#moonstar waterdeep
tillytilli · 2 months
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bard and her orc gf... im so obsessed with these two!!!
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luhvellan · 11 months
Oooooh okay I’ve thought of a Tav to romance Shad 💙 Human Cleric of Selûne with the acolyte background (though she is a former noble) with a single level in Sorcerer for flavour(tm).
She was born under a full moon to the Moonstar noble family of Waterdeep and her innate magic emerged when she was around 5 or so years old, I’m thinking. Sent to study at the House of the Moon etc etc.,.. perhaps found herself in Baldur’s Gate during a pilgrimage of some sort?
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dyscomancer · 3 years
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Arathir Starsong
Levistus Bloodline Tiefling - College of Swords Bard - Chaotic Good
I commissioned new art of my bard Arathir, since it’s looking like I’ll get to play him again soon! The artist is n8dl3, who you can find on Instagram and twitter!
Arathir is an entertainer and duelist-for-hire from Waterdeep, the City of Splendors. An adopted son of a dwarf clan of librarians and lore-keepers, Arathir grew up surrounded by stories of heroes and great deeds. After the loss of his lover on a distant voyage, Arathir took to adventure as a way of finding himself, hoping to write his own tale instead of just singing the stories of others.
Full backstory summary under the cut.
Arathir Starsong is a Levistus Tiefling, a bard of the College of Swords and an agent of the Harpers. He is a native of Waterdeep and an adopted son of the Starsong Dwarf Clan, a clan of lore-keepers and librarians. Before taking to adventuring, Arathir made his way as an entertainer, a duelist-for-hire, and a vigilante working with the Red Sashes under the command of Durnan of the Yawning Portal.
A lover of Waterdeep's thrilling and often dangerous nightlife, Arathir thrived on being the center of attention and crashed many upscale parties, despite not being a nobleman himself. At one of these parties, he had the fortune of sharing a dance with Vesper, a daughter of the Moonstar noble family, and with this woman he shared a short-lived but passionate romance. The two were engaged and planned to elope, leaving Waterdeep to see the Sword Coast and beyond with one another.
However, Vesper's disappearance on a long voyage lost at sea threw Arathir into a deep depression, which made him long for self-discovery. He realized that all his life he was raised on stories of heroes and learned to sing songs of the deeds of others. Without Vesper, Waterdeep felt empty; Arathir decided that the time had come to stop singing the stories of others and begin writing his own tale.
I created Arathir as a character when I was younger and 3.5 was still the reigning edition. Since then he has undergone many changes and iterations, including a plane-traveling theater star from Sigil and a chosen wielder of a sword inhabited by a servant of Lurue the Archfey. I finally got a chance to play him in a campaign a few years ago, but it sadly never came to a complete ending. However, with my current long-term group, it's looking like he will be making a comeback! I can only hope that this time will be the one, and his full story will come to be.
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sonybaloneyart · 4 years
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Commission for @TryingNotToLurk of his character, Jess Moonstar for our upcoming Waterdeep Dragon Heist game!
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thatswaterdeep · 2 years
Underground Yeti and Escaping Gas
The party had just defeated the magical barrier in front of a giant set of obsidian double-doors framed with a sculpture of a bronze dragon. Oh, and Top had gained a friend: Blek. A little goblin that thought the world of her, but treated everyone else very rudely. The draconic script on the floor said "The shadow is the key" and a keyhole was carved above it in the floor stones. Nobody had a key or could think of a way to open the door. So, they decided to search further.
In one room, they found two vampires feeding on a cultist (who apparently gave himself up willingly). The party did not take kindly to the creatures demanding that they leave and the party successfully dispatched them. In another room, Ilikoris has a vision of Lord Vanrak wielding a magic blade and having a dispute with Glyster. When he awoke, he found the hilt of that blade under his feet. Thinking that the hilt is what is needed to enter the doors, they head back and attempt to use the hilt as a kind of key, but it doesn't fit.
Q identifies the hilt as a Sun Blade, but also knows that there is more to the story. The party decides it might be best for Tossa to wield it, but she does not feel like that's a good idea. She encourages Ilikoris to attune instead. Everyone else figures that Tossa's acquired depression is accounting for her unwillingness to accept the weapon. Regardless, the party decides that the hilt is not the key, so they go searching again.
Someone suggests that they quiz the cultists that Top had captured in a stone jail. Q approaches them and uses his Rod of Rulership to make several of them more compliant. When asked if they had a key, one happily volunteers and tosses the key through the bars. The party brings it back to the doors and attempts to solve the riddle. While the key fits in the hole, Sychor discovers that it's a decoy. There is no mechanism for the key to turn.
Q makes a light to create a shadow of the key on the doors and that does, indeed, open them. While the party celebrates the unlocking, they also see that the chamber beyond is firmly in the grip of the Shadowfell. Sapped of color, sound, and hope, they enter to find the solution to this story.
Upon entering the first door in this realm, Sychor has another vision of Vanrak threatening Glyster. It is clear that this story of old friends will not end well. They continue searching and find a long unused dining room and kitchen of what once must have been a fine home in this odd location.
