deliciousfear · 2 years
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"I'm going into town to pick up a few things, do you want me to get you anything?” Penny asks quietly, shyly hovering by the doorway. He didn’t really need anything, but he needed some fresh air. It was starting to feel like the walls of this place were closing in on him. 
@montanamiracle​ // closed.
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sculless · 2 years
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@montanamiracle​ asked:     ❛  it’s not that i’m horny all the time. it’s just that you’re always sexy.  ❜
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     “one, yes you are. and two, tell me something i don’t know.”
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bourbonlaced · 3 years
Continued from here.  @montanamiracle​
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“Don’t apologize, you have nothing to be sorry for. It’s not your fault, Gwen.” Damon pushed himself to his feet as she left the couch, “I’m sorry that you don’t think you’re worth more than your shitty relationship.” He was tiptoeing the line of overstepping and he knew that. “You can come here whenever you need to, I just,” he paused, tilting his head slightly to make eye contact with the brunette, “I don’t like seeing you upset. Why don’t you just leave him?” 
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shotones-archive · 4 years
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                                 @montanamiracle​​   ||| :   cont.
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“I’m sorry!”
Instantly hands went up, practically scampering away from him.  It was unbelievably stupid of her to try to grab him, no matter how badly she wanted to comfort and help him.  The amount of hell he’d been put through over the years was enough to break even the strongest of souls.  Maybe once long ago he would have confided in her touch, even though she’d only known him for a short while, but she couldn’t imagine the war going on in his brain and the last thing she wanted to do was contribute to that.
“I’m sorry,” Gwen whispered one more time as she quietly watched him, her heart aching as he trembled, but she continued to slightly stay in her spot, letting him work through it.  She wouldn’t leave him, of course she wouldn’t leave him, and whatever he needed when the battle calmed- comfort, words, silence, normalcy- she’d give it.  But for now she just stayed quiet, praying that soon he’d find peace.
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he’s quick to rise to his feet      when he notices her hand reaching for him, stumbling back a step from the rush to get away, eyes wild with panic and hostility, determined to fight if he has to, to protect himself. he’s trembling like a lone leaf against a strong wind — a dried leaf, that is ready to crumble at the slightest touch, while he’s looking towards her. though while his eyes are directed right at her, it’s as if he’s looking straight through her, his mind seeming to be elsewhere; drawn back to a time where someone trying to grab him meant nothing good. 
times of which there has been too many to count...
lucius vividly remembers the sensation of hands locked tight around his arms, his neck — the nails digging into his skin, fingers grabbing his hair and shoving his head underwater, holding him there... water filling his lungs, the magic in his veins forcing it back out again and keeping him alive, only for the water to fill his lungs all over again... and again, and again... constantly drowning, unable to draw a breath, yet never dying. the memory so strong that it feels like he’s there all over again.
then comes her apology, quiet and soft, which causes mild confusion to arise on his features; her words not corresponding with what his mind is trying to convince him; that he’s in danger, that he has to fight, to get away. it’s as if he’s got one foot in the present and one in the past; his mind showing him flashes of a terrifying and painful past, yet his eyes showing him a harmless present, where gwen has backed off and is apologizing, and he’s not quite sure which to trust; his eyes, or his mind.
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blinking a couple times, eyes glassy and breath labored, it feels like there’s not enough air, causing him to take a deep, shaky breath. his gaze carefully drifts from her to look around the room, taking in the fact that there’s still no one else here. just him and her. 
he’s safe.
yet he struggles to BELIEVE it.
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storieswrittcnarch · 3 years
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@montanamiracle​ sent " i don't hate you. god, i could never hate you... " (For Malcolm)​
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It’s a relief to hear that she doesn’t hate him - if it were him, he would certainly hate himself (not that he doesn’t already for what he’s done). While she doesn’t know what he’s done, he has been acting STRANGE. Off. She must have noticed it and he REFUSES to talk about it - which is why he said he’d understood if one day she turned out to hate him because he’s being so SECRETIVE.
“Good...goood, I’m glad you don’t hate me. I just - I can’t tell you what happened, alright? It’s got nothing to do with you and I just can’t talk about it yet, I’m sorry.” Make it sound like a trauma thing and not what it really is, Malcolm. Then again, the entire thing had been traumatic either way so it’s not exactly a lie.
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tobeblamed · 4 years
@montanamiracle​    /   cont .
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     it was not cowardice  —  it was a strategy .  it was what kept trying to tell himself with every choice he made as they trudged through the strange forest .  he began walking towards the direction that they both agreed to take on as his eyes didn’t cease to wander in their surroundings .       ‘  god , i hate nature .  ’         he grumbled but immediately forced his mind to prioritize their plan .       ‘  alright  —  we need to find that damn stone before it gets dark .  let’s just go over what that epigraph said :   it was something something ...  where the water is a deadly force .   ’       he kept replaying it in his head until the answer finally struck him .      ‘  —   a waterfall , maybe ?  ’
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pcsitivibee · 3 years
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positivity for montanamiracle : This is for @montanamiracle. I just want you to know that you are doing an amazing job running your blog. You make my muses feel safe and loved, whether they deserve it or not. Your blog is amazing and I am so glad we are mutuals 💗
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arc-sunsymbols · 3 years
@montanamiracle​ cont.
