#monster fucking X'D
ben-the-hyena · 10 months
Ten First Lines Game
Rules: Share the first line of ten of your most recent fanfics and then tag ten people. Don’t have ten? Not to worry, just share what you have.
Was tagged by @chaifootsteps which reminds me I DON'T write as much as I should and didn't finish one of the ones I'm gonna mention, in fact 10 is SO much I fear it's not gonna be the whole list X'D I tag @dracocheesecake and @awesomex7 because I know they write much more than I do !
Warning spme of them are NSFW fics !
8. Of Blood and Hearts
Adult Gothetta from School for Vampires doing accounting job of her own whole new potion business but it's like the only time the fic focuses on her, it's not about her but about a slow burn between her cousin Batoria just as grown as her and Dr Ironfang... and I'm barely half way through and been so for a year and I apologize to everyone T.T
"663 lei plus 754 lei…"
7. Boggy Heather
A "midquel", "sequel" and "prequel" fanfic all at once about Randall Boggs from Monster Inc and Heather Olson drom Monster University meeting right after he got his "BE MY PAL" cupcakes smashed against his face, becoming friends, falling in love, dating, getting intimate, graduating, getting engaged, marrying, becoming parents, Randall becoming more and more of a petty vengeful asshole who can't move on and has to be the best and prove a point to the point of neglecting her and his child, their relationship deteriorating, divorcing and the end of his villain arc complete in time for the first movie
"Well that sucked."
6. The Forbidden Chant
SkekUng and UrSol from The Dark Crystal meet in the desert as the former was out on a mission and the latter just looking roots, and said latter convinces the former to fuck the shit out of him
"The Three Brothers were shining bright in the sky."
5. Delayed Wedding Night
A pwp of a younger Griddle and her then alive husband Sir Herman from Blazing Dragons deciding to roleplay their wedding night a very kinky way now they finally love each other and already started to have sex at last since back when they were forced to marry and didn't love each other yet they didn't touch each other and the wedding night took place in them sleeping in their own bedrooms
"It had been now a bit more than 2 months that Princess Griddle and Sir Herman had their first love kiss, almost 2 years after their arranged marriage."
4. Nearsighted Love
Queen Griddle trying to convince her gay son Sir Blaze from Blazing Dragons to marry a noble girl one day, which reminds her how she was reticent about marrying his late father Sir Herman, cues her remembering them getting married, hating each other, becoming friends, falling in love, getting intimate, trying desperately to have a child until finally Blaze is born, and then him tragically disappearing at sea
"Sir Blaze slammed open the door while Queen Griddle was following him, running a bit as her legs were shorter than her very tall son's and as she was much fatter."
3. A Furnace Bastard
Duncan from Blazing Dragons having always lived a normal Scottish middle aged family dragon guardian of the Club of Saint Andrew, until one day he accidentally pulled it out and he becomes King of Scotland. Once his euphoria calms down, he starts to put 2 and 2 together since the prophecy states only someone of the Furnace clan can pull it and decides to investigate his origins
"Not far from the royal castle of Scotland was the royal golf course."
2. Queen Morlava's Last Present
A younger King Allfire from Blazing Dragons going from utter boy over his egg being there to utter sadness upon hearing his wife Queen Morlava died from lying it. Cues him still trying to make the best of it after her funeral no matter how he is depressed for being there for their baby who will hatch soon and trying to reason his father-in-law, with whom he always had a bad relationship, over how this id not the egg's fault and his daughter would want him to be a good grandfather to it, he who is way too angry and grieving to think righr and blames him for having made her gravid despite her being of such fragile health from birth
"King Allfire was nervous."
1. Is It Hot in There
My first ever Blazing Dragons fic and nsfw fic with a not very good English and cringe descriptions lmao takes place during the episode Ice Try which is the only episode during which Sir Blaze and Sir Burnevere don't appear because they were gone on a quest together, so I filled the blank by having them act upon their lounging growing feelings for each other now they finally are alone together on a dumb quest Queen Griddle sent them to for her own ego as usual and act on it at least, quite passionately so and then decide to be secretly dating
""The Diamond of Destiny ! Exactly !""
