#monkey man kid fan fic
I've Been Running out of Fear
It had been months since the assault on Kings, police tape around the front entry still blowing in the wind. Sita, first overjoyed at her newfound freedom, had to deal with her new reality. She needed a job and fast. Luckily she found one quickly.
The sports betting office was dingy, tucked into the business district of the large city. And while Sita still found herself in the shadows of those skyscrapers, this time she felt anonymous, losing herself in the job. She knew her looks helped win the old man who hired her over but her meticulous work sealed the deal.
She was good with numbers. Always had been. That’s how she knew exactly what percentage of her pay Queenie and Kings stole from her. How much they owed her. And she tried, she really did, to tamp down that anger. They’d lost their lives for it, for all of what they’ve done to her and everyone else. They’d paid in blood. But that didn’t stop the anger, the shaking of her fingers, at night when she couldn’t sleep.
Things had changed. She could admit that. And while change is usually slow with big machines like the government the streets felt different now. Like the pseudo gods had been pushed back, kept at bay now. Scared of their own mortality.
She’d thought of him everyday. Of what he did for her, for them. For all of them. She’d figured he was good as dead for what he did, who he killed. She hadn’t seen him around and hadn’t expected too. But that nagging want, need, hope to see him again turned her stomach at times. She knew want and need were just as bad as faith and hope. Pointless. Useless. But still…
She first heard the whispers that he was alive from the old women in line in front of her at the bank while running an errand for her bookie boss.
“He slipped out into the night, became the one thing that could protect him,” the woman with the young baby in her arms whispered in a hushed, but not secretive tone, to the silver haired cashier.
Sita’s ears perked up.
“I heard the same thing, that he slipped out of Kings and into the darkness. That he survived the hell fire he rained down on those assholes,” the cashier replied.
“They say he must be a god, or of the gods anyway.”
Sita smirked, remembering the lanky, clumsy waiter she’d first met. The way the ugliness of Kings made him pale, sweaty. But she also remembered the way he held her gaze. The way he saw her and didn’t turn away.
Goosebumps raised on the skin of her arms when she thought of the way he’d look at her. Like she was something, someone, special. Someone to be respected. No one ever looked at her like that.
“The papers say they have no leads, but I heard he’s hiding out at a temple, outside of town. In the country somewhere,” the cashier continued.
Sita knew the temple the woman spoke of, she was from the country, she’d seen it once or twice while growing up. Anyone who didn’t know of it would have a hell of a time finding it.
That night while Sita lay awake like so many other nights the noise of the city never dying down she thought of the temple. Of how she hoped, that word again, that he had made it there. That he was safe.
Then she cursed herself, why do you care, she asked out loud in the darkness of her bedroom.
When she couldn’t stop the thoughts of the temple and then the dreams started she realized the only way to kill her curiosity was to see for herself. She needed to prove to the little voice in her head that said ‘maybe’ that he wasn’t a god, that he wasn’t indestructible that there was nothing to hope for because it’s safer that way.
On a day off she slipped away from the city, following a path she knew only from memory.
The temple was just as she remembered it, carved into a hillside, blending in with its surroundings, a part of the landscape, not apart from it.
She took the stairs slowly, afraid of what she’d find at the temple door, whether it was true he was there, or true he’d never been there. She was nervous for either outcome. But deep down, she felt him. She felt a peace she hadn’t felt since she was young in that hillside.
At the top of the stairs her heart beat wildly in her chest. She breathed in deeply through her nose, willing her heart to slow, her breathing to even out.
Before she could change her mind she raised a shaking fist to knock against the sun worn temple door.
When no answer came she debated knocking again or turning away. She could turn back now, go back to the city and dream whatever ending she wanted, she could live in the limbo of not knowing the truth and while that would hurt, knowing the truth might have hurt her worse and she was tired of being hurt.
Just as she was about to turn away the door creaked open slowly, exposing the cool darkness inside.
A man, a woman, with long hair and golden bangles running up their arms peered out suspiciously.
Before Sita could speak the golden hued puppy from the alley pushed her way through the cracked door her tail wagging while she sniffed Sita’s sandals.
Despite herself Sita smiled, bent to ruffle the fur behind the dog’s ears, “You remember me?” she asked.
“Who are you?” the temple keeper asked, voice stern.
They were put on guard by her clothing, she’d done too much she thought, her attire too business like for the countryside. She’d dress down next time. Next time she thought. What a curious thought.
She straightened and swallowed. Sita didn’t know his name, his real name, she’d realized. She suddenly felt guilty about that.
“I’m looking for Bobby,” she said, hating the way the western name felt in her mouth. It didn’t suit him.
The temple keeper frowned, “There’s no Bobby here, you must be mistaken.”
The door started to close and Sita’s stomach dropped. She’d been right. It’d been futile to hope.
She heard her name, like a song.
It was him. His soft voice, she’d heard it in her dreams so many nights.
When he appeared in the doorway her heart stopped, it was like seeing a ghost.
“It can’t be…” she breathed.
He looked…healthy. All his sharp edges just a little less so. The cuts she’d grown accustomed to seeing on his face all healed. His curls longer, softer, falling into his face.
Her cheeks heated when she realized she’d been staring.
“There you are,” she said, holding her chin up.
His eyes softened, the corner of his lips twitched in an almost smile, “Here I am.”
“Well come inside,” the temple keeper replied, a little exasperated, a little amused.
“You kept the mutt,” she said, words harsher than her tone as they strolled the temple grounds together.
He nodded, “Couldn’t leave her behind.”
Sita thought about how she told him not to give the puppy hope, but that wasn’t what he had been doing. He kept his promise, whatever promise he made when he fished out that food from the garbage to offer the starving dog. He saved her, like he saved them.
“How are you?” he asked as the silence stretched a beat too long between them.
She bit back a smile. Such a simple question that wasn’t simple at all.
“Good,” she replied, “I got a new job.”
“Do you like it?” he asked, genuine concern etched between his brows.
“I do,” she replied, reassuring him, “It’s good. And you?” she asked.
Tension was beginning to build in her shoulders, in her palms. In her stomach. This wasn’t the conversation she wanted to have. There’d been so much, too much, that happened since they saw one another last, but he owed her nothing, she knew that. His kindness of seeing her was just that. But yet here she was. Pulled to him.
He shrugged.
She stopped him with a hand on his arm at a grove of trees lining the back of the temple’s property.
“You never thought about it did you?”
He frowned, meeting her gaze, “About what?”
“About the after.”
He looked away from her, gazing intently at the dry grass as it swayed with the late afternoon wind. “I didn’t think there’d be an after.”
“You went there to die?” she asked, surprised at the way her voice caught.
He nodded.
She shook her head, he’d been so foolish she thought not for the first time.
“Was it worth it?” she asked.
He turned back to face her, this time she saw the fire licking at the dark edges of his glittering brown irises.
“To be able to stand here, with you now, free, both of us, yes. Yes, it was worth it.”
A young boy ran up to them then, wrapping himself around the legs of the man she still didn’t know the name of.
He smiled, reaching down to ruffle the boy’s hair. Leaning down to whisper something against the boy’s ear making the boy smile before running off again.
She watched him, how patient he was, how gentle.
She didn’t know how to be soft, or gentle like him.
Maybe she could learn because he made her feel safe. He gave her peace.
“Dinner is soon,” he said, “stay?”
She nodded, she hadn’t come this far to let him out of her sights so soon.
And at dinner, while the sun burned orange on the horizon, his fingertips brushed over her knuckles, his smile soft.
Yes, she could learn.
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bongo-clash · 2 years
If I had a nickel for every billionaire that tried to kidnap me, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice
DP/DC week prompt: Mistaken Identity
'Look, in Bruce Wayne’s defence, he has a lot of children with black hair and blue eyes, and he’d had a very long day. But in Danny’s defence, he has no idea what’s happening right now and, according to his previous experience in being kidnapped by billionaires, his reaction is incredibly reasonable.'
(No content warnings || fic under cut!!)
Danny’s been in Gotham for about a week with his family, and so far it’s honestly been one of their most relaxing vacations to date. Sure, the drive had been long and finding a place to park the RV had been unsurprisingly difficult, but once the initial getting-there-fanfare was over with, everything had been great. The whole ‘not my circus, not my monkeys’ thing had been amazing for his anxiety. The famous Batman was more than capable of dealing with his peanut gallery without some random dead kid intercepting. 
Okay, he was a little bit worried about Batman’s ‘no metas’ thing, but there was no good reason the vigilante would find out that little tidbit. It’s not like he’s even a meta in the first place! Being dead is a medical condition. Regardless, he’s doing the sensible thing and not making a show of himself; he may have flown over the top of the city invisibly on the first night to get some good shots to send to his friends, but no one needed to know about that but Sam and her gothic-architecture-inspo wall. 
The hotel they’re staying at has good breakfast, the buildings in the inner city look cool as Hell, they already have heroes dealing with their issues so Danny doesn’t have to do anything, and there’s no ghosts barging into his room but the constant chaos of the city still feels homey. Overall, a ten out of ten vacation spot. 
Surely, nothing can go wrong. 
“Tim? What are you doing here?”
He’s taking a morning walk away from the hotel after he and Jazz successfully convinced their parents he would be fine on his own, and he’d stopped in front of Wayne Enterprises because Tucker would be frankly offended if he didn’t. He ignores the call at first, because he doesn’t know anyone named Tim, and it’s not his business, but that’s clearly shown to be a mistake when the call comes again but closer, and then again, but with a man putting his hand on Danny’s shoulder. He’s turns around to tell whoever it is to clear off when he actually catches sight of the guy’s face.
Sleek black hair, sky-blue eyes, a healthy tan and a very expensive suit. That’s Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne as in the guy who owns the building in front of them. Bruce Wayne as in the multi-billionaire. 
Okay, don’t get him wrong, Bruce Wayne does some pretty honourable charity work, and his tech is pretty cool and Tucker’s obsessed with it, but Danny has a very sour history with billionaires and even before he’d met Vlad he wasn’t a fan of them; being friends with Sam for long enough does that to a guy. Dealing with the fruitloop had only cemented what he already knew, and that’s that you shouldn’t trust people that rich as far as you can throw them (or, maybe just not at all, since he figures he could actually throw them pretty damn far, considering the ghost powers). 
Plus, Bruce ‘Brucie’ Wayne has this really weird habit of acting like a ditz, and quite frankly, Danny doesn’t buy it. He’s been successfully running a huge company and heading welfare campaigns for years, and if he’s truly as air-headed as he presents himself to be Vlad would’ve snatched up his company and his wealth in a heartbeat. Vlad, who is the other billionaire he knows, who is also pretending to be something he’s not with the whole ‘gentle hermit’ vibe he maintains with the press. No, there’s definitely something weird about Bruce Wayne and he hadn’t particularly wanted to meet the guy to find out what it is. 
However, it’s looking like he doesn’t have much choice, what with the man having a hand on his shoulder and being about ten inches from his face. “Uh.” He blurts eloquently. “Hi?”
“Tim,” He repeats, frowning. “Why are you here? I told you to take the day off- don’t tell me you were just planning on sneaking off to work anyway.”
Danny’s certain Tucker mentioned some co-CEO of Wayne Enterprises called Tim, and he’s fairly certain Tucker mentioned he was the same age as them and also Bruce’s ward, but do they really look similar? No one’s ever said they do to his face, and he thought that was the kind of thing people talked about- the whole ‘who’s your celebrity lookalike’. So why-?
…Tucker also mentioned that almost all of Bruce Wayne’s wards have the same black hair and blue eyes. He’d even joked how Danny ‘fit the bill’. Oh no. What if this is an obsession-with-having-a-son-just-like-him thing? Do all billionaires do that or is that just Vlad? He could really do with someone else to compare the guy to that isn’t the fruitloop right now- it’d be really great to have some kind of gauge amongst general average billionaire behaviour so that he actually knew what to do. 
Staying quiet to gather his thoughts was apparently not his greatest move, though, because the man’s frown only deepens. Bruce Wayne’s hand moves from the top of his shoulder to his arm, giving it a light squeeze that seems like it’s supposed to be comforting but really just makes him more nervous. “I’m taking you back to the manor. You were supposed to take a day off and I really think relaxing would do you some good.”
Now, there are a lot of things Danny could do to absolve this situation, and the smartest of all of them would be to inform him that there’s been a misunderstanding and that he’s just some random tourist who’d been wanting to take some pictures. 
“I— what- can’t you just leave me here? Don’t you need to go in there?” Is what he says instead, because fight, flight, or freeze apparently includes brain freeze too. His mom was right, he never should’ve been allowed out unsupervised. Why didn’t he bring Jazz with him?
“The meeting can wait, you’re more important.” The man soothes, and suddenly the hand on his arm is pulling him away, leading him over to an incredibly expensive car and Danny’s so bewildered by the whole situation he doesn’t even fight back. He stands there, limp, as Bruce Wayne opens the car doors, nudges him inside, starts the engine, and drives further and further away from Danny’s hotel. 
They’ve been driving for about twenty minutes before his stupor finally breaks, and by then they’ve fully left the bustle of the inner city and entered the sparsely populated realm of high society estates— Bristol, he thinks it was called? Doesn’t matter. He needs to get out and he needed to be out yesterday; he can’t believe he ever thought he could have a remotely sensible vacation. Let your guard down one time and you get kidnapped by a man with more money than everyone else in the state combined (though, to be fair, that sounds more normal given his circumstances than it should. Still, the billionaire being Bruce Wayne isn’t normal). 
Now, there are a lot of things Danny could do to absolve this situation, and the smartest of all of them would be tell Bruce Wayne that he’d been too shocked to refute the man, but he wasn’t actually his son, and had finally gathered his bearings to say so and was very sorry for causing him undue stress. 
Instead, Danny jumps out of a moving car. 
Distantly registering the yell of alarm and the screech of the vehicle pulling to a sudden stop, he tanks the roll and springs back up again, taking in his surroundings for all of a second before sprinting in the opposite direction of wherever they’d been going. Bruce Wayne is definitely chasing after him- he can hear the heavy footfalls pounding behind him- but Danny’s been running from his problems for years. There’s no way he’s letting them catch up to him now. 
He rounds a corner and disappears into thin air, because Batman’s not a day time hero so what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him and surely he’d get that Danny was only doing it for the sake of his personal safety. I mean, who’s he to say that Bruce Wayne doesn’t layer on his fortunes with the occasional ransom situation? …Maybe not the best excuse he’s ever come up with, but the damage is done now, and he drifts away for a few more minutes until he figures he’s far enough from his initial launch point that he can drop the invisibility. 
Looking around, he can tell that he’s definitely lost, his surroundings still reeking of big money and the actual meat of the city barely hanging on the horizon. Well, technically he’s not that lost, given that he can still see inner-Gotham from here, but he doesn’t know where the Hell his hotel is in all that grey, and the walk looks far. While he was willing to risk the momentary power-usage to get himself out of the billionaire’s sights, he figures that trying anything else would be pushing his luck a bit further than it was willing to take him. 
He must’ve been thinking about it for a lot longer than he realised, though, because he hears a quiet thud behind him, and there is now a vigilante blocking his exit. Long-ish black hair, an admonishing expression, and a black and blue outfit with a bird decal.
That’s one of the Bats. NIghtwing, he thinks? 
Aren’t they all supposed to be nighttime vigilantes?
As if hearing his questions, the taller man tuts, bringing his hands to his hips like his mom does when he breaks curfew. He hasn’t got out the electric-stick-things that he’s pretty sure the guy owns, so that’s good. “Tim,” He starts, tone starkly disappointed, and- hold on, why is Nightwing on a first name basis with the Wayne Enterprises CEO? “I thought B told you to take today off.”
Hold on, that’s a weird thing for a vigilante to know about the Wayne Enterprises CEO, and- Danny’s assuming B means Bruce Wayne- why is he using such a casual nickname for the billionaire? Do they know each other? He supposes it makes sense if they’re all in cahoots, since the Bats’ stuff does seem pretty expensive-looking, but he’d honestly kind of assumed Batman was just some rich reclusive vampire or something. Like Vlad but morally-reversed. 
Unless Batman is still a billionaire and not just funded by Bruce Wayne. Nightwing knowing the Tim guy would make sense, then, given they might see each other at rich people things. But, actually, would that make sense? Vigilante socialites don’t usually go around telling their other socialite friends that they’re vigilantes, do they?
Unless Batman is Bruce Wayne. But that’s ridiculous. He’d figured the guy was hiding something, and the hoard of children is kind of indicative of a weird guy generally, but the man being some kind of edgy bat-themed hero in his spare time was just too ridiculous. There’s no way. 
…Holy shit. Batman is totally Bruce Wayne. 
That means that Nightwing is probably one of Bruce Wayne’s many sons, which means that he’s one of Tim Drake-Wayne’s many brothers, which means Bruce Wayne may have called him to chase him down and bring him back to the manor. Even though they shouldn’t be doing that because he isn’t Tim Drake. 
Now, there are a lot of things Danny could do to absolve this situation, and the smartest of all of them would be tell Nightwing that by some hilarious comedy-of-errors, Bruce Wayne had mistaken him for his son Tim the CEO when he is in fact Danny Fenton the tourist, and he’s very sorry for the fuss he’s caused, but he should probably call his sister to pick him up now, thank you very much. 
Instead, Danny feints left and tries to dash out the corner he’d trapped himself in from Nightwing’s other side. Nightwing grabs him like a small dog with one arm and raises a grappling hook to the nearest roof. Danny feels like this is probably karma for all the property damage he’s caused in Amity as they’re flung violently across roofs higher than his town’s tallest apartment complex. He is quickly discovering that being airborne is actually so much worse when you’re not the one in control. 
He doesn’t have an awful lot of time to ponder this, however, because they reach what Danny assumes is the Wayne residence soon after. Nightwing does an absolutely terrifying set of flips as they careen over to the other side of the ledge the mansion is on, and lets him go when they’re on the ground to put a finger against his hear, presumably to some communication device. 
“I’ve got him, B! We’re outside the Batcave now- yep, all safe- see you in a sec!”
…They’re outside the what now?
Nightwing slings an arm over his shoulder- some mix of friendliness and making sure he doesn’t run away- and leads him into a concealed entrance against the ledge just beneath the Wayne mansion. 
He has to be hallucinating at this point. There are actual bats in here. The whole place is scary and dark and gigantic and—is that a fucking dinosaur?
And, as if just to cement how utterly absurd today has been, Bruce Wayne is striding towards them with an expression contorted by worry, and he feels bad right up until the moment the guy cups his face with his calloused hands (calloused because he’s Batman, what the Hell). “Tim, I was so worried,” He croaks. “What happened back there? Why did you jump out the car?”
Now, there are a lot of things Danny could do to absolve this situation, and finally, finally, he-
“What the Hell is happening right now.” He blurts, taking a sharp step back and letting the hand fall from his face, watching as surprise falls over the men next to him like an overcast. 
Okay, maybe not the the smartest thing he could’ve said, but not the worst thing either, and that’s probably the biggest win he’s going to get today, so he’ll take it. “What are you talking about?” Nightwing asks gently, reminding him rather neatly that he is still in an absolutely gigantic pile of shit, seeing as he’s now going to have to explain that they have all made some very big mistakes today. 
“Uh, okay, so funny story- and you have to promise not to like, beat the shit out of me or whatever-“ He ignores the horrified faces they make at that, nervousness leaking out into a hysterical laugh. “But, uh, a very bad thing has happened, and— it’s like, fine! I won’t tell anyone if you won’t tell anyone, it’s totally chill and I’m really great at keeping secrets-!”
Bruce Wayne cuts him off, looking terribly concerned. “Tim, whatever’s going on, we’ll-“
“I’m not Tim!”
The moment the words are out of his mouth, he backs away with his hands raised placatingly, panic heightened by the way the two men freeze in their tracks. “I am so sorry,” Danny chokes, figuring he can’t dig himself into any deeper of a grave than he already has. “I was just- I was outside Wayne Enterprises to take pictures and when you came up to me I had no idea what to do so I just froze, and by the time I came to I was in your car and like, I was kind of scared you were kidnapping me? Because I kind of have a history with billionaires and kidnapping so I just panicked and jumped out the car but that made everything worse ‘cause you chased me and now I’m in the Batcave and you’re Batman and-“
There is a very long pause when Danny’s words fail him. The Batcave is very quiet beyond the chittering of bats on the ceiling. 
“You have a history with billionaires and kidnapping?” Nightwing asks, like literally nothing else he’d said registered. 
Quite frankly, Danny does not want to know what their expressions are like. Averting his eyes, he replies- “That was definitely a weird thing for me to say. Sorry. Uh, yeah.”
