aoiveae-monsters · 11 months
Including Mothman, Dullahan, Yautja and Khonshu
Edid: Finally a real note. Just a Post of my beloved silly skrunkles. Also for Khonshu's part I used witch reader from the headcanons I wrote for him before because I just felt like it.
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- He has seen humans celebrate halloween before but didn't quite understand it, always wonderd why humans tried to mimic other monsters.
-Once you properly explain it to him, and talk about free food- he's hooked. His antenna stand straight and he goes to put on a white blanket to go as a ghost Trick or Treating.
-He could already go without a costume but he looks so cute and happy in his little white robe, you couldn't bring yourself to tell him.
-You go around everywhere and he does the most adorable chirb when he says "Trick or Treat", almost everyone gives him extra candy because it's that cute. The sweet old Lady next door gave him a full bucket of candy and his antenna did a cute little wiggle.
-He munches himself into a sugar rush with all the candy he eats. Also he hand feeds you candy. Still in his costume too. By end of it all you got a chonky moth in a ghost costume, happily purring as you rub his belly.
-Come on, Halloween is one of his fav times of the year. He get's to walk around freely, get candy and scare people shitless! He even made you a matching outfit to his.
-You'll both be riding on his steed, scaring unasuming mortals. Sapphire Flames erupting as he let's out a wicked laugh, terrifying anyone he sees.
-Sometimes he'll put his head somewhere for a person to pick up and then igniting his eye sockets, giving the poor someone a heart attack.
-Other than that he'll gallop the streets with you, drawing the attention of other halloween goers, drinking up all the praise he get's for his "costume". Will do tricks like taking his head off in front of everyone. Let's the children even play with with, creating dancing figures with his flames.
-In the rare event he meets another Dullahan, he'll talk for ages with them and do some duo pranks. The horses will just chill with you, judging their riders.
-Like a real Gentleman he comes back with his head filled to the brim with the candy, all for you. He won't answer any questions about how he got it...
-It was suprisingly easy to get your mate to celebrate halloween. He's mostly excited to adorn you in the bones of the beasts he hunted.
-He's purring the entire time you put on your costume, the skull of a xenomorph being your mask.
-He himself puts on something, some giant jagged bones. Sharpening his claws and showing off his face. You two will have all the eyes on you.
-If you wanted candy however, you could have simply asked him to get you some, your mate loves to spoil you, but if Trick or Treating is what you want than you shall have it. He can never say no to you.
-With him by your side, you get aalllll candy. After getting the sweets going to horror maze is a MUST. He doesn't get scared but he puffs up with pride whenever you get spooked and cling to him.
-Lowkey he scares the workers there. Some other people there think he works there and fan over him.
-By the end of it all you turned him into a halloween fan, he cannot wait for next year, but before the night ends there is one last thing you two need to do...going on a hunt!
-The God of the Moon wasn't too interested in your mortal holiday. Yet somehow, you managed to convince him to go with you, manifesting him in a corporeal form. So that's why you asked him to teach you the magic to invoke entities...
-But you did go through all the hard work to summom him into the material plane, he can't bring himself to say no to his favorite human. And it has been centuries since he last walked the earth with mortals.
-Okay fine, you did it, you got your oh so great and benevolent god to acompany you during this wicked night. Steve and Marc are beyond impressed with your skill to make Khonshu do anything you want.
-Surprisingly enough though, you didn't have to say anything about Khonshu needing a new look, all his idea. After all, the god has decided that since he'll walk among mortals after so many years, he might as well dress for the occasion.
-Pale bandages and golden crescent moons get replaced with black robes that shine like the stars and are adorned with blood red moons. He looks a little like a Vampire.
-Old Birb Man mantifests some fangs after you said that, threatening to take a sip out of you.
-He even dresses you up himself, whatever costume you had before will be changed to make you look worthy to be a god's consort. All will look upon you with awe. Only the best for his beloved star.
-You walk the streets together, the witch and their terrifying patron drawing the eyes and adoration of everyone.
-Daddy Khonshu decides to go even extra and cause a Blood Moon, with a jack'o-latern face filling the celestial body.
-He puffs up when people compliment him, ah yes, how he missed the worship of mortals. Hand feed him the candy you got and he'll coo about how a perfect human you are, his best accolyte. That's how you find out about Khonshu's massive sweet tooth
-However manifesting Khonshu for so long takes it's toll on you, invoking a deity upon the material plane is quite a lot of work. Khonshu already plans to reward you plenty for not only for letting him walk among the earth again but also feel the joy of halloween.