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shnowbilicat · 1 year
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I've thought a lot about the ghost kids that roam my FNAF AU and thougt about writing down some of the concepts I'm pretty set on owo
Like that the ghost kids actually age because why the fuck wouldn't they? And also how adult ghost work n stuff, cuz Rick, Keith and also pretty much my two Purple's exist as adult ghosts, living corpses idk X'D
And I would also want to make a small masterpost about all my current ghosts/haunted creatures and what the names of the kids are and who they are haunted by and stuff! owo
Standard ghosts that don't have any unique features or powers. Just a bunch o' haunted robot furries ewe But I liked giving them names similar to their animatronic so yeah :'33
Freddy Fazbear - Frederick/Freddy Bonnie - Bill/Billy Chica - Charlie Foxy - Felix
Golden Freddy - ???; unique case, has A LOT of powers, like doing ghost stuff with a material body, etc. probably due to being the bite of '87 victim
Also mostly normal haunted robots, except for a few …
Mangle - Maggy, a single soul split into two personalities between the main and the second head, though it's still one consistent soul
The Puppet - Jack; the VERY FIRST victim and the only soul that hung onto the mortal plain for such a long time that his soul expanded until the Puppet found him, making him one of the most powerful ghosts, next to Goldie. AND he's soul bonded with Alex, giving Alex some pretty neat magic and supernatural powers of his own owo
SpringTrap - WAS haunted by the Purple Man, but once Vincent managed to split himself off, the remnants of his soul woke Springy up to be his own thing
Phantoms - Literally every Phantom is basically an alternative, split off part of the kids' soul … just being in a perpetuate teenage stage of being rowdy, know-it-all, drunk and … you get the picture X'D
All Nightmare Animatronics are actual animatronic monsters and not nightmares. Their living being exists because of Keith sharing his blood/soul parts with them, similar to Vincent and Springy, and are loyal to Keith that way
Nightmarionne/Marion - Claims to be the cumulative desire of all the victims to bring Vincent to justice, even if most kids don't have that desire anymore
Nightmare BB and Nightmare Mangle - Not loyal to Keith as they do not share his blood/soul bond and were made after Marion ordered him to create them. Marion might've shared some of the desire to kill with them to bring them to life
Every Animatronic has shards of different souls clinging onto them, giving them the desire to kill. As time went by these shards fused into one soul in each bot, while the programming of them kept these souls to go completely haywire.
Ennard - Is a whole seperate entity and a mess of MANY broken soul. Curiously, without any clear programming to this mess of an endoskeleton/s, Ennard is the calmest of them all
Vincent the Purple Man - Pratically got forced to haunt his own corpse and SpringTrap, maikng his actually ghost powers limited on how long he can use them and hold that form, but he's still really powerful regardless
Rick the Shadow Man - Quite literally haunted the darkness around him, and due to his deep hurt and pain of being betrayed by his best friend he's REALLY powerful as well
Keith the Nightmare Man - Fell into a deep coma after dying; while having the potential to be powerful, Keith would need to go under very hard training to 'awaken' that side of his ghost form powers
PG - Similar to Vincent, got forced to haunt his SpringTrap and corpse, but was taken away and 'saved', only to be tortured the heck outta him, making his form and powers limited as well, but also some aspects are 'glitched'.
Alex Winter - NOT haunted, but has pretty much a 'pact'/soul bond with Jack, sharing his powers of the undead and supernatural and basically unlocking his own soul/ghost powers while being alive. All of it is party, restaurant and/or animatronic themed pff
All former guards like Mike, Jeremy, Fritz and the Phone Guy/Scott have the potential to be vengeful adult ghosts.
And Animatronics of PizzaSim and SB are not listed here cuz either OMG TOO MANY CHARACTERS or saved for future projects oWo
Also I blame a friend on DA for making me wanna put some concepts down for my own AU after pretty much a decade of having it owo
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kalira · 1 year
(navigatorsghost here on main btw) For the writing game I have to ask what's the deal with Mates and Memories, just because omg, Van Helsing?! Thank you!
