jikikomori · 8 years
“Ooh, doughnuts…!”
Logan waited patiently for Daisuke to get the goods, while Karok waited a little less patiently, wiggling and staring first at Logan, then at Daisuke, and back and forth until they began to walk off to find a place to sit.
As soon as they were sat, Karok leaped up on Logan’s lap, head darting around looking for a snack. “Karok, get down! I’ll give you one as soon as I get one, calm down!” He laughed, setting the Quilava back on the floor.
“These look great! I love stuffed doughnuts!” He took two, and tossed one down to Karok who snapped it out of the air and nibbled away.
He couldn’t help but smile at Logan’s apparent excitement. Everyone liked doughnuts, right? As they sat, it seemed that he was indeed correct. “I’m glad you guys enjoy them.” Daisuke pulled a malasada from the box and took a bite, chewing slowly. He spared Logan a couple of glances, but for the most part stayed silent until he’d swallowed.
“So, um..About my ideas…” Daisuke paused for a moment to think of how to word them…if Logan hadn’t thought them silly, that was. “I don’t think I’d be able to train in the wild all the time…it seems like a good learning experience…but between Hideki’s regiments it might not be one hundred percent possible…So do you think I could simulate that? Or maybe…bringing wild pokemon to me..?”
Logan chewed as he thought about the question, swallowing before answering. “Well, maybe? I guess if you caught a few and battled them it might work? But wild Pokemon are, well, in the wild. Plus, beating up on the same Pokemon over and over again could make those captured pretty angry. The general idea is to find a few out in the wild, fight for a few hours, and then go find some Trainers to test yourself against. Battling wild Pokemon can be good experience, but its only against another Trainer with a team similar to yours that you can get the most out of it, y’know?”
He hoped he was making sense, and took another bite of his snack. “That said, you could always spar against my team if you wanted. We wouldn’t go all out for sure, just let your Popplio go all out on us and… Er, I don’t know how to explain it. Try to teach him! Basically. Is what I’m trying  to say.”
Logan took another bite of his malasada to let Daisuke answer.
Daisuke nodded. So training against wild pokemon was definitely not as effective as...what he was already doing. On one hand, he wasn’t surprised...on the other, he kind of wanted Logan to advocate for it, anyway. Anything to discredit Hideki’s methods. Or...well, Logan did say ‘similar in strength’. The boy pulled a notepad and pen out of his pocket, mindlessly repeating some of Logan’s words as he wrote them down.
At the other’s offer to help him train, Daisuke blinked. “Y-You’ve already helped me so much, though...” He said. “Surely you have...other obligations...b-better obligations....than helping a kid that doesn’t know what he’s doing..?”
Training Blues [w/ Logan]
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jikikomori · 8 years
Send me "Don't chase the rabbit" and your muse will be shown a random memory from my muse's past.
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jikikomori · 8 years
If you are a role player who is 21+, could you please reblog this? its for science
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jikikomori · 8 years
“N-No, I’m fine...! I’m the one that should be sorry, are you okay? You didn’t break anything, did you..?” He raised a hand to help the girl, but Sayaka had placed a hand on on it. He squeaked quietly and looked at the gothitelle, but let out a small sigh.
“You didn’t scare me...” Much. “Are you...Um. How are you? What are you doing here..? If I may ask..?”
🌈 for a random encounter starter :3c
“It is way too early for this man,” Cherise was on her way to the Pokemon Center after getting a call for them that her Pokemon were ready to be picked up. With Ganon, her Nidoking, by her side most people would cross the street rather than walk past the large poison type. “Waaaay too early to start playing Frozen in repeat, it’s only the first of December! Where’s this place’s Pokemon Center anyways, Navi…”
[ I do not know, my GPS features do not seem to be working at this time. ] The words of her Rotom, flashed on her Holocaster’s screen and the redhead frowned at the response.
“What? What do you mean they’re not working? Why wouldn’t they be working?”
[ I am not sure. I cannot seem to establish a connection with the servers. ]
[ Already attempted that. It might take me a while longer to reconfigure some settings. ]
Too into her conversation, the red head failed to notice there was another at the turn of the corner and she fell face first into the them.
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jikikomori · 8 years
I don’t.....Um......
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jikikomori · 8 years
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jikikomori · 8 years
He couldn’t help but smile at Logan’s apparent excitement. Everyone liked doughnuts, right? As they sat, it seemed that he was indeed correct. “I’m glad you guys enjoy them.” Daisuke pulled a malasada from the box and took a bite, chewing slowly. He spared Logan a couple of glances, but for the most part stayed silent until he’d swallowed.
“So, um..About my ideas...” Daisuke paused for a moment to think of how to word them...if Logan hadn’t thought them silly, that was. “I don’t think I’d be able to train in the wild all the time...it seems like a good learning experience...but between Hideki’s regiments it might not be one hundred percent possible...So do you think I could simulate that? Or maybe...bringing wild pokemon to me..?”
