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Did you ever come up with ffxv equivalent names for social media? I know you've got the MoogleNet (or was it MoogleTube?), Kwetter, and Tonblr, but I couldn't find any others when I went digging, so I'm wondering if you've got any other names buried in your notes somewhere or if we can suggest ideas?
UHHHHH. Gosh I know I did with the help of some discord friends but I am struggling to remember what all I chose. Yes, I had MoogleNet *and* MoogleTube ... purely by accident, as well as Kwetter and Tonblr and I think I'm missing one other but I *do not* remember. So yeah if you want to suggest ideas that's fine.
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i have reason to believe that evie is not only running mooglenets but also mog_the_moogle_ on twt so people also on twt pls be careful
Thank you for the update, anon. If there is anyone else who sees this and can confirm about either identity it would help greatly.
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Sola/Nox Fusion IV
@secret-engima because meeting Uncle Ardyn has encouraged Sola to be the Trolliest Troll to ever Troll (and Tredd and Nyx are not helping)-
-After the first couple times Ardyn and Nox get Lost in the Hall of Arts (which is what Sola takes to calling it when they get Lost inside their own heads, because it’s honestly the least distressing name she can think of for when they go Quiet) Sola takes up weaving tapestries again. She starts off small. Three by four foot tapestries of landscapes from the photos Nox gives her, each one taking about five weeks to finish. She completes four by the time Sola and Nox celebrate their sixteenth birthday and officially enlist in the Kingsglaive.
-All four go into the Hall of Arts the day after Sola presents them to Nox on their birthday. Privately, with no one but family and friends to see them and know that Sola was the one to make them.
-Even their addition to the Hall of Arts is a quiet affair. So quiet, in fact, that the tour guides are only given an updated tour spiel that says the four tapestries were commissioned by the royal family and that the artist wishes to remain anonymous.
-The tapestries don’t go viral until - at Axis’ suggestion because he knows no few Lazarus weavers would love to see the work in progress - Sola creates a social media account and posts the time-lapse videos of her weaving each tapestry. Herself and her surroundings carefully censored/disguised for privacy. With the music she listened to playing as background music.
-Specifically, the music she recorded of Nox and Uncle Ardyn singing. Because she can’t carry a tune to save her life and they have really soothing voices that she can listen to on repeat for literal hundreds of hours.
-At first everyone thinks the weaver (SunshineWeaver @theabysswantschicken) ripped the audio from previous SongGhost/SongCryptid videos. Until the third video, which features a new song, prompting fans to go back and compare the previous audio side by side with the original videos of SongGhost and SongCryptid.
-They realize that the previous audio is NOT a match to the original videos. They realize that SunshineWeaver has MULTIPLE RECORDINGS of SongGhost and SongCryptid.
-Sola knows EXACTLY what she’s doing when she replies to their frantic queries, simply stating that SongGhost and SongCryptid are her neighbors, but they aren’t fans of cameras. :)
-Sola knows EXACTLY what she’s doing when she refuses to say anything further.
-And the corner of the Mooglenet dedicated to SongGhost and SongCryptid EXPLODES.
#Shadow of Heaven's Light#ffxv#fusion#Nox verse#SongGhost#Sola Lucis Caelum#mooglenet#the Glaives are a GLEE whenever Sola posts a new video#the SongGhost fanpage Meltdowns#are entertainment you cannot pay for#the sheer unbridled frustration and indignation#Ardyn is ALL FOR the Trolling#Nox just Sighs#but doesn't impede his sister and Uncle's fun#yes there is a minor stampede for the Citadel tours#once fans learn that SunshineWeaver's tapestries are in the Hall of Arts#they are very disappointed to learn that the artist's name has not been released by the royal family#but ohh the THEORIES
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"Just hear me out. You should design a building that looks like a cat." She's not even going to further explain the suggestion. I mean, SHOULD she? It's a very legitimate suggestion. When have you seen a cat shaped building? Um, NEVER. All the better reason it was a very good idea.