Van Helsing! Which I wrote a little for back in 2010, and . . . never again. XD (I cleaned up one of the bits from back then earlier this year and posted it, first thing I ever have for the fandom; I don't know if there's anything else salvageable - or, rather, that I feel like reworking. XP)
BUT that process did make me think about it again, and I rewatched the movie (still excellent; I love Roxburgh's Dracula to bits, he's so fucking strange and Extra and delightful), more than once, and. . .
Mates and Memories is a WIP that is for a Small Fandom Fest prompt (which I obviously missed this round, whoop; perhaps I'll get it done for a future round? X'D), left in 2012.
The general premise is that Dracula isn't dead, and Van Helsing is still a werewolf, post-canon (prompt left open 'writer's choice how'), and at some point under a full moon, looking for his mate. . .
(I have also done entirely too much research for this; I have scrutinised forestry maps, elevation maps, conservation records, and a handful of other things for this very important background setting information for Van Fucking Helsing monster smut. Hello, it me, I am Like This.)
My spin for that 'how' is that as Van Helsing isn't exactly human to begin with, he wasn't quite a proper werewolf, either - which means a) the cure didn't work on him properly, and b) Dracula was ripped to hell harder than anything else could manage, but not actually killed.
Also, as a still-somewhat-werewolf . . . Van Helsing isn't going back to the Vatican. For some reason. Fast-forward to winter, and wolf mating season, and. . . >.> (Featuring monsterfucking, some dubcon on both sides tbh, Dracula being his Very Dramatically Extra Self (he is such fun to write, FYI), and hints at the History between Van Helsing and Dracula.)
Have a snippet below the cut! Snippet is from closer to what will be the end, in theory, after a huge gap of Things Needing To Be Written (including, you know, the actual smut and most of the point of the prompt).
Gabriel roared as his body reformed, bones crunching and muscles wrenching, shrinking back into something more familiar. He thrashed, falling back and away from chill, tacky skin, claws digging into the dirt a moment before they sank back into blunt nails.
He shuddered, pushing himself up on his aching knees - a throb, and then the ache faded . . . at least that one did - and-
A sinuous stretch beside him, both hellish red and ashy grey flesh fading into pale but human skin, and Gabriel twisted, falling backwards. ‟Fuck!” he breathed, eyes widening, flashes of the night twisting through his mind painted in heavy shadow and silvered moonlight.
Dracula laughed, lifting a hand and pulling a lock of his hair out of his face with his smallest finger, then tossing his head and meeting Gabriel’s eyes. ‟You’ve already done that.” he pointed out, rolling his shoulders. ‟Though you’re welcome to give it another try. Perhaps with less fur.”
A ragged gash torn out of his shoulder and the base of his neck slowly filled in as Gabriel watched, growing shallower and pulling together until there was nothing but unmarked skin. Gabriel swallowed, then licked his teeth, remembering the feeling of that flesh tearing beneath his teeth, muscle flexing as Dracula fought him.
Or. . .
No, he hadn’t . . . quite. He had fought, but-
‟You let me.” Gabriel said, rather than any of the other dozen things that wanted to spill from his lips.
Dracula looked . . . taken aback. Just for a moment. Then he laughed again, head falling back, and Gabriel tugged his legs in, frowning.
‟Ah, Gabriel.” Dracula grinned at him. ‟You never disappoint.” He paused, then arched his brows. ‟In any way, my old . . . friend.”
‟Friend.” Gabriel repeated. ‟I tried to kill you. I thought I had. How are you still alive?” he demanded.
Dracula rolled his shoulders. ‟You did kill me, once, Gabriel. Is that not enough for you? My, my.” His smile turned sharp, though his fangs were still hidden.
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paintedpawz · 2 years
POV: When you misspell God as D-O-G...
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CULT OF THE WATER-DOG... Coming never to a Gamestop near you.
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Actually, you get TWO versions of the same drawing because I wasn’t sure which lighting version I liked more.  The brightest setting gives off more a vibrancy and helps with a strong-marker lines combined with my neon pens which I’m proud of!  The darker setting matches the spooky aesthestic a little more though and makes the red fully look more blood-colored instead of apple-picking red. X’D
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cursedfortune · 2 years
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I love thinking about how Mortem is constantly put into the position to experience the worst things. Her purpose is an awful one, one that she makes work and doesn’t know how not to love - because she’s not quite a person.
