#moony mews
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lovemoone · 4 months ago
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I do have tos so DM for more info!
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moonyistired · 1 year ago
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❤️ mad mew mew 💙
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thequietkid-moonie · 5 months ago
im curious and i want to know :3c
There is anyone there who is fan of tokyo mew mew? u know, thats anime of cute magical girls with the theme of endangered animals with aliens as villains and even talk about the problems with contamination and those things
Actually a really interesting theme to treat! I think the message is quite unique <3
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My Fangamer Undertale and ENA Shirts Arrived!
This post was accidentally shown before it was done. Please forgive me.
V Full unpacking with IDs under the cut V
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[ID: The shirts folded and in their unopened plastic coverings. They are in the order they are listed below the image. End ID]
• With Hourglass Dog sticker
• With Metaton sticker
• With Ghost Sandwhich Sticker
• And Napstablook pin!
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[ID: the shirts still folded up but out of their plastic wrapping. the stickers are above them End ID]
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[ID: Close ups of the stickers. Regular- Form Metaton holding a yellow umbrella with his iconic "M" on it. (It's actually one of Metaton-Ex's attacks colorized.) It has a holographic effect of circles glittering in the light. The Ghost Sandwhich Sticker is standing up in a window, and the light is shining through the once-appearing-opaque paper to show the white and translucent sandwhich. The Hourglass Dog is illustrated in Neon and is smiling with whimsy and slight mischief in its eyes. It has its ears pulled back as if either a strong current is blowing or the Hourglass Dog is moving very fast. End ID]
Here are the shirts unfolded!
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I've hit the Tumblr image limit, so stayed tuned for Part 2!
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ethereacals · 1 year ago
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Get Well Soon
Poly!Marauders x Fem!Reader Fluff
Summary; what happens when you catch a cold and can’t stop transforming into your kitten animagus whenever you sneeze, leaving the boys to attempt to nurse you back to health?
Warnings; None! i think there’s one cuss word but other than that it’s good! (; Just crazy fluffy!!
unedited, not proofread
“Does that feel any better, love?” Remus questioned sweetly, removing the cold towel from your forehead. “a little bit..” You mumbled, laying your head onto his shoulder. “I’m sorry you’re sick, baby” He pressed a sweet kiss on your forehead, “Sirius and James should be back soon, okay, bunny?” You nodded, you missed your boys, they were off at Quidditch practice so that left Remus to pick up the pieces. You always hated being sick, it made you feel so helpless and weak every time you were, and to make matters worse, you always felt guilty every time the boys had to get something for you, take your temperature, or even make you some food, but i you knew it was because they loved you and wanted you to get better, except this time, was different.
“I’m gonna go make you some tea, okay, baby?” Remus insisted he make you tea, it always made him feel a little bit better after full moons. “M’kay” You tried your best to keep your eyes open, you knew yourself, if you fell asleep you’d wake up feeling 20x worse than how you felt prior. You sniffed, feeling like you needed to sneeze, so you did, and naturally your sneezes were adorable, like a little kittens, per usual, but except this time.
you were a kitten, not usual. You looked down at your tiny little paws, as you flopped over to your side, mewing softly in defeat, yet you sneezed again,
and you were back to your normal self.
a quiet knock on the door, followed by your boyfriends quietly coming in, just incase you had fallen asleep.
“Lovie? you up?” a voice spoke softly, you could only imagine as your james, you poked your head up out of the piles of blankets covering your body,
“Jamie?” You mumbled, “Yeah, baby, it’s me..” He sat down next to you, stroking your arm, “You okay, lovie?” You nodded, even though you felt like shit but that was beyond the point, you were with your boys now. “Here’s your tea,” Remus handed you the cup, you sipped on it slowly. “Thank you..” you looked up from the cup, smiling softly. Merlin did they love that smile, “Would you like anything else, princess?” Sirius spoke up, hugging you from behind, shoving his face into your neck. “No, i’m okay, Siri” You put your chilly hand on the top of his head, patting it gently.
then— oh no.. not another-
“Achoo!” you squeaked
You were a cat, again.