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       “I’m fine and I’m not the one with a head injury here.” At the very least, Sam was better off than her which meant it was his duty to stress over every detail (a logic he had learned from his brother). “No concussion, right?” A glance was spared behind him, making sure the lone window into the cabin was bare of any visitors before shining the light from his phone into her eyes, assuring her pupils dilated correctly. His battery was low, but that hardly mattered in a place where there was no connection to begin with; they’d have to get to a main road before calling for any backup and more imperative than that, they had to find a way to navigate through the woods while being stalked, hunted by an unseen predator. “We can just — we’re just gonna sit here for a bit. Maybe there’s a map laying around? Or .  .  . a first aid kit.”
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bloodxbrother · 4 years
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                              A gift from the universe in the form of @montanamiracle​  !                                                             ✍   |   Send  ✍   for a horrible drawing on MS Paint 
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musesinked · 4 years
@montanamiracle​ meme continued from here
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.Dean had been in this business long enough to toughen to the fact that not everyone could be saved, it was a harsh reality but it’s one people like them had to live with everyday. “Gwen you know as well as I do, we can’t protect everyone. We do what we can and yeah sometimes that ain’t enough and it sucks, but that’s how it goes. We ain’t no Clarke Kent, we are humans and as humans, there’s only so much we can physically do. You did your best and that’s enough.”
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helltainted · 4 years
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@montanamiracle​ said: ❝ I thought you were dead. ❞ 
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       No words came out at first. Instead a soft groan and a sigh escaped as he limped his way over. “It happens.” He mumbled, sitting down carefully. He was bruised and bloody. A standard look for Dean Winchester. Still, it didn’t stop him from feeling like absolute shit. “I’m tougher than I look I guess.” He added, hissing as he clenched his bloody fists. The skin stretched and split, causing more blood to ooze for a moment. 
      “I’ll live.” He mumbled as his eyes moved to meet hers. He could sense the worry but shrugged it off. “Promise. ...I’m good.”  
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deliciousfear · 4 years
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Send 💋 to kiss my muse! 
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Penny was getting close to a rant about how the kids needed to learn, to protect themselves. Not just from monsters, but humans. That he wouldn’t always be there, it was clear to him now that he was being an idiot. Thinking they were untouchable, that people would be better at realizing he was not the threat, he was different but not a monster. They didn’t care though, they would never care, monsters, humans. Who the hell could tell teh difference anymore? 
Thankfully he didn't get too far in before Gwen, brought him back to reality. Not allowing to spiral in his dark headspace that he was trying to get rid of. Hating who he was becoming since he was helped captive. He wanted to go back to be blindly trusting, where the world was never too scary to him because he believed people were better. 
With her lips on him, he sighs through his nose. Relaxing as his hands come up to rest on her arms, as he leans forward to press back into the kiss. Needing it.
@montanamiracle​ // closed.
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sculless · 3 years
“Weirdest place you’ve had sex?”
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          “on top of a slide on a playground.”
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fidelissimi-a · 4 years
Happiest Happy Birthday to You!!!!!!!!! Have a wonderful spectacular day!!!! Eat lots of cake!!! 💜💜
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thank you thank you!!   i think my dad is making me some brownies for my birthday, which i’m stoked about!!
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shotones-archive · 4 years
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                                 @montanamiracle​​   ||| :    cont.
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“The cases filled with green paper aren’t giving you any sort of hints?  Did you not eat your Lucky Charms for breakfast this morning?  It’s money.  Lots and lots of money- enough to cover your entire debt.  You’re fucking welcome.”
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❛❛   no, i can see that,   ❜❜      michael retorted, completely baffled, eyes wide with a mixture of surprise and disbelief as he looks from the money up at her. this amount of cash would be able to pay off his debt and then some.      ❛❛   i mean how did you even get this? and why are you givin’ it to me? you know i can’t pay you back...   ❜❜
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buggeredson · 4 years
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Hit me with a ♥️ and we’ll guess kinks!
@montanamiracle​​​​​​​​​​  :   ♥️
“No offense, darling, but hunters are so painfully easy to read: you’re so bogged down in the hit in your real life that in your bedroom life you would like nothing more than to be able to submit to a partner. Trust them to have your best interests at heart, et cetera.
“The problem with YOU is, you don’t have that. No trustworthy time-and-again sort of partner to bring to bed, and so what happens? One-night stand after one-night stand, boring the shit out of you with their lack of originality. You crave spontaneity and adventure and there isn’t a stranger out there who can surprise you any more; you always expect it of them. So you slink around with barbs on your tongue waiting to meet another hunter and have little shotgun babies.
“With all that said, you’re very forthright in bed and don’t mind telling your partner what to do to please you. At first you weren’t quite so helpful with things, but the longer you’ve hunted, the less you’ve cared about being polite over getting what you want. You like biting and should try spanking. You’re welcome.”
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