As Yuffie is babbling away from across the office, Reeve is looking downwards, frown-focussed on what is in front of him.
All of a sudden a jingle-jangle erupts from the ninja’s pocket - was that really Hip Hop De Chocobo she has set as a ringtone? - and in her messages is just one link, nothing more:
Beardyweirdy bossman (best frieeeeeeend) sent: 09.01
Click here.
#justapeskyninja#Yuffie || A treasure all of her own#waaaay ahead of ya girl!#he's got the schematics in the back#he sends a second message#another link#this time it's a rick roll#tut tut#mooglenet safety princess
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My King!! I keep dying at Costlemark Tower. Do you have any tips? I don't want to check out vids and other sites because they're all teeming with spoilers. Please, i just want to get the Royal Arm back from the daemons.
Hello there,
I’m afraid I cannot be of much help in this regard as unfortunately, that is one place that I have never visited. Well, more like Clarus refused to let me go there.
Perhaps you could find a written guide on the Mooglenet which is spoiler free? Or ask Kwetter? They seem quite useful over there.
Good luck in your endeavours!
#The King's Court#The King's Queue#More like mun can't for the life of her remember how the fuck she did that god damn dungeon#boysloveandtaxation
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Today's real actual WiFi network names:
Boogle Net BooberNet Zombie Net ChakaNet Happy Sugar Net Chez Schmuck Net Mooglenet RehabNet
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*Kicks down door*
#Nox verse#Secret Engima Rambles#ffxv#nox lucis caelum#it's the music drabble#i've mentioned a few times now btw#where nox makes the mooglenet#lose its mind#again
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AHHAHAAAHAAHHH!!! I inspired a new verse! I love it! I'm not sorry. How does Ardyn take to the story of being the Eldest Brother to 2 younger LCs who look distressingly like Somnus? Is it easy or difficult for Nox to not call Ardyn Uncle? I bet he avoids Brother, though. Is the Chase also the same as the main Chase verse? Sparkle bombs and sticky notes? Wait... Nox would be older than Nyx here, wouldn't he? And Ardyn would be older than Titus here? Or the same age?
How would Nox take the decreased tech? Because this is basically dial up age of the Mooglenet, right? Hes a teen from the age of smartphones and now he's reduced ro a brick for a cell. Does he scream at the Mooglenet to go faster even in thw Citadel where they have the most advanced tech? Random:Its the fastest processing speed in the world. What do you mean its slow? No, who is ready to Astral project out of boredom from waiting: No, it could be so much faster
Me: *hisses* how dare. This. THIS is why a master list is not gonna happen. Ya’ll keep enabling new AUs!!!
Ardyn takes to it ... okay. Rough at first, but he already loves Nox as a Nephew, tweaking that to sibling isn’t too much of a stretch. Regis is harder but that’s understandable.
Nox has a lot of trouble adjusting to calling Ardyn “Dyn” as a nickname rather than Uncle and he still slips a few times. Anyone who looks at them weird will be met with a scowl and Ardyn giving a cheerful “It’s an in joke!” Excuse.
Nox is older than Nyx in this AU yes. He’s 3 years younger than Cor. Also yes, Ardyn is older than Titus physically in this verse, not sure by how much. Won’t stop Titus from clucking at him and being the Shield someday. XD
Nox is ... quietly dying. On one hand, he KNOWS how to entertain himself without mooglenet, because KoL memories, but only the OTHER.
Nox may or may not become famous as an inventor LC for revolutionizing technology years ahead of schedule because he’s so BORED. IF THE MOOGLENET WON’T WORK FASTER HE’LL JUST INVENT FASTER MOOGLENET DARN IT.
