#monster highkin
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confused-canid · 10 months ago
Okay sweet! Sending the image as a Pinterest link but if you need the actual file I can DM to you if you'd like /nf
May I please request a Frankie Stein moodboard with themes of mad scientistry, the Victorian era and.. Hmm. I stumped myself. Any third theme you'd like :>. Thank you if you do this!
Here's the link to the image, it's Ceci Balagot's portrayal of Frankie as stated before :> (https://pin.it/7if6IVmQC)
- @batsbolts-andfangs
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Here ya go! The first thing that came to mind when looking at Frankie is “frog. Frankie would like frog” I’ve never watched monster high so I hope that’s okay! This was really fun to do btw!
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cosmos-help · 3 years ago
alright now that the pinned is done, here’s a little short post for promos
welcome to cosmos help!!
we’re a system/kin/da help blog run by one mod, me!! i’m tommy and im part of a system so in the case that someone helps or does a request, they’ll have their own tag but it should mostly be me!!
systems are our priority but kins and das are welcome too! we do all sorts of things, names/neos, pride icons, timeline questions, even pendulum and tarot readings once in a while
promo please??? /nf 
@empire-kinhelp @moobloom-kin-haven @mcyt-safespace @potsnpotions @cloudy-kin-basket @kinoko-kingdom-kinhelp @introj-central @gh0stkincafe @hermit-kinhelp
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monsterhighkins-blog · 6 years ago
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Soft stim board for clawd wolf!!
I didnt really know what to put but i tried! ;0
If youd like any changes, let me know!!
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kinhelping · 7 years ago
heyy the name’s holt hyde, im from monster high, and i think itd be neat to find any of my old buddies. esp deuce my man. also warning ive also got jackson here with me. my canon is a bit complicated to explain here but feel free to check out my blog @djhhyde also im 16 and im chill with doubles and any age so long as u dont make it weird
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soft-kins · 8 years ago
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screenshot icons for Twyla Boogieman from the Monster High movie ‘Electrified’
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soundcrusher · 2 years ago
The missing bird
Alright, season 2 part 2 from my ongoing story set in the sentient sg/ll universe from @cuppajj
I hope you will enjoy it. They are no highkins yet, but they're coming. I promise.
Trigger Warning: Rodimus gets bonked on the head. Nothing more. (Thankfully)
“Stop looking at me like that! I am not crazy, I know what I’ve seen!”
“I am not saying that, Pharma, I’m just… your optics have been better…”
Pharma knew it, he knew it! He shouldn’t have commed Tarn after Rodimus’ assault and escape, but there wasn’t really any other option for him. If only the prime would have escaped, Pharma wouldn’t have bothered with calling his old friend. No. He would have simply called someone else. Someone who dealt with roge Autobots on the run, and wasn’t the leader of a group dedicated to finding and or saving Decepticons. But after seeing the youngling gone, informing Tarn of what happened was his highest priority. That, and fixing the wound inflicted on him. 
“Alright…” Muttered the medic, as he stared down at his steaming cup of Energon-tea. Usually this would help him calm down his nerves, but this time it didn’t work. Neither did knitting. “Let us begin from new. I told you that I was threatened by a youngling, who was in bad shape. Yes?” Pharma asked, which got him a silent nod from Tarn. “But the youngling did not come because of his missing wings, but rather because of the mech who was with him and slowly dying from a plethora of medical anomalies that should not have been possible. I mean, this mech looked like the monster from Frankenstein! Never in my years of working as a medical officer have I seen something like that. And then there is the fact that the mech’s head and spark were still fine. As if someone knew how to save those parts, but had to repeatedly replace the other ones. If I wouldn’t find the indications of such a procedure repulsive, I would be impressed.”
Pharma could have gone on and on about the medical concerns and sins committed through such an act, but Tarn was quick to stop him by simply raising a servo and shaking his head. “I know Pharma, I know, it must have been a terrible sight to see, but I think you’re missing the point. Rodimus Prime is dead. I saw his corpse with my own optics. And if you don’t believe me, you can ask my crew. We all have seen it.”