You flopped to your side again, mewing pitifully up at Sirius, embracing your embarrassment. “Aww.. she’s embarrassed for being the cutest little kitten..” James scooped you up in his hands, scratching the top of your head. “Moony! do you see this??” James squealed, he loved your animagus, he thought it was just adorable, like you. obviously you sneezed again, back to your normal self.
“S..sorry..” you apologized, feeling embarrassed. “Love.. that was the cutest thing I think i’ve ever seen” Sirius brushed his thumb over your cheek, “Don’t be embarrassed for being adorable” Remus spoke up, laying down, offering for you to join him, you laid your head on his chest as the others joined you. Remus stroked your forehead gently, wrapping his arms around you.
“Oi, Pads” James whispered, “M’yeah?”
“Is there some sort of spell that we can put on her that makes her always turn into the kitten when she sneezes?
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lnthestillness · 3 months ago
Prompt: Giving
@wolfstarmicrofic - 801 words
Remus sat on the couch in the living room, using a pair of scissors to carefully cut holes into the gift box he was holding. He held it up to inspect and hummed, looking over at the little creature sitting quietly next to him.
“Does this look good? Think you’ll be able to breathe?” He asked the little black kitten. She blinked her wide green eyes twice, thoughtless. Remus laughed. Sirius was going to love her.
Sirius had been wanting a kitten for months now. It had all started when James and Lily got a cat for Harry, and Sirius became almost as obsessed with it as the three-year-old. He had come home the day after meeting their cat, smiling wide, saying ‘have you ever felt a cat purr, Moony?’
Sirius had even bought a stuffed cat that he sometimes curled up with by the fireplace when he was in his animagus form. It was the sweetest thing Remus had ever seen.
He had been reluctant at first, knowing how much time and care goes into caring for a pet. With Christmas coming up, though, Remus finally decided to go through with it. He knew Sirius’ happiness would be worth it.
He had picked up the kitten earlier in the day while Sirius was at work, and now that Sirius was on the way home he was preparing the surprise.
Remus carefully tied a red ribbon into a bow on her collar, and then lifted the fluffy little cat, placing her in the gift box with a little blanket the shelter workers had given him. She made a sound like ‘mrrrp’ and started kneading the blanket in the box, purring happily. Remus’ heart melted. Sirius was probably going to cry.
Remus startled when he heard the sound of the lock on the front door turning, quickly placing the lid on the box and standing with it in his hands.
He made his way over to the door, where Sirius was coming inside. He was all bundled up in a puffy black coat and a matching red hat and scarf. His face was flushed from the cold and there was snowflakes caught in his eyelashes and hair. Remus smiled.
Sirius was grumbling, not really looking over as he unzipped his coat and took off his hat and mittens. When he was finally back in just his indoor clothes, he turned to Remus and smiled happily.
“Moony,” he sighed, stepping forward to press a kiss to Remus’ stubbled cheek, one hand on his upper arm, “sorry I had to work Christmas Eve, love. But now we can let the festivities commence!”
Remus hummed in agreement, pressing a chaste kiss to Sirius’ lips as well. It was only then that Sirius noticed the box in Remus’ hands. He cocked an eyebrow at his husband.
“What’s this?” Sirius asked, gesturing to the box. Remus bit his lip, nerves rising in him for no reason. He knew Sirius was going to love it, but he still felt anxious for some reason.
“It’s for you,” Remus said, holding the box out to Sirius, “Happy Christmas, baby.”
Just as Sirius took the box in his hands, a soft, high-pitched ‘mew’ sounded from inside. Sirius froze, his wide silver eyes looking to Remus as his mouth dropped open.
“Remus. You didn’t,” he said, and Remus just grinned and shrugged. Sirius tore off the lid and threw it to the ground, gasping in delight at what he found inside.