-The night ends with you getting usherd to bed, face lovingly carresed before Khonshu dematerializes.
-While all gaze upon a grinning blood moon.
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orcofmine · 20 days
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Page 40 of my comic: Orc of Mine
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momolady · 2 years
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I’m offering annual memberships now for a short while! Come join and never miss a story.
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queenquinzel715 · 2 years
Part 1
1.2 Halforc Cai
Warning: Sexual Theme
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(Y/n) P.O.V
The journey to Silentdew was filled with rain, and bad winds that caused us to stop and camp. I hated how I couldn't help Cai get the small camp set up. However when Cai would gently change my bandages I didn't mind the pain so much. During our resting Cai would hunt something for the both of us, and he would usually bring a couple rabbits. He didn't sleep inside the carriage. I did tell him I didn't mind, but he insisted. Didn't matter though I still couldn't sleep without picturing my father.
When we got close enough to see the castle of Silentdew I started getting nervous. Will they even believe us? What if the King sends me back, and they actually kill Cai this time? What if this whole welcome creatures thing is a ploy to trap them for the games?
As we waited for the King, Cai kept me tucked into his side. Once it was our turn to walk into the throne room I clinged to Cai's shirt. As we got closer I felt a calm sense come over me like I am finally safe.
"What kind of sanctuary do you require?" He asks.
"We are hiding from her father who beat us, Sire. She doesn't deserve to be treated like that." Cai tells him honestly.
"Do you wish to be here?" King Jule looks right at me when he asks this.
"Yes Sire. We didn't do anything wrong." I told him.
King Jule didn't ask us many questions. He simply needed to hold our hand for a moment, to which I learned is a fae power to look inside someone's memory. He sent me to a fae healer to help with my back. Although the fae healer joked saying my mother must be fae, because the healing salve she made was making great progress already. She told me to just keep doing what I was told as long as it's not infected it should be fine.
As I was with the healer Cai stood outside with King Jule, and when he told King Jule his abilities in the fields King Jule had a job for him as head cropper. He gave us room in the orcs quarters close to the healer just in case, and until our cottage was finished. Cai insisted he build it himself to make sure it was built right. He's been the best man to me. He only would kiss my forehead, and sleep on the floor to not hit my back.
Tonight I was waiting for Cai to return as I made the ginormous bed we were given. It was big enough to hold two orcs, which is why I found it ridiculous that he would sleep on the floor. Anyhow I'm finally healed, and I've found no more excuses. I heard his deep sigh as he walked inside, and stop when he sees me trying to move the blanket.
"What are you doing?" He chuckles as he leans against the wall.
"Well since I'm all healed I thought I would make the bed properly for us." I simply tell him while I tuck the pillow under the blanket.
"Us? I sleep on the floor." He gets so confused.
"Cai you told me it was so you didn't hit my back. Well I'm completely healed now, so I don't see why you have to keep sleeping on the floor." I stop making the bed to face him.
"You are completely healed?" He asks, taking a step from the wall.
"That's what the healer told me this…" I'm cut off by Cai lifting me over his shoulder.
I squeal from surprise as he starts to casually walk. The orc women that we walked passed giggled at me. He doesn't stop until we are some ways away from the castle, and sets me on my wobbly feet.
"What is the matter with you?" I hit his arm.
"Turn around." He tells me while laughing.
I huff in frustration as I turn around. I'm met with the most beautiful cottage with a wood porch, and lovely flower bed surrounding the entire house. I'm completely lost for words as Cai guides me inside.
"I only have the kitchen, and this area finished, but the bedroom is just about done." He points to an area behind the kitchen.
"This is absolutely perfect, Cai." I smile wide as I turn to him.
He smiles down at me as his arm goes around my waist, and slightly pulls me toward his chest. His other hand rests against my cheek as he leans down. I stand on my toes to get closer as his lips connect to mine, and my hands hold onto his shoulders. His arm lowers under my ass to lift me up. There is a seating couch on the side of the room that he lays me on that completely surrounding me, but looks like a love seat to him. He kisses me harder as he leans over me. I moan against his lips when his hand opens my legs, so he can rest in between them. I have to pull back for a breath. My dress is ripped down the middle as he kisses along my stomach and up to my chest. I run my hands along his big shoulders. His hand goes with the curve of my body as it arches against his chest.
