#monty richler !
minnielie · 4 months
legend has it if you fold a thousand origami cranes, your wish would be granted by the gods. she was brought up to believe in one god, but she’ll spend all night praying to however many there are because she knows they exist. her first wish was granted, after all. she got into ogden. her second wish is reserved for california. if she had more, she’d ask for monty and ollie to get back together. right now, however, losing her virginity to milo is more important. so, spotting monty leave his car, she chases after him. “ give them back! ” she shouts, patting him down and trying to dig through his pockets. “ where are they?! you’re so annoying. ”
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freddiekolbeck · 5 months
setting: friday 13th party at pike house
"don't worry," freddie says as he approaches monty, both hands in the air to claim innocence. "i'm not here for any funny business. although, speaking of business, i hear you're a one-man band these days."
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cinnamonfm · 1 year
– with: @montyrichler​ – where: joint birthday party  – when: 27 january
    heni hadn’t even need to see monty’s face to recognise him. the synapses in her brain had made the connection from body language alone. so when her conversation partner had deserted her to go try his luck with a girl way way way out of his league, she’d slinked over, leaning against the wall next to where he was stood. “i’m bored,” she whines, clearing her throat in an attempt to demand his attention. “you still hoping to get me to smoke with you? because here’s your chance.”
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novadodson · 1 year
Who: Claremont Richler. When: April 9th - 14th. Where: Robotic's Club.
"Claremont Richler." Full name, stated with the same confidence it had been when they'd met him for the first time, when they'd thrown him off guard during orientation. It's not how most address him, not how he'd introduced himself that first day, and the smirk on his face says he knows as much. He swings a chair over, arms dropping onto the table top before him, leaning so that he might have the full of Monty's attention. "The rumor is that you're no longer an eligable bachelor..." If rumor was defined by the facts that had come straight from Ollie's lips. "I have half a mind to threaten you with the usual drawl of if you hurt him, I'll have to..." A finger draws across their neck in clear warning, though in reality it was entirely unfair, as if they'd been the one involved in Ollie's life over the past decade and not Monty. "But given this schools current climate-" And their own background. "That feels like an unwise choice of words."
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ollieinoue · 1 year
The Library sometime during the week [ @milonavarroo ]
He popped his gum loudly enough one of the people sitting at the desks in the middle of the library jumped, turning and giving him a glare. Ollie smiled brightly and passed by the desks to look through the rows of books, on the hunt for something interesting to read, rather than something to work on. Only to turn around as he looked down one of the aisles spotting Milo at the end of it. "Hey," he greeted, after popping his gum again and bouncing towards the other man. "Can I talk to you about something?" He asked, and continued on before he actually got an answer. "Can you like not hit my boyfriend in the face again? Like just… Like just don't be an asshole okay? That would be great."
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nixielinghui · 10 months
Who: Claremont Richler. When: May 27th. Where: The Commons.
Nixie always seemed to run at a breakneck pace, brain working a mile a minute and mouth sometimes even faster than that. There was never enough time in the day, never the consideration to slow down and wait for anything. Yet somehow, it seemed only amplified in that moment. At first she'd stared at the smoke like only they could see it, a delusion playing out in their mind, the clamoring around her a bad memory. It's possible that they would have even remained there until it was too late had Leaky not stepped in, startling her and yet somehow failing to fully connect her to the reality of the situation. They slam into Monty just outside the building, jolting back, pale eyes widened in shock. It's the sight of him, the traces of dirt - no, soot, on his features, in his hair, that made it real. "Fire." She states it as if it might come as a shock to him, hands suddenly patting along her face, her hair, her body, searching out flames that were no longer there. "There's-...it's-..." Eyes flickering along the building in confusion, in disbelief.
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snxwflxwers · 2 years
who: @montyrichler when: late afternoon where: library
Sometimes, Jiwon felt overwhelmed by the sounds and colors and shapes around her, a whirlwind of unwanted information that would sweep her up and leave her breathless and confused, a drop of water in the middle of a tempestuous ocean. On those days, she would find herself in the library, sketching away at a tiny sketchbook. Some people would say it's counterproductive to deal with the overstimulation by throwing herself into work, but in Jiwon's mind, it made perfect sense. Her loud headphones drowned out every single sound that threatened to penetrate her little dome of isolation, and her focus on getting the lighting just right would work perfectly to make her ignore everything else.