Training Blues [w/ Logan]
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jikikomori · 8 years
A…toxic…to the face? He’d taken one of those and lived? Daisuke’s eyes widened slightly at Logan, and he stared down at his feet. Toxic stalling was always a strategy he’d disliked. To watch a pokemon’s energy deteriorate faster and faster until it finally fainted? Burns could be treated, and, well, so could poison…but Daiske feared that it would have so many more horrible and profound effects on his teammates’ in the long run.
It was why he’d requested that he use steel types. So they wouldn’t be able to suffer like that.
“Y-You…I’m glad you’re alive.” He said quickly and stopped at the entrance to a small shop. They were here. Daisuke entered first, giving the clerks a small smile and wave in response to their cheerful greetings. “Have you ever had a Malasada, Logan..?” He asked. “They’re popular here in Alola, and Sayaka’s wanted to try them since we passed a shop on the way to the Professor’s…But we haven’t gotten the chance since Hideki thinks an occasional snack is bad for them.”
Logan rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah… me too…” He said quietly.
He greedily accepted the change of topic, looking up at the building Daisuke stopped in front of. “Malasada? No, I’ve never even heard of it before. What is it? And don’t worry, we won’t have to tell anyone.” He grinned.
“From what I’ve seen, they’re like doughnuts!” Daisuke answered. “Most of the time, it’s just bread covered in sugar, but these shops fill them with jelly and savory things, too. Their main draw is the malasada they make for pokemon, though.” As if demonstrating, Daisuke went to the counter to order a box of the pastries and holding one up to Kisuke, who’d promptly begun chomping through it.
“I heard they bring people together quite easily. Shall we find somwehre to sit?”
Training Blues [w/ Logan]
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jikikomori · 8 years
13 21
13. Did they like school? Teachers? Schoolmates?
Daisuke was homeschooled! He liked his teacher, though. A lady named Nanao! She taught him from elementary to middle school age, as well as a couple of high-school subjects such as algebra.
21. What are your character’s manners like? What is their type of hero? Whom do they hate?
Daisuke is incredibly formal. He tries not to be, but...it kind of just...comes out...like...that? Especially when he meets new people, he’s stiff and fidgety, and overall kind of robotic.
As for his hero? Most likely Steven Stone, the Hoenn League champion! He’s seen the man on the UWT stage once, and to witness someone so cool and confident with his steel types? It was a sight to behold!
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jikikomori · 8 years
5. Were they overprotected as a child? Sheltered?
Oh, incredibly. Not so much overprotected as he was sheltered. Most of his childhood was spent inside, studying. Even now, though he has a little more freedom, being 18, Daisuke is super duper sheltered. He doesn’t even realize he’s 18/Allowed To Legally Tell His Parents To Fuck Off, either. If you asked him, he’d probably legitimately forget and tell you he was 16 or 17.
32. How does your character react to stress situations? Defensively? Aggressively? Evasively?
Defensively and Evasively. Usually the latter. Daisuke has a very strict tilt in preference toward ‘flight’ in stressful situations that aren’t a pokemon battle, since he’s been taught to fear unknown variables as a reflex. If he can’t control it, he can and will run away from it.
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jikikomori · 8 years
...He’d gotten lost.
Hau’Oli was by no means a large city...but he could have sworn he’d seen a rattata with a moustache of all things...and had to follow it to take notes. Obviously, the rat disappeared, and Daisuke was left with none but his pokemon. Maybe he should have at least asked Logan to escort him back to the docks...
He fiddled with his C-Gear to find his maps, but the app froze. “A-Are you serious..??” He grumbled, shaking the device and holding down the home button for what seemed like the twelfth time. “I should have done this while sitting still...”
/Someone’s around the corner./
“Wait, huh--Oof!” Daisuke bumped into a body and stumbled backwards, keeping his footing long enough to fall into a deep bow. “S-So sorry, I- Cherise..?” He rose to come face to face with quite possibly the only person he’d actually ‘known’ in this region aside from his own parents. “A-Are you okay? I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention..!”
🌈 for a random encounter starter :3c
“It is way too early for this man,” Cherise was on her way to the Pokemon Center after getting a call for them that her Pokemon were ready to be picked up. With Ganon, her Nidoking, by her side most people would cross the street rather than walk past the large poison type. “Waaaay too early to start playing Frozen in repeat, it’s only the first of December! Where’s this place’s Pokemon Center anyways, Navi…”
[ I do not know, my GPS features do not seem to be working at this time. ] The words of her Rotom, flashed on her Holocaster’s screen and the redhead frowned at the response.
“What? What do you mean they’re not working? Why wouldn’t they be working?”
[ I am not sure. I cannot seem to establish a connection with the servers. ]
[ Already attempted that. It might take me a while longer to reconfigure some settings. ]
Too into her conversation, the red head failed to notice there was another at the turn of the corner and she fell face first into the them.
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jikikomori · 8 years
Character solidifying!
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jikikomori · 8 years
He chuckled at Daisuke’s reaction to the cave comment, nodding his head in agreement. Logan fell into step next to him as they headed back into the city and gave a nervous laugh at his question.