"Cai, I need you please.'' I moan out.
His hands move to my hips to hold me up as his tip rubs against my opening. My breathing stops as he starts to enter me, but his soft kisses to my face make me take a deep breath. He rubs his hands down my arm and thigh as he sits to give me a moment. Me tightening against him made him start to pull out until he was almost out, he kissed me deeply before snapping back into me.
"Cai!" I moan out against his lips.
"Mine." He growls against mine.
I become a screaming, moaning mess as he starts to pound away. I crossed my legs behind his back to keep him at the spot he was hitting. I grip his hair as he grips my hip with a deep growl. Cai leans back, taking me with him, to grind me against him. Cai moves my face to his face when I go to hide my face in his neck. He rests his forehead against mine as he grunts out. With a slightly tightened grip on my hip, he just stops making us moan out together. We sit like this for a few minutes holding onto each other. Cai kisses me deeply as he slowly lays back with me on top of him. I rest my hands on his chest as he helps me move my hips. His eyes close as we start moving together. I kiss along his chin to his lips. He holds me to his body as he takes over. I just hold onto his shoulder as he gives me long strokes.
"Cai." I stretch out his name in a moan.
His hand runs up my back to my shoulder, holding me tightly. I feel my stomach snap as he surprises me with a deep stroke. As I'm moaning into his chest he gives me a couple more deep strokes before he lets go himself.
Even though the bedroom wasn't finished yet I moved into our cottage, and we stayed in the front room. I couldn't be more proud of our home, and how much my new mate treated me. After our first time together Cai explained orc's mating rituals. Since they can't have a season anymore they just continue the other things like getting food, gifts, showing he could take care of me, and me wanting him to lay with me completely healed told him I accepted. Which I did. Cai and I didn't leave the cottage for a good couple days. I told Cai I wanted my mother here for our mating ceremony. He understood. He even started working after our week was over.
I finally wrote a letter to my mother, with King Jule's acceptance, telling her where we are, and how things have turned out. At the end I gave a little message to my father that I know he'd love. I wasn't used to sitting around so I asked King Jule for work as well. I now clean the crops with a small group of mated women who's mates work in the fields.
I didn't hear back from my family, well my father, until two weeks later saying I'm no daughter of his, and he's sending my ungrateful mother to live with me. Luckily Cai thought ahead, and had a small cottage made for my family. I was heading to the healer as I got word my mother was in the throne room. I quickly walk, meeting Cai at the door with excitement. He opened the door for me, stepping aside so I could step inside. When I saw my mother I immediately went to her arms, and hugged her as tight as she let me. My brother greated Cai as they waited for their greeting.
As we showed them the kingdom my mother kept eyeing me, and kept handing me fruit. It wasn't until Cai and I went to leave for our cottage that she told me to stand next to her.
"(Y/n) stand to the side." She turns me in different directions. "Are you…" She looks to Cai then back to me. "(Y/n) you are pregnant." She gasps.
My head snaps to Cai as he looks to my stomach. I just stood there shocked I didn't realize sooner. Cai walks to me, then kneels in front of me. He gently puts his hands on my stomach, and leans his head in between his hands. I smile down at him.
"Cai, let's go home." I softly tell him.
After saying bye to my family we spend the rest of our night talking about our mating ceremony, because Cai said we need to be mated before our baby comes. I had my family, my growing family, so I told him we needed the King to agree. He went to go tell the King right then until I told him the king was probably sleeping like we should be.
Our ceremony was small but lovely. We had it in the field barn, where we stored everything. They decorated it real nice with flowers my mother helped pick out, my veil was my mother's, and my brothers tormented Cai. I couldn't have been any more happy. We did hear about my father a couple months later. He was killed by his slaves he kept. They surrounded the house, and well they killed him.
Since I started showing, Cai wouldn't let me work, walk, or do anything. I didn't mind at all though, because he was protecting his family. Our adorable daughter, Ameena, was born with the help of my mother, the healer, and Cai letting me push my body against his.
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vicekillx · 2 years
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KINKTOBER 2022: DAY 15 - Wall Sex
Had the hardest time deciding who to do for this one, so I said fuck it and through some color on a sketch from last year I still really like
Uncensored version on Twitter and Deviantart    
Thomas, Lockwood (c) VicekillX  
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I’m hosting a Kinktober event in my Discord server! If you’d like to draw along with us and maybe win bragging rights, click this link!