Of course, there was little that could be done about Jiwon's newfound propensity to accidentally draw horror creatures, something that deeply annoyed her. As she attempted to draw an angel similar to those of Michelangelo, which she would later turn into a metal statue, their expression would turn out either terrified or horribly disfigured. Not at all as angelic as she intended it. A frustrated grumble escaped her lips as she once again erased the facial expression. The thinness of the paper, from the number of times she had erased it, finally caused it to tear, and suddenly it became a lot harder to breathe.
As her anger got more and more intense, bubbling under the surface of her thinly veiled artificial calmness, Jiwon felt a tap on her shoulder. She took out one of the sides of her headphone. "Yeah, yeah, I know, I gotta keep quiet." She whispered, turning to look at the person with an annoyed expression on her face. To her surprise, it was a familiar face. "Ah, it's you." She said, another sigh escaping her lips as she removed her headphones entirely. "What brings you to the library?" Truthfully she was just trying to deflect any questions that might come her way about the current state of her mental health.
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crngefail · 1 year
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“ oh fuck no. ” bobby rushes over to the stalls and smacks whatever monty was holding out of his hand. “ don’t even think about it, ” he warns, then turns to the people behind the stall. “ the fuck are you doing? don’t sell anything to this guy. you know what, i’ll take everything. send me an invoice. ” it all looked like a load of crap anyway. “ she’s not gonna take you back, bro, ” he says, obviously talking about mari. “ so don’t even bother. ” @montyrichler​
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davshinwara · 2 years
who: @montyrichler where: next to the dorms when: night
Dav always felt awkward running into Monty. Their not-so-brief fling always echoed in the back of her mind, a relationship that very clearly wasn't meant to work out. She didn't think about it often, as they actually didn't get that far - but whenever their eyes met across the room, she always wondered if she'd wronged him somehow. And every single time, she'd make a beeline for whatever detour she could find. Except for that specific night, when he was standing just close enough to her dorm building that she could find no workaround that wouldn't end up with her wandering alone at night, which wasn't very safe. So she bit the bullet and approached him, a shy smile on her lips. "Hi!" She tried to sound polite. "I haven't seen you in a while."
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ogdencollegerp · 30 days
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Thanks to THE SOCIAL BUTTERFLY's genoristy and continuing presence at the center of all social circles, all students who were close to THE GOLDEN GIRL (or at least appeared to be and maybe some mistakes) have been invited out to the Hamptons. It's the offseason - so whilst many people are jetting off to ski resorts or warm islands, the beaches are deserted, quiet, and covered in snow.
Perfect to celebrate the end of a year - and most importantly, honor Greer's life, of course.
See below the cut for the roommates everyone will have while on the trip !!!
PLEASE NOTE: Current threads do not have to be paused for the duration of the event, but any starters (both open and closed) should take place during winter break. Please note there will be further plot/date markers from the main throughout the event, as IC it is taking place across a week. As always, feel free to DM the main with any questions or concerns !!!
Robin Morgan
Charlie Fletcher
Henrietta Astor
Sassa Fiske
Freddie Kolbeck
Milo Navarro
Cara Morrison
Logan Iyande
Monty Richler
Ollie Inoue
Minnie Lee
Lola Rhodes
Edward Morrison
Genevieve Upton-Crane
Mari Zuko
Natalia Vega
Nathaniel Shaw
Jesse Hart
Silja Spence
Anya Saetang
Parker Walsh
Rhiannon Falla
Jacqui Velazquez
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morrisxn02 · 8 months
✍︎ @montyrichler
With his spirits rejuvenated by the riveting exercise of representative democracy, Edward walked out of the makeshift voting cabinet with a ballot in his hands and a dream in his heart: to see his homecoming court candidates elected, combining their strengths in a joint effort to make Ogden College great again. And, as he was about to cast his vote – the weight of modern democracy safeguarded by the little padlock that kept the ballot drop-box closed – he spotted Monty coming over to do the same. In the little distance that separated them, Edward could finally see his long, lustrous mane more clearly – something he had only glimpsed at in passing over the last couple of weeks whenever he saw Monty walking around campus – along with the beard he had been growing out, both combining into a sort casual look that really suited him. To Eddie, this was the kind of styling that only people with something he dubbed a "cool guy vibe" could pull off, which was genuinely the kind of guy he saw Monty as. “Hey.” His face lit up with a smile, and his eyebrows raised, head tilting upwards in a greeting as Monty approached. "Thought I was going to see your name on the ballot this year." He chortled, not entirely sure that Monty was the type of guy that put his name down for the homecoming court race, but (inadvertently) assuming he might have done it just so he and Ollie could be crowned together.
