#moonlight reveries
dustedmagazine · 8 months
Elena Setién — Moonlit Reveries (Thrill Jockey)
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Photo by Pablo Axpe
Elena Setién’s soft, eerie songs blend folk and jazz, pop and torch music in shivering nocturnal trance-states that haunt the space they live in. She has not, up to now, been much concerned with rhythm or propulsion — hers are not generally songs that make you want to move — but that all changed when she decided to collaborate with Wilco percussionist Glenn Kotche.
The two met when Kotche toured Spain with Wilco in 2022 and soon began conspiring to splice Kotche’s beats to Setién’s witchy melodies. Kotche’s A Beat a Week drum instruction manual served as a jumping off point. Setién constructed “Surfacing” and “Arrival” atop percussive patterns from the book. The process turned collaborative with Setién sending her ideas off to Kotche, him altering or embellishing them and sending them back. The idea of beats filtered into the other instrumentation as well. Setién’s guitar playing, while quiet, has a sharp rhythmic edge. One track, “Pintado II” grew out of Kotche’s On Fillmore project; it emerges as an intricate mesh of tonal percussion and Setién’s narcotic voice.
These are two very different artists who converge without compromising. The music exists in a neutral area that is distinct from either player’s comfort zone. “Asking” for instance, lets fly a rambunctious spray of percussion, a bit that rattles and clatters and intermittently explodes, rampaging all over the kit in a repeating pattern. It runs under the whole song, an ongoing undercurrent of punch and aggression that transforms Setién’s fluid melody, giving it urgency and fire. A cacophony of mallet play — xylophone, vibraphone, marimba, something like that — cascades in like splinters of multi-colored glass. The tune is sharper, more insistent than it might otherwise have been.
The title track is subtler in the way it employs rhythm, framing a baroque folk fairy tale narrative in ghostly motifs of harpsicord, guitar and glockenspiel. “When all our queens/Left wandering/They walked through fields/Through valleys deep,” croons Setién, in a fay, wondering way, amid glittering sonic architectures. Yet even the tracks where Kotche didn’t participate, especially “Coloured Lizards” have a syncopated swagger, a stop start guitar pattern anchoring Setién’s folk romantic delivery. She sounds a little like Josephine Foster on this one.
The idea of collaboration is to take you out of your own head, to prompt new ideas and approaches, and Moonlight Reveries clearly accomplishes that. This album won’t shock or alienate longtime fans of Setién—it’s not that far from what she was doing in Unfamiliar Minds—but it does extend the idea of what this songwriter is capable of. Bravo for that and for the risk worth taking.
Jennifer Kelly
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smw-aesthetic · 1 year
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Pardoner Fennel Fight | CASIO MARIO WORLD
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chenginerd · 1 year
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Kaho Reinol (Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight)
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scarabats123 · 4 months
Looking for female protagonist indie games is like do you want porn or do you want to walk around and do nothing. Looking for female protagonist AAA games is like do you want 200GBs of the worst story ever created
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mystybelle · 2 months
It's getting pretty... Mysty out isn't it?
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You should let it sweep you away and stuff, it's like super fun and not detrimental to your sanity like, at all~
c'mon, yer late~
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doyouknowthisgame · 3 months
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ember-amber · 9 months
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The boss of all time.
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beepofsleeplessdreams · 9 months
Momodora: Moonlit Farewell is really fun and you should play it!
the new momodora is fantastic. i've played around half of it so far and it's already shaping up to be one of the better action platformers i've played. while i have my gripes compared the last game (read: i'm mad that the bow isn't disgustingly overpowered anymore and I miss having bonus rewards if you no-hit bosses) but in exchange you get a movement kit that makes it feel so delightful and smooth to just run through zones. everything flows into itself and every new move is this lovely evolution. there's also really goofy shit like an infinite walljump which i know is going to let me get VERY stupid later in the game. the character designs and world are gorgeous and the music has consistently blown me away.
