bisnero · 5 years
“grip” but hit me with that sexual tension.
Send “grip” to grip my muse’s jaw in your muse’s handRomantic, platonic or threatening it is up to you!
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Eli had to be high. That or he thought his bluff was worthRafael’s WRATH. Still, the gangster smirks as he leans intothe hold. When the guy had grown a pair was beyond himbut when that hand begins to tug him DOWN, he follows.
And soon he’s on his knees, in front of grimy denim and a partiallyunzipped fly. He’d look up at the gringito’s eyes, daring himto speak up, to tell him to SUCK HIS COCK like a real man.
Would he go through with it or would he lose whatever nervehe had? 
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operaticflair · 6 years
It wasn't unusual to have fans become admirers, even a small handful of stalkers. The legal team that kept Gideon Berkowitz safe threw restraining orders when they needed to, but they thankfully hadn't needed to very often. But something was happening. There was a man, frequently with bruises, but that wasn't what always caught his eye, those eyes, piercing and blue, and they were always watching him. At first, it was a little odd, but nothing really got his gut, made him think it was anything but random chance. Even in a city this big, people could run into people. 
But then it wasn't just random chance. Then, Gideon was sure he was being followed. He wanted to make sure---absolutely certain---that he was indeed being followed before reporting it to his lawyers, or the police, so he kept an eye out. And one day, there he was, across the street. He's taking wide strides, the light's about to turn in his favor, and he storms across the street, right towards him. The man comes straight for him, too, pushes him out of the way, and all he hears is the colossal thud as a car hits the man.
Had his stalker had just saved his life? 
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"Ach, gott! Why did y--" he's scrambling over to the man, hand on the side of his face, "Don't move, please, you could be very hurt, ja?" His phone's out, dialing 911 and giving their information. "W-why were you following me? Why did you l-let yourself g-get hit like t'hat?" and frankly, as rattled as he is, the other man is lucky he hasn't slipped completely into his native language.
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highrollr-blog1 · 7 years
CLEAR EYES ARE SCANNING THE CROWD  while she leaves a lipstick stain behind on the glass in her hands.  she knows she should hate being back in this atmosphere , for the only reason she had the time to be here now was because she was no longer a cop.  and yet , she doesn’t.  actually , it’s far from it.  in fact , she’s found herself thriving on it.  the six inch heels and bodycon dress had been a big switch from the button ups and boots , but she wasn’t likely to be found complaining.  not anymore.  she takes another sip of her drink in the midst of her scanning , but her gaze stops shifting when she sees him. there’s something intriguing about him and oh .... the way he’s looking at her.  there was no turning back now.  
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AN ALLURING SMILE FALLS UPON  pomegranate red lips as she approaches , while she swirls the alcohol around in her glass with a subtle flick of her wrist.  ❝  how long you been starin’ , hmm?  you coulda come over and said somethin’ .... i don’t bite.  usually.  ❞
@monsterbaiit !
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alwaysfine · 7 years
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BLONDE HAIR HANGS IN LOOSE CURLS  around her face as she pushes through the sea of people around her.  her and fin had gone undercover at a club suspected to be a hunting ground for one of their perps.  she’s wearing a black dress with sparkly earrings that dangle from her ears and black high heels that add an extra five inches to her height.  so far they’d got nothing , and amanda just needed some fresh damn air.  trading shifts with another detective , amanda disappeared out back and had to do a double take when she noticed someone who look an awful lot like sonny carisi.  ❝  i thought it was just fin and i goin’ uc t’night.  ❞  heels click on the ground as she approaches , her eyebrows immediately shooting upwards as she lets out a short , dry laugh.  ❝  sonny , where the hell did you even get that outfit? i hope to the dirty devil you didn’t have that hidden in your closet.  ❞
@monsterbaiit gets the thing !
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starxshine · 7 years
“touch me.”
It’s less of a request and more of an order, the way Eli says the words. Simple words, really. Almost from the first moment they met, beyond her threatening him with a shotgun filled with magically enhanced bullets if he didn’t get off her damn lawn, they’ve been lovers without the actual lovers part. Emotionally, spiritually. And yes, even on some form of a physical level. 
It seems he wants to seal the deal.
She has no problem with that, her hands laying flat against his chest. It’s a nice chest. Almost as good as her’s. She feels the inhale of his breath under one palm, the strong beat of his heart under the other. Then her hands are moving, stroking, taking in the feel of lean muscles, the sharp angles and planes. As lovely as a woman’s body is, a man’s is just as beautiful. Even more so, in someways. 
Eli’s is no exception to this, and she relishes every chance she has to touch him. 
Now, however, is different, because she can touch him not just with her hands, but her lips. With her hair. With her breasts. With every part of her own body. She does so, knowing he needs the tenderness, the intimacy, of another human. The fire that only two bodies can produce. She’s all too happy to give him this. 