The kitten was sitting with her tail curled around herself, looking up at Sirius curiously. Her little nose was twitching, sniffing out the new person.
Sirius practically melted, picking the kitten up out of the box, discarding it and holding her close to his chest. He was looking down at her with wide, adoring eyes.
“Oh, Moony,” he breathed, looking up to his husband again, “she’s perfect! What’s her name?”
Remus smiled, stepping around to Sirius’ back, holding him against his chest and looking over his shoulder at the little kitten. “The shelter workers called her Smudge, but you can name her whatever you like,” he said.
Sirius hummed and kissed the kittens little forehead. “Smudge,” he said, and she gave another tiny meow. Sirius gave a choked laugh.
“I’m gonna cry, Remus,” Sirius said, and Remus laughed lightly. He could see Sirius’ bottom lip trembling a little.
“Do you like her?” Remus asked unnecessarily, and Sirius nodded, turning around to face Remus properly.
“I love her so much. I love you so much,” he said, resting his head on Remus’ shoulder. “I don’t know what to say. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Remus smiled, kissing the top of Sirius’ head and hugging him warmly, careful not to crush the kitten between them.
“Of course, baby. I love you too.”
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sliebman10 · 8 months ago
Not So Grim Defeat
Shit. Now he’d really fucked up. He’d come all this way to protect Harry and it was his fault the dementors were here and his fault Harry fell off his broom. He leaned against the stilled Whomping Willow for a moment and closed his eyes. The wreckage of Harry’s defeated broomstick was at his feet.
Could he ever do anything right?
Crookshanks wove between his legs and looked up at him, mewing softly. Sirius crouched down and scratched the cat’s ears and he looked up at Sirius adoringly. 
“It’s really you,” he heard someone say behind him. He felt a jolt run through his too thin body. He’d know that voice anywhere.
Sirius jumped up, taking Crookshanks with him so as not to dump the cat on the ground. He also held him in front of him like a buffer. He was not sure this was a happy reunion.
He looked up slowly to Remus’s face. He looked older, more world weary than even during the last days of the war. He had his hand on his wand but was not pointing it at Sirius's chest. A small win. 
“Merlin,” he breathed. 
Remus took a step closer, his eyes taking in the havoc Azkaban had wreaked on Sirius’s entire being. The he pulled Sirius close in a firm hug, proving again that his Moony was stronger then he looked. Crookshanks gave an annoyed yelp, jumped out of Sirius’s arms and strode indignantly into the forest. Neither of the men noticed, however, they were still holding on to each other tightly.
“Padfoot,” Remus whispered tearfully. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry-”
“Shhhh,’ Sirius said. “It’s in the past.”
“Is it?”
“Well…we’ll talk later. Right now I just want to look at you,” Sirius said. 
“Ok,” Remus said into his shoulder. “I can’t believe you’re really here.” 
Word Count: 304
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pupsmailbox · 1 year ago
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NAMES︰ aina. aislin. alonzo. amaris. amaru. ash. asher. aster. aylin. bast. bastet. bengal. burmilla. butterscotch. calico. cassandra. cat. catherine. catline. catness. catrine. catriona. catsel. chacha. chancey. charm. chartreux. chat. chaton. chausie. cheshire. chichi. clover. dreametta. drowsette. dust. dustbunny. eada. elara. falin. fang. feli. felias. felicity. felin. felina. feline. felis. felius. felix. felyne. fifi. fluffy. fortuna. fortunato. fuwa. gatita. gatito. gato. george. ghost. ginger. gold. hima. hiraya. honey. hypnoticesse. kat. katelyn. katti. kiara. kiki. kissa. kit. kitlita. kitri. kittie. kittlin. kitty. kizzy. koi. koneko. korat. kovu. kätzchen. layla. leo. leon. liora. lolly. lucifer. luckita. lucky. luna. lunar. lunette. mafdet. maine. maneki. mao. marble. marie. meekine.meeko. meowesse. meowette. meowlina. meowser. meowy. mew. mewbell. mewmi. mewy. mici. micino. mimi. minette. minou. mischieffe. mist. mizuki. molly. mona. moonie. morphius. munchkin. nala. narcyz. narkissa. nebula. neko. nemuri. neoma. neomi. nova. nuka. nyamu. oliver. otto. palu. patches. pawline. platinum. plato. purmwyn. purriette. purrsie. pwounce. ragdoll. ravae. saffron. selenia. silver. simba. sleepesse. smoke. smokey. star. stone. stripes. suerte. sunny. tabby. thomas. tiger. tigger. tigris. tom. ton. tyche. tychon. valor. victor. victoria. vitami. whiskers. yue. yume. zira.