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i know a lot of people were disappointed about minoria, and while i'll die on the hill that that game was fine, actually, I get it. if what you wanted was Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight 2, you got it. Yes, this is the fifth momodora game, but by the lead dev's own admission they made the story in such a way that you can just drop in because most people didn't go back to play momodora 1-3 after the big success of 4 (which was Reverie Under the Moonlight). you get more out of it if you went back like i did (1 and 2 are free on the dev's itch.io btw, and 3 is a whole $2), but please don't let that stop you from trying such a fantastic game. it seems like this is going to be the last game in this series, and i'm going to savor it and happily wait for whatever the Bombservice team makes next.
there's also a fishing minigame btw
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juney-blues · 1 year
boob status: gone forever no hope of recovery
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asanasterisk · 1 year
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Pardoner Fennel
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miharuhebinata · 3 months
monthly game tag time!
this is going to be a veryyyyy long post, so buckle in
1. Hollow Knight
[played on ps4.]
thoughts: i know i literally just replayed hollow knight back in like, what, last august? but i had a strong urge to play it again and after the shitshow that was my life in march/april, i decided what the hell. i'm probably going to be doing a yearly replay anyway, though i won't hold myself to any kind of strict schedule in regards to that. i'll just play it when i feel like it and keep track of when and how it goes with these posts.
but anyway, on to my thoughts (yes, i still have thoughts on this game lmao): the game is definitely getting easier with every replay, which makes me very very happy. don't get me wrong, there are definitely still plenty of challenging bits (looking at you, trial of the conqueror. bane of my fucking existence -_-), but apparently i've managed to memorize a good chunk of the attack patterns for most of the boss fights. hornet and the mantis lords are the most obvious example of this, as i literally beat both on my first try. which was a tiny bit disappointing, just because those fights are so fun, but also extremely satisfying. literally had me feeling like a pro gamer LMAO
2. Princess Peach: Showtime! (Demo)
[played on nintendo switch.]
thoughts: i've been so excited for this game ever since i saw the first trailer, and the demo certainly didn't disappoint! the two levels you get to play, as swordfighter peach and patisserie peach, were very fun, and just everything from the level designs to the gameplay to, of course, the costumes are so cute. i definitely want to play the full game! ....unfortuanately i've heard the game is actually pretty short overall? supposedly it's around 6-8 hours of playtime, which honestly just seems absolutely ridiculous considering it costs fucking $60 for a game i could (theoretically) knock out in a day but hey, that's nintendo for you 🙃 so, yeah. not entirely sure when or even if i'll get to play the full game. which is a damn shame.
3. Agatha Christie - Murder on the Orient Express (Demo)
[played on nintendo switch.]
thoughts: seems like a fun game! although i will say, it was quite jarring to realize it takes place in the modern day. hercule poirot does not look like a character who should know what a smartphone is, i'm sorry 😂 but yeah, i'm definitely interested in playing more, although i'll probably wait for it to go on sale. i liked it but i don't need to play it right now or anything lol
4. NOX
[played on mobile.]
thoughts: a quick little better-than-average mobile puzzle game. tbh i enjoyed the first half more than the second half. by the end i was just like meh, but i guess i still recommend it if you're looking for a decent puzzle game on mobile
5. Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
[played on mobile.]
thoughts: i've been wanting to play this for a while, and it did not disappoint! such a fun, silly little game. pretty much my only complaint is that i wish it was longer, but apparently now there's a sequel? so i guess i can always try that! :)
6. Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King (Demo)
[played on nintendo switch.]
thoughts: seemed fun but also the demo was extremely short so idk. i liked the obvious zelda inspiration, but it mainly just reminded me of chrono trigger. honestly i think i'd be more interested in replaying that than in playing this, but who knows. maybe someday!
7. OneShot
[played on pc.]
thoughts: I ABSOLUTELY ADORED THIS GAME!!!!!!!!! everything about it is so beautiful, from the story to the graphics to the soundtrack (which, if you know me at all, i'm a sucker for a good video game ost and this one DOES NOT DISAPPOINT 🥰). i don't want to say too much, because i really think everybody should play this one for themselves, but i will say it is EXTREMELY meta. which is not a spoiler, as you find this out very early on, but again, the less you know the better. so i'll just say this: make sure the name on your computer matches your real name! i believe the game *does* give you the option to input whatever name you want (i'm not 100% sure, but i think so), but i feel like the story will hit harder if you use your real name. plus, if you've changed your name recently but forgot to update the name on your account (like i had), this is at least a good reminder to do so :)
8. Ib
[played on pc.]
