750 posts
this is a independent, private and highly selective MULTIMUSE roleplay blog ft. various CANON MUSES & OC MUSES low activity ❝ i've been through hell and back. believe me, i've got every reason to fight. ❞ loved by GINNY. est: 04/23/18 revamped: 11/8/20
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
maderesilient · 3 years ago
hello! first of all, i’d like to apologize for the lack of activity on this blog! i haven’t been in a very good place mentally lately and writing has just been… well, a real struggle. however, i’m slowly trying to get back into roleplaying again and have made a small & simple indie 1x1 roleplay blog that’s gotham based as well as a 80′s rp blog for things in the meantime (though i hope to return to this blog very soon!). please let me know if you’re interested and i’d happily link you to it! 
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maderesilient · 3 years ago
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❝until you pull undercover duty,             don’t lecture me on how long i’ve been under,                                              'cause you have no idea what it’s like.❞
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maderesilient · 3 years ago
hello! first of all, i’d like to apologize for the lack of activity on this blog! i haven’t been in a very good place mentally lately and writing has just been… well, a real struggle. however, i’m slowly trying to get back into roleplaying again and have made a small & simple indie 1x1 roleplay blog that’s gotham based for current interests and things in the meantime (though i hope to return to this blog very soon!). please let me know if you’re interested and i’d happily link you to it! 
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maderesilient · 3 years ago
hello! first of all, i’d like to apologize for the lack of activity on this blog! i haven’t been in a very good place mentally lately and writing has just been… well, a real struggle. however, i’m slowly trying to get back into roleplaying again and have made a small & simple indie 1x1 roleplay blog that’s gotham based for current interests and things in the meantime (though i hope to return to this blog very soon!). please let me know if you’re interested and i’d happily link you to it! 
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maderesilient · 3 years ago
hello! first of all, i’d like to apologize for the lack of activity on this blog! i haven’t been in a very good place mentally lately and writing has just been... well, a real struggle. however, i’m slowly trying to get back into roleplaying again and have made a small & simple indie 1x1 roleplay blog that’s gotham based for current interests and things in the meantime (though i hope to return to this blog very soon!). please let me know if you’re interested and i’d happily link you to it! 
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maderesilient · 3 years ago
i’m still here, and slowly trying to get back into writing again!
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maderesilient · 3 years ago
prompts for specific scenarios that make me chef’s kiss 
can be used as starter or plotting prompts! 
1) one muse putting their hand over the other’s mouth while they have sex.
2) our muses with unspoken feelings forced to share a bed and end up cuddling. 
3) our muses have unspoken feelings but one of them is upset so the other holds them.
4) our muses have a very strong bond, but haven’t admitted to romantic feelings and one of them just comes and cuddles up to the other for comfort. 
5) sender is in a vulnerable state and the only person they trust is receiver,  who approaches them to try and help. 
6) receiver is in a vulnerable state and the only person they trust is sender,  who approaches them to try and help. 
7) our muses shower together after something traumatic for comfort and emotional intimacy, bonus points if they aren’t even together romantically yet. 
8) receiver’s muse kills someone to protect sender’s muse.  sender approaches to gently calm them down.
9) sender’s muse kills someone to protect receiver’s muse. receiver approaches to gently calm them down.
10) one muse has been brainwashed and the other one refuses to hurt them,  trying to bring them back with a gentle touch. 
11) muses who aren’t together yet or simply have a gruff/sof dynamic: sender’s muse is upset and receiver’s sits next to them,  leading to sender leaning against them and finally breaking down. 
12) muses who aren’t together yet or simply have a gruff/sof dynamic: receiver’s muse is upset and sender’s sits next to them,  leading to receiver leaning against them and finally breaking down. 
13) one muse is sporting injuries,  the other takes a hold of their face and demands to know who did it so they can take revenge. 
14) our muses aren’t together yet but one of them asks the other to stay the night so they won’t be alone. 
15) our muses aren’t together yet but one of them insists on staying the night so they won’t be alone. bonus points if its to protect them. 
16) gruff muse is being grumpy and the other one just crawls into their lap and kisses them. 
17) softer muse makes the first move for sex and rides or tops the gruffer one who looks at them like they just found god. 
18) one muse has just killed for the first time and the other more experienced muse is there to help them in the aftermath. 
19) one muse is dangerous and has a soft spot for the other one, who approaches them to prevent them from hurting someone. 
20) receivers muse is touch starved and sender gives them affection they aren’t used to. 
21) sender’s muse is touch starved and receiver gives them affection they aren’t used to. 
22) receiver’s muse is the first person sender’s muse turns to and hugs after something traumatic happens. 
23) sender’s muse is first person receiver’s muse turns to and hugs after something traumatic happens. 
24) one muse shows up at the other’s doorstep looking for comfort.
25) one muse shows up at the other’s doorstep because they need help and are in danger. 
26) one muse thinks the other is going to hurt them but instead they protect them. 
27) dangerous or antagonistic muse gently caresses the other’s face who is surprised by their affection. 