Prompt list
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kulshedra97 · 2 years
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Artoberweek - Envy
Possesion falls under envy right?... or greed..? Hmph. Gonna have to stretch the concepts a bit.
Used mostly my wet brushes for this, plus sum traditional techniques... and I love it, actually. It was so nice painting this (and according to the document information, only two hours? Okay, I think everyone can believe that HAHA.)
I'm aware there's only four days left in October. I'll try to manage better after work :P
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takuish · 2 years
The Angel's darling
Unfinished works I am throwing out there to have something.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I don’t have wings. You can’t teach me to fly.”
You watched the angel fly through the clouds everybody looked all happy up there. While they were playing around and joking they were stuck with the non-winged humans as they were one of them. The thing was they hated them with a passion I mean they could not get along even if they tried. Watching their best friend fly down no- their angel flies down the angel landed right in front of them with the biggest smile. The angel held out their hand “Human c’mon!” they were a little surprised at that statement. They shook their head and backed up “If you cannot tell Angel I cannot fly, no wings see.” They pointed to their back but the angel only laughed “I know silly let me guide you!” Confused by this they still did not budge only tilting their head “Wha-” Stopping them, the angel continued “What I mean is you get on my back and I will do the work” They giggled but sorta moved towards the angel “Dear Angel I am heavy I will hurt you” They rolled Their eyes and picked her up “Stop lying” With that, the angel flew into the sky with a scared Human thinking the angel was going to drop them.
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mothiepixie · 1 year
Was there any concept designs/drawings of Mottie before you finalized her?
Motti has gone through a lot of changes over the course of the years. Her overall aesthetic stayed the same, but she's been many creatures and the one that stuck the most was her monkey form.
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But then when I got back into undertale, I wanted Motti to be human so I can indulge in monsterxhuman tropes. Ehehe✨️
Her first human draw started off more angular and sharper shapes, but now she's a lot more softer and simplified. (Easier to draw now too)
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queenquinzel715 · 2 years
Part 1
Part2 it is 2 just a link I swear lol
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Part 3
Toran P.O.V
I watch as her face tightens up as she sleeps. King Jule said it was painful for power being released to its normal self, and the reason she needs to be sleeping. I had to make myself put her hand down by her side, and I started moving around the room.
"Toran?" Jule calls from his spot on the couch.
"I'm….how much longer?" I could hear my voice on edge.
"A couple more hours." He sighs. "The bond must be getting stronger. Did you reject her?"
"No. I can't." I rub down my face.
"Good, because you both need each other." He looks at (y/n). "She might be able to calm you down." He says this to himself.
"Shut up." We chuckle.
Over the next couple of hours I watch the sunset. (Y/n)'s whimpering has quieted down some. King Jule left, and came back just a few minutes ago. I hope she wakes up calm, and has the answers she needs.
With I sigh I walk away from the window to stand next to her bed. I watch as she starts to softly smile. It is like she is having the best dream. I chuckle at the situation, making Jule walk to my side. He gently takes hold of her hand, and after a couple moments he smiles down at her.
"She accepted her siren's side. She's getting visuals of her form." He rubs her arm. "She'll be fine."
I finally calmed down enough to steal an apple from her food tray. I move to the couch she had for me, and I just wait.
(Y/n) p.o.v
Harsh movement jerks me around left, right, upside down, turns me around, and finally I'm floating on my back as if I'm in water. Something like a curtain comes across my face. A hand takes hold of mine to steady me. Once I'm finally right side up I open my eyes to meet the most gorgeous creature. Her (h/c) hair floats so elegantly along her face, neck, and shoulder while most just floats up. I realized the curtain that ran over my face was her tail. I am completely amazed.
"(Y/n) I'm so glad to finally be one again." Her angelic voice just hits me.
"Who are you?" I finally get out, and she just giggles.
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"I am you. I am called Amara. I was locked away for important protection." She gives my hand a gentle squeeze. "You have the highest power of our people, and Amphitrite herself gave you the power."
"Why me?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Because you were born in the sea. Your Mother was stretching her tail, if you will, and you came earlier than anyone could predict." She giggles like she told a joke. "Everything will come together once we are united again." She backed up a bit. "Just relax a bit."