“Are you safe?”
What is happening? “Like… right now? I mean, so long as you aren’t gonna feed me to that dinosaur then yeah; I’m just in Gotham for vacation. I don’t- it was a very nice vacation. Until like half an hour ago. Now it’s a stressful vacation.”
Bruce Wayne, to his credit, is not trying to kill him for his knowledge of the man’s secret vigilantism, which already makes him better than the only other billionaire he knows. The man drags a hand down his face, looking stressed beyond belief. “I should’ve known you weren’t Tim,” He breathes. “I don’t even know what to say.”
“Yeah, now that I’m actually hearing you talk, you sound nothing like him. Bruce, were you actually listening when he was talking to you before you shoved him in the car? This guy’s midwestern. What happened to world’s greatest detective, B?” Nightwing snorts and, wow, they’re not taking this half as badly as he thought they would. And, hey, now that he’s thinking about it, these are the first actual vigilantes he’s ever met outside of himself and Valerie, and wouldn’t it be a waste not to ask them for pointers? 
Maybe it’s not the best idea in the world, but he already knows their secret identities and they’re being chill about it, so maybe they’ll be chill with his, too. Screw it, he’s doing it. 
“Again, I promise I won’t tell anyone- I’m, ah, pretty good with secrets like this.” They turn to look at him curiously there, and he tries to talk past the lump in his throat. “I’m kind of, um, also a vigilante as well? Funny coincidence, right? Small town gig, though, nothing like Gotham! And I’ve only been on the scene a few years, so… I don’t know what I’m asking, here. Any good pointers?”
Nightwing looks thoughtful. “Does this have anything to do with the billionaire you mentioned?” He asks.
“It very much has a lot to do with the billionaire. If Vlad Masters ever asks you for anything- I dunno, punch him? He’s got a really punchable face, you’d know if you met him. It’s all creepy and shit.”
Nightwing continues asking questions as Bruce Wayne’s head remains firmly buried in his hands, and sure, maybe letting this well-established team of heroes know about his less-than-legal and more-than-ectoplasmic hobbies might come back to bite him, but right now he can’t help basking in the fact that he gets to bad-mouth Vlad to someone who Vlad will probably care about his reputation with. Everything else comes second. 
“-Hang on, you said you’ve been a vigilante for a few years, right? How old are you?”
Okay, almost everything comes second. Both men are looking at him now with something that’s probably-definitely concern and is getting worse the longer he neglects to answer, and Danny is very suddenly reminded once again that the majority of Bruce’s children fit the same appearance-criteria as he does. 
He’s just doubled his own problem, hasn’t he? It’s not just one anymore-he’s going to have to deal with two billionaires now. 
He’s never going on vacation again. 
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smilesatdawnmain · 4 months
Ultimate Au Guide (LMK)
All my Lego Monkey Kid Au’s in one big post. ( i don't wanna talk about how long this took me. don't ask me. I'll cry...)
Warning: this thing is huge
This consists of current Au’s, future Au’s, Au’s of Au’s, and anything in between!
Current Au’s;
Summary: Wukong and Macaque unknowingly have twins. Before they can realize this miracle, one (MK) is Taken away to the human realm by Nezha. All to prevent the Jade Emperor from killing this child and starting another war.
This story focuses on Qi Xiaotian, the Monkey Prince, and young “human” orphan MK as the two try to reunite while also avoiding every third party force trying to use the two for their own personal gain.
Fanfic: Yes here is the link
Red x Xiaoxiao (Xiaotian the twin, not MK) but… you know, there might be some MKxRedSon. (It’ll be dramatic, trust me)
FreeNoodles (Tang X Pigsy)
AzureLion x Ao Lie
My art:
First (From old account. It's crazy how much of a change my art and character design has come from this first post)
Older designs I really did love Xiaoxiao's outfit here though. I should bring it back. Maybe as his "he's discovered himself" outfit XD
This should lead to all art
litt1e-prince (Xiaoxiao's room!)
Status: Incomplete
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 6 or 7 /10
The Day the World Eclipsed
Summary: After losing his Mate and child 500 years ago, a miracle occurs when Sun Wukong is gifted with the return of his child, Qi Xiaotian. His little Star, his everything, Wukong dedicates himself to being a better Father and man. This is all tested when he is reunited with the reincarnations of his companions to the West and his long-lost Mate returned from the grave. Custody battles and shared parenting can be such a messy thing~
Fanfic: Yes, here is the Link
-Shadow Peach (past mention, and then very slow burn forgiveness)
Spicy Noodles (possibly future, still under debate)
My Art:
First Piece (Still on my old account)
If I had to pick a cover for this au, it would be this (also on old account)
Older MK sneak peak
This will lead to all other art
Fan Art
Status: Incomplete
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 4 or 5 /10
The First Gift
(One shot) (This does have a sequel underway)
Summary: A peek into Sun Wukong and Macaque's life before they join the Brotherhood to take down the Jade Emperor. Wukong's got a big plan under his sleeve, and Macaque has no idea. With the help of the Brotherhood, Wukong is positive his plan to ask Macaque to marry him will be flawless. (Spoiler; it isn't)
Fanfic: Yes, here it is!
My Art: Amazingly I've never drawn anything for this one
Fan Art: None
Status: Completed
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 0/10 (it's super Fluff)
Tragedy of Six
Summary: The world was never the same when The Lady Bone Demon attacked. By her hands, many were injured, and many more were killed. The Brotherhood could not escape this touch, losing their children to her conflict. Yet unknowingly, these same children survived. They are being raised by The Lotus Prince Nezha, who is being forced to train and prepare these children to be soldiers for the Lady Bone Demon. (And inspired Fic on both Taken and "Blood and Bones" by EmerialynCodeVenice)
Fanfic: Yes, here is the link
Azure Lion X Ao Lie
Sandy X The Huntsman Spider
Any future ships with the 6 kids are up for debate and what the audience likes best
My Art:
Link This should lead to all art
Fan art:
Status: Uncompleted
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 9/10
Fix and Mend
Summary: Macaque is trying to find his way in the world and his current place in life. Getting himself a part-time job at Pigsy's Noodles he discovered two very interesting facts. 1, Wukong clearly has the hots for him, and 2, MK is secretly dating Red Son. Now he just needs to figure out what to do with these two tidbits.
Fanfic: Yes, here is the link~
My Art:
I amazingly only drew one thing for this one so far
Other Art:
Status: Incomplete
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 1/10
Choose Your Own Adventure
Summary: This is a Tumblr-focused Choose Your Own Adventure. Completely decided by the votes of the audience. The first two are basically a test to see how well I can do something like this.
Fanfic: No, but it is here on Tumblr
-First Adventure (Completed)
Second Adventure (In Progress)
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 2/10
Future Au’s:
Fading Moon
Summary: MK believes he is a normal human boy, with a normal human Dad, and normal not ancient Uncles. That is until he meets Red Son, the Demon Bull Prince, and the truth of his heritage starts to unfold. As well as discovering the unfortunate fate of his Baba, a person MK had never had the chance to meet until he was 19.
Fanfic: Not yet? A have a lot written for this though
Traffic Light Trio~ (Red Son X Mei X MK)
Sandy X The Huntsman Spider
ShadowPeach (Past mention)
Macaque X Erlang (Not sure what this ship is called. Present mention.. and.. toxic version of it. This story is a whirlwind people)
Free Noodles~ (Slow burn~)
My Art:
I do have a master post just for this au since I plan it to be more tumblr focused for now Link
Fan Art: None currently
Status: Incomplete
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 6/10
The Second Gift
(Squeal to The First Gift)
Summary: Being together with Wukong could bring Macaque no greater joy. No means or way could make his life better than where it was. After a strange occurrence with his magic, Macaque realizes happiness can always grow.
Fanfic: Not yet but it is slowly getting there~
Shadow Peach
Gajasimha shipping (Azure X Yellow Tusk)
My Art: None yet
Fan Art: Nada~
Status: Still in progress
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 0/10 FLUFF BABY~
Missing the Then and Now
Summary: Macaque wakes up with no memories of where he is, or WHO he is. The explanation for this is a large and very deep injury that wraps around his entire skull. Almost like something squeezed until he popped. Now, however, he finds himself on a ship with some Monkey Kid, his family and friends, and a sun-kissed Monkey King who won't stop looking at him. And what is worse, none of them want to explain how he got this way.
Fanfic: Nothing yet. But man the word doc is getting pretty hefty
Shadow Peach (Past mention)
Shadow Peach (Slow burn/One-sided for a time?)
Macaque X The Mayor (past Mention) (this one is really wild guys.)
My Art: None so far
Fan Art: None so far
Status: It's on it's way
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 6/10
Summary: When Macaque was killed, he expected his soul to be taken to the Diyu. Instead, he finds himself stuck to Wukong- the very man who ended his life. When Soul collectors come to see what the hold up is, they inform him that as the two had been tethered in life, so too are they in death. Macaque will only ever be free when Wukong has found peace and moves on. This goes on for a long time, yet when Macaque feels the tether start to loosen, he panics and realizes- he doesn't want Wukong to let him go.
Fanfic: I have too many Word docs and this is one of them~
Ships: ShadowPeach
My Art: None yet
Fan Art: None Yet
Status: Stuck in the world doc abyss
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 7/10
Torn Between A Star
(A sort of alternate direction for "The Day The World Eclipsed)
Summary: Macaque survives the fight against Wukong, forced to return home. Terribly weakened and knowing he could not defend the egg that housed Wukong and his child, he flees to his Sister- Princess Iron Fan. Together they live there until the child is born. 5 years later, Wukong's Journey To the West is done. Returning home to no mate or child, he is desperate to track them down and bring them home. A certain Bull King and Iron Fan stand in his way.
Fanfic: So... Word doc. Big one. Real sad.
Ships: Shadow Peach (Past mention and struggling with current romance)
My Art: There will be some
Fan Art: Maybe one day?
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 5/10
When Lions and Dragons Meet
Summary: Taking place in the years of Wukong's Journey Westward, Wukong stumbles upon his Brothers. Wanting to settle things Wukong meets up with Azure Lion to find peace- and surprisingly finds it. For a second. That is until he finds out that Azure Lion has had... relations, with a certain Dragon that currently accompanies Wukong and the other Pilgrims in the form of a horse. And is not keen on letting Azure continue this courting.
Fanfic: I swear guys- I got- I got soo many words docs. There aint a fanfic but there will beeee one day.
Azure Lion X Ao Lie
Shadow Peach (Kind of a mention?)
My Art You are getting some art. It's cute
Fan Art: ...I mean... if ya want to?
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 2/10
Seen Through My Eyes
Summary: Wukong thought Macaque had abandoned him when he was trapped below the mountain. His Mate never visited, never once showed his face. Then, many years into his imprisonment, someone stumbles into his cave. They blindly feel around, unable to see anything in front of their face. To Wukongs shock, it's Macaque. His Mate's pure white fur is tainted black, his ears bigger than normal, and his eyes- his eyes are gone. He smiles, however, hearing Wukong's heart. "I finally found you".
Fanfic: None yet
My Art: I personally drew some stuff but never posted it
Fan Art: I dare you all XD
Status: Sitting in a Google doc, festering away from the angst
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 8/10
The choices we make, and the regrets we take with us
Summary: Lady Bone Demon had whispered a secret into MK's ear just seconds before Wukong arrived. Now safe from her clutches and seeking the Samadhi fire, surprisingly with Macaque helping them out, Wukong notices that MK can't stand to look at him. What had that Witch whispered to make MK's gaze so steely?
Fanfic: Nope~ Not yet~
ShadowPeach (Past Mention)
My Art: Maybe one day.
Fan Art: None
Status: In my Google Docs and covered with sobbing emotions from the one person I let read it
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 9 or 10/10
Au’s of Au’s:
I'll have you all know that ALL of these were given to me by YOU GUYS. You are to blame for putting these in my head! XD
Summary : A "What if" to my Taken Story. What if MK was never Taken and actually got a chance to grow up with Xiaoxiao and his parents? Xiaotian would probably be called Xiaohua in this one, and MK would go back to being Qi Xiaotian.
Fanfic: No, but it's on its way
Azure Lion X Ao Lie
Red Son X MK? Maybe Red Son X Xiaohua? Maybe they both fight over him?? Maybe they share him?? I dunno yet.
Tang X Pigsy
My Art
This will lead to all art
Fan Art: Would be cute but none yet~
Status: Tumblr grown so far but I got a good amount of stuff written in a google doc
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 0 or 1 /10
Taken Apprentice
Summary: Based on Taken once more, but with the twist that instead of taking MK to the human world, Nezha took MK with him to the celestial Realm. From there he raised MK himself as his apprentice. Hiding him with a glamor and instilling a misguided loyalty to the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor is insistent one of the twins must still die, but agrees to keep MK around, hoping to find a chance to kill the other twin instead and keep the loyal MK as his own bodyguard.
Fanfic: I... I don't think it'll be a fanfic. Like- Oh my gosh, so much writing. I wouldn't know how to stop.
Shadowpeach, of course.
Probably Red Son X Xiaoxiao again
Some Azure Lion X Ao Lie
Uuuuuuuuu- other wise I dunno?
My Art
Only one thing so far
Fan Art: I would die if you did
Status: Tumblr based so far. I haven't written anything for this. I will only if begged and bribed.
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 4/10
Taken Reverse/Swapped
Summary: Another Taken Au. XiaoXiao and MK are born, but instead of MK being taken Xiaoxiao is instead. He would be Xiaohua in this one. Xiaohua, who is abandoned at an orphanage, winds up being taken in by the Spider Queen when he shows promise as a thief. Xiaohua is iving the life of crime, while in return MK (Xiaotian) is being raised to follow in his Father's footsteps as a hero. The two eventually meet and clash.
Fanfic: I haven't even finished Taken there is no way XD
Hmmmmmm. Mabe MK X Red Son?
Maybe Enemy to lovers Xiaoxiao X Red Son? I dunno
Sandy X Huntsman Spider
My art
The start of the madness
Fan Art (looks into your very soul)
Status: It exists in tumblr and thats it right now
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 4/10
Parent Trap
Summary: Based on Taken once more. Isn't quite like the normal LMK lore. When MK and his twin brother Xiaohua were babies, their parents separated, each taking one of the infants with them. MK went with Wukong, and Xiaohua with Macaque. When the two get older, they manage to miraculously meet at a Summer Camp and discover the truth. Now these two working on a plan to reunite their parents.
Fanfic .... T-There might be one in the future... maybe...
ShadowPeach (Past Mention and reunion)
Ao Lie X Azure (Slow burn)
Macaque X Mayor (The kids are trying to end this one)
My art:
Only this so far
Fan art: None currently
Status: This one is in a word doc, okay?? There is writing on it!
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 2/10
The cancelled Au’s??
Strange title I Know, but it’s the best way to describe this section
-The Day the World Eclipsed (the Original Plot)
-most may know this, but I changed the plot of the Story within the first few chapters. When Wukong left to head to the City, intent on finding a new home for his son… he was originally intended to go through with that.
I have Many MANY chapters of this unfolding- of Wukong actually going through with abandoning MK.
It was farrrr different than what the story has changed to now. And I love the direction the story is now going, but I had a lot of angst planned for the original :)
One day I might even post what originally was intended to happen.
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 10/10
You did it! You are at the end! Feel free to either comment here or ask in my ask box about any of these~!
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roronoaswifey · 2 years
𝐂𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐇𝐂𝐒, monster trio
summary. inviting the monster trio to your annual family cookout
pairing. monkey d. luffy, roronoa zoro, vinsmoke sanji x black!reader
warnings/tags. slight foul language, alcohol consumption, implied weed consumption, wholesome meeting the family content, reader is black but fic can be applied to all races
wc. 2.9k
kazu’s note. tee helped inspire me… even if the idea was all mine xo 💋 @sanjisblackasswife
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“let’s fucking go!”
→ he’s oddly excited to go, mainly because of all the fun stories you’d told him in the past and food
→ wherever there’s a fun time and food, you know luffy’s down
→ the second you stepped in, you lost your boyfriend. in the overwhelming swarm of greetings and hugs and kisses, luffy was nowhere to be found
→ you were asked by all family members where was this boyfriend of yours and your left brow twitched in suspicion, cause where else would the bastard be at this ripe hour?
→ ding ding ding, the kitchen of course.
→ he leaned over the counter, eyes shimmering in want as he drooled over whatever seemed to be cooking in the crockpot
→ your mother eyed him suspiciously, lost and completely confused as to who this clearly non family member was doing in her kitchen
→ you found him and easily, smacking the back of his head while scolding him on proper etiquette, to which he pouted and argued that,
→ “but i’m hungry!”
→ “dumbass, where are your manners?”
→ your mom didn’t take it to heart, however. she appreciated how he could distinctively spot a good dish from away
→ after poutingly introducing himself, luffy beamed at the premade plate in front of him, thanking your mom endlessly with hugs before diving into his meal
→ though stunned by the way he inhaled his meal down, your mom was also impressed by his go-lucky nature, going as far as ruffling his hair affectionately
→ luffy’s definitely best friends with the younger cousins. he keeps up with their games, laughs along at anything and agrees when they ask him to bring them to a nearby park
→ they ask for story times of adventures when he’s at sea, and listen with heart eyes as he tells them about the amount of sea kings he’s slaughtered and bad men he’s defeated, going as far as re-enacting the situations
→ he’s also at the center of the mosh when adults ask the kids to dance for money. he isn’t even doing it for the money, he’s just so full of energy and everyone loves his vibe so much
→ he definitely makes money off it though
→ dinnertime is horrendous. he’s got a big appetite, and you warned your family beforehand, but naturally they’re still in shock at the way he basically SWALLOWS the table.
→ your mom is a huge fan, prepping beforehand containers of food so he doesn’t go hungry
→ even if he’s basically gobbling down his and other people’s share of food, luffy is known for his outgoing and warm personality, so of course he’s the center of entertainment
→ he’s cracking jokes, singing off key, dancing ridiculously and your family seems to be eating it up. they laugh like he’s the funniest man, sing along as if he was making sense, even hype him up when he dances foolishly
→ at some point in the day he’s so stuffed he ends up knocked out with some random kid in one of the rooms upstairs, snoring with the child snuggling into his torso, damn near rolling over him
→ nighttime falls before luffy wants, and eventually it’s time for y’all to go back, but lemme tell you this man is so bummed out
→ not only does your family bash you for “gatekeeping” him from them for so long, but luffy’s pressed because not everybody seems to have left but now you’re forcing him to go too??
→ “lu, we gotta set sail tonight or else nami’ll have both our heads on a platter!”
→ “i don’t care! i’m captain, and i decide we stay!”
→ you’re so ready to shove your fist down his throat when your mom shows up, containers full of food in her hold as she offers a simple solution that has luffy obeying uncharacteristically easily
→ you rolled your eyes, grabbing the packed food as your mom smothered luffy in kisses, thanking him for having shown up and expects to see him more often
→ she also gives him the sentimental “look after my daughter” speech as if he’s not the one that needs to be looked over
→ luffy replies with his infamous laugh, hugging your mom back as his answer makes your chest bloom with warmth,
→ “of course! y/n’s the love of my life.”
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→ “uh…”
→ that’s the face he made the second y’all entered the house, greeted by your skeptical dad who gave him an offish look
→ “so you the thug my baby’s dating?”
→ “dad.” you gave your dad a pointed look, and he rolled his eyes, waving off as he claimed he was joking, but the way zoro was frozen is fear (?) suggested otherwise
→ so, rough start, but zoro decides he’s gonna try his best to make your family approve of him. i guess it helps he brought a bottle of wine (selected by sanji ofc) to woo the fam
→ he follows as you make your way towards the backyard, greeted with love and hollers as everyone chants how it’s been so long since they last saw you
→ you get hugs and kisses from uncles, aunties, grandparents, family friends and cousins, whole time zoro stands behind you like 🧍waiting for you to finish
→ “gonna introduce us to your hunk of a man?” some thirsty auntie practically ogles zoro and he’s frozen to pieces again at the attention on him
→ you roll your eyes and nudge zoro forward to introduce himself, and he inwardly curses you for setting him up like that
→ “roronoa zoro… ma’am.” you nearly decked him up the head for the unneeded formal greeting, but your family laughed it off, amused by his sternness
→ “your name roronoa?”
→ “no sir. i’m japanese.”