She does her purpose in full, regardless of the consequences to herself (and at times, others). Destroying herself without the ability to view her own destruction. Because it’s what’s right. Whatever happens to her, as horrible as it is, makes her more effective. And all the emotional turmoil that may exist is lost due to the consequence of her not being allowed to feel remorse for the way she chooses (and must) live - and the things that must be done.
Mortem is a terribly old and lonely soul. No witch was ever meant to live this long. But because her reason for being able to is directly tied to her purpose, she cannot acknowledge the hole inside herself. Just take the fleeting enjoyment that never actually soothes anything, because no one that actually comes to like her lives for long in her experience.
But she’ll break the back of love for the potential of life and the cycle of entropy that comes from it because without it - everything falls apart.
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the-nysh · 5 years
Saitama lost his hair in his way pursuing strength while Garou lose his clothes. That's just a fact
*chokes* Pfftbwaha, ONE and Murata, just what have you started?!
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no more thinking you’re annoying for leaving a ton of comments on fics!!! if I love this fic with my whole heart and soul then that’s the fic writer’s problem!!!!
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raideo · 5 years
man people make all kinds of pet safe products for humans like -
stuff thats safe for dogs if they accidentally get into it, or cat safe stuff
where my fish safe lotions/skin care/nail products at
we as a people need to pour more research into this ok
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silent-neutral · 4 years
Bruh..Monster Hunter movie lol! I Love Milla, but it's making me get ResiEvil vibes but with randomly thrown in MH monsters x'D Gore Magala looks so fucking badass though ❤❤❤
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Okay so this isn't my fave clip but i kinda chuckled about it when i remembered noticing it. So I'm prone to binge watching vbros and I've watch it so much, i notice little things (like animation errors or things in the background yknow the deal.) And i was watching operation prom and at that part where Brock walks in and everyone's like peacefully dancing with their dates. I looked at where fucking, White Was with his and dude was deadass getting a BJ. and I'm like 0-0. Dayum ok X'D
I remember when someone pointed that out to me lol I had missed it the first 3-4 times I watched it and was like, Really White? Couldn’t even sneak off, just doing it right there XD
I think the part of that episode that messes with me the most is how Doc woke up next to the monster chick the next morning. I’m curious if he actually had sex with her XD (I know his drunk ass probably tried)
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authoratmidnight · 6 years
let's play "Give me a character and I will answer": Flame, Ai, Yusaku + Takeru, please (oh my, four right off the bat, sorry x'D)
There’s a lot lol. Under a cut.
Why I like them-
Flame is a good boy and a good friend. Also he’s super supportive of Takeru
Why I don’t-
Favorite episode (scene if movie)-
Hmmmm, I like when we saw him getting to meet Takeru, that was really fun. Their meeting and first duel together.
Favorite season/movie-
I mean, he’s only been IN one season so far lol
Favorite line-
‘You’re not as weak as you think’ ‘Your life is only beginning. Be reborn and seize your future.’
Favorite outfit-
Uh I mean, he only has one form/appearance really (unless you count the eyeball)
I don’t really have one for him tbh.
Takeru, obvs. Best bros. Also Ai.
Head Canon-
Hmm, I don’t really have one. I’d like to think he CAN do that, tentacle monster mode that Ai can do, he just doesn’t cause he doesn’t want to freak out Takeru(I mean Takeru freaked out the first time he changed from eye form to, humanoid).
Unpopular opinion-
Is there any unpopular opinions about him??
A wish-
I do wanna see him pull some kind of tentacle monster form. Preferably in defence of Takeru.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen-
I don’t want to see him get deleted or anything.
5 words to best describe them
Loyal, kind, reliable, proud, friend
My nickname for them-
Don’t have one.
Why I like them-
He’s a goof but also a bit of a sweetheart.
Why I don’t-
Once again, N/A
Favorite episode (scene if movie)-
I love the scene where he reveals his true form to Yusaku and Kusanagi all dramatically and they’re just like ‘...is that it?’