She wants it, needs it, too. 
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recquiec · 6 years
@monsterbaiit / sc. 
SHE DOESN’T LIKE HIM !    the sight of him strikes a fear into her unknown in AGES, and she doesn’t understand why.   Something swirling like wrath, a haze and fog.  She wants to hide.  She wants to drown him.    Drown him like he drowned her --- no, that isn’t right, is it ?   She seeks clarity but it doesn’t come.   She watches him, hides and peers behind the sprawling trees and her hesitance calls the FOG.  It swirls, unprecedented mist, obscuring his path forward. 
How can she make him leave ?   She doesn’t want him here.   He frightens her. 
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He isn’t like the villagers who wander in or the women leaving flowers for their departed men.  He’s dangerous -- she doesn’t like him.  
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bisnero · 6 years
“ … is there something you want? “
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❝ Y’wanna fuckin’ die?  ❞
And he’s shoving his gun right beneath the other’schin. The shipment he’d been waiting on was light and,here Eli was, a thumb up his ass.  
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ghostdrawn-blog · 6 years
"you're stuck. the goal is to get you ... unstuck."
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            ❝ I…..don’t like to think of myself as ‘stuck’.  There’s just a lot of things I have yet to see or do, and…..I miss being alive, I guess.  Unfinished business. ❞
                  SHE SMILES SOFTLY AS SHE SPEAKS  ,  HANDS TWISTING  &  TURNING THE FABRIC  of her shirt as she does so.  gemma doesn’t  feel  stuck  ,  so to speak.  but she offers no argument or malice  ,  eyes turning up towards him as if she expects him to  COUNTER  her points.
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raiinonme-a · 7 years
monsterbaiit replied to your post: anyway since i moved bobbi to her own blog i...
i choked
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empathickally · 6 years
" don't do that. don't read me or whatever it is you do. "
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Jarrett balked a little. “Y’know I can’t just turn it off, right?” He could pay attention and actively dig deeper, but even with his barriers, he could still feel basic emotions off everyone he was anywhere near. “I can ignore it all right, but I just wanna make sure y’understand I can’t help if I pick up on somethin’, okay?” 
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lawkiing-blog · 7 years
@monsterbaiit hit the <3
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“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were following me.” Rafael couldn’t say he’d ever ran into someone involved with one of his cases, once he was done questioning them. He took a sip of his bourbon, and placed both of his elbows on the table, facing the bar.
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forestwitched · 6 years
𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞  𝐭𝐞𝐚  𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞 – rose tea!
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You’re a dreamy hopeless romantic with a wide imagination and an open heart. Do you get carried away by your dreams and whims sometimes? Sure. But you also exude waves of warmth and love that make others believe in beautiful things just a little more. You do romanticize things, however, so make sure you’re not falling in love with your idea of a person or a thing instead of what’s actually in front of you.
tagged by: stolen from @guiltedripper ! tagging: @fvckinandroids, @angerbuilt / @griefdestroyed, @monsterbaiit & whoever wants to do it ! that means you !
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lawkiing-blog · 7 years
’ i want to hear you moan and scream my name. ’
nsfw starters || accepting
It’s a bit ironic how a few days ago, Barba used words to make himself bigger, more intimidating than the man he was trying to get to testify. And now, Rafael feels exposed and defenseless as Eli is behind him, whispering words that just make him want melt as blood rushes to his member. He bites his bottom lip as he feels himself grow harder at the taller mans touch. 
This wasn’t supposed to happen. He wasn’t supposed to get involved with anyone that had anything to do with his cases. But somehow, Rafael had always managed to cross paths with someone who was just supposed to be another face in New York’s overpopulated crowds. And yet, four glasses of whiskey later, here he was, pushed up against a wall, ready to receive anything Eli had coming. The man was the forbidden fruit that Barba could only try so hard not to pick, before giving in. 
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The smallest of whimpers escapes his lips before he tries to respond to Eli. “It’s going to take more than that-” he said before, pushing himself closer into the mans frame. “-to get me to scream your name.” His words are weak. He knows it, and he’s sure Eli does to, but Barba isn’t a man to give in that easily, despite where he currently found himself. 
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starxshine · 6 years
Grabs and kisses.
She’s taken by surprise. Eli isn’t usually this forward; he likes to tease. Pretend he doesn’t care even when he obviously does. She doesn’t resist; how can she? Just being around him makes her feel alive, so it’s only a wonder what he makes Hoku feel when he’s actually touching her. She kisses him back, fingers tangling in his hair. She finds no shame in her desire for him, has no problem showing her passion. She does so, with lips and tongue and teeth, knowing he will give as good as he gets.
She looks forward to it. 
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