→ “well that’s new.” you glared at the same thirsty auntie, hoping she wasn’t somewhat shading you for your taste in men
→ regardless, zoro went through the crowd and attempted to present himself, though it was unnecessarily stiff, you rubbed your hand on his back for his efforts
→ zoro finds it really hard to find peace and quiet at events like these, though he doesn’t hate it but isn’t exactly used to so much familial love in one place especially with the lack of family growing up
→ he does find peace in the normality of everything, no piracy or wild government issues involved
→ your dad manages to find him and challenges him alongside the other uncles to a drinking contest, but because you know you have an advantage, you decide to place bets on winners
→ bets are predictable enough; everyone besides your mom and you bet on the undefeated champion that was your dad. joke’s on them cause naturally zoro won
→ he swipes his hand over his mouth, smirking at your dad across the table as you stand next to him, arms crossed over your chest and smirking tauntingly back you guys looked so badass
→ your dad eyes you both saltily, and zoro fears he fucked up yet again by taking the challenge too seriously, but when your dad breaks out in laughter and gives his hand to shake, a sweat dropped from his hairline in relief
→ you made about 350$
→ your (single) aunties cannot get over how good looking he is. they swarm around him, praising him for his out-of-this-world visuals and smother all over him, pulling at his cheeks and tugging at his biceps
→ and in returns he’s just like “uh, thank you.” while giving you a look to save him, but you’re evil and let him suffer alone
→ now when the kids get ahold of this man, just wish him goodnight at this point cause you’re not seeing this man for the rest of the night
→ they love this man ☠️ is it the fact that he seems so unappeased and stoic, or the fact that he’s a new piece of meat to bother, he really couldn’t tell
→ they tug on his arms, sit on his lap, play with his hair, and ask for stories of what it’s like to be at sea while being such a strong pirate
→ “you got three swords?!” “i do.” “can i use them?! please?!” “i’m pretty sure y/n would kill me.” “no she wouldn’t! she lets me play with swords all the time!” “uh…”
→ when you caught him giving piggyback and airplane rides to your very happy younger sister, you leaned against the doorframe and teased him about how well they got along to which he bluntly denied
→ you saw the fond smile on his face tho
→ still you drag him downstairs to meet up with your older cousins and family friends, slipping on some slides as your dad corners y’all at the entrance
→ “we’re gonna go take a walk.” you smile sheepishly, kissing his cheek and your father gives you a look, seeing easily past your lame excuse but does nothing to stop y’all
→ “we are?” your confused boyfriend mumbled, tugging your sundress and your cousins and friends laughed at his naivety, saying something along the lines that they’d get along just well
→ the walk taught him a few things; weed is definitely not for him nor his throat, you get overly affectionate when you’re high and your one short friend is hilarious when he’s hungry
→ he gets along well with other significant others of family members, all in the same “freshly arrived” boat. he and your sister’s boyfriend actually bonded over the kendo matches airing on the sports channel
→ when night comes, he’s almost drained by how much social interaction he was put through. you wish everybody a goodnight and they threaten you to bring him back to the next function “or else”.
→ you’re at the door with leftovers and drinks, and when you leave the door, zoro realizes he probably should privately share his goodbyes to your dad, and so he goes back when you don’t notice
→ you noticed you were talking to yourself for a while, so you frown and wonder if your man got lost while you were busy ranting about how happy you were
→ you head back to the house, ready to search for a lost moss but you halt your step when you hear familiar voices talking
→ “you take good care of my baby, roronoa. she better be in one piece next time y’all come ‘round. got it?”
→ you roll your eyes at your dad’s usual protectiveness, ready to counter on his behalf but you’re cut to the chase by your boyfriend,
→ “i love her, sir. nothing bad’s ever gonna happen as long as i’m around, i swear.”
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→ “sounds like a good idea, my love!”
→ sanji blends in with your family alarmingly well. it’s barely been a few minutes since y’all got in, and he presents himself with bouquets of flowers and wine, and the whole house has fallen head over heels for him
→ sanji used to be a waiter alongside a sous chef, so his conversational skills are flawless. he knows exactly what to say to make your members feel listened, nods when they speak and engage in their stories
→ your mom is in love with this man. when he presented himself, he reached out his hand and when she laid hers in his, he kissed her knuckles all gentlemanly and gave a wink, and she was weak in the knees
→ you had no worries about sanji meeting your family, you knew they’d fall for his charms just as you did
→ unsurprisingly, most of his time is spent in the kitchen with the ladies, even though they tell him he can go relax elsewhere with the men. he presses that he’s fine and he’s willing to help with the preparation, as he is the chef’s cook
→ you find him minutes later wearing an apron cutting up vegetables, laughing brightly at whatever story your mother had to share
→ while he spends his time in there, the tipsy aunties spill and rant all the family’s tea, from unplanned pregnancies to cheating scandals, and sanji’s nosy ass is all in for the business, going as far as asking questions and throwing in his own opinions
→ like imagine “you’re joking! is that not her sister’s ex man?! what a low blow!” “i know right? she’s been shady as fuck.” he gasps dramatically, hand on his hip as he pauses from mincing the garlic
→ dramatic bastard
→ he offers to help set up the table as he’s used to doing it on the ship, and your mom almost feels bad for making her guest help her with everything, but he expertly holds plates in his hands as he winks, “anything for my mother-in-law, mademoiselle.”
→ he’s so used to eating last, making sure everyone’s gotten a good taste before he can sit back, so he’s taken aback when your mom slides him a plate on the counter
→ you’re rolling your eyes playfully as sanji tries to push the plate back respectfully and offers that your mom eats before he does, since she did make everything
→ “give it a rest, she’s as stubborn as you are.” you nudge your shoulder against his, and he straight up pouts, before nodding and thanking her for the meal
→ he was stunned at the outburst of flavours, not having ever tasted anything as unique as soul food in his life. he has literal hearts out of his eyes and his mother mentions warmheartedly how cartoon-like it was little does she know
→ though you underestimated sanji’s stubbornness when you caught him doing the dishes, claiming he was unloading the amount of work your mom would have to do
→ she was baffled by his kindness, wrapping her arms around him and planting a kiss at his temple, chanting how he was her new favorite and you teasingly scoffed at the bashful blush that crept at sanji’s face
→ your younger sister is in love with him. like, actual love. she wants to marry him and keep him in her room for the rest of her life, so she says.
→ when nobody wanted to play dollhouse with her, he felt his chest ache at the way she seemed defeated, instantly reminded by his own childhood, so he offered to play with her and she was immediately crushing
→ “sanji, i love you! be my husband!”
→ he chuckles sheepishly, “but what about your sister, darling? it wouldn’t be room nice if i left her alone.”
→ your sister pouts and has tears swelling in her eyes, and sanji is such a sucker he gets swept in by her manipulative tactics, that he leans forward on a knee and holds her hand reassuringly.
→ “how about you get older first, then we’ll talk, okay? you’re still my favorite after all.” he ruffled her hair and revelled in the way she looked away so shyly, nodding before running away
→ “i’m wounded, sanji.” you flatly spoke, a smirk on your lips as he rose to his feet, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment
→ while you laid in the living room and digested dessert, you suddenly missed the presence of your boyfriend as he was hogged by your mom all day
→ you got up and made your way to the kitchen, to which you saw sanji sat across the counter, notepad and pen in his hands as he scribbled on the paper while your mother rambled
→ “what’s going on here?” you eyed the two suspiciously, who both froze mid-action, before turning to you like a deer caught in headlights
→ they both denied that anything was happening, that they were just catching up on their lives as if that wasn’t what they’d been doing all night. you sighed, letting it slide as you beckoned him over, complaining you missed him
→ eventually the night came to an end, and everyone was bummed that he was leaving. it almost made you feel like they could care less about you ☠️
→ everyone sent sanji kisses and hugs, forcing him to come by and visit, and to bring something he made next time so they can ogle at yet another skill of his. he promised he’d blow their minds away, with a kiss at their knuckles ofc
→ your little sister was so bummed, tearing up at the door as she watched you guys get ready to leave, and sanji desperately didn’t want her to be mad with him, so he told her to turn around, and he unclasped her necklace and slipped one of his rings on her chain, before putting it back on her neck.
→ her eyes mimicked his similar heart eyes expression, dropping her teddy on the floor as sanji kissed her knuckles. you thumped him up the head and told him to hurry up so y’all could leave
→ deep down you were happy that he was getting along with your bitter baby sister you were just tired
→ your mom was the last guest to watch you off, and after hugging you goodbye, she moved onto her new favorite and hugged him too, before pulling away and holding his hands affectionately
→ “i’m so glad y/n found you. keep her happy sanji, you’re a great boy.” she had tears swelling in her eyes, and when sanji tightened the hold on her hands, you watched him with hidden admiration,
→ “i’m the lucky one, mademoiselle. i’ll do my damn hardest to give her the happy life she deserves.”
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i gave up halfway leave me alone 💀
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spilledbeans116 · 11 months
Just In Case
(Vegeta x Reader)
Vegeta x fem!reader -6,207 Words - SFW - No use of Y/N
Fan of Vegeta x Bulma? Find an alternate version here! (The first parts match up!)
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This fic is based on a headcanon I have involving the prince and his constant need to wear gloves. I'm putting this here as a side note, but the first chapter is a bit violent. I hope you all enjoy it.
    Nappa was smiling, as proud as a warrior-nanny could be given the circumstances. Vegeta had aced his first mission under Frieza’s rule without a single hitch, having wiped out an entire planet on his own in just a couple hours. They had hit three more after that, completing twice the work of an adult saiyan could have mustered up. And what, he was only 6? Never before had such latent power been shown in such a young saiyan; his power already rivaled Nappa’s own. On late night’s when the bar was full and Raditz and Vegeta were in bed, Nappa would sit and brag to the other soldiers of Frieza’s army how talented the kid was.
    The bar was dim, the tables around having been emptied as all the patrons gathered around Nappa and listened to his tales. Among them were Ginyu, Burter, and Jeice, all three of whom were rolling their eyes at the display.
    “You should have seen the way he shot through that thing! It was almost three times my size, maybe bigger!” Nappa hiccuped, taking a swig from his mug before slamming his fist on the bar’s counter-top. “It was incredible!”
    From around the corner, a young saiyan who should have been in bed smirked. His smile quickly faltered however, as someone else spoke up.
    “Psh, right,” Ginyu laughed, giving Nappa a shove. “Like a kid could take down one of those on his own. Even Guildo struggles with them!”
    “No, Nappa’s being serious, I saw it myself!” Another soldier yelled, slamming his drink down on the bar. “The kid is a beast! A monster!” 
    Vegeta nodded, crossing his arms and leaning through the doorframe a bit to watch as the older men debated his feats.
    At that Ginyu and Burter laughed, “please! He’s an ape!” Ginyu snorted. “You think that monkey could actually do that on his own? He’s weak, just like his old man. Maybe he got lucky, but nothing more than that.”
    Vegeta clutched his cape and held it at his sides, his anger overtaking him as he fought not to run in there and sucker punch Ginyu in the face; he had already learned once that it wasn’t a good idea, and wouldn’t make an idiot of himself again. Ginyu didn’t believe he could do that? Didn’t think that Vegeta could fight his own battles or overtake a stronger opponent? Fine. He would prove he could; he would show everyone exactly what he could do. And he wouldn’t stop until they believed him.
    Months had passed, but for Vegeta, time moved strangely. It felt fleeting and yet too long at the worst of times. Then again, he was still only a child. He had already gotten stronger, not that anyone but Raditz or Nappa noticed and he didn’t give a damn what they thought. Each day and night was the same, he was degraded by the Ginyus to his face and behind his back. His family was gone, his home was gone, and his race was all but eradicated. He was the last remaining saiyan royal and ruled over two; he wasn’t the strongest on the ship nor was he even close to beating Frieza… yet. That day would come, he reassured himself. Until then he was destined to be miserable, to spend everyday fighting to be better only to get no recognition from anyone. That much responsibility and pain weighing down on a child surely wasn’t healthy, especially not when they were forcing themselves to do even more than everyone else.
     Vegeta couldn’t keep track anymore of how many planets he had slaughtered. Their cries of mercy fell on deaf ears. At night, he had nightmares about the faces of those that had met their end in his hands. He wondered who they were, what lives they lived. He was doing to them what had happened to his own home. He tossed and turned each night, enough for Raditz to complain to Nappa that it was keeping him awake.
    Soon he turned 7, still a child in the eyes of a saiyan. After each fight he felt dirtier and dirtier, and visited the showers once, twice, three times a day. The soldiers on the ship joked that the prince was a germaphobe. He was too royal for their peasant germs. He was killing without purpose, without a fight and the guilt was eating away at him slowly, crumbling his sanity with each life he took. He was 8 when it happened.
    Nappa was heading to the bar before he stopped. Something in him, some primal, strange instinct, told him to go to the boys room. He rushed down the halls and to their room, where Raditz was snoring loudly with his arm draped across his face. Vegeta, however, was gone. He couldn’t ask anyone else if they had seen him, as he’d surely be punished for roaming parts of the ship he shouldn’t without Nappa present.
    Vegeta had gotten back late from a mission and decided to go take a shower. His body was covered in blood, none of which was his own. He watched as the red water swirled down the shower drain and slowly became pink, scrubbing his body with a bar of soap as he grunted to himself. Arms, chest, legs, feet, tail, and finally his hands. He lathered the soap between them, watching the bubbles form up and over his hands before rinsing them off in the water. To his surprise, the water revealed the blood was still there.
    “Damn shit must have stained them,” he huffed, turning off the water and drying himself with a towel. He quickly wrapped it around his waist and made his way to the sinks, grabbing his toothbrush and lining it with toothpaste. Until he saw his hands again. No longer tinted red, they were coated in blood. The fur on the end of his tail began to spike as he stared at it, quickly flipping them around to see if he had any open wounds. He ran the water and shoved his hands under it, scrubbing at the blood to get it off. 
     “What the hell!” He snapped, watching as nothing changed. He began to scratch at it, trying to peel it off to know avail. He hissed as he turned the water up, the heat becoming blistering hot as he started to claw at his own hands in a desperate attempt to get the blood off of himself.
    “Why isn’t it coming off!” He yelled, starting to get louder and louder as he grew more desperate. He felt filthy as his consciousness weighed down on him, his sleep deprived body and nightmarish life finally getting the better of him. “Get it off me!”
     Nappa knew he had to be in the showers, as it was the only place the kid ever went to when he wasn’t in the dining halls or his room. With how late it was, the dining halls would have closed ages ago. As he made his way down the corridors of the ship he could hear something. It was quiet at first, but slowly became louder and louder as he got closer to the men's showers. He could hear Vegeta, screaming out in pain. Nappa shot off and slammed through the door to the bathroom, following the sounds of the hysterical screaming until he found the prince by the sinks. Vegeta was sobbing, hands burnt red from the water. 
    “The hell has gotten into you!” Nappa yelled, ripping him away from the sink. He was going to scold the prince when he saw the claw marks all over his hands. Vegeta tried to shove him away, crying out for Nappa to let go of him but it all sounded like gibberish to the older saiyan. 
     “What are you doing!” Nappa yelled at him as Vegeta slammed a hand against his face, trying to make his way back to the sink. “You’re hurting yourself, what are you doing!”
    “I CAN’T GET IT OFF!” Vegeta screamed between sobs. “MY HANDS! THEY’RE COVERED IN BLOOD I CAN’T GET IT OFF!”
    “Vegeta there is no blood!” Nappa yelled, grabbing his wrists and holding him still. “But there’s going to be if you keep tearing at your skin!”
    Nappa grabbed the prince and his clothes, clamping a hand over his mouth as he ran out of the bathroom and back towards his room. Vegeta dug his nails into the flesh of Nappa’s hand, sinking his fang’s into Nappa’s palm as the older saiyan grunted in pain. Vegeta was still trying to scream but Nappa’s hand remained firm, refusing to let anyone see the prince like this. The door to Nappa’s bedroom slammed shut as he locked it and tossed the prince on the bed, who immediately tried to book it back out the door. Before he could grab the doorknob, Nappa was in front of him, blocking his escape in the dark room. Vegeta beat his fists against Nappa’s chest, trying and failing to shove him out of the way. Nappa knelt down, taking Vegeta’s hands in his before sliding a pair of white gloves over them.
    “Look! There’s no blood! Now please Vegeta quit it!” He turned the prince’s hands over slowly, showing that nothing had seeped through. “See? You’re fine!”
    Vegeta glanced down, a sniveling mess as he turned his hands over on his own and studied the gloves. They were white, pristine, new, and soft. They cooled his burning hands and the silken fabric felt nice against the cuts he had created. “Th-there’s no more b-blood?”
    “None, Vegeta. There isn’t any blood. Okay?”
    Vegeta nodded as Nappa stood up slowly, making his way to his cabinet and pulling out gauze and ointment. He applied it to his palm first after cleaning it with a towel, Vegeta’s fangs having taken quite the chunk out of his skin. Then he bandaged it, sliding his gauntlets on over after so the prince wouldn’t see the reddish hue that would seep out soon enough. After tossing the towel, he made his way back over to Vegeta, who had calmed down remarkably and yet was still standing in the same spot Nappa had left him. He was staring at his hands, eyes lidded as sleep finally began to overpower him. Nappa grabbed him under his armpits and lifted him over to the bed, setting him down and getting the ointment ready. As he began to pull off Vegeta's gloves, the prince started screaming again, kicking Nappa away and tugging them back down.
   “NO!” He cried out. “NO YOU CAN’T TAKE THEM OFF!”
     “Vegeta,” Nappa sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You can’t keep them on forever you’ll have to-”
    “Vegeta I swear to-”
    “THAT’S AN ORDER NOW DROP IT!” Nappa didn’t say anything after that, handing the prince his pajamas and turning away. Vegeta changed quickly, grunting when he was done. Nappa frowned at the sight of the prince wearing gloves with his pajamas, but chose not to push it further. They’d deal with it in the morning and go to see the doctor then as well. 
    “Do you want me to walk you back to your-”
    Vegeta was quick to cut him off, voice trembling as he ran his hands together in his lap. “Can I stay here tonight?” His voice was quiet, barely above a whisper as he refused to meet Nappa’s eyes. Nappa looked down at the prince, an ache in his chest as he stared at the child that was forced to carry so much; but he was just that, a child. He shouldn’t have had to do any of this, not until he was much, much older. He should have been in the palace right now, spending each day training under his father to be the next king, not turned into a killing machine by a freak that regarded them as nothing.
    “Of course, your highness. You can stay here for the night.” Nappa quickly went and changed into his sleep shorts, scooting Vegeta over enough so he could fit along with him on his bed. The prince held his arm tight, body trembling as Nappa laid awake, staring at the ceiling, trying to piece together whatever the hell had just happened. Even after Vegeta had finally dozed off, Nappa remained awake, unsure with what to do with the prince.
    As time went on, Vegeta learned to live with it the best he could. The cuts he had caused on himself that night healed over, leaving small scars to forever remind him of his own shame and guilt. The blood he saw on his hands never truly went away after that but he learned to pretend he couldn’t see it. With time he was able to remove his gloves, but only for short periods before he’d quickly slip them back on. Just long enough to shower, trim his nails, or give the gloves a quick wash.
     After everything that happened on Earth, after what he did to Nappa, it was as if he were a kid again. The gloves would not come off. Ever. He had killed the man who gave them to him, who had tried to shield him from himself. For what? A power move? Now the gloves themselves were another reminder of his sins, but he found himself unable to swap them with a new pair. Now he was living in some Earth woman’s home after embarrassing himself in front of Frieza and a low level saiyan piece of scum. He slaughtered the Ginyu force, which was a bit of a two edged sword for him. Kakarot was gone at who knows where and he was stuck here, failing to do anything substantial. He had truly lost all meaning to his life.
     The gravity chamber the blue haired woman had helped build was where he spent most of his time. It gave him a break from dealing with everyone, including you. You were the most confusing out of everyone that was on this idiotic planet. He could never get a proper read on you. You were too… upbeat. He didn’t like to dwell on what he thought of you, and unfortunately found himself thinking of you during training at the worst of times.
    He had put his hand up to guard his face at the last moment as the battle bot shot at him, successfully blocking it but not without slight damage to his glove. There, on his right hand, was a clean tear.
    “Shit!” He yelled. “Damn it damn it damn it!” He blew the robot to bits before it could do anymore damage, throwing on his shirt and making his way back towards Bulma’s house. He felt sick as he glanced down at it, the deep red shade staring back at him through the slit.
    He made his way in through the back door, speed walking through the living room and down the hallway to where his bedroom was located. He didn’t have spares, he had never needed a spare. He searched around for anything that could be used as a makeshift glove. He ripped apart shirts and tried to cover it to no avail, too stressed to tie the knots properly with one hand. He shoved the fabric under the glove, only to rip it further. “Shit!”
