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soulreflectiontarot ¡ 2 years ago
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Today is a message of communication. Two very different messages came for the collective. Please take only what resonates with you. The cards used are from Moody Moon Messages- Masculine Edition by @sistermoontarot and The Soul Reflection’s Twin Flame Messenger Oracle 1 by Nadine Swiger. Both are available on Etsy. . For some: You are heading towards a cross in the road. Soon there will be a decision to make. Follow your heart as it is leading you to where you are meant to be. Clarity is coming through communication. You will be able to open up and say all those things you wished you had said, and all the things you say even tho no one is not physically next to you to hear. Keep daydreaming of what to say. It helps you get the words you wish to express. . For others: someone has been struggling with a decision. They want to pick up the phone and communicate with you, but they aren’t sure if they want to open that door. The good thing is that if they decide to contact you, you can expect truthful and heartfelt communication from this person. You both see those signs. And there is a deep love connection between you. For some of you, you still talk to each other, even tho they aren’t there. Deep down, they do want to be with you; but free will is at place here and they need to make that call on their own time. (And you have the free will to not receive their love or open that door to communication too). Just know that it will be coming from the heart. . . . #oracleoftheday #lovereading #twinflame #twinflamereading #twinflamemessages #soulmatereading #separationtwinflame #twinflamejourney #communicationcoming #clarityincommunication #loveconnection #crossroadsahead #followyourheart #moodymoonmessagesmasculine #sistermoontarot #etsyoracledeck #soulreflectionoracle #twinflamemessenger #twinflamemessenger1 #nadineswiger #soulreflectionoraclecards #etsytwinflame #twinflameoracle https://www.instagram.com/p/CnUHnwKOPa-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soulreflectiontarot ¡ 2 years ago
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Today’s reading is a check in with the Twin Flame collective. Please take only what resonates and leave the rest. The cards used are from Moody Moon Message - Masculine Edition by @sistermoontarot and The Soul Reflection’s Manifesting Love Oracle by Nadine Swiger. (Both available on Etsy). . There is a disconnection or lonely feeling going on between the DM and DF. Some may be surrounded by people, yet inside feel very alone. They really just want to feel that closeness that you once shared. They do want to come towards you and tell you how they feel, but they may need some time and courage. It may be hard for them to be vulnerable at this time. . They do still feel that magnetic pull between you. Some may come forward to open their heart. Be patient as they are working through some heavy issues and/or depression. Maybe you mirror them or feel the same way? Keep healing or sending healing thoughts in the 5D. In time, balance can and will be restored within your connection. . . . #oraclecardreading #twinflamereading #twinflameenergyreading #twinflame #twinflamejourney #twinflamehealing #healinginthe5d #twinflamemessages #twinflameoracles #sistermoontarot #moodymoonmessagesmasculine #soulreflectionoraclecards #nadineswiger #manifestinglove💚 #soulreflectionoracle #manifestingloveoracle #etsyoracledeck https://www.instagram.com/p/CmtZ7sKOjC4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soulreflectiontarot ¡ 2 years ago
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I was called to do an evening reading for the collective. Please take what resonates and leave the rest. The cards used are from Sister Moon Tarot’s Moody Moon Messages - Masculine Edition and The Soul Reflection’s Manifesting Love Oracle by Nadine Swiger. Both decks are available on Etsy. . There is a sense of calmness in the air tonight. Reflections of the past on the mind. There is a longing of trust and happiness. A balance of friends and deep seated love. You are already connected on a spiritual level. There is a deep sense between you of “just knowing.” A closeness that most never quite experience or understand. A hug. A loving embrace. A desire to feel you close. As you embrace for what the future brings. Surrender to what the universe has aligned. You can’t see around the bend, but the Divine Time is coming. Are you ready? . . . #oraclereading #oraclecardreading #collectivelovereading #collectivereading #twinflamejourney #twinflamelovestory #soulmatelove #starsoulmate #twinsoul #divinetiming #surrendertotheflow #letgoofexpectations #allowforlove #sistermoontarot @sistermoontarot #moodymoonmessagesmasculine #soulreflectionoracle #manifestinglove💚 #manifestingloveoracle #nadineswiger #etsyoraclecards #etsyoracledecks https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl-DlLDuWEP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soulreflectiontarot ¡ 2 years ago