Favorite season/movie-
Idk. I mean he’s been in both seasons so far.
Favorite line-
Literally almost anything he says in the dub lol. Dub!Ai is so much fun.
Favorite outfit-
Ngl but his tentacle monster form is really cool. If that counts.
Aiballshipping (Ai/Yusaku)
Also with Yusaku, but also bros with Kusanagi and Flame
Head Canon-
*shrug emoji*
Unpopular opinion-
I, don’t think he’s particularly annoying? I know some people think he is but I don’t find him to be? I mean like, he was created with data from a literal kid, so if he’s childish
A wish-
I wanna see some kind of, Playmaker-Ai fusion or something.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen-
Much like with Flame, I don’t want to see him deleted. Or turned against Yusaku,
5 words to best describe them-
Silly, amusing, enthusiastic, friend-shaped, protective
My nickname for them-
Idk. Don’t think I have one.
Why I like them-
I just, do. He’s a good boy and needs all the love and support he can get. Also having a protagonist start off not having friends and being, the way he is, is a huge change for YGO and frankly, I gobble up that shit (the grumpy loner who doesn’t want friends beinn dragged into friendship)
Why I don’t-
Favorite episode (scene if movie)-
Hmm, I’m not sure. I did like the scene (as sad as it was) where he and Ai said their goodbyes at the end of season 1. It was very soft and touching.
Favorite season/movie-
I mean he’s the protagonist. Idk. I suppose season 2 cause he got his Fusion monster :>
Favorite line-
Any time he starts the 1-2-3 count.
Favorite outfit-
It’s a toss up between Datastorm and Firestorm haha
Takeru, Kusanagi, Ai
Head Canon-
Kusanagi taught him how to cook that way he could eat more than just like, instant noodle type meals at home.
Unpopular opinion-
I don’t think he’s an asshole? Not really. Ya’ll are just salty that we don’t have a protagonist that’s all sunshine and rainbows and ‘power of friendship’ this time.
A wish-
I just wanna see someone make him laugh, like a real genuine, amused laugh. Let him be happy. Let him make friends pls.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen-
Don’t make him cry, don’t hurt the people he cares for. Boy has been through enough thanks.
5 words to best describe them-
Sarcastic, guarded, hurt, blunt, intelligent
My nickname for them-
I did use ‘Cutesaku’ as a tag for really cute pics of Yusaku so, I guess that.
Why I like them-
He is a precious bean and I love him. He’s so good and his friendship with Yusaku gives me life.
Why I don’t-
This is a lie, I love everything about him.
Favorite episode (scene if movie)-
I mean, every scene??
Favorite season/movie-
He’s only been in season 2 so far so, yeah.
Favorite line-
I can’t think of any off hand. Though I did like his introduction and when he straight up outs himself as Soulburner to Yusaku in their first irl meeting. He’s such a dork.
Favorite outfit-
His casual look with his glasses.
I feel like not putting Firetstorm would be a crime given that I named the darn thing lol.
But also Takeru/Kiku is good shit.
I mean like, everyone lol. Flame, Yusaku, Kiku,
Head Canon-
He is nearsighted like moi. He just, has a habit for forgetting to wear his glasses.
Unpopular opinion-
Uhhhhhhhhh, is there such a thing for him?
A wish-
I’d like to see him irl more lol.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen-
Don’t fucking make him turn on Yusaku, no. Do not. Or hurt him any more.
5 words to best describe them-
Cute, kind-hearted, protective, dork, courageous
My nickname for them-
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Imagine being in a relationship with: Myriad
Their world was alien. The thudding beat was a second heart, the lights an extension of your veins, neon flowing under your skin. An uncertain landscape of feverish, dancing bodies, pretty pills in all the colours of your desire, flutes of liquid ever-shifting under the lights. They always made sure to take you to the backrooms when you grew overwhelmed, knew how your brand of panic looked and tasted. They would wipe the saltwater from your eyes and tip your chin back, studying your face with a serious expression, until they grinned and kissed you. Every kiss stole the breath from your lungs, replaced your blood with electricity. They learnt so quickly, far more experienced than you could ever hope to be. They knew exactly what you wanted, how and when you wanted it. But it took you a long time to know them.
