troiurbest · 1 year
Troi knew it was going to be a long night, and, already having had a long afternoon, she found herself headed to the bar. She ordered herself a fruity drink, some new thing with a funny name that she'd heard was popular among the younger socialites, and looked around to see who she could join. Montgomery Cannon was always an...interesting conversation, but he was nice enough, and a familiar face, so she made her way over to where he was sitting.
"Mind if I join you?" she asked.
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burr-sting · 1 year
There were horses. Augie had never seen horses, and she wanted to meet them before the parade started. They were bigger in real life, but they were gentle. She hadn't expected them to be gentle. She found herself smiling as she brushed her hand along the mane of one of them, only to freeze at the sight of Montgomery Cannon less than ten feet away from her. Augie hadn't thought much about trying to charm sponsors - she knew it was something people did, but she also knew that Link hadn't mentioned it to her. Maybe it wasn't her responsibility? Augie wished she could ask someone, but no one else was around. All Augie could do was continue to pat the horse and hope for the best.
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troiurbest · 1 year
The sheets were too soft. That was the first thing that Troi noticed when she woke up. Her sheets were crisp and cool and these...were not her sheets. Oh God. Oh fuck. Troi winced, and looked down. She was covered by the sheets, but she wasn't wearing any clothes. What the hell had happened last night? Who had she gone home with? Was the best case scenario a stranger, or was that the worst case scenario? Even blackout drunk, Troi knew how to handle herself in the bedroom, so she was fairly certain she'd consented, especially given that she was still here in this person's bed. A wait shifted next to her and she froze. She wasn't alone. Oh God.
Troi took a deep breath, calming the panic, which gave way to the beginnings of what she was sure would be an awful headache, and tried to keep a neutral face as she turned around - but all plans for a nonreaction dropped just as quickly as her jaw did.
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troiurbest · 1 year
Troi really did hate going to balls alone. She loved the glamor and the dancing, and it was always less fun when she didn't have a partner to show off with. She finished her drink and scanned the room. She could still rectify this. Who though.......there. Montgomery Canon. He seemed to be having a good time. She walked over to where he was chatting with some other sponsors.
"Excuse me for interrupting," she said, seizing an opportunity between songs. "Montgomery, I don't suppose you dance, do you?"
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