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Pls imagine, non-Axis people trying to get Nox to tell them who was singing with him/thinking it was Porrima. And then, post Female Reveal: insert Shrek “Hold the Phone” gif. (Think of the irony of a taur verse where someone sings Maluka’s version of Dragonborn Comes. Think of the Mooglenet going insane over it. And then, Ardyn and Nox are revealed to the public. It could be the first SongGhost/Cryptid to hit the net, because they both do Irony real well.)
XDD That’s hilarious. Everyone is just- losing their mind.
Also I love this mental image of one of them singing that song, that is HILARIOUS. And totally something Nox and Ardyn would do to mess with people. XDDD
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It's gonna be interesting to see Lucis's reaction to the existence of the second Prince.
-Meltdown just about covers it, but not quite. Like- not only is this a second prince, but he’s OLDER than Noctis by a good seven years. Ignoring the media for just a sec (though OH BOY THE MEDIA) the MOOGLENET (or whatever the FFXV version of the internet is) is gonna have a collective heart attack. Some people are gonna be joining on the media boat of questioning Regis for having a son out of wedlock (and if he still has Nox’s mother in hiding somewhere as a mistress) but others are going to be harping on Nox himself. Like- the theories get WILD. How did Regis’s agents not find him until he was 15+? How strong is his magic? Why does he wear long sleeves in every (rare) photo or video and why are his photos and videos so rare? Where was his mother from? Was she even Lucian?
-Top theories on those are that either his mother/mother’s family HID him from Regis’s agents or he was living in another country until recently (considering the only other “countries” right now are all under Niflheim’s thumb, this immediately spawns the theories that he’s a double agent for the Empire or he was tortured by them and escaped, which would explain the long sleeves). Other theories for the long sleeves is he’s hiding tattoos that would shame the royal family (he already has long hair and strange taste in earrings after all). Maybe Regis is hiding him from the public eye because he’s ashamed of his illegitimate child, or maybe there’s something wrong with him (people who go with the “tortured and escaped the Empire theory assume he has mental issues on top of scars). A really popular theory for his mother was that she was from Niflheim, possibly a Nif agent there to get the royal bloodline in Nif hands, until someone dug up a picture of him hanging out with the glaives and someone else (probably a Galahdian tbh) did a breakdown on how the single braid visible in all of Nox’s photos is a Galahdian braid, which immediately makes the theory that his mom was Galadhian way more popular (there’s also a niche theory that he’s the kid of Queen Sylva and Regis and that Slyva had been hiding him in Tenebrae until recently, but few people subscribe to that one).
-And let’s not forget the DRAMA the mooglenet is waiting breathlessly for the moment his existence is known. I mean- think about it. Much older illegitimate prince with possible scars, mental issues or enemy agent mom suddenly gets found and taken into the Citadel and named the second prince? A lessor inheritor even though he’s older than the Crown Prince by seven-ish years? If this was a drama show, then Regis would end up assassinated by the long-lost son he foolishly took in and Noctis would either die or disappear mysteriously and Nox would suddenly be the only LC left to take up the throne (and possibly turn it over to the Empire if you’re one of the theorists on the “was born and raised in Niflheim and is their double agent” boat). Like- you KNOW that is how the plot would go, and so does all of the mooglenet, who await the descent of their kingdom into Game of Thrones intrigue and murder with baited breath and much frantic typing.
-But those are mostly Insomnian mooglenet users. No, the ones who live out in the wilder areas, the small towns and the outposts where Hunters often come through have a different kind of meltdown that mostly comprises of “hgdgfd that guy who saved me from monsters/daemons/nifs was WHO????” or “That’s my regular non-regular. He and his weirdo Uncle stop by my ramen stand whenever they’re in and bicker over the best toppings. ACTUAL ROYALTY likes my ramen WHAT IN THE WORLD-” or, arguably the funniest one, “HGFGFHGFD THE DRIFTER I REGULARLY HIRE TO DO RANDOM CHORES IS THE PRINCE. OF. LUCIS?? THE KIDDO WHO DRESSES LIKE A HOBO AND TAGS ALONG WITH AN EVEN MORE HOBO UNCLE IS ROYALTY???? I SENT ROYALTY TO COLLECT MY BEAN CROPS??????”
