonyy-writes @mysteriousmagicx @pennylanewrites @onyxoverride @ghost-party
Let’s play a game
Tag that one (maybe few?) person (ppl?) on tumblr that makes you smile every time they’re in your notifications?
I’ll go first
@bi-who-lived @bravegryffindorlion @no-cheese @simpingforreynarameriz
Love yaaaa
i love all of my moots i promise
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haaurora · 6 years ago
I was tagged by @thatmarauderer and @messr-moonyy, thank you both! ♄
Rules: bold what you prefer and tag 10 people.
I’m tagging @adeatheaterwhowantstogivelove @recgulus @acciopadfoott @happyhufflepuffuniverse @deathlesshallows @gilderoylckhart @momstiel @ofprongsandpotters @mxlfoydracos @teddymclupin
1. go apple picking vs. go on a hay ride
2. scary vs. sweet
3. sweaters vs. boots
4. socks vs. mittens
5. bonfires vs. football
6. trick-or-treating vs. watching scary movies
9. bake pie vs. bake cookies
10. rain vs. fog
11. black cats vs. owls
12. ghosts vs. wizards
13. harry potter vs. halloweentown
14. go hiking vs. sleep in 
15. cinnamon vs. nutmeg
16. reading vs. writing
17. hot chocolate vs. tea
18. live in a cabin in a forest vs. have it be fall 24/7
19. candy apples vs. caramel apples
20. blankets vs. pillows
21. roasted marshmallows vs. roasted chestnuts
22. coffee vs. apple cider
23. red leaves vs. orange leaves
24. braids vs. bows
25. scented candles vs. the smell of fresh baked goods
26. carve pumpkins vs. make pumpkin pie
27. pumpkin spice lattes vs. chai lattes
28. coats vs. oversized sweaters
29. beanies vs. berets
30. candy corn vs. peanut butter cups
31. s’mores vs. apple crisp
32. jump in a pile of leaves vs. swing on a tire
33. corn maze vs. haunted house
34. bob for apples vs. visit a pumpkin patch
35. whipped cream on hot chocolate vs. marshmallows on hot chocolate
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moonyy-writes · 2 years ago
hospitals - eruri
prompt 4 - write the worst possible way your OTP could've met
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Levi groaned as the big oaf started talking to him again. Something about cars. Levi didn’t care though, he just wanted peace and quiet. He survived that car accident only to wish he had died. 
See, he had ended up in a duo hospital room with some guy named Erwin. He had broken his arm and a few ribs, so he was in better shape than Levi. 
“Then you’ll never guess what happened at the end!” 
“What?” Levi rolled his eyes.
“Everybody died!” Erwin rambled excitedly.
“I wish I was dead.” Levi muttered under his breath.
“You know, I’m glad I got stuck with someone like you. You’re a good listener.” 
“Except sometimes I feel like I just annoy you.”
Levi shrugged, he figured if he let him ramble he’d eventually get the hint and stop.
“But it’s fine, it’s not like we’re doing anything else.” 
“Remember that hospital room?” Erwin asked.
Levi groaned, “how could I not? All you did was talk and talk. I could never get peace and quiet.”
“Well you never directly told me to stop talking,” Erwin laughed. “You just kept nodding and saying “mhm...mhm...okay”.” 
Levi rolled his eyes, “Okay, okay. I get it.”
Erwin wrapped his arm around Levi and pulled him into a hug, “how else would you have been able to fall in love with me?”
Levi groaned despite the blush that covered his face. 
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chaotic-nick · 4 years ago
Love this Rachel ❀ đŸ€§
Passing it on to @axoxtxhxh @ghost-party @darkcloakedinfinitevoid @pennylanewrites @moonyy-writes and back to you @sinnerofthewalls
(Throws in a fist bump @micheanon)
(Sorry, i had to hide the reblogs)
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i just gave you a hug, go hug someone else!!
@bus-kids @salvatoresupremacy @haileyyturner @meganskane @tenelvez @reidspoet @reidselle
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levis-hazelnut · 3 years ago
lazy kisses EREN JAEGER
summary: a lazy sunday in summer, where you and eren stay in bed until late afternoon, sharing several kisses and falling in and out of sleep.
