#monofell alphys
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ruby-koyama · 5 years ago
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Abajo esta el enlace de las páginas del cómic original
( Below is the link of the pages of the original comic book )
Autor: https://maxladcomics.tumblr.com/
Cómic original parte 41:
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katreal-fic · 8 years ago
Monofell: Dawn of the First Day
On the Fifth Day of Chara, Doodle gave to me…
Time. Running. Out.
Foreshadowed madness, Theoretical scenarios, Too many questions, And a little spark of inspiration.
Day 5: Hidden Eyes
Monofell belongs to @pc-doodle / @monofell-au
The Writer does not claim canonicity in any way. Enjoy!
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It was getting warmer.
It prickled at my fingertips. Futilely attempting to warm the chill that stubbornly clung to them, despite having left the snow behind long ago. A river of bright red, and heat--magma, be super careful about the edges here! Dad wants to build railings to keep people safe--sluggishy flowed beneath the creaking bridge. It looked like wood. It couldn’t be wood. Wouldn’t wood catch fire?
But it was just a fleeting thought. My eyes kept being drawn by the hypnotic red-orange-yellow beneath me.
Even this close to something so undeniably burning, I still felt cold.
If it wasn’t the stagnant air of the ruins.
If it wasn’t the bite of the wind-blown snow.
If it wasn’t the chill darkness of the swamp.
If it wasn’t the sweltering heat of the magma.
Why did I feel so numb?
The shifting of molten rock helped to quiet the panicked whine attempting to rise in the back of my mind. I was loathe to leave it. But I couldn’t linger here. There was something wrong. I felt it prickling beneath my skin. The cold ache in my chest yawned like a pit I couldn’t ever quite outrun. I looked down at my hands, painted red from below, and smeared with a faint dusting of something.
A curved slash, cutting through armor like butter. The dust settling on my hands. But the green shuddered and held together by pure force of will.
“I gave you a chance--”
Rocks shuddering. Wood flying.
“But you never asked WHY--”
I flexed my fingers, remembering the crackle of mint-white as it broke against my knife. The ghost of adrenaline rose in my blood. It shouldn’t have worked. My tiny knife against spears of lightning.
“I can’t--”
Blocking. Dodging.
“After everything--I just CAN’T LOSE.”
Green clashing against red.
“Just one more--”
Green splintered. Cracking.
“Their sacrifices--”
That had been the longest round I’d ever played.
“--can’t be in vain!”
But I was the one who won. And yet the last words stuck with me.
“You are nothing like them.”
“I can’t--”
“Fail them--”
“Not now--”
Shut up.
It shouldn’t matter. They lost. If there’s one thing I knew, from within the fuzzy void of memory was-- “If you lose, you don’t matter. Garbage, to be left behind. Understand?”-- everything fades, leaving dust and ashes in their wake. What was the point in looking back?
So why did it haunt me? It had been the most fun I’d had so far, true. The only one since the first to truly make my blood burn and the light in my chest burn bright.
I didn’t regret that she’d interrupted my game with the dragon kid. She’d probably been a much better  opponent. It felt good defeating her. I felt powerful. Stronger with each and every step…
But yet...still something gnawed at the back of my mind. An irritating buzz I could not escape. The growled words, alluding to those who had come before me.
I rubbed at my hand. Trying to remove the grey powder. But it was caked on. Annoying.  I shoved my hands into my sleeves and just kept walking. I could return to the swamp. I’d be able to wash my hands there, but something within me recoiled at the thought of turning around. Something--lurked in the blackness behind me. Waiting. I could feel the prickle of eyes between my shoulder blades. Like--mom’s but mom’s gone--
There was a building ahead of me.
I hadn’t seen a proper building since--cold and snow and so many voices why wouldn’t they just stop and play it would help calm my nerves--the town. The Marsh had been full of caves and bridges and tiny nooks and reeds, but no buildings. No buildings, especially not a bright white walls against the dusty red rock, that stood out like a sore thumb and immediately drew the eye. I barely even glanced at the stairs with the two hulking piles of black armor blocking the way, although the cooler air wafting from the third fork did give me pause. I could hear the faint hiss of steam and the wavering lull of water. Remembering my filth covered hands, I almost…
But the white building captured my eyes once again, and my feet carried me across the rough red igneous rock. Metal clinked and shifted as I drew near, but the guards didn’t leave their post, and I didn’t bother to turn to them. The white was shiny and smooth as I approached. The door quivered and opened with a vwoosh, reacting to barely the brush of my finger tips. The burn of the cold metal that I briefly touched was eclipsed by  the blast of air that escaped into the oppressive cavern.