She gives one last smile before swimming around me like a tornado, and everything starts stinging my arm and legs. My body starts to contort around as fins come out of my arms, and a tail just like Amara's. I notice my gills forming as everything turns black.
When everything seems to have calmed down I open my eyes. I'm still in bed, like I had a dream. I turn my head, and I'm greeted by a pacing Toran and King Jule smiling at me. I can feel my body welcoming something, but I also felt so much worry. My eyes start to water when I look at Toran. King Jule clears his throat to get Toran's attention, and nods toward me. Toran looks at me, but gasps instead of coming to me.
"Is something wrong?" I ask, looking back and forth to them.
"I'll let you two speak." King Jule leaves.
As he walks out Toran and I just look at each other. Once the door is shut he walks with purpose toward me. I slightly sit up as he simply picks me up onto his lap. From his body heat mine just relaxes against his chest. I love how it feels to be in his arms. I can only hope he actually wants to be my mate.
"Love, I can feel your doubt." He sighs, running his hand along my back. "I suppose I should tell you why I reacted to you the way I did. As you know I'm older than you, and I hope I don't hurt you when I explain this." He rests a hand on the back of my head like he's keeping me in place. "I don't know how to begin this. Before the war started I was married to my life long friend, and we were expecting a child. King Jule was about to tell us what our baby was going to be, boy or girl. When this heavy group of humans came battling through our little town we had. King Jule told every woman and child to run as far as they could, but the humans expected that, capturing them all in cages. Us men fought the best we could." As Toran told his story he was looking off like he was picturing everything happening all over again, and I could feel his hurt. "The humans took us to what this Kingdom was, and locked us all up. I tried so hard to find my wife, but with it being so crowded it was useless. I didn't see her again until they pushed us demons into the fighting ring for their awful Hunting Games. I tried to get to her, but another female killed her. I do not blame her now because it was for survival." He finally moves his head to look down at me as tears soak my face. "Love please don't cry. I swear I only ran because I was scared. What if I can't protect you too." He holds me tighter to his chest.
"I'm so sorry you went through that, and I can't begin to understand how you feel. Even when we're connected." I can't believe he went through that, and I'm crying like it has happened to me.
We sit in this same position until I actually calm down enough to look up at him, and when I do he just smirks at me. I can feel his emotions course through me, and I tap his chest.
"I'm sitting here upset for you, and you are just…" I'm stopped by Toran kissing me.
His lips feel a lot more soft than they look. As I start to kiss him back the bond snaps us together completely, and I can't hold back my whine. He turns me to be facing him better, so I'm straddling his lap. Something runs up my spine making my body shiver, and I just feel like letting go. I push Toran to lay back as I run my hands down his chest and hard stomach. I feel him get hard making me softly grind down against him. I lean my head back, and moan. Toran stops moving his hand, and sits up, looking at me with a look of amazement.
"Someone found their siren voice." He simply says as he softly grabs my chin. "I need to make you sing more." He quickly flips us.
I giggle as he hurries to slide my dress off, and he just smiles at me before giving me a soft kiss. He kissed along my body as he undressed himself. I couldn't stop looking at his body. Once his lips made contact with my hip I arched a little, and looked at him with a gasp. He watches me as he slowly and softly runs his finger to my center. He starts to move his fingers in a circle, my eyes close as my head falls back. His fingers begin to push inside stretching up, and he pumps them fast. I didn't stop my moans as he got faster. The louder I would moan the faster he would pump his fingers. My stomach was tightening, and pulls his fingers out.
"Tor…" I was about to yell at him for stopping, but when I opened my eyes he had his fingers around himself moving my slick around.
He then grabs my legs, pushing them to my chest, and as he rubs against my opening he kisses my ankle. My soft moan is caught in my throat as he slides in completely. He sits there for a moment. He doesn't move until I whine, and I move against him. His hands move to the back of my knees to move my legs open, but keep them in the same position. With my legs open he can now lean down to kiss me deeply as he starts to very slowly move out, and then slowly move back in until his hips are connected to my ass. I hold the back of his neck as he keeps kissing me, but when he starts to ram into me. I can't help the scream I let out.
"That's what I want to hear." He groans. "Keep singing, Love."