He was an enigma. Came as he pleased, flitted in and out of your life so randomly you never knew when you would see him next. An hour? A month? The best part of a year? He seemed to act entirely on his whims, you couldn’t have held him down if you’d tried. He only seemed to return for two things: sex, and to make sure you were alright. He always seemed pleasantly surprised by the latter, which should probably have worried you more than it did. “You mortals can be so fragile, but look at you, you’re still doing fine!” He would tilt back your chin and kiss you with that wicked, beautiful smile, and you would melt. You didn’t know how he made you feel so at ease, but you couldn’t help it. He radiated such a genuineness despite his obvious games, always kept a carefully respectful distance between you both until you expressed your wants. He tested boundaries, almost goaded you, always so playful. It was infectious, drew you in and made rise to meet the banter. He was always delighted whenever you shot a barb back, a grin wide and glittering sharp. He never hid what he was, not for one second. You believed him after you saw him draw the venom from his fangs and use it to paralyze a mouse. “It will be fine in a day, don’t worry,” he murmured and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. You should have been afraid. You should have run. You knew he would have left you alone if that was what you wanted from him, but you didn’t.
It was strange, those nights in the apartment she had bought for you. Clean and chic and quiet and so different from the nightclubs. The moonlight bleached the colour from everything, leaving things pale and beautiful. It only served to brighten their eyes, though, as they roamed over you lazily, shifting greenbluegreyyellow with every breath you took. Her fangs too, caught this light. She was hypnotizing, terrifying and reassuring. You would watch Netflix and laugh with the primordial being next to you, since she was so fond of her jokes, mostly dark and dirty and childish. She was tall, had to fold herself in around you for you both to be comfortable. You had never felt safer than when those fangs were within kissing distance of your neck.
They liked to tease you. A hand skating down your side or beckoning you into a room alone, a lick of their lips, a flash of a smile or lace. So many games. You didn’t often win - they had a lot more practice, after all - but you did occasionally. Sometimes when he wanted you to, others because you surprised him. It took a lot to catch him off guard, and yet here you were, tiny and vital and bold enough to dally with Hell’s master of punishment. You were nothing they weren’t; aware of rules, consequences, your own strengths and limits. When she was reckless, she had nothing to lose. When you were reckless, you had everything to lose. That impressed her; she appreciated it, and so she took care of you, made sure never to break what couldn’t be fixed. Above all they respected you, your bravery and your intelligence, your willpower and your life.
She was not used to ‘normal.’ You would invite her to your home and she would follow you with a quizzical look on her face, watching with fascination as you went about life. It was so ordinary. It was fantastic. They looked so at odds helping you with the laundry, baking, going through old clothes, sleeping in your bed with those faded sheets. You knew they were dangerous and otherworldly, they should not be brushing their teeth next to you, pulling funny faces and messing up your hair, smiling around the toothpaste.
“Demons use toothpaste?”
“Cleanliness is next to ungodliness. I have a reputation to keep.”
You knew they hurt people. Mostly because they told you very matter-of-factly. They knew they could live without you if you left, knew they didn’t need you, and so they didn’t see a reason to keep anything from you. They were an assassin, a silencer-of-problems, a nightmare for anyone with a lot of enemies. But they did admit one secret to you.
“I make sure who I will be working for before I take a job. Who is in the right and who is in the wrong. If the person with my payment happens to deserve my punishment more... I can always collect my money after I kill them instead. I may be a monster, but only to others of my kind. That is my job, after all.”
You didn’t know how to feel - eventually you just put the knowledge aside. They never came to you bloodied, always impeccable and grinning, no matter what they were wearing. They even occasionally let you wear their favourite sweater, which hung off your frame in all its pink, knitted kitten-patterned glory. It was absurdly adorable, so much so you couldn’t help but laugh whenever you saw them wearing it. No demon had the right to look that cute. It was almost enough to make them look innocent, if you hadn’t known better.