My footsteps echoed in the darkened building. Slick metal felt oddly unsteady under my boots after snow and stone. This entire building was foreign. Empty. Cold. A faint hum of machines and working devices that joined the itching buzz in the back of my mind and flared it into a cacophony.
I peered into the darkness, catching sight of something glinting. The strain of my eyes against the dim lighting didn’t do much to prevent the aching of the headache coming on. But despite it all. I didn’t even consider the idea of turning around. My feet moved forward as if possessed. Toward the spark of light. It resolved into a screen. And on it…
I faltered.
Static. A smiling face. Black and white and fuzzy, distorting reality, but something in me knew what I saw.
It’s me.
Black dripped down my chin. I could feel it pooling in the corner of my lips.
It’s me.
Red on black moved with my eyes, settling on an image both familiar and frighteningly foreign.
I did not know that face.
But. Somehow. I was certain.
It’s me.
Mother’s eyes on my back. Something shuffled. Something squeaked in the darkness. Claws against metal. The rustle of fabric.
My head felt fuzzy.
My shoulders itched.
I did not like being watched.
Could this be it?
The source of that irritating feeling that followed me even after Mom was gone?
The darkness grew deeper as my fingers curled around the hilt of familiar plastic. The intruder stammered something, but I did not care. They wrung black gloved claws.
They were not my mother. They had no right.
Watching people was rude.
The screen dissolved into static. I left the knife buried in the console. A broken pair of glasses glittering in the sparks thrown off by the broken electronics.
The feeling did not go away.
It just got worse.
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secretcodelyokan · 8 years ago
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Ok, sooo…I’ve been having this speech since August, but due to the changed circumstances, I think I’ll put it away and try something else.
*grabs a mic, nervously*
So…Happy Birthday @pc-doodle , you wonderful and angsty person! Man, I can still remember when I used to admire you from afar, that wonderful unachievable Senpai that I couldn’t talk to without putting the Anon Mode on. Still do, actually :D
You’re a great inspiration, an amazing artist, and your AU is just…it’s beauty, my favourite! (and I recommend to all of those UT Fan followers I have to check out @monofell-au if you haven’t already; but…read the FAQ before you ask questions, will you?)
So, so, so, so…about the drawing…I had this saved in my files since August, because I knew I wouldn’t be able to finish it due to school (and I was sadly right ;w;); I wanted to speed-paint it, but the program somehow crashed one day, and the only thing I have is the first step of the drawing, so eh…
Also, I have this crappy-hurriedly-drawn bonus I came up within November. This was also pre-Discord, back when I was the smol shy potato…but anyway, it’s right here under the cut~
Ps: I know most of it is off, but it was crappily drawn on purpose, because I got lazy, whoops…warning for some language.
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*Ok Everyone, just like we rehearsed~
*Why are we even doing this?
*Beta dear, I hope you’re joking…
*embarrassing silence*
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*I highly doubt I’m in the mood for jokes.
*Then I’m very disappointed in you, Beta!
*This com-ahem, celebration, is in honor of the amazing and fabulous PC-Doodle, whom you know under the name “Annoying Cat”.
*They’re also technically your “Dad” and Creator, but you don’t need to know that…
*I could be spending this Human holiday doing actual useful and important things…
*Going on “dates” is an important activity?
*Instead I have to spend it celebrating a F*cking cat?
*You thought that was really rude.
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*Beta darling, please be good. Unless you want me to tell everyone about your little crush on Underfell Undyne~
*She’s lying.
*And I’m not the author of Silent Whispers.
*Note: this is not an insult to self-cest ships. the writer herself is a dirty shipper.
*Everyone calm down in here!
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*Undyne c-calm down..
*I’m afraid I can’t let you hurt her.
*Darling, please don’t-
*Try and stop me if you can!
*Please be reasonable; she was-
*I’m done being  reasonable!
*This is your final warning!
*You leave me no choice, darling. Stand back everyone!
*OH! Child?