-Basically while all of Insomnia is wary and confused by Nox’s existence, the rest of Lucis is collectively losing their minds because, you know, Nox has helped out his people where he can, which means he has ABSOLUTELY done all those random side-quests where you harvest somebody’s crop or look for a lost shipment or go out and fight HORRIBLE MONSTERS so bring back some of their parts that you need for your dinky little weapon’s shop. Like- everybody thought they were the only ones who got helped out by this random drifter kid, but then THIS happens and the mooglenet explodes with stories from ALL OVER FLIPPING LUCIS of this kid dropping everything to like- help a researching find certain colored frogs or something in exchange for trinkets and petty gil and shop discounts and the occasional potion.
-While Insomnia is busy prepping their Game of Thrones style fanfic and the tabloids are speculating on the mental (in)stability and bloodline of the “brooding illegitimate prince, no doubt embittered over his early life and eyeing the little brother keeping him from the throne”, the rest of Lucis are basically melting into puddles of shock, confusion, and adoration for the royalty that would drop everything to help out random citizens. Care packages start showing up from all corners of Lucis to thank their prince, and after they’re cleared by security, Nox opens them all. And writes thank you cards. Personalized thank you cards that often reference some individual event or factoid of the person/people it comes from (thing’s like, “I hope your ankle is doing better”, or “tell your wife thank you for the knitted socks, they’re very warm and she didn’t have to make them for me, I know wool is expensive in your area”, or “sorry I won’t be around to deliver your next batch of spiracorn tails, my father doesn’t want me going on Hunts right now for whatever reason”) and this proof that he REMEMBERS and STILL CARES just makes them love him more.
-Also there’s this music-based drabble thing I’m working on that happens JUST as the mooglenet/media is starting to calm down and THAT sets everything off again with even more screaming and confusion and Insomnians going “I’M SORRY WHAT????” while the rural Lucians just go “ahh. Ah yes that explains it. That’s our little Drifter.”
-Regis is torn between being Responsible About Security and wanting the Hilarity Factor of letting Nox have a social media account. Like- his son hates public appearances of any kind and he respects that (barring the few mandatory noble balls), but Regis can just imagine the utter chaos Nox would unleash if anyone ever let him have a Twitter account and it’s .... tempting. The nobles haven’t been this off balance in years and for all some (a lot) of the tabloids and media commentators are annoying in their harping and gossip, the collective brain-melt Nox keeps triggering in the collective public/nobles/Council/media is HYSTERICAL.
-Nyx, snickering, announces one day that Nox has fanfiction about him. Like- A LOT of it. He is reigns over a thriving chunk of the Real Person fandom, almost all of which is massively OOC and either filled with political intrigue and assassinations (and sordid badly written romance) or just straight up AUs (vampire/werewolf/supernatural Nox is a stunningly popular AU as is the Usuper Dystopia AU). Nox is morbidly curious but refuses to actually read any of it for fear of losing his mind (she doesn’t tell him about the very fierce Shipping Wars that have broken out, or the fact that most of those Shipping Wars are over various popular celebrities Nox has never met, Noble Daughters he’s met and despised, and Aranea Highwind, who is on the list solely because she’s a famous female Nif officer and the Nif!Nox theory is very popular).
-There would be a segment of that fandom dedicated to works from the common folk who’ve actually met him, but for that part of the population it’s more popular to share various stories about how they met the then-unknown prince for real and how he either helped them or was adorably awkward over something (there is a magazine anthology of those stories, released monthly and very popular out in Lucis proper, Cindy has a subscription that Cid refuses to admit he reads).