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PRONOUNS︰ bean/bean. bell/bell. bite/bite. calic/calico. calico/calico. carnivore/carnivore. cat/cat. cat/like. caterwaul/caterwaul. catnip/catnip. chance/chance. charm/charm. chase/chase. chatter/chatter. che/cher. chirp/chirp. chuff/chuff. claw/claw. cle/clever. coin/coin. col/collar. collar/collar. curi/curiou. cute/cute. dark/dark. dream/dream. drow/drowsy. dust/bunny. dust/dust. dust/kitty. dustbunny/dustbunny. dustkitty/dustkitty. fae/fang. fang/fang. fang/fang.carni/carnivore. fate/fate. feli/feli. feli/feline. felicitous/felicitou. feline/feline. flu/fluffy. fluff/fluff. for/tune. fuzz/fuzz. fwu/fwuffy. ginger/ginger. grey/grey. hi/his. hiss/hisse. hunt/hunt. hunter/hunter. hx/hxm. hy/hym. hy/hymn. it/it. ix/ix. jungle/jungle. kit/kit. kit/kitten. kit/kitty. kitty/kitty. luck/luck. me/meek. meow/meow. meows/meow. mew/mew. mimimi/mimimi. mis/mischief. molly/molly. moon/moon. mrow/mrow. mrreow/mrreow. mrrp/mrrp. nap/nap. neko/neko. nim/nimble. nya/nay. nya/nya. paw/paw. pet/pet. play/play. pou/pounce. prr/prr. purr/purr. queen/queen. quiet/quiet. roar/roar. shx/hxr. shy/hyr. slee/sleep. sneak/sneaky. snooze/snooze. soft/soft. star/star. stripe/stripe. tabby/tabby. thxy/thxm. thy/thym. tiger/tiger. tired/tired. tom/tom. trill/trill. void/void. whis/whisker. yawn/yawn. yowl/yowl. zhe/zher. zi/zi. zz/zz. 🍣. 🐀. 🐁. 🐅. 🐆. 🐈. 🐈‍⬛. 🐭. 🐱. 🐾. 💤. 😺. 🥛. 🥩. 🦁. 🦴. 🧶. 🧸. 🧺.
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thegendergoblin6 · 1 year ago
✰ Catgender - Xenogender Bookshelf ✰
Catgender is a Xenogender that relates to cats! Its great for Alterhumans/Therians/otherkin who have a catkin and it also relates to their gender, and also great for neurodivergent people who have trouble talking about their gender! Some great neopronouns for pretty much any catgender are:
✰ Meow/meowself ✰ Purr/Purrself ✰ Paw/Pawself ✰ Feline/Felineself ✰ Whisker/Whiskerself ✰ Claw/Clawself ✰ Mew/Purr/Purrs/Mewself ✰ Nya/Nyaself ✰ Mew/Mewself
Catgender was coined in 2014, and the original flag was made by DeviantArt user PN-TME in 2019. The only source I could find on the original coiner of Catgender is this one link to a site about Catgender:
The mainstream flag that I see mostly everywhere is this flag:
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Which in the carrd about cat-gender, it is said that the creator of the flag is Kai or @HUENlNGWAY on twitter. However I cannot confirm this.