I failed at this Ijustwantedsenpaitonoticemehowcouldthishappentomeinevermademistakesahuhhhh
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(What the Hell is going on over there?)
(…This isn’t good. How  are we supposed to go on if everyone is fighting with each other?)
(Better check it out. I hope it’s not serious again…)
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*random ranting*
*You try to  tell Secret you’re sorry…
(Can someone tell me what’s going on?)
*dramatic music*
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Anyways, happy birthday Doodle. Hope it’s a good one~
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wily-fox · 8 years ago
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Примечание автора: “Страница Альфис! Альфис из Monofell (Альфа) принадлежит pc-doodle и блог AU это monofell-au. Альфис из Lovetale (с роботизированной рукой) принадлежит midnight197. Альфис из Sorrowtale (королева) принадлежит lukeandziky.”
Оригинал принадлежит: @maxladcomics
Link to the original post (if you speak english)
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tamdoesart · 8 years ago
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this took me a lot longer to finish than it should’ve but i got it done :’>
@monofell-au, hope you like it <3
speedpaint here: https://youtu.be/0gflOHyzQPY
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ruby-koyama · 4 years ago
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Este lugar me recuerda al lugar donde envía Core Frisk a los supervivientes de los universos.
Abajo esta el enlace de las páginas del cómic original  
( Below is the link of the pages of the original comic book )
Autor: https://maxladcomics.tumblr.com/
Cómic original parte 108:
Cómic original parte 109:
Siguiente (final):
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maxladcomics · 7 years ago
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UF Toriel finally makes an appearance in my comics!
Also there was going to be a scene where the Alphyses exchange numbers but I cut it out.
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Monofell belongs to @pc-doodle and the au blog is @monofell-au
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maxladcomics · 7 years ago
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Good talk.
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Monofell Alphys (Alpha) belongs to @pc-doodle, the AU blog is @monofell-au
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maxladcomics · 8 years ago
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...I drew shipping >3>...
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maxladcomics · 8 years ago
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Monofell belongs to @pc-doodle and the au blog is @monofell-au
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maxladcomics · 8 years ago
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I just needed to move em so here's a silent page. If you need context or an idea of what they're talking about, Felphys(UF Alphys) is ranting to Rat about something game related, probably mentioning that she's setting off too many flag events blah blah blah- Outside Felphys starts one of her games to space out on but to Alpha's surprise she starts talking to her about it. Annnd Finally, Rat and Beta are probably talking about their most recent battles. (Also I've been drawing Alpha wrong x_x, she has gloves on at all times- she does have a lab coat too but I like drawing both Alpha and Beta in casual/cute clothes.)
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Monofell Undyne (Beta) and Alphys (Alpha) belong to @pc-doodle and the AU blog is @monofell-au
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maxladcomics · 8 years ago
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Onto MF and UF Undyne and Alphys :D.. I have no idea where to go with this
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maxladcomics · 8 years ago
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The Alphys page! Monofell Alphys 'Alpha' belongs to @pc-doodle the AU blog is @monofell-au Lovetale Alphys (The robot hands one) belongs to midnight197 (She is SO CUTE, 10/10 fave alphys!) Sorrowtale Alphys (The Queen) belongs to lukeandziky who I definitely want to throw in another comic because she doesn't get any lines in this one and she is SO FUN TO DRAW
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maxladcomics · 7 years ago
Requests [FULL/CLOSED]!
OK. I’m having trouble keeping my motivation up, and I know doing requests are a great way to get me back into drawing more!
Normally I take requests on DA, but this’ll be tumblr only for now, unless it works really well xD, then I’ll switch between taking requests on either website.
I’m going to have to ask that no one reblogs this post- I mean I wont stop you or get mad, it’s just that tumblr’s reblog system is really dumb and I don’t want anyone thinking that I still have requests open after they’ve already been filled/closed.
1. No Sanses, Frisk’s, Chara’s or OC’s *Exceptions listed below 2. No Swapfell or Fellswap or any combined AU’s *Exceptions below too 3. No shipping/anti 4. Maximum of 3 characters 5. No genderbent characters 6. No comics! 7. No lone or 2 character AU
If you request something with the Rivertale, RiverSwap or RiverFell characters, I can draw it sooner during Rivertale streams! If not, you’ll have to wait.
I need at least a flat colour reference of any characters- it makes it easier for me.
