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elrincondelescritornovato 4 years ago
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M.R. James (Montague Rhodes James), fue profedsor y luego rector en The King's college, Cambrige; medievalista, anticuario, adem谩s con dotes actorales que se notaron en reuniones con sus amigos al leerles sus nuevas historias de fantasmas. Fue un acad茅mico notable, pero es mejor recordado por su historias de fantasmas, las cuales fueron material inspirativo para producciones televisivas, de las cuales se llegaron a hacer muchas adaptaciones. El es el autor del relato "El fresno" de la selecci贸n de David G. Hartwell en "The Dark Descent", conocido en latinoam茅rica como "El Gran Libro del Terror" de Ediciones Mart铆nez Roca, S.A.; he aqu铆 algunos enlaces de inter茅s: http://www.nunkie.co.uk/about-mr-james ; https://librosdecibola.wordpress.com/2018/08/01/resena-m-r-james-cuentos-de-fantasmas-siruela/ ; https://papelenblanco.com/cuentos-de-fantasmas-de-m-r-james-9fa9d5f6cf65 ; https://www.historic-uk.com/CultureUK/Ghost-Stories-of-M-R-James/ ; https://www.epdlp.com/escritor.php?id=8216 ; https://literature.fandom.com/wiki/M.R._James ; https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2995925.M_R_James; https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0416721/ ; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M._R._James ; . . . . . #elrinc贸ndelescritornovato #elrincondelescritornovato #mrjames #montaguerhodesjames #escritoresdeterror #escritoresbrit谩nicos #escritoresbritanicos #escritoresderelatos #medievalistas #mediaevalist #eruditos #escritores #megustaescribir #escribohistorias #escribomilibro #pasi贸nporlalectura #pasi贸nporlaescritura #pasi贸nporleer #pasi贸nporescribir #pasionporlalectura #pasionporlaescritura #pasionporleer #pasionporescribir #elescritornovato #escritoraficionado #escritornovato #devenezuela #narradornovato #narradoraficionado #soyunnarradornovato (en Venezuela, Maracay, Edo Aragua) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMhf6BWFAEd/?igshid=1go5kq0yfjedc
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#letturealmare 馃寠 Ho letto ieri questo piccolo libricino che racchiude due racconti: #lacasadellebamboleinfestataelamezzatinta di #montaguerhodesjames L'editore ha riunito proprio questi due racconti per metterli a confronto perch茅 all'uscita delle opere, il pubblico aveva notato una certa somiglianza tra le due storie. La somiglianza in effetti c'猫 ma ci sono anche molte differenze. Entrambi i racconti parlano di oggetti che si animano per raccontare un delitto del passato, gli oggetti in questione sono una #casadellebambole e una #mezzatinta cio猫 un quadro. Le trame ve le metto nel dettaglio nella recensione sul blog (uscir脿 a breve). Ora, pro e contro dei libri: 馃憤馃徎 Il libro 猫 breve e si legge in poco tempo. 馃憤馃徎 La grafica 猫 curata molto bene, le pagine hanno un effetto anticato e diverse sono le illustrazioni all'interno del libro. 馃憤馃徎 I due racconti sono affascinanti, soprattutto per questi oggetti che raccontano una storia. #instalibri #libriconsigliati #libribrevi #giudilibri #librodiracconti #librimania #libriovunque #giugnoinpillole #antrodilibri #junefullofbooks #libriamoci1 #lacasadicarl #trovandopillolelibrose #amicandito #lettureimbranate #lettureconsigliate #letturedelgiorno #letturealmare #libriperlestate https://www.instagram.com/p/CB2dJmUHQg-/?igshid=17t589ckajj7x
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aniketosomina 6 years ago
