#money worry is all ive ever known since i was 5 years old lmao
sudaca-swag · 6 months
"did your parents bestow a sense of economic instability as you were growing up or made money problems too explicit during your childhood" i grew up in latin america bro what do you think
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frankthewest · 6 years
7, 12, 15. 22, 40, 42. 46, 54, 58. i want some long long answers qt LMAO
gdi i dont wanna write a 5 page essay for each question lmao
7- what was your life like last year? my life is the same as it was last year. still working at target, still not doing much with life lmao. at least now i have a car where i suffered going places with friends (tho i still need my license......)
12 - what is something you want right now? oof a lot of things. mainly no more heroes 3 because im a slut for suda51 games AND THE TEASE IN THE END OF THE NEW GAME KILLED ME. i want more money to spend shit at the next anime con. i REALLY WANT EVO TO HAPPEN NOW SO I CAN CRY OVER PEOPLE PLAYING FIGHTING GAMES.
15 - personality description? I guess im really nice??? i buy too much shit for my friends even tho they tell me to stop. im loyal af and will help out like lend them money if they need it badly for shit (if im not broke atm) im chill because i dont really talk much.
22 - description of crush? i dont have a crush atm tbh so ye. i had a crush on a team member at target but ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh????????????????????????????? fell out of it lol
40 - favorite memory? ...... im bad at remembering shit..... but i guess any time the old highschool group hanged like during prom and just us playing dungeons and dragons and other board games
42- favourite book(s)? i cant read. (i dont read much i need pictures in my books(i feel i have minor dyslexia???????)) but if i had to choose oyasumi punpun hands down and really enjoying the snotgrl comics
46 - what my last text message says?  “come inside the store” got off of work and was gonna have my bro find shit for me
54 - something thats worrying me at the moment? if my pc is ever gonna get fixed. i just want to play my games ;n;
58 - description of my best friend? ive known this dude since elementary school and he is chill and is just a dumb nerd. we quote dumb shit all the time and i just send him memes of shit only both of us would get or like lmao.
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