#monster in my pocket
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bovinefigureoftheday · 25 days ago
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Bovine figure of the day: Monster in My Pocket Minotaur
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horsefigureoftheday · 2 months ago
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Horse figure of the day: Monster in My Pocket Orobas
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1980sactionfigures · 11 months ago
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Series 2 Secret 12 Pack with Swamp Beast - Monster In My Pocket (Matchbox)
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goobersplat · 7 months ago
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💜 Purple Items 💜
1. Monster in My Pocket Series 1 Purple Great Beast
2. “HUG A HUSKY” Mascot Washington Style Pin
3. Dan Dee Purple People Eater Plush
4. BETTY BOOP Tin Purse Purple Moon Metal Lunch Box Style Bag
5. 1987 Hand Made G&M Gudgel Miniature Purple Lavender House
6. 1984 Purple Workout Grimace Stuffed Animal Doll
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sandmandaddy69 · 5 days ago
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webdiggerxxx · 1 year ago
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fancypantsrecords · 8 months ago
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Konami Kukeiha Club - Konami Classics: The Best Of The NES | Spacelab9 | 2023 | Pink | /800
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eirikrjs · 4 months ago
You probably answered similar questions in the past, but I'll still drop this one to you, Eirikr:
What was your first proper interaction with mythology, and what personally drove you to a deeper study of it?
I'm sure I have before but it's important enough to me that I'll gladly do it again.
It was my junior+ year of college and I was well on my way to finishing my English degree when that fall the newly released spring course list revealed there would be a course about "Northern" mythology--Norse, Irish, and Welsh. It piqued my interest so I signed up. Turns out the course was probably intended for Tolkien nerds--which I've never been, but it didn't matter.
I had the most basic familiarity with Norse mythology, if you can even call it that, thanks to Final Fantasy and Odin, but that was really only a foot in the door, so to speak. It was all I needed. I enjoyed the Norse section but it wasn't until we got to the Irish--which focused almost entirely on Cu Chulainn and The Tain--that it deeply resonated with me. I'm not talking mere enjoyment like the Norse, it was a very personal experience. This was because my absent father was Irish(-American) so it was like discovering a whole half of myself I didn't know before, and was probably a bit ashamed of. Plus Cu Chulainn was cool like my admired video game heroes, enabling me to feel proud about my Irish side for the first time in my life. This led subsequently to a lot of general myth reading and SMT.
For years I've wanted to write a longer blogger piece about the timeline of experiences in my life that lead me to find and love myth. It's a lot of video games--the right ones, if I may say--but many other things as well. One such thing was my Monster in my Pocket toys I had at a young age. I think it's so important to be exposed to cultures beyond your own, at as young an age as possible; it keeps your mind from sealing itself off later.
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A couple MimP figure profiles; note that Astaroth is actually depicted as Bael. if you zoom in, the Baelcat head is even present!. And this was on a toy I was playing with at around 8/9 years of age!
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Zelda II art. Classic Link was a hero to aspire to as a kid, if only in pretend fighting against monsters, and he was an important lower rung on my ladder to Cu Chulainn. To this day I've never really liked Zelda past Link's Awakening. A lot of it had to do with the artstyle change--it no longer depicted "my" hero, from when he mattered to me most.
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ninaisokay · 2 months ago
one minute you’re like the eye of a storm, and the other you’re like a helpless teenager wanting to know what life means. your eyes fleet across the room, searching for someone, or something. and i’ve spent all my time trying to get in your line of sight, to help you realise that it has been me all along. and then i tried to look for this person you could never find. after all, i wanted to know why your eyes never found mine, and why you’d never run to me in a room full of people, though i was always there. somewhere in this search for your love, i lost what i loved. i no more knew what made my eyes search for you anymore, neither did i know why i loved you. i had become the very girl i had asked you to avoid.
but i don’t blame you for looking away. if i were you, i’d probably look away too.
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horsefigureoftheday · 1 month ago
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Horse figure of the day: Monster in My Pocket Nuckelavee
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1980sactionfigures · 11 months ago
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Monster Mountain - Monster In My Pocket (Matchbox)
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thenumberfives · 1 year ago
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numbuh-1507 · 1 year ago
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A birthday drawing for @detectiveashcroft , featuring his favorite characters shrunk down and coming out of a birthday cake.
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thebonegoop · 9 months ago
Summer Memories
Sitting down as I write this; I can hear the splashes of water from children making cannonballs in the neighbor's pool and the subsequent banshee-like screams of a pack of now-drenched mothers yelling at their kids. I'm also sneezing gunk like I'm having a demon exorcised from my body (The Zelda Rubinstein way, of course).  
