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amyasgothique · 5 years ago
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#monumebtaltomb #monumentalcemetery #monumental #cemetery #tomb #tombs #marble #marblestatue #statue #saints #religion #art #arthistory @be_amyas #⚰️ #amyas #be_amyas #mypersonaltripaboutart https://www.instagram.com/p/CAvIrlcn8jr/?igshid=opw89rfglzym
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amyasgothique · 5 years ago
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|TOMB OF PHILIPPE POT| Attributed to Antoine le Moiturier •(c1425-1497)• Coming from the #abbey of Citeaux, the #tomb of Philippe Pot, a great syncopation of Burgundy who died in 1493, has been attributed to Antoine le Moiturier, also known as "maestre Anthoniet", for the evident #stylistic and compositional references also present in the #tombs of Champmol in Dijon. The deceased, locked in his armour, is carried by 8 hermetically sealed #figures in their gloomy mourning #clothes. Here, too, one can feel the importance Claus Sluter had in his #artistic career. #abbeyofciteaux #philippepot #champmol #dijion #burgundy #1493 #maestreanthoniet #antoinelemoiturier #monumental #monumebtaltomb #🎩 @be_amyas (at Citeaux Abbaye, Bourgogne, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAjFOa2Hz2U/?igshid=mnu16c5xxblm
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