     He didn’t know how to sew, he was a prince for the Gods’ sakes. He felt sick at the idea of what he was going to have to do but quickly realized there was no other option. He was going to have to ask for help.
    You were sitting at Bulma’s kitchen table, waiting for your friend to get back from her date with Yamcha so the two of you could go shopping. You were sipping a glass of apple juice, the only thing in her fridge at the moment in terms of drinks. The coffee maker was on the fritz ever since Vegeta tried to beat the shit out of it to get it working. Apparently the glowing blue button wasn’t obvious enough for saiyans. You paused mid sip, wondering if perhaps he was partially colorblind. Your thoughts trailed off as he was suddenly standing in front of you, arms crossed and glaring in your general direction.
    “Juice? Seriously? What are you, five?” he frowned, opening the fridge and looking around for something.
    “Good morning to you too, your highness,” you grunted, raising the cup to your lips. “I was going to have coffee but for some reason the machine is broken.”
    He huffed in annoyance but said nothing else. You could tell he had just finished training as he was a dirty, sweaty mess. The singe marks across his suit only proved your point further. “There’s nothing in here,” he frowned, slamming the fridge door shut.
    “Yeah, I heard someone has been staying over and eating everything,” you replied, taking out your phone and scrolling through it. “I have no idea who it could be though.”
    Either he didn’t notice your sarcastic tone or he didn’t care. “Tell the other woman to go get more food then,” he snapped. “It’s not my problem.”
    “You could go get it yourself.”
    “With what money?”
    You rolled your eyes, “You’re a prince, aren’t you?”
    He slammed a hand down flat on the table, leaning beside you to try and meet your eyes. “The hell do you mean by that?”
    Without looking at him you opened your text messages, Bulma’s name quickly popping up. “What do you think?” He tried to glance over at your screen to see what you were going to text her before you shifted the phone away; it was like he was a child. “Do you mind?”
     “Are you texting her? Tell her to get the vanilla protein powder as well, I won’t eat the chocolate one. It’s disgusting.”
     “Yeah yeah sure,” you sighed, instead typing “his royal majesty is awake and grumpy. Please get here soon.” She replied by laughing at your message before sending a picture of her and Yamcha laughing in whatever breakfast restaurant they were in. For now, you were stuck with him.
    “She’s with the beta-male, isn’t she?” He frowned. You nodded.
     “They’re on a date I think? I don’t know, sometimes it’s hard to tell.”
    You were surprised to hear him chuckle at that. “True. However I’d say they’re made for eachother. They’re both annoying and a pain in my ass.”
     “I’ll agree with that first part,” you giggled, setting your phone down and glancing over at him. You took another sip of your juice glass while he looked out the window. “Want me to make you a PBJ or something?”
    “Sure. While you’re at it can you pour me some juice as well and put it in a sippy cup?” He grunted, turning to face you and making an effort to roll his eyes. You don’t know why you even bothered.
    “Just trying to be polite.”
     He seemed like he wanted to say something else before he looked down at his hand. He began to fidget with his gloves a bit, the white things worn to death. When Bulma had offered him new ones he refused, rather rudely you might add, so you chose not to mention them. When designing new training outfits with her for him, gloves were always discussed but never elaborated on. “When is the blue-haired woman coming back?”
    You shrugged, “not sure.”
     He sighed, and for a moment, he sounded relieved. You went to ask him what was up before he started talking.
     “You’re a woman,” he grunted, pulling out a chair and sitting beside you. “You sew, right?”
     Ever charming, this one. “Fuck you but yes, I sew.”
     “I need you to fix my gloves,” he grumbled, continuing to mess with the one on his right hand.
    “I can just make you new-”
    “No,” he snapped, cutting you off quickly. “I need them repaired.”
    “Fine,” you said curtly. “Just leave them by my door and-”
    “No, you'll fix them now.”
    You crossed your arms, “Vegeta I don’t just carry a sewing kit on me.”
     He stared at you blankly before his eyes moved to your purse, which was resting on the back of your chair. “Then what the hell is that for?”
     You pinched the bridge of your nose and inhaled sharply as you chose to ignore his question. “Why should I help you in the first place? You’re not exactly-”
    “Please.” The word was uttered so quietly, so pathetically, you were almost positive you had dreamed it. There was no way on Earth that Vegeta had said ‘please’ to you of all people. You skimmed over his face to find he was looking at the table. After a few moments and your lack of response, his eyes snapped up, his face flushing a bright red. “Stop staring at me like that! I’m not going to repeat myself damn it! It’s embarrassing enough!”
    You blinked a few times, trying to hide the shock as you spoke, “come on, I have a kit in my room.” You placed your empty juice glass in the sink, beginning to walk towards the spare room Bulma had designated as your own. 
    The sound of his boots clicked across the wooden floor as he followed you. He was embarrassed to admit he found himself admiring your outfit. It was rare he ever saw you in anything besides casual or training clothes. Today, however, you seemed to be stepping it up. He felt his ears begin to heat up as he stared at your ass and hips before quickly looking at your hair. “Why are you dressed like that?”
     “Like what?” You frowned, glancing back at him. 
    His eyes briefly shot to yours before he glanced away. “You’re… dressed nice.”
     You almost tripped when he complimented you, “oh, uh, thanks.” You said, clearing your throat. “Me and Bulma are going out later.”
     “Why not wear your training gear? What if something were to happen?”
     “Then I fight in this,” you shrugged. “My clothes aren’t what makes me a fighter, Vegeta. Plus with you guys around I’d only get in the way.”
    “Sure, but you’re already weak enough as is. Extra protection wouldn’t hurt.”
    You didn’t know if he was trying to make sure you were safe or simply making fun of you. “With how burned your suit is from the training bots, I don’t think armor makes much of a difference in the grand scheme of things.”
    He simply grunted, watching as you grabbed the handle to your room. You opened the door and made your way to your desk, pulling out a drawer and rummaging around for your sewing kit. Vegeta stood in the walkway, staring at the floor before you pulled the kit out and set it on top of your desk. You tilted your head at him as you sat in your office chair, motioning for him to take a seat on your bed.
    “I’ll stand,” he frowned, stepping in apprehensively and making his way over to you. He had never been in your room before; he never had a reason to be in it. It was very… you. He wasn’t sure how else to describe it. It had your scent and although he’d never admit it, he liked it. It made a shiver run down his spine.
    “No, you’ll sit,” you countered. “I sew better sitting, and I don’t want you looming over me while I do it.” You flicked on your small lamp and smiled at him softly.
     He grumbled under his breath, something about how he doesn’t ‘loom’ over people, before sitting on your bed carefully. He was trying to sit as close to the edge as possible to be somewhat polite. It creaked a bit as he did so, one of your plushies tumbling over and onto the floor. He sneered at it before you picked it up and set it back in its place.
    “Alright, let me see it.”
    He shoved his hand in your direction and you stared at him as if he were an idiot. “Vegeta you’re really starting to piss me off, give me the glove.”
    “You can fix it as it is,” he snapped. “I’m not taking it off.”
    You crossed your arms again and leaned back in your chair. “Are you trying to fuck with me? Is this a prank or something?”
    “Why the hell would I do that!” He yelled, clenching your quilt in his fists. He heard the snapping of threads and quickly relaxed his hand. Whether from the glove or the blanket he wasn’t sure, but neither seemed like good options to damage. “This is serious! Do you think I’d ask you for help for fun?”
    You wheeled your chair closer to him, motioning for him to place his hand in yours. He held it out hesitantly, palm facing the ceiling as you took it carefully in your own. A shiver ran up his spine once as he watched you trace the tear with your finger tips before he quickly looked away.
     “I should be able to stitch it up, but I’m worried I’ll poke you with the needle by accident.” Vegeta didn’t say anything after that, face slightly pale and body tense. You squeezed his hand softly, “I need you to tell me what the deal with the gloves is. I won’t judge, and I won’t tell anyone else.”
     “Like I’d trust you,” he snapped back as he ripped his hand away. “This was a mistake.”
    You shook your head, setting his hand back in his lap as you began to thread the needle. “You don’t have to tell me I guess, but it would make everything easier. Maybe I can go get a spare glove from some-“
    He was quick to cut you off, growing more and more agitated the longer he stared at the open slit in the fabric. “I should've just done this myself. God forbid you be good for someth-”
     “Vegeta, I am trying to help you!” You yelled, finally having had enough. The prince seemed taken aback by your sudden outburst as you slammed the needle on the desk. “The first thing you do in the morning is belittle me, complain, and act like you own the place! Well you don’t! You treat me like shit, my friends like shit, and I still wanted to help you! Don’t get mad at me for trying to do something you asked me to do! If you want to do it yourself, fine, take my fucking kit and leave.” When you saw the look he was giving you, you immediately felt bad. His eyes were wide with shock, mouth slightly agape. It was the first time you had seen him make an expression that was anything like this.
     You went to start apologizing before he ripped the damn thing off and tossed it at you. It thumped against your cheek before landing in your lap. You grabbed it and waved it at his face haphazardly.
     “You didn’t have to throw it at me!”
    “Just hurry and fix it!” He yelled back, crossing his arms and refusing to meet your eyes. His hand was shoved under his armpit as he tapped his foot rapidly against the wooden floor.
      You quickly got to work, the prince growing more and more impatient as you fixed the tear. “Would you hurry up?”
   “I’m trying! I want to make sure it’s done properly so I don’t have to redo it!”
    He leaned forward slightly to watch you work. It was impressive how quick you were with it, precise as the needle wove in and out of the fabric with ease. He watched as you bit your lip and began to tap your foot just as he had. He watched as your hair slipped down from behind your ear before you quickly pushed it back into place. Your eyes seemed to sparkle in the dim lap light, and his heart began to race. For a moment and a moment only, he finally relaxed. Then you were pulling the seam closed, tying the knot and smirking at your work.
   “Here, it’s done now you can-” He snatched it from you in an instant, struggling to put it on. You rolled your eyes, “a thanks would be nice.” He slid it on quickly, finally breathing a sigh of relief as he stared at the now closed seam. He could barely tell there had been a hole at all. He opened and closed his hand slowly to watch the fabric shift and ensure your work was good. Then he fell back on your bed and stared at the ceiling.
    You wheeled over to him again, watching as he shut his eyes tight and laid limp against your mattress. “Thank you,” was all he mustered up.
    “You’re welcome.” You replied, surprised he had even said anything. Your tone was soft when you spoke again, and he hated how it made him feel. “You can lay here as long as you need to.”
    Your phone went off in your pocket and you pulled it out quickly, finding a text from Bulma letting you know that she was home and going to take a quick shower. You stood up to leave before Vegeta sat up quickly, grabbing your wrist.
     “Can you stay?” He asked quietly, the glove soft against your wrist. You nodded, and quickly sat back down in your chair. He made his way once again to the edge of the bed, leaning his elbows against his legs as he clasped his hands together. He looked down at them, hunched over as he thought of what to say.
    “Ever since I was a kid,” he started, voice so low and deep it sent a shiver up your spine. “I have been a killing machine. It’s what I was made for and it’s all I’ve ever known.”
    You got up slowly and he paused before you nodded for him to continue. You shut and locked your door before walking back over to him and sitting in your chair. He nodded in thanks before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
    “I don’t have many memories of my father, and the ones that I do have are… complicated. Nappa raised me, if you could even call it that. Raditz was more of a nuisance than anything. Our goal was to survive, and one day I wanted to become powerful enough to beat Frieza. What a joke” He scoffed, shaking his head and looking back to the floor.
     “At first, taking lives was easy for me. I was doing nothing more than what I was assigned; I started to do more, go beyond what was required of me. The only one to praise me was Nappa, and even then it was never to my face. I was ridiculed and mocked, but it only pushed me farther, to do better. It was never what I wanted, but more so what needed to be done.”
    He didn’t know why the hell he was telling you this; he had never told anyone this. And yet now it was as if he couldn’t stop, he couldn’t shut his mouth long enough to think about what he was doing. “What was once hundreds went to thousands, then millions. I was eradicating races in the blink of an eye. Soon they weren’t just obstacles to me, but people with faces and lives I had ripped away from them. I had so much blood on my hands; I still have blood on my hands. So much blood that I will never, ever be able to get off.”
    He opened and closed his hands once more, the sounds of the fabric shifting in his grip. “I’m not a good man. Hell, I've never claimed to be one. But now Frieza is gone and it feels like everything I’ve done, everything I worked towards for years, was for nothing. The things I see in my sleep, what I feel when I’m awake, what I’ve gone through was for nothing.” He stopped for a moment, voice and tone becoming so quiet and serious you couldn’t believe it was the same person who had spoken to you just minutes ago. “I haven’t been able to look at my hands the same way since I was a child.”
     He finally looked up at you, eyes lidded as he smirked. You realized he was on the verge of tears. “Do you know how sad that is? A beast scared of his own damned hands. I’m a damn disgrace to my people.” He laughed after that, wiping his eyes and setting his hands back down. “Look at me, a prince crying in front of a damn lower life form.”
     You reached out hesitantly, tapping his hand with your fingers apprehensively. When he didn’t pull away you continued, scooting closer to him and pulling his hand up to lay between you both.
   You carefully ran your hand over his, sliding your fingers up and under the glove before pulling away slowly. You looked at him again, waiting for him to react or move away, to tell you to stop. Vegeta shut his eyes tight but didn’t pull away, his face pale as you set his glove carefully in your lap. To your surprise, his skin was soft, with yours perhaps being even rougher than his. Then again, you suppose that made sense if the saiyan never fought without them. 
    You traced your nails gently over his palm, studying the grooves in his skin and how neatly trimmed his nails were. “Well,” you started slowly, his breathing coming to a pause. “I don’t see any blood now.”
    Vegeta opened his eyes slowly, looking at your face carefully as you studied his hand. You were so delicate with him it made his breath hitch in his throat. 
    “Sure, maybe there was a lot there in the past, but not anymore. You can’t change what happened, but you can acknowledge it and move on, try to do better this time around.”
     When Vegeta looked at his own hand, he almost gasped in shock. It was his hand, as normal as any other. He looked back to you as you ran your thumb over top of his, gently moving your hand back and forth from his wrist to his knuckles.
     “You haven’t done good things, Vegeta. But I don’t think you’re a bad person. I think you need time and care to heal, and the first step towards that was acknowledging what we talked about today.” You paused, thinking carefully over your next choice of words before smiling softly. “I think there’s good in you. No, I know there is.”
    He watched the way your hair tumbled down and around your face, and how gentle your stare seemed to be. You weren’t repulsed or disgusted, but caring and considerate. He felt a blush rise first to the tips of his ears and then his cheeks before he pulled his hand away and slid his glove back on. He stood up after that, walking briskly across the room without turning back. He unlocked the door and opened it, pausing to think for a moment. Then, he made his way down the hall, wondering what the hell had just come over him as his heart raced out of control.
    A few days later he came home to find a second pair of gloves folded neatly on his bed along with a note, “just in case <3.” His face flushed as he went to crumple it up, but upon reading it just one more time, he found he couldn’t. He shoved it in the drawer of his bedside table, grumbling under his breath as he left to go train.
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starsfic · 3 months
A two parter DoTMNT fic, with the turtles adjusting to the fact that they are biologically related and the Hamato brothers discussing their eldest brother.
In the wake of learning about Splinter’s real identity, Leo and Raph struggle with deciding on how to handle it. (Or, according to @stylishbutdefinitelyillegal, Hamato Saki earns the Worst Uncle award.)
Modern AU where Azure, the head of security in a fancy casino, meets a beautiful golden man. Smut
After Iron Fan manipulates her son into a state of possessiveness over his mate, Red and her enter a civil war. DBK and Qi Xiaotian are watching on the sidelines. (Or, Ironbull and Spicynoodles keep fucking in each other’s bed. Smut.)
Inspired by an AU discussed on Discord with @rain-bow-donkey and @draw-of-the-moon, Sun Wukong has reincarnated into Pigsy’s neighboring shop. Azure must process this during their first meeting. Smut
Sun Wukong is trapped in a real life harem romance. The issue is that he wants none of them.
The gang, fresh off a new attempt at breaking the spell around the town that keeps them trapped, are hired in order to investigate sabotage around the town's yearly magic festival, the Carnival of Souls. Mr. E's spying is complicated by Pericles and Nidhogg's plans.
Qi Xiaotian's birthday is coming up. Sun Wukong jumps at the chance to do an old-fashioned bash because Xiaotian is his favorite person, and he deserves it. His parties are legendary, not just among the Brotherhood but throughout Heaven and the demon community. So imagine the reaction when, out of nowhere after 500 years of sudden silence, Sun Wukong is throwing a party. Not just a party, a PARTY.
Based on King Thrushbeard, after Red Son rejects suitor after suitors, DBK loses patience and married Red to the next peasant that passes by. Qi Xiaotian, the peasant in question, is very confused.
That one fic I mentioned to @twinklecupcake: AU of Pignapped where Tang and the kids instead land in the capture where Zhu Bajie joins the journey and must work with Sun Wukong and Tripitaka to wrangle the pig. What Tang also finds is a rival over his husband- Blue Orchid.
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a-mel-tomelts · 2 months
Boo!!! Have a curse on ye!!!
To breakth the spell, name thou mutuals and what you like about them!!!
(not all of them. Minimum 5)
If I had to do it, you do too. <3
Coral, darling you forget the fact that I am not as popular as you are~
1. My non-Tumblr buddies || 2. Discord buddies. || 3. Tumblr only
@mary-sunday - we don't talk as much as we used to but i cherish you as my first persona/aa friend!!! You were encouraging me to write fanfiction and you're the reason I still love doing it!!! I am happy we got a chance to meet each other and i am forever thankful to Sachi-chan<3
@rustykeymaster - come back to tumblr so i can extort ask persona fanarts from you!!!! A wonderful artist with a very unique artstyle that i've never seen before. My very own tumblr sexy man that i dearly love. Pls do survive and do the things you love!
@misha-dai - YOU. YOUUUUU.
my brother, my bro, my buddy. I am so happy we started to talk more and i appreciate you lots. You just accept me rambling or venting anytime and you are always there for me (be it me bullying you or you bullying me pffft)
the absolute legend that revived tumblr just to agree with my post.
@loustdoesstuff - oh my god. I think there are more things i don't like about you actually /j pffft kidding ;>
my fiance, my son, my weird found family. We were a lot of things to each other and we are still talking!!! My monkey king and dearly beloved. Please find some lego studio and make them hire you for your own sanity or else I'll do it /hj... unless
@himi-wiz - himimimimi. We had a fun yet chill ride!!! I still think calling you a train is genius. Your first dm to me about my persona takes made me feel so flattered I was happy! I am happy we still talk even if not a lot and i appreciate you sharing all the photos and pretty art with me. A wonderful person who i respect tremendously. and i thank you for the next victim mutual in my list :)
@melodiclune - hihi!!! How did you like my ask~? My wonderful, sweet, darling Coral. So much I like about you. You are smart and witty and funny and I love you talking about everything and nothing at the same time. It's nice to hear things from your perspective. A pleasant experience, I'd say. Also, you forgot that I am Hiori to your Rin :^)
@zendersenders - omggggg. ZenderSis. My comrade in RinSagi. My personal first in line reader of spiciness. I love you so much. I find you very fun and charming!!!! I just love your vibe!!! Karasu to my Hiori indeed. Can't wait to read more of your works
@blue-thief - we haven't talked much but i love reblogging from you!!! I also like your BLLK takes. Also i think your title is super cool. Twice the man is awesome. A lot of respect!
@chibihobbitlore - MARIIIII. Your art is delicious, your personality is to be salivate over and I think you have so much gender in you. You can't even imagine. Sometimes I just want to squeeze you and bit you and play with you like a dog. You know, normal things!!! Doomed yuri for the win.
@akechi - we haven't talked at all but i like your aesthetic reblogs!!!
@leonawriter - i appreciate you as a writer and a blog! I like your persona and DCMK posts(even if our DCMK ships are different. My other friend also likes Kaito and Hakuba btw!) and i enjoyed your famfiction! I find you very interesting!
@zullyziggs - it's been a while! A very awesome writer. I appreciate all the little talks we had at discord and i am still a fan of some of your fics! It's nice to see you in my notification feed<3
@chilchucks-timbs - from the loki's sword into s dilf. The proper character development. I think you singlehandedly made me read the DunMeshi manga in full. It was worth it. I enjoy all the fanart. Thank you. It's nice to reblog or be reblogged by you! (Also i tried a demo of TWEWY2. The game is so niiiiiiice. Can't wait to try it in full!)
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shortkingvince · 5 months
Small note, please specify the fandom in your requests!