There are other Catgender flags! Which were made to be more inclusive! Pawprint Design by EggHeggley;
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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ The Diversity with Catgender ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
This is the main reason I made this post, because the fun thing with Catgender [and many other genders like it that are broad] is that there are many different versions of it, combining multiple genders together to make different ones. I find this very interesting mostly for the fact that you can start to see a trend with the broader animal-themed genders and the categories in it.
Another interesting pattern when looking at cattic/catgenders is that many people have the same catgender but with different flags!
I tried my best to put as many as I could find, I am using Pintrest, Tumblr, Tiktok and Instagram to find these flags + genders! Everyone's tags include which platform they are from!
✰If I am missing any, feel free to let me know!! ✰
Here is a list of as many of the cat-genders/Cattics I could find that may be useful to those who identify with cat gender!
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽DemicatGender☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ ✰ A Gender who feel partially connected to cats [similar to Demiboy/demigirl except with Catgender] ✰ Flags made by snotdrip and Glitchywitch
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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽TranscatGender☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ ✰ A Gender for those who are trans but also indenitfy as catgender! ✰ Flag made by @tiredryota on pintrest
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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽CozyGender☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ ✰ "this gender is related to the feeling of a cat curled up into a ball listening to the rain fall outside as the scent of freshly brewed tea fills the room" ✰ Flag made and Coined by @basil3 on Here! ✰ Some great Neopronouns for this are Cloud/Cloudself; Soft/Softself; Tea/Teaself; Cozy/Cozyself
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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽Suncatic/Suncatgender☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ ✰ "a gender related to the sun, or any sun-related character and cats" ✰ Flag made and Coined by @obsessedwithicecream on pintrest ✰ Some great Neopronouns for this are sun/sunself; sunny/sunnyself
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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽Mooncatic/Mooncatgender☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ ✰ "a gender related to the moon, or any moon-related character and cats" ✰ Flag made and Coined by @obsessedwithicecream on pintrest ✰ Some great Neopronouns for this are moon/moonself; moony/moonyself
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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽Starrycatic☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ ✰ "A xenogender associated with stars, light up objects, and cats" ✰ Coined by @_kiko.chip_ on TikTok ✰ Some great Neopronouns for this are Star/Starself; Starry/Starryself
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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽Lumicatic☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ ✰ "A xenogender, faunagender and subset of catgender for those who have a deep connection to stars, cloudy night skies, space, celestial bodies, cats, galaxies, and the universe as a whole. For when you feel a connection to outer space and cats, or your gender can be described as a celestial cat. This gender is specifically not related to aliens" ✰ Coined by Snuggly Bun on here! ✰ Some great Neopronouns for this are Star/Starself; Starry/Starryself; Space/Spaceself; Gala/Galaxyself
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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽Quacatic☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ ✰ "a catgender connecting to cats, the feeling of not knowing, questioning and unsurity" ✰ Coined by @yoeakj on pintrest!
