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Clanmew translations of some ocs
Petalsnow: Pfefiurch (Fluff petal-snow)
Snow prefix is supposed to mean snowfall
Hawkstep/star: Yi'issappa/Yi'ishai (Sparrowhawk-padding/star)
Not sure on the suffix
Rookstorm: Mraawbahahao (Crow-haster)
Doesn't seem to be a word for rook, went for haster because this man is a violent storm apparently
Willowmoon: Sawashowosha (Gray willow-moon halo)
Combined "shom" and "wosha" for the prefix, was very tempted to name them pussywillow but gray willow won in the end
Runningflame: Gabrllfyn (Crackling-cooking fire)
Sounds like a honor title tbh, this man can cook
Stoneclaw: Bponbkach (Boulder-claw)
She's a big woman, so big stone word it is
Monkeyfoot: Kossachungpwyyarr (Tree monster-foot)
Combination of "kossa" and "kichung" for the prefix, meant to be the generic term for certain animals. He'd likely have a honor title like Monkeyscar
Thundershine: Krrakashemimi (Thunder-has shined)
Meant to symbolize that lightning has hit and thunder will come soon
Splinterstripe: Karkseek (Chip-long stripe)
Couldn't find splinter so chip it is, neither of the stripe words really fit them but I went with seek because it sounds better
Piperleap/star: Krekekluara/Krekekshai (Gray heron-has jumped/star)
Piper wasn't on the lexicon so I just went for a bird word that began with K to match with their siblings. The leap part of their name symbolizes their shift from cleric training to becoming a warrior
Tinybounce: Eebpipip (Small-bouncing) or Peskepipip (small cluster of flowers-bouncing)
Little guy, so smol. Second translation was literally made because it fits with zir family's names so well (such as petal and rose)
Runningflame/Crackling-Cookingfire/Gabrilfyn is absolutely my favorite, TOTALLY sounds like an honor title, 100% excellent
Here's some more words for you! While I'm at it, I'll fill out the missing corvids;
Rook (Corvus frugilegus) = Naahg
Jackdaw (Corvus monedula) = Niw
Hooded Crow (Corvus cornix) = Aai
Red-billed Chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) = Hraor
This, with Nyok for Raven, Rawk for Carrion Crow, Ke'ek for Magpie, and Mraaw for Corvids as a generic term, completes the entire family!
Next is a few wood-related terms that are missing;
Splinter = Koa
Wood (General) = Okok
Pith (The spongy inner wood of plants, usually in reference to flax or soft rush) = Sowa
And lastly... on pipers.
Pipers are a rare bird for Clan cats to see. They're mostly shorebirds that come in-land to nest. There's well over a dozen fat, thin-billed, long-legged little waterbirds (called Waders) they see on a regular basis, but the two piper species they'd know about would be very rare.
So here's a generic term for you, and a couple of the most common ones. I found a good way to give you a K-term while most of this family has peepy-type calls;
Wader (Generic) = Kikaboo From Fang + Beak + Fat. Includes rails, coots, pipers, dunlins, etc. Birds with long legs, long little beaks like a tooth, and round bodies, found near water.
Beak (of a bird) = Kaba
Moorhen = Ia The most common wader in the territory. The closest thing to a chicken the Clan cats have.
Curlew (Numenius arquata) = Urloop An interesting little bird that nests close to kestrel nests, in spite of the danger. Featured in a Clanmew saying, "Curlew in the shadow of a kestrel," roughly means, "Choosing danger for the sake of safety"
Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius) = Bieew A symbol of peace between RiverClan and WindClan in the Lake territory. The southern delta is mostly gravel and stony, the exact place that a Bieew likes to nest. Both Clans have an interest in protecting these pretty little birds, which can bring them together for negotiation.
Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos) = Peepapi A rare shore-dwelling bird that occasionally comes in-land to nest; not discovered until the Clan cats returned to the Lake. When used as a name, has a connotation of traveling or going on a salt patrol.
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