Genshin Impact
(I don't write romance or smut for characters that are like minors, aka Fischl, Bennett, Razor, etc. I also don't write romance or smut for characters with the small child model.)
Twisted Wonderland
I only write for the adult characters like Malleus, Leona, Idia, etc. I don't write for 17 and under unless it's platonic.
Obey Me
I write for every character except Luke (Unless it's platonic! Then Luke requests are okay, I adore my son)
I have some preferred characters here but I can write any
Preferred characters: Solomon, Barbatos, Diavolo, and Satan
Lego Monkie Kid
God I love this series, PLEASE send in requests I love them all.
I don't write for Nezha.
Preferred characters: Sun Wukong (Monkey King), Six-eared Macaque, Red Son, and MK.
A Date With Death
Casper/Grim on top (Of no one, have you seen this man? He needs to be obliterated in the bed /j)
Mystic Messenger
Do Mystic Messenger fans even exist anymore?? I have to do the Lord's work ig../j
I love Saeran he's my babygirl (His good ending)
John Doe (Scopophobia Studios)
I uhm...I uhm...hand in marriage....
Stardew Valley
My favorites are Elliott and Sebastian but I'm able to write any character!
The Arcana
Preferred characters: Julian Devorak (I no longer write for Lucio)
Hazbin Hotel
I'll write for just about anyone HOWEVER, Angel Dust is exclusively masc reader. If I ever write Vaggie it will never be masc reader.
I don't write smut or romance for Alastor simply because it's implied he's repulsed/uninterested, I write platonic stuff for him though!
Preferred characters: LuciferLuciferLuciferLucifer--sorry demons (haha get it)
Helluva Boss
Preferred characters: Fizz + Ozzy poly fics (My beloveds)
(I only write for Deadpool 3/Deadpool and Wolverine so far since I need to get caught up on things, but I'll update this when I get more caught up! For now, any fanfics here will take place in Deadpool 3)
I only write for Deadpool and Wolverine for now, feel free to request them! Polyamory requests are actually preferred here because their dynamic is so silly but I'll gladly do separate too!
Monster Prom
Calculester, Oz, and Liam my beloveds...
I'll be keeping my requests open even when I'm not able to write very frequently! I plan to get to requests eventually, but it's hard to tell when. Basically, just don't be afraid to send in requests, I'm saving them for when I have the motivation to write for them :)) I also write fanfics without being requested when I have the proper motivation.
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theweepingegg · 2 years
Have you come across any new Fanfiction of you liked or recommend?
Lately I've been into Monkey King x Reader fics, so here are a few recommendations from me: - Isekai'D To The West If Isekai tropes are your jam, I'd highly suggest you chek it out. I'm not exactly a fan of the Isekai thing, but this one took Isekai in a different way. I'm more of a logical thinking person, and this fic really add that, a sassy Reader, there's a bit of comedic aspect and puns.
When The Sun Meets The Horizon If you have played or watched Five Nights At Freddy's: Security Breach and Lego: Monkie Kid, then this fic might be your cup of tea. I am also not much of a fan of crossovers, but I really like this one. I mean, if you're into Animatronics that is.
Iris Listen, if you have watched Nezha Reborn and you have a thing for the Masked Man then here's the fic for you! It's so HARD for me to find any fics of this version of Sun Wukong. I think this is before Li found out he was Nezha arc. The author also has a few one shots that is based on this fic as well.
Journey To Somewhere New (Sun Wukong x Reader) I honestly dunno how to explain this fic but omg. I love it. I love everything about this.
Stuck On A Mountain, Married In A Cave I have no idea how to tell you guys but damn this fic man. There's also a few one shots made by this author that just made me have a horny grip meme.
Those are a few fics that I highly suggest on reading. However I can't be sure if it will be up to your taste. But I hope you enjoyed them, as much as I do !
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levitatingbiscuits · 2 years
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I posted 7,384 times in 2022
176 posts created (2%)
7,208 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 512 of my posts in 2022
#fandom wank - 31 posts
#my writing - 22 posts
#anonymous - 22 posts
#ask meme - 11 posts
#pro jedi - 11 posts
#star wars hot takes - 9 posts
#pro jedi order - 8 posts
#fic idea - 8 posts
#sheev my beloved - 6 posts
#pro katara - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#but because boba is a maori man and fennec is an asian woman they dont give a shit that the objectively more boring character stole boba's
My Top Posts in 2022:
I don't go here but I have been seized by the idea for an obikin au
OK so imagine: Obi-Wan and Anakin are celebrity actors. They run in totally different circles; Obi-Wan acts in dramas and arthouse films and keeps getting snubbed by awards ceremonies, but he's got a dedicated fanbase of cinephiles raving about his acting techniques and how he masterfully embodies every character etc. etc. He doesn't make a whole lot of money, but he's an ✨️artiste✨️
Anakin, meanwhile, is an action hero blockbuster star. He's the type who has a toxic and devoted Twitter standom, a cult of cringe nerdbros worshipping him a la Elon Musk or Keanu, a fuckton of RPF, the works.
Their fanbases HATE each other. They're convinced from the bottom of their hearts that the 2 are bitter rivals. They pore over interviews and tabloids for the slightest HINT of animosity. Obi-Wan had to private his Twitter account because of the barrage of hate from the Stanakins. Anakin has never been cast in anything artsy because all the auteurs are on Obi-Wan's side, so he's stuck doing Marvel movies and action franchises while Palpatine, Disney's greedy CEO, uses him as a dancing monkey.
The thing is, Obi-Wan barely knows the guy?? They were both discovered by Director Qui-Gon Jinn and acted in one film together (Anakin's debut as a child star), after which Obi-Wan got dropped from the mainstream like a hot potato, but he's not bitter about it. Sure, it would be cool to have a star on the Hollywood walk of fame and a mansion in Beverly Hills, but he's proud of his career (even if Palpatine's bought off everyone to ensure he NEVER gets an Oscar. Or a Golden Globe. Or a kid's choice award.)
Unbeknownst to him, Anakin's actually his biggest fan. Obi-Wan's the one who inspired him to get into acting, Anakin's seen all his films, he may or may not have posters from Obi-Wan's short-lived teen heartthrob phase, and Obi-Wan was so nice to him in the one family film they co-starred in when Anakin was a tot.
He's also stupid, and he's got Palpatine and Jinn in his ear, so he genuinely believes the tabloids and gossip blogs when they say Obi-Wan hates his guts. He's heartbroken, but he's sure not gonna SHOW it, so he lets people believe he hates Obi-Wan and does nothing to stop his fans from being awful to him. (He might even want to punish his favorite actor for not liking him back, because Obi-Wan said in an interview that he's never even watched Anakin's movies! EVERYONE'S seen Anakin's movies!! That's obviously a snub!!!)
(Obi-Wan hasn't even seen his own movies. Screens give him migraines.)
But everything comes to a head when ambitious young director Padmé Amidala casts them alongside each other, 10 years after their last film together...
783 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
Reva lay perfectly still beside the cooling bodies of her crechemates, and tried very, very hard not to cry.
The clone troopers with blue paint on their armor were roving around throughout the fallen forms scattered like trash all over the temple. Occasionally, a blaster went off. The lightsabers, in contrast, had all long since gone quiet.
If they find me, Reva realized, they’re going to shoot me.
None of the clones were on the walkway anymore, at least not for the moment. They had seen Knight Skywalker swing at her, had seen her fall along with all her brothers and sisters. None of them noticed that his saber hadn’t cleaved all the way through her helmet; he’d swung too high. Maybe he was more used to killing people his own size.
Younglings weren’t a threat, not like knights or masters. She supposed that that’s why the clones were checking the grown-ups’ bodies first.
She slowly moved her arms underneath her, choking back a whine when her elbow hit something fleshy and crispy and small enough to roll away. She thought it might have been a piece of either Mirax or Phad, but she couldn’t bring herself to check who it belonged to.
Reva got on her hands and knees and crawled. Over Tane, around Muna, their eyes staring at her unseeing as she left them behind. She was slow, playing dead whenever the Force told her to, hiding in plain sight. She’d always won hide and seek when she played with her crechemates. All she had to do was find somewhere to hide, and then she’d be safe.
She didn’t know how long she crawled, inch by aching inch. Long enough that bluish predawn light was starting to show through the windows. It had been nighttime when the attack started, but before bedtime. She thought, for one detached, floating moment, that the commissary droids might be making breakfast right now, unaware that no one was coming.
Reva heard boots marching against the marble floor, mosaics scuffed with the remnants of deflected blaster shots, and froze, heartbeat rabbiting in her throat. A panel in the wall beside her opened; a cleaning droid, barely tall enough to reach her knees when she was standing, beeped frantically and corralled her into the network of tunnels throughout the temple that it and its brethren used to move around, then slammed the panel shut behind her. 
“What’s that?” said an indistinct voice from outside, slightly distorted by a helmet.
“Cleaning droid. Keep moving, trooper, we need to round up any traitors that might be hiding,” came an identical voice, and the boots she’d heard earlier marched away. 
The tunnels were cramped, but they were a great hiding place. She just had to go further in and no grown up would be able to reach her, because they wouldn’t fit. Especially not… him. He was too tall. He’d towered over her, in the few seconds he’d looked at her before he—
Reva started crawling again.
The tunnel came out in the nursery. She wished it hadn’t.
Most kids came to the Order after a few years, when their Force sensitivity started manifesting, but a lot of people left their newborns on the Temple steps if they couldn’t or wouldn’t take care of them. The babies weren’t always Force sensitive, but they needed a place to stay until the Jedi could find them an adoptive or foster family. So they stayed here.
Or they had.
Reva didn’t look too closely at the overturned cribs or the little bundles of blankets on the ground. She didn’t want to know if this had been Knight Skywalker’s doing or a clone’s. A lot of these kids never would have become Jedi, anyway, but they’d died just because the Jedi had cared for them when no one else would.
Reva heard a soft, frightened coo. She whipped around, and saw two huge eyes peering at her from inside a wastebasket in the corner. The baby squeaked and hid, the lid coming down as they ducked to hide.
“It’s okay,” Reva croaked. All at once, tears flooded her eyes. Someone else had survived. Another youngling had survived.
She crept over, knelt, and opened the wastebasket. She stuck her hand in, tentatively patting the little head. She carefully lifted the baby out when tiny clawed hands reached for her, frantically hushing him when his big dark eyes started to grow wet.
“Please, Grogu,” she implored, “You have to be quiet.”
Grogu was still a baby, but he was also almost 30 standard. He was the nursery’s longest resident by far. He’d only just begun to walk, which is most likely how he escaped the fate of the other infants; the clones hadn’t known any of them could do that yet. Grogu was supposed to move into the creche with the big kids and begin training with them in only a few months. Master Yoda had been so excited.
Knight Skywalker hadn’t known Grogu could walk, either; before last night, he’d avoided all the younglings like the plague. He’d been nicer when he was younger, but then he turned nineteen and something had changed.
“It’s all right,” Reva whispered, bouncing him slightly in her arms. “I’ll get us both out of here alive, I promise.”
915 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
it’s so funny when people think cody is the boring clone trooper when cody literally body slams his metal opponents. cody is the MOST crazed he’s just a goddamn professional about it
2,284 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
I love Mandalorians so much. They're all digging their own graves all the time and arguing about how this method of grave digging is much better than that OTHER guy's method of grave digging. Sometimes they get into wars with each other about whose grave is better. It never occurs to them to stop digging.
2,923 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sometimes, when Luke wondered about his father, he thought he might have remembered him. Just a little bit.
He remembered warm arms holding him close. He remembered sad blue eyes. He remembered a hoarse voice swearing to watch over him.
He’d thought he made it up. First, because Uncle Owen had gruffly told him that he’d never met his father before he died, and then because he’d learned exactly who his father was and what he was doing during Luke’s childhood. An empire isn’t built in a day, after all.
But when he asked Leia about their mother and listened to her talk about remembering her face so clearly, he couldn’t help but wonder who that man with the bristly beard and the tired eyes had been.
3,805 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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viciouskhepri · 22 days
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Title: The Monkey Special Rating: E Tiger/Kid (Monkey Man) Words: 15,251
Sometimes Tiger really hates Kid’s guts. But nowadays he really just wants to rearrange them.
Hello everyone, this is the author promoting my fic. This was my first fic I wrote a while ago, but I just opened a Tumblr to hopefully connect with any fans of Monkey Man that are willing to explore the Tiger/Kid pairing! :) It's a crack pairing, but certainly a fun dynamic to write/draw for!
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sketching-shark · 3 years
LMK fandom: Oh, what do we do about this guy who has nothing but hurt Xiaotian, tried to replace Sun Wukong and his crew, hurt Tripitaka and ordered servants to cannibalize a monkey? Oh I know! We’ll turn him into our little meow meow~ he’s so innocent and Sun Wukong is obviously the villain!
What doesn’t help is this idea is perpetuated by multiple fan fic writers and artists for some reason. Especially some aus they make that turn SWK into a bastard for the sake of the story rather than considering cultural context and thinking they should be respectful.
And almost everyone lets them get away with it just because the art or fanfic is good and they get so popular that no one can point what is actually wrong without feeling like they’re going to get attacked.
I'm starting to feel like my blog is the one anons go to specifically to vent their frustrations about the Six Eared Macaque in his lego monkey show form & the associated fandom lmao. But I guess this makes sense, as I’ve had fun quasi-dragging him before & will in fact use this anon submission as an opportunity to have my own, to put it academically, bitch fest about not just this fandom's favorite protagonist-traumatizing meow meow, but about the way villains are often treated in not just fanon, but increasingly in canon works as well. But same policy as with the last anon; I'll post my opinions below the cut, and as fandoms love to say, don’t like don't read if you don't want to see me dunking on the six eared simian & common fandom tendencies towards villains.
Oh man I would say where would you even begin with this but anon you’ve pretty much started yourself with my main gripe with a lot of ways that the Six-Eared Macaque is portrayed in fandom; there seems to be this unspoken agreement that his acts of violence towards Sun Wukong, Qi Xioatian, and Qi Xioatian’s loved ones are either to be framed as somewhat or totally justified, to be immediately forgiven/excused, or to simply & completely be ignored. Like friends maybe this is just me not seeing the proper posts but while the fandom is inundated with art and fanfics of Macaque as a generally decent individual & a true member of team good guy, I have yet to see one person address the fact that this monkey literally kidnapped & mind-controlled Xiaotian’s best friend and father figures & forced them to brutalize Xiaotian while ol’ Six Ear looked on and laughed (X_X). Like this kind of fandom villain treatment is definitely not something that’s solely at work for Monkie Kid, but it is kind of nutty how fandoms will swing between yelling that people should be allowed to like villains without even mild critique, and then will just flat-out not address the villainous behavior, and will even bend over backwards to frame even characters who committed genocide as just poor innocent widdle victims who need a hug. At its worst, I’ve even seen tons of people in a fandom get really angry at other people who don’t like a villain, and will even start accusing those people of hating real-life mentally disabled or abused individuals all because they don’t like the fandom’s favorite literal war criminal. The Monkie Kid fandom is FAR more chill & better than a lot of other fandoms I’ve come across in that regard, but that is an exceedingly low bar, & the tendency to woobify certain kinds of villains-- as with Macaque and the extreme emphasis on his bad boy/sad boy thing--is very much at work.  
 I’ve also talked before about a kind of monoculturalization of certain character interpretations and story beats in fandoms, and one of the more popular ones that seems to be applied to Macaque a lot is the “hero actually bad, villain actually good” cliche, as observable from the general fandom assumption that Mr. Six-Ears he wasn’t even slightly lying or remembering things through a rose-tinted or skewed lens when he gave his version of his and Sun Wukong’s past. Like at this point it seems the possibility that people WILL NOT even consider is that Sun Wukong never did & still doesn't care that much about the Six Eared Macaque (in JTTW they weren’t sworn brothers & in Monkie Kid the only thing the monkey king really said to Macaque before attacking him was a pretty contemptuous "Aren't you ever going to get sick of living under my shadow?," & responds to his "beloved friend" getting blown up with "You did good, bud" to Qi Xiaotian, who did the exploding), or that their original fight may in fact have mostly been instigated by Macaque. After all, to repeat what this anon summarized & what I've said before about their original JTTW context (& in an example of the things that do feel like it's often lost in translation) is that the Six Ear Macaque was a villain not just because he beat up the Tang Monk, but because he wanted to take over Sun Wukong's entire life and identity so he could have all that glory, prestige, and power for himself. To quote the macaque himself from the Anthony C. Yu translation, "I struck the T'ang monk and I took the luggage...precisely because I want to go to the West all by myself to ask Buddha for the scriptures. When I deliver them to the Land of the East, it will be my success and no one else's. Those people of the South Jambudvipa Continent will honor me then as their patriarch and my fame will last for all posterity." And in order to do this, the Six Eared Macaque had apparently made Sun Wukong's "little ones," his monkey family, his captives through either trickery or force, and gotten a number of them to take on the appearance of Tang Sanzang and the other pilgrims. It's also made clear that in very direct contrast to Sun Wukong, he doesn't care about these monkeys beyond how they might serve him. In fact, after Sha Wujing kills the monkey posing as him the Six Eared Macaque not only all but immediately replaces him with another, but also "told his little ones to have the dead monkey skinned. Then his meat was taken to be fried and served as food along with coconut and grape wines." So this monkey is not only willing to risk the lives of a lot of other monkeys for his own personal benefit, but is also a literal cannibal. And yes yes, I know a lot of people have argued that Monkie Kid shouldn't be considered a direct sequel to JTTW & that's fair enough (for example, Sun Wukong probably shouldn't be smashing anyone into a meat patty in a children's cartoon lol). And of course, it needs to be noted that there are a buttload of really out there & really cursed pieces of media based on JTTW & that were created in China. Yet the above description is the oft-ignored in the west original facet of the Six Eared Macaque's character. And it is this selfishness, entitlement, and treatment of other individuals as tools for his own self-serving ends  that is, from where I’m standing, still very much present in Monkie Kid. Like besides repeatedly going out of his way to physically and psychologically traumatize Xioatian, with the last episode Macaque seemed to be going right back to his manipulative ways. I’ve seen people frame their last conversation as Macaque softening to Xioatian a little bit, but personally that read a lot more like that common tactic among abusers where even after they’ve hurt you they’ll dangle something you want or need over your head (in Macaque’s case, the promise of desperately needed training and information about a serious looming threat), with the implication that you’ll only get it if you do what they want you to, such as, in this case, Xioatian going back to Macaque as his student even after having been so terribly hurt by this monkey, which would give Macaque power over Xiaotian and probably Sun Wukong as a result. And it is this violence and manipulation that it seems the fandom at large has tacitly decided shouldn’t even be addressed, instead leaning more towards a (and this is an exaggeration) “Six-Eared Macaque my poor meow meow Sun Wukong has always been bad & has always been wrong about literally everything” reading. 
And while it is the case that I am not Chinese and feel that as such it would be best left to someone who actually comes from that background to provide more context into how common interpretations of the Six Eared Macaque from China may clash really badly with the stuff the western fandom creates, it also must be noted that, as much as we all want to have fun in fandom & in spite of all the out-there versions of JTTW from China, we westerners should recognize that there is a very long and very ugly history of western countries stripping other cultures’ important religious and literary works for parts & mashing them into their own thing while implying or even insisting that what they present provides a true understanding of the original piece. And while I trust most individuals in regards to Monkie Kid are able to step back and think “this is a lego cartoon and not a set guide for how I should understand JTTW” (especially given the insistence that JTTW and Monkie Kid should be considered there own separate works) there does nevertheless seem to be something of a tendency to take the conclusions people come to, for example, about Sun Wukong’s characteristic in his lego form & then assume that’s just reflective to Sun Wukong as a totality. I imagine a good portion of this is due to people not reading JTTW & especially to not having easy access to solid information or answers about JTTW’s many different facets (like geez awhile ago I was trying to get a clear answer on what is considered the most accurate translation of the names of Sun Wukong’s six sworn brothers & got like 5 different responses lmao), but that tendency to take a western fandom interpretation & run with it instead of doing any background research or questioning said interpretation is still very much at play. As such, & as made prominent in the way people have been interpreting the dynamic between Sun Wukong and the Six Eared Macaque in the lego monkey show, tbh it does seem kind of shitty for western creators & audience to sometimes go really out of their way to ignore all of this original cultural & narrative context for the sake of Angst (TM) in Macaque's favor, demonizing Sun Wukong, and shipping the monkey king with his evil twin (X_X).