“And I tell you, he’s as alive as you and me!” Pharma wasn’t one for raising his voice or yelling, he hated it, but seeing as Tarn didn’t believe him, he couldn’t help himself. “I personally made sure that he was treated the best we could offer! And don’t start with my bad optics again, Tarn, I know what I have seen. I was using my glasses!” Screamed the medic, while slamming his knitting utensils down on the table, before getting up. Moving around his office in search of one specific data-pad. “But that isn’t even my point. Yes, Rodimus being alive and well is not good for anyone who should cross his path, but I worry about the youngling. Tarn, that youngling looked like… He didn’t look good. The look in his optics, it was haunting. As if he’s seen something that… You know those scared mechs and femmes you sometimes find and bring here for treatment? They know that whoever hurt them can’t do it anymore, but the kid, even the Prime, looked like they were expecting something or someone to jump out of the shadows. As if whatever was hunting them, was still on their tail. And then there are the things he muttered while under sedation…”
The old medic sighed, as he handed his  friend the data-pad containing all the needed information about both his latest patients, before sitting back down in his chair. Elbows on the table and head resting in his servos. “Call me crazy, call me old, blame it on my bad optics, but I know what I have seen. I know that the youngling was in the company of Rodimus Prime. And I know that I should have tried harder to keep them here… Maybe then I could have helped them better… Maybe they would be-”
“You shouldn’t blame yourself for something that happened. How should you have known that they would flee?” Asked Tarn softly, as to keep his friend from worrying even more. After all, Pharma was a mech who put the wellbeing of his patients before his own, and with two mechs gone who he still saw as his patients, Tarn knew that the medic was blaming himself for anything that could happen to them. “But,” he said after a short pause he took to quickly read the data-pad, “even with your provided evidence, I still can’t believe that Rodimus Prime is alive. I will believe you, that you saw an Autobot together with a Decepticon youngling, but until I see it for myself, Rodimus Prime is still dead.”
"Of course…" Muttered Pharma. "Well… I guess I will have to accept that…." It was either finding a compromise, or arguing until both of them started to rust. And frankly, Pharma knew that he couldn't convince Tarn to believe him. Not until his friend saw the prime with his own optics. "Either way, the youngling, is he a reported case? I would imagine that someone wouldn't try to keep this 'under the rug', as humans would say. Especially when it concerns one of the few younglings created after the war. I mean, if I had a youngling and they were in the servos of a rogue Autobot, I would report them as soon as possible."
Tarn nodded his head. There was one case involving a youngling, but that youngling was marked as dead. "There was one case, but whoever worked on it marked the involving youngling as deceased. Although, the data-pad you gave me makes me think that someone might have faked the report. It would be too much of a coincidence if there were two younglings with the same name, alt-mode, color palette and looks." While coincidences like this exist, it looked more like someone was trying to erase this specific Decepticon from their files, rather than two mechs who shared some similarities. 
Pharma nodded and picked his tea-cup up. Giving Tarn a look that could only be read as, 'I've made up my mind'.
"Then I want to officially report Phoenix as missing." 
Meanwhile, said youngling didn't even know that he was being missed by anyone, because he had other concerns right now. 
Once he woke up after spending a whole week being, figuratively, dead to the world, Phoenix was at first confused as to where he was. Then, he remembered everything that happened and quickly got up to look for Rodimus, only to find a stranger in his brother's place. At least, Phoenix thought it was a stranger, because this unknown mech did have Rodimus' head, from what he could see, but his body didn't match up. So, the youngling quickly grabbed a pipe and whacked the intruder over the head, only to hear the familiar voice of Rodimus' letting out a small scream of pain and surprise. 
"Phoenix! Frag, you have a hard swing…" Muttered the prime, while rubbing the sore spot on his helm. Maybe he should have stayed with Phoenix, in case his brother woke up, but he also had to make sure they didn't crash on a planet or fly into a meteor. Things were a lot easier when he had a crew… but he did have Phoenix now, and the kid did fly the ship when they made their escape. 
Speaking of Phoenix, the kid was awfully quiet after hitting him over the head. Quieter than usual, and that worried the black and purple mech. “Phoenix? Are you alright?” Asked Rodimus, as he slowly turned around to face his brother. Getting even more concerned when he saw Phoenix staring at him with a shocked face. “Come on, don’t say my good looks have stunned you. I mean, yes, I know I’m one handsome devil, but still. I-” Rodimus, while talking, was using one servo to underline his words, while the other one was propped up on his hip, but feeling Phoenix’s smaller servos carefully taking a hold on his free one caused the speedster to shut up. 