“Oh… ahh, yeah, there was one. My last team member, actually. It was also a pretty big fear of mine when I first caught my Riolu. Turns out a lot of wild Pokemon can bond with a person pretty quickly. My Roserade, unfortunately, was not one of those types… I suppose I should’ve been more careful considering it was an already evolved form, and the wild Pokemon around there were no joke. We’re cool now, but ah, I do not suggest taking a Toxic to the face. It’s not a good feeling…”
Logan shuddered a little thinking about it.
A...toxic...to the face? He’d taken one of those and lived? Daisuke’s eyes widened slightly at Logan, and he stared down at his feet. Toxic stalling was always a strategy he’d disliked. To watch a pokemon’s energy deteriorate faster and faster until it finally fainted? Burns could be treated, and, well, so could poison...but Daiske feared that it would have so many more horrible and profound effects on his teammates’ in the long run.
It was why he’d requested that he use steel types. So they wouldn’t be able to suffer like that.
“Y-You...I’m glad you’re alive.” He said quickly and stopped at the entrance to a small shop. They were here. Daisuke entered first, giving the clerks a small smile and wave in response to their cheerful greetings. “Have you ever had a Malasada, Logan..?” He asked. “They’re popular here in Alola, and Sayaka’s wanted to try them since we passed a shop on the way to the Professor’s...But we haven’t gotten the chance since Hideki thinks an occasional snack is bad for them.”
Training Blues [w/ Logan]
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jikikomori · 8 years
Caves? Yeah, uh. Probably....not something he’d like to take on right now. He let out a nervous chuckle and shook his head. “Noooot...right now, thanks.” Daisuke said as they trudged out of the grass to meet Sayaka. The gothitelle gave her friend a smile and congratulatory nod. Even Sayaka was proud of him...Not that she wasn’t usually, but...it was a nice feeling, even in the face of mistakes.
It was now Daisuke’s turn to lead, and he led Logan back into town, glancing back at him as he asked about catching pokemon. He shook his head. “Mm, no. Never have...Wouldn’t it still be upset that I attacked it after I caught it...?” He asked, blinking. “Have any of your pokemon been upset about that, Logan..?”
Training Blues [w/ Logan]
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jikikomori · 8 years
Logan found himself laughing, but not at the boy, just happy to see a Trainer taking their first steps. At least, these first steps. “Don’t worry, you won! I suppose it is a little surprising the first few times, but you get used to it! It helps to leave a Pokemon out of their ball too, to sense them coming. But Kisuke took charge and drove that Meowth off! He’s definitely no pushover, he’s eager to fight. Just needs to work their way up to the big guns, like Scizors. Though that’s not the best type matchup…”
He shrugged. “Anyway, wanna try again, or try something else?”
He...was laughing? Well, he supposed that was even worse than a reprimand... His cheeks slowly flushed bright red, and he’d looked away from the taller boy...only to be told not to worry? Daisuke stared back up at Logan, and he seemed...happy? About something so unclean? So clumsy? So...non-professional? Hadn’t Logan some kind of expectations for him? Any at all?
“I won..?” He blinked, turning to Kisuke who had crawled into the boy’s lap to wipe off any water he’d gotten on his trainer’s face. Daisuke flinched away from Kisuke a moment, but eventually, allowed him in favor of chuckling. He supposed it was a little funny. “You did well, Kisuke.” The popplio gave another triumphant bark and struck a pose for the two trainers. “That was...fun, though. Perhaps the invariability of battles like that could help...” There was a soft hum from the boy as he rolled to his feet.
He gave a moment of thought to Logan’s question. “Hmm. I think I have some ideas...so would you mind if I talked to you about them over some snacks? There is a popular cafe in Hau’Oli that I’d like to treat you to as thanks...if that’s okay.”
Training Blues [w/ Logan]
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jikikomori · 8 years
S-Stalker?! No!! I promise, this is only information taken from the battles I’ve watched! Y-You know, the public ones? I just record their choices and try to find patterns, I promise!!
Um...thank you, anyhow. It was a good tournament that year. Hideki is thinking about signing me up for Nationals division next season. And um...you could say that, yes. My parents want me to study the pokemon here since they seem to be so rare. They think I could possibly show some off in Unova as well.
Are you enjoying your time here?
Notes? Sounds like you do your research.. and yup! Thats meeee~ :P And no sweat, I kiiiiindaaaa know what that’s like. It’s pretty sweet to find you through here on this crazy site, its not often i bump into people from the battle scene around here tbh.
I’ve been allright, and…yeeeaaaaaaa, had some, uh, unexpected circumstances i had to take care off, I didnt even have the time to check out the other battles honestly. Did you place anything that year btw? 
Oh, um. Yes, I do. I try to keep notes on tactics and battling habits of all of my potential opponents.
……I’m sorry. That sounds really unorthodox out of context. I promise I only use the information for self betterment. But it is very nice to find you here as well. I thought I wouldn’t have met anyone I recognized at all.
Understandable. If you’re unable to perform your best, it’s better that you take time to rest up. As for me, ah…I believe I placed second in Juniors that season? Sol and Metis performed beyond expectations, as always. I’m currently in Alola to study the local competition before the next season starts. It’s nice here.
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jikikomori · 8 years
Step aside Team Skull, time for mah boy Hau to shine.
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