And speaking of which, even beyond the potential inherent creepiness & revulsion that can be inspired by this specific ship given common interpretations of the og classic's original meaning (again, it's my understanding, given both summaries of translated Chinese academic texts I've been kindly provided with, my own reading of the Anthony C. Yu translation of JTTW, & vents from a number of Chinese people I've seen on this site, that the Six-Eared Macaque is commonly interpreted in China as having originated from Sun Wukong himself as a living embodiment of his worst traits, hence why only Buddha can tell the difference between them & why the monkey king is much more slow to violence after he kills the macaque), I'd argue that in the face of all the uwu poor widdle meow meow portrayals lego show Macaque is, especially if you include JTTW's events, still in the role of “Sun Wukong but worse” as he is very much a violent & selfish creep. Like he was basically running around in JTTW wearing a Sun Wukong fursuit, but there he had the sole reason of wanting to replace Sun Wukong wholesale so he could have all the good things in the monkey king's life without actually having to work as hard for them. But if you combine that with Macaque now claiming that he used to be best friend with Sun Wukong in his pre-journey days (something that's made funny from a JTTW context given that that status actually belongs to the Demon Bull King lol), his original violence has now blown into this centuries long and really unhealthy obsession with the monkey king. Like he's apparently gone from wanting to literally be Sun Wukong to being so obsessed with getting revenge on Sun Wukong that he's got basically nothing else going on in his life. Like he's only appeared in two episodes but...does he have any friends? Any family? A career or even a hobby that DOESN'T center the monkey king? Anything at all outside of his "get revenge on and/or kill Sun Wukong/use his successor as my personal punching bag” thing? Like dude! That is extremely creepy and extremely bad for everyone all around! As I’ve said before, this seeming refusal to see beyond the past or to do something that doesn’t involve Sun Wukong in some capacity is a trait that makes Macaque an interesting and somewhat tragic villain--he even seems to be working as Sun Wukong’s reflection in a mirror darkly, with lego show Sun Wukong pretty clearly not being able to heal from his own past which is hinted to be defined by one loss after another, and with Monkie Kid even kind of having these two characters somewhat follow their JTTW characterizations in that in the latter half of the journey Sun Wukong often gets sad & starts crying in the face of what seems insurmountable odds (& Monkie Kid Sun Wukong does seem to be hiding some serious depression behind a cheerful facade), whereas the Six-Eared Macaque retains a worse version of Sun Wukong’s pre-journey characteristic of getting pissed and lashing out if things don’t go his way--but it’s also what would make any current friendship or romantic relationship between these monkeys horrific. Although to be fair even the fandom seems to recognize this in an unconscious way, in that a lot of the art & fanfic seems to swing erratically between them kissing & screaming at each other in yet another example of bog-standard fandom adulation of romanticized toxic relationships lol.  
At the end of the day, of course, this is nothing new. You'll find versions of this dynamic across a ton of fandoms and now even canonical work. And as such, I can only look at this kind of popularized relationship dynamic with a kind of resigned weariness whenever it pops up, & my frustrated question with the popularity of this kind of pairing is the exact same one that I have for a multitude of blatantly toxic villain/hero ships, given common fandom discourse & the tendency to either ignore or justify the villain's actions & demonize the hero: if you're THAT convinced that everything is the hero's fault, if you believe THAT much that the hero is the one in the wrong for the villain's pain and their subsequent actions, then why are you so set on them not only becoming a romantic pair, but framing this get-together as a good thing? Like I know we contain multitudes but that's waaay too many contradictions for me to wrap my head around. And it definitely doesn’t help that one branch of underlying reasoning behind this kind of pairing seems to be the ever-present “you break it, you fix it” mentality, where the assumption is that if you’re in a failing, abusive, and/or generally toxic relationship (platonically or romantically), if you put in enough time and effort & attempts to compromise, you’ll be able to restore/have the relationship you dreamed of, even with someone who hurt you really badly. And this assumption isn’t limited to fandom: I’d even argue that it’s everywhere in the culture, hence why a lot of people feel like they “failed” if they have to get a divorce or make the choice to leave an unhealthy friendship. Personally, I feel like people could really benefit from more stories about how it is not only the case that the people you hurt don’t owe you their forgiveness & you can still become a better and happier person without the one you hurt in your life, & that while it can be really hard it can also be a good thing to leave a relationship, even if it’s one that once meant a lot to you. 
  But in all honestly, from my own perspective this kind of pairing is starting to read far less like enemies to lovers and far more like a horrible fantasy where you can pull whatever shit you want, even on the people you "love," & never be held accountable for your terrible behavior or even have to consider that maybe you were in the wrong. It's another facet that makes me larf every time I see people insist that fandom is an inherently "transformative" or "progressive" form of storytelling like friends you are literally just taking status quo toxic monogamy & rebranding it as somehow beneficial & romantic (X_X).
But as to anon’s last frustration, it is hard to know what is the appropriate response with this kind of thing...like for my own part I’m keeping my frustrations to my blog & now increasingly to posts that you would have to click on the “read more” button to see what I have to say, but I totally get the hesitation to give even a mild critique to big names in a fandom. Like I've now seen it happen repeatedly where someone who has a big name in a fandom will make something that's kind of shitty for one reason or another, someone will message them with some version of "hey, that's kind of shitty, you shouldn't do that," and the typical response is either to blatantly ignore the issue completely, or more popularly to make a giant crying circus that seems deliberately geared towards stoking emotions on both sides of the, for example, fiction does/doesn't affect reality issue so that something that didn't even have to be that big a deal gets blown out of all proportion, with the big name often framing what often started out as a very mild critique into a long crying jag about how the initial response to their kind of shitty thing was so mean/cruel and they're just a poor innocent & that YOU'RE the true racist/sexist/bigot etc. if you don't agree with their opinion. It must of course be noted that there have also been numerous instances of people taking it too far the other way & sending not just big names but smaller creators literal deaths threats over stuff like innocuous ships which like holy hell bells people that’s a horrible thing to do. But for the big names at least, the end result of all this fighting is usually that once the dust has settled they have more attention/fame/money/power in the fandom than before, and with anyone who might have a problem with their stuff feeling afraid to voice their opinion lest they be swarmed by that person's fans. In that way fandom does often seem to increasingly be geared towards presenting an “official” fandom perspective about various facets of a piece of media instead of allowing for a multitude of interpretations, and with criticism, no matter its shape or form or how genuinely warranted it may be, being hounded out of existence. I feel like a lot of this could be made less bad if there wasn’t this constant assumption & even drive to think that a different interpretation of or criticism of your favorite work of fiction or your fanwork isn’t a direct claim that you are a thoroughly loathsome individual (& maybe also if people cultivated an enjoyment of learning things about important works from a culture outside their own, even if what you learn clashes with your own initial understandings), but I guess we’ll see if that ever happens. 
So these are my general thinks about the Six Eared Macaque’s current fandom meow meow status & some of my bigger gripes with fandom tendencies as a whole. I stand by my idea that the most interesting & beneficial route for Macaque moving forward would be a kind of “redemption without forgiveness from the ones you hurt” arc--as I think was done pretty excellently with the character Grace in Infinity Train--and if for no other reason than gosh dern this monkey really needs to cultivate some sort of identity beyond his “Sun Wukong but worse” persona. 
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rottedsoulx · 3 years
ok what if monkie kid scp au-
since im probably not going to write a fic or do art for this idea, might as well share it in a quick text post.
Disclaimer I’m never been super immersed in SCP stuff so apologies if I get some info wrong.
I want an au where Sun Wukong hasn’t been in hiding. Flower fruit mountain has been surrounded and completely self-contained by the SCP foundation for god knows how many years. In the AU I’d say he and Flower Fruit Mountain would be replacing SCP-4522 completely.
For their entire containment they’d be considered SAFE.
Until the pilot, at least. :)
A couple months prior, Sun Wukong suddenly leaves the mountain on a fucking magic cloud. Suddenly, his object class has been moved up to keter.
Other things I’ve been thinking about:
-MK delivering noodles to the base surrounding Ruyi Jingu Bang
-There is a base surrounding Monkey King’s staff because of course it’s a magically immovable object. They kinda have to.
-Red Son and Princess Iron Fan had already been introduced to the foundation. They’re considered Euclid (or maybe Archon?) and are employees/scientists working for the foundation. With their own motivations, of course.
-They were not to remove the staff nor do anything that may put the city in danger.
-Sun Wukong breaks into this facility disguised as a bird. He has not used any significant powers while being observed. They did not know he could do this. They had suspicions of him being the one the series Journey to The West was based off, but didn’t realize he had these powers.
-MK being too nosy sneaks in to deliver noodles. MK that is a bad idea- MK you’re going to be neutralized MK-
-just,,, alarms blaring, MK freaking out realizing that he’s trespassing and running into the first room he sees and- It’s Red son. He’s removing the staff. The second MK runs into the room it shuts and clicks. The alarms are for Red Son- there’s a voice over the speakers commanding him to stop and yet.
-Red Son removes the staff and things continue as usual.
-MK escapes with not only Red Son on his ass but a bunch of people from the SCP facility on his ass too.
-Making it home Pigsy is more than upset because god not THOSE guys again.
-Flower Fruit Mountain is a lot harder to get to now.
Anyways Monkie Kid SCP au- after the Season 1 Episode 0 special MK is approached by the SCP and is asked to go with them for containment. Since he is indeed now an overpowered young man and seems to be the only one capable of wielding the staff. He’s essentially asked to place the staff in containment and forget everything that has happened. The facility in the middle of the city has been destroyed and the one in flower fruit mountain has been destroyed- but they have one hidden in the desert used to contain more dangerous SCPs.
Not sure to go from there. Maybe some good ol’ regular plot stuff while trying to evade the SCP. Maybe the whole city is under temporary containment who knows. Occasionally getting captured by the SCP to perform tests and demonstrate how stable they are mentally/emotionally as well as get a proper scope of their abilities. As he grows his power the SCP gets a little more antsy to find a way to contain him. His abnormalities keep growing and that is a concern.
Also the thought of Macaque rotting in a cell at the SCP before learning that Sun Wukong seems to be in alright terms with them and breaking out to release some havoc, instill destructiveness into his student so that if his plans of taking his powers fail, the SCP will be more desperate to contain MK and the staff.
Jin and Yin would be Euclids allowed to wander the facility, Only restrictions is that they are not allowed in ANY CASE to interact with non-euclid SCPs. They are too mischievous and after several pranks and incidents they are no longer allowed to touch anything that may have any abnormal attributes, even if they claim to know more about the object than any of the scientists. Occasionally they wander away from the facility and into the city
Mei’s family are somewhat monitored for their abnormal heritage but are trusted with the containment of several artifacts.
Syntax used to work for the SCP before being kidnapped by spider queen.
LBD was contained in the same facility that stored Ruyi Jingu Bang but haha hard to keep tabs on something when the facility is destroyed and taken over by former employees and their overpowered family member.
The Mayor is Keter. After the season 1 finale they assume LBD was neutralized. They were wrong.
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lec743 · 2 years
Home Life Complications - ROTTMNT Fic
Tina and Mikey hang out.
If you don’t like reading on Tumblr you can read here on:
           Tina’s day at school was awful. She failed her math and science tests, even though she knows that she studied hard for them. Her pants ripped down the middle during P.E. class. And now that the Purple Dragon tech club kids are back in school, they’ve been actively harassing her by calling her names that made fun of her weight, putting rotting food into her locker, and along with other things she didn’t want to think about.
           Trying to cool her head and make herself feel better, Tina was on a random roof top in New York as she was using her fan to fling herself high up in the air, and then drift slowly back down to the roof. She liked the feeling of falling slowly and feeling the wind through her short, blond hair.
           Tina landed lightly on her feet and was about to go again when she heard clapping. She tensed up and got ready to blow away anyone that would threaten her, but then she saw it was an orange color coded giant turtle. He was smiling, and giggling, and clapping loudly. Tina recognized him.
           “You’re S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s uncle! You were at my place like a month or so ago.”
           “Yep. Hi again. Didn’t mean to spook you,” he said as he sat cross-legged on an air conditioner, “I just saw you and I thought I’d say hi. How’s your hand?”
           He was talking about when she had her two middle fingers in a splint back when she dislocated them from punching Repo, “It’s Okay,” Tina shrugged.
           Tina stared at him as she expected him to go off and do his own thing, but he just stared back at her with a smile.
           “Can I see it?”
           “See what?”
           “Your fan,” he clarified, “I want to examine it.”
           “I mean, I’ll open it wide so you can look at it, but I don’t want you touching it,” Tina said as she walked over to him and started pulling her fan out wider.
           The orange turtle hopped down from the air conditioner and got up close to see the fan. Tina slowly turned it in her hands so that the turtle teenager could see it at every angle. As she was showing him her fan, she saw the stickers on his plastron and how they looked hand drawn and applied.
           “I love the eagle, monkey, and dog drawings on it. Did you do draw them yourself?”
           “No. Dad drew them on while he was making it.”
           “Wow, he’s really good at drawing.”
           Tina nodded in agreement as she put her fan away.
           “What are you doing out here? Are you by yourself? I don’t want you to get hurt like your brother in red did.”
           The teen groaned at her and said, “I’m fine. I’m not going to start a fight on my own like Raph did. Besides what are you doing up here by yourself?”
           Tina raised an eyebrow at his sudden defensiveness, but she didn’t let it bother her.
           “I was feeling bad from school, so I came up here to goof off on my own.”
           “Are you having a bad day too?”
           He sighed but said nothing else as he kicked at a roof top pebble.
           “I don’t think we formally introduced ourselves. I’m Tina. What’s your name?”
           “Michelangelo, but you can just call me Mikey.”
           “Well Mikey, do you want to go to the arcade with me. It’s only around the corner from here.”
           “But I didn’t even think to bring a disguise,” he said.
           “It’s nighttime and when you’re with me, you are in disguise. People will just think you’re in a really cool costume.”
           “Oh. Hiding in plan sight… Yah, okay then.”
           “Alright,” Tina beamed, “Let’s go.”
           Tina got out her fan, grabbed Mikey’s three-fingered hand, then she flung themselves into the air, half gliding half falling to the arcade. As they traveled Mikey was yelling and hollering with glee the entire time and it made Tina smile.
           They landed in a back alley of the Super Crazy All Night-er Arcade and Tina put away her fan as Mikey caught his breath.
           As they went around the front Tina was excitedly jumping as she walked as she said, “Man, I’ve been wanting to come here for months.”
           “Why haven’t you,” Mikey asked as they walked through the neon lit doorway.
           “It’s no fun going to a place like this by yourself. I want someone to share the fun with.”
           “What about your dad. Did he say he wouldn’t come with you or something? Or what about April. You two are friends, right?”
           Tina was paying for their entry fee at the front desk as she said, “Dad would come here with me if I asked him, but being in a loud, neon and black light lit place like this hurts him too much for him to actually have fun with me. I don’t like being the only one enjoying myself. And as for April, sure I could ask her, but I don’t know. She’s the first friend I’ve made in a really long time so I don’t want to scare her away with my interests and what not.”
           Tina heard the sadness in his voice, and she immediately said, “But that doesn’t matter now, because you’re here and we can have fun together.”
           Mikey smiled at her as they walked though the double doors that was previously muffling the loud music coming out of the arcade proper. The lights were off, and everything was aglow with black light paint and neon signs showing where everything is. There were old fashioned pinball machines, and shooting games, and rollercoaster simulators and Dance, Dance Revolution and so much more. In a far corner of the arcade is the bathrooms and food stand, with the food and drinks being the only other thing you have to pay for besides the entry fee.
           “Woohoo! Let’s go do this one first,” Mikey said as he grabbed Tina’s wrist and pulled her towards a zombie shoot’em up.
           Tina laughed with him.
           The two teenagers played so many games together. They played a game of endurance to see which one would get sick on the rollercoaster simulator, which Tina angrily lost at. They competed in an intense game of Dance, Dance Revolution, and Mikey was surprised that he lost. They both sucked at any shooting game that they played on, but they were both good at Skee-Ball. Eventually the two of them decided to sit down and take a breather, with Tina ordering them both something to eat.
           At the small table they were sitting at, Tina was calmly eating her nachos with extra jalapenos while she was watching Mikey absolutely demolish a large supreme pizza.
           “Uh, Mikey. I’m not going to steal your food.”
           He looked at her questioningly as he was lowly shoving a pizza slice into his mouth.
           “Are you even tasting your food?”
           Mikey took a second to chew and swallow his food then he said, “Sorry. It’s not everyday I get to eat an entire pizza by myself.”
           “Ah, yes. Sharing with three other siblings must be hard.”
           Mikey handed her a slice of pizza and asked, “Do you want a slice?”
           Tina waved it away and said, “No thank you. I don’t like pizza.”
           Mikey gasped and held his pizza slice close to his chest like he was covering the ears of a child from someone who was cussing loudly, “How can you say that. Pizza is the perfect food.”
           “I’m not going to get into it because it’s a long story, but Dad didn’t know how to raise a human child when he found me, okay. And mistakes were made. The consequences of those mistakes are that I don’t like pizza and I never will.”
           Mikey stopped clutching his pizza slice like they were pearls, then said, “Oh. Well, that’s sad.”
           Tina just shrugged.
           As Tina was adding a few jalapenos to her cheese covered chip she asked, “So, why were you out on your own tonight. Just needed to get out of the house for a bit?”
           “Yah. I was just getting in the way of everyone, so I thought I’d go out,” Mikey said as he flicked a black olive into a nearby trashcan.
           “Getting in the way?”
           “Yah. Like how little brothers can be. I apparently was just being annoying to everyone.”
           Tina watched as he slightly sunk into his shell like he was going to disappear into it. She ate her chip, then said, “Well, I wouldn’t know what having a sibling would be like. It’s only ever been me and my dad and a grandmother figure I had who died when I was four. I always wanted a sibling. Someone to play games with. To share secrets with. To plan world domination with.”
           That last comment made Mikey laugh then he said, “Having siblings isn't all fun and games though. Sometimes I want to smack Leo's smug grin off his face, or sometimes I want to sabotage Donnie's tech so he doesn't program it to favor him, and sometimes Raph is such a smother that I want to scream. It's exhausting sometimes."
“But they are there for you regardless, right. Even when you all are sick of each other, you come back together.”
Mikey smiled and she smiled back as Mikey said, “Yah. You know, maybe I shouldn't have left without telling everyone where I was going.”
Tina sucked air between her teeth then said, “Yah, that's not good. I still have Donnie's phone number on my phone. How about we get out of here and call them.”
“Hold on. Let me finish this first,” he said as he shoved the last two pizza slices into his mouth.
The two of them walked back outside and Tina got out her phone. Then she saw that she had several missed phone calls from April and Donnie.
“Looks like they were looking for you,” Tina stated as she dialed Donnie's number into her phone.
The phone kept ringing until it hit the voice mail stage and Tina hung up. She had a sinking feeling in her stomach as she then tried to call April. Again, it kept ringing until it went to voice mail.
“Hey, was April over at your place when you left?”
Mikey nodded, then said, “Yah, she was helping Donnie with an experiment he was working on.”
“Oh, well, neither Donnie or April picked up their phones and I have a bad feeling about this. How far away are we from your place?”
“Uhhh, about forty blocks from here.”
“Let’s giddy-on up then. Lead the way.”
Mikey nodded then ran ahead. Tina lagged a bit behind him as she followed. She’s not much of an endurance runner, so when they made it to a rundown apartment that had some weird vines poking out of a few windows, she was breathing heavily and leaning against a lamp post to steady herself.
“How are you doing,” Mikey asked her as he rubber her back.
“That. Didn’t. Feel. Like. Forty. Blocks,” Tina gasped between each pause, “Does your place always look like that?”
“The vines are new,” he said as he examined the building, “They kind of look like Barry’s vines.”
“Is Barry a yōkai?”
“Was Donnie doing science experiments on yōkai powers or something?” Tina said finally getting her breath back.
“I don’t know! I was kicked out of his little lab room before I could even ask him about it.”
The sound of glass shattering and landing on the concrete interrupted their conversation. Neither of them liked how eerily silent the apartment was despite it looking like it was completely full of purple-pink vines.
Tina got out her fan and opened it twenty-five percent wide for maximum air cutting purposes. Mikey pulled out his nunchucks and they started slightly glowing an orange hue.
“Well, here goes nothing,” Mikey said as he walked towards the building, with Tina following close behind him.
They walked over the purple-pink vines as they seethed through the windows and under the lobby door. As Mikey was trying to pull the doors open, Tina saw that five vines were rising like cobras ready to strike. She swung her fan, and a concentrated blast of wind came out of it, cutting three of the five vines. As soon as she cut them, five more rose.
“Oh. I’ve made a mistake,” Tina warned Mikey.