Exceptions: Frisk and Chara from any of the UnderlineAU comics are OK! I adore them and they are perfect. Phuman is ok too.
Swapfell exceptions: The Swapfell I’ve drawn before.
(20/20 taken) Details are on my personal notes, this is the uncluttered version!
1. Swap and Fell 2. Asriel 3. Aleatale Paps 4. Overmirror Asgore 5. Undercurrent Paps with Seaswap Paps 6. Fell paps doing Ballet (HEH) 7. Group hug with UF Paps, Undyne and Alphys 8. Swapfell Undyne 9. Muffet! 10. Monofell Asgore
11. Gemtale Toriel and Rosetale Undyne fighting Monofell Flowey 12. Crookedtale Papyrus 13. UT Papyrus and Undyne 14. US Paps & cheese wine (truwu love) 15. Erased Times Papyrus 16. Nethertale Paps and Undyne 17. UT Undyne 18. UT Paps 19. OT Jerry 20. Rivertale Gaster
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maxladcomics · 8 years ago
My Deviantart || Ew who uses this || bluesky
Translated comics
Shenanigans and shitposts [Full]
Random comics and MTT Legs
More recent comic pages
That Child Underfell - Alphys
Don’t Come Back [16 Pages] Undertale
His madness - Rivertale fancomic [3 pages] Rivertale belongs to @blackberrysans
Cute stuff [10 pages] Underswap
Riverguys [9 pages] Rivertale and Riverfell interacting with the Underfell Bros, Rivertale/Riverfell belongs to @blackberrysans​
OverMirror No Mercy Papyrus [8 Pages] OverMirror AU Frisk dusts Papyrus
Drinking [111 pages] Swapfell - Drinking party starts in Swapfell and everyone’s invited.
Baby Bones Comic [170 pages] Undertale, Underfell, Underswap, Outertale and Undercurrent Papyruses travel around AU’s.
Monofell Shenanigans [18 pages] Monofell characters interacting with Underfell characters
Delta and Fell [26 Pages] Underfell - If nothing bad happened as babybones, and Delta lived with the Fell brothers..
Drifting [11 Pages] Undercurrent - Undercurrent Sans takes the UT!House hostage
MurderSF [10 Pages] Swapfell No Mercy, at Papyrus
MurderSF Alphys [3 Pages] Swapfell No Mercy - Alphys
MurderSF Undyne [2 Pages] Swapfell No Mercy - Undyne
Murder SF Sans [1 Page] Swapfell No Mercy - Sans
Only Undyne and Papyrus [3 Pages + 5 bonus] Underfell - Undyne and Papyrus
Riverbabies [73 pages + 2 bonus] Multiverse - Some of the Papyruses have been turned into babybones.
Swapfell Sans [16 Pages] Swapfell - Sans, Papyrus and Alphys
HungerSwap HungerGames with the Underswap cast, based on this on Deviantart
First page
Latest page
Science Undertale - lost interest and my notes don’t make sense
UNDERFELL COMICS: (Chronologically ordered)
His past - [9 pages] Underfell - Red’s past
Her past - [25 pages] Underfell - Undyne’s past
Their past - [16 pages] Underfell - Fell and Red and sometimes Undyne
FellFluff [7 pages] Underfell - Fluff of Underfell Sans and Papyrus
FluffAngst [6 pages] Underfell - Older Paps meets younger Paps and Sans, and vice versa
Past Angst [3 pages] Underfell - “I love you.”
Lost - [24 pages] Underfell story arc
Nightmare [2 pages] Underfell - Nightmares
Sacrifice [2 pages] Underfell - Sacrifice
Jacket [3 Pages] Underfell - That Coat
Undyne [2 pages] Underfell - What happens to Undyne if Papyrus and Sans are dead
Underfell Neutral Run - Papyrus Underfell - Self explanatory
Underfell No Mercy Run  - Papyrus Underfell - Self explanatory
Underfell No Mercy Run - Undyne Underfell - Self explanatory 
Underfell Neutral Run - Undyne  Underfell - Self explanatory 
Underfell Neutral Run - Alphys Underfell - If you dust Undyne on a neutral route
Underfell Neutral Run - Judgement Underfell - If you dust MTT on a neutral route
Underfell Neutral Run - Judgement V2 Underfell - If you dust Sans in the Judgement Hall
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