He lets go of my legs as he leans back down, and I lock my legs around him. He softly grabs the back of my neck with one of his big hands, with his other hand he locks his fingers with mine, and holds it over our heads. I can't stop any type of moan that leaves my mouth, and from Toran's groans I think it's making him get close. I start to feel something like a wave move over my body and it makes me arch against Toran's chest. I let out a complete soul finishing moan as my orgasim takes over. Toran doesn't let up as he watches me let go, and his hold on the back of my neck tightens. As I start to come down Toran lets out a deep groan as he finishes.
He lets go of my neck letting his hand run down to my thigh, giving it a squeeze. I grip his hand as my body just moves softly under his, my foot runs up his leg, my chest rubs against his, my head falls to the side relaxed. His hand just holds my thigh to his waist just squeezing and gripping. He finally pulls back only to lay next to me.
Over the next few months I had to learn to control my power. Toran kept the title as my guard even though he could've moved on, but he decided to stay by my side. Having him as my guard does help when I need feeding. I learned my siren side is always calling to him, so it didn't surprise us when I became pregnant. While I was pregnant Toran became much more of a shadow, and would carry a basket of fruit for me. Once our son Taret was born we were shocked when he came out with demon and siren marks. As Taret grew he ended up growing more like a siren with demon power. He even got his father's horns. Sadly Taret is our only child, but once he got old enough to start classes. I became a teacher for the orphanage for the other sirens, as well as the witch children, so I became a mother to many children.
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teratophallia · 1 year
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These two hate each other <3 Enjoy the monsterxhuman content!
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ilustrariane · 1 year
#patreon #patreoncreator #patreonartist #webtooncanvas #tapascomic #atnomen #webtoons #gargoyle #comics #comic #art #manga #anime #fanart #ilustration #webtooncomic #drawing #artist #darkart #originalart #witch #humanxmonster #monsterxhuman
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neonstardustart · 8 months
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Exciting news! My sticker sheets have arrived and are now up on my Ko-Fi shop!
Check them out HERE! For $5, you get a sheet with four MonsterxHuman hand stickers. I hope you all like them, and I appreciate any support that comes my way :)
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wolveria · 2 months
I really wish the scp fandom was more known cause it has such potential for new monsterxhuman fan fictions
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zacwuv · 9 months
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My Glittering Friend (Erotica/Tentacles/MonsterxHuman/3k)
In a large and mysterious mansion resting at the edge of a nameless city, there lives a woman named Ani Berlough with rather particular tastes. The entire first floor of her home is dedicated to shelves of books, trinkets, and jars full of oddities. A large mahogany table is at the center, and there she usually sits to organize and summarize each new item or friend she has acquired.
Ani has many travelers and traders that she works with, though she would never mention them to one another. Their relationships are a pact between each other, and their trades are secrets just for them. Ani has solidified this as a fundamental promise before any work can be done, because - unfortunately - what she desires from some traders can at times be a problem for other traders to be aware of.
She’s a powerful woman with powerful needs. And now, sitting in silence at her mahogany table simply writing notes, one of those needs slowly builds and thickens at the base of her stomach. Her thighs twitch, then fold over each other.
She huffs at what’s left to be done of her work and glances across her shelves, though there’s not a soul in sight. No visitors today, no travelers, no traders...Hm. Since it’s early afternoon, she doubts any will come.
Ani knows herself well. She’s already distracted, so she may as well…yes, she may as well.
Ani places her pencil down and flips her light burgundy hair over her shoulder. The tall, admittedly ostentatious, chair she sits in scrapes against the flooring as she pushes it back to stand, and the sound echoes.
Some distance behind where she sits, there is a gaping hall between two bookshelves that reach the ceiling. The hall stays dark at all times. Only Ani can walk through. As she walks, she adjusts the belt holding her wrap-dress closed, excitement beginning to thrum down her arms all the way to her toes. The darkness grazes her skin in hello and she smiles in return.
Ani reaches a door that she habitually knows the location of. She pushes against it and closes her eyes against the bright afternoon sunlight. The door shuts silently behind her.
Her yard is a hub of her interests. She ignores all but the cave that sits at the base of a small mountain that she uses to grow particular herbs and flora. She prefers to be barefoot, so she makes sure to take the tending of her yard very seriously. The grass is soft between her toes as she walks toward the opening. Yellow flowers have been sporadically growing here in clumps, but they’re small and harmless, which is not what she can say about some other flora that attempts to grow in her gardens.
The yellow flowers rise in quantity as she crosses the caves’ threshold and walks deeper in the tunnel that the opening becomes.