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milonavarroo · 8 months
Location: The Sports Buildings Time: Early in the morning Who: @montyrichler
"You're late," Milo pointed out as he spotted Monty wandering into the locker rooms looking like he had absolutely no business in here. He was hardly late, but there were already members of the Tennis team in the locker rooms excited to get back onto their home court, then he thought the team's equipment manager should have been here long before that. "I don't want to have to make you run laps on your first official day, Richler," he said in a way that very much indicated he would like to do that. "Grab a locker, change your clothes, and I'll show you the equipment storage. Hustle. I have more important things to do than catch you up on your duties."
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freddiekolbeck · 3 days
setting: evening of the text, in the bedrooms corridor. @montyrichler
today marks day 1 of his new-found determination to not end up at the bottom of a pond. this time, it really feels different. he's ready to put the work in. however, since the powers that be have impeccable timing, a certain text comes to test his resolve. several hours have passed and the effects of his daily dosage has worn off. a tightly wound ball of aggravation, he rushes upstairs. then, freddie locks eyes with monty, as if he's finally found his target. “richler, we need to talk.” he’s pretty sure logan will be in his room, so: “which one’s your room?”
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carmenhearst · 1 year
Who: Claremont Richler. When: Saturday, May 6th - Sunday, May 7th. Where: The Rave.
Once the realization struck that more of the student body was there outside of her and Jesse, Carmen had begun seeking out familiar faces, Monty's in particular one she was hoping to see even if she refused to admit as much to herself. It was selfish and unfair, but she couldn't stop herself — the same way she'd been unable to stop fidgeting for most of the evening, the anxiety coursing through her having all but inked her fingers red in their restlessness. In any other situation he might be hard to miss, the gold pants a sight sure to catch attention but here? Here he blended with the attire that others adorned, pieces that wouldn't tend to be spotted in the classroom or on campus at all lest it was students wandering back from their weekend celebrations. It's hard not to allow her focus to drift there, to smile, mind distracted if only for a brief second by the fabric. "You look...lustrous." She decided after a moment, the only word she could find that felt suitable. "Like Ogden's personal trophy."
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ironlvngs · 9 months
— 𝗰𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗿.
where: rumi cafe, near the counter who: @montyrichler
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if only his 'trying to be a better person' streak lasted a little longer, then maybe monty would have been left alone. though his 'redeemed martyr' act was genuine at some point during this summer, by the end of it, it turned into just that — an act. he gave being a decent person a shot, he can continue putting on a show while he goes back to his regular, result-yielding self. even looking at monty from afar, he was still wondering how to approach this, how he wanted to toy with him. so, he starts simple, and approaches the counter to grab his drink, which just so happens to be next to where monty was at.
"hey, richler." link gives him a grin, as though everything was cool between them. "how was your summer? heard you went on a road trip."
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ogden-narrator · 1 year
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G made it clear they dealt with secrets. Secrets that only Greer had been aware of - other than the person they were blackmailing them with, that is. But just because THE GOLDEN GIRL is gone, doesn't mean secrets are safe. As MONTY RICHLER is about to find out....
Text sent to @montyrichler -
g: such a burden, when people decide to spill their deepest, darkest secrets to you, isn't it ?? g: well, imagine how i feel !! g: i need to get some of that weight off my shoulders. and since i'm sure you can relate, you can help me choose how. g: who should i expose, monty ?? link or milo ?? g: you have 24 hours xx g: and if you don't make a decision...it'll be yours
OOC; welcome to a new series of narrator prompts. while these are directed at the character who is tagged, and it is their decision how to react to it, please note that other characters can witness them reacting if discussed with the mun. the information the character discovers if they complete the prompt will be submitted to them. please incorporate their reactions & discoveries into either a self-para or thread(s) !!!
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