“Like what,” he asked groaning while pushing the door wide open.
The seven vines became eleven when Mikey wedged the lobby door open.
“I see the mistake,” he said as he looked at the vines surrounding them.
Before either of them could say anything else all eleven vines lunged at them. Tina cut them with her fan and Mikey spun his nunchucks with such speed or accuracy that he was also cutting them down. The more they cut, the more that appeared to attack them.
Tina felt Mikey grab her arm and he pulled her running into the building.
“Don’t worry guys! I’m coming!” Mikey yelled as Tina allowed herself to be pulled as she trusted Mikey to keep eyes forward while she defended their retreat. Cutting any attacking vines with her sharp wind.
Her ankle caught on the stairs that Mikey didn’t warn her about when he was pulling her. She slipped out of his grip and landed hard on her back on the vine covered stairs. The vines that were chasing them zeroed in on her, and vines broke through the walls on either side of her and pierced down at her. She immediately rolled out of the way, with the vines scratching her back.
Mikey was keeping the wave of vines away from them as Tina cut her way out of the vines that was keeping her pinned to the stairs.
Once she was up on her feet again, she yelled, “Get behind me,” as she opened her fan to fifty present wide.
Mikey did a cool backflip over her head and landed behind her. Tina then swung her fan three times at the wave of vines. The wind only cut down a few small purple-pink vines, but mostly they were pushed back like reeds against the wind. She managed to push them back with out damaging the building anymore than it already was.
“Go! Go! Go!” Tina urged Mikey up the stairs.
As they ran through the stairwell, more vines came out of the walls and attempted to spear them. Mikey jumped, dived, and slid out of the way of the attacking vines. Tina flailed, cut, and rolled through the vines.
“How are we going to fix this,” Tina shouted as she got cut by a vine that she couldn’t dodge quick enough.
“I don’t know!”
“What do you mean you don’t know?”
“We just have to get to my family. Then help Donnie and Raph with whatever plan they have,” Mikey said, dodging and hitting vines with his nunchucks.
“I can’t believe we ran in here without a plan!”
Tina cuts down a handful of purple-pink vines.
“I have a plan! It’s, help my family, then we’ll be able to take care of the vines together.”
Tina would have argued with him more if she wasn’t knocked off her feet by vines.
The two of them worked their way up to the third floor where Mikey said is where his family’s place is. Fighting up to the third floor felt more like they had to walk up all the way to the eighth floor. The two of the made it to a door that was completely covered in vines. Mikey used his nunchucks to get rid of the vines blocking his front door while Tina fought to keep the attacking vines, behind them, back.
Mikey bust through the vines and pulled Tina into the small apartment that was covered wall to wall in vines.
“Guys! April! Dad! Barry! Were here! Make some kind of noise!” Mikey called out into the studio apartment.
There was no sound. Not even the sound of people struggling against being tied up or defending themselves against the snake-like vines.
Mikey ran to look into all the studio rooms while Tina kept working on keeping the vines back, even going so far to see if they'd stop attacking if she asked nicely. That idea didn't work like she hoped, of course, but it was worth a quick shot.
Then from the single bedroom Tina heard Mikey cry out. She quickly blew back the attacking vines out the front door, and slammed it shut, knowing that, that will only give her enough time to run to the orange color coded turtle.
Tina saw Mikey kneeling before six people shaped lumps, with three of them wearing red, blue, and purple ragged masks. Orange flames started to engulf Mikey as he cried, “They’re gone. They’re all gone!”
Before Tina could even comprehend what was going on before her. Mikey had set ablaze all the vines in the immediate area with orange fire, that kept spreading. Tina felt no heat from the fire and the building itself didn’t seem to be catching fire. Only the vines seemed the be shriveling and turning to ash. Regardless, it was an upsetting scene to see.
She stared at Mikey in shock as he was surrounded by fire, until she heard him sobbing. Tina tentatively walked through the orange flames, then crouched on her knees beside him as he cried over the withering people shaped vines.
Tina sat quietly, not wanting to interrupt whatever he needed to do on his own in this moment and it’s not like she wasn’t saddened by the prospect that two strangers, his brothers, and April got, got by snake like vines. She’s sure to cry about this when she’s at home in her bed, but Mikey’s more connected to these people than she’ll ever be and now she had to try and be there for him as she may be all he’ll have now.
Eventually, the flames died around him, and all that was left of the vines were black ash, but Mikey continued to cry into his hands. Every other moment he’d look up at the six ash piles and cry even harder. After a minute, when Tina was sure that his magical orange fire was gone, she placed a hand on his shell as an awkward gesture of comfort.
Instantly, Mikey turned to her and hugged her hard, like a child would hold a teddy bear when they had a nightmare. He squeaked and coughed as he tried to speak through his tears.
“We just got settled in Barry’s apartment. We were working together to try and find a new home. Why did this have to happen?”
Tina sighed as she hugged him gently back, then said, “I don’t know why. But it sucks so much and it’s unfair that this happened to you.”
Mikey sobbed as he cried into her shoulder.
They kept hugging each other until they both heard a group of voices shout out to Mikey all at once. The two teenagers turned towards the noise to see Mikey’s brothers, April, a giant pudgy rat man, and a tall purple-ish man that Tina is sure she recognizes but isn’t sure from where.
Tina immediately let go of Mikey as he scrambled to run into Raph’s arms for a big hug as Mikey said, “I—I thought you guys got killed by the weird vines!”
“No. When we left to search for you, the complex wasn’t infected by vines,” Leo said.
“That’s my bad,” Donnie said as he dropped his blue and red lensed goggles over his eyes to look around, “I guess I didn’t seal my project up as securely as I thought I did.”
“Where have you guys been? I tried calling you back,” Tina asked as she stood up and dusted off her knees, “And what kind of project do you need people shaped vines for,” she added while she pointed accusingly at Donnie.
“I'm practicing my bio engineering and I thought it’d be cool to make plant mechs. So sue me,” Donnie said, getting defensive.
“We got caught up in a situation with Big Mama,” Raph explained as he continued to hug Mikey and the rat man was patting Mikey's shell, “We were under the impression that she took our little bro.”
“I'm so sorry guys. I should've just told you where I was going,” Mikey's muffled voice said against Raph's plastron.
“Where were you? I thought you were asleep this whole time, or something,” April said, “Were you with him this entire time?”
Tina shrugged at the “entire time” bit then said, “Mikey and I were playing in a loud arcade. I didn't even feel my phone vibrate.”
“I’m just happy my son is safe. Thank you, Blondie, for being with him,” the rat man said.
Tina bowed respectfully and said, “No Problem, Mr. R.O.U.S.”
The tall purple-ish furry man in traditional Japanese robes sighed, then said, “Well, this mess isn’t going to clean itself up. I’ll go get the brooms.” Then he turned and walked away.
“I’ll go check on the neighbors,” Tina offered as she started to leave, but she was stopped by April.
“Nu-uh! Look at you. You’re bleeding. We’re taking care of all this, first.”
April grabbed Tina’s wrist and started pulling her to the bathroom.
Pulling lightly against her, Tina said, “But what about the others? They’re probably terrified after what happened in their apartments.”
“Eh, don’t worry about it,” Leo said, “The only other neighbor that we have in this dingy apartment complex is Miss Mase on the first floor and she always goes out for bingo at night.”
Tina looked at Leo in horror at how few people are living here as April continued to pull her towards the bathroom, “What? Is this place brimming with cockroaches and lead paint or something? Jeez!”
April cleaned and patched up the scratches on Tina’s arms and back. When the girls came out of the bathroom, they saw the boys sweeping up the ashes into plastic bags. The tall pinkish-purple fuzzy guy was standing around, not moving his arms, but had vines protruding out of himself that was cleaning for him. The turtle boys were working together to sweep up, even with S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. helping, who looked like he was a casualty of the vines since he was almost black with soot. The small rat guy was sitting on a recliner giving constructive advice.
Tina sighed at the sight of all the soot being everywhere, then cracking her fingers, she said, “Welp. Let’s get too it.”
Tina and April stayed until at least Barry’s apartment was cleaned up. All eight of them were tired and sooty from cleaning. Except for S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. who was trying hard to show Tina the miniature indoor scatting ramp that the boys made for him to play on.
“I better get going. It’s almost dawn and if Dad’s not awake already, he’s probably worried,” Tina said, “Are you coming with April?”
She shook her head and said, “No. My parents know I’m staying the night with the guys.”
Mikey grabbed her arm and said, “Why don’t you stay the night too. It’ll be fun.”
Yawning she pats his head with the arm he’s holding, then said, “No thank you. Thanks for offering. Good luck with those nightmares kid. I’m sure after that scare, you’re going to get hit hard with them. A bye-bye.”
She saw Mikey pout at her as she turned away from them and she heard a choir of goodbyes as she closed the apartment door behind her.
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spilledbeans116 · 11 months
Just In Case
(Vegeta x Bulma)
Vegeta x Bulma - 5,965 Words - SFW
Fan of Vegeta x Readers? Find an alternate version here! (The first parts match up!)
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This fic is based on a headcanon I have involving the prince and his constant need to wear gloves. I'm putting this here as a side note, but the first chapter is a bit violent. I hope you all enjoy it.
    Nappa was smiling, as proud as a warrior-nanny could be given the circumstances. Vegeta had aced his first mission under Frieza’s rule without a single hitch, having wiped out an entire planet on his own in just a couple hours. They had hit three more after that, completing twice the work of an adult saiyan could have mustered up. And what, he was only 6? Never before had such latent power been shown in such a young saiyan; his power already rivaled Nappa’s own. On late night’s when the bar was full and Raditz and Vegeta were in bed, Nappa would sit and brag to the other soldiers of Frieza’s army how talented the kid was.
    The bar was dim, the tables around having been emptied as all the patrons gathered around Nappa and listened to his tales. Among them were Ginyu, Burter, and Jeice, all three of whom were rolling their eyes at the display.
    “You should have seen the way he shot through that thing! It was almost three times my size, maybe bigger!” Nappa hiccuped, taking a swig from his mug before slamming his fist on the bar’s counter-top. “It was incredible!”
    From around the corner, a young saiyan who should have been in bed smirked. His smile quickly faltered however, as someone else spoke up.
    “Psh, right,” Ginyu laughed, giving Nappa a shove. “Like a kid could take down one of those on his own. Even Guldo struggles with them!”
    “No, Nappa’s being serious, I saw it myself!” Another soldier yelled, slamming his drink down on the bar. “The kid is a beast! A monster!” 
    Vegeta nodded, crossing his arms and leaning through the doorframe a bit to watch as the older men debated his feats.
    At that Ginyu and Burter laughed, “please! He’s an ape!” Ginyu snorted. “You think that monkey could actually do that on his own? He’s weak, just like his old man. Maybe he got lucky, but nothing more than that.”
    Vegeta clutched his cape and held it at his sides, his anger overtaking him as he fought not to run in there and sucker punch Ginyu in the face; he had already learned once that it wasn’t a good idea, and wouldn’t make an idiot of himself again. Ginyu didn’t believe he could do that? Didn’t think that Vegeta could fight his own battles or overtake a stronger opponent? Fine. He would prove he could; he would show everyone exactly what he could do. And he wouldn’t stop until they believed him.
    Months had passed, but for Vegeta, time moved strangely. It felt fleeting and yet too long at the worst of times. Then again, he was still only a child. He had already gotten stronger, not that anyone but Raditz or Nappa noticed and he didn’t give a damn what they thought. Each day and night was the same, he was degraded by the Ginyus to his face and behind his back. His family was gone, his home was gone, and his race was all but eradicated. He was the last remaining saiyan royal and ruled over two; he wasn’t the strongest on the ship nor was he even close to beating Frieza… yet. That day would come, he reassured himself. Until then he was destined to be miserable, to spend everyday fighting to be better only to get no recognition from anyone. That much responsibility and pain weighing down on a child surely wasn’t healthy, especially not when they were forcing themselves to do even more than everyone else.
     Vegeta couldn’t keep track anymore of how many planets he had slaughtered. Their cries of mercy fell on deaf ears. At night, he had nightmares about the faces of those that had met their end in his hands. He wondered who they were, what lives they lived. He was doing to them what had happened to his own home. He tossed and turned each night, enough for Raditz to complain to Nappa that it was keeping him awake.
    Soon he turned 7, still a child in the eyes of a saiyan. I’m the eyes of anyone, really. After each fight he felt dirtier and dirtier, and visited the showers once, twice, three times a day. The soldiers on the ship joked that the prince was a germaphobe. He was too royal for their peasant germs. He was killing without purpose, without a fight and the guilt was eating away at him slowly, crumbling his sanity with each life he took. He was 8 when it happened.
    Nappa was heading to the bar before he stopped. Something in him, some primal, strange instinct, told him to go to the boys room. He rushed down the halls and to their room, where Raditz was snoring loudly with his arm draped across his face. Vegeta, however, was gone. He couldn’t ask anyone else if they had seen him, as he’d surely be punished for roaming parts of the ship he shouldn’t without Nappa present.
    Vegeta had gotten back late from a mission and decided to go take a shower. His body was covered in blood, none of which was his own. He watched as the red water swirled down the shower drain and slowly became pink, scrubbing his body with a bar of soap as he grunted to himself. Arms, chest, legs, feet, tail, and finally his hands. He lathered the soap between them, watching the bubbles form up and over his hands before rinsing them off in the water. To his surprise, the water revealed the blood was still there.
    “Damn shit must have stained them,” he huffed, turning off the water and drying himself with a towel. He quickly wrapped it around his waist and made his way to the sinks, grabbing his toothbrush and lining it with toothpaste. Until he saw his hands again. No longer tinted red, they were coated in blood. The fur on the end of his tail began to spike as he stared at it, quickly flipping them around to see if he had any open wounds. He ran the water and shoved his hands under it, scrubbing at the blood to get it off. 
     “What the hell!” He snapped, watching as nothing changed. He began to scratch at it, trying to peel it off to know avail. He hissed as he turned the water up, the heat becoming blistering hot as he started to claw at his own hands in a desperate attempt to get the blood off of himself.
    “Why isn’t it coming off!” He yelled, starting to get louder and louder as he grew more desperate. He felt filthy as his consciousness weighed down on him, his sleep deprived body and nightmarish life finally getting the better of him. “Get it off me!”
     Nappa knew he had to be in the showers, as it was the only place the kid ever went to when he wasn’t in the dining halls or his room. With how late it was, the dining halls would have closed ages ago. As he made his way down the corridors of the ship he could hear something. It was quiet at first, but slowly became louder and louder as he got closer to the men's showers. He could hear Vegeta, screaming out in pain. Nappa shot off and slammed through the door to the bathroom, following the sounds of the hysterical screaming until he found the prince by the sinks. Vegeta was sobbing, hands burnt red from the water. 
    “The hell has gotten into you!” Nappa yelled, ripping him away from the sink. He was going to scold the prince when he saw the claw marks all over his hands. Vegeta tried to shove him away, crying out for Nappa to let go of him but it all sounded like gibberish to the older saiyan. 
     “What are you doing!” Nappa yelled at him as Vegeta slammed a hand against his face, trying to make his way back to the sink. “You’re hurting yourself, what are you doing!”
    “I CAN’T GET IT OFF!” Vegeta screamed between sobs. “MY HANDS! THEY’RE COVERED IN BLOOD I CAN’T GET IT OFF!”
    “Vegeta there is no blood!” Nappa yelled, grabbing his wrists and holding him still. “But there’s going to be if you keep tearing at your skin!”
    Nappa grabbed the prince and his clothes, clamping a hand over his mouth as he ran out of the bathroom and back towards his room. Vegeta dug his nails into the flesh of Nappa’s hand, sinking his fang’s into Nappa’s palm as the older saiyan grunted in pain. Vegeta was still trying to scream but Nappa’s hand remained firm, refusing to let anyone see the prince like this. The door to Nappa’s bedroom slammed shut as he locked it and tossed the prince on the bed, who immediately tried to book it back out the door. Before he could grab the doorknob, Nappa was in front of him, blocking his escape in the dark room. Vegeta beat his fists against Nappa’s chest, trying and failing to shove him out of the way. Nappa knelt down, taking Vegeta’s hands in his before sliding a pair of white gloves over them.
    “Look! There’s no blood! Now please Vegeta quit it!” He turned the prince’s hands over slowly, showing that nothing had seeped through. “See? You’re fine!”
    Vegeta glanced down, a sniveling mess as he turned his hands over on his own and studied the gloves. They were white, pristine, new, and soft. They cooled his burning hands and the silken fabric felt nice against the cuts he had created. “Th-there’s no more b-blood?”
    “None, Vegeta. There isn’t any blood. Okay?”
    Vegeta nodded as Nappa stood up slowly, making his way to his cabinet and pulling out gauze and ointment. He applied it to his palm first after cleaning it with a towel, Vegeta’s fangs having taken quite the chunk out of his skin. Then he bandaged it, sliding his gauntlets on over after so the prince wouldn’t see the reddish hue that would seep out soon enough. After tossing the towel, he made his way back over to Vegeta, who had calmed down remarkably and yet was still standing in the same spot Nappa had left him. He was staring at his hands, eyes lidded as sleep finally began to overpower him. Nappa grabbed him under his armpits and lifted him over to the bed, setting him down and getting the ointment ready. As he began to pull off Vegeta's gloves, the prince started screaming again, kicking Nappa away and tugging them back down.
   “NO!” He cried out. “NO YOU CAN’T TAKE THEM OFF!”
     “Vegeta,” Nappa sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You can’t keep them on forever you’ll have to-”
    “Vegeta I swear to-”
    “THAT’S AN ORDER NOW DROP IT!” Nappa didn’t say anything after that, handing the prince his pajamas and turning away. Vegeta changed quickly, grunting when he was done. Nappa frowned at the sight of the prince wearing gloves with his pajamas, but chose not to push it further. They’d deal with it in the morning and go to see the doctor then as well. 
    “Do you want me to walk you back to your-”
    Vegeta was quick to cut him off, voice trembling as he ran his hands together in his lap. “Can I stay here tonight?” His voice was quiet, barely above a whisper as he refused to meet Nappa’s eyes. Nappa looked down at the prince, an ache in his chest as he stared at the child that was forced to carry so much; but he was just that, a child. He shouldn’t have had to do any of this, not until he was much, much older. He should have been in the palace right now, spending each day training under his father to be the next king, not turned into a killing machine by a freak that regarded them as nothing.
    “Of course, your highness. You can stay here for the night.” Nappa quickly went and changed into his sleep shorts, scooting Vegeta over enough so he could fit along with him on his bed. The prince held his arm tight, body trembling as Nappa laid awake, staring at the ceiling, trying to piece together whatever the hell had just happened. Even after Vegeta had finally dozed off, Nappa remained awake, unsure with what to do with the prince.
    As time went on, Vegeta learned to live with it the best he could. The cuts he had caused on himself that night healed over, leaving small scars to forever remind him of his own shame and guilt. The blood he saw on his hands never went away after that. With time he was able to remove his gloves, but only for short periods before he’d quickly slip them back on.
     After everything that happened on Earth, after what he did to Nappa, it was as if he was a kid again. The gloves would not come off. Ever. He had killed the man who gave them to him, who had tried to shield him from himself. For what? A power move? Now he was living in some Earth woman’s home, after embarrassing himself in front of Frieza and a low level saiyan piece of scum. He slaughtered the Ginyu force, which was a bit of a two edged sword for him. Kakarot was gone at who knows where and he was stuck here, failing to do anything substantial. He had truly lost all meaning to his life.
     The gravity chamber the blue haired woman had helped build was where he spent most of his time. It gave him a break from dealing with everyone, including her. She was the most confusing out of everyone there was on this idiotic planet. He could never get a proper read on her. She wasn’t like any woman he had spoken to before. He didn’t like to dwell on what he thought of Bulma, and unfortunately found himself thinking of the damned woman during training.
    He had put his hand up to guard his face at the last moment as the battle bot shot at him, successfully blocking it but not without slight damage to his glove. There, on his right hand, was a clean tear.
    “Shit!” He yelled. “Damn it damn it damn it!” He blew the robot to bits before it could do anymore damage, throwing on his shirt and making his way back towards Bulma’s house. He felt sick as he glanced down at it, the deep red shade staring back at him.
    He made his way in through the back door, speed walking through the living room and down the hallway to where his bedroom was located. He didn’t have spares, he had never needed a spare. He searched around for anything that could be used as a makeshift glove. He ripped apart shirts and tried to cover it to no avail, too stressed to tie the knots properly with one hand. He shoved the fabric under the glove, only to rip it further. “Shit!”