-The fandom/theorists even stretch into Altissia and Niflheim. If ANYONE asked, Loqi would refuse to admit, on pain of DEATH, that he is the author of That One Fic everyone knows about/favs/follows/fanarts that features a Nox/Aranea ship, the now ex-Chancellor as Nox’s maternal uncle, and a SCARY in-depth knowledge/breakdown of both Niflheim and Lucian politics (in the context of Nox and Aranea navigating them, surprisingly this is the one Super Popular Nox-Nea fic that DOES NOT feature a Double Agent!Nox).
-The only reason Ardyn does not contribute to the rumors/fanfics/theories is because he doesn’t Understand How the Mooglenet Works™. He has, however, gleefully listened to some of the glaives read Loqi’s That One Super Popular Nif-Written Fic and smirked to himself over how it is so OBVIOUS who the author is, and pleased that Loqi the author is actually tasteful in his courtship subplot and shipping habits.
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Imagine being awake in a haven in the dead if the night for reasons. Then, you hear singing from that infamous cryptids that were currently circulating the mooglenet and , of course, you have to film it. It's gets closer and closer and closer to where you are. Suddenly, this isn't exciting anymore. Then there! Glowing eyes looking straight at you as they sing.
*cackles* yesss. I’m assuming your talking about SongGhost with the glowing eyes AU. Just- yesssss. The Glowing Eyes stare at you in surprise, as if not expecting you to be there, then slowly drift away, still singing their eerie songs, leaving you to be yet another poster on the forum dedicated to such things. XD
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How do the rest of the Kingsglaive react to Nyx and Nox getting together? (Hell, how do Regis & Co/Noctis & Co react?) Were there betting pools? (I bet there was) Also, what happens when Galahdians from different clans marry? Does one partner leave their clan and join their spouse? Do they stay in their birth clans? Or are they both adopted into the other clan and considered to be of two clans?
Hmmmm mixed reactions of shock, “ah-hah!”, and possibly eternal despair (mostly from Lib and Axis).
-No betting pools for a while, because somehow only Lib and Axis saw this coming (they know their idiots, they know that their idiots have the Same Chaotic Energy and will be magnetically attracted to each other, it was just a matter of time).
-Betting pool starts up after Nyx kisses Nox in front of like- half the glaive. But they Don’t Tell Anyone because they want the DrAMa and Regis might ruin it if he knows too soon. The betting pool is over how long it will take before someone catches those two making out/who catches them. They gleefully act as Nyx’s and Nox’s alibi’s whenever necessary because watching Nyx try to Court Nox like a Proper Galahdian and Nox flail as he tries to Court Back with Axis’s help is the most entertainment they’ve had in y e a r s. Ardyn runs the betting pool because Monica is not allowed to know about this yet, Titus just ... sighs and braces for the apocalypse that is an Ulric-Izunia pairing.
-Ignis is the one to catch them about- a year and one Galahdian wedding later (Galahdian weddings are so short and informal that it’s truly ridiculously easy to do it, Nox might not even know it counts as a wedding until after when Axis tracks him down and slaps him over the head when he spots the Wedding Bead/Braid in his hair). Ignis is like- 14-15 by that point? Probably? and accidentally walks in on them kissing.
-In. His. Kitchen.
-To say that Ignis is Displeased™ is an understatement of the Century. He tattles to Regis and the others Immediately as revenge, but as he doesn’t know about Galahdian weddings, all he says is that Nox and Nyx are dating/making out. Regis is- a little bit flummoxed but Ulric has a stellar record so ... okay? Just no funny business before marriage, Nox, don’t make my mistakes. Nox, who is already married by Galahdian standards but Not Ready to tell his Dad that he basically eloped by accident is just like- “Sure” while Nyx bites down on her snickers with much effort.
-Cor tries to Shovel Talk, but Ulrics have no survival instincts and are thus not threatened. Clarus takes one look at Nox’s face and sighs heavily, because he’s getting Regis flashbacks all over again, but seeing as Clarus is the one with grandkids already and not Regis- he can’t exactly lecture.
-Ardyn won the betting pool btw.