thoughts: while i played the remake, i can definitely see why this is a rpg maker horror classic! like honestly, idk what else there is to say about it that other people haven't said already? it's not super long and though it's not pants-shittingly terrifying or anything, it's got a very strong, creepy atmosphere to it. now that i think about it, it actually reminds me a lot of alice in wonderland.... which is such a huge plus to me, you guys don't even know :3 i especially adored the character design, particularly ib who reminds me of one of my oc's <3
9. A Short Hike
[played on nintendo switch.]
thoughts: i want to live in this game <3 seriously, if you're looking for a nice chill game to play this one should be right up your alley! it's not long but i promise it is still so, so worth it. beautiful pixel graphics, lovely soundtrack, and a surprisingly poignant story....yeah i loved this one a lot. my one and only complaint is that the beachstick ball minigame can rot in hell LMAO
1. Moonlighter
[played on nintendo switch.]
thoughts: idk about the pc version, but PLEASEEEEEE DO NOT BUY THIS GAME ON THE SWITCH. IT SUCKS ASS. for as enjoyable as the actual gameplay is (which honestly, was not even that fun after the first couple hours), the game is buggy as hell. especially when rolling. do NOT roll near walls, or you risk getting stuck inside them. which is especially annoying inside the dungeons, getting stuck inside a wall on some random floor long before you ever meant to have to leave.... pretty much ruined my whole experience. i could barely even bring myself to finish the game, but i forced myself to do it, because i had been meaning to finish this game for forever, and i just wanted to be DONE with it, and so i did, and i was so SO happy....aaaand then i discovered there was a whole new post-game storyline to play through in new game+. -_- at first i felt obligated to finish that before i could say i completed the game, but after playing a few hours, i just said fuck it. honestly the new game+ stuff wasn't even that bad, but i was just so ready to be done with it by that point. fuck this game. absolutely adorable graphics and a nice soundtrack, but buggy-as-hell gameplay and an anticlimactic story. completed ruined it for me. boo. boooooooo. such a disappointment.
2. Another Code: Recollection (Demo)
[played on nintendo switch.]
thoughts: seems like a very fun game, and i really do want to play the full version! …just not for full price. especially because, after playing the demo, i already had some gripes:
the controls are kind of wonky and by that i mean this just feels like a game that would be better played on pc (yet it's a Switch exclusive).
the (english) voice acting is… definitely not my favorite, to say the least. (that scene of ashley crying as a kid was so fucking annoying, and it went on for wayyyy too long.) ashley does not sound like a 14 year old. which ties into my next point:
okay so i actually FULLY admit this one is mostly on me, but i legit thought ashley was college-age until she explicitly mentioned being 14. like, obviously i understood in retrospect that the story literally said she was 14 long before that (i believe the letter from her father mentioned her 14th birthday?), but because i was pretty tired when i played and also because the character model does not look like a 14 year old girl aside from her being shorter than the adult characters, the voice does not sound like that of a 14 year old, AND she was wearing a university sweatshirt, i thought she was, like, 19-21 and that she for some reason had only recently received her dad's letter? IDK DUDE I'M A LITTLE BIT SLOW 😭
honestly this just kind of made me laugh but i did think it was a bit silly how ashley made a big deal of "yeah sorry D, but i can't help you get your memories back. i've got my own problems. sooooo... yeah, bye." then literally she walks down some stairs, he helps her open a door, and she's immediately like "okay i'll help you and also we're besties, obviously 🤗" like, i'm not saying the game has bad writing (i didn't get to play enough to truly make an accurate judgement) but that felt like the kind of contrived thing i would have written when i was in middle school ngl. but maybe that's the point, since ashley's so young? idk
anyway, i know i've kinda been ragging on it, but like i said, i do still want to play it. the story seems interesting, and i really want to see where it goes! just definitely not for the price of $60 lol
3. Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown (Demo)
[played on nintendo switch.]
thoughts: it was fun! like a mix between immortals fenyx rising, hades, and trine. all of which are right up my alley! but also i was not very good at the combat, which definitely detracted from the experience a bit. i imagine if i was playing the full game i could eventually get used to the combat, but there just wasn't enough time for me to do that in the demo. but i did like it, and i'll definitely consider picking it up if it ever goes on sale for a more reasonable price.
4. Chants of Sennaar (Demo)
[played on nintendo switch.]
thoughts: i enjoyed it so much i actually bought the game. stay tuned for my thoughts on the full game!