Your relationship wasn’t exactly romantic. He didn’t seem to label that, or anything else. Sex was sex, she spent more time with you because she enjoyed your company. Friend or other, she didn’t seem to care. You found yourself not caring, either. You had someone to sing terrible karaoke with in your pajamas late at night. You had someone who would remind you of the cookies so you didn’t burn them. You had someone who would stay close and wouldn’t let you get lost in the haze of neon and dry ice smoke, who would pull you aside when you needed a rest and slide his tongue into your mouth to comfort you. You had someone who would send you cute cat pictures and binge watch whatever show you wanted. You had a brilliant, chaotic person who’s only solid foundation seemed to be caring about you. You had Myriad.
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the-nysh · 3 years
So you’ve said it’s kinda funny that Hori-sensei finished an awakening and war arc before Murata did, and at the same time in Shonen Jump(and you’re correct, that shits hilarious) but it got me thinking,
What would Garou and Shigaraki think of each other. Like, they have some similarities, both being young men who were once very sweet kids who have seemingly abandoned that to change a broken society by force(also a lot of superficial similarities too, white hair, muscular bodies that their mangakas increasingly thirst over, a bit of a childish attitude at first) Like,, they could potentially relate to each other(identity crisis go brrr) but they’re just as likely to hate each other’s guts.
Idk I just like thinking about two deeply traumatized young men interacting and the shenanigans that would ensue
Oh man, seeing Hori cover his own arc about that (literally 'awakened' Shiggy as a Symbol of Fear, indiscriminate as a natural disaster with all the heroes converging to stop him) gave me such a hilarious sense of deja vu for the many coincidences. x'D Murata has since taken his sweet steady time to draw ONE's version, while he & ONE have also presented Garou quite differently than Hori's done Shiggy however (mainly with Garou ironically as a dark antihero rather than an angel of death & destruction played straight - with also yes, the many biblical references abound in both stories~)
But aughh!! An actual meeting of their characters would be quite difficult... Mainly cause young Shiggy(Tenko) I could definitely see them finding a connection over some common ground (for ex: neglected with no one on their side, disillusioned with society's 'fake' justice and complacency for the marginalized, deemed/labeled a 'monster' by others, etc.) The mutual tragedies of sweet, empathetic traumatized kids for sure. :')) And in Shiggy's case, he actually did dream to become a hero just like his grandma!!! aaaa ;A;
But in contrast....adult (current) Shiggy has practically gone full Tetsuo (Akira) mode with his power/hate/destruction, after having been groomed & manipulated (towards becoming a vessel/puppet) by the big bad (AfO) for so long, who deliberately weaponized his severe trauma & hatred for his own gain. D: (Ack;; Shiggy's truly been one of AfO's worst victims...who's given him such a fucked up dual consciousness + split identity crisis to boot.) That...it's become an actual plot point struggle to reach out and save his lingering, trapped, victimized original Tenko persona within. :')) Like, already this has become a full-on challenge for Deku to solve, including the discussions over where he draws the line, including whether or not he tries saving a person who at this point may not even want to be saved. D: So while Deku & Garou also share some character similarities, it'd probably be just as hard for Garou to successfully communicate thru to the current Shiggy too. :')
An attempt could probably end in disaster, but without AfO's influence marring the conversation however, then maybe Garou could see where Shiggy's coming from, but he'd probably strongly disagree with Shiggy's method of directing his hatred towards mass destruction/murder...aka tearing society down to scratch (leaving the ashen leftovers from the literal ground up) Because Garou's explicitly not here to cause destruction or kill people like that; he's (as he dreams) to become a symbol to indirectly reform -ie 'straighten out' in his words- a behavioral problem, as he's so witnessed needs fixing or humanity's doomed~ So I could definitely see them arguing or bickering over who has the stronger convictions for approaching their goals (especially when lul, for so long both had been driven by strong feelings without a very clear/concise vision or understanding of their end goals yet. :'D)
So overall I could see at least young (baby) Shiggy/Tenko, or middle-manga Shiggy interacting with Garou in some way, but if it's current manga Shiggy/AfO then...hooboy;; it'd probably be just as tough (if not harder) for Garou to constructively communicate with him as Deku. :'D
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