As Sychor went to listen to another door, he is set upon by more vampires and the party assists it dispatching them while they do land some blows. Behind the door they were guarding, they find a female champion being held prisoner named Portia Dzuth. Upon releasing her she tells a story similar to their own of being sent by Lady Moonstar to find and save her friend Glyster who has become a shadow dragon. Portia had been forced to watch her party be consumed by Umbraxakar, but is willing to join the party to help complete her mission.
The next set of doors open into a large chamber with two feet of dense, low-lying fog. Sychor and Top are simply heads floating on a cloud. As Sychor peeks around the corner, he sees a pale woman with a dragon tattoo and, of all things, a giant yeti at her side. Before he starts to back away, she calls to him and invites the entire party to the table without giving them much choice.
She very methodically explains to the party how she intends to destroy her adversaries in Waterdeep: the Spires of the Morning (the temple of Lathander in the Castle Ward) and the House of the Moon (the temple of Selûne in the Sea Ward) and many of their clerics and paladins. Keresta plans to attack soon and impose her will with the cult of Shar on Waterdeep. When the party realizes that there will be no gentle escape, they fight with all they have.
It is not only Keresta and the yeti they fight, though. They soon discover other vampire servants hiding under the fog who attack without warning. Top also smartly decides to polymorph the yeti into a turtle quickly to take him out of the fight. She grabs the turtle and hides under the table quickly.
Also, the party soon learns that Portia seems to be under the thrall of Keresta and makes a mighty attack against Tossa with all she can. When she is later knocked unconscious, she is heard to apologize tearfully, "I'm sorry".
Keresta summons giant centipedes to disrupt the fighters and while they aren't hard to dispatch, getting stung by one can paralyze the victim. During this back-and-forth, Top loses her concentration and the yeti is restored. The centipedes prove to be very disruptive and, at one point during the battle, Ilikoris, Q, and Top are all paralyzed. Top is able to get a zombie friend to use a spell ring to restore her, she is able to restore Ilikoris and Q takes care of himself.
Once the yeti is finally dispatched, the party focuses on Keresta until she escapes as a green mist through the fog. Sychor won't let her escape, though, and follows as she slips into some closed doors. Upon opening these doors, Sychor is faced with a large, carved wall in the back of a small room. It appear the wall moves and also has holes drilled in various places. How to make the wall move and where Keresta could have made off to is still a mystery, however.
A mystery that will be pursued when the story resumes.
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moreninsdrivel · 2 years
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My diplomat/rogue who won’t stop talking and messes up most of the adventures. Wonderful portrait by @Anka_DM on Twitter. Rhythair, a bastard of the Waterdeep Moonstar house.
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sir-gawain · 7 years
⏦ Let's see there's... Or well, was? Hard to tell when broadcasts between worlds don't exactly land in the right order... Anyways, Alathene Moonstar comes to mind as a notable Archlich. They were a matriarch of their house in a city called... Waterdeep, which sounds about as creative a name as Waterfall. ⏦
@—— “Ah yes, the City of Splendors. On a different Plane, I’m afraid. I do remember that city had something of a strange way of government, however. Masked Lords, and whatnot. A shame what was happening to the Sword Coast, last I saw it. From what I gather, the rest of Toril fares just as poorly.”
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swordcoast · 8 years
January in Waterdeep
1) The party rented some suites and rooms at the *Jade Jug* in Castle Ward (Map location C38), which is expensive, luxurious, and decadent. Charming one-armed innkeeper *Amaratha Ruendarr* is helping them feel right at home. When they aren't at home, the party can be found at the following spots around town:
2) Oran is at the *Spires of Morning* (C1) at dawn, and often throughout the day, helping out and making contact with the *Order of the Aster*.
2) Beirost drinks, gambles, commits petty crimes, and keeps his ear to the ground at the *Grinning Lion* (N56), and is in contact with drug dealer *Orlpar Husteem* and his associate *Hala Myrt*.  He is also looking to become an actual member (as opposed to someone who just owns the uniform) of the *Guild of Apothecaries & Physicians*, so he can sometimes be found at their HQ, the *House of Healing* (N51).
3) Thaern hangs out with nationalist dwarves at the *Raging Lion* (N21), and is starting to make contact with arcane elements TBD in town (possibilities: Blackstaff Tower, Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors, Eltorchul Academy, Red Wizards, House Wands)
4) Melor can be found at *Moonstar Villa* ($57) and the nearby *Vault of Stars*, or at church at the *House of the Moon* ($56), or carousing with any of his brothers at various taverns about town.
5) Swiftshadow hides by day meditating in one-or-another closet, but by night can usually be found among the halflings of *The Warrens*, a convoluted subterranean neighborhood in and underneath Dock Ward.
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tillytilli · 6 months
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Miss Elore Moonstar
Elore is my player character for the Waterdeep: Dragon heist campaign!! She's the youngest daughter of the noble family of Moonstar and shes a bard blehh
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