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Quick morning message! Please take what resonates and leave the rest. The cards used are from The Soul Reflection’s Twin Flame Messenger 3 by Nadine Swiger and Moody Moon Messages - Masculine Edition by @sistermoontarot (both available on Etsy). . Know that you are loved! A love story that you are questioning is not over and still part of your journey. For those single, there is a new love on the horizon. And for some, this is about an opportunity coming that revolves around something or someone you love. This opportunity will bring you much joy and happiness. . . . #oraclecardreading #oracleoftheday #oraclereading #loveisintheair❤️ #loveiscoming #lovehasbeenthere #openyourheart #youareloved #twinflame #twinflameoracle #lovereading #twinflames #moodymoonmessagesmasculine #sistermoontarot #twinflamemessenger3 #soulreflectionoraclecards #nadineswiger #twinflamemessenger #soulreflectionoracle #etsyoracledeck #etsyoraclecards #etsy #etsytwinflame https://www.instagram.com/p/ClTftTQOgAC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soulreflectiontarot ¡ 2 years ago
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Tonight’s cards - we tune into the moon’s energy and it’s pull on your Soul. Please take only what resonates and leave the rest. The cards used are from The Soul Reflection’s Cosmic Energy Oracle by Nadine Swiger, Moody Moon Messages by @sistermoontarot and Ask The Oracle by @risingsunoracle For those interested, all decks are available on Etsy. . Something or someone that once gave you so much joy and pleasure has been leaving you in the state of confusion, frustration, questioning who you are, or even have you over analyzing everything in life! Take a deep breath and step back! No, this is not the time to stop. Don’t give up just yet! Your situation will improve. Enlightenment is coming. Love, laughter, happy times, and celebrations are around the corner. Things are evolving and changing. Parts of your manifestations are aligning. You can expect significant and happy changes this winter. It may be cold outside, but your heart will be filled with a cozy warmth! Your soul will will sing. And like the little girl in the flower moon - you will lower your umbrella, dance under the full moon in the lavender fields (could represent a spiritual connection/intuition). You will take a leap of faith as you run straight towards the unknown (full moon). Things are going to work out better than you plan or expect. . . . #oracleoftheday #oraclereading #fullmoonvibes #fullmoonrising #cosmicenergyreading #dontgiveup #thingsaretransforming #changescoming #changesfortgebetter #breakthrough #findingawaytoworkout #manifesting #twinflame #loveconnections #soulmates #careersuccess #careerreadings #moodymoonmessagesmasculine #sistermoontarot #risingsunoracle #asktheoracle #cosmicenergyoracle #soulreflectionoraclecards #nadineswiger #soulreflectionoracle #soulreflectiontarot #etsyoracle #etsyoraclecards #etsyoracledecks https://www.instagram.com/p/CjeoPhJsExI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soulreflectiontarot ¡ 3 years ago
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Today’s Cards Of The Day are from Moody Moon Messages - Masculine Edition by @sistermoontarot and The Soul Reflection’s Reflecting Live Through The Veil - Halloween Oracle by Nadine Swiger. (Yes, I know it’s odd to use Halloween cards in July, but when I opened my deck case to select cards today, these two decks literally fell off their shelf.) Please take what resonates and leave the rest. . First and foremost! You are being guided to rise above any chaos or low vibrations that may bring you down. You guides want you to raise that chin, “seek” (aka “find”) your confidence. Please do not slide into your ego, but find your footing and strengthen your confidence in yourself. You may feel lost in the void lately (or pushed out into the void). This is so that you can find out who you truly are. Someone may “have you under their spell” but be aware of the illusions around this person. Mask are on and they have alternative motives. You are called to rise above these lower vibrational acts. Reflect on how far you have come. And know that you are still transforming into quite a beautiful high vibrational soul. You are transforming into the person you were always meant to become! . . #oracleoftheday #oraclereading #riseabove #raiseyourvibrations #stepintoyourpower #youareahighvibrationalbeing #bethelight #bethebestversionofyourself❤️ #youaretransformingbeautifully #youhavewhatittakes #highvibrationalsoul #moodymoonmessagesmasculine #sistermoontarot #halloweenoracle #halloweenloveoracle #reflectionoflove #reflectionsoflovethroughtheveiloracle #soulreflectionoraclecards #nadineswiger #soulreflectionoracle #loveoraclecards https://www.instagram.com/p/CfmBwmhOztI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soulreflectiontarot ¡ 3 years ago
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Today’s message is about releasing anger and truly finding forgiveness in your heart. The cards used are from Oracle Of the Nile by Christine Seebold (artwork by LeeAnne Gibney), The Soul Reflection’s Galactic Angel Oracle Cards by Nadine Swiger, and Sister Moon Tarot’s Moody Moon Messages - Masculine Edition. Please take what resonates and leave the rest. . Has there something that has made you really upset or angry? Have you been holding grudges? Has a relationship/friendship gone south? Today is a day that forgiveness may be given or received, and amends can be made. Perhaps the forgiveness is within? Can you give yourself permission to forgive yourself? Release anger, so your soul can heal and move forward. . For the Yes/No cards that came out in the confirmation cards - the overall feeling is things can be healed. However since this is for the collective, each individual person is on their own journey. For some, today is the day to forgive. For others, spirit is saying “Not yet but in time”… this may mean that