You may be asking yourself right now - Lincoln, what does that have anything to do with this post?  Well, my dear Watson, it means summer we are just beginning another summer! So, for the inaugural post of The Bone Goop, I'll discuss eight great summer memories!  
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#1: Ice Cream Trucks
Okay, okay – Maybe I never had a traditional Ice Cream truck come down to my town – so sue me. I was raised in – said in my best George Burns Voice – God's Country—a place forgotten by all who didn't dwell there. But like an oasis in the desert, we did have one truck that came around town once a month - THE SCHWAN'S TRUCK. While serving primarily to adults looking for overpriced frozen steaks and vegetables, they did sell a minor assortment of ice cream goods. Let me tell you, orange cream push pops never tasted so good as when I bought one from the Schwan's man. He dressed in all white like Reggie from PHANTASM and would sometimes take pity on poor country kids by putting in an extra push pop for us to fight over like wild dogs.
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#2: Summer Minutiae 
I'm a big fan of waxing poetically about life, so only I could think back so nostalgically about the utter boredom summer can bring as a kid. We all remember the highs that summer can bring, but there is also beauty in the lows. While I'd take riding bikes with my friends any day, many summers were spent alone, bored in my mother's backyard garden, watching fish in the pond or imagining a safari adventure through her overgrown Pampas grass.
And if one was truly bored in the summer heat, find the closest slab of concrete and a bucket of chalk and spend your day expressing the inner Ar·teest inside of you.
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#3: Water Parks! 
I have a confession – I've almost drowned twice while visiting these water-themed wonderlands. I was 11 and full of youthful confidence in my swimming abilities as I stepped foot in Lexington's Pirate-themed water park during a trip with my best friend. That was until I was pinned underwater by a giant plastic riding Crocodile like I was in a Wrestling Federation match. It takes real love to enjoy something that tries to kill you.
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#4: Sleepovers
As a kid, one of the best things about summer was the Sleepover with your buddies. A one-night no-holds bar contest of wills - fueled by junk food, movies, and chaos. We had it down to a science: Blanket forts, Hot Pockets on tap, Gameboy Colors holstered in our pockets ready with Pokémon (complete with link cables), and maybe most importantly the tape rentals. Setting the mood for the night was imperative, so finding the perfect movie was the priority. STAR WARS or JURASSIC PARK were the faithful standbys, but the best nights were when someone smuggled a VHS TV recording of ROBOCOP and HALLOWEEN. It was like sneaking contraband through airport security.
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#5: Jackass
While the show was watched under cloak and dagger at night, my friends and I would often recreate the extraordinary stunts we saw during the day. Johnny Knoxville had a shopping cart, but we had a Big Wheel and trashcans! Hot summer days were spent building ramps up coal piles and flying off in terror. Hi, I'm Lincoln, and this is Jackass!
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#6: Calling Your Bluff
Many of my formative summer years were spent at my neighbor's kitchen table playing various card games like Canasta and Poker or Scrabble. We didn't have air conditioning, so they'd make Kool-Aid pops out of plastic ice trays wrapped in plastic with toothpicks poking into each cube. These were MacGyver: The Adolescent Years.
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#7: Yard Sales
Summer is Flea Market season, Baby! Truthfully, I don't make the time for Yard Sales like I used to, but rummaging through other people's trash was like second nature as a kid. So, it was even more devastating that my mom once went without me while I stayed with my grandparents.
The fogs of memory preclude me from knowing why, but I remember being extra grumpy about life while she was gone. The childhood vitriol melted instantly when she picked me up, and I saw the treasures she'd bought me – a pristine RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK VHS tape and a MONSTER IN MY POCKET figure!
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#8: It's Good to Be King
Summer wasn't summer if it didn't include one trip to King's Island - the Ohio amusement park made of dreams and overworked costumed employees. At the time, every ride and character were made to resemble Hanna-Barbera properties. Having lunch with your partner is great, but having lunch with Scooby Doo AND Space Ghost? On top of riding roller coasters? That was pure magic.
The night was complete only if I bought a blue Candy Rock stick for the ride home. It was the perfect day (Ignore that everyone but me got Pinkeye on that trip.)
I hope these memories stirred up some of your own about the magic of Summer. Thanks!! 
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retrorevelations · 2 years ago
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For Throwback Thursday, here is one of the first pieces I ever wrote after creating "Retro Revelations", all the way back in October of 2012. My favorite childhood "toy", the incredible Monster in my Pocket figures!
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gamemories · 2 years ago
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