     He didn’t know how to sew, he was a prince for the Gods’ sakes. He felt sick at the idea of what he was going to have to do but quickly realized there was no other option. He was going to have to ask for help.
     Bulma was in her lab, a sweaty mess as she tinkered with the broken training bot that lay before her on her work desk. Her hair was glued to her skin and she sighed, wiping her forehead with her arm and setting down the wrench that was in her hand. Her yellow overalls hung off her arms as she attempted to cool herself off, her white crop top sticking to her body. She pushed out her desk chair, rolling and spinning across the room to her fridge. She opened it and pulled out a can of beer, pulling the tab and cursing as it foamed up and over her hands. She licked it off quickly before shaking out her hand and wiping it on her pants. She’d call someone in to clean up what had spilled on the floor later.
     Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she pulled it out, glancing over the text from Yamcha as she took a sip. “Caught up with some friends, will get there when I can.” She rolled her eyes, shoving it back in her pocket and not bothering to give a response. She didn’t know what to make of her weird situation-ship with him, but she did know that this was one of the reasons they weren’t actually dating. He was just too immature sometimes for her to handle. Canceling plans last minute, leaving her waiting for him to show up; she deserved better than that. She deserved a prince.
     She laughed at that, shaking her hand and taking another drink before rolling her chair back to her desk. She had a prince living with her, and it was nothing like what she pictured. Sure, he was handsome and strong, but he was more of a pain in the ass than anything. She wanted to feel like a princess, not a maid. Yet here she was, cleaning up another one of his messes. She began to reconnect some of the wires in the bot before she paused. The sound of boots stomping their way into her lab made her roll her eyes long before he even began to speak.
    “Woman!” As charming as ever she noted. “Woman! Where the hell are you!”
    “In here your royal highness,” she huffed, picking up a screwdriver and unscrewing a latch in the machine. Oil sprayed out and covered her hands before she yelled and covered it with a rag. She sighed as the oil pooled around the table, the rag only soaking up half of it. “Damn it!”
    Vegeta came to a halt in the doorway of the lab, arms crossed as he looked her over. She was a dirty mess, grease stains coating her clothing and her hair curling up slightly from the humidity of the lab. He frowned. “You look like shit.”
    She spun around to face him, crossing her arms and glaring at him. “So do you.” Her eyes glanced over his form, noting the burns and tear marks in his blue one-piece outfit. “I just made you that suit, how is it already torn up?”
    He bristled, the hairs on the back of his neck beginning to stand on end. “It’s not my fault it’s shitty material.”
    “Maybe you’re just bad at dodging.”
    “You’re ridiculous! Do you know how annoying-”
    She rolled her eyes again, turning back to her work as she removed the rag and tried to mop up the rest with a clean one. “What do you want, Vegeta? I’m busy.”
    “How dare you cut me off!” He snapped. He stomped over to her, slamming his hand down on the table. She didn’t look up. “Who the hell says I need anything from you!”
    “Why else would you be here?” The two rags were tossed in the bin by her feet haphazardly, flicking oil on the prince’s boots. His nose crinkled up as he leaned against the desk and once again crossed his arms.
     “I destroyed another one of those robots.”
    Now it was her turn to get upset, slamming her hands down on the table and standing up abruptly, startling the prince. “Are you kidding me! So what, you need a new suit and new training aids?”
     “Maybe if you built them stronger I wouldn’t have to keep coming into this mess of a lab and telling you to make more!”
    She took a step towards him, jabbing a finger into his chest, “maybe if you weren’t such a dick you could realize that’s what I’m trying to do! These materials don’t just grow on trees!”
    He didn’t like how he felt as he tried to hold her gaze. He didn’t like how he felt with her standing so close to him either. He could practically feel her breath against his face as she spoke, and those eyes; it sent a chill down his spine. He turned away completely, huffing as he continued, “whatever! That’s not even why I came in here!”
    “Then get to the point so you can leave!”
     He began to fidget with his glove on his right hand before glancing at Bulma over his shoulder. “I need you to fix my glove.”
    “Done. I’ll make a new pair in a day or two now can you please-”
    “No, I said you need to fix it. Not replace it.”
    She groaned, running a hand through her hair and leaving oil streaks, “fine! Just leave it on the desk and I’ll get to it!”
    “I need it done today. Now.” He grunted.
    Bulma stomped her foot, “what do I look like to you!”
    Vegeta turned, running his eyes over her before once again meeting her gaze. His tone was cold as he looked at her with a bored expression. “Do you want my honest answer?”
    That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. “That’s it! Find someone else to help you, I’m done!” She shoved the chair back into the desk, making her way past him and to the bathroom down the hall. He ran after her, shouting all the while.
    “Woman stop!” She did not. “I’m serious, would you just wait a minute!” The door to her bathroom slammed shut, locking behind her with a click as Vegeta banged his fist against it. “Open the door this instant woman!”
     Bulma turned on the sink and lathered her hands and arms with soap before scrubbing off all the oil and grime from her work in progress. She pretended she couldn’t hear the prince as he had his little temper tantrum outside the door. She splashed the water over her face next, drying it off with the hand towel hung up on the rack beside her. She glanced at herself in the mirror, her hair still a mess but at least she didn’t feel as gross. She’d have to take a shower later to get the rest of it off. Suddenly the prince was quiet, and she smirked as she realized he must have left. However, she would have been wrong.
    “Please, woman. I need your help.” His tone was quiet, so quiet she thought she might have misheard him. Perhaps she was hallucinating. She opened the door suddenly, spooking Vegeta for the second time today. He was close, and she could smell the sweat on him each time she breathed in. Somehow, she didn’t mind it. She liked being this close to him.
    “What did you just say?” He couldn’t meet her eyes.
    “Don’t make me repeat it,” he grumbled. “It’s already embarrassing enough.”
    “Come on, I keep my sewing kit in my room.” She brushed past him, a shiver running up both their spines from the contact as her bare arm brushed against the tears in his suit. Both, of course, ignored it. Vegeta walked with his hands by his sides before quickly tucking his hands under his arms again in his typical fashion.
    She glanced over her shoulder at him, frowning slightly at how disheveled he looked. Was it because he had pleaded for help? When he noticed her staring, his ears flushed. “What the hell are you looking at!”
    She shrugged, “I’m not used to this side of you. I’m committing it to memory so I remember you have a soul sometimes.”
    “Oh you shut it!” Her overalls were practically falling off her waist now, and the prince found it hard to concentrate on anything besides her hips. Just another thing to distract him during training. He grumbled a couple curse words under his breath as she stopped to open the door to her room. Stepping inside, the place was a wreck. Random items strewn about the floor, a mix of papers, gadgets, trash, and so much else. Her bed wasn’t made and a pile of laundry sat in the corner. Somehow, it was fitting.
    “Your room is disgusting. How do you live like this?”
   Bulma shrugged. “You keep me busy enough that I don’t have time to do much else. Besides, most nights I sleep in the lab.”
    Vegeta made a face as he stood in the doorway and leaned against the frame, “is it really my fault?”
    She raised an eyebrow as she rummaged around through her desk drawers, kicking aside a pile of magazines to get to it. “No Vegeta, I’m just joking with you.”
    “I thought you had maids?”
    “I don’t like them messing with my stuff. It’s… organized chaos.” She offered.
    “I agree with the chaos part.” He huffed and looked at her walls as she bent over, studying the posters she had pinned up everywhere.
    “You can come inside you know,” she chuckled, pulling the kit out and setting it on the table. “You can take a seat on my bed. I don’t want you hovering over me while I work.”
    “I don’t hover!” He snapped, floating off the floor to avoid stepping around the mess entirely before sitting on the very edge of the bed. Beside him lay a bra, which he quickly covered with the bedsheet before he began to turn pink. Bulma giggled at his reaction as he began to turn more red. “What are you laughing at!”
    “You. Has the mighty prince Vegeta never seen a bra before?” She snorted, threading the needle and turning on her desk lamp.
    “Why the hell do you care!” He replied. “Of course I have! Tons even!”
    “Mhm, sure,” Bulma snickered. “Alright, now pass me the glove.” Vegeta stuck out his hand and Bulma set the needle on the desk. “No, seriously. Hand me the glove.”
    “You can work on it like this,” he replied, glancing at the tear before quickly turning away. He seemed pale now.
    “Vegeta, I’m not great with sewing and I will stab you repeatedly with this needle. Give me the glove.”
    “You’re a woman! How are you bad at sewing?”
    “This was a mistake,” Bulma snapped, starting to stand up. “I agree to help you and for what! For you to treat me like shit? You asked me for this, you dingus! I’m choosing to do this! Just like I choose to let you live here! Like I choose to feed you, clothe you, and give you a little playroom like a stray cat! Even though you ruin all my shit and treat everyone like trash! If you don’t want my help, for fuck’s sake get out!”
    For the first time ever, Bulma witnessed a look of shock take over the prince’s features. His eyebrows were raised as he stared at her, finally speechless. She felt bad for yelling at him but she needed to get it off her chest. Before she could say anything else, she was surprised to feel the glove slapping into her face before falling in her lap. “YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO THROW IT AT ME!”
    “JUST HURRY UP AND FIX IT!” He shouted back, shoving his hand under his armpit as he began to tap his foot anxiously. She was going to comment on that but shook her head, grabbing the needle and getting to work. The faster she was done, the faster he would leave.
    Vegeta found himself focusing on her to help calm his nerves. He watched the way thin strands of her hair would fall in front of her face before she quickly tucked them back behind her ear. Or how beautiful she looked as she concentrated on patching up the glove, biting her lip occasionally before she would relax again. Something about her drew him to her, and he hated how his heart raced when she was around. Suddenly she was speaking to him, bringing him back from his thoughts.
    “It’s done,” she said as she tossed it back to him. He grabbed it quickly and immediately slid it on before opening and closing his hand a few times to ensure it wouldn’t tear again. He couldn’t even tell where it had been, and sighed as he spread out his arms and flopped back into her bed. She scooted over to him in her chair, bumping his knee with hers. “A thank you would have been nice.”
     Vegeta remained silent, shutting his eyes and ignoring what she had said. Her eyes softened as she stared at him and wondered what he was thinking. “So what’s the deal with the glove?” She asked quietly. 
    When she didn’t answer again she sighed, standing up and turning to walk out. “You can stay here as long as you need to then. I’m gonna go take a sh-”
    A firm and yet gentle grip took hold of her wrist and she froze, glancing back to see the prince was once again sitting up straight. His eyes were pleading as he spoke, “please don’t leave.”
    She nodded, surprised at how gentle he was with her. She sat back down and crossed her legs before he let go of her wrist. He leaned forward, his elbows against his legs as he clasped his hands together. He looked down at them, hunched over as he thought of what to say.
   “Ever since I was a kid,” he started, voice so low and deep it sent a shiver up her spine. “I have been a killing machine. It’s what I was made for and it’s all I’ve ever known.” He looked to Bulma for reassurance before she nodded. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath before continuing. “I don’t have many memories of my father, and the ones that I do have are… complicated. Nappa raised me, if you could even call it that. Raditz was more of a nuisance than anything. Our goal was to survive, and one day I wanted to become powerful enough to beat Frieza. What a joke” He scoffed, shaking his head and looking back to the floor.
     “At first, taking lives was easy for me. I was doing nothing more than what I was assigned; I started to do more, go beyond what was required of me. The only one to praise me was Nappa, and even then it was never to my face. I was ridiculed and mocked, but it only pushed me farther, to do better. It was never what I wanted, but more so what needed to be done.”
    He didn’t know why the hell he was telling her this; he had never told anyone this. And yet now it was as if he couldn’t stop, he couldn’t shut his mouth long enough to think about what he was doing. “What was once hundreds went to thousands, then millions. I was eradicating races in the blink of an eye. Soon they weren’t just obstacles to me, but people with faces and lives I had ripped away from them. I had so much blood on my hands; I still have blood on my hands. So much blood that I will never, ever be able to get off.”
    He opened and closed his hands once more, the sounds of the fabric shifting in his grip. “I’m not a good man. Hell, I've never claimed to be one. But now Frieza is gone and it feels like everything I’ve done, everything I worked towards for years, was for nothing. The things I see in my sleep, what I feel when I’m awake, what I’ve gone through was for nothing.” He stopped for a moment, voice and tone becoming so quiet and serious Bulma couldn’t believe it was the same person who had spoken to her just minutes ago. “I haven’t been able to look at my hands the same way since I was a child.”
     He finally looked up at her, his eyes lidded as he smirked. That’s when she realized he was on the verge of tears. “Do you know how sad that is? A beast scared of his own damned hands. I’m a damn disgrace to my people.” He laughed after that, wiping his eyes and setting his hands back down. “Look at me, a prince crying in front of a damn lower life form.”
     She reached out hesitantly, tapping his hand with her fingers apprehensively. When he didn’t pull away she continued, scooting closer to him and pulling his hand up to lay between them both.
   Bulma carefully ran her hand over his, sliding her fingers up and under the glove before pulling away slowly. She looked at him again, waiting for him to react or move away, to tell her to stop. Vegeta shut his eyes tight but didn’t pull away, his face pale as she set his glove carefully in her lap. To her surprise, his skin was soft, with hers perhaps being even rougher than his. Then again, she supposed that made sense if the saiyan never fought without them and she only worked with her bare hands.
    She traced her nails gently over his palm, studying the grooves in his skin and how neatly trimmed his nails were. “Well,” she started slowly, his breathing coming to a pause. “I don’t see any blood now.”
    Vegeta opened his eyes slowly, looking at her face carefully as she studied his hand. She was so delicate with him it made his breath hitch in his throat. 
    “Sure, maybe there was a lot there in the past, but not anymore. You can’t change what happened, but you can acknowledge it and move on, try to do better this time around.”
     When Vegeta looked at his own hand, he almost gasped in shock. It was his hand, as normal as any other. He looked back to Bulma as she ran her thumb over top of his, gently moving her hand back and forth from his wrist to his knuckles.
     “You haven’t done good things, Vegeta. But I don’t think you’re a bad person. I think you need time and care to heal, and the first step towards that was acknowledging what we talked about today.” She paused, thinking carefully over her next choice of words before smiling softly. “I think there’s good in you. No, I know there is.”
    He watched the way her hair tumbled down and around her face, and how gentle her stare seemed to be. She wasn't repulsed or disgusted, but caring and considerate. He felt a blush rise first to the tips of his ears and then his cheeks before he pulled his hand away and slid his glove back on. He stood up after that, walking briskly across the room without turning back. He unlocked the door and opened it, pausing to think for a moment. Then, he made his way down the hall, wondering what the hell had just come over him as his heart raced out of control.
    A few days later he came home to find a second pair of gloves folded neatly on his bed along with a note, “just in case <3.” His face flushed as he went to crumple it up, but upon reading it just one more time, he found he couldn’t. He shoved it in the drawer of his bedside table, grumbling under his breath as he left to go train.
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inkweaver22-blr · 3 years
Three chapters in three days! I’m on fire! Welcome to the first of the intermediary filler/fluff chapters! There will be a few of these chapters in between each of the major plot-relevant ones to break up some of the seriousness of this fic. Can’t be torturing our boy the entire time now.
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Scattered Cicadas - Chapter Three: The Brightest Sun
Tang takes some time to think about everyone's favorite delivery boy.
Qí Xiǎotiān. MK. The Monkie Kid.
Tang watched as the younger man mopped the floor of the noodle shop with a spring in his step. He hummed the theme song to The Monkey King Animated Series as he worked, his bright smile never fading despite the menial labor.
Tang couldn’t help being in awe of the young man. He supposed that if their life were a tv show or book series, MK would no doubt have been the main character with how everything seemed to center around him. Becoming the Monkey King’s successor, fighting demons regularly, being the hero and protector of the city. Throughout it all MK remained upbeat and optimistic. A beacon of happiness and cheer.
Outwardly at least.
Tang felt a pain in his chest as he recalled the cycle where he first learned of MK’s insecurities. The fears of being abandoned by his friends. Anxieties over Monkey King deciding he chose the wrong successor. Absolute dread at not being strong enough to protect everyone.
It hurt the scholar’s heart that the poor kid had felt the need to shoulder the impossible weight of such terrible thoughts on his own. He had gone through his own bouts of such feelings very early on in the cycles and knew it wasn’t a good idea to keep such emotions bottled up.
So he did his best to encourage and reassure MK whenever he could. A pep talk here, some unconditional support and comfort there. Tang also got the others in on it as well, making sure they understood what the kid needed.
(Oh how he had yelled at Pigsy the cycle after learning of MK’s troubles for even daring to suggest that MK was replaceable with a robot.)
The humming soon turned to singing as MK continued cleaning.
Tang didn’t bother hiding the smile that came to his lips. MK was an incredible person in the scholar’s eyes. Yes, he had his own fears and issues, but who didn’t? It was when he confronted those feelings with the help of the people that cared for him that the scholar could see a glimpse of the Monkie Kid’s true potential.
Strength. Confidence. Self-reflection. Love.
With his worries conquered by the affection from his friends, MK seemed to radiate an inner light that was almost blinding. A bright and warming sun that lit up everything around him.
Tang mused that if MK was a sun, then it made sense that he had a collection of people that tended to gravitate around him.
MK’s background never seemed quite the same throughout the cycles, but they were consistent in leaving him without parents in one way or another. Pigsy had filled in as a father figure very easily. The chef’s silent forms of affection and steady presence had been the perfect remedy for a lonely and distrustful teen all those years ago.
The Monkey King also fit into the father role rather quickly once he began teaching MK. He was a bit more distant than Pigsy when it came to showing affection, but Tang still had to admit the old monkey did actually care about MK as if he was his own son.
(It had been a struggle to get him to admit it to the kid, like pulling blood from a stone, but Tang had been patient. The smile on MK’s face had been more than worth it.)
Mei was obviously like a sister to MK, sharing in his enthusiasm and love for life.
Sandy was the kind and doting uncle who always had some helpful advice and a cup of tea ready.
Tang wasn’t exactly sure where he fit in but liked to think of himself as a favorite tutor who told some good stories.
The scholar chuckled as MK began to dance around with the mop, having switched to sing some popular pop song.
It wasn’t just the five of them that tended to get caught up in MK’s shining personality. More often than not, their enemies were also ensnared by his light in various timelines.
Jin and Yin had their mischievous streaks toned down to simpler pranks and goofs whenever MK befriended them.
The Spider Queen had become a powerful ally and aunt to MK one memorable cycle.
Even Macaque would give up on his plans of revenge if he spent time with the kid outside of their twisted training sessions.
There was just something inherently likeable about MK. Some sort of effortless charm and caring he exuded that captured the hearts of those around him.
Tang was of the opinion that if a being spent an extended period of time around MK and still disliked him, then there had been no hope for them ever being a good person.
“Noodle boy!”
Tang smirked into his bowl. Speaking of spending an extended period of time around MK…
MK greeted Red Son enthusiastically, the demon’s reply much more sedate.
The scholar slowly ate his noodles as the unlikely pair conversed. Out of every enemy they faced, the son of the Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan was the most likely to be caught in MK’s light.
He supposed that made sense, as he spent more time than any of their enemies interacting with the kid through their fights.
They complimented each other as well. Both were always enthusiastic about whatever they did. MK let himself be pulled along by his heart and emotions while Red Son kept himself grounded with his more logical approaches.
Like himself and Pigsy, the exact relationship between the two seemed to be determined by a toss of a coin. Some of the time they were simply best friends. Other times they were kidnapping each other in the traditional demon equivalent of a marriage proposal.
He would never say it to their faces, but he found the pair cute together regardless of the exact relationship they had.
“I’ll be back later,” MK called out as Red Son pulled him from the shop. “Bye Dadsy! Bye Dad!”
Tang choked on his food.
He quickly placed his bowl down and stared wide-eyed at the closing door. He turned to the chef who had an equally surprised expression. Pigsy and him were the only other ones in the shop at the moment. So that must mean-
“Did he just call us…?” Tang let the question trail off, unsure of what he actually had heard and desperately hoping he wasn’t wrong.
“Dadsy and Dad? Yeah. Yeah he did,” Pigsy answered as a wide grin grew on his face.
Oh. So he had heard correctly.
Love, strong and warm and bright, welled up inside of Tang. His smile was equally as big as the chef’s and he had to remove his glasses to wipe away a few tears.
MK had the brightest personality Tang had ever known. One he was in awe of.
He would do his absolute best to be a good father for MK if that’s what he wanted.
Isn’t that what all the best dads did for their sons?
D'awww! Wasn’t that just so sweet? Next chapter won’t be as fluffy but I would still consider it a bit of filler. Until then!
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