-Noctis is like- 12-13 and only just getting into his own “girls are cute” phase so he’s more than a little weirded out by all this. Tries to Shovel Talk on behalf of his brother and is cooed at for it because he’s just a bby LC to the glaive, lookit him try to be threatening so cute.
-Gladio asks Nox how he did it, Nox bluntly admits that Nyx started it and Nox has no advice whatsoever. Gladio goes away disappointed, then remembers he has a married older brother and goes to pester him on How To Land A Date. Axis is Officially Dead Inside™.
-They manage to keep their relationship a secret from the public for like- another two years when Regis finally figures out that Nox and Nyx are married by Galahdian standards and treating each other as such and if he wants a Proper Lucian Wedding he must orchestrate one himself.
-To describe the media, noble society circles, and mooglenet once this gets out, I give you two words: Nuclear. Meltdown.
On Galahdian weddings/etc:
-Usually the partner to propose leaves their Clan to join the other Clan, because proposing indicates a willingness to join their spouse-to-be’s family over their own. This does not count if one member is an “Outsider”, in which case the Outsider is formally accepted into the Clan. This also doesn’t count for Ulics, because Ulrics are Special by Galahdian standards and Nox was fine with becoming an Ulric even though he was adopted as an Arra and so “technically” Nyx should have joined Axis’s Clan. Because Nyx is both an Ulric and possibly the last of her Clan, nobody is surprised or disapproving that Nox becomes an Ulric instead.
-Adoption via both Clans happens if the wedding is being used to finalize an Alliance, though afterward the children are split per Clan name- boys going to the Clan of the wife and girls going to the Clan of the husband for reasons long ago lost in myth and tradition.
-In case you are wondering, Galahdian weddings are Stupid Simple. It goes like this-
Step One: Make an appropriately pretty/shiny wedding bead and courtship necklace for intended Spouse.
Step Two: Present wedding bead and necklace to intended Spouse in front of as Many Witnesses As Possible (minimum of three, but as this is usually done in like- the village square on a market day for good luck, witnesses usually number 90% of the given village population).
Step Three: Pray to all that is holy that intended Spouse accepts proposal and doesn’t stab you in the face as is their Right should they find you unworthy.
Step Four: Thank all that is holy when intended Spouse accepts bead and necklace and help Spouse put on necklace and make a new braid for the wedding bead.
Congratulations you are now married in the eyes of your Clan, your Spouse’s Clan, everyone in your given village, and Ramuh the Fulgarian with all the rights, privileges, and duties therein.
Courtship is an optional step both before and after Galahdian wedding. Some recommend it beforehand, but as this tradition was founded in tiny villages where everyone grew up knowing everyone else it is not necessary. Most initiate Courtship afterward as the Galahdian version of a honeymoon (since a villager can’t exactly take months off when there is work to be done and food to hunt).
Wedding Feast/Party is optional and is often folded into the nearest Festival to save on time/money/food.
Galahdians do not divorce. It just doesn’t happen. Fighting couples can separate to live with their old Clans, but regular efforts must be attempted to patch the relationship. In Ye Olden Days a “divorce” was one spouse challenging the other to a death match in front of the whole village, survivor gets the kids, the house, and all the possessions therein. For probably obvious reasons this practice has not been in favor for about five+ centuries, though angry, non-lethal duels are still considered a way to blow off steam.
If a spouse is abusive and can be proven so, divorce is still not a thing in the typical sense, because the Clan of both spouses will cast out the abuser and mark him/her as Nameless and Clanless, Shunned and Scourge-blooded. Abuser will be forcibly tattooed on the hand/arm with a mark that tells all Galahdians who see what this person is so that they cannot trick another spouse into their clutches. They are then considered a non-entity, purged from all historical records, inheritance lists, and population records and the rescued spouse is treated as if he/she was never married in the first place and had the kids all by his/her self and thus is free to marry someone else after a year-long minimum period to recover from any trauma.