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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽Calicocatic☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ ✰ "a catgender connected to calico cats" ✰ Coined by @yoeakj on pintrest! ✰ Some great Neopronouns for this are Cali/Calico/Calicoself; Spots/spotself; splotch/Splotchself; Multi/Multiself
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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽Creadilic☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ ✰ "a catgender that is connected to cats and bread" ✰ Coined by @yoeakj on pintrest! ✰ Some great Neopronouns for this are Bread/Breadself; Rise/Riseself; Flour/Flourself; Gluten/Glutenself; Ba/Bak/Bakeself
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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽Gintilic☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ ✰ "a catgender connecting to ginger tabby cats" ✰ Coined by @yoeakj on pintrest! ✰ Some great Neopronouns for this are tabby/tabbyself; orange/orangeself;
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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽CatMillic☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ ✰ "a catgender that is connected to cats and milk" ✰ Coined by @yoeakj on pintrest! ✰ Some great Neopronouns for this are Milk/Milkself; Dairy/Dairyself;
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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽Cinterlic☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ ✰ "A catgender that connects to cats, harsh winters, snowflakes, frost, and snow" ✰ Coined by @yoeakj on pintrest! ✰ Some great Neopronouns for this are Winter/Winterself; Snow/Snowself; Ice/Iceself; Cold/Coldself; Frost/Frostself
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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽Cattpring☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ ✰ "a catgender connected to cats and the feel of spring and spring flowers" ✰ Coined by @yoeakj on pintrest! ✰ Some great Neopronouns for this are Spring/Springself; Grass/Grasself; Flower/Flowerself; Pollen/Pollenself
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⋅•⊰∘☽More Cattics in the next part!!☾∘⊱•⋅
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lovemoone · 3 months ago
kory came back bc he was chosen to save the world btw
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otmkrp · 11 months ago
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otmkrp is a 20+ gen mewe krp. we like to focus on making connections and friends in whatever way is most comfortable for our members whether with a hb, a game, in dms, or even a directory hosted event. with a relaxed bi-weekly activity check, we hope to be a welcoming place both writers and their muse can call home.
our current event: coming soon
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hey, future moonies! otmkrp is excited to start taking reserves and applications for our new directory. while our applications and reserves are open, we will not be posting them until tomorrow, april 14th, in the later afternoon or evening, so if you have sent one in, please check back around that time. we plan to have more information on an opening date as soon as we hit 20 applications. we're excited to see you soon over the moon. ♡
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﹒◞ ⠀ ⠀rules ﹒◞ ⠀ ⠀masterlist ﹒◞ ⠀ ⠀apply ﹒◞ ⠀ ⠀
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thequietkid-moonie · 5 months ago
I finished reading the Tokyo Mew Mew manga yesterday and i LOVED SO FUCKING MUCH THE story that i starting to watch the anime reboot imediatly after :D
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noibatkid · 10 months ago
Eh, screw it. While the trainer is being stuck in moony's body, I can answer some questions n stuff. Guess you can call it a mew-n-a lol.
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3-n-a · 2 years ago
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"How is it odd? Animals are always wandering around outside all the time! I just found this lil one and picked it up! See, it needed a home," she says while holding the cat out to Moony. It mewed at her.
"Oh oh I know the NAME! Chocolate! Cuz it's brown like chocolate and it's sweet!" Though she should probably actually check the gender...
Ena sets the cat on the ground and it flops onto its back. "OOOH IT'S A GIRL NOW I KNOW! Yup, I am naming her Chocolate!"
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Was that a pun? Moony squinted, a little annoyed. "You just found it? Isn't that a bit odd?" debating to help, names were hard to think about. Staying silent for a moment or so, at least. "No gender, huh? Maybe consider a name that's...I don't know, suitable? I'm tryin' my best efforts here!"
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roalinda · 2 years ago
A small something for #prongsfoot wednesday. My HCs in this are: 1. James is not fond of animals minus padfoot but that doesn't count. 2. He has one hell of a sweet tooth.
🌷 Home sweet Home 🌷
James' voice was hard and serious or so he hoped. He'd never been good at saying no and it didn't make it any better that what he currently was refusing was a gift from his friends who were visiting his new flat for the first time. Well, their new flat and friends with Sirius into account.  
"I do remember knowing a frustrating toerag but I don't remember knowing a rude one who rejects housewarming gifts. What's wrong with you, Potter?" Lily frowned, blunt and cutting as always, like a mother scolding her toddler for not eating his vegetable porridge.
"Rude toerag…wait what…" James choked on his coffee and clumsily put his mug away before any real damage was done. He was in no mood to scrub the coffee off the parquet if the mug fell, Merlin forbid. There was enough disaster to face already. 