28) one muse is in danger and the other, who is usually antagonistic, shows up to help them. 
29) dangerous or antagonistic muse is gently caressed by the other,  surprising them with affection they aren’t accustomed to. 
30) one muse sees the other’s scars for the first time. 
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maderesilient · 3 years ago
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spike + season 4
I’ve hired myself out as an attraction. Sideshow freak?
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maderesilient · 3 years ago
for when a character is struggling + sentence starters
“ your mistakes don't define you. “
“ what makes you think you're alone? “
“ i am alone. “
“ you're not alone. “
“ i just don't know how i'm going to pull myself out it. “
“ i don't know how to talk to you. “
“ i don't really feel like talking about it. “
“ i just really need a hug. “
“ i feel like i'm dying. “
“ i can't do this anymore. “
“ everybody makes mistakes, okay? it's how you choose to deal with them that matters. “
“ i'm not okay. “
“ you'll be okay. “
“ are you scared? “ “ of course i'm scared. “
“ i mean, it's my own fault. “
“ quit screwing around, all right? you screwed up. deal with it. “
“ look, the best thing you can do right now, is to own up your mistakes, and take responsibility for them. “
“ yes, you screwed up, but let it be a lesson, not a curse. “
“ what's the worst thing that could happen? i mean yeah, you'll probably get yelled at, but it's not like she's going to kill you. “ “ not helping. “
“ please, don't... “
“ i thought that i could do this on my own, but i can't. i just convinced myself that i could because i didn't have any other choice. i had to do it on my own. “
“ my head is a mess. “
“ it's been a long time since i've felt this bad. “
“ you're going to be okay, okay? “
“ no, you're not going to go through this alone. “
“ you know what the worst part is? that i can't even be there for my family. “
“ listen to me. i'm here for you, okay? “
“ it's just another mountain to conquer. “
“ you know what? i'm not even surprised. “
“ my life is a soap-opera at this point. “
“ of course this happened. “
“ don't worry, i'm used to it by now. “
“ look, it's going to be a couple of rough days, maybe even weeks. but you'll get through it. just like you always have. “
“ you're the strongest person i know. “
“ if anybody is going to get through this, it's you. “
“ i think right now, all i need to do is convince myself that it's going to be okay. “
“ i can't help but feel like i'm victimizing myself. “
“ take some time off, okay? “
“ look, you need a break. okay? “
“ is it really such a surprise that you'd eventually succumb to the pressure? you've pushed yourself to the limit for god knows how many years. “
“ you were not made
“ deal with the consequences of your actions, and then promise to do better. “
“ you know, if anything, this was a real eye-opener. “
“ i don't want to paint myself out to be the victim. “
“ i don't remember the last time i slept. “
“ sleep deprivation and mental health issues doesn't really go hand in hand. you were going to snap eventually. “
“ listen, whatever it is, we'll get through it. “
“ i can't deal with it by myself anymore. “
“ i can't do this alone anymore, but it's not like i have anywhere else to turn. “
“ i think what i really need right now, is a hug. “
“ i don't need to talk it out, okay? i think it's just more about... losing myself in someone's arms. you know, for once, just... share my pain with someone. because i've been dealing with it alone for the past ten years, and i can't do it anymore. “
“ it's just another mountain to conquer. and i will, eventually. “
“ i feel stupid, okay? and that's even worse. because this mistake was completely avoidable. “
“ it's not an excuse, okay? it's just... there's a lot going on right now. “
“ i don't even remember the last time i got more than six hours of sleep. let alone seven. “
“ are you sure you're ready? “ “ nope. but it's better to just get it over with. “
“ stop. beating. yourself. up. you're doing the best you can. “
everybody look away from the typos and grammar mistakes thank u
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maderesilient · 3 years ago
Are you a top or bottom?
I’m an experience
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maderesilient · 3 years ago
if u ship ur muse with my muse
because i might also ship it
but i would be sitting there like
welp, i would do this, but i don’t know if they like it
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maderesilient · 3 years ago
send me a ✐ for a random sentence starter from my muse (1-1500) — tw: profanity, mild nsfw, long list
generator here quotes compiled from here inspired by
feel free to change to fit your preferences as need.
Keep reading
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maderesilient · 3 years ago
Send 🎧 and I'll write a starter based on the last song I've listened to.
Be it its title, favorite lyrics or content.
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maderesilient · 3 years ago
*    TYPES   OF   HUGS .
bc  im  feeling  soft  tdy  yall  …  i   dont  know  dont  question  it
[ HELLO ] for a hug after a long time apart.
[ GOODBYE ] for a hug before one muse leaves.
[ YAWN ] for an early morning half-awake hug.
[ SORRY ] for a hug that precedes an apology.
[ MISSED YOU ] for a reconciliation hug.
[ OH MY GOD ] for a hug in response to one muse learning that the other’s still alive.
[ MOVIE ] for a lazy cuddle in front of the tv.
[ RECKLESS ] for an adrenaline-filled hug during or after an adventure.
[ SHH ] for a hug to hide faces/avoid suspicion.