“The same…” Was all Phoenix muttered, before clutching Rodimus’ servo close to his chestplate, while tears started to run down his cheeks. “We’re… we’re the same. I’m… I’m not the only one… We look…” He couldn’t stop the tears, nor could he bring out a whole sentence. Yes, Phoenix knew that he and Rodimus shared a face, but seeing his brother’s body restored to what it used to look like. It was different. They might not have had 100% the same looks, but the resemblance was still uncanny. And it made Phoenix happy. Now, he wasn’t the only one who looked like this. 
He didn’t feel alone anymore. 
Seeing his brother cry wasn’t something Rodimus expected, but he could understand it. Or, at least he thought he could. So, carefully as to not scare Phoenix, he wrapped his free arm around the crying youngling. Pressing him as close to his chest as he could, without making it hurt. Phoenix was still clutching his servo after all. 
“Yes. You’re not the only one anymore. And, I promise you, I will keep it that way.” Said the speedster, before letting go of his brother to wipe away his tears. “Now, how about we get you some Energon? You must be starving.”
Phoenix nodded and let Rodimus pull him back to where they set up their resting place and place him down on the soft blankets, before the older mech rummaged through the cupboards for some spare Energon. Complaining the whole time about how wrongly the ship was stocked and how they will have to throw some things out and replace them with different ones. 
“Can we get a small kitchen?” Asked Phoenix, as he was being handed one of the small Energon cubes. “Oh! And maybe a table and some chairs too! Sitting on the floor is nice and all, but I would like chairs a lot more. Oh! Oh! How about some small lights too! Like those humans hang up on those green trees when the snow comes. Mother once brought me some and I hung them up in my room. Oh! And we will need some extra storage room for stuff too!”
“Yes, yes, we can make a list later Phoenix, but now you should concentrate on refueling. Primus knows how much you need it after sleeping like a rock.” Chuckled the prime as both of them started to plan and talk about their future while refueling. 
And for once, everything looked bright. 
“You know, if the sparkeater was a hot tall flier who could control his urges, I would totally kiss him.” Said Rodimus, which caused Phoenix to spit out his Energon.
“What the… Rodimus, no!”
“Rodimus, yes!”
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butterflydance · 8 years ago
okay yes i know that im a bit late to the Monster High fandom, but I’ve recently realized I’m Heath Burns and I would love to find everyone again!! I also don’t mind doubles!
i have very few memories but like this post and I’ll check your blog out!! i cant guarantee I’ll message you first but i love talking and meeting new people!!
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findyourcanon · 8 years ago
big ol longshot here but! im lagoona blue from monster high! im looking for everyone really n if u remember me being nonbinary femme and queer then its even better! prefer kik @violetbees but @glassanimalsvevo is my main blog!
!!! @glassanimalsvevo
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monsterhighkins-blog · 6 years ago
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An aesthetic for a clawd who had a very complicated relationship with their siblings! 💕
If youd like any changes, let me know!
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helpforkin · 9 years ago
could you do a fashion post for an androgynous holt hyde? preferably around $25 or less
shirt - $9.88
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jacket - $7.87
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necklace - $1.36
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ring - $1.95
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~mod sadie
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soft-kins · 8 years ago
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screenshot icons for the skeleton from Welcome To Monster High
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kin-eats · 9 years ago
Could you possibly do something for my kin Draculaura. Like cute/spooky fruit/vegetables? (sorry its a little weird lol)
I can get you some things
Mini Cherry Pecan Pies
Ham Cucumber Cups
Lemon Gingerbread Mini Cakes
Spooky Jell-O Jigglers
Slime Punch
S’more Eyeballs
I hope you enjoy!
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obscurekinstuff-blog · 9 years ago
Some Howleen Wolf from Monster High would be nice, if you wouldnt mind!
Her style is described as “were-punk” which is something my ears applaud. I hope you like these things I found for you!
A hair bow
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Creepy cutie pins
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A studded hat
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And a neat-o studded vest!
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soft-kins · 8 years ago
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moodboard for Holt Hyde from Monster High who was going to be a dj but never got to
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soft-kins · 8 years ago
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screenshot icons for Holt Hyde from Monster High
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soft-kins · 8 years ago
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screenshot icons for Twyla Boogieman from the Monster High webisode here
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