(a/n: i'm trying out a new format for lil drabbles idk if i'll do it like this again tho also this be in honour of eren's birthday even tho it don't be bday-related lmao)
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sheer curtains moved in wave-like motions as the delicate, afternoon breeze gently wafted through the slightly open window. fingers of sunlight filtered through the curtains, peeking from underneath which brought unwanted light into your room.
a beam of sunshine landed on your face, causing you to screw your eyes tighter as you - in your half-asleep state - shifted your body to turn away from the light. as you did that, your arm flung onto the warm figure that laid beside you on his stomach, cheek pressed against the plush of the pillow.
if your eyes were still closed, you wouldn't have realised that he was awake with a sleepy, lopsided smile strewn across his lips as he gazed at you. and knowing that you weren't going to be able to fall back into your nap, you resorted to letting your body wake up completely, blinking your eyes open. jade was the first thing that your eyes met as you felt soft lips press against your nose.
"hey, beautiful," his groggy voice sounded in a husky whisper, his lips moving up to your forehead before finally landing on your lips for a sweet, haste kiss.
"hm, hi, eren," you mumbled, snuggling into him as he turned to his side, allowing you to sink into his arms for the second time that day.
the first time was when you woke up that morning, already feeling the lazy atmosphere of the day consume you. there were very few things that you had done before you and eren accidentally napped - those things included having breakfast, doing some laundry and cleaning up a little. that was all.
you both had planned on just lazing around together in bed, soft kisses shared between the both of you with loving whispers slipping through. but, somehow, eren had fallen asleep as he was trailing kisses along your spine. his arms loosely encircled your waist and you twisted your body to face him, careful not to awake him.
his hair was splayed across the bed beautifully like a piece of art and his lips were slightly parted as soft breaths exited gracefully. with a smile, you gently pressed a lingering kiss to his forehead before leaning your own against it, shortly joining him in his slumber.
both of you woke up every now and then; sometimes at the same moment, sometimes at different moments. anytime that you awoke at the same time, your boyfriend's sleepy eyes would narrow further when he smiled at you. he would mumble something that was barely decipherable before he drifted off again.
now, though, the two of you were finally awake without having the desire to fall back asleep. but still lacked the energy to get out of bed, not that there was any reason to. his lips met yours in a slow, soft kiss - it was so gentle, yet it harboured so much passion behind it with neither of you wanting to separate.
eventually, you did but kept close proximity between you and eren which meant that you could feel his warm breath fan against the lower half of your face.
"good afternoon, babe."
with a soft laugh, you whispered, "good afternoon," knowing that your day was finally about to begin.
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Taglist (fill out this form) or send in an ask: @theyenvymarleyyy @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein @ackerluvr @thelovehashira @moonyy-writes @beautiful-is-boring @iworshipyelena @subjecta13-thefangirl @universallychaoticpan @resonancesoul @ruthbestboi @may-machin @ilyless @day-sii @mattunsbitch @oh-theseus @lavenderdaisyhoney @aalijoli @punch-a-hole-in-me @aengelren @putmeinyourdeathnote @soranihimawari @bratckerman @kpostedsum @tdntu0 @princess-jaeger @thesimpsstuff @animebae100 @galactict3a @midnightbarnes97 @fuckoffthanos (crossed out names cannot be tagged)
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chaotic-nick · 4 years ago
I need some miche recs since I binge read all of your stuff and aothxh ( Idk if I got the user right) . So top 5 writers here on tumble?
😳 binge read all of my stuff??? Omg do you have a fave???
Alright top five or top five miche recs
They have serious skills, like one moment you're reading about Miche being a very stereotypical frat boy (Prima Vista) and the latest story where he's 'helping' out (The work of his hands)
Also, if yiu plan on reading Miche fics all day, totally recommend her fics!
More on the oneshots side, like porn with plot sort of story.
If you're a new reader, I'd recommend the rich boy Miche x reader (published yesterday)
She's a new Miche writer // she just joined the cult
But her oneshot is just đŸ˜«đŸ˜« it's a cute coffee au of an oblivious reader and a flirty leather jacket wearing Miche
She's on a break right now, but her biker Miche au's //one that she posts, and one that is mostly in asks// is my comfort au
Answered on: 2nd of July, 21
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moonyy-writes · 2 years ago
since i'm refreshing my blog and i've started getting more followers i figured i'd do an introduction !
hello everyone! i'm moony :) i'm 19 and i currently write for aot, but am looking at writing for other fandoms. i think a few of my favorite animes (besides aot) are violet evergarden and anohana, but i'm open to anime recommendations :)
i take requests! but as of right now i enjoy writing for jean, levi and miche.
my blog is going to have a lot of my interests, like studio ghibli, some things about the environment and then ofc aot and anime things :)
a few fun facts:
- i'm a freshman geology major
- i play flute!
- i have a twin who also loves aot
i've currently got a lot of things planned for my writing, i'm very excited to share those with you all :)
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