forgiveness will take time. For others, it means work on forgiveness “in silence” by asking your higherselves for forgiveness or write down on a piece of paper the things you would like forgiveness. Then burn the paper or bury it in the Earth and ask the elements for help in healing emotions and connections). Remember, only you know what is right for your situation. . For those that are looking for a sign, I pulled Confirmation cards: . Zodiacs: Taurus, Leo, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Cancer Letters: A, C, F, F, H, J, N, O, P, P, R, S, W Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 7, 7, 8, 9 Yes/No: Very Possible, Maybe Soon, Don’t Push It! (It will work out) In Time, Yes! . . . #oraclecardsoftheday #oraclereading #oraclecardreadersofinstagram #oracleoftheday #egyptianoraclecards #egyptianoraclereading #egyptianoracle #oracleofthenile #christineseebold #leeannegibney #galacticangels #galacticangeloracle #angeloraclecards #angeloraclecards #angelmessages #soulreflectionoraclecards #nadineswiger #soulreflectionoracle #sistermoontarot #moodymoonmessagesmasculine @sistermoontarot #divinemasculine #twinflames #divineconnections #relationshipreading #healingforgiveness #forgive https://www.instagram.com/p/CfRMaTxO0NG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soulreflectiontarot ¡ 3 years ago
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Twin Flame Friday!! One more message for the collective. If this one doesn’t resonate, please check out the other Twin Flame Readings from earlier. It may be the message you need to hear today. The cards used are from The Soul Reflection’s Twin Flame Oracle & Manifesting Love - both by Nadine Swiger, and Moody Moon Messages-Masculine Edition by @sistermoontarot (all decks available on Etsy) . A collective channeled message: Someone has been feeling very nostalgic. “Happy memories of you overflow me. Everywhere I look lately, I see you. I find myself daydreaming about you sweet smile, your tender touch, the love you give. You are the anchor of my soul. Just the thought of you helps me navigate through each rough day. I can feel the universe is aligning our destiny and it’s only a matter of time we will see each other again. I have wanted to reach out to you, and open that door of communication again. Sometimes I write what I want to say. When I go to hit ‘send’ I stop and end up click the delete button instead. I want to tell you in person how I feel, so I can see your face. I know in my heart - I want a new beginning with you. I’m hoping when we see each other, a new chapter for us can begin. I see the signs the universe sends. I can feel it in my bones that I will see you soon. Until then, my love, I wait to share my love.” . . . #oracleoftheday #twinflamecommunication #twinflamemessages #twinflamereading #twinflamechanneledmessage #twinflames #twinflamejourney #1010 just before #1111 #twinflamelove #twinflameconnection #twinflamememories #twinflameoracles #moodymoonmessagesmasculine #sistermoontarot #soulreflectionoracle #manifestinglove💚 #manifestingloveoracle #nadineswiger #soulreflectionoraclecards #soulreflectioncards https://www.instagram.com/p/Cepd62suThH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soulreflectiontarot ¡ 3 years ago
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It’s Twin Flame Friday!!! Please take what resonates and leave the rest. The top row cards are from The Soul Reflection’s: Twin Flame Messenger 1, Twin Flame Oracle, and Manifesting Love; the bottom row cards are from Sister Moon Tarot’s Moody Moon Messages - Masculine Edition. All decks are available on Etsy. . In today’s collective reading, the energy I’m picking up on is Twins are mirroring emotions, in a huge way. They have been in their headspace, missing and reminiscing about how things once were. Your energies are connected and you feel that pull of your Twin and their thoughts. . (Place the DM/DF where it fits in your connection) . The DM is missing his DF and can’t seem to stop thinking about her. If you are together, the DM is missing a part of their DF that is buried within. They have tapped into her energy and are not ready to let her go. They hold onto an inner knowing that things are going to work out. . The DF is trying to move forward. She continues to hold out hope that her DM will find his way back to her, and can feel the love she still has for her DM. For those in Union, the DF is hoping and working on reconnecting with their inner self that seems to be missing/buried lately. She’s trying to focus on her passions as she is trying to find her footing and inner balance again. In time, all will work out. DF - give yourself a chance to heal. . There will be a time again when you will feel your Twin’s arms around you, a time when you will feel safe and all will melt away. It’s all in due time. #cardsoftheday🔮 #oraclereadingoftheday #dailyoracle #twinflanereading #twinflames #twinflamefriday #twinflamelove #twinflame #twinflamesunion #twinflamesseparation #twinflamejourney #twinflameconnections #twinflamehealing #twinflameconnection #twinflamesurrender #twinflamemirror #twinflameoracledeck #etsyoraclecards #soulreflectionoraclecards #twinflame1111 #twinflamemessenger #twinflameoracle #twinflamemessenger1 #manifestinglove💚 #manifestingloveoracle #nadineswiger #soulreflectionoracle #sistermoontarot #moodymoon #moodymoonmessagesmasculine @sistermoontarot https://www.instagram.com/p/CdNvGWoO6oO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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