5. Growing Up
[played on pc.]
thoughts: so, full disclosure, i only played through one of the routes in this game (richard). when usually i would play through all the route's (or at least more than one) before counting it as finished, honestly i just cannot be assed this time. which isn't to say it's a bad game! it was a very fun game (at first), with interesting stat-building mechanics. i especially enjoy that my previous character + whoever i ended up with become the parents in a new playthrough. however, despite the fact that i had already started having new events when i started a second playthrough, i don't think the gameplay is interesting enough for me to want to replay it multiple times just to see the new events/meet new characters, at least not any time soon. at the very least i wish there was some kind of carry-over bonus. for example, since my character ended up with richard, maybe my current player character could have a boost in empathy? or intelligence, since my previous character's intelligence was so high. something like that.
also the parents sucked, they had nothing to do with anything unless they were giving me their stupid parent expectations goals, which got really annoying by high school age because the goals often took up desperately needed schedule slots. also especially bitter because literally right after i had completed a goal of tutoring 10 times in a row, they gave me a goal of helping out some neighbors (aka buying groceries ten times in a row) and when i had my character be like "will i get paid?" stupid fucking idiot dad was like "omfg why are you so selfish??? 😤" BITCH I JUST TOOK UP A BUNCH OF MY VALUABLE SCHEDULE SLOTS TO DO TUTORING FOR ONE OF YOUR STUPID FUCKASS GOALS????? KYS YOU ANNOYING BITCH OMFG
6. Harmony: The Fall of Reverie (Demo)
[played on nintendo switch.]
thoughts: of the few (spoiler-free) reviews i've seen, reactions seem kind of mixed overall, but personally i really enjoyed what i got to play! the art is beautiful and the game mechanic of the augural is definitely unique and interesting. unless the story really starts to branch out though, i don't see there being much replayability; which makes me just a tad reluctant to buy it, even on sale, especially seeing as it's apparently only ~10 hours long. speaking of, i am VERY surprised the demo is as long as it is. hard to put it into hours, since i'm a slow reader, but you get to play 2 out of 5 chapters, i believe?? it certainly got me hooked and invested in the story, but that also just seems crazy, letting you play that much in the demo. so i guess, taking all of this into account, i think i'll just wait for a really good sale. like, i do want to eventually see where the story goes, but not for more than $10 lol
7. AI: The Somnium Files (Demo)
[played on nintendo switch.]
thoughts: seems like a fun game, but also kind of weird. one of the characters blew up a balloon to comical size and the main character's response was something like "i wish your boobs were that big" whshgsjsjlskdj ???????? still planning to play it eventually lmfao but i'm gonna play it on pc. definitely seems like a game that's better on pc
8. Chants of Sennaar
[played on nintendo switch.]
thoughts: ah, what a fun game, and such a beautiful artstyle too (it actually reminded me a lot of sable!); however, while i did really like the game overall, i will say that— as with most people who have played both games— i can't help but compare this against heaven's vault and, personally, even with all the issues i had with it, heaven's vault is definitely the better game in my eyes. while i wouldn't say the translation mechanics in this game are at all easy, it was easier than in heaven's vault. in this game, all you really had to do was match the right glyphs to the right pictures. which, obviously was often a challenge, don't get me wrong, but it was at least somewhat easier than i originally thought it would be: i thought i had to get my guess at the translation right too, but that part of it mainly seems to be so you can remember what the glyph means (or approximately what it means) before you actually verify it. so that was a little disappointing, although it certainly helped make things easier in the long run. which turned out to be a good thing that was actually a bad thing, because i'm not gonna lie, i played the majority of the game over the course of a single day. this was not a good idea (obviously), because it resulted in sleep-deprivation and me hurting my wrists/palms from holding the Switch for so long. clearly this was my own fault, but it did still detract from the experience, unfortunately. the inability to fully concentrate really kept me from fully immersing myself in the latter half of the game, which is likely why the ending fell a tiny bit flat for me. also, i have to mention. there was one puzzle i had to look up a guide for how to solve it, and even now i still don't get it and idk if i ever will. so, i'm kind of bitter about that 😭 but yeah, i don't want to keep ragging on the game, because overall it was great! definitely worth the hype imo. and if the core game mechanics of translating made-up languages sounds fun to you, i definitely recommend checking this one out! just maybe remember to take breaks and get some sleep so that you don't ruin your own experience like i did mine :/
9. The Roottrees are Dead
[played on pc.]