There we go, thank you for coming to my TED talk on Galahdian marriage customs.
#SE asks#a-world-in-grey asks#Nox verse#Secret Engima Rambles#galahd culture#family is the Biggest of Deals okay#weddings might be short things#but everything after is practically sacred
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Not gonna lie, Nox singing Rose of May would be so hauntingly SAD, like even through the video you can feel the sheer weight of Nox’s sorrow. (Half the mooglenet comments are just people crying into their keyboards.) Another song rec, Jenny of Oldstones by Karliene (she’s got a good rendition for how Nox might sing it, I think)
IT IS. IT’S SO SAD MY FEELS HOW DARE. But honestly- honestly Jenny of Oldstones makes me an Emotion. Because there’s just- so much age in it. So much implied in just a few short lines.
Rose of May fits Deleantur and Nox to a T, but with Jenny, I can see either Nox singing this or Regina from Forged in Fury verse. Just-
-For Regina, she still a child but also not. In grief and upset, maybe over something recent that happened maybe over something she dreamed of her old life and-
-And a guard wakes King Mors in the middle of the night, pale and shaking and terrified, whispers that he NEEDS to come down to the throne room right now, that it’s- it’s something he needs to see for himself.
-Mors gets to the hallway before the open double doors (why are they open they’re not supposed to be this time of night) only to find his Shield, Hadrian, pale and semi-frantic from a call from another guard, telling him to come, come NOW.
-And then they hear the singing.
-“High in the halls of the kings who are gone,”
“Jenny would dance with her ghosts...”
“The ones she had lost and the ones she had found,”
“And the ones who had loved her the most...”
-It’s a child’s voice, it’s Regina’s voice, but it’s also NOT either of those things and when the King and his Shield peer inside they see-
-Regina, dressed in her black silk nightgown that clings to her tiny preteen shoulders, pale arms bare and black hair spilling down her back as she sways in a slow, eerie waltz, head tilted to the ceiling and arms spread as if to catch unseen hands. Violet magic drifts like mist at their feet, tugging and swirling and sometimes shifting JUST SO so that it’s almost as if there are figures lurking inside it.
-She sings, in tongues they know and ones they don’t and it doesn’t take long to figure out it’s the same song, over and over, echoing and reaching, words foreign and familiar tangling together in the high arches of the royal throne room’s ceiling. Curling amid the statues like ghosts.
-There’s movement from the side, somewhere in the verses, and Hadrian’s breath is strangled as Clarus, who should be at home and IN BED drifts out of the shadows to sway with her. Not touching, just ghosting around her in a trance-like waltz, his eyes for her and her alone, heedless of the adults lingering just outside the reach of the violet mist.
-”The ones who’d been gone, for so very long”
“She couldn’t remember their names,”
-Weskham appears on Regina’s other side, swaying softly to her rhythm, lips moving with the words they’ve heard at least three times now even if he does not make a sound to disturb his queen’s daydream.
-”They spun her around on the old damp stone,”
“Spun away her sorrows and pain...”
-And the watching adults feel both unwelcome and terrified. Like they are witnessing something not meant to be seen. Something older than they can comprehend, something sadder than their hearts could bear if they did comprehend.
For Nox-
-It’s not the Throne Room. It’s the Hall of Arts. This is one of the songs Ardyn and Nox sing when they find themselves Lost in the Hall of Arts, GraveQuiet and singing softly, Ardyn swaying beneath the painting of the Founder King and the Oracle, Nox drifting a meandering path through the statues of all the old kings, his voice weighted with a different kind of age than Ardyn’s the age that came from have too many ghosts rather than only a few that still burned in his heart.
-This is not a song ever known to the SongGhost fans, this is the one the glaives know when they slink away to get Titus and Axis, the one that stops Regis’s heart cold in his chest and makes him feel strangled with dread and heartbreak the night he follows Titus to see what his eldest son and brother are doing.