Remus bit the inside of his cheek to refrain himself from laughing out loud. Poor James was looking miserable, there was no need to fuel the fire by laughing at him. Sadly, it seemed that Lily didn't agree because she continued her heated glare which in all honesty could burn one alive if it was concrete.
"If it helps, the treacle tart we brought is specially for you." Remus smiled pleasantly, pushing a small package towards James.
James smiled back, just as pleasantly or so he tried. "Thank you. It is very much appreciated." He loved treacle tart.
"But the answer to that…" He glared at a small basket, adorned with a fancy pink ribbon on the table. "...is still no."
"Potter, don't be selfish. You get the treacle tart and Black gets this." 
"I'm not selfish! Why are you on Sirius' side anyway?! You always hated him, didn't you?" Pouted James petulantly and crossed his arms. "There are enough of these at my parents' manor. I'm not letting another in my private sacred space." 
"It's not only your private sacred space, James. It's Sirius' as well." Remus pointed out and James glared daggers at him. Lily pursed her lips and was about to add something sarcastic when the floo roared and Sirius stepped into the living room, surprised but genuinely happy to see the guests. 
"Hi flower. Hi moony." He greeted in good humour. "Visiting our humble new home?" He offered a lopsided grin before crossing the room with long strides.
"Hey love." He gave James a peck, then raised his eyebrows at him who had his arms crossed moodily. "Are you ok?"
James sighed before pulling Sirius close once again by his collar to kiss him, this time longer and sweeter. "That depends." 
"On?" Sirius cupped his cheek softly and James sighed contentedly. 
Remus coughed and Lily rolled her eyes. "Gods you two are nauseatingly in love and its sickeningly sweet." 
"Don't talk like we are your St. Mungo's patients, Healer Evans." James glared at her and Sirius laughed. "So, what has gotten you so riled up,Jamie?" 
He pointed at the basket and before he could rant on about it, a soft mew was heard and a small head peeked out, big teal eyes looking around curiously, ears twitching at the foreign sounds.
"Is…is that a kitten?" Sirius' eyes lightened up, letting James go instantly and rushing to the adorable creature. At that moment James knew he had lost the game and worse, from now on he had to fight for Sirius' attention which was already stolen by that admittedly cute thing. 
"Do you like her? You like animals, don't you?" Lily smiled sweetly as the kitten struggled her way out of the basket and jumped on Sirius' lap. 
"Look at her. She knows her dad already." Lily's sweet smile turned devilish as she winked at James who just rolled his eyes. 
Sirius cooed the kitten, stroking her with gentle hands, nuzzling into her furr softly. 
"Can we keep her Jamie?" He turned to James, offering his best puppy eyes, ready to burst in crocodile tears if the situation called for it and James was instantly sold. 
"Of course, sweetheart. Whatever that makes you happy." He replied, making Sirius' face to light up with a cheshire cat grin of victory while Lily and Remus couldn't help but to be amused by the way that James was absolutely smitten.
James Potter was not good at saying no to people but when it came to Sirius Black, he couldn't say no at all.
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moonlightjusticepodcast · 2 years ago
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Hello lovelies!! My name is Lumi, I'm a young adult cosplayer of all fandoms and this year I am working on cosplaying my magical girlies!!
Sailor Moon has been my favorite media growing up with since kindergarten and has a special place in my heart! It's actually how I started to branch out into other animes like the Pretty Cure series, which I still keep up with today actually! And other Mahou Shoujo's like Tokyo Mew Mew, Saint Tail, Magic Knight Rayearth and so on!
I'm SUPER stoked to be on this podcast with my fellow moonies to talk all things PGSM, including the manga, the live action, Crystal, the musicals and the fan movies!!
A fun fact about me is I actually have a fun little project coming up soon involving Sailor Moon and I'm so excited to execute it!
In the name of the moon, remember to stay positive and stay hydrated and take care of yourself ❤️ Love ya!!!
You can follow Lumi on TikTok and Instagram @ luminary_peach
Art by Drachea Rannak
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