thoughts: if you like mysteries, difficult puzzles, or even just family drama, this is the game for you! it's actually been compared to the likes of return of the obra dinn and the case of the golden idol, and that definitely holds up imo. not in terms of graphics, but just in that you are given a mystery that you need to solve (or an extensive family tree that you need to fill out, in this case) and the game does not hold your hand. i will say, although it's been a while since i played either return of the obra dinn or the case of the golden idol, i think this game was definitely easier than those two (shorter, too). but it was still very rewarding! like i said, it was easier, not easy. honestly i really hope this game gains some traction, because we definitely need more difficult mystery puzzle games like it!!!!
10. Unpacking
[played on pc.]
thoughts: don't really have much to say except that it was a nice chill game 👍
11. Tunic
[played on nintendo switch.]
thoughts: i actually started this soon after chants of sennaar, but i finished it last (the roottrees are dead and unpacking serving as breathers). i really REALLY liked this game at first. it was different than i thought it was going to be, but i was still enjoying the challenge even when i wasn't, you know? aaaaand then i kind of hated it, because certain parts of the puzzle you have to solve in order to achieve the true end were extremely frustrating and overly convoluted imo. but overall, after seeing the end credits you get after the true end, i think i left off on a good note. at the very least i would definitely recommend this game to anyone who enjoys a difficult challenge not just in terms of combat, but in solving deep intricate puzzles as well <3
started but not finished yet:
Sea of Stars (Demo) - started in june. won't be finishing, but only because i decided to buy the full game!
Neo: The World Ends With You (Demo) - started in june. won't be finishing, because the gameplay just seemed a bit monotonous.
Paleo Pines (Demo) - started in june. won't be finishing, because the artstyle was not very appealing to me.
Tangle Tower (Demo) - started in june. won't be finishing, but only because i think i'd prefer to play it on pc.
Who's Lila - started in june. probably won't be finishing, because it just didn't seem like the game for me. which sucks, because i had been looking forward to playing it for a while :(
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celleart · 7 months
Fennel from momodora 4!
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klonoa-at-blog · 2 years
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From: RETRO GAMER Magazine (Issue 236)
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uriasa17 · 1 year
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Странно, что люди рисуют что-то по Momodora: reverie under the moonlight, а хэштега нет. Пора исправлять #Momodora 👈 Да, это ещё одна интересная, но непопулярная игра 2016 года (большинство моих любимых игр выпускалось именно в этом году .з.) [ ОСТОРОЖНО, СПОЙЛЕРЫ! ] ??? Пятичасовой платформер с маленькой жрицей - это то, чего я не ждала. Просто неожиданно. Полагаю, она была непопулярной из-за банального сюжета. НО: 1) разве можно обойти стороной классную пиксельную графику и анимацию (да и дизайн персонажей тоже вполне неплохой)? 2) пара троек саундтреков хороша; 3) боссы нескучные и несложные, если это не, чёрт возьми, Фэннел, которую я прошла с 20(?) попытки; 4) чтобы сохраниться, тебе нужно ударить об колокол кленовым листочком (хотя, есть похожее место в Indivisible, но, по крайней мере, тебе не приходиться его ударять); 5) ах, да, кленовый листочек - твоё оружие; 6) в этой игре есть две концовки: плохая и хорошая. Зная себя, я всегда выхожу на плохие концовки в играх, так как играю вслепую, но в Момодоре - на хорошую (что весьма удивляет). Играть в этот платформер или нет - решать вам, дорогие солнышки ❤💛☀
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drzone · 1 year
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mystybelle · 2 months
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Can you tell which world I'm hypest about? ehehehe
We're gonna beat Arch priestess Choir first on Monday, because I never managed to beat (find) her in any of my playthroughs. Then if we beat her before stream is over, we'll start Moonlit Farewell early~
Otherwise, we'll just start Momodora Moonlit Farewell this Friday instead!
+ I'm gonna work on adding more content to the JJK RP; Truly Cursed WS, so you can y'know actually play if you were kinda interested in that, on this wednesday morning~!
I hope you lot are hype about it because I'm not gonna be normal about it for the rest of this week lol
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