[ DON’T GO ] for a hug that tries to persuade one muse to stay.
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maderesilient · 3 years ago
“  let’s go home.  ” “  um,  excuse me?  ” “  you broke it.  ” “  need a hand?  ” “  please,  help me.  ” “  i missed you.  ” “  i’m not sorry.  ” “  tell the truth.  ” “  what happened here?  ” “  got a minute?  ” “  life’s a bitch.  ” “  you’ve done enough.  ” “  i’m still learning.  ” “  don’t touch me.  ” “  was that you?  ” “  there’s no god.  ” “  you deserve better.  ” “  you’re a saint.  ” “  you are enough.  ” “  maybe you’re right.  ” “  this will pass.  ” “  you complete me.  ” “  you got this.  ”
“  don’t be so dramatic.  ” “  no guts,  no glory.  ” “  i’m calling for help.  ” “  run away with me.  ” “  it’s always been you.  ” “  some things take time.  ” “  you’re being awfully quiet.  ” “  please don’t hurt me.  ” “  snap out of it.  ” “  did you miss me?  ” “  how do i look?  ” “  i wanna get better.  ” “  whatever floats your boat.  ” “  i’ll love you always.  ” “  what are you waiting for?  ” “  at least i tried.  ” “  give me a kiss.  ” “  what’s the fucking point?  ” “  god,  i love you.  ” “  i’m doing my best.  ” “  i waited for you.  ” “  you woke me up.  ” “  stay with me tonight.  ”
“  you can’t keep doing this.  ” “  i think i love you  …  ” “  you make me feel special.  ” “  are you upset with me?  ” “  you need to heal first.  ” “  let me see the wound.  ” “  is your brain even on?  ” “  don’t give up on me.  ” “  you are perfect to me.  ” “  i can’t take this anymore.  ” “  you are my favorite person.  ” “  you had me at  ‘  hello.  ’   ” “  i wanted to see you.  ” “  don’t give me that look.  ” “  you’re a work of art.  ” “  i’m not scared of you.  ” “  i have  …  so many questions.  ”  “  do you think i’m stupid?  ” “  just tell me what happened.  ” “  i just want to help.  ” “  we need to be careful.  ” “  what did you just say?  ” “  i miss talking to you.  ”
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maderesilient · 3 years ago
protective prompts
feel free to adjust as needed!
PROTECTING: “  are you sure you’re okay?  ” “  i’m not letting you go alone.  ” “  let me help.  ” “  say the word and i’ll be there.  ” “  i know you can handle it yourself, but it doesn’t mean you should have to do this on your own.  ” “  i’ll stay the night.  ” “  get some rest.  ” “  ssh, go back to sleep.  ” “  i’m worried about you.  ” “  i’m not going anywhere. not as long as you’re in danger.  ” “  i won’t let anyone hurt you.  ” “  i won’t let that happen.  ” “  look at me. you’re gonna be okay.  ” “  what can i do?  ” “  i’ll be right here with you the whole time.  ” “  who did this to you?  ” “  i can tell you’re upset, talk to me.  ” “  i’m not letting them get away with this.  ” “  i’ll get you out of this. trust me.  ” “  i know you don’t need my help. but i’m offering it anyway.  ” “  you’re shaking like a leaf— what’s wrong?  ” “  what happened?  ” “  i’m gonna fucking kill them.  ” “  i won’t let anyone hurt you again. not ever.  ”   “  if anything happened to you…  ” “  i need you in my life. so please, let me do what i need to to make it safe.  ”   “  i can’t lose you.  ”   PROTECTED: “  have you been waiting up this whole time?  ” “  how long have you been here?  ” “  i’ll be okay. i promise.  ” “  will you stay with me?  ” “  please don’t go.  ” “  i feel safer when you’re here.  ” “  thank you for making me feel safe.  ” “  i trust you.  ” “  why are you helping me?  ” “  is it over now?  ” “  you don’t have to do this, ya’ know.  ” “  i can take care of myself.  ” “  you don’t have to worry so much.  ” “  i don’t want you to get hurt either.  ” “  i can’t bear the thought of you putting yourself in danger for me.  ”   “  you’re bleeding!  ” “  thank you, but i’ll be alright.  ”    “  please don’t get hurt. not because of me.  ” ACTIONS: 1. for one muse to wake up after sustaining an injury and find the other at the side of their bed 2. for one muse to hold the other after a nightmare 3. for one muse to step between the other and someone who intends to do them harm 4. for one muse to push the other out of harm’s way 5. for one muse to get hurt protecting the other 6. for one muse to fall asleep next to the other muse who is keeping watch 7. for one muse to rescue the other 8. for one muse to get caught hiding an injury sustained while protecting them 9. for one muse to react to the other hiding an injury 10. for one muse to take care of the other while they’re sick/injured 11. for one muse to kiss the other’s scar 12. for one muse to treat an injury the other sustained while protecting them 13. for one muse to kill to protect the other 14. for one muse to get killed while protecting the other 15. for one muse to fall asleep in the hospital bed with the other 
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maderesilient · 3 years ago
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