Ani loves the shift from sunlight to blue luminescence that occurs when she passes a certain point of the tunnel. She breathes deeply in and feels the mint-like chill that tingles down her throat. God. She loves that feeling. Her pace picks up and the edges of her mouth can’t help but twitch upwards about her own child-like excitement.
The tunnel leads straight to an alcove that is softly glowing blue. The light emanating comes from clear-blue crystals that grow downwards from the ceiling of the space. Taking up about half of the floor below the crystals is a pond, and the soft shifting of the water creates fluctuating light of silvers and light blues against the walls of the alcove. It’s here that the yellow flowers truly take over, and they cover the rest of the free ground surrounding the pond. Ani treads across the flowers to reach the edge of the water and kneel before it. She knows they’ll grow back.
She flares out her dress around her legs, then leans her head over the water to stare down into it. Her breasts are large enough that they threaten to spill over the collar of her dress, but she pays it no mind. Her limits of indecency are incredibly contextual.
For a moment, all she can see is the blurry reflection of her face in the water. When something glimmering shifts beneath the surface, she smiles. The glimmering collects itself into a shape, almost like a silver fish swimming upwards. But what breaches the surface of the water isn’t a fish.
Something gelatin-like and almost see-through pops up in front of Ani’s face. It’s thin and rounded at the tip, but acquires girth at Its base as it extends higher from the water, and keeps rising until what you can see of its bottom is as thick as Ani’s thigh, like the tentacle of a very large octopus. The light from the crystals make it seem to have an aqua tint. Along with the sparkle-like shine that’s across Its form, when It moves, It shifts between being clear as water, then clear and blue, and glittering like a crystal all at once.
“Good afternoon, Dear,” Ani says, looking up at the tip, eyes sparkling. It wiggles up and down, like a little wave, then leans in close. She kisses the tip, and a tiny vibration ripples across Its surface. Ani giggles. “How have you been today?”
Ani doesn’t notice two other tips breaching the waters’ surface, since she’s distracted by placing kisses across the one that’s in front of her. They grow from either side of the first, and travel low and sneakily to the side of Ani’s knees. They wrap suddenly around her ankles and pull forward, effectively flipping Ani onto her back with an, “Oop!” as she lands, cushioned by the flowers and the soft dirt beneath them.
“Getting right to it, hm?” Ani laughs. The smaller ones get to work on snapping off her belt and slipping off her underwear, easily accessible since her loose wrap-dress now lies gaping open. Meanwhile, the main entity rises tall above Ani, practically looming over her, Its base now thicker than Ani’s body. But this doesn’t make Ani nervous. She only smiles wide and purrs, “Wonderful.”
Read the rest on my website here (1 8+ only!!)
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furrbbyx · 2 years
To the curious slutty Monster Fuckers:
I’m glad you stopped by my raunchy little slice of the gay app.
This is my indulgence. I come here for encouragement and to share the nsfw things that I find and that I create. As my guest, I hope you feel comfortable and that you enjoy your stay.
What is there to do on my humble ranch?
The Stables: Everything having to do with my OC Sable the anthro unicorn who likes to help encourage the debased, depraved desires of monsters and humans alike
The Ranch House: monsterxhuman stories. All gender pairings
The Pasture: monsterxmonster stories. All gender pairings.
The Saloon: Entertainment for all ages. No smut.
Special interests: Inflation, breast expansion, milking and lactation, fatfur, furry and anthro, breeding (but not pregnancy tbh), slime, oviposition and being an egg slut, edging, hypnosis, brain drain, inhuman genitals, size difference, powerplay, dubcon, yandere, pathetic men, robots, aliens, monsters, everything gay shit, making you cum, vore, bondage, cbt, tentacles.
Please do: send me lewds, newds, asks and fantasies. DM me for chit chats (I’m chronically online). Reblog my smut.
No thank you to UNDERAGE MINORS in all countries. DO NOT INTERACT OR I ENACT THE BAN HAMMER. Im not interested in being followed by or sent hate by anti-Black, racist, transphobic, fatphobic, or fascist tumblrinas.
If ur Black or Indegenous, queer and or furry, I follow back.
Do not Copy or reproduce my work.
Tags of interest: #furrbbyx #monster milk duds #things monster lovers think about #its a terato thing dont worry about it
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haethyre · 26 days
What I thought I was going to get when I followed the monsterxhuman tag:
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