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A small pilgrimage, of sorts, to Great Livermere, childhood home of the great ghost story writer, Montague Rhodes James, and the inspiration for two of his most unnerving tales, The Ash Tree and A Vignette. The rectory where he lived is now confusingly called Livermere Hall (the original Livermere Hall, a short distance away, was demolished in 1923) and is used for accommodation during shooting weekends; a fair amount of to-ings and fro-ings in front of the house with cars coming and going made me a little shy of venturing up the drive, so I settled for a glimpse over the wall through the thick summer foliage instead. The path past the rectory curves off and leads through the park gates of the old Livermere Hall. This was the inspiration for Castringham Hall in The Ash Tree, a tale of witchcraft and vengeance, of Mrs Mothersole and her creeping brood of freakishly large arachnids. The only thing surviving from the old Hall now is the garden wall, with a door that put me in mind of Monty's retelling in A Vignette of how, as a boy, he once saw a malevolent face staring fixedly at him through a "close gate of split oak with a square hole cut in to it", with eyes that were "large and open and fixed... it undoubtedly has had some formidable power of clinging through many years to my imagination. I feel that even now I should be circumspect in passing that Plantation gate." And of course St Peter's church, where Monty's father was rector, with its commemorative plaque and its many Mothersole family gravestones. Great Livermere is reputedly one of the most haunted parishes in England; on a gusty overcast day with intermittent squalls of rain that plunged the sky into near-darkness and deepened the shadows in the churchyard, I can believe it. #greatlivermere #mrjames #montaguerhodesjames #livermerehall #castringhamhall #theashtree #avignette #ghoststories #suffolk #villagechurch #churchyard #vanishedestates #lostcountryhouses #topography #psychogeography #hauntings #folklore #suffolk #thedoorinthewall #eastanglia #hauntedengland #wheretheveilisthin #summer2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B27C2wKHAj8/?igshid=1kdqi2oar49zv
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aniketosomina 6 years ago
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In the footsteps of Benjamin Britten and MR James: a walk round Aldeburgh and a visit to the Red House, the home Britten shared with his partner, the tenor Peter Pears, for the last twenty years of his life. It is a town saturated with the strangeness, mystery and elemental danger of the sea; it was all too easy to imagine the frantic flight of the foolhardy archaeologist Paxton along the shingle from the Bear Inn (the White Lion, now a hotel) to the Martello tower where he met his gruesome and lonely end in one of James's greatest stories, A Warning to the Curious (memorably filmed in 1972 by Lawrence Gordon Clark, but filmed, strangely, in Norfolk). Britten's Red House felt, by contrast, a place of safety, a peaceful art and book-lined sanctuary (the likes of Arthur Machen, Denton Welch and Walter de la Mare occupy the shelves), a light-filled house still tinged with the warmth and cheer of Britten's many friends and visitors (there was sadness too: the upstairs bedroom in which he died was especially moving). I liked the shelves of knick-knacks and postcards, art that ran the gamut from from the kitsch to the darkly sublime, and the carefully preserved traces of domesticity as well as musical inspiration. At the end of our trip I couldn't resist: we went back down to the beach and I stood, with Maggi Hambling's Scallop at my back, facing out to the North Sea, into the teeth of the wind, and listened to Britten's Sea Interludes (visions of Dunwich and church bells submerged beneath the waves, the weightless skimming of a gull along the surface of the waters, defying the buffeting winds and the fierce current that drags men and boats under, the sun fighting to break through the blanket of grey cloud, shades of Paxton, Peter Grimes, Billy Budd, Gustav von Aschenbach...) It was some moment. #mrjames #montaguerhodesjames #awarningtothecurious #aldeburgh #seaburgh #martellotower #aldeburghbeach #ghoststories #buriedcrown #threecrownsofeastanglia #benjaminbritten #theredhouse #peterpears #johnpiper #maggihambling #scallop #aldeburghbookshop #seainterludes #petergrimes #dunwich #sunkenchurches #drownedbells #theseathesea #thalattathalatta https://www.instagram.com/p/B1W7qfegIyh/?igshid=yhgcbi9h9jph
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