-It’s a song that’s too old and implies too much. Rose of May is heartbreaking when Nox sings it, laying out so much pain and loss, but this one...
-This one remembers so much, that in the end there is nothing left to say.
#SE asks#a-world-in-grey asks#Nox verse#Forged in Fury verse#Secret Engima Rambles#music recs#hgfghgfd i can feel more music drabbles spawning#just for these two songs
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Your answer to the Regis+Nox ask made me think of Nox as a historical novelist. Or as an online theorist, not quite conspiracy, not quite nightblogging, just oddly specific ideas for historical figures. You know, just as a hobby. I know it's not like that, but the thought amused me.
Ohh I like that. Especially the Nox as a historical novelist. Though honestly he’d probably be less a published-with-books and more a runs-an-episodic-blog kinda guy that posts stories FROM THE POVS of various LCs in history about their life and times. It would be INSANELY popular with the masses and alternately infuriate and baffle the historical professionals and stuff because on one hand some of his stories seem outrageous and disrespectful but on the other-
He gets so much general world-building and tradition RIGHT? The day someone takes a long, hard look at his pieces on the life and times of the Mystic and realizes that Nox has a P E R F E C T explanation for some fashion trends/artifacts/historical records that have been baffling historians for centuries- that he puts pieces together in a way that FITS way too well to be fake-
Well. The mooglenet doesn’t lose it’s mind as much as it did over Nox’s existence and the Music Drabble thing I’m planning, but the historical/anthropological sections of it essentially go NUCLEAR.
Nox doesn’t know and doesn’t care until Regis practically bangs down his son’s door to Nerd Out over some massive discovery/convention-destroying thing he casually added to his latest story that has accidentally solved a scholarly debate that’s been going on for LITERAL CENTURIES and hOW DID HIS SON KNOW THIS? HOW DID HE FIGURE THIS OUT? WHAT DOES NOX MEAN THAT HE THOUGHT IT WAS AN OBVIOUS HISTORICAL FACT?????
Though if I’m completely honest, the person MUCH more likely to blow minds with historical stories/blog is Ardyn. Because he knows stuff about the world 2k years ago that has LOOONG been forgotten and the dude needs a hobby.
Actually *snickers* I almost like that better.
Maybe they co-run the blog and it started out as Nox’s attempt to Familiarize his Uncle With Technology.
Honestly not sure if I’d make this canon to Nox-verse, but thank you for the hilariously entertaining train of thought.
#SE asks#starfata asks#Secret Engima Rambles#Nox verse#not sure if this is canon#but it's AMUSING either way
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Firstly- decide if you're doing at moogl bit. Then just grab words/names and jumble them. Who would be the ppl commenting- BowPeasants, FutureQ, CreperaFan, Anti-Royalty, DamNiffs, Insomniac, In4In, LucianV, Hunt4luv, Say-it-l0udr, Galahdsway, Jungleboo, Hunterboi, Mechaheart, or Melz, Amias, Remy, Florie etc.
Thank you bless you I’m going to use all of these and probably go haunt fantasynamegenerators for further inspiration.
Also yes, I’m doing the mooglenet thing. So far I have Qwetter = Twitter and tentatively Lifepage = Facebook but feel free to suggest something better for the alternate Facebook and for the alternate Tumblr names.
#SE asks#starfata asks#Nox verse#Secret Engima Rambles#SE doesn't know how to media fic#SE is doing the thing anyway
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It's been almost 2 months since your Nox verse mooglenet reaction post appeared on my dash and I just want to say thank you for your beautiful writing. It was you who completely hooked me on the FFXV fandom even though I have read a couple of crossovers featuring it. For the past 2 months I have been absolutely loving your content and trying to find anything else to satisfy my new thirst. So for that, thank you.
You’re welcome! I’m just- I’m thrilled you enjoy my ramblings that go hither and yon. :DDD Also I regret nothing on getting you hooked, I love this fandom and always will.
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