f4ts1lv3rmoon · 4 years
struggling with my eating disorder
its has been a while since the last time i talk about it, but i still keep track of my calories intake and i keep track of the calories im burning, the problem is i keep gaining and losing the same amount of weight and i am quite disappointed every time i step on the scale :( like im super heavy now and i miss my old weight so much, im fasting rn because its ramadan and i lose only 1kg everyday and gained it all back after iftar, i keep getting hungry and i work out late, and my current workout is jumping jack and i do a lot of them at once since im at home and my room is so small so i have no option since i love cardio rather than a homebody workout, and since i think im going to stay at home for quite a long time i bought a mini stepper online that gonna arrive about 15 working days ao i have to wait for that and keep doing jumping jack while waiting i depending on workout right now cause i don’t really can diet at home since ive been cooking for my family so i ate what they want to eat but i will try my best to reduce the portion and go back to my lowest weight which is 47kg hopefully i can do it this time 
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